Stories by
Sydney Michelle
A Maiden Gamble |
© 2001 Complete :
Yes rated: X |
Anton is a wise guy who is caught in the act and lives to regret it. Pay
back time requires a period of service, a period during which he cannot be found. First he
has to be persuaded, then trained to serve, and finally placed. The market is dispersed
and confidential, so Slaves'4'U is born, with Maria as the first subject. During the
process, Maria is not the only one who changes, learns that love is more, so much more,
than sex.
Part 1 - Caged, exercised, crated. What will be Maria's ultimate destiny?
Angry at being wronged, Marilyn seeks Sharon's help. Payback has many definitions. And
Anton is in much deeper trouble than he imagined. But a little unfriendly persuasion with
DeeDee's help brings Maria to life, enough for Anton to make his last legally binding
Part 2 - Maria gets a makeover, in appearance if not in attitude. Clothes
make the man, ehr, woman. And then it's Show Time!
DeeDee gets hers as Maria sells herself.
Part 3 - Marilyn learns about DeeDee. Maria tries to put her best face
forward. No pain, no gain, or weight loss in her case.
Lessons, more lessons! To become skilled in appearance, to become submissive in attitude.
Pain has many aspects.
Maria must dance to entrance. But you have to walk before you can dance. So much to learn!
So little time!
Part 4 - Her first bath, her first chance to escape? Escapes, like pain,
take many forms. Only her hairdresser knows for sure.
A visit to the doctor to start her body changes. Will her mind change before she can get
Part 5 - A new home, sort of. Something fit for a pet.
Maria makes a run for it. So close and yet . . .
Part 6 - A Web auction? Maybe. A check on how Maria is progressing for
her placement.
A lady must dress, even if the lady is a tramp. Satin and Lace feel so-o good.
Maria goes glam, at least for head shots. An eagle soars free, but not me . . .
Part 7 - Let me entertain you. Can she? Let's see the proofs. Is anybody
Of course, word gets around despite the best precautions. Then an old rival pays a call.
If you're going to be a maid, you have to learn how. But cooking is better, and a boudoir
beauty is best of all.
Part 8 - The seduction of Maria. So many skills to be mastered, to please
a master. But so many hearts entangled. Pleasure given, pleasure received, painful lessons
in love.
The aftermath. Regrets, lots of regrets. A soothing bath won't wash away troubles.
Security is involved. Treatments are needed to make her whole and love is the best
Part 9 - A little head medicine. How comfortable can you be when your
body's changing? Where does positive reinforcement end and love begin? A mantra for peace
of mind.
A little checkup for lumps and bumps. Perky and pert, a little too fast. The Big C?
Worries, worries.
Tomas pays a call on Senorita Maria. Sharon is determined Maria will be in a world far,
far, away.
Part 10 - Show time! Sharon in the spotlight, Tomas on the keyboard, and
Maria doing her thing. Slaves4U is on the air! Who will buy? Will Marilyn recoup her
costs? Will Maria wind up intimately polishing knobs? How will they all feel when the
hammer falls?
Part 11 - Tomas gives his love to Sharon, love not just a roll in the
hay. Sharon does her own "star turn."
DeeDee comforts Maria, or tries to. There is so much blood under the bridge, so many mixed
feelings. And to be sent away . . .
Part 12 - The unveiling. Who's on first? A card shark's talents come into
play. Maria's other talents are on display. And she makes a request.
Maria Elena attends a charity banquet waiting for Miguel. Will he or won't he? The grass
is always greener, but you have to play the odds.Age: College
Age 19-26 Categories: Caught with Consequences, Crime Punishment Keywords: Bondage, Hair or Hair Salon, Hormones |
Hawkins Day |
© 2002 |
Yes |
Rated: R |
Mighty Oaks from little acorns grow. A simple date, a kiss, a touch, and
in the natural progression of things, people find themselves making life changing
commitments. Commitments they aren't sure they want to make.
Part 1 - It was just
a small thing, a simple invitation to a dance, only for this dance the women got to invite
the men. You go around changing the normal order of things, and you never quite know where
it all will end.
Part 2 - Besides the dance, there's this contest, and to win it, you need
to look good. Looking good takes practice, and there's no time to begin like right now.
Besides, there's the promise of all those perks.
Part 3 - To win, you have to dress to the nines. The trouble is with one
set of roomies dating another set of roomies, the competition starts to get a little out
of hand. A little coaching from an expert might help.
Part 4 - It's just a few hours, and everyone's going to have a good time
and then you'll be done. Or maybe not. But cinched and pinned, ready or not, it's on with
the show. The competition is unexpectedly stiff, but the appreciation and a little
vacation will makes it all worth it. Won't it?
