Crystal's StorySite


Trophy Wife

by Jennifer White


Claire looked around the house sadly. It would be her last time at home. It had been 25 years ago that she married Jeff Snyder. Back then, he had been a struggling businessman, starting his own firm. She supported him through all the lean years, working two jobs to help keep the family afloat.

She gave him two children, who were now away at college. She had sacrificed so much for him. And this is how he repaid her.


Jeff's firm had finally started to grow. Then it snowballed, gaining market share in leaps and bounds. It grew from just Jeff, to a staff of 10, then 30, and now 353 employees. It went from losing money, to making a small profit, then a nice profit, and now, millions of dollars a year.

Jeff owned 96.3% of the stock, so he was now a millionaire. Claire looked forward to a life of leisure, being able to do all the things that she and Jeff had always talked about. Traveling, condo in Florida, fancy cars, big house.

He did buy the big house for the family. Claire threw herself at the task of decorating it, buying just the right furniture, planting the garden and flower beds herself, and putting her touch on everything.

But when it was done, instead of being able to sit back and enjoy it, her whole life changed. She caught Jeff in bed with another woman, a tall brunette, when she came home a day early from a visit to her ailing mother.

This wasn't the first time for him to cheat on her. She had been suspicious of him over the years. Smelling strange perfume on his clothes. Lipstick smeared on his handkerchief. Hang-up phone calls. Letters in the mail he grabbed and didn't allow her to see. Having to stay out of town at the last minute, but arriving home in a different shirt than he left with.

But this was the first time she had caught him outright. It started the ball rolling, and now Jeff was divorcing her. He had expensive lawyers, and she was going to get almost nothing in the divorce settlement. They used legal mumbo jumbo and heavy handed tactics to make it look like it was all *her* fault. She was in tears every day during the proceedings. Why had she put up with his cheating for all these years? She had been loyal to him. And now he did this to her.


Claire put the last of her personal belongings into the trunk of her five year old compact car, and was ready to drive off to her new apartment on the cheap side of town.

But it wasn't enough for Jeff to just win in the divorce, he had to be cruel too. Some of Clare's personal possessions, ones that she owned before she ever met him, were somehow kept from her part of the settlement. She looked at the shelf where the teapot her grandmother had given her rested. With her own mother in fragile condition in the hospital, it made this family heirloom even more difficult to leave behind. But Jeff's lawyer watched her pack, limiting her to what was on 'the list'. The lawyers (or Jeff) snuck the teapot off the official list, so she was limited, and could not take it. He did it just to hurt her.

She drove off, and had to pull over. The tears were too much, and she couldn't drive. She wanted to remain strong as they watched her. But now alone, she could let it all out. She put her head down into her arms on the steering wheel, and sobbed.

* * *


A few weeks after moving in to her meager apartment, Claire drove off to her former home. She knew that Jeff had been planning to go out of town that week for a business conference. So the coast would be mostly clear. She was on a mission. She had one item she had to retrieve.

When Claire pulled into the driveway, there was an unfamiliar red sports car. So rather than using the spare key she had kept, she rang the doorbell. He probably would have changed the locks anyway.

A few moments later, a gorgeous six foot tall blonde opened the door. She was built like a model, perfect in every way. A ring with a huge diamond was conspicuous on her finger. Jeff's new trophy wife. He had upgraded to a newer model already.

"Hello, I'm Claire" she said nervously.

"I'm Dayton" said the blond.


"That's right. Jeff warned me that you might come by at some point. I just want you to know that he is marrying *me*, and you are never going to get him back."

Claire just laughed.

"You can keep him all to yourself honey. I'm not interested in the least."

"Then why are you here?" said Dayton, confused.

"I have a personal item that means a lot to me, that I wasn't allowed to take. Its a china teapot that belonged to my grandmother. She used to serve us tea from it when I was a little girl. It is worthless as an antique, but it is a dear treasure to me personally. I just wanted to know, if as a woman, you'd understand, and be willing to let me take it."

Dayton looked at her, surprised. This wasn't the evil vindictive woman that Jeff had warned her of.

"Oh my, that's so sad" said Dayton. "Of course you can have your teapot. Let me go get it for you."


A few minutes later, she returned with a bag. The teapot had been carefully wrapped in tissue paper.

"Oh thank you so much Dayton" said Claire, a tear forming in her eye. "This means so much to me."

"I'm sorry I was so icy at first. I misjudged you. I though you were here out of sour grapes, or wanting more money."

"That's alright. I understand. I have what I want now, and I'll leave you alone. But to repay your kindness, let me tell you something, woman to woman. Over all the years we were together, he was cheating on me. I let it go, hoping he'd grow out of it. But I caught him in bed with another woman, just six months ago. If you two are engaged, I assume that you've been together longer than that. So just be careful, don't let yourself get hurt."

"You're got the wrong idea about Jeff. He's changed. He's not like that anymore. He said he's only interested in me, and that he won't ever cheat on me. He swore."

"For your sake dear, I hope so. Thank you so much for letting me have my teapot back. Good-bye, and good luck with things."

"Same to you. Bye-bye!" said Dayton.

She didn't believe Claire for a second. Jeff would never cheat on her...

* * *


Summer faded into autumn, with the warm summer nights turning colder. The tart apple cider that Claire drank was nothing compared to the bitterness she still felt inside. How was she ever going to find a new man at her age? She was going to be alone now, and was starting to feel resigned to her fate.

As autumn changed into winter, the cold and snow came. The outside looked pretty, with everything covered in a soft white coat. But with every bitter breath, she shivered inside, just as she did at night when she tried to go to sleep and forget the hurt that wouldn't go away.

Claire was sitting cross legged on the floor, sorting through her photo albums. She was systematically pulling out all of her pictures of Jeff. Her first impulse was to throw them away. Cut them up, burn them, bury them. Or shred them, and put them into the cat's litter box.

But instead, she was putting them into two piles, one for each of her children. He was still their father, and they might still want these images of him. Only for her children would she allow these photos to still exist.


She leafed forward to the next page, and looked sadly at the pictures of them in their first house on the day they moved in. She pulled back the clear plastic cover, and removed the picture of Jeff holding a shovel, digging a hole for a shrub.

Claire was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. It rang again, then again. She was annoyed. Probably teenagers pulling a prank. With effort, she stood up, and walked over to the door. She looked out the keyhole, and gasped.

Outside her door was Dayton, Jeff's 'trophy wife'. She was in tears. Claire undid the chain, the deadbolt, and the lock. She opened the door.

"Dayton! What's wrong dear?" she said.

"You were right" sobbed the poor girl. "That bastard! He was cheating on me from day one. Why didn't I listen to you? I feel like such a fool!"

Claire stepped forward and gave Dayton a hug. The poor young thing was hysterical now, sobbing out of control.


Fifteen minutes later, Dayton had ahold of herself again. She was sitting on the couch, under a blanket, sipping a cup of tea that Claire had just poured from her grandmother's teapot.

"When I was upset, granny used to sit me down, make me a cup of tea, and talk to me about it. Tell me Dayton, what happened exactly?"

Dayton launched into a long story. She had found out Jeff was keeping a woman in five different cities. They each were set up with their own apartment, and monthly living expenses. On Jeff's business trips, he would shack up with them.

"How did you find this out?" said Claire. "I had no idea it was that bad!"

"I looked at his financial records."

Claire gave her a confused look.

"Look, just because I'm blond and have big boobs doesn't mean I'm stupid. I'm a CPA. I can sort through the books and see what's going on. But I wanted to be sure, so I hired a private investigator. He brought back lots of pictures. There is no doubt. He never planned to really give me a chance. He's been with all those other girls for quite some time. And those are just the ones I know about!"

Another round of crying ensued, and it took a lot of work for Claire to comfort Dayton, and settle her down.

