Crystal's StorySite


Ugly Duckling

by Jennifer White


"So I hear that you want to grant a wish to a little girl" said Aurora, who was the president of the United Council of Magic, UCOM. Because so many spells tend to go wrong, the member fairies, genies, witches, wizards and warlocks decided to put a series of codes into place.

"Yes, it is true" replied Ariel, a Blue Fairy who had been watching over a young girl named Becky.

"What is her problem, and how do you propose to help her?" said Aurora. Her tone wasn't unfriendly or threatening, but motherly and caring. She wanted to make sure that Ariel, who was young and inexperienced did not reap havoc from her spell. But Aurora also had a hidden plan. She had a particular political bent to her magic, and she wanted to make sure that others used their magic to help meet her own personal goals.

"Becky is a sweet charming young girl" said Ariel. "She is kind and loving to her parents. She is obedient, does her chores, and stays out of trouble. She is a straight A student, and is the first chair flutist in the school band. She loves animals, and owns two cats who she treats very well."

"She sounds lovely. What is her problem?"

"Becky was heavy as a baby, and even though she is now in 7th grade, she still caries a lot of her baby fat. She wishes that she could be a gymnast or a cheerleader some day, but her body is not proportioned correctly. She wishes she was pretty, and she wants to grow up to be a beautiful woman."

"I see. So you want to help her?"

"Yes!" said Ariel, delighted that Aurora was so understanding of her. "I want to cast a spell on her, so that by the start of the next school year, she will develop into a pretty girl."

"And how do you propose to place this spell on her?" asked Aurora. Spells put into place improperly caused many problems in the long term.

"I was going to make a magic ring, and leave it on her bed. I will put a spell on the ring, so that the wearer will be destined to become the most beautiful woman in all the land."

"Unacceptable" said Aurora, which just crushed Ariel. Ariel began to cry.

"Don't cry dear" said Aurora gently. "I am not denying your spell, just the way you deliver it. First of all, your ring does not have limits to its power. What if she let her girlfriend wear it? Would both of them be the most beautiful woman in all the land? Can you imagine what problems that would cause?"

"I see" said Ariel. She hadn't thought about that.

"And your time frame does not match your goal. A girl does not become a woman until she is much older. What if she was only considered a "woman" once she reached 21? She might be the ugly duckling she is now, then have the magic occur in one day. That would be too late to let her be a cheerleader next year."

"You're right" said Ariel, shaking her head.

"And a ring is a bad idea. What if her mother sees a strange ring on the bed? She would take it, and ask 'where did you get this?'. You need something that is more ordinary, so as not to attract attention. Something ordinary, like a T-shirt."

"But what if she doesn't put it on?" asked Ariel, finding a hole in Aurora's plan.

"Then make the shirt irresistible. Make it so that shirt wants to be worn."

"All right" replied Ariel.

"And last of all, think of her *feelings*. One day, she will be an ugly ducking, then by the end of the summer, she'll be this irresistible beauty. Everyone will be falling over for her! Her parents will make such a big fuss over her! It will be so overwhelming, all at once."

"Yes, you're right. She'll be overwhelmed."

"You should make it so that only she notices the changes at first, and everyone just accepts her."

Ariel cleared her throat, and began to intone: "I want to cast a spell to create a T-shirt that is irresistible not to wear. It will work only once, transforming the wearer into a very pretty girl by the end of the summer, who is destined to be the fairest lady in all the land, yet all the changes will be handled in stride by all who know her."

"You've got it!" said Aurora, giving Ariel a hug.

Ariel was so thankful. Aurora was so wise, and had saved her from casting a spell that did not have the intended consequences.

But she did not realize what she had done. She did not understand the subtle trap which Aurora had put into place. One that would accomplish Aurora's goals, with her needing to use magic herself. Only Aurora realized what was going to happen next.

* * *


As Becky practiced with the band at school, Ariel had her chance. She appeared in Becky's room, and opened her package containing the magic shirt. She carefully placed the shirt on Becky's bed, where she would be sure to see it. Then she quickly disappeared, before anyone saw her.

She smiled. She was helping out a wonderful girl, and her heart glowed with warmth.

* * *


Aurora made herself invisible, and watched the entire episode. It was her turn now. She simply waited until she heard the sounds of footsteps in the hallway. It was Becky's brother, returning from school.

Aurora rattled the chair by Becky's desk, which caused her brother Jack to peek in the room to see what the noise was. His eyes caught the white T-shirt sitting on the bed, and without thinking he grabbed it, then continued on to his room.

