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Troi Times Two
by Marina Twelve

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Comment by Silvia       (from Brazil) on 10/30/09
Hi Marina!
You're good writer! I liked your story. But Wesley might return to his own body as a 15 year old girl. I think it would be great!
Keep writing in this way!
A lot of kisses and hugs.

Comment by TGotaku on 02/11/09
I hate to be this person but the episode "rascals" proc code 607 contradicts your transporter dilema

Comment by Jacqui on 10/13/05
This story was very well written and had great continuity with a STNG episode. Even the technical mumbo-jumbo about the transporter was superb and sounded like it came straight out of the STNG writing table.
I think that most importantly, you took a topic that a mainstream population might normally think of as taboo, and incorporated it in such a way as to make it easily digestible. Perhaps, if this episode had aired, it may have inspired people to at least think for a minute of what it would be like to have your own mind in the body of another sex.
I was hoping you would take Wes to the next level...that maybe he would begin to like his new body, take advantage of it, and not want to change...but, then it may not have played in syndication!

Well done, Marina! Take us out of here!


Comment by Jane on 02/21/05
Good Job, My Only Complaint Was That You Did not Work In The "Skant,” But Other Than That, It Worked Very Well.

Comment by Aardvark on 12/27/02
Well done.

I usually like to offer some sort of constructive crticism, but it is tough to do on this story. The characters behaved true to form except maybe Wesley holding Picard up for emotional blackmail. He is usually pretty passive. I also think Jeordi would have known exactly how the warp engines would have reacted during the energizing process to recreate Wesley and I am sure that Wesley would have thought of his old copy in the shuttle much sooner. Still, those are minor quibbles.

Nice job with Wesley's interaction with Riker and Quint. It was right on.

Nice, smooth flowing story with more than a little humor.


Comment by Mr. Ram on 01/14/02
A very good TNG story. It read just like an actual episode. The essence of the characters was captured very well, though I think that Wesley would not ever actually refer to himself as a genius the thought simply wouldn't occur to him.
That aside, this story is well worth reading for anyone with even a mild interest in the "Star Trek" universe.
Mr. Ram

Comment by Paula Jutras on 06/14/01
as a trek fan I found this very enjoyable

Comment by Eric on 06/13/01
Very enjoyable story, very funny and with a good climax. Highly recommended

Comment by emmie dee on 06/13/01
TNG and TG. Fascinating. Thanks for an enjoyable story, Marina.

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