Crystal's StorySite


Total Control

by Jennifer White


Dennis had always been a control freak. Everything had to be *his* way, exactly, with no exceptions. When he first started dating Patricia, he hid this from her, waiting until she got close enough to him that she wouldn't freak out. Bit by bit, his need for being in charge of everything started to come through. It was gradual enough that at first Patricia didn't feel too controlled. But as time wore on, she wondered what was happening to her.

One day, as she was getting ready to meet him for dinner, it dawned on her just how much he was starting to run her life. She was wearing an outfit she had bought because *he* had insisted on it. She was wearing more makeup than she like to, because *he* demanded it. They were going to a restaurant that didn't have anything healthy on the menu, because *he* wanted to eat there. They were going later than she liked for dinner, because *he* wanted to eat late.

Patricia sighed. She was growing her fingernails longer for him, even though it made typing and filing harder at work. She even had her toenails done for him, which she had never done before. But that hadn't been enough for him. She was growing her hair longer, even though it was a lot harder to care for now. She had plucked her eyebrows, and even had a bikini wax. All for him.

As she looked at herself in the mirror, she suddenly felt like she didn't even know herself anymore.

"I'm becoming what *he* wants me to be, not who *I* am" she thought to herself.

What a terrible feeling it was for her, to realize that she was losing control of her very own life. She was starting to do everything for Dennis, but what was he doing for her? She was even paying for the dinner that night! She suddenly felt like she was a puppet, dancing on a string that he was pulling.

It got worse in the bedroom. Forget foreplay. Forget having him go down on her, or do something that *she* wanted for *her* pleasure. It was all about *him*. He would tell her what to do, and get mad if she didn't. Out of the blue, he might tell her to go down on him, even in a dangerous place, and he expected her to do it. He hadn't been like that at first, but gradually, he had become so demanding! But she hadn't really thought about it. The change had been so gradual, that it was only now that she thought about how controlled she was.

This wasn't what she had wanted for her life! She wanted a *partner*. A soul mate. Someone she could talk to, and express her feelings. How often was she quiet and coy now, letting him dominate the conversation? She would listen to his stupid long-winded stories, sit there and smile for him.

"Enough!!!" she said out loud.

She had made her mind up. She needed to take action, before she was completely swept away, becoming one of those totally passive women who lived just for her man. She *hated* those type of women, who set the cause back years and years. A woman could be strong, and *should* have an independent mind. She can love her man, yet still keep herself, and have her own life.

There was no need for him to be cutting her off from her friends. There was no reason why she had to live her life just for him. It would all stop, today.


"Dennis, I'm sorry, but I really feel sick. I can't go to dinner tonight" she said on the phone.

"I want you there. You'll come and pick me up at nine, like we planned."

"Dear, I was trying to be polite, but let me tell you: I'm having my period, right now. I'm PMSing, I'm oozing, and you're not going to get any tonight. I don't feel like talking about this anymore. I'm not going out tonight, and that is final!"

There was silence on the other side of the phone. Dennis of course would not like being told 'no'. But her little white lie about her period would do the trick. Men were grossed out by all that. It was too bad that *they* didn't have to go through all the things we do every month. Maybe they'd get a better perspective on life that way!

"Okay" said Dennis. "Call me when you feel better."

"Good night" said Patricia, hanging up the phone.


She immediately started to call her girlfriends. She needed to talk, and get some things off her chest. She went to a couple of them right away, and got the sympathetic support she needed. But when she spoke to her girlfriend Holly, they hit upon something even better: an idea on how she could get even with him, and put him in his place.



Patricia had known Holly since highschool. Even though Holly came from a wealthy family, and Patricia came from a family of modest means, the two hit it right off. They were very different through; while Patricia did well in English and History classes, Holly excelled in Math and Science.

So while Patricia had to get a job right out of school to support herself, Holly went on to college. Now, Holly was about to complete her PhD, while Patricia was just working as an office assistant. But they were still friends, even through all of that.

Patricia knew that Holly had been working on some big experiment in her basement, which had something to do with the PhD she was going for. But since Patricia had never been good at science, she didn't understand how all those things worked. But Holly assured her that it was something really cutting edge, and once it was completed, she'd be impressed.