* * *


Dayton spent the night at Clare's house. In the morning, the two of them got together, and decided that they had to do something. They discussed various plans, until they figured out something perfect. They would have revenge on Jeff by taking away the thing in the world which he most valued. His penis.

* * *


It wasn't until a few months later that all the careful plans were finalized. They needed some money, so Dayton siphoned off funds from Jeff, without him even knowing it. They were now well financed, and could get exactly what they needed.

There was an apartment to rent, equipment to buy, and doctor's appointments to make. After one final rehearsal session, they were ready to begin. It was time to bait the trap.

* * *


"Hey Jeff, want to come over and see me?" said the woman into the phone, as Claire and Dayton looked on. She used her most sexy voice. She was a friend of Dayton's, and she was more than willing to help them out.

"Who is this?" said Jeff.

"Don't you remember me sweetie? We met a few weeks ago. You promised that you'd come over to my place some time, and show me what a real man can do. I've been so lonely waiting here for you."

"I'm not sure..." said Jeff.

"I'm only wearing a see-through lace teddy. I'm not even wearing my panties. I'm so hot, waiting here for you. Please tell me you'll come over and satisfy me."

"Where are you?"

"I'm at 1015 West Miller, apartment 217. The door is open. I'll be on the couch, sipping champagne, waiting for you."

"I'll see you in twenty minutes" said Jeff excitedly.


"All set!" said Amanda.

"You did great" said Claire. "You even made me feel aroused."

"Oh you!" said Amanda, laughing. She really was wearing the see-through teddy, but she also had a terry cloth robe on top.

"Time to get set up!" said Dayton. The girls swung into action. Dayton and Claire took their places, while Amanda took off her robe, and sipped champagne, just like she promised.


The doorknob turned, and Jeff walked confidently into the room. He shut the door, double locking it, then turned back towards the woman sitting seductively on the couch.

"Hello there" he said, taking a step towards her. He didn't see Dayton sneak up from behind, and wasn't prepared for the cloth that went over his mouth and nose. He turned to brush her aside, but Claire jumped out and restrained him too.

He took a breath, and immediately knew something was wrong. The cloth over his face had some kind of ether, and he was already feeling weak and dizzy. He tried to hold his breath, but it was no use. He took another deep gulp of air, and fell to his knees. It wasn't until he was lying on the floor that Dayton removed the cloth from his face.

The three women moved him onto the hospital gurney they had purchased at a resale shop, and went to work cutting off his clothes and strapping him down.

Amanda was a nurse, and expertly put the I.V. drip into his arm. She hung a bag of dark fluid, and hooked that into the I.V. system, setting it to drip in slowly.

"That will keep him out for quite some time" she said.

Now that it was safe, she administered several doses of the drugs and hormones that Dayton and Claire had supplied. They were busy working on Jeff's body, removing hair and applying several creams and lotions in various locations. He was in for quite a surprise when he awoke.

* * *


Jeff woke up, and had one heck of a hangover. He tried to remember the night before. He remembered walking into the apartment, where he saw the hot babe on her couch. He remembered seeing her big tits, but then....he sort of remembered falling over. What he hell happened to him? Why did he hurt so much all over?

He sat up, and immediately knew something was wrong. First of all, there was the hair. Long hair, falling over his face. Just like his hair, but shoulder length. That was wrong.

And the weight on his chest was *very* wrong. As he sat up, he felt something there. Something that jiggled. He looked down, and saw his chest puffed out in front of him, covered by a pink silky nightie.

What!???! Why was he wearing a nightie? And why did his chest look like a woman's? He looked further down. The nightie came down to almost his knees. Why wasn't there a bulge between his legs?

He reached down to his crotch, not really believing the long red nails he saw on his hands. He touched himself down there. The area was flat, and sore. And *it* was missing. Suddenly, he felt dizzy.

This had to be a dream. A nightmare. This couldn't be real.


