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Cheap Rent
by Joe Six-Pack

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Comment by oem software on 02/11/12
Yi76Oh The author deserves for the monument:DD

Comment by Judi Goodman on 05/01/09

Comment by Diggo on 10/29/08
Thanks a lot, dude :)

Comment by Yoron on 06/07/08
A very strange and convoluted tale.
But also very very good.

I can't stand people manipulating their characters, only showing torment and contempt.
A lot of the stories here is just that, lacking in character as well as empathy.
Yours was different somehow.

What they did to that guy was terribly wrong.
And would at best leave a psychotic multiple person disorder.
If they ever succeeded in their brainwash that is.

But you sculpted it into a twisted dream.
A rather dark dream, with failure as their common nominator.
From the guy as well as from the old folks.
Still, they only wanted some happiness in their life's.

So life f*ed them up.
And then they f*ed up someone else's life.
A strange dark dream in deed :)

You are a writer, but I would like to see some hope in your stories.


Comment by Barbara Lynn Terry on 03/04/03
This story was very original. Forced SRS. I would have never thought of it like this. Joe you have created a wonderful work here. Keep it up.

Barbara Lynn Terry

Comment by daphne arora on 05/17/01
Really hot story. The salon scene was exquisite, the way her resistence came out in her request to the stylist and the way she ended up even more bimboized in the process. With all the Alba references though it would have been nice to see an retouched Alba pic, resplendent with bouffant champagne blonde locks. Thanks.

Comment by Geoff on 04/08/01
An intriguing and well written story.  The end was in doubt right the way through,  but I feel that was the weakest feature of the whole thing.  After being vigorous throughout, it turned a bit weak at the end.  I was also puzzled at the involvement of Wade(?), the young man cutting grass, shovelling snow etc.  Perhaps it was deliberately left unclear, but there were one or two loose ends just asking to be tied.


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