Crystal's StorySite


The Unofficial Biography Of Kimmay

Book 4: The Nature Of The Matriarchy

by G L Hudson



Luke arrived at Gabrielle's at nine sharp the following Monday. On Luke's instructions, Melissa had brought Stefanie's clothes for the day. Before her big interview, Melissa was going to make Stefie beautiful. They followed the usual routine of washing Stefanie's hair and then setting it. While her hair was drying, Melissa assisted Stefanie in putting on her make-up and then getting dressed. For today's interview, Stefanie was wearing a cute business suit. It was dark blue with a short skirt, ivory blouse and a coat with wide lapels. She wore suntan stockings and two-inch black pumps. Melissa gave her a bright red nail polish and she wore some of the jewelry that she had been accumulating. She looked very business-like.

"I'll give you a ride to Simone's, but I'm busy the rest of the day so I'm not going to pick you up. You'll have to catch the bus. Be careful though, and watch your purse. Give me a call when your done, I'm dying to know how the interview went."

Melissa thought she had nothing to worry about, since everything had been pre-arranged with Simone. But Melissa had failed to mention her personal association with Stefanie. The interview went better than Melissa ever anticipated; Simone liked Stefanie. She liked Stefanie very much!

Simone was in her late thirties. She took good care of herself, exercised and ate right. She enjoyed dressing smartly and most importantly she was single. She was twice divorced and passing into a slight mid-life crises. It was nothing serious, and it was nothing that a fling with a pretty young boy couldn't cure. Simone was struck with Stefanie's beauty. Her choice of clothing was perfect for her personality and her figure. Melissa had performed a wonderful job on Stefie's hair and makeup, and the end result was a very desirable young cross-dresser. Simone found herself very interested in her new apprentice. She of course offered the job to Stefanie and they agreed that Stefanie would start on the following Monday. That was the way Melissa had set up the arrangements.

Stefanie couldn't wait to call Melissa. The minute she was out of the building she was ringing Melissa with the wonderful news. "Congratulations, Stefanie. I knew you could do it. When you get back come to Gabrielle's and you can start your beauty regiment."

"What do you mean?"

"You have only one week to get ready for your job. I want to begin your laser and tanning sessions this afternoon. When are you going to tell your mother?"

"I better do it tonight, I want to start moving things into your house as soon as I can."

"Stefanie, how much can you have to move? Remember, none of your old clothes are allowed."

"I know, but I have DVDs and CDs and computers and stuff like that."

"Gotcha. See you later, and congratulations again. You'll make a great photographer."


When Stefanie returned to the salon Melissa handed her a two-piece bikini. Stefanie wasn't expecting such a skimpy swimsuit. "A bikini?" she asked.

"Yes, there is nothing sexier than a bikini suntan. Change into the bikini, wash your makeup off and ring the bell. I'll be back to set-up the tanning bed for you." Melissa rushed off, she had a client under the dryer and it was time to get her out.

Melissa made Stefie's first tan session a short one. When it was finished, she gave Stefie a robe to wrap around herself, and then walked her back to the waxing room. She had Stefanie drop the robe to her waist and Melissa painted a blue dye on her chest and face. "Here are a couple of magazines to read and I'll bring you a soda. Don't get that die on the robe, because it stains. You'll have to sit here for an hour for that die to soak in. Then I'll come get you." And Melissa was again off and running back to 'Lissa's.

An hour later Melissa herded Stefanie out the back door, down the hall and into 'Lissa's. They entered a back room where Rose was waiting. Rose operated the laser and began removing the small amount of hair that Stefanie had. Rose was one of Melissa's longest employees. She was in her late sixties but refused to retire. As long as she could enjoy the camaraderie and activity of working at 'Lissa's she was going to continue. Like everyone else in the salon, Rose was well aware of the situation with Stefanie.

Melissa openly shared her situation with her friends, including her change of sex. That had come as a surprise to the entire staff. Some of the older staff had been to her wedding many years before. They witnessed Melissa and Cynthia's wedding vows and assumed it was a lesbian civil union. No one entertained even the slightest possibility that Melissa was not what she appeared to be. Later, the attention that she showered on her daughters strengthened that belief. The salon employees knew that Cynthia was the true mother – they had all seen which of the two girls was pregnant – but watching Melissa's maternal instincts develop further convinced them of Melissa's apparent gender. No one would have ever guessed that Melissa was the true father.

After Kimmay's conversation with the Keeper, all of that changed. With everyone's approval, President Horn had shown the recording to select members of the press. Kristal needed to use the recording to help convince the world of the true situation with the extra-terrestrials. The press was asked by Kristal to keep their personal transformations as quiet as possible, but because it was such sensational news it eventually made its way public. Of course the public wasn't nearly as interested in Melissa as they were with President Horn. The President was also known by her stage name Krysallis. For years Krysallis had been the sexy, sophisticated heroine of numerous movies, and finding out that she had once been a male shocked the world. The press' preoccupation with Krysallis left Melissa's exposure in the footnote category.

Of course everyone at the salon knew, and Melissa was frank and open about everything.

As the weeks and months passed by, she openly discussed her new body and the changes it was going through. Melissa's hormones affected her in various ways, some of which she enjoyed, and she was all too willing to discuss this with both the girls and boys. She asked the girls about their teen years and how they had coped with puberty. And she constantly asked Simon and George about their experiences and thoughts concerning teen-age girls. In addition, she wasn't shy about talking about her new teen friend, Luke cum Stefanie.

The entire staff was familiar with the purpose for Gabrielle's and at one time or another they had each provided services to the customers. No one had any problems with the concept of cross-dressers and transsexuals. If they had had any concerns Melissa would have dismissed them long ago. After digesting the true story of Melissa's life, they understood Melissa's interest in assisting Luke to become Stefanie. In fact, they were anxious to help. They found it fascinating and interesting, and it made for great salon gossip. Everyone was totally supportive of Melissa. They all loved her like their own mother.

So everyone was envious of Rose, because she was the first person to meet Stefanie. She was bombarded with questions when she returned an hour later. After all of the interrogations were finished, Stefanie received a favorable thumbs up. Rose's comments kept the salon excited and buzzing for the rest of the afternoon. Only Valerie was not overly excited.

Valerie loved her mother, but she was having some difficulties adjusting to the situation. She had no problem with her mother's new sex and her preoccupation with her body and the adjustments that she was making as she went through puberty. And Valerie didn't even begrudge Melissa her infatuation with clothes and fashion and even some of the new teen music. The only thing that bothered Valerie was her interest in boys; and to put a finer point on it, young boys. The problem was how Valerie related to the boys that her mother was interested in. Valerie was older than they were. She had no problem with Luke dressing and living as a young girl. Valerie had styled and made-over many of Gabrielle's clients and that didn't bother her in the slightest. The thing that bothered Melissa about Luke was simply his age. Valerie was worried, that one day she could conceivably have a stepfather younger than her. That freaked out Valerie.


After his salon treatments, Luke returned home to his mother. Although Luke was normally a world-class procrastinator, he jumped right into the subject at dinner. He took a forthright approach and explained that he was growing up and maturing. He knew how to take care of himself and to prove it he had gone out and found a job. He was done with the first stage of his life and it was time to move along and move out and he had found a nice apartment and he was going to move in. Luke wasn't naοve and he knew things would be tough at first, and his salary wasn't going to make him rich so it was only smart to take on a roommate and share the costs. Lot's of men did this when they first moved away from home and it worked out for most of them and the only thing that would be different was that he was going to share a house with two girls. But no problem, it was big house and everyone would have their own bedroom and bathroom and besides they would all be off working most of the time so there shouldn't be any conflicts.

"And who might these girls be? Have I met them?"

"Yes, you've met one. She's Melissa, and the other girl is her older sister."

"I was impressed with Melissa. I think she is a fine girl and has her head on straight. Have you discussed actual finances and do you have anything in writing?"

"My end of the rent would be $800 per month, which won't be a problem."

"Well everything I have heard here sounds like you have thought this through and you know what you're doing. I think it's a good idea for you to get out on your own and see what the real world is about. And if you ever need any help I'm still here for you. You can always move back here if things don't work out the way you want."

'Huh?' That was so easy Luke couldn't believe what his mom had just said.

"When do you plan on moving out?"

"I was going to start tomorrow."

"That's fine. Would it be possible if I saw your new apartment? Could we see it tonight?"

"I don't see why not, let me call Melissa and ask her if it is ok to go over now." The large smile on Luke's face was evident to Betsy. She was convinced that this was the best thing for Luke.

Melissa invited them over and gave them the grand tour. After the tour, they sat at the kitchen table and Melissa explained the rules about sharing rent and costs and work loads. She deliberately left out the rules on dress code. Betsy was pleasantly impressed and said so. Before they left, Melissa caught Betsy alone and dropped a packet of new pictures in her purse.


Melissa drove to Luke's at eight the next morning and they took their first load of belongings to their apartment. Melissa then took Luke to Gabrielle's and began Stefanie's beauty regimen. After Melissa washed Stefanie's hair and set it, Stefie put on her borrowed bikini for another session in the tanning booth. Melissa supervised her make-up application and then helped Stefanie get dressed in a conservative dress. While her hair continued to dry, Melissa watched as Stefanie did her own nail polish. Her left hand came out nice, but her right hand had more than a few smears. Melissa finished styling Stefanie's hair and pronounced her ready for work.

"What work?"

"You're working in the salons this week."

"I am?"

"You need to spend all day dressed and acting like a girl. You've only done it for a few hours at a time, and it is different spending all day in heels and dresses. Makeup tends to fade during the day and you need experience refreshing your makeup and even knowing when to refresh it. This will give you the experience you will need when you go to work full-time."

"Can I do this? What will I do? I don't know anything about being a beautician." Stefanie complained.

"You don't need to know a thing. We're going to use you as a go'fer. You will help whoever needs assistance and they will tell you what to do. It won't be a problem." Stefanie was obviously nervous. "Come on, let me introduce you to everyone."

"What do we tell people when they ask why I'm here?"

"That's simple. We tell them that you are practicing at dressing and living as a girl."


"Stefanie, relax. Everyone knows. I've told them that you are my friend and you need to spend the day practicing."

