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High School Sweetheart
by Popov

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Comment by Bruce on 11/08/09
if it wasnt so sick id agree to the last comment as being revenge. not a story id reccomend...0 out of ten

Comment by june on 05/10/08
Alt ending:::you know the guys think it's funny when they see the grin on my face they just don't know that I've known that I've hade full blown aids for two years now....

Comment by jasmine on 05/28/04
The school wouldn’t even inquire if his dressing was his idea. I cant believe that the school wouldn’t do anything. bulling is anther thing but sexual assault is quiet another. Here is an idea, since he is now a girl, maybe he could sue the school under title IX. Even if he cant use title IX after school, if he is smart he will get a lawyer. He will have a lot of money coming his way, the school didn’t do its job. the bastards are committing a crime. Hopefully in a year, they will be the bitches to some six foot tall guy named Gus and the school will have a new administration.

Comment by Monika Ikon on 07/10/01
Hot story. So was "Stripper Slut Nikki," which I just
read after this one. Ive clearly been way too *nice*
in my stories!! Good work & I cant way to see more!!
Youve inspired me :)


Comment by "Princess Pervette" on 07/10/01
Wow!  Rough story!  It's things like this that make people realize
why things like Columbine can happen.  A bit too brutal for my
taste, but very well done.


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