Stories by
Left Field II |
© 2000 Complete :
Yes rated: R |
This is a continuation of a story by Dee_Eon called "Left
Field". Find out how Vincent and Stacey's relationship grows as they
discover their true feelings for one another. Find out how Vincent yields to
Stacey's feminine charms.
Part 2 - Have you been wondering how Vincent and Stacey were getting
along? Well here you go. Find out how much Stacey loves Vincent, and how much
he loves her. Will they end up together? Will Stacey have her operation?
Read on and let me know what you think...Age: Teenager
13-18 Categories: Crossdressing/TV, She Males, Sweet/ Sentimental
Keywords: Breast Implants,
School Girl |
Down Under
Odyssey |
© 2002 |
Yes |
Rated: R |
Jim Connors needed time away from Texas to mend a broken heart. So he was
happy to accept an assignment in Australia to help one of his company's customers migrate
to new email system. However, it was here that he met Cat, who would change his life in
ways he couldn't even begin to imagine. Read on and find out what happened. Age: Adult
26-55 Categories:
Crossdressing/TV, She Males Keywords: Wedding
Dress or Married |
Basic Needs |
© 2003 |
Complete: Yes |
Rated: R |
Kevin knew that attending graduate school would challenge him in many ways. However, he could not have imagined how much it would change his life. Especially, when he met Rae and Erin...
Age: College Age 19-26
Categories: Crossdressing/TV, She Males
Shawn's Addiction |
© 2006 |
Complete: Yes |
Rated: R |
This is the prequel to my story "Basic Needs". It tells the story of how Shawn became Erin and how he became her, and learned to love it.
Age: Teenager 13-18
Categories: Crossdressing/TV, She Males, Sweet/ Sentimental
Keywords: School Girl
Revealing Samantha |
© 2007 |
Complete: Yes |
Rated: R |
This story is my sequel to Karen Flynn's story "Accidentally Samantha" and takes up where that story left off. Sam learns that being Samantha can not only be fun, but enlightening. Find out how Sam/Samantha finds a love that he/she could never have imagined. My thanks to Karen Flynn for allowing me to write this story.
Age: College Age 19-26
Categories: Crossdressing/TV, She Males

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