Crystal's StorySite


The Wand

by Jennifer White


Tommy looked at himself in the mirror. He decided that he looked very sharp. When he met up with Jessica, she'd be all over him. She was hot herself, and as most 18 year old boys did, he wanted nothing more than to get into her pants. Maybe tonight would be the night! All the other guys bragged about having done it with a chick. He wanted to be able to brag too.

He went down the hall from the bathroom, to his room, where he'd finish getting ready. As he walked, his little sister Monique ran by. She was just nine years old, half his age. She wore a silver dress, large butterfly wings, and a tiara. In her hand, she carried a wand with a glittery silver star on the end of it.

"Will you play with me?" she asked Tommy, as he walked by.

"I can't play now kiddo" he said. "I'm getting ready to go out on a date."

"But I'm playing faery princess!" she said, pouting.

Tommy chuckled.

"Boys don't play faery princess" he said. "Now run along. I've got to get ready."

"No!!!!!!!!!!!" said Monique, pouting. "It's not fair! You never play with me!"

"I don't have time for this" said Tommy, starting to walk away from her. "Go play in your room."

"Please? Please will you?" said Monique, now trying sweetness instead of screaming.

"I told you sis, boys don't play faery princess."

Monique erupted in a fit of tears. She yelled and screamed at him, but he kept walking away from her, shaking his head. Girls. They were sure weird.

"If you were my sister instead of my brother, you'd play with me" she said, putting her hands on her hips.

"But I'm not" said Tommy, as he kept walking, nearing his door.

Monique glared at him. She pointer her wand at him and spoke.

"I wish you weren't a boy. I wish you were my sister, instead of my brother. Then you'd play with me!"

Tommy closed his door behind him, as he entered his room. He needed to keep his bratty little sister out, so she'd quit bugging him. But something was wrong. He didn't feel right.

Tommy was tingling all over. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling, but it wasn't right either. He touched his hands to his face, but something was wrong. It didn't feel right. It felt too soft and too smooth. And there was something else wrong too. The insides of his upper arms. They were rubbing up against something unfamiliar on his chest.

Tommy looked down, and wanted to scream. There on his chest, were two large mounds, tight and firm, pushing his shirt out away from him. His hands cupped them, and he could feel how full and heavy they were. And they were still growing! boobs were forming on his chest!

Tommy ran to the mirror to look at his face. But what he saw wasn't his face. It was softer now, with a smaller nose, higher cheekbones, thinner eyebrows, and a certain something that made it look pretty.

"No" he thought. "It can't be!"

His hair was longer now, curly and blonde too! It fell down to his shoulders, and it seemed to still be increasing in length. Something made him look at his hands now. They were so small! Why were his nails long? Why were his wrists so thin? He realized that he was much smaller now, shorter and less well built. His blocky shoulders had become little. His physique dainty.

The blood drained out of his face, as he realized that his little sister's wish was coming true. He was becoming a girl. The thought made him touch himself down between his legs. He almost jumped when he reached down there, and felt nothing but a small mound where his male organs had been. A mound with a slit in it.

NO! He had become a girl!

Tommy was in a total panic now. He couldn't be a girl! This couldn't be real. But now, things got even worse. As he looked around his room, he realized that it too was transforming! His poster of Guns 'N Roses had transformed into one of John Mayer. He hated that kind of chick music! And his poster of Heidi Klum in a bikini had become one of some guy with lots of muscles, in a speedo. Ick!

His bed had become a canopy bed, with white lace trim on the sheets. There were pink roses embroidered on the pillow shams. A teddy bear now sat there, and a stuffed kitty. No! His room was becoming a girl's room too! He was in utter dismay, as he saw what was hanging up in his closet now: skirts, blouses, and more. In the laundry basket in the corner, he could see things like panties and bras!

There were things of makeup on the desk, including colorful jars of nail polish. There was a jewelry box there too. That made Tommy realize that he was wearing jewelry! His ears were pierced, and he wore long dangling earrings! And he had on rings, bracelets, and a necklace! His hair was down below his shoulders now, and his boobs had finally stopped getting bigger. He could see the tops of them exposed, because of the tank top he was wearing.

