Crystal Crystal's Story Site


Crystal's Chat Rooms

Pick your room here Room Use Room Size
 ( # persons )
Room Notations
Chat Room # 1 TG Fiction General Chat 100 Normally used for general chat but is reserved for Author Chats during scheduled times

Author Chat Schedule

 None Scheduled
Chat Room # 2 TG Fiction - Author Talk   50 This room is intended only for discussions of story development. Please take any unrelated discussions to the General Chat room or one of the four Open Chat rooms. Thank you.
Chat Room # 3 Role Play 50 Role Play Only
Chat Room # 4 Open Chat  25 Open rooms can be used for discussion, role play, or meetings. Please respect the desires of the first people in the room.
Chat Room # 5 Open Chat  25
Chat Room # 6 Open Chat 10 This is offered as a back-up room. It's limited to just 10 persons, and contains advertisements for Para-Chat.


Rooms 1 through 5 can also be accessed via IRC software. The server name is "" and the port address is "6667".
Ave has generously provided this server. If there's a problem, you can reach Ave at


Please report any other problems to Crystal