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The Debutante
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Comment by ShadowWalker on 05/19/11
what a great story would love to dance around the ball room Comment by Rone Welles on 11/19/09 Thank you for a nice story ... We like to read about what happens Comment by celeste on 08/21/09 ahhh, to be a real girl!!! Comment by Alyssa on 07/29/08 As with a lot of your other stories, there's a certain pattern to this one. They follow the same kind of format, but are different enough that they don't get boring. As with your other stories I've read, this one is also an enjoyable read, and the ending leaves me curious once more, I'll let my own imagination take care of that for me though. Most, if not all of your stories I've read today, seem to have the protagonist's surname as 'Grant', something nags at me that it may well be for a reason. I'll eventually get through all of your stories, since I like to read them so much ^_^ Comment by CATHY ANGELA DAVIS on 07/13/08 AS ALWAYS I SEEM TO CHOOSE YOUR GOOD STORIES TO READ. PEOPLE DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY THERE IS ACTUALLY MORE BOYS WANT TO BE GIRLS. IT HAS TO DO WITH THE FACT THAT THE FETUS STARTS AS FEMALE THEN CHANGES TO MALE, AND IT DOES NOT ALWAYS CHANGE RIGHT, OF COURSE THE REVERSE HAPPENS TOO WHEN THE BRAIN IS CHANGED TO MALE AND NOT THE BODY. BUT IT IS MORE LIKELY A BOY WILL HAVE A FEMALE BRAIN THEN A GIRL A MALE BRAIN, BUT BOTH DO HAPPEN. Comment by Stanley Morton on 06/29/07 Well, Janet, you have written another cute story about a boy becoming his dream girl. May your dreams come true Comment by Diane Sutton on 04/29/02 A short and to the point story of a boy named Jeff who finally comes to like being a girl thereby becoming Kimberly. Comment by Terry on 01/09/01
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