As luck would have it, Holly's electronics were going to be just the thing that the two of them would need to really teach Dennis a lesson. The two of them plotted out what they would do. Holly even had a friend who would be very willing to work with them, to complete the scenario they designed. Holly would make the final preparations. All Patricia needed to do was to lure Dennis to Holly's place, on the appointed night....


* * *


"I'm really sorry I went off on you like that" said Patricia meekly. "It was my PMS talking. I didn't mean to be so demanding and so obstinate."

"Just don't let it happen again. You should just stay home when you're on your period, so I don't have to deal with it" replied Dennis.

"*Anything* for you my darling" said Patricia. "Do you like how I did my makeup today? Is this how you like it? Or should I use even more eyeshadow?"

"That's a lot better" said Dennis nodding. "You're finally listening to me."

"I want to make things up to you for the other day" said Patricia. "I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds here, but I had an idea, which I thought you would really like. A present, for you."

"Well, what is it?" replied Dennis. He didn't want her *thinking*. That always caused problems.

"I wanted to make things up to you."

"You already said that."

"So want I wanted to do was, I've got this girlfriend. She's a photographer."

"You want to take a picture?" snorted Dennis.

"Better than that. I wanted her to film us making love. You can tell me *exactly* what to do, and I'll do whatever you say. I'll be in your total control, as the camera captures us. That would be so *fun*. You'll be the film director, and then we'll have a film capturing our love on tape."

Patricia had chosen her words carefully. She wanted it to be very tempting for him, something he couldn't say no to. But not something so obvious that he'd think he was walking into a trap. She could see him thinking about it, getting excited. Now she just needed to close the sale.

"As the director, you of course will pick out my outfit. And I'll go get those nail extensions you wanted, so on the film I'll be *exactly* what you want. I can't wait to see how it turns out! But you've got to promise me that you're not going to give it out to everyone. I don't want to be like Paris Hilton, and get sprayed all across the internet."

"I'll decide what to do with the tape" said Dennis.


Patricia had to use all of her self-control not to smile and laugh out loud. He took the bait, hook, line, and sinker. She put her head down in a meek pose, to show him that she was deferring to his judgment. She would be very careful for the next few days not to arouse his suspicions. But there would be plenty to keep him busy, picking out her clothes, getting her nails done like he wanted.

As soon as she had a chance to go to the bathroom, Patricia called Holly from her cell phone.

"He's in" she said.

"See you Friday" replied Holly. "I'll have everything ready. I'll call Casey right now."

Patricia closed her flip phone, and returned it to her purse. Now she could smile, in the solitude of the bathroom, as she checked her makeup. The days of Dennis being in charge were about to end.


* * *


It was Friday. Patricia stood there in an outfit that she thought was hideous. Wearing dark pantyhose with a tight blue miniskirt, a push-up bra and a very tight pink V-neck sweater (which exposed her cleavage way too much), was not her idea of a good outfit! And not with six inch heels. And *way* too much makeup.

Her hands felt funny with the extra long nails, which got in the way of everything. They were painted hot pink, making them stand out even more. She felt stifled by the extra makeup she had put on. Her lips were *way* too dark. There was so much rouge on her cheeks and mascara on her eyes, that she felt that she looked like a cheap hooker. She wore her long hair up, so she could let it down at his command, like he wanted.

But this was all for show. Just this one day, then she could get herself back to normal. She put on lots of extra perfume, like he told her to, then she came out.

"Do I look okay for you?" she said. "Did I forget anything you wanted?"

"No, you're okay" he replied.

Not what a woman wants to hear after she's spent hours preparing herself! But Patricia just smiled, as if he had just complimented her. She stood there, waiting for him to tell her what to do.

"Let's go!" he said. "You're going to make us late again, as usual."

She didn't argue. She followed him out the door, and got into the car.

"I printed out the directions for you" she said, holding out a piece of paper from the computer.

"You can read them to me" he replied.

Another order. Oh well, not after today!


Twenty minutes later, they pulled into the driveway of Holly's large house. They went towards the back door.

"Why not the front?" said Dennis.

