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Tales of the Season - Kendra's Story
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Comment by stanley morton on 06/27/07
Here we meet Jane's Dark half, and Jane defeats her dark half Comment by Michelle S on 04/22/07 This is really an excellent story. Tigger turns the old hackneyed petticoat domination story into something I found fascinating. Mucho Kudos to Tigger. Comment by Kristi Fitzpatrick on 04/26/04 Dear Tigger: Comment by John on 02/10/03 Very good story. I enjoyed seeing Ken(dra)'s mother get her comeuppance at the hands of the *VERY LAST* person I would have expected. Nice to know that the aristocratic Jane Thompson has a temper. I wouldn't have wanted to be in Shiela's shoes! Comment by Diane Sutton on 11/19/02 Comments from readers are never what we would like to see. And here within Tiggers story section we can see a prime example of this. Comment by Hebe Dotson on 03/15/01 I agree wholeheartedly with Ann O'Nonymous -- this is an excellent story (as are all of Tigger's "Aunt Jane" stories). The character and plot development are both first-rate -- lots of surprises and truly moving events en route to resolving the situation. Comment by Ann O'Nonymous on 02/23/01 Aw, come on people--this is a really great story! Since I'm the first to comment, I must say I like the idea of tearing down the old, stereotypical male and rebuilding him into a real man. One with self-esteem, not ego; self-respect, not macho blustering! |
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