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Story Comments by Readers

by Vickie Tern

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Comment by Angie on 09/23/16
Well written, but the ending was very sad.  Here's my version of the end: both couples live in the odd house, but Chris lives with Steve and Allie lives with Gayle.

Comment by Jo on 10/21/14
I Loved this story, Gayle created Allie and unlike many stories, didn't abandon "her" in the end. Made it so they could be together in spite of the Parents Puritanical beliefs.

Comment by Jo on 10/21/14
For Gayle to have married Allie, in a small minded town and to her parents it would have been unacceptable, The marriage to Chris had been prearranged between the families for respectability. In the story Chris is labled as Bi. The probable fact is that Chris is totally gay and only desires Steve.  Where Allie fits in is that "She's" already had sex with Chris,  That in reality, Gayle only wants Allie,after all, she created allie for her. Because of Both straight lace families, It's the best solution to a mess created by the parents. Chris and Gayle are married in name only. Steve and allie will be married in name only.  Chris will have Steve and Gayle will have Allie. She told him to trust her. Allie does with all his heart. I'm betting if she does get pregnant, the father will be Allie. A good ending would be for Allie to arrive back at the Hotel to find tickets to accompany Gayle and Chris and Steve on the Honeymoon. That would be perfect with all living under the same roof.  

Comment by sub male on 10/09/08

Comment by julie j on 01/21/05
this story is great it has a wicked twist in the tale but it was amazinly well written &described it has taken me a couple of hours to read it prpoerly & understand what happened but it was great &very enjoyable well done

Comment by Joni on 12/26/02
Vicki your Story called Perfect at crystals is missing the whole section after the wedding. it stops here the best man and the maid of honor are alone and talking over the reason for why allie was turned into a woman. I would love to read the rest of the story.

Thanks, you write beautifully but I noticed that not all of your stories have happy endings, it is more kind of disturbing endings, kind of vindictive endings where the wife humilates the spouse by not only telling others they are their husbands when they look gorgeous but going out with other men in front of them rubbing their noses in it.  the women have no real compasion for what they have done to their spouses nor do they seem to feel sorry for them at all, even in this story, called perfect.

Comment by Diane Sutton on 05/23/02
This is the length of story that seems to just grab me when it's well done and the content is exceedingly good.

It was a joy to see this guy turned into a girl and he went along with it as if he had no care in the world.

The way he received help in this by his co-workers and the eventual outcome was not what he or I would have expected. However, it was fitting and he was apparently happy with it as we all who take the chance to read this work of art will agree with.

Lovely story thank you.


Comment by Barbie on 03/23/01

I loved your story. Especially how he was gradually feminized and eventually received his breast implants. I loved all the detail you provided in this slow gradual process.

Thank you,

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