No! He had a shirt on! Not a tank top...he could feel the bra on beneath it. He looked down in utter dismay as he realized that his slacks had also changed. Now he was wearing a skirt. As he moved, it responded, taking a moment to settle down... onto his smooth legs! They were shaved. He couldn't believe it.

He was a girl now. A gorgeous young girl, with a pretty face, big boobs, sensual curves, a pussy, and everything. His whole world had changed; his room was a girl's room now. All of his things were girl's things. Somehow, his little sister's wish had come true.

His sister! He could just kill her. He had to get her to change him back! If she had done this, she could un-do it. He opened his door, and looked for her in her room. But she wasn't there. He could hear her running around downstairs.

But if he went there, then his mom might see him! How could he explain this to her? But he had no choice; he had to go get Monique. He walked down the stairs, but when he heard high heels clicking as he walked, he suddenly realized that he moved like a girl now too. He didn't just look like one; he walked like one. He felt like crying. He had to get back, and right away. This was urgent beyond belief.

He found Monique playing with several dolls she had set up across the room.

"Look what you did to me!" said Tommy, stunned to hear that even his own voice had changed to that of a girl. Melodic and higher in pitch, soft and feminine. How could that be coming from his mouth?

"You're a girl now!" said Monique. She was very excited to see that her wish had come true.

"Duh!" said Tommy. "Now change me back, before anyone sees me like this!"

"This is so cool" said Monique. "Now I have a sister. Mom said that if she ever had another girl, she was going to name her Missy. So that's what I'll call you. Hi Missy!"

"I'm not Missy!" said Tommy. "And I'm not a girl!"

"Yes you are!" said Monique, giggling.

"Please, please Monique, change me back! I'll do anything you ask of me. I'll play your little games, or whatever. Just please change me back?"

"I'm not listening, la, la, la, la...." said Monique, taunting.

"You can't let anyone see me like this!" said Tommy. "I'm begging you! I'll give you my allowance for the whole month. I'll do your chores too. I'll do anything! Just change me back!"

"You'll play faery princess with me?" asked Monique. "Now?"

"But Jessica is coming here, so we can go out on a date! Can't we play later?"

"No" said Monique. "Play with me now, or I won't change you back. Missy."

"Okay" said Tommy, with a sigh. "How do you play 'faery princess'?"

"Lets see" said Monique, gleefully. "First, I'll be Aurora, the faery princess. You will be the evil queen. This is my pony, star."

Monique pointed at a stuffed animal.

"Now you've got me imprisoned in the castle tower, but the handsome prince is going to try to rescue me..."


"Monique, I know you want to play, but your sister needs to get ready for her date" said a voice that startled Tommy. He looked up to see his mother standing there in the doorway.

"But mom!" said Monique in protest.

"Missy can play with you some other time" she replied gently.

Tommy didn't know what to think. He had just been rescued from this torture by his mother. But for some reason, she thought that him being a girl was normal! She acted as if he had always been like this. How could she think of him as a girl? How could she have forgotten that he was her son?

"Mom..." said Tommy.

"Yes, Missy?" she replied.


Missy? His mom thought of him as Missy! If she thought of him as a girl, then so would everybody else! Tommy felt dizzy again. Everyone in the world would think he had always been a girl! This dire situation kept getting worse and worse!

"You can play later girls" said the mother. "And we can talk later Missy. You need to finish putting on your makeup. And your hair needs to be fixed. Here. Let me help you."

Tommy felt completely helpless, as his mother tied his hair into a ponytail using a red ribbon, then touched up his makeup, using the cosmetics from a small black purse. She handed the purse to Tommy.

"There. All done. Don't forget your purse! Remember, curfew is 10:30. And remember what we talked about. Don't let him push you into doing something you don't want to do. You might think of yourself as a woman, but you're still so young. You're really just a girl."

Tommy felt his cheeks go red with embarrassment. He didn't think of himself as a woman! And what was this business about "he"? Tommy wasn't going to date a guy. That would be sick! He was waiting for Jessica to show up. Not some guy.

Just then, the doorbell rang. Tommy's face betrayed his sheer panic. What was he going to tell Jessica? How was he going to break it to her that he had become a girl? He held his breath, as his mother opened the door. But it wasn't Jessica waiting there, it was a boy.