"She keeps it locked" she replied. "Her friends always come in from the back."

It had been an extra precaution, so it would be less likely that anyone saw Dennis go into her house, just in case anything went wrong, and they needed to change plans. It *was* an experiment after all. Animal testing had worked, but Holly had never tried her machine on people before.


The basement was set up like a movie stage. There was a king-sized bed, with red satin sheets on it. There were tripods with lights, and three cameras. There were also two large racks of electronic equipment.

"What's all that for?" asked Dennis, pointing to the racks.

"We're shooting in digital" said Holly. "These are the hard drives where it is all stored and synchronized. I can easily choose which shot I want from any of the five cameras, so that it looks very professional. You'll be impressed. I can burn a DVD right from the editing system, so you won't get a low-res video tape. It will all be digital. I'll even overdub music."

"Wow" said Dennis. "Sounds impressive."

Dennis was looking at Holly's boobs in her tight shirt as he talked, not bothering to look her in the eye. He also noticed another woman in the room, who was working on setting up the lights.

"Who's she?" he said.

"This is Casey. She does the lighting for me."

Casey was hot. Really hot. Now Dennis was staring at *her*. She had really long blond hair. She had huge boobs. She had curves. She wore a *lot* of makeup. She was dressed in a tight black miniskirt, and knee-high boots with six inch heels. Little did Dennis know, she had dressed according to the directions that Patricia had relayed through Holly. It was an outfit designed to maximize her attractiveness to Dennis. She *never* dressed like that in real life.


"Now Dennis" said Holly, using a script that she had worked out with Patricia to maximize the effect, "I am here as the cinematographer. You are the director. That means that it is my job to do whatever you want, in order to make your vision of the film a reality. And Casey is here to serve your needs as well. She will work the lighting and the audio, so that it comes out however *you* want."

It had all be designed to make Dennis think that he was in complete control of *everything*. All three women would be there to serve *him*. The ultimate fantasy for a man like him. He'd be so wrapped up in his control of the women, that he would never realize that *they* were the ones manipulating *him*.

"Before we begin shooting, lets discuss what we're going to do. First of all, do you have a name for the film?"

"I want to call it Total Control" he said. "Here's the plot: Patricia is sitting on the bed, brushing her hair, or whatever chicks do when they're alone in their bedrooms. I come in, and she immediately gets on her knees to show her subordination to me. I will tell her exactly what to do, and she will do it."

"Wow" said Casey. "That is *really* hot. I wish *I* had a man who would do me like that."

Dennis's face lit up. She was into being controlled?

"You know what would show that you have *ulitmate* control over Patricia?" said Holly.

"What?" replied Dennis.

"If you got her to say how she's your girl, how she loves you, and all that. Then you *order* her to strip naked, and play with herself, while you do it with Casey. You control her so much, that she's willing to just watch as you do another woman."

Everyone looked at her, stunned. Except that for Holly and Patricia, the stunned looks were rehearsed. They were still following a script.

"I know Casey is up for it" said Holly. "But what about you Patricia?"

"I'll do whatever Dennis tells me" she said meekly.

"So it's up to you, boss" said Holly. "Do you like the idea?"

"That is so cool!" he said. "Okay, we'll do it."

"Dennis, before we start, can I make a suggestion?" said Casey innocently. "Something to turn up the control even more?"

"And what is that?" he replied, getting more and more excited by the moment.

"Well, I know that Holly has been working on this device thing for her PhD. If she'll let us use it...."

"What's this device?" said Dennis, very much interested in any way he could turn things up a notch.

"It is an experiment I'm working on" she said. "But I don't know if we should use it...."

"How does it work?" said Dennis.

"Well, if you were to put on this thing that kind of looks like a hands-free cell phone clip, and she was to put on the receiver, then you would be able to actually *control* her. I mean, *really* control her. You could make her lift her arm, just by your thoughts. You could make her say whatever you wanted, just by thinking it. You would control every aspect of her. You could even make her hold her breath until she passed out. All with your mind."

"Wow" he said.

"But I don't know. Maybe we shouldn't use it" said Patricia.

"No" agreed Holly. "It doesn't sound like a good idea to me."


