Crystal's StorySite

Texas Gal



Texas Gal
by   C. Sprite
© 1999


Chapter Ten     Lumber 101

I awoke at my usual time. I was still sore so I decided to take another bath. I felt relaxed and refreshed when I stepped out. I put on my undies and my face. I selected a conservative suit and white satin blouse for the trip but I didn't put it on yet. Instead I put on my jeans and work shirt. I went to the kitchen and prepared breakfast. I swallowed one of my vitamins with fresh OJ and had breakfast ready when Auntie came in. She looked at me and smiled.

"Honey, I think that that's a little informal for your trip," she said.

"I thought that it would be nice to take Emily with me." We both giggled.

"I don't think that they'll have a seatbelt big enough for her, do you?"

As we ate breakfast, she told me to mind Mabel at all times, and have a good time. We kissed as she left for work and I said that I would see here tomorrow night.

I left the dishes and hurried down to the stable. I let all the horses, except Emily out into the corral. I moved Emily to an empty stall. Then I mucked out the stalls and put in fresh hay and water. I put Emily back in her stall and gave her an apple. I checked to make sure that the water trough in the corral was full and put out some fresh hay. Then I rushed back to the house and cleaned the kitchen. I was touching up my makeup when I heard the jet making its approach. I checked my overnight case and my hanging clothes bag to make sure that I had everything. I checked my appearance in the triple mirrors and was satisfied with my appearance. It was 8:15 according to my wristwatch so I grabbed the bags and went outside after setting the alarm and locking the door.

Grandma pulled in at 8:25 and I got into the car. We kissed and after exchanging greeting, she said, "I'm pleased that you're ready. It's important to always be on time." We drove back to the runway and parked on the edge of the hanger ramp under a carport. A man in a uniform came to the car and took our cases. We walked to the plane and climbed aboard. The man got on board and pulled the combination steps & door closed, and locked it. He went forward and in a few seconds the plane started to move. From his seat in the cockpit he advised us to buckle up for takeoff. Within minutes we were airborne.

I looked around the cabin of the Lockheed Jetstar. Designed in the early fifties for the military, the plane had later been adapted for commercial use. The configuration of Grandma's jet would seat nine people, five on one side of the aisle, and four on the other.


"A Lockheed Jetstar"


Grandma leaned over to me and said, "You look very nice, my dear. An appropriate selection for our trip today."

"Thank you. I wasn't sure if this would be right so I have two other outfits with me plus my mauve party dress."

"That suit is perfect. Today we are going to attend an executive board meeting at company headquarters. Tomorrow we will go on a tour of the logging, and then the lumber production mills." The plane leveled off as we reached our altitude and the pilot came back.

"Good morning, Mrs. Moore. How are you today?"

"Fine, Captain O'Toole, thank you. How's the weather ahead."

"It should be a gentle ride today. No serious weather on our route."

"Oh, forgive me, I didn't introduce my granddaughter. This is Darla Anne Drake. Darla Anne, this is Captain Patrick O'Toole."

"Hello Miss Drake."

"Hello. I'm pleased to meet you, Captain."

"Perhaps Darla Anne could come forward later and see what you do up there," Grandma said.

"It would be our pleasure, Miss. Whenever you want to come, just shout."

"Thank you Captain, you're very kind."

"If either of you ladies would care for coffee or tea, or a light snack, we have some available on the tray table for last seat in the rear. Would you like something now?" We both said no and he said to just shout if there was anything we needed. He returned to the cockpit at that point.

Grandma told me more about her lumber operations, expanding on what she had taught me several days ago. She explained what would be discussed at the executive board meeting. She would sit at the conference table while I should sit in one of the chairs against the wall. If I paid close attention I could learn a great deal about corporate America. I did pay close attention to everything she said. I knew that Grandma was incredibly knowledgeable from our past discussions, and I would listen to anything that she wanted to talk to me about. She explained lumber distribution procedures and problems in the U.S. and abroad. Then explained pricing and competitive bidding for contracts. She even went in futures trading.

