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Aw, Come On
by Emmie Dee

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Comment by I Wish on 10/08/24
A delightful story and well done.  I guessed what Trisha/Ciara was, in some shape or form, and I also got she was a lot older than she was.  I guessed around 100/120 human years ago. I was surprised that Ciara's ship went down before the potato famine in Ireland of 1845 - 1852. Modern people would have gone by air and not ship.
An update of about 100 human years in the future would have been good, perhaps giving an update of how the sprites have made a difference to the pollution of the oceans and perhaps other Sprite colonies now report to the Irish one or have their own sites around the world so its now global.

Comment by Angie on 07/25/14
This story was surprising to me.  Emmie gave a few hints early into the story that something was other than what met the eye.  She turned it into a beautiful love story full of down-to-earth values: commitment, love, respect for mother earth and a sense of deep spirituality.  It was both surprising, refreshing and uplifting.  Thanks Emmie!

Comment by cheap oem software on 02/12/12
8sQL5i Fresh thoughts, fresh view on the subject..!

Comment by Bernie on 10/22/07
I loved this story! Being part Irish love the fokelore and you did it well.

Comment by Violet on 08/03/07
I really loved this story. It's sweet style and the lack of violence really appealed to me.

Comment by cyan on 06/28/07
a very good story that I could not stop from reading it all in one sitting, I liked the characters and I was glad that everyone in the end ended up happy

Comment by Molly on 12/23/06
One of the finest stories I've ever read by any author, in any genre. It isuperbly crafted, has well-developed characters, and is internally consistant/highly credible/with almost no suspension of disbelief (once you accept the existance of magical creatures) required. This is more than a story about love-- it is also about fulfillment, and the end of loneliness and emptiness. I have read stories that made me cry for sadness and grief, but this is the first TG story that had me crying out of that gnawing yearning for a fullness of soul that leaves me starving of the hunger. I shall think of you and your story every time I sit down to practice at the Irish (uilleann) bagpipes, and hope that I can find a slow air to play that captures the feeling of your story.

Comment by Dave C on 06/30/02
Twas a very good story and very holding of heart . My wish for you is continued suceess  and happyiness . With a lot of love and best wishes for you . I wish that I could have the happiness of those loved ones.

Comment by Dave C on 04/21/02
The story is very compelling to read and I love it  it made me think of many good things that love brings one. when one is in love it pays to beleive in one another and love will help one to grow and love will grow also. Please keep up the good work and please keep the stories coming . Thamks once more

Comment by Diana on 07/06/01
I'm a rather elderly CD , but very much a romantic at heart, and a lovely story like this gives me so much pleasure...why oh why can't the world be full of love like this instead of the hate and bitterness we see all around us in this modern age... please don't ever stop writing, you have a wonderful talent and you are a person who obviously is brimming over with love... thank you so much

Comment by Francesca Barrie on 03/31/01
A delightful romantic story, quite original I feel. A well woven tapestry of love, tenderness and transformation, all in the best of taste and a happy ending too. Wonderful, thank you.

Comment by Portia on 01/18/01
Sweet, feel good story and we all need to feel good these days.  Keep up the good work.

Comment by Nellie D on 01/12/01
A very imaginative tale of humans and mythical characters as they interacted for the well being of both. Emmie has crafted a story with very good detail and descriptions that evoke mental pictures of the scenes.

Comment by Jackie Watts on 01/10/01
Really like your tale and I'm really an old F--t. I'm leaving it on the desk top for my wife to read.

Comment by The Other on 01/09/01
You did good, real good kid.... Actually, great! I like all of Emmie's stories so far... ; )

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