Stories by
Jennifer Jane Pope
Whorse |
© 2000 Complete :
Yes rated: R |
A little piece of whimsy. Set in the near(ish) future, Fliss has
become a pony girl, mind and body conditioned to become a willing sexual plaything - a
whorse. Age: Adult 26-55 Categories: Misc. Stories Keywords: Bondage, Corsets, Very High Heels |
Hubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble |
© 2000 Complete :
Yes rated: R |
This is a fairy story. It contains a TG theme (eventually), one (and
ultimately two) fairies, three witches, thirteen warlocks (twelve of whom are a total
waste of space, as you'll see) and one beer delivery driver, who only has a walk-on
(drive-on?) part, but he's called Ron, in case you're not going to read this.
There's quite a bit of sex - but you only get to see some of it - and a lot of humour that
I hope will make you laugh as much as it did me - and I was writing it at the time.
There's also a warning at the beginning of this story. Read it, or don't blame me.
Required accessories for reading this: box of tissues (for whatever reason), clean
knickers, ability to suspend disbelief and (probably) a strong chair to fall back into.It's in four parts, all of carefully calculated
unequal lengths.
You don't have to read this, but, if you do, the sex stuff doesn't come for a long time
(where have I heard that before?) so you need to be patient.
This story is, I think, just a bit different from most you'll find in Crystal's to
date. Thank you to those of you in the chat room who got me giggling enough to write
If you like it, please tell a friend (and me). If not, well, there's several hundred
more in this site.
Enjoy and be lucky.
Diddle-diddle, girls! And read on ...
Age: Adult 26-55 Categories: Altered Fates, Body
Swap, Cultural Change, Mannequin or Doll, Stuck
Keywords: Very High Heels |
She Shall Have Music |
© 2000 Complete :
Yes rated: M |
The central character in this doesn't need a name, only her number and her
enduring punishment is to live in a world of her own, yet a world where she has no
ultimate control. Her world is within a world and the only escape .... Age: Adult 26-55 Categories: Bondage Keywords: Bondage, Breast
Implants, Butt Plugs and Dildos, Corsets, Maids or French Maids, Very High Heels |
Opening Doors - Opening Windows |
© 2000 Complete :
Yes rated: R |
When Joy steals the key to her brother's flat and takes two of her friends
around to surf the net on his computer, they discover that he has a curious address listed
in his favourites log - a certain Crystal's Storysite Chat Room!
Curiosity, as to some of the things they find in Tim's wardrobe, together with a slowly
dawning sense of just what a lot of the stories in the site might be about, combine to
threaten the poor lad's secret and only the quick thinking and ingenuity of the girls in
the chat room can possibly protect it.
But can even they act fast enough to save Tim from disaster?Age: College Age 19-26
Categories: Caught with Consequences, Crossdressing/TV,
Femdom/Authoritarian Keywords: Corsets, Very High Heels |
Possecats |
© 2000 Complete :
No rated: R |
A young man goes into a select little gents' outfitters to buy a hat for a
forthcoming wedding, but the hat has a nasty habit of changing its form whenever he wears
it. Worse still, it has an even nastier habit of changing HIS form at the same time.
Meantime, in another part of town, another young man receives a parting gift from his
ex-girlfriend, an outfit which also has astounding body changing capabilities and which
cannot be removed, once put on.
For those of you who have ever read my "Booted and Suited" instalments (which
were never completed) you will recognise them now being threaded into this new story, for
all I was waiting for was to know just why it was that Marty/Martine was being forced to
suffer as he was and, now that I know the reason, so will you!
This is now the first part of what will probably turn out to be a full length novel of
somewhere in excess of 100,000 words. The next instalment won't be ready for about
another month (as I write this), but it will appear, once I've finished my current novel
for the UK publishers.
Hope you enjoy this meantime.Age: Adult 26-55
Categories: Body Suits, Cultural Change, Magical Transformations, Stuck Keywords: Corsets, Long Finger
Nails, Very High Heels |
No Contest |
© 2000 Complete :
Yes rated: M |
The Internet Site competition was good fun, as were the stories in the
site, but he didn't expect what came next, nor what happened when he finally met the girl
of his dreams! Age: College Age 19-26 Categories: Crossdressing/TV Keywords: Corsets, Very High
Heels |
The Reincarnation of Jennifer Jane |
© 1998 Complete : Yes
rated: XXX-I |
Hmmm ... where to start, eh? Well, for a start, this story has a TG
theme, it deals at times with high heels and other things, including how someone might
come to terms with finding themselves mysteriously transformed into something they never
thought they'd be, but other than that, none of the usual categories really apply.
I suppose this is really a thriller, a story of how good can be persecuted by evil and
just how evil some people can really be, but it doesn't really try to preach any morals.
It may evoke the odd tear, it may make you angry, it may make the hairs on your neck
prickle at times, but mostly, I hope, it will entertain you and, come the end, leave you
with just a liddle smile on your face.
Please read and enjoy and let me know what you think, as ever!Age: College Age 19-26 Categories: Body Swap Keywords: Bondage, Very High
Heels |
Trial Run |
© 2001 Complete : Serial
rated: R |
Annie is a professional dancer and Kenny has been carrying a
torch for her for some time, so when she tells him that her dance company needs a lighting
and sound engineer/general gopher for their summer tour, he jumps at the chance.
However, when police discover a packet containing drugs in his case, the
anticipated idyllic summer in the Greek islands quickly turns into a nightmare and Kenny
finds himself looking at the prospect of a long sentence in a brutal local prison.
Annie and her friend and fellow dancer Cathy, however, are a resourceful pair
and quickly cook up a daring plan to help keep Kenny from the clutches of the corrupt
legal system.
I don't think you need me to tell you just what they do, but this story
doesn't contain a shopping mall scene, as the island of Klos hasn't actually got a mall.Age: Adult 26-55
Categories: Crossdressing/TV, In Hiding, Undercover/Detective Keywords: Bondage, Corsets,
Very High Heels |
Britionary |
© 2001 Complete : Never
rated: R |
Jennifer's Glossary of Britisms, Rhyming Slang and Other Idioms It is more than likely that some of the
expressions listed here have already been absorbed into the language in certain areas of
the USA, but this list has been compiled on the basis of "better safe than
sorry". Ive also included the odd Australian expression that is passing into
English usage, just for additional information and possible interest.
Age: Not Applicable Categories: Articles/ Essays/ and
Information Keywords: |

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