Part 5 - Time in a hot tub leads to some surprising revelations. People
you think you know have hopes and dreams you knew nothing about. But then things get
serious, forever and ever serious. The women are getting used to being in charge, and the
fellahs? Well, they're getting used to going along and their hopes are getting up.
The trouble with this commitment thing? It changes your entire life. One girl, one special
girl, she takes over your life and before you know it, people are talking rice and baby
showers. All you wanted was a good time. Then there's those other people, friends,
co-workers? How will you explain the changes and becoming wedded at the hip? Will they
understand? Will you care?
Part 6 - It truly is a commencement of a new life in so many ways. Then
there's family. Will they like her? Will her people like you? Never mind that. Will your
family even still recognize you exist? Or want to? Gather rosebuds while ye may, but
beware of the hangover of reality.
Part 7 - You can never go home again. Or can you? And then you find out
there's a little more to this than you thought. A whole lot more. How far is far enough,
and how far is too far? If you don't know your own mind you can find yourself in places
you had no intention of going.
Just put your faith and your future in the hands of experts. That's the way to make life
run smooth. Or is that foul it up beyond recognition? Maybe just dip a toe in the water,
like being a little bit pregnant. Go along to get along? Why is everybody trying to live
your life for you?
Part 8 - But finally there's the big day. It's now or never, fish or cut
bait, do or die. All you have to do is stand up in front of several hundred of your best
friends and totally remake your life. After all, it's only forever. If you could just keep
other people from living your life for you before it's too late. See, it was all so
simple. Just an invitation to a dance. What harm was there in that? It might even be fun. Age: College Age 19-26 Categories: Deals Bets or
Dares, Sci-Fi, Seasonal, She Males Keywords: Hair or Hair Salon,
Hormones, Prom Girl or Fancy Dance, Wedding Dress or Married |
A Dutiful
Wife |
© 2002 |
Yes |
Rated: X |
And then they lived happily ever after. At least that was their plan,
loving one another as only frisky newlyweds can. But then an even bigger decision than
marriage becomes real. "First comes love, then comes marriage, Blake and Jaimie push
a baby carriage."
C1 There's one last weekend, a chance to relax, if you can call what Blake and Jaimie do
relaxing. Afterwards, maybe, but a woman's work is never done.
C2 Maybe a relaxing dip in the pool will take the edge off. Unless of course you get some
extra company and Blake gets all competitive.
C3 Maybe it wasn't so relaxing after all. Maybe what you need is a familiar place so you
can truly relax. Start out early to get home early. But that just leaves more time for
trouble. So call home.
C4 The big day arrives and there's more to love than sex. So much more, like just being
there for important things. You feel so helpless in those silly gowns, and there's this
really big needle. But maybe you can relax afterwards, surrounded by the smell of her. And
ice cream, ice cream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.
C5 If all else fails, a visit to the salon will relax you, all that personal attention
tells you how special you are. Except there's a little surprise, and some people didn't
realize just how special you are. A new do is always exciting, which isn't relaxing, is
C6 Maybe familiar surroundings will help relax you, surroundings where that distracting
stimulus isn't around. But you do have to go home, so maybe a little snuggle? Snuggle,
grope, what's in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Just what is the
odor of love?
C7 Practice, that's what it takes, practice. Practice to be good, practice to be sweet,
practice to be loving. But as much as you practice, a little reassurance, a little support
is still welcome.
C8 Trouble is, practicing being loving is why you need to be relaxed. If you could just
get relaxed enough to dream. Practicing being loving might help.
C9 Maybe you just need to get right with God. After all, the church ladies seem so
relaxed. Or was that uptight? Maybe just a little break from the kitchen? But there's
Sunday afternoon to kill.
C10 Maybe you just need to be certain. That's it, uncertainty is so stressful. Just a
little test, what can it hurt? But knowing some things can be exciting too, not offering
much of a chance to rest. So back to the salon for a wash and set, some big, stiff hair.
Big and stiff, that's not relaxing at all.
C11 You just need a little support from some people who know how it is. No concerns, no
worries , except whether they'll like the spread. Spread? Isn't that how you got into this
mess, spreading em?
C12 Maybe you should just relax and enjoy it, stop worrying about the consequences. A
little of this, a little of that, a little of the other, and a girl could wind up asking
for big trouble. But it feels so good, and when it's all over, you're so relaxed. Just
assume an attitude along with a position and let her ride.
C13 Nothing like the work routine to distract your mind. If that doesn't work, some
personal grooming may do the trick. Of course some distractions can get a girl in trouble.
C14 The day dawns cool and dry, but the news is hot. Of course you have to let people
know, but be careful. Not everyone might be as thrilled as you are.
C15 What's good news except to celebrate? It is good news. Isn't it? Or is it misery loves
company? Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we diet.
