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The Girl Next Door
by Julia Manchester

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Comment by Jo on 10/26/12
A great story plot with fast paced action. The medallion, while important wasn't the centre piece unlike other stories I have read. A nicely woven love story which I am a sucker for :)

Comment by Annie on 04/19/12
i LOVED this story!! I had been searching for awhile for a story like this and this one was perfect and exactly what I was looking for. I love all of your story's and think your a great author. Please make more!!!

Comment by oem software on 02/12/12
1yIyn5 Informative, but not convincing. Something is missing but what I can not understand. But I will say frankly: bright and benevolent thoughts!...

Comment by CAM HARRIOT on 08/31/11
Truely an exciting story. Conveys thee feelings to the reader of the
characters.  masterful work.

Comment by Silvia    (from Brazil) on 03/19/09
Simply marvelous!
There's nothing more to say.
A lot of kisses!

Comment by Rebecca Lynn on 06/01/07
this is one if not the best story I have read in a long time.  i just wish that this could happen to me.  please give us more stories like this

Comment by Flicker on 01/03/03
Wow! What a captivating story! I got emotionally drawn into the story and started to feel anxious about what would happen next. I don't like to read long stories so I loaded it into a text-to-speech package and listened to the whole thing. It was like a book on tape. The author's great descriptive writing was easely translated by the software...everything was understood and very well versed. Yes it does have some classic elements, but I feel like I know these people just from what I've encountered. A+

Comment by Danielle J on 04/19/02
1- Football player
2- Cheerleader(s)
3- Boy turned girl loves sex as girl
4- Prom
4- Medallion falling through hole in bag. Yeah right!
5- Has baby and goes back to 1 and 2.

 Too cliched, too trite, too far fetched even for TG fiction.  Scrambled Souls is a very good story but the author has done much much better.


Comment by Jed on 07/14/01
Stop, Stop, Stop!!!! I cannot take these great stories anymore....Well maybe a little while longer.

You are a good writer.

Comment by Jeffrey on 07/10/01
What can I add,when I agree a 100% with what has been said. you are a really good story teller, what a marvelous gift, to be able to entertain with words.  
mar·vel·ous also mar·vel·lous (mär“v…-l…s) adj. 1. Causing wonder or astonishment. 2. Miraculous; supernatural. 3. Of the highest or best kind or quality; first-rate. --mar“vel·ous·ly adv. --mar“vel·ous·ness n.  
That  says it!

Comment by Joanne on 07/07/01
Well this is one of my fav stories of all time now Julia.  I loved it so much, I really cared about the characters and I was scared that Ryan and Emily might break up.  Anyways I don't want to give anything away for the people who reads the review first but I loved this story, it is a real gem that I will make sure to save to a special folder so I can go back and find it to read anytime I want a boost.  I loved the ending and where the characters ended up.  Anyways great job Julia, keep up the good work and I love to read more stories like this.  Also I want to add I'm glad you never went and had all kinds of sex in this, personally I think it would have took away from the real story then.

Also it could have been longer but I say that about every story I love, if it was 10 times longer I still want it longer because when I love a story as much as I love this one I never want it to end. :)

Comment by Mr Man on 07/07/01
I've always been a fan of AF stories, and an even bigger fan of Julia's work. Put the two together, and you have the ingredients for a story that I enjoyed very much. As an added bonus, Julia's story deals with sports, something that is very near and dear to my heart. So if anyone wants to read an intelligent, nicely written, AF story, then look no further. The Girl Next Door is it.

Comment by Jack Andrews on 07/07/01
I've been reading this fiction for sometime now and I am always hesitant when I come across our now, unfortunately, staid plot devices: Medallion of Zulo, Spells R Us, etc. (nothing is wrong with them in any way - i love them, they are just, um, very familiar) especially when they are in very long stories.

"The Girl Next Door" was a wonderful story. Intelligently using Zulo as part of a much bigger story. We got to know all of the characters and feel for them. I, honestly, don't usually read the larger stories because most authors (no offense, anyone) don't know how to keep the pacing, the action and the characters tied to the plot. You obviously do.

Great job.

Comment by ldyndskies on 07/06/01
Just one word - "dynamite!"

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