A boy! He wore a leather jacket and jeans. He had jet black hair, the same color as Jessica. He had deep blue eyes, just as she did. And a small nose, like everyone in her family had. Tommy couldn't help but to stare at the boy's face. It wasn't just some boy; it was Jessica somehow! Not only had Tommy become a girl, Jessica had become a boy!

"John, how nice to see you" said Tommy's mother.

"Thanks Mrs. P. Same here" replied the boy.

"John?" thought Tommy. He had become Missy, and Jessica had become John! Tommy was far beyond traumatized now. If him becoming a girl wasn't bad enough, seeing his girlfriend in a male body was just as bad, if not worse. Because that meant he was about to go on a date with a boy.

"Um, John?" said Tommy. "I need to... run up to my room and get something before we go."

"Okay" said the boy. "I'll be here waiting for you, babe."

Babe! The boy had just called him a babe! He didn't want to be a "babe"! This was terrible. It needed to be fixed, now! Tommy grabbed Monique by the hand, and dragged her upstairs to his room. When they got inside, he shut the door.

"Okay" he said. "This has gone far enough. Your little joke is getting out of hand. Change me back. Now."

"Back to what?" asked Monique.

It wasn't a teasing tone. She really didn't seem to know what he meant.

"Monique!" said Tommy. "Don't you remember what you did to me a few minutes ago? Before we played 'faery princess' together?"

"We talked in my room" she said. "You helped me put ribbons in my hair. They you told me how you thought John was so hot, and how much you loved him. They we played, until he came over."

In a day full of shocks, this was perhaps the hardest to take. Monique didn't remember what she had done to him! When she had made her wish, everything changed, including the past. Now, only Tommy could remember his true self! How was he ever going to get back to being a boy again, if Monique didn't even remember that her wish had changed him?

"Monique, I want you to do something for me. Please."

"Sure sis, anything" she said.

"Point your wand at me, and say: I wish that Missy would change back!"

Monique gave Tommy a strange look. But she closed her eyes, then pointed the wand right at him.

"I wish Missy would change back!" she said.

Tommy smiled. Now he'd go back. He waited for the tingling feeling, but as the moments went by and it didn't start, he realized that it wasn't going to work. He grew increasingly upset. He didn't want to be stuck in a girl's body for the rest of his life! This was terrible! He wanted to make it with a girl; he didn't want to be one!

Monique was singing and skipping as she ran off, leaving Tommy there to contemplate what had just happened. He could hear John talking to his mom downstairs. Just as has mom had really liked Jessica, she seemed to really like John. Everything in Tommy's life was the same as before, except that it was a female version of himself.

He walked back downstairs, ready to make some excuse not to go out on the date. But he was so flustered, he didn't know what to do or say. And before he knew it, John was leading him out of the house by the hand! John opened his car door, and let Tommy get in.

Jessica had driven a cool car. A red colored convertible. A hot chick with a hot car was quite desirable to a boy of Tommy's age! But now this same cool car was being driven by John, a boy. That would make him desirable to girl's of that age. And now, Tommy was a girl.

"Your mom is really nice Missy" said John. "You're lucky to have a mom that cool."

"Thanks" said Tommy. That had sounded just like something Jessica would say.

The plan had been for Tommy to take Jessica to the movies. So it wasn't a big surprise when John pulled into the parking lot for the theater. By instinct, Tommy reached into his back pocket to pull out his wallet to pay, once they reached the front of the line.

But his skirt didn't have a back pocket. And his cash was in the purse he had slung over his shoulder. He had forgotten that he was holding it! He stood there and watched as John paid for the tickets. He realized that since he was the girl now, he was going to be treated. Just as he had always treated Jessica.

Tommy tried to forget his troubles as the film started. But he could hardly touch the popcorn, he was so upset. And things didn't get any better when John put his arm around Tommy's shoulders. He was being touched by a boy! That was bad enough, but perhaps even worse was the way his new body responded. He felt a warm glow inside. He felt a strong emotion growing, one that was so overwhelming, he could barely think.

He found himself leaning over towards John, melting into his strong arm and shoulder. Just as he had wanted Jessica, his new female body wanted John! It took almost all of his self control not to lean over and give John a kiss. The emotions he was feeling now were so strong! This wasn't just the lust of a young boy, with his hormones going wild for the first time. This was a feeling. A desire. A wish to be closer to the one he loved.