C16 We are what we wear. And how we wear our hair. When the secret's out of the bag, it's
really out of the bag. Which can be good.
C17 Or not. After all some people might not approve. But sometimes you find surprising
sympathy and support . Couples should share their feelings if they are to support one
another. And that can feel so-o good. After all there's more than one way to celebrate.
C18 It helps if your family and friends are supportive, even if one is an iceberg.
C19 But maybe that's better than a dormant volcano. You need lots of love to get through
Ep And then it happens. It's really real. It can't get any more real than this. Kith and
kin around you, all doubts put away. There was a reason you wed, and it turns out it
wasn't sex. Or at least, not just sex. Age: College Age 19-26
Categories: Sci-Fi, She Males Keywords: Butt Plugs and
Dildos, Hair or Hair Salon, Petticoats and Crinolines, Pregnant/ Having a Baby
What It
Wuz, Wuz Football |
© 2002 |
Yes |
Rated: G |
An attempt to unnerstan' thet tussle over thet funny lookin' punkin. Cause
what it wuz, wuz football. Age:
Not Applicable Categories: Humor
Cheerleader |
The Tables
Turn |
© 2002 |
Serial |
Rated: R |
There are seven deadly sins, with greed the most common. Throw in a cruel
streak, and you have a recipe for evil. To forgive may be divine, but some people deserve
a comeuppance.
C1 Demands are made, resulting in a deadly thrust and parry. The tables are turned to
enforce restitution.
C2 Resistance overcome, some souvenirs are taken before a deal is struck. A proposition
becomes a proposal. Some brides are just more willing than others, at first.
C3 Milady's toilette prepares her, but there is so much to accept. Anticipated pleasure
can be a pain before becoming fulfillment.
C4 What was sauce for the gander becomes sauce for the goose. Some last resistance is
overcome, then sealed with kindness. Distant memories evoke a change in attitude. The deal
done, a final remembrance.
C5 Fly away, little mourning dove. No, not mourning, but docile if disturbed. Sisters
under the skin may find room to forgive. But then they fly away.
Ep There is anticipation, And news, plans for a visit. How much desire is real? But love
is real. Age: Adult 26-55 Categories: Chemical or Drug Induced Change,
Physically Forced or Blackmailed, Sci-Fi Keywords: Bondage,
Pregnant/ Having a Baby |
The Diana Academy |
© 2003 |
Complete: Yes |
Rated: G |
It's amazing what you can find cruising the net. There are school's for every taste and need, but they need subjects, make that pupils, and places to put their alumnae. So the most private of academies must advertise - discretely.
Age: Adult 26-55
Categories: Sci-Fi, She Males
Keywords: Pregnant/ Having a Baby, School Girl, Wedding Dress or Married
Tea for Two Families |
© 2005 |
Complete: Yes |
Rated: G |
In a small town, women are in charge. The feminine is the ideal. Modern medicine makes role reversal reality. A birl enjoys frills and lace and a march down the aisle. A woman wants a supportive coman, tending hearth and home.
Part 1 - The Taylors call on the Browns one warm day. It’s tea, and Sandy is a perfect hostess for birls and girls while women visit.
Part 2 - Time to play, but play is learning, everything you should learn in kindergarten. Time for adults to dream about how children match up. No shyness allowed: everybody performs that afternoon.
Part 3 - Children and dollies off to play hile adults have time to catch up. Without a coman around the house, a maid fills in. Mother’s Little Helpers don aprons to help do the dishes.
Part 4 - Ribbons and curls are fine for receiving, but a bit much for evening. Beth surveys sweet surroundings, remembers where they’ve been and wonders where they're going. Casual questions can shock a parent. Is there a coman for Beth?
Part 5 - While children play, Beth takes a nap. To dream of what might be, of love, and loving support, and love fulfilled. So little time, so many choices. A Dream Lover can be many. But who might that be?
Part 6 - Freddie is Mother’s Little Helper at supper. It's time to talk, to find out what's in Freddie’s head, to offer advice and an attitude adjustment. Baby birds do fly the nest to create their own. A birl for a bride? Maybe.
Part 7 - Off to dreamland. Girls and birls sleep in sweet things. Fables, and a little advice. Prayers, hugs and kisses, and “I love you” never hurts. There is never enough of that.
Part 8 - Time to relax, bathe, sleep, and dream a little dream. Dream of things to come, of things that might be. A wedding can be a joy. But where’s the birl for me? Day is done, but where will this all lead? Ah, well, tomorrow is another day.
Age: Pre-Teen Under 13
Categories: Sci-Fi, She Males, Sweet/ Sentimental
Keywords: Corsets, Hair or Hair Salon, Petticoats and Crinolines, Prom Girl or Fancy Dance, Wedding Dress or Married

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