Once in his room, he shut the door, took off his school clothes, and put on a pair of shorts. He was going to put on a shirt with the logo of his favorite baseball team, since it was almost the end of the school year, and the season was starting up.

But the white shirt looked so much better to him. He slipped it on, and it felt so comfortable. He looked in the mirror, and was immediately dismayed to see that he was wearing a shirt that must have belonged to his sister. In glittery writing across the chest, it said "Glamour Girl".

It was a shame, it felt so good on him. But there was no way he was going to wear a shirt like that! So he took it off, and put on his baseball shirt instead. Looking in the mirror, it was more fitting with his image. But he felt somehow reluctant putting the white shirt back in his sister's room.

He was going to just toss the shirt on her bed, but instead he folded it carefully, like it had been when he found it. His eye caught Becky's copy of Cosmo on her dresser, and he felt excited all of a sudden. He liked girls, so it must be the hot babe with the long hair on the cover. He grabbed the magazine, and took it back to his room to hide under his mattress. He would read it later, and fantasize about the girls.


Aurora smiled with glee. Jack didn't realize what he had just done, and hadn't noticed that something small within him was already changing.

* * *


When Becky got home from school, she went right to her room. Ariel had watched her as she walked home, making sure that no harm would befall her. Today would be a bad day for an accident, or for evil magic to cause a car to hit her.

She was very relieved when Becky saw the T-shirt on her bed, and immediately changed into it.

"My work here is done" she said to herself, and left Becky alone. She would return at the end of the summer, to monitor her progress. But there were millions of other little girls in the world who required her attention too. She had to go see to them...

* * *


Jack was so happy that school was out, and he could go hang out with his friends to talk and stuff. Other than a few chores, he didn't have anything he needed to do at home, so he was free!

He met up with the guys, and they decided to go shoot some hoops. They started at the playground, just shooting around. Jack talked, but the others mostly just concentrated on the game. Then some other boys showed up, and they decided to take on Jack's friends in a pickup game.

"I'm Shaq!" said his friend Bobby, taking the center position.

"I'm Kobe!" said Phil.

"I'm Sheryl Swoopes!" said Jack.

"What? Who?" said everyone, all at once.

"Duh, you know, Sheryl Swoopes. Two time WNBA MVP and defensive player of the year? Four time WNBA all-star? Two time Olympic gold medal champ?"

"What kind of lame-o idol is that to have?" asked Phil.

"What do you mean?" replied Jack.

"Because stupid...she's a girl!"

"She's a *woman*, you know, *W*NBA?" said Jack defensively. He was very upset. They were ragging on his sports idol. Too bad Sheryl wasn't there in person, she'd kick all their butts in a basketball game. They kept on making fun of him, so he stomped off to get away from them. Boys were so mean!

As he walked home, he decided to go find some girls to hang out with instead. Then he'd have someone he could talk to, instead of the those guys. They used words, but they didn't really *talk*, and he had been getting increasingly frustrated with them over the past few days.

Three doors down from his house lived Melissa. She was in the same class in school that he was. He thought that he'd try her.

"Hi!" she said when he showed up at the door. They lived close to each other, but they had never really been friends.

"How are you doing? What's up?"

"Oh, not a lot. Just kind of hanging."

"Me too. Do you want to hang out?"

"Sure, why not?" she said. He was just being nice, not hitting on her like the other guys did. And not drooling over her, like some of them did too. She decided that he must be very experienced with girls, since he was so smooth and comfortable talking to her. How had she failed to notice him before?

Being confident and sure of himself like that really turned her on. She offered him a seat, then a glass of lemonade. Within twenty minutes, they were talking like old friends.

* * *


Jack started hanging out with Melissa every day. She was so cool, he just loved spending all his time with her. She thought he was interested in her, and she had always wanted an ideal romantic relationship. And here was a boy who was such a good talker (and a listener!), liked watching the same movies as she did, and even liked doing the same activities. He was perfect for her.

And the fact that he didn't try to put the moves on her, it just made him so much more desirable! She couldn't help herself, she was starting to fall in love with him. She couldn't wait until they started kissing.

Jack was also different from the other boys she had been with, in that he did things like compliment her on her choice of clothes.

"I love that outfit!" he told her one day. "I love how it brings out the color in your hair. You look so pretty like that."

No boy had ever said something like that to her, and it made her actually feel a tingle between her legs. She felt so self-assured when she was with him, and so comfortable! She smiled at him, with a look of love in her eyes.

"Lets go shopping" he said, surprising her. "I need some new outfits".

Jack had saved up some money from doing chores around the neighborhood, and he decided that he really needed an updated wardrobe. Melissa was thrilled to be heading to the mall. No guy had ever asked her to go shopping!

They first went into a fashion store aimed at teenage girls, where Melissa bought two new tops. Jack was so patient, and never had that intimidated look in his face, like her brothers did if they went into a girls store. He didn't even blush when they went into the intimate apparel section, so she could look at bras. He was so wonderful.

She took him by the hand to a men's store next door, where they looked at shirts for him.

"I don't know" he said. "I mean, these are nice fabrics, but the colors next door were so much better! I love that top you found. They don't have anything like that over here. I want one just like yours."

"But it has such thin straps!" she said. "It would look silly on you!"

"I'm not to sure. Lets go over there, so I can try one on."

She thought he was joking, but sure enough, he picked one out in his size, and went behind the curtain in the changing room.

"What do you think?" he said, emerging with the top on. With Melissa's flawless 17 year old female body, it had looked fabulous. But with Jack's male body, it looked somewhat silly.

"I don't know" said Melissa.

"If you don't like it, then I'll find something else" he said. "I *trust* you. You have such good fashion sense. Why don't you pick out a top for me?"

That made her heart melt again for him. A boy, who would let her dress him? And one that had very similar tastes to her? It was a dream come true. She led him around the mall, and picked out an outfit for him.

As they started out, Jack stopped at one of the stands in the middle.

"Lets get tattoos" he said.

"Mom would kill me!" replied Melissa.

"No, I mean the temporary kind."

She thought it was a great idea, so they each picked one out, without showing each other. The lady behind the counter applied them onto their skin, and they couldn't wait to show off for each other.

Melissa had picked out one with kitty. Jack thought it was really cute. Then he showed her his: it was a horse, running under a rainbow.

"Aw, how sweet. Very pretty" said Melissa. She suddenly blushed. What an insult to throw at a boy! But Jack just smiled, and seemed to take it as a compliment.

What a wonderful guy. She really wanted him now. She wondered when he would finally put his arm around her, and kiss her like she longed for.

They walked home smiling and laughing together.

* * *


Jack was uncomfortable in his jeans. He had been losing weight this summer so far, but they just weren't fitting right. He would have to go shopping with Melissa soon, and get a new pair. But those Capri pants she wore were so cute, he couldn't get them out of his mind. He wanted to try a pair of those himself.

Jack was humming a tune from Chicago, which had rented the night before. Becky had joined Melissa and him on the couch, and the three had a very good time talking afterwards. Jack was glad that he was getting closer to his sister this year. In the past, they had fought more than they should have, and their parents were glad to see the change.

"Can I borrow these?" asked Jack, looking at a couple of Becky's romance novels she liked to read.

"Sure thing!" she replied. She thought that he was looking for ideas on how to treat Melissa, and she thought it was sweet of him. But there was something more to it. When Jack saw the picture of the handsome man on the cover, holding the swooning woman, something inside him jumped, and he just wanted so much to read that book and find out what the story was.

He had never been interested in romance books before, but it looked so interesting! But then again, he had learned many new things this summer. Like that magazine he had stolen from his sister. He was going to drool over the pictures of all the girls, but he found out that all the articles were really interesting! So now he was regularly reading Cosmo, Glamour, and Vogue. Who would have thought that they were such good reading? He would sneak them out of her room when she wasn't looking.


One day when he was returning her copy of Cosmo, he looked at her open closet door. He walked over, and put his hand on a silky slip that was hanging there. He felt so excited! His heart pounded, and his breathing became rapid.

He looked around to make sure that nobody was there, and grabbed the hanger from the closet. Then he quickly picked out a skirt and a top, and ran over to his room.

Jack locked his door, and put on the clothes he had just taken from Becky's room. He felt so natural in them, like it was *right*. He read the romance book, and was completely at peace.

Jack found that he really identified with how the heroine was feeling. She was young, around the same age as him, and seemed to be almost a cross between his personality and Melissa's. The book was just enthralling reading for him.


Jack almost forgot to put his own clothes back on, when his mother called him downstairs for dinner. He carefully hung up Becky's clothes, and put them in the back of his closet. He would return them tomorrow.