"I love you" whispered Tommy, almost as a question. He wanted to kick himself. Why did he just say that? It was only going to encourage John! No! He didn't want to be with a boy! How could he let his body do this to him? How could these stupid emotions be so strong that he was getting swept away, against his will?

After the movie, Tommy told John that he didn't feel well, and wanted to go home.

"But we had talked about trying something new tonight" said John, sounding very disappointing. "Don't you love me?"

"It's not that" said Tommy. He had been trying to press Jessica to let him make love to her. Now John was doing the same thing to him! No way that was going to happen.

"Well I love you" said John. "You're so beautiful! You're so perfect. I think about you all the time. You're the only one for me. I will love you forever, and only you. I want us to share our love. Please, lets go back to my place?"

Inside, Tommy was just melting. His body was responding to John now, by making him feel a tingle between his legs. Then he felt something else there, something strange.

"You're getting me all wet" said Tommy, suddenly realizing he said it out loud.

"So you do want me" said John. "Lets do it. Right now. Tonight."

"I'm not ready yet" said Tommy. Words he couldn't believe he would ever say. After all the excuses for waiting that Jessica had given him, he swore he'd never turn down sex. But here he was, doing just that!

"Can we wait just a bit longer? I want it to be really special" said Tommy.

If he could find a way to get back to his old self, this wouldn't matter. But wait! What if the girl in the relationship promised with a vow that they'd make love tomorrow? He could find a way to get back to his true self, and then it would be Jessica who had swore an oath to make love! He'd be back, and he'd finally have her.

"I swear to you, upon my heart, that tomorrow, we will go all the way. I just can't do it tonight. Take me home, and tomorrow we'll finally be together."

"I can live with that!" said John, now all excited.

Tommy said good-bye, allowing John a quick little kiss. He didn't like how his female body responded to John's touch. He had to get away from him, before he felt other terrible things. The emotions he felt were so overwhelming! He could still hardly think. How did chicks think with such strong emotions in their pretty little heads?

Tommy hated being a girl so much! It was so terrible to take off his clothes, and to see himself standing there before the mirror wearing just a bra and panties. He put on an oversized T-shirt that said "Daddy's Little Girl". Then he snuck into Monique's room. There, he quickly found the wand, then returned back.

In the safety of his own room, Tommy tried all sorts of things with the want, wishing himself back into his male life. But nothing worked! He tried to wish he was a boy. He tried to wish that John would become Jessica again (hoping that would return him too).

But it was all no use. He went to sleep in a female body, for the first time. He hoped and wished with all his heart that he would wake up as a boy again.


* * *


All night Tommy tossed and turned. He could just not get comfortable in his new body. He rolled onto his tummy once, but it kind of squished his boobs, and that woke him up. Or he reached down to scratch an itch between his legs, and felt nothing but the small mound there, and that woke him up.

He had nightmares of being trapped in a girl's body forever, and nightmares of making love to John. Each of those made him wake up in a cold sweat. When the clock said 6:30, he realized he wasn't going to get any more sleep that night.

He returned to the wand, and made dozens of attempts, but the stupid thing just didn't work. It was with great horror that he took a shower, seeing his new body without any clothes for the first time. It was the kind of female body that he had always wanted to touch, feel, and make love to. How could he be inside it now? How could this be him?

He was in a daze, running on automatic, as he dressed up and did his makeup. He put on a pair of white thong panties, then a shelf bra. Next, he pulled on a pair of cropped jeans, that came down to just below his knee. They fit his curves beautifully, but he thought it might be easier to take than wearing another skirt!

He put on a white tank top, which had a low cut front, as did most of the shirts and blouses he found in the closet. This one didn't look as "girlie". It wasn't lacy like some of them, and the straps were wider than most. So he went with it.

Of course, he'd look hot in anything he put on, so it really didn't matter. He was barely thinking as he did his hair and put on his makeup. His body seemed to know how to do all that, just like how it had almost automatically clutched his purse all night when he was out. Or the way his body knew how to walk in heels. He didn't need to think; he just did it.

Tommy could barely eat his breakfast. He was too upset.