"No! They'll think I'm a queer or something."

"Stefanie, get hold of yourself. Everyone here knows all about Gabrielle's and they have no problem with the life choices that other people make. They will support you. And now you better rethink what you just said. You don't want other people to judge you, but you just did that when you said 'queer'. The people working here are my best friends, and some of them are gay. They don't judge you, so you better not judge them!" Melissa said it with such an iron-clad conviction that Stefanie got the point. "Do you understand?"

Stefanie was properly chastised. "I'm sorry. You're right."

Everyone had been forewarned about Stefanie. Specifically, they had been warned that Melissa was just one of the crew whenever Stefanie was around. All management decisions were to be taken to Valerie for the rest of the week. The salon team was excited to meet Stefanie. Any friend of Melissa's was a friend of theirs. They were looking forward to meeting her.

Melissa had not only prepped the crew, but the salon as well. All of the pictures of Melissa that had been in her office or at her styling station were slipped into desk and counter drawers. Melissa was going to be just one of the girls when Stefanie was around.


With a smile and a squeeze of her hand, Melissa took Stefanie by the hand and led her into the hall. As they walked towards the front, Melissa pointed out the tanning rooms, laser and permanent makeup room, supplies, the main office, break room and waxing rooms. They reached the front salon and the chit-chat immediately came to a halt. Everyone was waiting to meet Melissa's new crush.

Stefanie had never felt so self-conscious in her life. She felt like she was on a stage and forced to perform for everyone in the room. And to make matters worse, these people were especially knowledgeable critics. She concentrated on walking, talking and speaking like a girl. She spent so much effort on her mannerisms that she missed some of the names the first time around.

Melissa took her around to make introductions. "Stefanie, this is my very good friend Rose, you met her yesterday." Rose bid her a heart-felt welcome. Next Melissa took her over to Simon, "Stefanie this is Simon. I think he used to have a last name but no one remembers what it is. Simon, this is my very good friend Stefanie."

"Stefanie, it is my pleasure to meet you. Melissa says that you are going to get a permanent this week. Just let me know when you are free and I will make you so beautiful that the flowers in the garden will wilt with envy."

"More likely from excess bovine fertilizer," said George. George introduced himself, "Stefanie, I am George your personal stylist and, may I say as modestly as possible, the best this side of the Seine."

"He meant to say insane," Simon interjected.

George stepped up to Stefanie and felt her hair, rolling it between his fingers. "You have thick hair sweetie. But it is a little mousey. Melissa you were right, Stefanie is definitely a strong brunette candidate." Turning his attention to Stefanie he added, "I will give you the slightest hint of red streaks. It will make your hair so vibrant that little boys will wet their pants and grown men will have heart palpitations."

Stefanie was slightly overwhelmed by the attention and good-natured teasing. "I'm sorry, but I was hoping Melissa would do my hair. I … uhm don't have much money and …"

"Who said anything about money?" Simon demanded. "We never charge our best friends money," he said pseudo-indignantly. Then in an aside he said, "But sometimes I do ask for illicit favors." He had a large grin, and George looked disgusted. "I will give you your permanent, Stefanie. There is no more discussion," and Simon spun around on his heels and went back to his station.

"So sad," said George. "A temperamental little man," he said snidely. "And I will handle your color. Don't worry, I always stay inside the lines." George walked away laughing at his own little joke.

"They're the best friends anyone could have," Melissa said. "And they are possibly the best duo in the entire world. Don't worry, they will turn you into a raving beauty, I promise." Melissa continued their walk around the salon and the introductions. As they finished, they returned to the front desk. Valerie had arrived and was talking to their manicurist Sandy when Melissa brought Stefanie over. "Stefanie I would like to introduce you to Valerie."

Stefanie offered her hand and said, "Yes Valerie, you're Melissa's older sister. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Simon was close by and he overheard the exchange. He started laughing uncontrollably. Simon had a very high, effeminate laugh that was more giggle than laugh. And when Simon laughed everyone in the salon heard him. Stefanie looked around and saw everyone looking at her.

"Did I do something?" she asked.

Even Valerie had to smile briefly. "No you didn't," Valerie said. "It's nice to meet you Stefanie. Please excuse me I have work to do," and she walked away.

Stefanie felt the ice. "Is there a problem?" she asked Melissa.

"Not at all," Melissa said with a smile. She thought the 'older sister' comment had been very funny. Melissa handed Stefanie off to Sandy who was in the process of filling bottles and replacing capes and towels. Stefanie spent half an hour helping Sandy, and then ended up at the front desk talking with Rose. Simon saw that she was free so he called her over. He had Stefanie hand her curlers as he proceeded to wind up a young girl's hair for a permanent.

Simon chatted with Stefanie and asked her lots of questions and told a few of his off-color jokes. Simon was pure joy to be around. He was fifty-ish, small and thin, and still had a full head of hair. He dressed a bit on the loud side. Simon's life partner was Allen, the very same Allen that had taught music to Kimmay many years ago. As they talked, Stefanie noticed some of the pictures around Simon's station.

"Is that a picture of you and Krysallis?"

Simon was very proud of that picture. "Absolutely. I was giving her a few pointers in that picture. She became a big star after that," he giggled. Stefanie pointed to another picture. "I'd like to tell you that I was giving her a new style, but actually that picture was posed. As were these two over here. But in this one here, she really was leering at me. She's still in love with my booty."

Stefanie laughed. "I'm impressed. That must have been a great honor meeting Krysallis."

"Trust me, the honor was all hers." His girl started giggling. "Careful you, I might frizz you up beyond all recognition." She laughed even harder.

"I'm serious, Simon. She was so beautiful."

"What do you mean was? She is still the most beautiful woman in the world. I mean, I could make her even better, but I will have you know, I've done her hair more than once."

"You're kidding."

"Me? Never happens. But Krysallis comes here every now and then. On a serious note, second to me she is the reason this salon has such a rep. She came here when we first opened and she spent two days doing TV and radio shows. She pulled in the newspapers and gave interviews and put us on the map immediately. And she did every bit of it free."

"I'm impressed."

"You should be," Simon joked.

"Why does she come here?"

"She's good friends with … oops, I mean … uhm …the owner."

"Really? Who is the owner?"

Simon was thinking as fast as he could, "Well she's not here right now," and he quickly turned back to his client.

They chatted idly for a few more minutes than Stefanie asked, "With the owner absent, who's in charge?"

"Oh, that would be Valerie. She handles all the day-to-day operations."

It was like a light came on in Stefanie's head. "Oh, that explains it," she said.

"What are you talking about girl?" Simon asked as he picked up a soda for a sip.

"Well I always wondered how Melissa ended up here. Now I know. Her sister got her the job, right?"

Simon spit soda all over the floor. He started laughing so hard that soda came out his nose. Activity in the salon came to a halt as everyone stared at Simon. George rushed over and pounded him on his back. "Are you alright?" George asked.

When he stopped laughing he said, "Yea. Yea, I'm ok now. I'll explain later," and he winked at George.


Stefanie had an enjoyable day. Melissa would pull her aside every once in a while and remind her to cross her legs when sitting, or hold her elbows tighter, or check her makeup. "How are your feet holding up? Can you feel those heels in your calf muscles?" They ate lunch in the break room with Marci and George. They took an afternoon coke break with Simon and Sandy. Melissa kept Stefanie busy until late in the afternoon.

As the day was winding down, Melissa took Stefanie to Gabrielle's and had her clean off her makeup. Melissa applied the laser dye to Stefanie's face and chest, and then let Stefanie kick back and relax for an hour while the dye saturated her hair follicles. Rose gave Stefanie her laser treatment just before she left for the day.

Stefanie was whipped, but happy. Melissa led Stefanie upstairs as Valerie closed up accounts, locked up and drove off to her new home with Gary. When they reached the apartment, they both kicked off their shoes. "Go clean up and put on some comfortable clothes. We can have a bite to eat and then I'll take you home."

"Home? Why do I have to go home? Can't I stay here?"

"What about moving your stuff over here?"

"Why can't we make a run over to my house in the morning, after mom leaves for work? I don't have much left to move. One or two more mornings and I'll be done."

"I hadn't thought," mused Melissa. "Well in that case, let's get very comfortable. Go put on a negligee and robe. Let's get into TV mode. Unless you want to do some vacuuming or cleaning?"

After dinner they turned on the TV and curled up together on the couch. "Since you're now living here, why don't we have George color your hair tomorrow?"

"I'd like that."

Melissa leaned over and pressed her lips against Stefanie's. Melissa's hand caressed Stefanie's chest and pinched her nipple. "Oooh," Stefanie moaned.

"As soon as we finish your laser treatments, we can glue your breast forms on. You can wear them for four or five days at a time. You'll love it."

"Yes I will. I'm going to love being a girl and living here with you."

"Yes you are," Melissa agreed as she slid her hand up Stefanie's thigh and reached her panties. She reached inside and began stroking her nails along the length of Stefanie's stiff erection.


The rest of the week was used to finish moving Luke and preparing Stefanie for her new job. George dyed her hair a luxurious medium brown and then added highlights of red ginger. With her hair hanging straight down the red looked a bit streaky, but after Simon permed her hair, the highlights made her curls sparkle. Her hair looked beautiful, just as George and Simon said it would. In afternoon sessions Rose finished removing all of her facial and chest hair. And by Saturday she had a golden tan. Melissa helped Stefanie pick a different set of colors for her makeup and by the time she was ready for her Saturday night out she was stunning.

Melissa had Stefanie wear a long red gown with a slit up to her thigh. She wore three-inch, red stiletto heels and a slave bracelet around her ankle. Her nails were painted the same color as her dress and she had several gold bracelets to set off her delicate hands. A girl as stunning as Stefanie needed to be captured on film, and Melissa spent almost an hour photographing her. Betsy swooned when she saw the pictures and her new daughter.

Saturday was a special night. They had been invited to a concert at the Milwaukee Civic Center. They sat in the manager's VIP suite with Valerie and her fiancι Gary. It was a little peace offering from Valerie to her mom. They had a grand time with Stefanie being the jewel of the suite. Gary knew the circumstances concerning Stefanie and he was very impressed, and just a little envious.