"Hello Kimberlee" said Dayton, who had just walked into the room.

"Who's Kimberlee?" he replied.

"Don't you know silly?" she said. "*You* are."

"I am not! I'm Jeff!"

"Jeff was a man" said Claire, who walked confidently into the room. "But you are no longer a man. Haven't you felt what's missing between you legs yet?"

"And you have big boobs" said Dayton. "Men don't have boobs. But *you* certainly do. You're stacked!"

"So you're not a man" added Claire, "so you must be a *woman*. And if you're a woman, you are no longer Jeff. So you must be Kimberlee."

"See?" said Dayton. "I told you. You *are* Kimberlee now."

"What are you two doing here together? What's going on?"

Claire sighed, and rolled her eyes.

"What's going on, is that you're one of *us* now. You are a woman. You are female. For the rest of your life, so you had better get used to it."

"No!" said Jeff firmly. "Never! As soon as I get out of here, I'm going to the police!"

"And tell them that your dick was stolen? Hello officer, I'm looking for my penis. Have you seen it?" said Dayton, trying hard to suppress a giggle.

"Show him the photo honey" said Claire.

Dayton picked up an 8x10 picture, and brought it over.

"This is a photo of you, in between operations. You can see that we took this before we had your face altered. It looks just like the man you used to be, but just from the head up."

The picture showed a woman splayed out seductively on a bed with her legs spread. But the was Jeff! He couldn't believe it.

"This picture is a fake" he said.

"No, it's quite real. Any expert will certify that it is untouched. Now we also took a second one, when James came over."

She handed him a second picture, which showed Jeff in his in-between state, with female body but manly face. He was on his back, with his legs wide open, and James between them.

"What a little slut you are!" said Dayton. "Not even one day with your new vagina, and you're already bedding a man."

"He was always in bed when he was a man. So why should it be any different now that he's become Kimberlee?"

"You'd think that all the estrogen would have stopped that."

"Maybe it was all that estrogen that made *her* want to get laid so bad that she put out for the first man she came across."


Jeff was livid now. They had done something to him. Now he remembered being drugged, and that was what caused him to pass out. They altered his body while he was out. They posed him, and took pictures.

"You'll pay for this!" he said.

"No dear, *you* will" replied Claire coldly. "First of all, if you so much as think about going against anything we say, then we will release these pictures. To the newspaper. The guys at your office. Your mother. Your father. I bet he'd love to see the ones of you making love with James.

"No! You can't show these to anyone!" said Jeff.

"Good. So you understand, and you'll be a good obedient little girl."

Jeff just glared.

"Promise you'll be a good girl!" demanded Dayton.

"I....I'll be good" said Jeff.

"Not good enough! You have to be a good *girl*."

"I'll be a good girl" he said, almost in a whisper.

"Louder! Say it like you mean it!"

"I'll be a good girl" he said.

"That's better. You had better get used to being a girl, because you *are* one now, and forever. Just give in and accept your femininity. It will be a lot easier if you don't try to fight it."

Jeff just glared back at them.


"Oh, she hasn't seen her face yet" said Claire. Dayton gave Jeff a hand-mirror. The image reflecting back was quite different from the one he was used to. The face in the mirror was pretty. The nose was much smaller. The chin now pointier. Higher cheekbones. And of course, all the makeup.

"Do you know that the latest thing is permanent makeup? You'll never have to fix it. It will never run. It is always there, a part of you. Like a tattoo. Your eyeshadow, your blush, your lips, they will *always* look like that."

"But don't worry, we did give you a tattoo on the small of your back too."

"What! What does it say?" asked Jeff, in a panic.

"Oh, it's just a heart, a bunch of roses, and the words 'Hot Babe'. Nothing much. If you wear low-rider jeans and a short shirt, you'll let guys get a glimpse of it. It will turn them on, like when they see your boobs."

"Men aren't going to see my boobs!" said Jeff.

"Yes they are. Because you'll dress up slutty when you go out. You'll have them crawling all over you."


"Oh yes you will. You're a woman now, and you need a man. Maybe you'll find a rich sugar daddy who can set you up with your own apartment and an allowance every month."

Jeff's face turned white, making the permanent makeup look even more prominent.

"Or maybe she'll marry someone, and be a trophy wife herself" said Dayton. "She can stay home, decorate the house, and tend to his children while he works all day."

"That would be wonderful! Then she can make love to him every night, and be the perfect wife. She'll be supportive of him."

"Just like her bra is supportive of her. She's so stacked that she'll really be saggy when she's an old woman if she doesn't always wear a good bra."

"You hear that? You had better take care of your boobs dear."

"Stop this!" said Jeff. "Please stop!"

"Sorry Kimberlee. We're just getting started."

* * *


While Jeff was undergoing his transformation into Kimberlee, Dayton took control of his bank accounts. Now the women had more money at their disposal than they would ever need.

It was an ordeal getting Kimberlee to dress up for the first time. She was very resistant. But under constant threat, she finally gave in. She still didn't accept the fact that she was a woman. She would look in the mirror at her naked body, with its large womanly breasts, the surgically created curve to her hips, or even the warm inviting slit between her legs. She would see all this, and was still in denial.

But after wearing a bra every day, along with skirts and dresses, after being forced to wear high heels, after constant reminders that she was now a woman, the reality of her situation began to sink in.


"We're going on a trip" announced Dayton.

"Where to?" asked Kimberlee, who was now well enough trained not to think of herself as Jeff anymore. That would lead to pain, or worse things. They were slowly twisting her personality into that of Kimberlee.

"Miami" said Claire.


They packed up, and rode a taxi to the airport. Dayton and Claire were dressed in casual clothes, while Kimberlee wore her usual style: black leather miniskirt, skimpy top, and boots with six inch heels.

They rode first class, and a few hours later, they were in the warmth of Miami.

"You came here on business quite a bit, so you know your way around town" said Claire.

"Yes" replied Kimberlee, who wondered exactly where they were going. Dayton drove the rental car up I-95, heading to the north part of town. She signaled to get off at an exit that was very familiar to Kimberlee, back when she had been Jeff.

Dayton made a right turn at the 2nd stoplight, and Kimberlee started to squirm. Did she realize where she was driving to? Jeff had gone this way to see Maggie at her apartment that he had paid for.

She turned left, and there could be no doubt of the destination now. They were off to see one of Jeff's girls "on the side".

"Please don't do this" said Kimberlee.

"You know better than to tell us what to do" replied Claire sternly. Kimberlee was silent as they pulled up to the parking lot, and found a visitor's spot. They took the elevator to the 12th floor of the high-rise, and walked down the hall to 1204.

"Who's there?" said the voice from inside.

"Hi, I'm Dayton. I'm a friend of Jeff Snyder's. Can I talk to you a moment? Its about Jeff. Its very important."

Maggie opened the door after undoing the locks. There were three ladies outside her door. Two seemed nice enough, but the third looked kind of slutty. What was up with her?

"You haven't heard from Jeff in months, have you" said Claire.

Kimberlee couldn't believe that it had been *months*. It only seemed like days. Exactly what all had they done to her?

"No, I've been worried" said Maggie. "And how do you know Jeff?"

She showed them in, and sat them down on the couches.

"I was Jeff's wife" said Claire, matter-of-factly. "But he divorced me when I caught him cheating with another woman."

"And then he married me" said Dayton. "But he was never faithful. Not even from the start."

"No. You're lying. Jeff isn't married! He said that he's waiting until his business is more successful. Then he'll move down here, and marry me."

"I'm sorry Maggie, but what I'm telling you is true. Look. Here's our marriage license. And our wedding photo."

Maggie looked stunned. Her world was crumbling around her. She had waited years for his man, and everything he had said was a lie. She covered her mouth, and tried to fight back the tears.

"That bastard!" she screamed. "I'll kill him if I ever see him again!"

"He's hurt us too Maggie. That's why were here."

"What about *you*" she said, turning to Kimberlee. "What did Jeff do to you?"

"It's not what Jeff did to her" said Dayton. "It's what we did to Jeff."

Maggie stared at Kimberlee. No. It couldn't be. She looked at the face. The shoulders. The hands. The birthmark! This woman had the same birthmark as Jeff, right there on the arms.

Maggie had seen the big boobs, the slutty dress, the makeup, the hair, the unfortunate footwear choice of boots in Miami. She hadn't looked closer until now.

"Jeff?" she said.

"Kimberlee" she replied, knowing better than to even *think* of calling herself Jeff anymore.

"You did this to him?" she said.

"Yes" said Claire proudly.

"What a wonderful turn of events!" said Maggie. "And did you go all the way with this?"

"Kimberlee," said Dayton, "lift up your skirt for Maggie."

She obeyed, and Maggie gasped as she saw how flat the tight little panties laid against Kimberlee's crotch. No bulge. No nuts. No penis.

"She's a girl now, just like us" said Claire.

"Good. *She* deserves it" said Maggie. "She deserves a hell of a lot more than that too. She should have to go through what I did. I waited for you! I believed you! I threw away years of my life for you! And everything you told me was a lie!"

"I'm sorry" said Kimberlee.

"Not good enough" said Maggie, fuming.

"We've trained her" said Dayton. "You'll find her quite obedient. She cannot disobey any command from a female. Try something."

Maggie looked at Dayton in disbelief. But look what they had done with Jeff so far. If they could alter his body like that, why couldn't they train him too?

"Get down on your knees" said Maggie.

Kimberlee stood up, walked a step away from the couch, and got down on her knees.

"Kiss my feet!" ordered Maggie. Kimberlee obeyed.

"See? She will do *anything* you want" said Dayton.

"Wow" said Maggie, amazed.

"Dayton and I are going shopping, then checking in at the spa where we're staying. We'll be back on Tuesday to pick up Kimberlee. Until then, she is yours. Do whatever you like with her. I don't recommend making her jump off a bridge or anything like that, because we have seven more women like you to visit. I think it would be much better if Kimberlee had to face them too."

"Oh, I agree" said Maggie, rubbing her hands together, plotting how she would use Maggie in the following days. She didn't know what these women had done to her, but what she was planning was going to be much much worse.

"You can start by cleaning the house top to bottom" ordered Maggie. "I want everything to sparkle. I want the grout between the tiles in the bathroom cleaned with a toothbrush until it is as white as the driven snow. I want the windows to be as clear as the air in the mountains. I want the kitchen to look new. Now get to work, slave!"


Maggie thanked Dayton and Claire.

"Don't forget, nothing scares Kimberlee more than a man" said Claire, as they waved good-bye.

"Oh, I'll make sure she gets plenty scared" said Maggie, as the two women drove off in their rental car.

* * *


On Tuesday, when they picked up Kimberlee, they laughed when they saw her walk. She was very sore, and limping with a painful look on her face.

"Thank god you're back" she said, not believing that going with these two women was actually going to be a respite. As cruel as they were, it was like a vacation compared to what Maggie had just put her through.

"Can we go home now?" said Kimberlee.

"Sorry dear. We're off to Los Angeles now."

"No! Not to see Maria!"

"Oh yes. Then to Chicago to see Katherine, Detroit to see Shanique, and then..."

"Please! I'll do anything!" said Kimberlee, pleading.

But it was no use. They had plans, and weren't about to change them. They headed to the airport, to fly off to Kimberlee's next 'appointment'.

With the girlfriends they knew of so far, they estimated that they'd have over a month of this fun. Dayton and Claire would go off and have fun, while Kimberlee was made to suffer.

* * *


In LA, the reaction from Maria was almost the same as Maggie's had been in Miami. Except that Maria had quite a temper, and there was much yelling and throwing of dishes when she heard the news.