"Missy, you need to eat. I know all the girls you see in the magazines and in the movies are thin as a rail, but that shouldn't be what you use for your self image. You're a real girl, a young woman, and it isn't healthy to starve yourself. Please eat."

"Okay mom" said Tommy.

He was alone with her. She was so kind. She had always been kind and supportive. He was out of options. He felt like he had to talk to her.

"Mom?" he said.

"Yes dear?" she replied.

"I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Sure Missy. You know you can talk to me about anything."

Tommy nodded. This was going to be hard!

"I don't know how to say this" he started. "I don't know if you'll understand. But somehow, I changed. I mean, I didn't used to be like this. I...."

How could he tell her that he used to be her son? She thought of him as a girl.

"I know dear" she replied kindly. "It is normal to feel like you do. We all go through that. When I changed from a girl into a woman, I felt confused. Kids grow up in such a hurry these days! You try to act like your 21, when you're just a teenager. Don't feel like you have to hurry through this time! You should enjoy being a girl. Yes, you're becoming a woman, but this is a special time for you. You'll always look back on your girlhood with fondness."

She got up, came over, and gave Tommy a big hug.

"My little girl is growing up. Soon, you'll be a woman too."

Tommy started to cry. This wasn't the talk he wanted to hear! It was bad enough being a girl; the last thing he wanted was to become a woman!

"There, there" said his mother, drying his tears, and giving him a kiss on the cheek.


Tommy was bummed out. He couldn't tell his mom now. And he certainly couldn't tell his dad! Even his sister who had changed him didn't seem to remember. He found where she was, and offered to play 'faery princess' with her. Maybe he could get her to try to change him again.

"No" announced Monique. "Today, I am playing schoolteacher. This is my class."

She pointed to the stuffed animals and dolls that were lined up in her bedroom.

"Would you like to be one of my students too?" she said, hopefully.

"I'll pass on that" said Tommy, now feeling dejected. All hope was lost. He was going to be stuck in a girl's body for the rest of his life. How could he live like that? How could he go around day to day as a girl? How could he go to school looking like that? Tommy wasn't sure if he wanted to even live one more day, if it was going to be as Missy.

It was just before noon on Saturday now. There was nothing on TV. Nothing that Tommy could think of doing was going to be any fun. There was nothing in his room that held interest for him; girl's magazines, clothes and all that. Romance novels. Yeah, right. As if he would care about reading that! He felt lost and aimless. And then he heard a knock on the door.

"Hi, Mrs. P." said a voice. John. He was there!

Tommy wanted to jump out of his window, and run away. He couldn't face his former girlfriend again! How terrible it was to see Jessica, with her turned into a boy! And he was her girlfriend! Tommy really thought about jumping out from the second story.

But he turned around to see John standing in his doorway.

"Come on babe, we're getting out of here" said John, pulling him by the hand. Before he knew what was going on, Tommy found himself in John's car, racing down the road. The wind was blowing through his long hair, and it felt good to be out in the sunshine.

"My parents are gone for the weekend" said John. "We have the whole place to ourselves."

They went inside, and John locked the door.

"My folks have some stuff to drink. Do you want a drink?"

"No" said Tommy. He did in fact really want a drink (although he knew he was too young), but he didn't need anything that might make him easier to take advantage of. He had to resist John's advances. There was no way that he would give in!

"I have something I needed to tell you" said John.

"Yes?" replied Tommy, still not liking the female voice that came out when he spoke.

"I have a secret I want to show you. Something special."

"What is it?" asked Tommy, curious.

"I have a magic wand."

Tommy's heart skipped a beat. A magic wand? That was what he needed! He suddenly lit up with a smile. If he could get the wand, he could set everything back right!

"Please show me!" said Tommy, excited. "Can I try it out?"

"Sure. Lets go to my room so I can show it to you."

Tommy dashed up the stairs with John. He even let John hold his hand. The got inside John's room. He locked the door, then drew the shades down tight.

"So, where's this wand of yours?" asked Tommy, impatiently.

"In order for the magic to work right, we need to prepare first" said John. "I know it will sound funny, but I need for you to do exactly what I tell you."

"Okay" replied Tommy. He'd do anything to get back to being a boy again. He promised himself: no matter what John asked of him, he'd do it.

