Crystal's StorySite

"Thanksgiving Thoughts" is a work of fiction. All characters are fictional. Any similarity to real people is coincidental. It is a copyrighted work of Caitlin Rose. It may be archived at any free site, as long as permission is received, and author credit is given. It may not be changed in any way without permission of the author.

Caitlin Rose, Nov. 23, 2000


Thanksgiving Thoughts            by: Caitlin Rose


Thanksgiving was always the same. The three of them would rise early and all would shower and shampoo their hair. Mom used to bathe the twins. But for the last two years, since they were six, they each showered by themselves. Mom showered and shampooed too. Then she would carefully roll her hair in colored plastic rollers, pinning each in place to form neat rows on her head. Then she would do the same for Carol. Herb would watch as each roller was carefully placed in Carol's hair.

Mom was very careful to make each roller tight and even. She had applied setting lotion first, and as the rollers were wound, the fragrance filled the room. Herb watched her every move as she divided Carol's hair into sections and rolled it up.

Of course, Thanksgiving wasn't the only time that Mom set Carol’s hair and her own, but Mom thought of it as her special day. Mom loved to cook, and Carol was learning the art as well.

Later, in the afternoon, Mom would glow as her family enjoyed the festive meal. Herb watched the family ritual unfold, his eyes like saucers. Now the sets were done and both rolled heads covered with pink nets. The table would be cleared of hair accessories and the cooking would begin. Herb would watch through the day as the food was prepared and as his mother and sister moved about the kitchen. Now and then, he would catch a scent of the drying setting lotion, mixed with the mouthwatering smell of roasting turkey and hot apple pie.

In the mid-afternoon, while the turkey was in the last stages of browning, Mom and Carol would go to Mom's bedroom. Herb would watch from the doorway, wishing he could participate. Mom finished first Carol's hairdo, and then her own. The rollers were removed and the springy curls carefully brushed. Mom did Carol's hair in long tubular curls she called "sausages," while she did her own in a style she called a "flip." She used plenty of hairspray on both of them. The heavy sweet smell reached Herb, making him even more envious.

Mom and Carol would then change into pretty dresses, then Mom would tell Herb to change his clothes too. At the stroke of three the doorbell would ring and Aunt Debbie and Aunt Lu would arrive.

The meal would be fantastic.

Mom had watched Herb, as he had watched her. It pained her to think about what she saw. She recognized the longing, but didn't know if she should fulfill it. What could be the long term consequences?

Actually, she had decided a year and a half ago, but even she didn't know it. Herb had protested so loudly, and so bitter were his tears, at the mention of the barber shop, that his hair had not been cut since then. Now, it reached his shoulders. He kept it carefully brushed. She had even seen him trying to form it into a ponytail, no, it had been more of a bun, at the top of his head.

This Thanksgiving, she would grant his secret wish.

Thanksgiving morning started as usual for Herb. Mom and Carol had already showered and now it was his turn. He hurried through his shower, and dressed quickly. He didn’t want to miss seeing Mom "do the rollers." Even though watching the hair setting ritual pained him with envy, he knew he would watch it anyway. At least he could imagine that it was his hair being rolled. He watched as Mom finished rolling Carol's hair, and covered it with a net. He expected to see the two of them clear the table and get to the cooking.

"Herb, would you like me to do your hair too?"

He could only nod, as the excitement precluded speech.

Herb knew every movement of his mothers comb and fingers as she sectioned and rolled his hair. Having watched so many times, he knew exactly what was taking place. But to feel it on his own head! Each roller pulling slightly at his hair, as it was firmly pinned against his scalp. The smell of setting lotion in his nostrils was stronger then ever before, as the weight and tightness increased on his head. Finally, the net was pulled around his head and tied in the back.

Mom and Carol hugged him as he looked in the mirror and saw his rolled curls for the first time. Carol playfully tapped her rollers against his, and both children began to giggle. Mom placed a hand on each of their shoulders.

"Let’s get that table cleared. We have a lot of cooking to do before Debbie and Lu arrive."

Mom got out the pretty aprons, three this year, and they all got to work.



© 2000
The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission.