Crystal's StorySite

The Ultimate Infiltrator
by: Prudence Walker


Chapter One

Somewhere in a lab, three men work late into the night trying to decipher the code that will unlock the most powerful weapon on the planet. Only those belonging to an organisation that is so secret, that it is only known by the code word ‘Q,’ know the whereabouts of this lab.

The sophisticated and cutting edge equipment that fills the lab glistens under the overhead lighting. One of the men that were manipulating the special waldos looked up from the powerful electron microscope and called to the other men working nearby.

"Jeff, Ted, I think this is it, we have made a breakthrough."

"Great, it’s about time we got a break. Perhaps now, we will have something to show our superiors," chuckled Jeff.

"Getting that sample of the nanite from that HuggleBug Company was the easy bit," complained the man they called Ted.

"Well, it is amazing technology, cutting edge, but we did even better. To think we can give a person the ability to take on the form of anyone male or female in just minutes," replied Peter.

"Well they did ask us to produce the best disguise for a spy that money could buy." said Ted.

"Yes, but this goes way beyond the stuff that HB is doing. We can have a person doing multiple changes from the single nanite application. Plus, that person can store that form as a template to be reactivated by just a thought."

I wish it wasn’t limited by the fact that they need to exchange bodily fluids first, though," mused Ted.

"Still… the nanites have to pick up the targets DNA somehow. Either by having sexual contact, even kissing is sufficient. Getting some blood contact on the skin, will also enable the nanite to store the DNA pattern for future use," said Jeff.

"The real trick is getting the changes cued from just a thought pattern, all they need do is think of the targets form in a certain way before the change will occur," said Peter.

"One thing I’m glad I won’t have to deal with, is finding the person to trial it on," sighed Jeff.

"Oh! Why?"

"Can you imagine someone with the power to literally become anyone, anyone at all? You would have to ensure there was no doubt of his loyalty, otherwise it could turn into a disaster," Jeff explained.

"Well no doubt they have that covered," replied Ted. "I mean, they’ll probably insert an RC bomb inside whoever gets to be the guinea pig."

"Lets finish up here, and get the sample canned, ready for tomorrow. I’ll be glad to get out of here; I hate working inside a bomb. I feel it’s going to go off for no reason," rejoined Jeff.

"Well, its just normal OP, Jeff, you know that, replied Ted.

"Blast operating procedure, just because they’re scared that this could fall into the wrong hands is no reason to have a bomb planted under your feet. I hate the feeling that someone else can destroy all trace of this place and we could be considered dispensable," argued Jeff.

The three men worked for another hour, inserting the can of formula into another protective stainless canister, when fate took a hand.


In another part of the city, a rather overweight man sitting in front of a bank of surveillance cameras, checks his watch. Boredom has set in after hours of doing nothing, but checking out the security of the lab. Beside his hand is the switch, that he has instructions to flip, should security of the lab be breached. He hated this job. It seemed that all he did, was watch monitors, while his arteries hardened.

‘Thank god my shift’s nearly over,’ he thinks. Suddenly, a sharp pain lances across his chest as the heart attack his doctor predicted, gripped his heart. The pain got very intense and as he slumped forward, over the desk. His flailing hands brushed against the switch, flipping it over.


Keith woke to the sound of the telephone. Grumbling after seeing the time, he answered it reluctantly.

"Keith, get your butt down to the corner of Jackson and Morris on the south side. There’s been an explosion in a factory there, and we need your expertise in determining the cause," came an impatient voice.

"Okay, chief. Give me five minutes, has the area been cordoned off?"

"Well, the fire fighters are mopping up at the moment and the police are refusing to let anyone else in, even the owners. Sorry its late, but it can’t be helped."

As the phone went dead, Keith sighed, *thinking, another all-nighter.*

Throwing his clothes on, he scrambled into his battered jeep, and raced to the area, blowing a few red lights on the way in the almost, non-existent traffic.

The flashing lights of the fire appliances and the police vehicles greeted him, as he slammed on the anchors, and skidded to a halt, beside a police cruiser. An old friend from the police force waved him past the cordon and brought him into the shattered building.

