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The Reproof of Robin
by Ilean Anne Jerque

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Comment by SassySue on 04/13/19
I enjoyed this story until the last quarter.  It was one thing for Robin to enjoy sex with boys her own age, but quite another to take cash from older men. I basically agree with what Jezzi wrote.


Comment by best pron on 12/20/18
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Comment by Polly Phemus on 05/25/10
Brilliant story but a bit confusing at times with all the different people wanting to become involved in sex. Quite a lot of imagination went into the continual sexual intrigue but nobody otherwise achieved anything else. There were the obvious spelling mistakes as usual, but also some appallingly incorrect grammatical errors with totally incorrect words used. All in all excellent, but please add a sequel to finish the story rather than leave it up in the air.

Comment by juliej on 08/18/06
a brilliant story that needs adding to it is not so good that we are left up in the air please consider an addition for this sttory it well worth finishing well written thankyou

Comment by suna on 02/07/06

Congratulations ....  you killed him....  why is it always the a crazed mother, sister, etc...  He was never a tgirl.... he was forced and eventually s/he will kill another

Comment by julie j on 06/06/05
very intresting will have to read it properly at a later date

Comment by Another Brian on 07/19/03
Robin Rules! Normally the heavier sexual content of this story would turn me away. But not here. Ms Jerques previous efforts encouraged me to try this tale.I found a slowly evolving main character really sensitive to the changes in her life The gradual development of a feminine soul was really well done.
Thanks again.
Another Brian

Comment by Sissy Priscilla Valentine on 03/01/03
Gawd what an awesome story.  Se sweet and tender the sex scenes, and the realization from Robin about who she really is.  Especially sweet are those around her that accept and love her for who she is.  At 43, I'm just beginning transition, and have the approval and acceptance of all I've chosen to come out to, save my own Mother who at 76 refuses to acknowledge my true identity.

I can relate so much to Robin.  How I wish I could've had the opportunities she did at such a young age.  

Kudos to the authoress.  Please let us see continuations of this story.


Sissy Prissy

Comment by Diane Sutton on 08/18/01
I normally don't read lots of x rated stories but, this one was quite well done. Robin turned out to be qutie a slut in a way. The author has written a story that tells of a boy being forced at first into girls clothes and as usual gets to love the feeling of silk against her skin, along with other things a girl would enjoy. I actually liked the fact that when Robin started to have sexual experiences that she liked what she was doing. And on top of that I liked the fact that she took the money for some of her favors. I would like to have the story continue but, like many stories there never is a second part to it. I'll wait and see if this author makes a 2nd part available, if so then I'll surely read it.


Comment by Jezzi Belle Stewart on 04/29/01
I liked the story and his dawning enjoyment of his femininity.  Also I enjoyed his nurturing feelings for the children.  I just wish you hadn't had him become a slut.  If that was the direction, I would have had him not accepting and resentful and acting like a slut as revenge against his mother.  The contrast of nice girl and nurturing gentle femininity with the "Hey, I'll open my legs for anyone with cash. (Which was what she DID as opposed to what she said.) broke the suspension of disbelief necessary to truly enjoy the story.

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