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Catch Her in Disguise
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Comment by Silvia (from Brazil) on 07/10/09
Hi again! Comment by Rachel Rae on 04/25/04 I liked the story, especially when you got to the strip club part. I like to put myself in at least one of the characters in the storyline and on this one, I opt for the stripper - I got to assume that she was a totally naked dancer who did the usual plus the lap dances. You can bet your sweet biffy that they make a lot of money. Comment by BillyTheDick on 09/01/03 A great story from my favorite author. A sexy & funny story, I enjoyed it. Comment by Jezzi Stewart on 08/31/03 I really liked this story right up to the end, but then you spoiled it with the gay sex betrayal with Eric. I don't like gay sex, but that's not the important thing; you destroyed Hold'em's character. From a nice guy/girl, he becomes a gay sleeze, with the emphasis on sleeze. And a stupid sleeze to chance losing Allison. Poor Allison becomes the real victim here, betrayed first by Studlater, now by Hold'em - and Hold'em is worse because he was written as a nice guy while Eric was always written as a sleeze. Comment by Night Wolf on 08/30/03 This was a good story and I like how complex it is, but I was disappointed that he didn't stop it because of his apparent love for Allison. Here you make us believe that William is some one who stays loyal then you have him cheat with Eric it totally throws the characterout of his true nature even though it seems he doesn't know what his nature is! Comment by Mary on 11/09/02 Please continue Linda/Holdem story.Will the thrill of being sexy Linda slowly take over? and what will happen between Linda,Eric and Allison?A great story hope to see more soon. Comment by Michelle on 05/11/02 Will there be further adventures for Linda? Will she come out more often? Will Eric and Linda become more involved? What will happen between Allison and Holdem? Please tell us if you will continue Linda's adventures. It's a great story that should be continued!!!!!! |
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