"Hi Tom, what’s up?"

"Well Keith, two hours ago this was a nice quiet neighbourhood until this building just blew up. We found three bodies inside. They were charred beyond recognition. It looks to me as if a bomb went off, a very special bomb."

"Oh? What makes you think that?" replied Keith, looking at what remained of the contents of the place.

"Well, for one thing, the place stunk of accelerant and looks as if it had been wired."

Do you suspect the three bodies as being the culprits?"

"Not at this stage. But we haven’t ruled it out either," continued Tom.

"Okay, let me look around and I’ll see if I can find anything."

Keith examined the curious lumps of what remained of the buildings equipment. Looking at the blackened machines, he determined that it was a lab of some kind. Thoughts of drug manufacturing crossed his mind, but the equipment seemed unconnected to drugs from what little he could identify from their nameplates. No, this seemed to be research lab of some type. He did find some canisters placed evenly around the area and he detected the smell of petrol inside. The ripped open metal showed where detonators had been placed on them.

Walking around, he followed the remains of the detonator wires where they disappeared inside a box leading to what looked like a radio receiver. As he walked over the debris littering the floor, he noticed a gleam in the ashes underfoot, bending down; he found a smooth metallic cylinder with a sealed screw lid. Intrigued, he bagged it and put it his pocket so he could examine it later.

Clearing the building, he walked over to Ted, who immediately asked him what he thought.

"It seems to have been deliberately mined and set off remotely, whether by accident, I don’t know, but I’d hazard a guess that it was something to do with whatever they were doing in the lab."

"It was a lab? Not drugs, was it?" asked Ted.

"I’d bet my reputation it was more than that," replied Keith. Get someone working on that box near the wall on the north corner. I think it was a radio detonator. You never know what the boys might come up with, when they examine it."

"Thanks Keith, see you later. I’ll buy the round this time," he chuckled.

As Keith walked to his car, a pair of gimlet looking eyes was checking him out. Taking down his vehicle registration number, the shadowy figure spoke quietly into a cell phone and then withdrew silently.


Keith knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep, so he decided to write out his report. Getting out the standard forms, he sat down at the kitchen table with a strong cup of coffee. As he sat, the canister in his pocket pressed into his thigh reminding him of its presence. Pulling it forth, he removed it from the bag and turned it in the light, looking for a clue of what it contained.

Taking a chance that it wasn’t filled with a lethal substance, his normally cautious nature went by the by as his tiredness showed in his face. He unscrewed the lid and looked inside. Seeing another smaller spray can inside only piqued his curiosity. It looked like a can of deodorant, there was no labelling on it or other sign of what it contained.

Throwing caution to the winds, he sprayed a little in the air and sniffed, hmm…nothing, no smell of any kind. He sprayed a little on his hand and sniffed again. Odd, Keith couldn’t figure why it was in the can in the first place, maybe he would take it to the police lab for further tests.

Putting it aside, he started work on the forms, while his thoughts were elsewhere, and so he didn’t notice that he was absently rubbing his hand where he had sprayed it.



Anne was just leaving the hospital after the late shift, when she wondered if Keith might be up. She knew he worked odd hours investigating arson cases, so it was possibly he could be up. Deciding to drive past his place on her way home, she turned down the dark street leading past his flat. Seeing a light on, she stopped and walked quickly up to his door in the chill air, that precedes dawn. Knocking, she heard his footsteps pause behind the door, then the outside light went on blinding her momentarily as her eyes slowly adjusted to the brightness. The door opened and a warm rush of air flowed out, making her shiver in reaction.

"Hi Anne," he said, tiredly. " Come on in, I’ll make a coffee."

She looked at the lines in his face, as she entered the small one bed roomed flat, marvelling at the neatness of his place even at this hour.

"No coffee, thanks. I need to be able to sleep when I get home. I thought I’d see what’s up. A cup of hot chocolate would be nice though," as she sat on the two seat divan.

"Okay, two cups coming up," grinned Keith. "I was just filling out reports on a suspicious explosion on the south side," he continued, as he busied himself in the kitchenette.