During intermission, Gary introduced the three girls to various civic leaders and dignitaries. Stefanie caught the eye of men and women alike, and she found herself the center of attention more often than not. Her one-week crash course in feminine deportment served her well. She even received a half-serious proposition from a half-inebriated celebrity.

Saturday night served as a fine graduation for Stefanie, and when she and Melissa returned home, she received the best gift imaginable. Melissa sent her off to her room to clean off her makeup and slip into something 'naughty'. Stefanie had glued on breast forms, so she could remove her bra and still keep her curvaceous figure. With her fresh permanent, golden tan and manicured nails she was a vision of beauty and grace. Standing in front of Melissa as if for inspection, she was an irresistible enticement. Melissa couldn't resist and neither could Stefanie.

The two of them found their way to Stefanie's bedroom where they took turns slowly removing their revealing negligees. Melissa went first, slowly peeling away Stefanie's lace and silk while she placed strategic kisses over her entire body. She even took her hands and bounced Stefanie's new breasts so that Stefie could feel their weight tugging at her chest. Her hands slid across Stefanie's smooth skin and ended at her penis, which she caressed and stroked until Stefanie was on the verge of an explosion. Then she stepped back and invited Stefanie to reciprocate.

Stefanie was willing and eager to return Melissa's endearing touch. She untied bows and slid Melissa's babydoll over her smooth body as she lifted it over Melissa's head. This left the two of them face-to-face and breast-to-breast. Stefanie embraced Melissa and kissed her with all the passion of her body. She pushed her faux breasts against Melissa's real ones, and she pressed her penis against the pubic hair surrounding Melissa's nest. Melissa broke their kiss and whispered, "I want you between my legs you sexy nymph. Tonight you learn to make love like a real woman."


On Monday morning Stefanie was on her own. She showered and towel dried her hair, and then let it air dry into a beautiful mass of curls. Stefanie needed to merely use her fingers to push her curls into their final position. Sitting in front of her vanity in just her satin robe and panties, she painted her face. Her breast forms weren't wrapped in a brassiere and they jiggled up and down as she moved around while applying her mascara and lipstick. Stefanie thought it was the sexiest feeling imaginable. 'Wouldn't it be nice to have real ones?' she dreamed.

When she was satisfied with her makeup, she removed her robe and put her arms through the straps of her underwire bra. Stefanie positioned her breasts inside the cups and then reached behind her and clasped the hooks. She put on a fresh camisole followed by a padded girdle and sun-tan hose. Today was a special day, so it required a special dress; a flouncy babydoll print dress made with rayon. The dress was feminine and flirty but still commanded an aura of business-woman respect. The print was a light pink in tone, had long bell sleeves and the hem ended an inch above the knee. The shirred bodice accented Stefanie's thin waist and ample bosom. There was no doubt that it was the perfect dress for the perfect first day.

She put on her medium sized hoop earrings and a simple necklace. She decided to keep her look clean and simple, so she left off her rings and bracelets. The ideal finish was her new signature fragrance. She twirled around in front of her mirror and pronounced herself beautiful and cute beyond imagination. It was time to receive her inspection.

With her purse slung over her shoulder and her brown-bag lunch in hand, she descended the back stairs to find Melissa. Melissa had an early appointment and the client was already sitting in the styling chair with her wet hair. Melissa was pulling a comb through the woman's vibrant red locks when Stefanie made her entrance.

"Stefanie you are a vision of beauty," Simon exclaimed in a loud voice. "Who is the genius that did your hair?"

She walked by George's station on the way to Melissa. She stopped and did a pirouette for George, her hem twirling up and around her. "Be careful beautiful girl, you are going to blind the cameras today," he warned her.

She stopped in front of Melissa, "Stefanie here for inspection, madam."

"Excuse me," she apologized to her client. She took Stefanie by the arm and walked her to the back door. She carefully inspected Stefanie from top to bottom. "You did a wonderful job dressing. The only comment that I have concerns your eye shadow. Tonight when you get home, remind me to show you how to blend the shadow into the crease of your lid. Now, remember to check you makeup every so often, cross your legs when sitting, and always listen rather than speak." She gave her a hug and sent her off to her first day of work.


The bell above the door gave a tinkle as Stefanie entered. It was a small lobby located on the second floor of an old building in the Lavender Zone of Milwaukee. Stefanie walked to a small desk while she waited for Simone to come forward. Simone must have been busy, because it took several minutes for her to come up front.

"Hi, Ms. Kitto," Stefanie said.

"Stefanie? Oh my God! You are the prettiest thing that I have ever seen! What a dress! Oh shit, you are going to give all the boys a hard-on," and she began laughing loudly. Stefanie was shocked by Simone's language and she blushed.

"Welcome, welcome. Come on back, let's get you settled in. Is that your lunch in that bag? Does it need to be refrigerated? It does? There is a small fridge over there behind the counter. You can store it there. Damn you look pretty. Did you color your hair?"

She finally paused long enough for Stefanie to answer, "Yes Ms. Kitto. It's a new color."

"Pssst," Simone hissed. "Don't call me Ms. Kitto. My name is Simone and that is all that I will answer to. You got a perm too, didn't you?" Simone reached out and felt one of Stefanie's curls. "It's wonderful. It makes you look so cute that I could just hug you. Who did it?"


"Of course it was Simon. He is without equal when it comes to making the cutest girls on this planet. Well are you ready to start? Good! Come this way and I'll explain what we are going to do this week. This weekend starts our really busy season and I need to have you up and running on two different cameras by then. Today you start with the video-cam."

And the lesson began. Simone was intent on teaching Stefanie how to be a great commercial photographer. She handed Stefanie the camera and stepped behind her. She reached around Stefanie and pointed out the different parts and buttons and how to hold it and how to move with it. She pointed out all the details while at the same time managing to touch and rub and caress Stefanie.

Simone explained that she normally didn't work on Monday, because they would be working most of the summer weekends. But she wanted to get Stefanie up and running by the weekend. Stefanie's first assignment was to follow Simone around the studio, shooting Simone while she was working and explaining what she was doing to Stefanie. After half an hour she stopped Stefanie and they reviewed her tape. Simone pointed out all of her mistakes, then gave her a video from her last wedding. She sat Stefanie in the cutting room and had her watch the video. Simone walked in once in a while and leaned over Stefanie's shoulder to point out a detail on the tape. Simone always managed to rub her arm or breast against Stefanie. She would pull on one of Stefanie's curls and compliment her over and over how pretty her hair and her makeup and her dress were. "What is that fragrance you are wearing? It is heavenly. It fits you perfectly," she told Stefanie.

"Ok, grab the camera, think about what you just saw and follow me. Shoot me while I explain how we crop pictures."

The entire day proceeded thusly. Stefanie shot and Simone critiqued. Stefanie did have some talent, and she caught on quickly.

"Lunch," Simone declared. "You brought your lunch today right? What do you have?

"I brought a bologna sandwich and a pasta salad."

"With white bread too, I'll bet. I used to be like you," Simone said wistfully. "I used to be able to eat anything I wanted. But that bitch Mother Nature caught up with me. Listen Stefanie, I usually work through lunch and I expect you to also. That being the case, I'll buy lunch from now on. I usually order in, salads and soups, Chinese once in a while. Is that ok with you?"


"Good, now let's look at this tape I took a couple of weeks ago. It was all indoors and the lighting was the worst I have ever had to work with."


It had been a great day for Stefanie. The day had been intense, Simone was intent on making sure that Stefanie learned as much as possible as fast as possible, so it had been a fast paced day. But it was great. Simone was a wonderful person and she obviously liked Stefanie. Stefanie would have no problems pretending she was a real girl.

Stefanie came bouncing in the front door of 'Lissa's and floated over to Melissa's station.

"Hi sweetie, how was your first day?"

"Heavenly. It was intense, but great. I spent all day learning to run a video camera. I shot pictures and then we critiqued my work. Then I looked at tapes, then I shot more footage and then we critiqued it again and we did it over and over and over. I learned a lot."

"That's great. Any problems?"

"None. Simone is really cool. We hit it off together just great. I felt so comfortable, it was like being with you all day."

"That's great. Listen, I have about another hour or so here. I have a roast in the oven, so can you go in the pantry, find some potatoes, and peel and boil them? I'll show you how to make mashed potatoes tonight. Since we're going to have gravy, we have to have mashed 'taters," Melissa smiled.

Stefanie started trotting off to home, but she had to pass Simon and George's stations on the way. She stopped and addressed the duo, "Guys, you're the greatest. Simone loved my hair. She couldn't keep her hands to herself. She must have told me about a hundred times how nice my hair was. You guys are phenomenal," and she left for home.

Simon shot a questioning glance at George and he gave a shrug as if to say, 'I don't know.' Melissa overheard the entire conversation.

Tuesday morning Stefanie decided to be even more daring than the previous day. She wore a plaid miniskirt in a dark gray, and a ribbed sweater in light gray. In addition, she went with black stockings and heels an inch higher than the previous day's. She had beautiful legs and Simone certainly appreciated them.

"Stefanie, I didn't think it was possible for you to dress any sexier than yesterday, but you certainly fooled me. Wow! You have gorgeous legs. Not only are you going to give all the boys a hard-on, you're going to give them an aneurysm. Their blood pressure is going to hit the roof," she said with a large smile.

Tuesday was frame camera day. Simone handed Stefanie a large-format professional camera and ran through the same routine as the day before. When the day was over, Stefanie had been filled full of compliments and confidence. Again, she did have some talent and she picked up the basic concepts quickly. By the end of the day she was shooting nice, not great, but nice action shots of Simone working around the studio.

Simone bought Chinese for them and they spent the lunch hour reviewing still pictures from Simone's last wedding. It was a lesbian wedding and there were two brides and two sets of bridesmaids. "Aren't they beautiful?" Simone said. "They both have the most delicious dresses. I love to see two women in love. Stefanie, do you have a boy friend?"

Stefanie stammered just a bit and said, "No."

"Me neither," Simone said with a large, pleasant smile.


Stefanie returned to the salon after work and greeted Melissa. "How was your day?" Melissa asked.