After about an hour I asked Auntie if she would like some tea. I thought that she must be getting thirsty. When she said that she would, I got up and went to the rear of the small plane. I filled two cups from the thermos marked 'tea' and put them on a tray with honey, cream, and some cookies that I found back there also. I returned and we prepared our tea, then Grandma resumed her instruction. Grandma told me that she was going to give me some facts to memorize, then opened her briefcase and pulled out a report. She quoted numbers about annual production in board feet of different types and grades of lumber, and past, present and projected revenues in various markets. I committed them all to memory and then she asked me if I had them. When I said that I had, she questioned me in a random, mixed order fashion and was pleased that I was able to answer all the questions correctly. "Perfect, sweetheart," she said. "Remember that information, you'll need it later."

"Okay, Grandma."

She then proceeded to instruct me in Federal logging laws, and replanting operations. By the time that we were told to put our seat belts on for landing, I had amassed a considerable education about lumber operations.

We were met at the airport by a limousine and driver. He took us to the company's headquarters building. We had lunch in the executive lunchroom and we met a number of executives there. Grandma introduced me as her granddaughter to all of them. They nodded hello, and then ignored me for the rest of the meal. After lunch we went to the office of the company's executive vice-president, Mr. Malone, and were escorted right in. Grandma introduced me and then got down to business as I sat passively at her side. She told her vice-president that she was not happy with the performance of the company in the past quarter and she expected some changes to be made immediately. She laid out what she wanted done and a basic timetable. She told him that she would be passing the same information on to the executives in the upcoming meeting. She just wanted to give him a preview so that he would be better prepared to field some questions. He said that they would begin implementing the changes immediately.

The three of us walked to the boardroom together. The other officers were already seated when we arrived. Grandma introduced me as her granddaughter, and then pointed to where I should sit. She sat at the head of the table as president of the company. They went through the procedures of previous minutes, treasurer's report, old business and new business. Under new business Grandma opened a discussion of the subjects that she had conveyed to the executive vice-president. She said that performance for the last quarter had slipped and she expected considerable improvement by next quarter. She called on a lesser vice-president to answer a question about the number of board feet projected for the next quarter as opposed to the number produced for the same quarter during the past two years. The person to whom she directed the question answered that he didn't have that data at hand. Grandma responded that those numbers should be indelibly burned into his mind. 

"Darla Anne, give Mr. Clemmons the information."

I rattled off the numbers and the dates.

Mr. Clemmons protested that those figures were meaningless because the grade of wood was not in demand anywhere.

"What grade is in demand, Mr. Clemmons."

He responded and she asked him for the same numbers for that grade. He couldn't answer.

"Darla Anne, would you tell Mr. Clemmons please."

I rattled off the correct numbers.

"So you see, Mr. Clemmons," Grandma said, "those figures are just as poor as the others."

Mr. Clemmons said that he believed I was in error about the numbers.

One of the other executives spoke up and said that he had the quarterly report open and my numbers were absolutely correct for both grades.

"Mr. Clemmons," Grandma said, "in addition to an improvement in production I also expect an improvement in you. I expect you to be able to give me vital information as easily as my 11-year-old granddaughter can. Are we clear?"

"Yes, Mrs. Moore."

"Good. Now let's move on." I watched in amazement as Grandma ruled with an iron fist in a velvet glove.   

After a couple of hours, things started to wind down and Grandma started schmoozing all around. She thanked them for their support today and complimented their insightful remarks and contributions. She said that increased profits in the next quarter would mean increased bonuses at the end of the year. She had slapped them down a little, and now she was building them back up so that they left the meeting with a positive feeling. And she was reinforcing the fact that hard work would be rewarded. There was no doubt as to who ran the company and by the end of the meeting, she had them eating out of the palm of her hand. Even Mr. Clemmons, whom Grandma had slapped down hard for not knowing what he should, was smiling and joking after the meeting ended. Grandma was good; she was very good.

After the executives had filed out, to return to their duties and begin work on the new goals, Grandma came to me and hugged me. She told me how proud she was of me for producing those numbers for her when she needed them. She said that in future meetings, Mr. Clemmons would know his business. I realized that that had been her intent all along. She ran the company as if she was playing a game of chess, and that was something I could relate to. She took me on a tour of the headquarters building, stopping to chat with, or, chastise then schmooze, a number of individuals. In conversations throughout the building, she would call on me to produce facts when her managers could not recall them. As the end of the workday approached, we completed our tour and left the building.