* * *


The next day, after Jack's parent's went off to work, and Becky left for her job, Jack walked into her room to return her clothes. He hung them up in her closet, but looking at all of her things made him feel excited again.

Almost before he knew it, he had picked out another outfit. But now he went to her dresser, dug through her drawers, and found her underwear. He grabbed a pair of panties, and a bra. He took everything back to his room, and changed clothes.

Jack sat down, and read a few chapters from the romance book. The heroine's name was Jacqelyne, and the more he read, the more he felt exactly like she did. It was like her thoughts and feelings that poured forth on the page were just like what he felt inside. He had never found a character in a book that he could identify with like this! Jacqelyne.


Jack was due to meet up with Melissa, so he undressed, and put on his own clothes. But they seemed so dull, so drab! He wanted to wear something exciting, like Becky got to wear, or like Melissa did. He chose out the outfit that Melissa had picked out for him at the mall, but he kept on Becky's panties. At least he had them.

It was because they just fit so well! They felt so much more comfortable than his own boxers, and he decided that he would get a few pairs of his own to wear, next time he visited the mall.


After talking with Melissa for a while, he noticed that she had a strange look on her face.

"What's the matter?" he said. He had been noticing subtle things about people lately, like he could tell a lot more about what they were feeling. Something was making her uneasy.

"Jack, do you normally wear an undershirt?" she said.

"No, I don't unless its really cold in the winter."

"That's the shirt I picked out for you, isn't it?"

"Why yes! I knew you'd notice" he said, proudly.

"Well you look different. I mean....come with me" she said.

Jack followed her into her bedroom. She had him look into the mirror.

"Jack, look at your chest"

He did, but he didn't really notice anything.

"Look closely. At the color."

Jack looked again, then it hit him. How had he failed to see? You could clearly see the wide dark rings of color around his nipples through the white shirt.

"Oh no" he said, "I show right through."

"We need to do something quick" said Melissa. "Cindi and Rhonda will be over in a few minutes."

"I'd be so embarrassed for them to see me like this" he said. How could he have not noticed? He looked so slutty with his nipples showing through like that. He turned to the side, and you could also clearly see how they stood out from his chest. He shook his head.

"Quick, give me a bra" he said.

"I was thinking more 'jacket' or 'dark shirt'..." she said.

Jack motioned to her again, and she relented. She got out a bra, and handed it to him. Jack took his shirt off, so he could put on the bra. Melissa looked at his chest, smooth and hairless. He had such small boobs, he would look strange in a bra. It was too bad that she hadn't kept any of her older bras, which would have fitted him much better.

Jack put the shirt back on, and looked in the mirror. He looked very satisfied with himself, as he pouted and posed before the mirror. Now the large dark rings of color around his nipples were hidden, and his nipples themselves didn't stick out anymore. But you could clearly see that he was wearing a bra.

Suddenly, Rhonda and Cindi burst through the door.

"Melissa! Jack! Hey!"

They gave Melissa a quick hug. Jack looked sad and held his arms out. They reluctantly did the same to him. Strange, for a boy they thought.

"Those are really cool shoes" said Jack to Rhonda. "I haven't even seen those at the mall yet."

"Wow, someone noticed. I got them when I was in New York with my parents last week."

That broke the ice, and soon they were all talking together, chatting and gossiping, only the way that teenage girls can do.

* * *


That night when Jack got home, he took a shower. Not that he was dirty or anything, but as they four of them had sat on Melissa's bed and chatted, he felt so out of place. The other three had such nice, smooth legs, but his were hairy. He hadn't needed to shave for quite a while, so he didn't even know where his disposable razor was. He borrowed Becky's, which was in the shower, and he did his legs.

Once he dried off, he felt much better. He hated not fitting in, and sometimes when he was with Melissa, he would get so jealous of how she was dressed, or how she got to do her nails so pretty.


The next day, after Jack dressed up in Becky's clothes, he decided to borrow Becky's her, and try it on himself. Just to see how it looked. Melissa's nails had been so pretty, and her two friend's nails too. Only his had been dull and plain.

He decided to first do his toenails. After two coats, he moved on to his fingernails. It wasn't too hard to figure out. He was admiring his hands, when he noticed that he had missed a spot on his toe. He sat on the edge of his bed, and painted his toenail.

Just then, Becky walked in the door.

"Hey, that's mine!" she said.

"Sorry, I'll get you some at the mall today."

"Okay, just ask next time please?" she said.

"Sorry, won't happen again" replied Jack, not even looking up.