"Great, pretty much like yesterday except I was learning on a still-frame today."

"Everything go ok?"

"Oh sure. I must be getting good at dressing," she whispered to Melissa.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because Simone loved my outfit. She said I'm going to give all the boys a hard-on," and she giggled. As Melissa sent Stefanie up to start dinner, Simon and George shot each other questioning glances.


The battle began in earnest on Wednesday. Stefanie dressed even more provocatively, wearing a very short mini skirt and a tight, sleeveless blouse. Stefanie was going down the same route that Melissa had many years ago. Her ego was testing her wow power, and she was pushing her limits. Melissa knew that she would eventually have to reel Stefanie back to Earth.

Stefanie came home that night with a small brown bag. "What do you have?" Melissa asked.

"It's a text book on nude photography."


"Yea. Today I started studio shoots. I did nude shots today. I'm going to study this book tonight, and we'll try some different techniques tomorrow."

"So you actually were shooting a nude today?"

"Yep. It was very interesting. Fun!"

"Where did you get the model?"

"Simone posed for me. First she stripped her top, and talked me through a few shots. We reviewed those and tried a few more. She does a lot of bedroom and glamour photo shoots for women looking for something to titillate their boyfriends and husbands. So we worked on those for a while, and then at the end of the day we did a bit of full nudity. It was cool."

"And Simone was the model?"

"Yea. For an older woman, she was pretty good."

"I've got a pot roast in the crock pot, can you go check on it? I'll be another hour or better, so try and time everything for then, ok?"

"Sure," and Stefanie started off, but Melissa called her back.

Melissa pointed to her own cheek and asked, "Stefie, what's that on your cheek?"

Stefanie took a quick look in Melissa's mirror and said, "Oh. Simone gave me a little kiss when I left. I guess it must be a little of her lipstick," and she rubbed it off.

Stefanie left for the apartment and Melissa turned towards her mirror. Both Simon and George had overheard their conversation and they could easily see Melissa's jaw muscles tighten. They looked at each other and grinned. The war had been joined.

Melissa yelled for Marcia, "Can you finish up here, I have something to do," and Melissa did something that she never did; she turned a client over to someone else.

Simon and George grinned even more.


Melissa walked into the office, plopped herself behind her desk and ordered, "Simone Kitto." The AV phone dialed up Simone.

"Hi, Melissa. What's up?" Simone asked.

"Hi Simone. How ya doing? I was calling to see how things were going. Is Stefanie doing alright?"

"She sure is. The girl has a lot of talent, that much is evident."

"Is she having a good time? Does she feel comfortable with you?"

"Absolutely. She's a beautiful girl and I think she has a great deal of confidence in herself. That will be important when we start shooting weddings this weekend."

"I'm glad to hear that Simone. She was telling me the same thing last night at dinner, and I just wanted to make sure. You know how little girls can get easily confused sometimes."

Simone was a little shaken, "You had dinner with Stefanie last night?"

"Of course, she lives with me. She's upstairs preparing tonight's dinner right now."

Simone recovered quickly, "That's interesting Melissa. I wouldn't have taken her for the domestic type."

The bitch was fighting back! Now Melissa was really pissed. "She has more talents than you can imagine, Simone. She's a remarkable young thing. Full of energy." Before Simone could respond Melissa said, "Well thanks for taking time to talk with me. I appreciate the update," and she clicked off. Then she smashed her fist on the desk.

At dinner Melissa pumped Stefanie for every detail about her day. After learning about Simone's treachery Melissa formulated a plan. "Stefanie, I'd be very interested in seeing some of your work. Can you bring some of your pictures home tomorrow night?"

"I guess so. I don't think Simone would mind. I'll ask her just to be safe."

"No. That's ok. If you have to ask for Simone's permission, then it probably isn't such a good idea." Melissa took a deep breath and sighed. She looked down at her plate and pushed her food around with her fork. She let her shoulders sag as she stalled for a couple more moments. "It's just … well … I was just interested is all." She looked at Stefanie with the saddest eyes that she could muster. "It was just that I was really interested in seeing how my lover was progressing. I'm rather interested in your career, if you know what I mean."

It worked. Melissa laid more than enough guilt on Stefanie. That was something mothers were good at, and Melissa was after all a mother!

The next morning Melissa met Stefanie on her way to her morning shower. "Hi sweetie." They kissed. "How about I pick you up after work and we have dinner? Ok?"

"That would be great. I usually finish around five," Stefanie said.

"I know," Melissa said. "Hey, uhm one other thing. I was thinking of having dinner down by the lake, outside. It will be cool, so why don't we break the rules just this one time and have you wear jeans. Ok?"

"I guess that would be ok."

"Great. And don't forget those pictures, sweetheart. I'd be disappointed if you didn't bring some of them home with you."

Melissa was on pins and needles the rest of the day. She actually got huffy with one of their vendors during the day. Melissa never got angry, and the entire staff was wondering what had happened. Simon and George had it all figured out, and by the end of the day everyone else knew. That was the nice thing about a small office; there were no secrets.

Things were a bit tougher for Simone. She had to be a bit more circumspect. Melissa was bankrolling her little project and she had to respect that. That was business. But the rest of the situation wasn't business. As some idiot had said many years earlier, 'All's fair in love and war'. This wasn't exactly war, but Stefanie was a hot little property. She was too hot to just let go. Simone heaped praise and physical contact on Stefanie all day long. She took Stefanie to a local pub for lunch and even bought her a small glass of wine.

Simone had played the nude model for Stefanie in the morning. She talked Stefanie through all of the shots and dropped in as many double entendres as she thought she could get away with. In the afternoon she asked Stefanie to pose for her. There was no nudity of course. That wasn't possible, but Simone wanted to show Stefanie how to make someone look as sexy and glamorous as possible. First hand experience on the other side of the lens would serve her well later. And it gave Stefanie an opportunity to perform for Simone.

It was a stressful day, but Simone was happy at the end of the day. She thought she had won more than a few points with Stefanie. Then Melissa showed up. Melissa and Stefanie hugged and gave each other a little kiss on the cheek. While Simone was watching the entire affair, Melissa grabbed Stefanie's butt and pulled her crotch into her own.

After grinding their pelvises together for a few moments, Melissa walked over to Simone and shook hands. "Hi Mrs. Kitto. It's nice to meet you. Stefanie has told me so much about you." The 'Mrs.' was a nice touch. It helped conjure up an image of an older woman.

Simone was polite to Melissa only because she had to be.

"Well we have a dinner engagement so we need to get going. It was nice meeting you Mrs. Kitto," and Melissa grinned as they left.

Over dinner Melissa made damn sure that she got Stefanie's pictures of Simone. Nude, semi-nude or covered in a chador it no longer mattered. Simone would no longer be making any moves on Stefanie. When they reached home Melissa made her excuses and went downstairs to her office where she e-mailed a couple of the pictures to Simone. She added a short note, 'Stefanie was happy to share a sample of her work with me. I can see that she is progressing along quite well. She made you look very nice in these pictures. Thanks for helping us both on this project.'

Melissa was happy with herself when she went to bed.


That was the end of Simone's moves on Stefanie. Fortunately, Simone was a good businesswoman, as well as a good loser. She showed none of her frustration to Stefanie. And things worked out well for all parties. Stefanie had her job and Simone had a talented and pretty assistant at a reasonable cost. Stefanie's beauty was useful in their occupation and Simone taught her how to use it to their advantage.





Stefanie had been living fulltime as a girl for a couple of weeks and enjoying her life as never before. But Luke's mother was not as happy. Melissa was keeping Betsy updated on Luke's progress and she had new pictures every time they met. But Betsy missed having her child at home and to make matters worse she wasn't seeing Luke at all. Now that he had converted his appearance to a beautiful female, he could hardly go home and show his mother. Eventually he would have to cross that bridge, and he knew it. But he wasn't ready yet.

Betsy and Melissa were talking on the phone one afternoon when Betsy brought up her frustration. "He looks beautiful in these pictures, but I would really like to see him and talk to him." She still referred to her child as him.

Melissa had a suggestion. Betsy was thrilled with the idea and they quickly worked out the details. Betsy was going to see her 'daughter' on Sunday.


Saturday was Stefanie's first wedding and reception shoot. It went well, but it was a long day. Being her first professional job it was nerve-wracking and consumed a lot of her nervous energy and emotions. But she felt proud of her efforts at the end of the day. Because she was exhausted, Melissa and Stefanie decided to stay in and relax. Both girls had ulterior motives for staying home; Melissa wanted to reinforce her relationship with Stefanie, and Stefanie just wanted to get laid. Melissa took advantage of the situation and continued Stefanie's education in how to make a woman scream in ecstasy.

Sunday they were awake relatively early and they had a leisurely breakfast. Melissa suggested they get dressed in their finest Sunday dresses and do a bit of shopping and maybe stroll through a museum or park. It was turning into a beautiful, sunny summer day.

They started at the mall and strolled along checking out the girl's hair and clothing fashions, and the boy's butts. As they reached the end of their loop a voice called out, "Melissa! Hi Melissa." It was Stefanie's mother.

Melissa beamed a large smile at her and with a bit of formality said, "Hello Mrs. Culver, how are you?"

"Please don't call me Mrs. Culver, Melissa. My first name is Betsy, call me Betsy."

"Well Betsy what are you up to today?"

"I'm bored. I got lonely at home and I needed to find something to do. So of course, what else would a woman do but go shopping? Are you here all alone? Isn't Luke with you?"

"Luke had to work today. Most of their photo shoots tend to be weekend stuff. But I'm not alone, this is my friend Stefanie."

The trap had been sprung. Stefanie tried to slink behind Melissa and hide, but Melissa stepped out of the way. "Hi Stefanie," Betsy said as she held out her hand. "It's a real pleasure to meet you."

They shook hands but Stefanie merely smiled and said nothing.

"You are especially pretty Stefanie. I love your hair. Those curls are gorgeous. They fit your face perfectly. Can I ask who does your hair?"

"Simon, he works at 'Lissa's."

"I know where 'Lissa's is. That's a high-end salon. They have a great reputation and now I can see why. Tell me just between us girls, do you color your hair?"