The limo was waiting to take us to an executive apartment that the company owned and kept available for visiting executives. Grandma showed me around and indicated which bedroom was mine. She said that we would leave for dinner in two hours, and I had time for a bath or a quick nap if I wanted. I opted for the bath since nothing relaxed me more. I soaked until I pruned then got out and toweled off. I was spoiled and felt confined in the normal sized tub. I dressed and put on my makeup and lipstick. I was wearing the mauve party dress that Grandma had bought me that first day at Xaviers. It was a little snugger in the hips, than I remembered, but it looked lovely. I put on my shoes, took my purse, gloves, hat, and sweater, and went to the parlor.

 I was a little early and sat down to read a newspaper that was on the coffee table. It was called the Wall Street Journal and I found it filled with interesting articles about companies, mergers, takeovers, new product development, bankruptcies, and a host of other business information articles. I hadn't known that such a newspaper existed before now.

Grandma came in and saw me reading it and said smiling, "Be careful that you don't overload your brain. That's deep stuff in there."

I smiled and said, "This paper is wonderful. So full of useful information about companies."

"Ut-oh, it looks like I've created a monster. A knowledgeable, very junior executive. But don't believe everything that you read in there. A lot of it is just copied from press releases. You have to learn to read between the lines."

"How do you learn to do that?"

"Experience mostly. You have to be a faithful reader. Then after a while you can separate the canned spiel from the real meat."

"How long do you think that will take?"

"In your case, a few months. Some people read it for many years and can't do it. But you're different. You're amazingly perceptive for one so young. When I talk to you, I feel like I'm taking to a short, full grown adult."

I smiled. "I'm growing up fast. I've learned so much from you. I'm grateful for your spending so much time educating me. And just watching you today was a pleasure, the way that you controlled the meeting, and handled all those executives. First slapping them down for poor performance, then building them back up again and restoring their egos, so that when they left the meeting they felt like you were their best friend in the world. I was very impressed."

"There's that perception again. I'm glad you're on my side, sweetheart. Promise me that you'll never go to work for any of my competitors. Business is difficult enough with the people that they have now."

"I could never work against you Grandma."

She squeezed me, "I know. I was just complimenting you in a joking way. Well, are you ready for dinner?"

"Whenever you say the word."


"I'm ready." We giggled and left after putting on our hats, and grabbing our purses.

We went outside and the doorman hailed a cab for us. Grandma named a restaurant and the driver put the cab in gear. She told me that we would be dining with several executives from a major lumber retailer, and possibly some wives. We arrived at the named restaurant and went in. The maitre d' escorted us to the table where three men and two women sat sipping drinks. The men stood when they saw us approaching. Grandma shook hands with the oldest of the three men. It was obvious that they were old acquaintances. Grandma introduced me as her granddaughter, Darla Anne, and then the older man, Mr. James Halle, introduced his party, which included his wife Julia, two business associates, Ray Demetrio, John Santos, and Mr. Santos's wife, Vera. We sat down and the waiter appeared. Grandma ordered a cocktail and asked me what I would like. I ordered a cola.

The conversation started off with friendly chitchat but eventually turned to business. The two wives became quickly bored and talked to each other about fashions and such, but I was fascinated with the business conversations and listened intently to all that was said. The men ignored the two wives and me, deciding that we were not privy to business matters. Halfway through our meal, Grandma turned to me and asked me for some of the numbers that I had memorized on the plane. After I supplied them, she returned to the point that she was trying to make, using the information that I had just given her. The men had just stared at me when I rattled off the information. After that, they treated me differently. I was accepted as a participant to the conversation. When talking, they would look at both Grandma and me, where before they had only looked at her.

When the meal was over, the waiter cleared away the dishes; and the conversation continued when more coffee and tea was ordered. I was fascinated with the turns that the conversation took, from logging to milling, then to transportation, purchasing, retailing, then back to production again. When the hour grew late, and the two wives were practically sleeping in their chairs, we rose to leave. In parting, Mr. Halle had said that he was impressed by the participation in the conversation of one so young, and looked forward to meeting me again. I thanked him and told him that I had enjoyed the evening and wished him well. We said our good-byes and departed.