Bringing out two cups, he sat, after offering her a cup with a smiley face on it. Carefully he leaned forward, mindful of the cups of hot chocolate in their hands, kissing her gently on her lips. Unknown to him, unseen and unfelt, the nanites filling his body, were busy recording the new DNA that came from Anne’s saliva. She returned his kiss with interest, and moaned a little in her throat.

"Darn these hours," she said, breaking off the kiss and sipping her drink. "We never seem to get the same time off."

"Well why not sleep here, tonight…um this morning," he grinned impishly.

"Oh that would be heavenly, if only sleeping was all we did. I worked a double shift and I need sleep desperately," groaned Anne. "No I’ll come back later okay after a few hours alone in my bed," sighed Anne.

Keith sighed, and spying the can of spray he had found, got up and brought it over to Anne.

"What do you make of this, I found it amid the debris of the explosion this morning. It has an odourless liquid inside."

"You think this was the cause of the explosion," queried Anne, turning it over in her hands.

"No. Not at all, I think it was something they were manufacturing; a stainless cylinder was protecting it. I’m thinking of taking it down to the police lab. I hope it is something, and doesn’t turn out to be just water," laughed Keith.

" Look, if you want, I can take it to the lab at the hospital, where they can run a gas chromatograph test on it. I know a friend there that would do it, no questions asked."

" That would be great, here, I’ll put it back in the canister and I’ll get the results later," smiled, a relieved Keith.

Finishing her drink, Anne kissed Keith, promising to call after she woke up, and walked tiredly to the door.


Alone again, Keith finished the reports and undressing went to his bed. He liked to sleep in the buff, only wearing silk boxers when Anne was over. Picking up the framed photo of Anne, he looked at her body, recalling the times they had had sex. Knowing he was lucky to have found such a beautiful girl friend, he daydreamed as her beauty captured his gaze.

The nanites sensing his thoughts were directed toward the image that they had recorded with along with her DNA. Began the process programmed into them. Specialised nanites recorded the base form and shut down awaiting the signal to revert back, while the others started the massive task of altering the body.


Keith dozed off, the photo slipping from his grasp as fatigue claimed his senses. He was blissfully unaware of his body, as it started the process to duplicate Anne’s form. An observer would have seen his body shrink and distort as breasts grew and his waist shrank. His hips too, expanded, and the muscles that he had developed over hours of exercise dwindled, leaving slim arms and smooth hairless legs. His hair grew out long and black, glistening in health from the light of the bedside lamp. His face underwent subtle changes as the cheeks reformed higher and the eyes, had they been open turned green. Finally in just 30 minutes, his body was identical to the original; even, had they been taken, the fingerprints.

As Keith tossed in his bed, outside, a black unmarked car drew silently to a halt. Two men in dark clothing spoke into a radio, confirming their arrival. After receiving instructions they went up to the flats door and knocked, loudly. Keith a normally light sleeper woke, hearing an urgent knocking on the door. Sliding his feet to the floor, he stood up feeling very odd. Looking down at his feet, his gaze was riveted to the two graceful mounds adoring his chest. He screamed. As the sound of the piercing, but undeniably feminine voice, he fainted, slumping back on his bed with a boneless fluidity.

‘CRAAASH!! The front door splintered as the two men shouldered their way in. looking around for the source of the scream, they found Keith lying on the bed unconscious. Finding no others in the flat, they took advantage of the moment, doing a through, but quick search of the place. Finding nothing unusual, they read the reports that Keith had left on the table. Keith had made no mention of finding the canister in the report, preferring to do that when he had some concrete facts to go with it.

One of the men went over to Keith and shook her, until she showed signs of coming to.

"Whaaaa," Keith murmured, still in the throes of a mental fog.

"Hey lady, why did you scream, and where is the guy that lives here?"

"Who are you? What happened? Oh my god!" Keith exclaimed, remembering his last conscious thoughts.

"FBI," the man growled, flashing a fancy badge quickly in Keith’s face.