"Yes, I had it colored at 'Lissa's also."

"You made a good choice. That color goes very nicely with you complexion and eyes." Betsy smiled at Stefanie and then turned to Melissa. "So do you have anything planned for the day?"

"Not really, were wide open." Melissa felt a sharp elbow poke her in the back. She grinned at Betsy as she asked "How about you?"

"I was thinking of having lunch and then doing some shopping or maybe check out a museum. Would you join me for lunch? I'm paying."

"Sure, why not? We have nothing else to do. Is that ok with you Stefanie?"

Betsy and Melissa both looked at Stefanie. What else could she say but 'Yes'?

"I know a very nice restaurant not far from here, I'll drive." When they reached the car Melissa quickly grabbed the back seat so Stefanie had to take the front. As they drove to the restaurant Betsy made small talk with Stefanie, "Stefanie what do you do? Do you go to school or do you work?"

"I work." Stefanie was trying to keep her answers as short as possible. She didn't want to give her mother a chance to recognize her voice.

"That's nice, what do you do?"

"I'm a photographer."

"How interesting, that's what my son Luke does."

"How long have you been working as a photographer? Do you like it? What kind of photos do you take?" Betsy did a good job of keeping her new daughter talking about herself, and Stefanie tried to answer in the shortest sentences possible. When they reached the restaurant Betsy led them inside and asked for a table for three.

They sat down and all of them ordered a soda. Betsy decided to make things interesting, "Stefanie you look familiar to me, have we ever met?"

"I don't think so," she answered nervously.

"Where did you go to high school?"

"In Waukesha," a suburb of Milwaukee.

"Well you were probably in school at the same time as my son. Did you ever meet Luke Culver?"

Betsy enjoyed watching her son squirm. But even more than that, she enjoyed looking at her new daughter. Betsy had seen many pictures and knew that Stefanie was pretty, but in person she could see that Stefanie was more than just attractive, she was beautiful. After teasing Luke and make him squirm, she decided to compliment Stefanie about her beauty.

Betsy started with Melissa, "You two sure are dressed nicely today. I don't see nearly enough girls wearing pretty dresses like you two. Melissa I think you look very nice today. I'm sure that Luke would love to be with you." Betsy turned to Stefanie and said, "Luke and Melissa are dating you know. They make a very nice couple, and I am really happy for Luke. I don't think he could have found anyone in the world better than Melissa to be his girlfriend. She is one of a kind." Melissa smiled in thanks.

"But you are in an entirely different league Stefanie. I don't think that I have ever met a young lady as beautiful and as poised as you. I mean that. Gosh, I am just infatuated with your hair! I know you color it, but it is just perfect for you. And your style is so cute I think you would beat puppies in a cuteness contest." Betsy laughed and reached for her soda. She wanted Stefanie to have a chance to think about what she had just said. By now it should have been evident to Stefanie that Betsy did not recognize her. At least that was the plan.

"So Stefanie, do you have a boy friend?"

"No, I don't," she answered softly.

"Maybe a girlfriend?" and Betsy gave her a warm, understanding smile.

Stefanie was at a loss for words so she shrugged her shoulders and smiled. Betsy gave a little nod as if to say that she knew what Stefanie was thinking. The waitress came over and took their orders and refilled their sodas.

Melissa decided to join the fray, "Betsy, are you keeping Luke's old room open or are you going to rent it out?"

"So far it's still there, but I don't think I'm going to need to hold it open. How are you two getting along anyway? Any problems?"

"None what so ever. I would suggest that you rent out his room and make a few bucks."

"How is he as a roommate? Is he holding up his end of your agreement?"

"Yea, he's doing fine."

Betsy gave her a frown. "Are you sure? He didn't do much cleaning when he was at home, and I don't think I ever saw him cook. I'd be afraid to let him boil water. He'd probably burn it." The two girls laughed and Stefanie gave a feeble grin.

"Actually I have him doing some of the cooking now. He made mash potatoes the other night and I have had him supervise some roasts."

"Really?" Betsy asked as if incredulous. "My Luke? Are you sure you don't have an impostor living with you?"

Melissa laughed at Betsy's play on words. Betsy was cleverer than Melissa realized. Betsy turned to Stefanie, "Stefanie can you cook?"

Stefanie was miffed at the fun they were having at her expense. "Yes, I can. I may not be as good as my mother, but I can carry my own."

"Who can equal her mother in the kitchen?" Betsy asked playfully. "But I believe you Stefanie. You are an impressive girl, not only are you beautiful, but you can cook. You'll make someone a precious wife some day." Betsy turned to Melissa, "Maybe you should trade Luke for Stefanie," and she laughed at her joke. Melissa laughed too. Stefanie smiled but said nothing.

The rest of the meal went the same way. Betsy alternated between complimenting Stefanie and teasing her. But she addressed Melissa and Luke's relationship seriously. She did her best to make sure that Stefanie realized that Betsy was happy that Luke was dating and living with Melissa. One thing Betsy did not tease them about was their love life.

When the meal was over, Betsy suggested that they go to the ladies room and freshen up. Melissa accepted but Stefanie declined. When they reached the ladies room the two girls hugged each other and had a quiet giggle. "That was more fun than I anticipated," Betsy said. "But on a serious note Melissa, you have done a fantastic job with her. Her! Listen to me. I've accepted the fact that my son is now the beautiful and talented Stefanie. Thank you Melissa. You have made me very happy today."

"I'm glad we could do it, Betsy. I bet Stefanie is too." They did their chores and met at the sinks as they both freshened their makeup. "These are for you, the latest," and Melissa slid a package of pictures to Betsy. "What should we do now?"

"I think you two should have the rest of the day together. I had a great time and I enjoyed seeing both of you, but now I think I should give Stefanie her space. Maybe we can do this again?"


When they returned to the table they found Stefanie waiting for them. She had re-applied her lipstick and looked as pretty as ever. "It was wonderful seeing you Melissa, and it was a genuine pleasure meeting you Stefanie."

"Are you leaving?" Melissa asked.

"Yes, I should get home and do the laundry. Say hello to Luke and tell him I miss him."

"I will."

"Take care, both of you," and Betsy left. Melissa sat down next to Stefanie and watched her, letting her have the first opportunity to speak.

"Whew! That was the most nerve-wracking meal I've ever had."

"She didn't recognize you," Melissa said.

"I know," Stefanie blurted out. "Can you believe that?"

"She thought you were very pretty, beautiful in fact. She loved your hair."

"She did, didn't she?" and Stefanie smiled. "That was amazing wasn't it?"

"She misses you too."

"I know."

"Somehow you have to figure out a way to see her more often."

"Yea, I know."

"You could always tell her the truth. I think she would accept you."

Stefanie shuddered and shook her head no. "I don't think so."

"She liked Stefanie. How can she not like the pretty boy under the makeup? Especially if it is her son. Think about."

"I will."

"In the meanwhile, let's go shopping and try on girly clothes."


With Melissa's encouragement and harassment, Stefanie did think about it. It was half way through the week when Stefanie finally admitted that she did miss her mother. "Why don't we invite her to Sunday dinner?" Melissa suggested. "You can cook a chicken, no better yet a turkey. We can use it for left-overs next week. But you can cook it and prove to your mother that Stefanie is a great cook. What do you think?"

"I'm still worried about telling my mother. It scares the boobs off me."

"Stefanie, sooner or later you have to tell her - at least you should tell her. And this is the best place to do it. You will be on your home turf, and if there is any problem you have the upper hand. Think about it, please?"

"I'll think about it."

The next morning was Thursday and Stefanie had thought about it. "Melissa, I've decide I'll do it. Can I call my mom and inviter her over for Sunday? I'll cook the turkey and I'll make smashed taters and I'll cook whatever else you show me. Is that ok?"

"That's perfect Stefie. And let me tell you something confidentially; don't worry. We already know your mom likes your alter-ego. She loved Stefanie. I think when she sees you underneath she will be very pleased."

Sunday morning Stefanie was up at dawn. She had bought a fifteen-pound turkey and she cleaned it up and put it in the oven. Then she peeled five pounds of potatoes and dropped them in a pot of water. Stefie set the pot on the stove where they would be ready to go later. Melissa had suggested French bread and peas and cranberries, and all those things could be handled later.

Stefanie returned to her bathroom and took a shower and began her preparations for the day. She fluffed out her curls and put on her makeup, being especially careful when outlining her lips. She took a small brush and brushed on her lipstick, and then she applied a layer of gloss. Her lips looked sumptuous. After spraying herself with a bit too much perfume, she got dressed. She had bought a special calico dress that ended at mid calf, had a shirred waist, and long sleeves that looked as good off her shoulders as on. That meant that she had to wear a strapless bra, which was no problem with her breast forms freshly glued to her chest. The dress had a low elasticized neckline that she could pull up above her busts. It was very 'old-fashioned' but Stefanie made it work. She wore drop earrings with lots of glittery cubic zirconiums. The piece-de-resistance was her velvet neckband with the cameo. Stefie looked as cute as one of those proverbial puppies.

Stefanie was already dressed and setting the dining room table when Melissa wandered out of her bedroom. She complimented Stefanie on her motivation, poured herself a cup of coffee and disappeared back into her bedroom.

Melissa wasn't heard from for another hour. When she returned to the land of the nervous, she was wearing an identical style dress. While Stefanie had a floral print, Melissa had an all white dress. Her hair was in curlers and she didn't have her makeup on yet. "You got an early start sweetheart. I can smell that turkey already. Do you need any help?"

"Do you have any Prozac?"

"Nope. Don't worry, everything will be fine," and she gave Stefanie a little kiss, so as not to muss Stefanie's lipstick. "I'm going to get the paper," and Melissa disappeared down the back stairs. Melissa wandered around the house, reading the paper, finishing her hair and makeup and watering the houseplants that she had forgotten for three days. She kept a low profile, but a careful eye on Stefanie. She wandered in and out of the kitchen to offer a few words of encouragement and to keep an eye on the fixin's. Stefanie was doing an excellent job and Melissa had little need to contribute.