"Very good" said John. "Now in order for my wand to work properly, we can't be all dressed up. It only works if we're both not wearing any clothes."

He started to unbutton his shirt, and kick off his shoes. Tommy followed suit, taking off his tank top, heels, then squirming out of his tight fitting jeans. Now he was down to just his bra and panties, while John had just his boxers on. Tommy tried not to look at John, as he turned his back, and removed his bra, then his panties. Now he was nude, and John could see all of his female body.

"Very good" said John.

Tommy was very annoyed (and sickened) that John was fully aroused. You could see it through his boxers. It was scary to think that the boy was hard because of him. Of course, since he was in the body of a hot babe, he couldn't blame John for getting that way. If Tommy saw a chick that looked like his current self, he'd get hard too. But now he didn't have anything to get hard anymore! More then ever, he missed having his penis.

"Now close your eyes" said John.

Tommy closed his eyes.

"I'm going to get my wand out" said John. "Then I'll give it to you. Are you ready?"

"Oh yes" said Tommy.

He could feel John take his hand. He opened it, so John could place the magic wand into it. But Tommy wondered why John was pulling his hand down lower. Now Tommy felt something in his hand. Something tube shaped and warm. He looked down in horror, to see that his hand was on John's fully aroused penis.

"My magic wand" said John. "It can do all sorts of tricks. Right now, it will magically change you. Instead of being my girlfriend, you're going to become my lover. And for my next trick, I'm going to make you feel so good, that you're going to want me all the time."

Tommy felt so weak. His female body was responding to John's come-on by getting aroused too. He felt himself getting all wet. He was standing with his back to the wall. John moved in closer, and now the tip of his penis was touching the soft mound between Tommy's legs. John was trying to work the tip of his 'wand' into the slit there.

All of a sudden, he found the opening, and plunged deep into Tommy's pussy. Tommy's head exploded, as deep female pleasure radiated out from his special spot, and overtook all of his thoughts. He couldn't think of anything now, but the pleasure.

Automatically, his legs wrapped around John, who was kissing him now. John's hands found Tommy's large boobs, and started to massage them too.

"Oh, you're so beautiful!" said John. "You're such a pretty girl! I love you so much!"

Tommy's heart was melting too now. He was overwhelmed physically and emotionally. The female orgasm and the female emotions were so strong that they overrode any male inhibitions he had in his mind.

"Harder" she said in a hoarse whisper. "F*ck me harder."

John was glad to oblige. He started to thrust in deeper and harder. Missy started to moan, and then to scream, as John made her come again and again. It felt so good! Part of her knew she should stop, but she couldn't do anything about it now but to ride it out, and soak up all the pleasure that she possibly could.

Missy wanted it to go on and on, but she suddenly felt a warmth inside her, as John came. It started to drip out a little bit, and run down her smooth legs. But she didn't care; she had to savor every last moment of this pleasure and this closeness.

"Oh John!" she said. "You were so good!"

"Mmm babe, so were you" replied the boy.

Missy wrapped her arms around his neck, and gave him a deep kiss. Her legs went back to the floor, as John pulled out of her.

"Lets do that again. Now." she said.

"We will babe. All day long. Just give me a few minutes to recover" said John, still out of breath. "It takes a guy a few minutes to reload before he can do it again, you know."

"All I know is that I love you, and I want to feel you inside me again!" giggle Missy.


* * *


When Missy came home, she felt wickedly good. Her mom saw the smile on her face, and she smiled too. But her mom would never suspect that Missy had just made love with her boyfriend three times, and that she had loved every single minute of it.

Missy went upstairs, where Monique was waiting for her.

"I just got a new magic wand!" she said.

"Magic wands are very nice" said Missy, thinking of all she had just done with John's 'wand'. He sure could work magic with it!

"Its new, so it has a new wish. You can use it if you want" said little Monique.

"Sure!" said Missy, taking the wand. "I wish that John and I would stay in love forever."

"Aw, that's so sweet" said Monique. "Now will you play faery princess with me? You don't have to be the evil queen. You can be my sister."

"Sure, lets play. That would be fun!" said Missy. "You know, when I was a little girl, this used to be my favorite game."

Monique smiled. She loved how much fun she had playing with her sister.


The End




© 2005 by Jennifer White. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of StorySite and the copyright holder.