Keith could see his image…no her image reflected in the bureau mirror, and was stunned. Realising that his new attributes were showing to the piercing gaze of the fake FBI man, he drew the sheets up covering his new breasts.

Like a piece of ice dropped down his neck, he froze. Yes fake, how did he know this? Instinct maybe? No he had seen a lot of badges in his time and that one was a definite fake. Taking his time to assimilate the fact that his body was now that of his girlfriends, he looked up at the man trying to work out why they wanted to know where he was. He could see the telltale bulge of a holstered weapon and knew his next words needed to be carefully thought out.

"He’s not here, he said he needed to walk to clear the cobwebs."

"Who are you, and did he say anything about the fire tonight?" he snapped.

"Who I am is none of your business. And how dare you come busting in here. Who is your superior? And what’s so important about the fire? Why all these questions?" Keith cried, in his new voice, managing to sound outraged.

Inside, Keith was confused, but still his instincts were working, despite the new packaging. Grateful that he still retained his memories, he strove to make some sense of this nightmare.

"Look lady, impeding a federal officer is a serious offence. I suggest you lose that tone and co-operate with us," he growled.

"I’m not saying anything," Keith replied tartly. "All I have to do is scream rape on you’ll be the one in trouble, ‘MR FBI MAN’ if that’s what you really are."

The two men whispered to each other, and started to leave. Just as they were going out the door, one of them said, ‘we’ll be watching you, lady, and we’ll be back.’

Shuddering at the implications of their words. Keith new he had to get to Anne, and soon. Looking in the wardrobe he spied Anne’s spare nurse’s uniform that she left in case she was called in at a moments notice while here. He knew there was a complete set of underwear and stockings along with a pair of shoes.

Up till now he hadn’t looked closely at his body, what with the distraction from those phoney agents, and shock at his change.

Looking in the mirror, he knew this body was identical to Anne’s even to her birthmark.

As he examined his body, wonderment at the sensations of having breasts filled his mind. Looking further down, he saw his new sex. ‘Funny,’ he thought. ‘Apart from the weight missing from his balls and cock, it didn’t really feel all that different.’ Suddenly, the thoughts of Anne’s danger brought him back to the more immediate problem.

Getting dressed was not difficult, as he’d watched Anne do this several times when she’d stayed over at night, then been called in for an emergency. The clothes felt so different, unlike anything he’d experienced before. The feel of the bra was strangely comforting as they supported the weight of the breasts that were pulling on his upper chest. The white slip felt slippery as it flowed over his shapely torso.

He struggled a little with the panty hose slowly working them up his legs as he tried not to split them, making sure they were evenly tensioned. Slipping the shoes on, he stood and reached for the plain white nurses uniform. Apart from makeup and Anne’s badge he was ready. Looking at the telephone, he dismissed it as it could be bugged.

Getting his car keys, he sighed. ‘No choice,’ he thought, it has to that or call a taxi. Driving quickly to the hospital, he noticed a car shadowing him. Hah, just let them try to follow him into the hospital, he’d blend in and lose them in a minute. As he entered, he was greeted with ‘Hi Anne’ from the other nurses. Knowing none of them was difficult, but smiling and saying ‘Hi’ back seemed to work well. Finding a vacant phone, he rang Anne waiting anxiously for her to answer. When a sleepy voice answered, he paused, thinking his feminine voice would make things difficult.

"Anne? This is Keith, I’m in big trouble."

"Huh? Is this a joke, just who is this? Why do you sound like me?’

"I can’t really explain on the phone, but it really is Keith, I’ve been turned into you and there’s some people after me."

"I don’t believe this, I’m hanging up."

"Wait, my life depends on this. I can prove who I am."

"You have 30 seconds girl." Anne snapped.

Keith talked rapidly, telling Anne things that only Keith would know about Anne. Finally he heard her say.

"Okay, I believe you weird as that sounds, what do you want me to do?"

"First"… and here Keith outlined his impromptu plan with interjections from Anne as she made suggestions…"oh and don’t forget that spray, I think that’s the cause of my changes."

To be continued…


© 2001
The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission.