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Story Comments by Readers

by Margaret Jeanette

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Comment by this is me on 08/05/12
There is definately something wrong with using blackmail and hypnosis to feminize someone against their will.

Comment by this is me on 08/05/12
I was just about to post a not so favorable review and I had read some comments and then went back and reread the ending. He was definately in a dream according to the story. There is no doubt about that. I like the story but if it had actually ended the way his dream transpired I wouldn't have liked the story. The impending return of his wife and his innate guilt at deceiving her pertaining to his cross-dressing caused his dream. It is really an ingenious construct. It makes me wonder if the author has studied psycology.

Comment by Brian on 01/21/10
Nothing wrong with feminizing a man i would enjoy it.

Comment by Silvia     (from Brazil) on 10/22/09
Sorry, but your story isn't good. I didn't like!

Comment by Priscilla Ann on 10/30/07
Corene got just what he/she deserved. Too bad it was just a dream; or was it, given the ending?

Comment by DEE on 10/22/07

Comment by julie j on 09/11/04
what a way to go this has a very vicious revenge twist as well good story & very heavy its amazing with tiny camereas what you can do well done

Comment by Sandy on 05/20/04
I like your stories.  Keep up the good work.  I like the idea of my wife wearing the pants in the family too while I wear her dresses, skirts, and nightgowns.  

Comment by Aardvark on 12/27/02
Nice work.

I don't usually like feminization stories, but this was a little different. At first, it was basically the same routine of "your caught, now you're mine". Still, you were direct and didn't waver as you weaved your way through the tale. The only mis-step was the hypnosis part of it. Everyone knows that hypnosis only works when the person wants it too. I know. I know it was a dream, but the principle stands. The fast castration and implants was a surprise. Very brief and brutal. It was nice not to wait for the inevitable for once. The ending was the best part; it was a good twist to the standard fare.

The story was direct and to the point throughout with few wasted words. Good job.

Comment by Francesca Barrie on 06/07/01
Hard to believe that no comments have been made for over a year.I found this to be a well written and interesting short story. A dream which may yet come true, yes a good twist to the end of the tale. I like your stories ,are you going to write more for us?

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