Becky shook her head. Little sisters were a pain sometimes.

* * *


Later that afternoon, Jack was watching a soap opera on the TV in his room, when Melissa walked in.

"Jack! Look at your outfit!" said Melissa, who was taking in the skirt and the blouse he had borrowed from Becky's closet.

"What do you think?" he asked.

"Those colors don't go together at all" she replied. And that top is way too tight on you. If your boobs are so large that they buttons are strained like that, then you shouldn't wear it."

"Really?" he said.

"Yeah, it makes you look slutty. Come on over to my place. I'll find something better for you."

They walked through the living room, past Jack's parents who were watching a movie. Jack's mother glanced at the outfit he was wearing.

"Is that Becky's skirt? She'll be mad that you've borrowed her clothes" she said.

"I'm going to Melissa's. I'll get one of her outfits, and then we might go to the mall."

"All right kitten, but don't stay out too late tonight."

"Aw mom!" protested Jack. He wasn't a young girl anymore! He was old enough to take care of himself.


It was so much fun to go through Melissa's closet, and pick out a really fun outfit. Jack found a little white tank top with thin straps, just like he loved. That and a short black skirt which really showed off his curves.

"You look hot" said Melissa. "Now how about some shoes?"

"Cool! Then we can put on makeup, and go out" said Jack.

Half an hour later, the two of them were ready for the mall. They had on their hottest outfits that their parents wouldn't go ballistic over; they had on their makeup, and they had braided each other's hair.


The mall was a fun place for a teen to hang out. They shopped, and Jack found a really cute purse. They had a cup of coffee, and looked at all the people going by.

"Look at that dorky boy" said Jack, "wearing white socks and sandals! What a clod."

"At least they aren't knee length!" joked Melissa.

"How about that girl by the door, wearing autumn colors this time of year?" said Jack.

"Ooh, she's only one month ahead of schedule."

"And that guy over there, wearing long black pants, in the summer! He looks like a valet parking guy."

"Some boys just don't have much fashion sense" agreed Melissa.

"At least his friends are cute. He should learn from them how to dress!"

"You've got that right. Do you like that one with the black hair?"

"I think that one with the longer curly hair is much cuter. But it looks too much like a fake blond. I bet he gets it bleached."

"You should go blonde, for the rest of the summer" suggested Melissa.

"I don't know. So many other girls are blonde..."

"Yes, but it would work for you. Come on, give it a try."

Within five minutes, Melissa had Jack talked in to giving blonde hair a try. They would go to the salon tomorrow.

* * *


Jack waited patiently with her long pretty hair all pulled up, with the tin foil wrapped around it. "You have to look so silly to make your hair look good!" she thought.

When the long wait was done, her stylist showed her a better way to use styling gel in her hair to give it move volume. She looked in the mirror, and was shocked to see that her hair was now so blonde.

"I love it!" she said, turning to Melissa. "See, I always told you that you had such good fashion sense. I never would have thought of trying this out."

"You're really pretty like that" said Melissa. "I'm jealous of you! You're a prettier girl than I am now."

"Oh go on, you're just saying that to make me feel good" replied Jack, as she dug through her purse to find the money for the hair. She made sure to give her stylist a good tip as well. Then she headed out with Melissa.


Jack came home, and saw his mother waiting in the kitchen.

"Oh Jacqelyne" she said, "don't forget that we need to go shopping soon to get you some new outfits for school."

"Yes mom" she replied. Shopping with her mother would not be nearly as fun as shopping with her friends.

"Oh my, look at your hair!" said her mother. "My baby looks so pretty like that! I never imagined you going blonde."

"Me neither mom, but I love it!" replied Jacqelyne. She was so glad her mother was supportive of her new hairstyle. She was afraid for a while that her mother would be mad at her.

Jacqelyne went upstairs to clean her room, when she felt something strange. Then it hit again. A cramp.

"Becky, can you come here?" she said.

"Sure sis, what's up?"

"I've got really bad cramps" she said.

"Do you have a tampon in?"


"Then let me get a couple for you. I get a headache sometimes too when my period first starts up. Mom has some pills you can take that help the symptoms."

"No, I'll be fine. Its a natural body function, so I don't think I should need drugs. Women have lived with periods for thousands of years, so why should I have to rely on a drug?"

"Oh Jackie, you're so silly!" said Becky, handing the tampons to her prettier sister.