By noon the paper had been read and put away, and Melissa had cleaned up the rest of the usual living room mess. In the kitchen the smell was delicious and over-powering. Stefanie was ready to rip the turkey apart and start without her mother. Her pulse rate was pushing a hundred and little beads of sweat were popping out on her forehead. The kitchen wasn't that hot.

Precisely at noon the doorbell rang. Melissa went downstairs to welcome Betsy. They came up the back steps and opened the door into the kitchen. "It smells wonderful in here," Betsy said. As she entered the kitchen she saw Stefanie standing in front of the oven looking at her. "You look gorgeous Stefanie," she said as she walked over to Stefanie and gave her a tight hug. While she still had Stefanie in a hug she whispered in her ear, "Darling you look beautiful. You've come a long way in such a short time. I'm really proud of you."

Stefanie gently pushed her mother away and held her at arms length. "Mom, it's me Luke."

Betsy took a finger and held it over Stefanie's lips to shush her. "No, you're wrong. You are not Luke. You are Stefanie. And I am so proud of you," and Betsy grabbed her in another hug and planted a kiss on her cheek. Stefanie looked at Melissa with wide-open eyes as if she had just had the surprise of her life.

When Betsy had finished hugging her new daughter Stefanie asked, "Mom, you knew it was me?"

"Of course I did silly."

"When? How?"

"The minute I set eyes on you last Sunday. A mother always knows her child, sweetie. It doesn't matter if he's a cute boy or an ultra-pretty girl. She always knows her baby and she always loves her."

Stefanie was still a bit stunned. "And this is alright with you? I mean dressing as a girl?"

"Of course it is. You look so beautiful and happy how could I not be happy also? But one thing dear, please stop saying 'dressing as a girl'. As far as I'm concerned you are a girl. Be a girl Stefanie, don't just dress like one."

"Thanks mom," and Stefanie was smiling from ear to ear.

Betsy turned to Melissa and took a package from her, "Here Stefanie, I brought you a house warming gift."

"What?" Stefanie took the gaily-wrapped box and sat at the kitchen table to open it. She lifted off the top and unfolded the tissue to see her gift. "Mother!" she said scandalously. "What is this?" Stefanie picked up a pink thong panty and held it up for Melissa to see.

Melissa made oohing sounds.

Stefanie took out a lacy pink underwire brassier and a lacy pink garter belt. Underneath the tissue was a pink babydoll negligee and pink stockings. It was a matching set of pink and lace and flimsy see through silk. It was sexy and feminine and perfect. "Thanks mom," Stefanie said as she placed everything back in the box. "How did you know what size to buy?"

"I'm pretty good at guessing sizes," she bragged.

"Plus she called me after you invited her to dinner and asked me what size you wore," Melissa threw in.

Betsy took a camera out of her purse and said, "I'm going to start a scrapbook for Stefanie and I'll need pictures. Will you model your gift for us after dinner?"



Life became perfect for Stefanie that summer. Whenever her work scheduled allowed, Stefanie and Melissa met with Betsy for Sunday dinner and shopping. They even went to an amusement park and took a couple of day trips up to Door County. Three weeks after starting her new job, she shot her first lesbian wedding. Both girls wore wedding dresses and they looked radiant. Both families turned out in force and it was a large, raucous reception.

For his entire life, Luke had heard nothing but negative comments and jokes concerning people with alternative lifestyles. He was mildly surprised and very happy to see how well the wedding and reception went. All those negatives he had heard were blown away in one afternoon. It was an eye-opener for him and he was glad that he had been there as a witness.

Two weeks later was even better. A male transvestite married his beautiful wife. He wore a wedding dress and looked very nice. It was a smaller wedding, but again both families and friends attended. Stefanie was infatuated with the brides and wedding party and shot more pictures than she was supposed to. It was another fun event.

"How do you manage to get these types of weddings?" she asked Simone.

"What types are you referring to," she wanted to know.


"That's the niche that I serve. We are located in the Lavender Zone of the city for a reason. I advertise and cater to the GLBT community. That's whom I serve. Do you have a problem with this?"

"Oh no," protested Stefanie. "Just the opposite, I love these ceremonies and these people. It's hard to put into words, but I see these people as the true spirits of our country. I think they are more real and honest than everyone else out there."

Simone smiled and congratulated Stefanie. "Wait until Thursday evening. I was going to go alone, but I think you should come with me."


"I'm going to provide glamour and portrait services at a meeting of the local Alpha-Omega Sorority. It's a social group of cross-dressers and transvestites. You should come with me. It will be loads of fun. They're a great group of girls."

Stefanie did assist Simone at the Alpha-Omega photo shoot, and after the meeting Stefanie explained her thoughts to Melissa. Melissa was impressed with Stefanie's maturity. Stefanie expressed pride in serving and helping the community and said that she wouldn't mind doing more of it. After serving the same community for almost thirty years, Melissa was thrilled to hear Stefanie make such a mature and magnanimous decision.

That conversation convinced her that Stefanie was ready to have more fun with her new lifestyle. She planned a weekend for the two of them in Chicago. Chicago was home to some of the best shopping in the world. There were plenty of museums and aquariums and lakeshore parks to visit, but they never made it to any of those sites. The biggest attraction in Chicago was The Baton Nightclub, home to the most beautiful transsexual entertainers in America. Both Friday and Saturday night the admission cost Melissa an extra hundred dollars for her underage companion to join her in front of the stage. She probably could have convinced the bouncer for less, but Melissa didn't want to take any chances.

Stefanie was in wonderland on Friday night and insisted that Melissa take her back Saturday night. The entertainers were exceptionally beautiful and exceptionally talented. They were so full of life and fun that Stefanie couldn't help but get caught up in the spirit. The girls had no shame, they obviously were very proud of their bodies and lifestyles, and they were happy to flaunt their sexuality, tell ribald jokes, flash their breasts and tease the audience.

The audience was even more fun. There were bachelorette parties both nights and the girls were having a wonderful time slipping dollar bills into garters. The audience was also full of cross-dressers and transvestites. Some of them were very convincing and talented in their own right. Between the two evening shows, they had a DJ punching up high energy dance tunes and the girls were dancing and bumping and grinding and looking so graceful and feminine that Stefanie gawked the entire evening.

Melissa did get Stefanie on the dance floor for one line dance. The rest of the dancing was beyond both Stefie's and Melissa's meager talent level. Secretly both of them decided to learn how to dance the way the other girls did those nights.

The only thing better than Batons was the assignation later each night. Both of them returned to their hotel room hornier than it was physically safe to be. The jumped into bed and ravaged each other's body. It was carnal lust with no reservations.

The weekend was another affirmation of Stefanie's new life and new direction.


Towards the end of summer Stefanie decided to discuss her future goals with Melissa. Stefanie liked her photography work, and she intended to remain a photographer, but it had become a stepping stone to something bigger in her mind. "Melissa, I've decided to quit working with Simone," she announced one evening.

"Why? What are you going to do?"

"I want to learn the publishing business. I want to get an apprentice position working with the magazine industry. Do you know anyone I could talk to?"

"I'm not sure, why do you want to go into publishing? What changed your mind?"

"Nothing changed my mind, I've just formed a more complete idea of what I want to do with my life. It's still nebulous in my mind because I don't know how to go about this. I want to promote beauty and fashion and cosmetics for men. I want to convince men in the general population to enjoy a day at the beauty salon while they get a facial or have their nails manicured."

"Interesting," mused Melissa. "Tell me more."

"I have loved living as a girl and I've seen that lots of other men agree with me. But overall we're a small minority, and in a way, an extreme minority. We want to go all the way and look and act and live as women. But I've come to the conclusion that many more men would like some of the benefits that come with being feminine, while still retaining their masculinity. The problem is society. Society polarizes everything and it especially polarizes gender. People talk about the great diversity in America and claim that it makes us strong, and then they get behind the pulpit and editorial letters and spew hate against anyone that is different. They make it so hard for people to think differently and behave differently.

"I'm convinced that if the male population was exposed to the Sybaritic joys of beauty salons and soft fragrances and clothes, and if it could be made socially acceptable, they would love their new experiences. They would flock back to those salons and spas and maybe start wearing a bit of color on their cheeks and lips. They would appreciate the softness of silk and satin against smooth, hair-free skin. They would revel in the sensations of soft curls caressing their cheeks and necks. I think men could do this; they could accept this and not lose their masculinity.

"I want men to have this option. But I'm not sure how to go about promoting the concepts. Cosmetic companies have tried for years to get men to wear colognes but they have had only limited success. The fashion houses pushed colors and nicer fabrics for years and made little headway. It was all too frilly and feminine for the macho population. But then somehow men started wearing earrings. Earrings belonged to women for years, and then all of a sudden it was ok for men to wear them. The same thing happened with some forms of necklaces. Where did that come from?"

"You have a good point, Stefanie. Something had to get it started. I think rock stars had something to do with the earrings. But I have no idea where necklaces came from. So this is what you want to promote?"

"Something like that. You've got the general idea, but it just hasn't coalesced in my mind. I'm not sure exactly what I want or how to go about it. I think publishing could contribute. I've been running some ideas through my mind. Maybe I could put together a magazine that reaches the young males. I could use the magazine to promote fashion and hairstyles for men. Or maybe I could put together a book that would list all of the salons across America that cater to the more enlightened male the way Gabrielle's does.

"I've thought of some other ideas along these lines, but the key is missing. I don't know how to get broad appeal and break through all of the old stereotypes. So while I'm still trying to determine how to do this, I've decided that I need to broaden my knowledge and skills. I think publishing, and especially visual publishing with lots of glossy and vibrant pictures, has a potential role in all of this. That's why I want to get an apprenticeship in publishing. And I also want to go to school in the evening and learn about cosmetology. If I want to promote curly hair and up swept styles, I think I need to know a little bit about how to roll up those curls."

"I'm impressed sweetie. I think you have a wonderful idea and the thought that you have put into this says a great deal about your maturity. I can help you with your cosmetology training. You don't need to get a two-year degree for what you want, so I agree with your idea about night school. There are schools that have six-month courses that limit the scope of what they cover, but give you a solid understanding of all the salon activities.