They had been very careful to work out this part. It wasn't them *telling* him what to do; he would be exerting his power over them by *making* them use the device. Predictably, he fell right into the trap.

"No" he demanded. "We *will* use the device."

"We had better do what he wants" said Casey.

Dennis smiled. They crumbled, and gave in to his demands.


"This little piece goes into your ear over here" said Holly, as she attached the device to Dennis. It was hardly noticeable, being so small. "But you may want to keep your left side to the camera, just in case it shows."

Holly made a few final adjustments.

"There, all set" she said.

"She's not responding!" said Dennis. "This stupid thing doesn't work!"

"Be patient. I haven't turned on the controller yet. And then it will take a little time to go through her brain pattern, and sync it with yours. We can start filming whenever you're ready, and by the time she comes on to you, she will be completely in your power."

"Lets get going then" said Dennis, "and stop wasting all this time talking. Okay, places everyone! Lets get set!"


Casey went to the lights, and made one final adjustment. The room was now very bright, with all the stage lights focused on the bed. Patricia took her place outside the camera's view, ready to walk into the room. Holly made an adjustment to the cameras, then gave Dennis the thumbs up.

"We're rolling" she said.

"Action!" said Dennis.


Patricia walked into the room.

"Hello lover" she said in a sexy voice. "What do you want for me to do?"

"You can start by taking off all your clothes" said Dennis.

Patricia smiled seductively, and started to strip. She let down her long hair, and tossed it about. She took off her things like a stripper would, pausing to touch herself, and to cup her hands on her now naked breasts. She made a big show of it, liking her lips as she stared at Dennis.

She got down on her knees, and looked up at him, longingly, like a puppy.

"Stay there" commanded Dennis. "I am bringing another chick into our bed tonight, and you are going to *watch*. I want you to masturbate yourself while we're doing it up on the bed. Pretend that it's *me* going into you, as you make yourself come."

"Mmmmm" said Patricia. "I just love how you tell me *everything* to do."


Right on cue, Casey walked into the view of the camera. She was swinging her hips as she approached. Then she threw herself at Dennis, wrapping her arms and legs around him.

"Oh, you're such a big strong man" she said. "I want you so much!"

"Take your clothes off" he commanded.

Casey immediately started to undress, as Dennis took off his pants. He wanted her to compliment him on how big he was. He was very pleased when immediately she responded by talking.

"Ooh, you're so big!" she said, almost giggling. She licked her lips and looked at him with wide eyes, as if she had never seen a man so well endowed before.

Dennis was eating it up. This was *exactly* what he wanted. He turned to Patricia.

"Casey, that's my girlfriend over there. See how obedient she is? She is going to watch as we make love, and she is going to touch herself for me."

"Ooh, you're so powerful and strong!" purred Casey. It was exactly the words he wanted to hear from her. The device was working! He felt so powerful at that moment, more so than ever before in his life. He imagined Casey putting her hands up to her boobs at that moment, and pinching her nipples.

Immediately, she responded to his thoughts be doing just what he wanted. This was so awesome! He was *really* controlling her. And it was all being captured on film! Dennis was in his glory. This was the best day of his life.

"Touch yourself, and wish you were up here with me!" he said, looking at Patricia, who now had her finger into her pussy, her head back, her eyes closed, with louder and louder moans coming from her gaping mouth.

He then thought to have Casey talk to him, and his words came out of her mouth.

"F**k me" she said. "F**k me hard! I want you now!"

"Get on your back, and spread you legs" he said.

But even as the words were coming out of his mouth, she was already doing it. His thoughts were going right to her head, and she was responding to him! It really *was* total control, and Dennis was just blissful as she touched him where he wanted to be touched, she made the face he wanted, and all just from his thoughts.

He put himself up inside her, and she let out the greatest moan.

"You're so big!" she said, as he thought the words.

Now he started to slide in and out of her.

"Don't you wish you were up here, under me?" he called out to Patricia.

"Oh my baby, I want you so much!" she said. "You're *such* a man."

Dennis thought 'scream', and Casey screamed as she made a face under him, as if he was so big that it was hurting her to take him all in. Dennis was in supreme control. It was the ultimate moment for him. Because now was the very first time he had any indication at all that something was wrong.

It happened when he reached down and pinched one of Casey's nipples. As he pinched her, something funny happened. He *felt* it. It was as if *his* nipple had just been pinched. But her hands were on his butt, like he wanted. Yet somehow, as he pinched her, the sensation flowed right to him, which was really frightening.

Trying to clear that from his mind, he made her say something. He thought the words, and they came out of her mouth: "F**k me harder!"

It was just like before, where he thought it, and she said it. But the thing was, he could feel his mouth moving to the words this time, in perfect sync with hers.

"Yes, that's it babe" he said out loud, at the same time that she said that exact same words.

Dennis was losing control! Somehow, it was like their thoughts had merged together, and this time she had made *him* do something. He hadn't thought those words, but they had both spoke them. He needed to re-exert his control over her. It hurt her when he thrust hard. So that was what he'd do. He pulled back, and pushed himself all the way up inside of her.

But something very alarming happened: as he moved into her, filling her up completely, he *felt* it. He didn't feel himself going into her; he felt himself taking it in somehow. Just like he had felt the nipple being pinched, now he felt what was going on between her legs. He was feeling *her* sensations, not his.

"Ooh, you're so big it hurts" they both said at the same time.

Again, not from his thoughts. It was from *her* thoughts!


A look of panic came over Dennis's face. This was all wrong. It was spiraling out of control! And it just kept getting worse, because now he said out loud "F**k me harder, I want to feel you all inside me!!!!".

But although he spoke the words, it came out in a *female* voice. And he hadn't thought to say that. It was Casey who was controlling him now. But worse then that, he realized now that he wasn't just becoming her helpless slave; he was becoming her.

Dennis felt another thrust go up inside him, between his legs, and his body responded by going into full out female orgasm.

"Ohhhhh!!!" he moaned out loud, in *her* voice.

He was on the bottom now. He was *her*. He was taking it in, as she thrust harder and harder into him. We was a woman now. He was Casey's body. And to make matters worse, she was fully controlling his every action, his every word. He wanted to get out from underneath the male body he used to inhabit. He wanted to jump out of the skin he was in. But he continued to act like a woman who was hungry for more.

"Give it to me!!!" he screamed in his girlish voice. "You're such a big man! I want all of you!"

He looked up at that moment, and saw that Patricia had left her post on the floor. She was looking at him, smiling. She leaned over, and gave him a kiss on the lips. Then she raised herself upwards, and kissed the man on top of him. The man who he used to be.

At that moment, Casey, now in his body, pulled out of him all the way, making him feel empty inside. He was quaking and trembling from the aftershocks of the massive female orgasm he had just experienced. Then she turned her attention to Patricia, quickly taking her and mounting her.

Dennis was still 100% in her control. He reached over and picked up the huge dld that Patricia had placed on the side of the bed as she walked over. He licked it a few times with his tongue, then he forced it in, up between his legs. He kept sliding it in and out with his right hand, while he toyed with his large breasts using his left hand. Now *he* was the woman who was masturbating.

He could hear Patricia moaning sweetly, as Casey made love to her. It was *his* body that she was in, and *she* was making love to *his* girlfriend!


Unlike his idea of making love, where only the man gets what he want, Casey used his body with the expertise that only a woman would posses, in order to make Patricia climax like she never did before. Casey knew just where to touch her, how hard to go, how fast, when to speed up, and when to slow down. Patricia was crying out like never before, as Casey brought her to climax again and again.

All this time, Dennis was still toying himself with the dld, making *himself* come again and again as a woman. He wanted to stop. He wanted to *cry*. But he had absolutely no control over anything.


Casey, now in Dennis's body, got off of Patricia and smiled.

"You, I mean he, was never that good before" said Patricia, kissing the man in her arms again and again.

"I always wanted to be a man" said Casey. "And now I am."

"And that makes *you* a woman now" said Patricia, as she stood over Dennis, who was still pleasuring himself with the dld.

"Now, and forever" said Casey.


Holly called out "Cut!!!! That's a wrap!"

Patricia and Casey kissed each other again, and walked over to where Holly was standing.

"You should see the look on his face when he realizes that he's been transferred into your old body" said Holly. "That picture alone is worth a thousand words."

"How does it feel to be a woman now?" asked Patricia, giggling as she spoke.


Casey reached down between the legs of her new body, and touched herself.

"This is going to take some getting used to" she said, "but I *like* it."

She reached up and removed the device from her head. For a brief moment Dennis felt dizzy, like he was going to pass out. But then it stopped. And he realized that he was in control of himself again.

Except that now, he was in Casey's body. He was *her*. He was a woman.


"Put me back!!!" he cried out loud. "Put me back!!!!!"

"I'm afraid not" said Holly, as she removed the device from his head. "You see, with animal testing, I was able to transfer a dog's brain into a cat. But whenever I try to put them back, it doesn't work. No, I'm afraid that you're stuck in your new *female* body, for the rest of your life."

"No!!!!!!!" he called out in a sad voice. Casey's voice.

"Lets get some clothes on, and go out to dinner" said Patricia to Casey. "You're going to be a *much* better boyfriend than *he* ever was."

"You mean *she*" said Casey. "She is all girl now. Now and *forever*."

"I hope you don't mind being stuck in a girl's body" said Patricia, in mock sympathy.

"Should I tell *her*?" asked Casey.

"Go ahead" said Patricia, barely able to suppress a wicked smile.

"I'm due to start today."

"Start what?" asked Dennis, meekly.

"My period" replied Casey. "Or more accurately now, *your* period. You'll find tampons in your purse, and a few pads. After you clean yourself up from having all that sex, you should put one in, just in case you start flowing."

"Oh no!!!!" said Dennis.

"That's right doll" said Patricia. "Now *you* are going to have a period every month. You'll get to have all the fun that I do."


"Please, help me!" said Dennis, as the tears started. Soon he was sobbing.

"Its those darn female hormones" said Holly. "Now that you're a girl, you'll find that you're quite a bit more emotional. Especially around your period."

That caused even more sobs from Dennis.

"But don't worry dear. You'll get used to your new body. In a few months when you've fully adjusted, it will almost be as if you never were a man. I think you'll come to like being a woman. I know I sure do."

"And I love being a woman too" said Patricia. "Don't you dear?"


"Oh Casey?" said Holly, "You need to remember that you're going to have to answer to the name 'Dennis' now. If someone calls out for Casey and you answer, it will look funny."

"I'll keep that in mind" she replied. "But what about him? I mean, *her*?"


Holly looked down at Dennis, who was still crying on the floor.

"Your name is Casey now, my dear little girl. You need to get used to that. Now would you like to put on your skirt and go out with us for some dinner? Or would you rather stay here and play with your dld?"

That brought more sobs out of Dennis.

"Ooh, tell her the other good part" said Patricia gleefully.

"Now Casey" said Holly, as if she was talking to a child, "You've been transferred into the body of a woman who was very passive. That means that you're in her brain now. Which means that you too will be very passive, now that you're her. The way her brain worked, she preferred to have someone in control. So you do too now."

"I....." started Dennis, but he didn't know what to say or do.

"Don't worry" said Patricia, throwing in one last barb. "We'll work to find a nice man for you. Someone who likes to order around women. You can be his little slave, and that will make you very happy."

Dennis was crumbling now. He didn't want to have a man! He didn't want to be a woman! But he was stuck as Casey now. Now and forever.


The others were getting dressed. Patricia and Holly helped get him into his bra and panties, his boots, his tight skirt, and his skimpy top.

"Here's your purse" said Holly. "A woman never goes anywhere without it."

"Don't forget to put your tampon in" instructed Casey.

Dennis nodded his pretty head meekly.

"Now you'll come with us and have dinner. Holly wouldn't want you here alone with all her gear. Follow us. Now."

Dennis felt compelled to do as the man was telling him. He lowered his head, and walked up the stairs after the others, holding onto the handrail because it was quite impossible to walk in boots with six inch heels. He got into the car with them and cried as they drove off into the night. He was a woman now, and there was nothing he could do about it.




© 2004 by Jennifer White. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of StorySite and the copyright holder.