As Dayton and Claire rode off on their way to The Beverly Hills Hotel, they could only imagine what she would do to Kimberlee. They stopped at the hotel bar for a few drinks.

"You know, I'm having the time of my life" said Dayton.

"Me too! This is so fun. I always thought I'd be with Jeff, traveling the world."

"In a way you are. Only he's a chick now."

They laughed.

"I have something to tell you" said Claire.

"What's that?" replied Dayton.

"Well you see, I feel like over the past few months we've grown really close. You're my best friend in the world, and I feel like we're so much on the same wavelength, like you and I are extensions of each other."

"That's just what I feel. I was afraid to tell you."

"We don't have to be afraid. We can do anything we want. After Jeff, I don't think I could ever be with another man. But I feel lonely sometimes. I want to feel love again."

"You still can" said Dayton, holding Clare's hand. "You've given me strength and courage. I'm willing to explore if you are."


"Front desk, how may I help you?" said the clerk.

"Yes, I'd like to check out of room 904 please."

"Is anything wrong ma'am? You're not scheduled to leave for three more days."

"No, everything is fine. I'm just going to share a room with my friend."

"I see. I'll send the bellhop up to move your luggage to the other room for you."

"Thank you" said Claire. She was nervous, and trembling all over. She felt giddy, like when she was on her first date in high school. In a way, this would be her first date. Her first with a girl.

* * *


When the new lovers picked up Kimberlee from Maria's, they noticed bruises on her arms.

"Maria was hard on you then?" asked Claire.

Kimberlee was silent. She just cried.


As they were stuck in traffic, even Kimberlee could notice that something was different in the car. Dayton and Claire were holding hands, and giving each other little looks. When they arrived at the car rental return, they shared a kiss.

Somehow, even more so than the tortures that Maria and Maggie had laid on her, seeing both of the women who had been married to Jeff together, in a loving embrace and deep kiss, sent daggers through Kimberlee's heart.

"'re lovers?" she said.

"Yes. We both realized that we don't need a man. You drove us to this. This is all thanks to *you*."

Kimberlee felt weak all over. When she had been a man, she had been intimate with both these women. But now, they were all over each other. And the worst part was that she had done this.

In Kimberlee's soul, something stirred that had not been there before. True remorse. She started to sob quietly.

"What's the matter dear?" said Dayton.

"I...I am so sorry" said Kimberlee, her voice trembling. "I am such a terrible person. I hurt so many people! I only thought of myself, and didn't care about others. I hadn't realized what I meant to Maggie, or Maria, or the others. I didn't realize how much that hurt you. I....I hate myself for what I did."

Claire handed her a tissue, and she blew her nose.

"Please, just help me end this misery. I'll do anything. How can I atone for this? What can I do to make up for all the wrongs in my life?"


Dayton and Claire looked at each other, and smiled. Kimberlee truly felt remorse. This was real, not an act.

"Here" said Claire, handing over a briefcase.

"What's this?"

"All the photos of you. And $50,000.00 in cash. Go! Leave us. Start a new life here for yourself. If you want to atone for what you did, then go out and help others. You can't undo the hurt you gave people, but you can make a difference in other's lives."

"We release you. You can be whatever you want now. You don't have to do anything you don't want to."

Kimberlee got out of the car, trembling inside. She was free now! It was scary and exhilarating all at once. She was a new woman, and could do anything she wanted. She would find a cause, and devote herself wholeheartedly. She wanted to make up for the past, and make a new start.

"Thank you" she said.

"Good-bye Kimberlee."


She waved as Dayton and Claire boarded the shuttle bus together, and rode off to the airport terminal. They were so happy looking together. It actually made Kimberlee smile. She hoped that one day she might find a woman of her own, so she could have true love like that too. She looked at the sun setting into the smog, and the bright red color it splashed across the sky. A tear of joy filled her eye. It was a sign of the end of her former life, and new beginning for her.




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