"And I can ask around the salon and see if any of the crew has any leads in the publishing industry. Gabrielle's does a lot of work in the GLBT community, so I'll put the word out there also. It might take some time so you shouldn't quit Simone's yet. But it would be good if you told her your intentions so she can start looking for your replacement. Who knows, she might even have a contact for you."





There was snow on the ground and the wind was howling through the streets of Milwaukee. Inside the doors of 'Lissa's Beauty Salon the mood was starting to turn festive. The employees were busy dawn to dusk as women prepared for their endless Christmas parties and yearend regalia. Simon and George were as always cracking jokes and teasing each other. Rose had finally retired and an enormously talented young man had been hired to replace her. The young man was not only talented, but also very irreverent. It seemed that an epidemic of practical jokes had broken out after Jimmy had been hired.

But inside Melissa's office the atmosphere was tinged with a bit of worry. Valerie was finalizing plans for her wedding and there was one big hole in the preparations. The Maid of Honor was missing. She had been missing for many months now, and no one knew where she was or when she would return. Valerie was looking for options. How could she ask someone to be in her wedding only if someone else didn't show up? It was rather crass and unfair. Melissa had a suggestion but she wasn't sure if Valerie would like it. And it came with other complications.

Those other complications were going to have to be addressed soon. Melissa was going to have to explain to Stefanie why she was the mother giving away the bride at her 'sister's' wedding. Stefanie was still operating under the assumption that Valerie was Melissa's older sister, and Melissa had procrastinated way too long on explaining her situation to Stefanie. Melissa and Stefanie were having too much fun living together, and she was worried about the effect the truth would have on their relationship. Melissa was falling in love with Stefanie, and Melissa was worried about losing Stefanie when she learned the truth.

Melissa decided that she could at least offer Valerie another option. "Sweetheart, I do have one option for you. I know someone that would love to be in your wedding, and if she had to step out at the very last second, it wouldn't bother her in the least."

"Who could possibly be that generous?" Valerie asked.

"Stefanie would love to be a substitute. She's very pretty and she is available at a minutes notice."

Valerie wrinkled her nose, "I'm not sure that I want my future step-father as my bridesmaid."

Melissa lowered her voice and Valerie could feel the pain that was there, "That was uncalled for and cruel, Valerie. She has never said or done a thing against you. I know the two of you aren't close, but she likes you very much. And I know that if you asked her to do it and explained the situation she would say yes in a second."

"I guess that was uncalled for. And it's not that I don't like Stefanie, or have anything against her, but …"

"I understand your concern Valerie. But I think I'm falling in love. I really like her and … and I'm afraid of losing her. If she left me I would be very disappointed."

Valerie again could hear the pain in her mother's voice. Valerie loved her mother and was concerned, "Why do you think she would leave you? You two are so close that I can't imagine why she would do that," Valerie said as she tried to console Melissa.

"Because I am going to have to tell her the truth, and soon. Before your wedding I have to tell her who I am, what I was and how old I really am. After I have misled her for so long, do you think she will stay with me?"

Valerie wasn't sure what would happen either. "Have you decided when you are going to tell her?"

"Tonight. I've collected my old scrapbooks and some articles about Kimmay, and I guess tonight I will have to do it."

Valerie could see the dread and impending doom in her mother's eyes. "If it will help, ask her if she will be in my wedding. But we have to get her fitted this weekend," Valerie added with a hint of urgency.

Melissa smiled and patted her daughter's hand.


Melissa left the salon early and prepared a simple meal for the two of them. She greeted Stefanie when she came home and suggested that she change into something comfortable. They had a quick meal and Melissa began to clear the table. "Stefanie, would you please stay here and just sit? I'll clear the dishes."

"You don't want me to help?"

"Please, there is something very important that we need to discuss." Stefanie sat quietly as the dishes disappeared and the table was wiped clean. "Stay right there," and Melissa left the room. She quickly returned with her arms full of scrapbooks. She placed them across the table from Stefanie, and then took the seat facing her.

Melissa said nothing, she just looked at Stefanie for a couple of seconds. "What is it?" Stefanie asked.

"Stefanie, I'm very sorry but I have been deceiving you. I have withheld some very important information from you. In a couple of weeks Valerie is getting married."

"I know. I'm looking forward to going."

Melissa decided to give her Valerie's offer right away. Maybe it would soften Melissa's news. "Would you be willing to be a standby bridesmaid?"

Stefanie's face lit up, "A bridesmaid? That would be wonderful. I would love to be in a wedding," she said excitedly.

"Wait, there is a catch. It is only if someone else can't be there."

"That's not a problem. I don't wish bad luck on anyone, but I hope she can't make it. Who is it?"

"My daughter." Stefanie's face didn't register the effect right away, but eventually her eyes started asking the logical questions. "Stefanie, Valerie isn't my older sister, she is my daughter and in two weeks I will be giving her away in marriage. My second daughter was supposed to be her maid of honor, but we don't think she will be there. My second daughter is Kimmay." Melissa paused for this all to settle in. Stefanie didn't say a word. She stared at Melissa in disbelief. She knew that Melissa was telling her the truth. She could hear it in Melissa's voice.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I thought I had valid reasons but in retrospect I lied and deceived you and I am more sorry than you can possibly imagine. But as hard as this might be for you, there is even more that you have to hear." She paused again to catch her breath. "Stefanie, I was born a male. I lived the majority of my life as a transsexual. And then something truly glorious happened to me. I was transformed into a real woman. Not through surgery or anything so crude. I woke up in the middle of the night, thirty years younger and a complete woman."


"Kimmay did it. Not exactly Kimmay, but she was responsible for it. A very powerful alien befriended Kimmay and she transformed me into a woman as a favor to Kimmay. Now I am a real woman in every possible way. I am a woman, I am only twenty-one years old biologically … but I have another life behind me. I have two grown daughters and one of them is going to be married in two weeks. And my other daughter is floating somewhere around the universe that only god knows."

Stefanie leaned back in her chair and took a deep breath and slowly let it out. "Wow." She looked at Melissa and they just looked into each other's eyes for several seconds. "Wow," she said a second time. "This is rather stunning. I … I don't know what to say. Tell me more, I want to know more," and she leaned forward and placed her arms on the table.

Melissa gave her a weak smile, "Where do I begin? Here," and she pushed a scrapbook across the table to Stefanie. She turned it upside down so Stefanie could see it and opened it to the first page. "I guess this is where it all started."

Melissa spent the next two hours showing Stefanie pictures and answering questions. Stefanie was full of questions. Most of the questions at first concerned the real, the original Melissa. Who was Matt Kaufmann? The fact that Matt went through the same transformation as Luke gave Stefanie a common ground to work from. She listened to the story of how Cynthia wooed Melissa and how Melissa inexorably fell in love with Cynthia. She smiled when Melissa told her how Cynthia had proposed to her. She smiled again as Melissa described her wedding. Stefanie started asking different questions when Melissa talked about Cynthia's pregnancy and how Melissa became surrogate mother to Valerie.

And then the story of Kimmay began. Stefanie was in awe as Melissa told the story of Kimmay's true talents and her conflicts with the government. Stefanie shuddered when she heard how Professor Keystone was brutally murdered to frame Kimmay. Tears came to her eyes as Melissa recounted how she was shot in cold blood and how Linda had saved first her life and then Kimmay's. She smiled as she learned how Kimmay and Kristal defeated the government forces aligned against them and succeeded in their life long dreams.

Her smiles turned to sniffles as she heard about Kimmay's nightmares and Melissa's feelings of inadequacy, as she could do nothing to soothe her daughter. Stefanie grew angry as Melissa described the attack on the salon by Ginger Winch. She fretted as Melissa told her details about the alien ships that she had never read in any of the papers. And then she felt first-hand pride in Kristal's lecture and successful conclusion to the alien threat. And finally she listened intently as Melissa told her about Kimmay's last conversation with the Keeper.

"Wow," she said again. "Then it is all true. Both you and President Horn really were males and you were transformed into real females. Even Krysallis."

"Yes," Melissa said as she gently nodded her head.

"I had read some of this, but it was so fantastical that I couldn't buy it. Then it kind of disappeared from the press and tabloids and I guessed that it had been just rumors. The fact that it kind of hushed up convinced me it was lies. But now I think I believe it."

"If you want, I'll have Krysallis bring the cube to the wedding so that you can see it."

"Krysallis, President Horn is coming to the wedding?"

"Oh yes. She and Jennifer are bridesmaids."

"They're in the wedding?" Steffanie asked breathlessly.

"Yea. And if you want, you can be too."

"I can't imagine anything better than that. I want to be in the wedding."

Melissa let a smile start spreading its way across her face. "Can you forgive me for not telling you the truth before now?"

"Of course I can. I've never heard anything like this in my life. I never dreamed I would meet Kimmay or Krysallis or you, I mean the real Melissa, mother of Kimmay. I never put two and two together. Melissa May, Kimmay, the fact that you lived in Milwaukee; it never even seeped into my thick skull. This is stuff that you read in newspapers, not actually live. And to find out you were once a boy, like me … that you went through the exact same things that I am going through. You and I probably had the same feelings as we put on our first dress and got our first permanent. I can't believe how much we have in common. And now you are a real woman. I envy you so much."

"We're still friends then?"

"More than friends," and she stood to embrace Melissa. When they stepped apart Stefanie said, "I do have one favor though."

"Name it."

"Can I see that cube?"


The next day Stefanie was fitted for her dress. Valerie saw them arrive at the shop and she gave her mother a questioning look. Melissa gave her a thumbs up. Valerie returned her smile and gave her an OK sign with her fingers. Stefanie thanked Valerie half a dozen times for letting her be in the wedding. After half an hour of fitting and measurements Stefanie whispered to Melissa, "Where's President Horn?"

Melissa chuckled and said, "Do you really think the President has time to fly to Milwaukee just to try on a dress? The President doesn't come to the dress shop, the dress shop goes to the President."

When the fitting was done, they returned home. Melissa was carrying an extra bridesmaid dress with her. She walked into the apartment and unlocked Kimmay's bedroom door. Stefanie looked over her shoulder as Melissa took the dress out of the garment bag and laid it on Kimmay's bed. Stefanie said nothing.

Melissa picked up pictures and returned them to their normal spots around the apartment. Everything was back to normal. At least as normal as the May house could be.


Friday finally arrived. Valerie and Gary were sitting in the living room with Valerie's childhood friend Megan. Melissa was sitting in the kitchen with a pair of VIP guests. Tiffany Reimer, Kimmay's business partner, and Traci Marshall, Kimmay's bodyguard, had flown in from Switzerland to attend the wedding. Stefanie was running back and forth playing hostess. They were all nervously chatting away when they heard the sirens outside. They could see the red lights reflecting off the windows and they knew the President had arrived. Stefanie looked out the kitchen window and saw several limousines and a cadre of secret servicemen running around the parking lot.

Everyone walked down the back stairs and moved into the parking lot. President Horn and Jennifer stepped out of the limousine and greeted everyone. Gary shook hands with Jennifer and the President, and then gave Valerie a goodnight kiss. The girls climbed into the limousine and the entourage drove into the night. "Seem familiar?" Kristal asked Melissa.

"It seems like yesterday, doesn't it? The time goes way too fast doesn't it?"

"Way too fast," the President agreed. "So Valerie, do you have any idea where we're going?"

"Not a clue, Kristal."

Kristal looked at Melissa, "Did you never tell your daughter what we did for your bachelorette party?"

"Yes she did!" Valerie said excitedly. "Are we going to Chicago? Where Cynthia proposed to mom?"


"And then were going to … I forget the name, but it's the nightclub where you and Karen sang."

"The Baton Night Club," Melissa said.

"Baton?" Stefanie blurted out. "Awesome."

Everyone started laughing. "She's been there before," Melissa explained.

"Is Karen going to meet us in Chicago?" Melissa asked.

"She'll join us at the restaurant, and then ride back to Milwaukee with us."

"Great," said Melissa. "I haven't seen Karen in years."

In many ways the night was identical to the one so many years ago. When the entourage entered a room, every head turned and every eye in the place stared. It was like the magic had turned back the clock, and in many ways it had. Melissa, Kristal and Jennifer were as young as they were the last time. That meant Kristal the President was every bit as beautiful as Kristal the young fashion model, and once again she was underage. That didn't stop her from toasting Valerie though. Karen met them for dinner and the group soon became raucous and noisy. Even Jennifer was letting her hair down. She no longer had to play the bodyguard role like the old days. That job was being handled by the pros from Washington.

After dinner they were escorted to the Baton Night Club where they were expected. Jennifer laid down the law and allowed only three secret service men into the stage area of the club, and they were forced to stand around the perimeter. That meant Kristal and the group were allowed to interact with the entertainers and their fellow audience members. And as happened the last time, Kristal and Karen were called on stage to perform. This time they didn't confine themselves to only one song. They performed four songs. They were all old songs, but everyone knew the words. The show girls stood around them on the stage and clapped and sang along. The audience was on their feet the entire time and sang along to the oldies as they were performed by the Horn girls. Karen was a bit rusty, but Kristal was a good as Melissa remembered. She was always amazed at the talent and brains that Kristal had. As she sang along, Melissa couldn't help but think about all of the promise they had felt so many years ago, and how much they had accomplished since then.

Stefanie was thrilled to be along and barely spoke the entire evening. She knew that she was an outsider, and she was so honored to be in the presence of these women. 'Dreams do come true, Dorothy,' she told herself. The magic of the night didn't wear off until she was home and sound asleep in bed.


The wedding was scheduled for one o'clock on Saturday. Simon and George were in the salon by eight that morning and they were already telling bad jokes as they began preparing the girls for the wedding. Simon handled Kristal and they never stopped laughing. Stefanie watched them and even though she couldn't hear their jokes, she could certainly laugh at Simon's loud and raucous, effeminate giggle.

The salon had been closed to the public and just the wedding party was allowed. Gary's mother was having the time of her life as she met the celebrities and listened to George's shameless teasing. Valerie tried to organize a few things and she was quickly swept away by Jimmy on Melissa's instructions. Melissa helped here and there, but the three men had things under control. The boys handled everyone's hair, while Sandy and Marcia handled the manicure duties. Stefanie and Jennifer had a chance to chat as they sat side-by-side having their nails manicured. It was a heady time for Stefanie. But then things became even better.

Before the party left the salon, Melissa called for everyone's attention. "Before we leave for the church, I have one last thing to do. Everyone knows that the bride must wear something new and something old. Today, Valerie is wearing a very old wedding dress." There were a few chuckles. "However, your old wedding dress isn't complete yet. Today you must wear something that has been in the May family for … for how many generations mom?" she called to grandma.

"Since the eighteen hundreds at least."

"For ever," Melissa translated. "So Valerie, here are the family jewels."

"It won't be long before you have Gary's too," Simon threw out to a chorus of laughs.

Melissa presented Valerie with the earrings and necklace that Cynthia had given her many years ago. Stefanie saw the jewels and realized that they were the same necklace and earrings that Melissa had let her wear the very first time she wore a dress. Stefanie felt proud.

The wedding started exactly on time and proceeded with the punctuality of a Swiss timepiece. Kristal filled in for Kimmay as the maid of honor. She was flanked by Megan, then Jennifer and finally by Stefanie. Stefanie didn't mind being last. She was honored to be standing in the same building as these girls. The ceremony was beautiful, and best of all, short. The minister pronounced Gary and Valerie man and wife and then had them turn around so she could present them to their family and friends.

As they turned around a gasp came from Valerie. Everyone looked at Valerie, and then turned to where she was looking. At the back of the church, wearing her bridesmaid dress stood Kimmay. Smiles broke out on everyone's face as the wedding party began their procession to the back of the church and the receiving line.

As she reached the rear of the church Valerie broke away from Gary and gave her sister a hug and kiss. "Where have you been little sister? You almost missed the wedding."

"Not a chance, big sister. I would never miss your wedding." Kimmay turned to Gary, "I expect you to save me at least two or three polkas." Valerie returned to Gary and they started the receiving line. Kristal, Jennifer and Megan all greeted Kimmay when they reached her. Stefanie looked at Kimmay in awe, but did not make a move to greet Kimmay. They had never met before. Kimmay greeted Stefanie and said, "Hi Stefanie, I'm very happy to meet you. I know you and mom are extremely close friends. I know the two of you have a wonderful future ahead of you."

Stefanie was too stunned to say a word. Kimmay gave her a nudge in the direction of the reception line and then followed behind her. Kimmay stepped next to Stefanie in line and waited for Melissa to arrive. Melissa practically ran down the aisle when it was her turn. She and Kimmay grabbed each other and literally danced in place. Tears were streaming down Melissa's face when she finally released Kimmay. Words couldn't express her joy, so she said nothing. She turned and began greeting the guests.

It was a tearful reception line and there were more hugs and kisses than decorum should have allowed. The reception line served two purposes, the second being Kimmay's homecoming. Simon and George gave her a kiss and the 'Lissa's girls all hugged her. Tiffany and Traci beamed huge smiles as they worked their way down the line. As Traci and Tiffany hugged Kimmay she whispered, "We need to meet at the condos tomorrow."

When the guests were finally through and on their way to the reception hall, the photographer called the wedding party up to the front of the church for pictures. "Wait," said Kimmay. "I have something for the girls." She picked up a stack of boxes from the back pew and began handing them out.

The boxes were made of a dark, fragrant wood with fine grain. They were highly polished and felt as smooth as velvet. On the cover of each box was an elaborate pattern of metal threads and inlaid ceramic. Every box was different from the next, but they all featured a dog romping or sitting. The dog looked like a black Labrador with half of one ear missing. The box itself was a solid piece of wood. The box and cover were connected with 5 strips of a leather-like material. The strips all made a loop and a dowel was passed through the loops to provide the hinge. The dowel was a milky white in color and very hard. It was longer than the box, extending about one inch further on each side of the box. One end of the dowel tapered to a blunt ending, while the other end remained the same diameter as the rest of the dowel.

"What is this?" Valerie asked.

"The boxes are made from a tree that grows in a single grove on a lone mountain on a distant planet. The wood is revered for potent aphrodisiacal properties." The girls all smiled. "The inlaid metal is gold, silver and platinum. The ceramic is from the teeth of a feline type of animal. The animal is a mythical dog. And in the corner is the signature of the artisan who made the jewelry inside."

Valerie opened the box and gasped. Everyone watched as she set down the box and lifted out the necklace. It was a gold necklace and a single large gem hung from it. The pendant style gem was very large, and it was a deep, deep red. The gem sparkled like the finest diamond imaginable. "It looks like Valerie's necklace," one of the guys said.

"This artist had never made jewelry for a human before. He asked me to give him a design and this is the only one I could think of. The earrings are the same as yours also," she told Valerie.

"What are these gems, rubies?"

"No, they're diamonds."

"Diamonds don't come in red," Valerie explained.

"Not on earth, they don't," Kimmay said. Then she broke into a large grin. "Not even in our galaxy."

"Kimmay, where did they come from?"

"A long way from here. I asked the man what they call them and he said 'Breucchio'. I asked what made them red and he said that according to their legend the blood of a dragon gives them their red color. So I've decided to call them Dragon Diamonds.

"Everyone has the same thing, sorry but I'm not too original when it comes to these things. Can I help you put them on?" she asked Valerie.

"No," Valerie answered. "I want everyone else to wear hers. But today I wear mom's."

Melissa smiled and nodded. Stefanie and Melissa helped each other put their new jewelry on. As they were helping each other Stefanie whispered, "How valuable do you think these are?"

Kimmay overheard the question and leaned close to Stefanie, "Let's just say there isn't a gem on this planet worth one thousandth of what these would fetch."

Kristal whispered to Stefanie, "They're worth more than the entire state of Wisconsin." Then she turned to Kimmay, "How did you pay for these?"

"I traded," she smiled.

"What could you possibly have to trade that's worth this much?"

"I traded the Keeper for these, and she was very satisfied with the bargain. We need to talk; you, me and Tiffany tomorrow. You can stay in our fourteenth floor guesthouse tonight. There are three other rooms for the secret service. Can you do that?" Kristal gave her a wink.






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