Jacqelyne went to the bathroom, pulled up her skirt, pulled down her panties, and inserted the tampon. She was lucky, only a few drops of red had gotten onto her panties, and she had caught it in time. She would be able to get the stain out.

But she felt very bloated, and her large breasts were sore. She tried to remember having this bad of a period before, but couldn't. Oh well, what could you do? When you're a girl, you have to live with 'the curse'. Boys had no idea how easy they had it!

* * *


Becky was crying, and Jacqelyne just had to go in and find out why. The past few days, her sister had been acting a little funny.

"He Beck, what's the matter?" she asked.

At first, Becky wouldn't say anything, no matter what Jacqelyne tried. But finally, she opened up.

"It's you!" she said, which took Jacqelyne aback.

"Me? What did I do?"

"Everything!" cried Becky. "You do everything better than me. You're smarter than me, you're prettier than me, you have bigger boobs...everything you do is perfect. You've got boys falling over themselves to meet you, you dress so cool,'re a golden girl. But me? I'm just an ugly old maid."

"Becky! Do you want to know something?" said Jacqelyne. "For so long *I* have felt jealous of *you*. You are my older sister, and I have always looked up to you! You are what I aspired to be! When you say all those nice things about me, that's how I've always felt about you! So you see, you're not an ugly old maid. You're my older sister, and you're my role model. You are the reason that I am what I am."

Becky gave Jacqelyne a big hug. Her sister was so thoughtful, and so understanding! She made her feel better somehow.

"Come on. You are going to join me working out, and we'll whip you into shape in no time" said Jacqelyne.

Becky loved her sister so much.

* * *


It was the last day before school started again. Ariel had a very busy summer, but now she wanted to check back in with Becky. She saw the most beautiful girl ever, sitting on the couch. She had long shimmering blonde hair, and looked so pretty! She was wearing the Glamour Girl T-shirt (which Ariel thought was very fitting for the occasion), and a pair of hot looking cut-off jeans. They boy with her was holding her hand, talking to her.

"So I'll be there on the sidelines cheering when you score the touchdown" she said.

"I can't wait to see you in your cute little cheerleader outfit!" said the boy. He gave her a gentle kiss, and headed out the door. She gave him a naughty slap on the butt as he left.

"Hey, you football players do that to each other. I wanted in on the action!" she said.

Ariel was thrilled. She had helped turn a poor little girl into a pretty young lady. She was a cheerleader, and she was dating the starting quarterback already! She would be so happy, with her deepest wishes coming true!

Ariel wondered how Becky's brother was feeling about all the attention that his sister would be sure to have on her by now. She decided to check on him. She went to the bedroom next to Becky's and looked in.

But she realized right away that she had made a mistake. From the movie posters on the wall, to the makeup on the dresser, to the jewelry box beside it, it was very clear that this was a girl's room. They must have moved.

She went into Becky's room, and felt very confused because everything was exactly as it had been before. Even Becky! She was still the ugly duckling.

Ariel gasped. If Becky was still her old self, then who was it that she had seen downstairs. Suddenly it dawned on her...that must have been Becky's brother. If *he* had put on the T-shirt, then it would have worked its magic on him...the first person to wear it.

"Oh no, what have I done?" she said as the blonde beauty glided up the stairs. She had turned a normal average boy into a pretty girl! But she could feel the love and happiness radiating from her. He was so happy, now that he was a girl!

"Thanks sis, it worked just like you said it would" said Jacqelyne to Becky.

"No problem. Any time you need advice on boys, just come to me. I've read so many advice columns, I feel like I understand them."

"At least you do!" said Jacqelyne. "They're like a mystery to me."

"Good night sis, I love you!"

"Same to you!"


Becky seemed so happy now too. Jacqelyne had turned out very well. She was quite a wonderful person. They boy Jack had been a typical mischievous boy. But this Jacqelyne, she was another story. The world was a better place for her being there.

How could she ruin this wonderful girl's life by making her a boy again? Ariel wondered if other boys would benefit from this same treatment. Maybe she should start specializing in boys, instead of girls.

She left the house to return to her home in the clouds. She felt very satisfied, know that in the end she had brought happiness to two lives.

* * *


Aurora smiled as well, looking down on the scene. She had manipulated another magic spirit, making them turn males into females. She would keep up her recruiting efforts until they all concentrated on it. One by one, she would convert them all. And soon, the men of the world would find themselves turning female, one by one.

She smiled with satisfaction. Her feminine crusade had only just begun...




© 2003 by Jennifer White. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of StorySite and the copyright holder.