Stories by
Rachel Ann Cooper
My Year With Aunt Rose |
© 1998
Complete : Yes rated: G |
Keenan was left in the care of his fathers sister
while his parents went to Europe on business. They left him with Aunt Rose to teach
him some manners and improve his dress code. Then they invited the new Keenan to
spend the summer in Holland with them. The business they came home to was getting
used to their new teen ager.
Age: Teenager 13-18 Categories: Mind
Altered/Hypnosis/Brainwashed Keywords:
Hormones |
Secretary's Day |
© 1998
Complete : Yes rated: G |
Conrad was a ship without a rudder but of the
choices he had, majoring in secretarial skills seemed his best bet. Sure enough, they got
him a good job. If he hadnt been addicted to coffee, his life may have turned
out differently, but Connie has never been happier and Mom is happy too.
Age: Teenager 13-18 Categories: Mind
Altered/Hypnosis/Brainwashed Keywords:
Hormones, Very High Heels |
Accidental Life |
© 1997
Complete : No rated: G |
Julie had been in a motorcycle accident and was in a coma
for two months. Jason had been driving. Julie had some memory lapses that Aunt
Jenny needed to clear up. An accidental life is better than no life at all,
isnt it?
Age: Teenager 13-18 Categories: Mind
Altered/Hypnosis/Brainwashed, Stuck, The
Operation Keywords: Breast
Implants, Hormones |
Chatham Prep School |
© 1999
Complete : No rated: G |
Eric needed to earn some tuition money and found an
opportunity at a local prep school. He thought he was going to be a grounds keeper
but ended up in quite a different set of circumstances. He just LOVED his new job...this
having a great deal to do with his straying from the guidelines set down when he was
hired. The price of straying was a little overpowering.
Age: College Age 19-26 Categories: Chemical or Drug Induced Change, Mind
Altered/Hypnosis/Brainwashed, She Males, The
Operation Keywords: Hormones, Long Finger
Nails, School Girl |
A Cure for Depression |
© 1997
Complete : No rated: M |
Mike lived across the hall from a girl who was a psyche major and
probably his best friend. She diagnosed and treated his depression. When it
came time for the senior prom, Mike was no longer depressed, but his roommate Norm was
about to complicate his life even further.
Age: College Age 19-26
Categories: Chemical or Drug Induced Change,
Crossdressing/TV, Mind Altered/Hypnosis/Brainwashed, She Males Keywords: Hormones, School Girl, Prom Girl or Fancy Dance |
Silk |
© 1998
Complete : No rated: G |
Lorianne had a penchant for silk, ANYTHING silk. One might
say she had a fetish for it. On their wedding anniversary, Lori tested the waters to
see if Carl would like to join in her little fetish. He would--and did--as she
offered him more little enticements over time. Sucked in deeper and deeper until there was
no escape from a life in silks, he finds happiness at last as the love slave of femininity
Age: College Age 19-26
Categories: Crossdressing/TV Keywords: Hormones |
Jenny's Story |
© 1998
Complete : No rated:G |
Jensen met his soon to be wife at college. They seemed to
be very complimentary to each other. Then she caught him surfing the net in a rather
exciting site and their lives changed beginning on their wedding night.
Age: College Age 19-26 Categories:
Chemical or Drug Induced Change, Femdom /Authoritarian, Mind
Altered/Hypnosis/Brainwashed Keywords: Hair or Hair Salon, Hormones |
Too Far |
© 1998
Complete : Yes rated: M |
Charles was more of a spoiled brat than either his father or the
college could handle. He was invited not to return. His sophomore year at a
new school was going to be different, very different at a school that had a very
unique method of handling such cases. Parents day was rather unique too, as
they became re-acquainted.
Age: College Age 19-26 Categories:
Bad Boy to Good Girl, Mind Altered/
Hypnosis/Brainwashed, Stuck
Keywords: Hair or Hair Salon, Hormones,School
Girl |
The Neighbors |
© 1997
Complete : Yes rated: M |
Marla and George had just gotten married & moved into a
duplex next to Gwen & Charlene. An unusual game of strip poker leads George down
an unusual path to success in his job.
Age: College Age 19-26 Categories: Chemical
or Drug Induced Change, Crossdressing/TV, Deals/Bets/Dares, Mind
Altered/Hypnosis/Brainwashed, The Operation Keywords: Breast Implants, Castration, Long Finger Nails |
Adonis & Aphrodite |
© 1999
Complete : No rated: G |
Id always been attracted to Ken but he was such a
macho guy in high school. But, later he began to look more promising so I dated
him. My efforts at domestication obviously needed help and I got it from a couple
very unusual sources. Then I found out that many of the males in the area were very
sweet, charming and girlish.
Age: College Age 19-26 Categories:
Chemical or Drug Induced Change, Crossdressing/TV,
Mind Altered/ Hypnosis/ Brainwashed Keywords: Hair or Hair
Salon, Hormones, Long Finger Nails |

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