In the cab back to the apartment, Grandma squeezed my hand and told me that she was very proud of me. I hadn't gotten bored like those foolish women that had drank too much, and I was able to provide her with the information when she needed it. She smiled and said that it was too bad that she would have to wait so long before she could put me in the payroll. I could put half her managers to shame right now, and Mr. Halle would hire me in a minute if he could. I knew that she was schmoozing me, but I'm like everyone else, I like to be complimented. I schmoozed her back, telling her again how impressed I was with her ability to handle business associates and bring them around to her way of thinking.

When we arrived back at the apartment, she told me that we would both receive a wakeup call at 6:30. We cheek kissed, said goodnight, and went to our bedrooms. I performed my nightly ritual and climbed into bed. I lay awake for awhile thinking about the day, then drifted into sleep and dreamt about working for Grandma as an executive, and then I dreamt about my day with Karen, and especially Mike. Once again I was tied and helpless as my master had his way with me.

 I awoke early and had taken my bath and was dressing when the wakeup call came. I thanked the operator and hung up. I made my face and finished dressing, then packed my bags and carried them into the parlor. I sat down again to scan the WSJ for any interesting articles that I may have missed. Grandma came out of her bedroom and was surprised to see me reading again. "I thought that you would still be getting ready. The wakeup call was only 15 minutes ago."

"I'm an early riser. I had already taken my bath and was dressing when the call came."

"I shouldn't be surprised. You're so much like me, that I feel like I'm looking into a mirror which can span time." We both smiled. "I know a place that makes the most wonderful French Toast," she said. "What say we have breakfast there?"

"You don't have to twist my arm. French Toast is my favorite breakfast food."

"Well then, let's go. We'll come back here to get our bags after we eat. I see that you're all packed."

We went outside and the doorman hailed us a cab, which took us to the small diner on a back street. "I found this place by accident one day and have been coming here for years," Grandma said.

We went inside and an older gentleman greeted us with, "Oh, Mrs. Moore. It's so nice to see you again. Welcome back to Portland."

"Now Tony, we've been friends for too long for you to call me anything but Mabel."

"I didn't want to seem too familiar in front of your company."

"Tony, I would like you to meet my granddaughter, Darla Anne. Darla Anne, this is Tony, my old friend."

"I'm pleased to meet you, sir."

"What's this 'sir,' I'm Tony to my friends. And you're my newest friend. Welcome to my little diner. May I call you Darla Anne."

"Of course, all my friends do."

He smiled a toothy grin and said, "And what would you two lovely ladies like for breakfast today."

"I've been raving to Darla Anne about your wonderful French Toast. That, and a pot of tea, I think."

"Coming up. Please. Seat down and make yourself comfortable."

When the order arrived, it was absolutely the best French Toast that I had ever eaten. I told Tony how I felt and asked him if he would tell me his secret. He said that he would tell me only if I promised not to divulge it to anybody else. I told him that I would not tell a single soul in the entire state. He told us step by step how he prepared it. I thanked him for taking us into his confidence and re-affirmed my pledge to tell no one in Oregon. When we left he wished a safe journey and invited us back any time we were in the area. We told him that we would definitely be back. We returned to the apartment and retrieved our bags. The limo was waiting downstairs already. The driver took our bags and put them in the trunk after holding the rear door for us.

Captain O'Toole was waiting for us when we reached the airport. We boarded the plane and were under way in minutes. Less than an hour later we landed at a remote airstrip. A Jeep and driver was waiting for us there. He took us to the logging site, which was about a half-hour away. The site manager, Mr. Sloan, welcomed us as we exited the jeep and gave us a tour of the base camp. In an office trailer he showed us a map of the work area. Then he took us on a tour of the area. He talked about the cutting, clearing, and replanting operations. Enormous trucks filled with logs formed what seemed like an endless parade on the logging roads. In addition to the current cutting area, he showed us the new growth areas that would be ready for harvest in about twenty years. He explained about the new methods that they were using to protect against erosion of the topsoil from cleared areas until the new plantings took hold. His operation seemed orderly and efficient. We thanked him and headed back to the plane around noon.

A lunch was waiting for us at the plane. Captain O'Toole and his co-pilot had set up a small portable table with sandwiches and drinks. After we ate, we re-boarded the plane while the two men stowed the table. A quick half-hour flight took us to an airport not far from the processing mill. Again, a car was waiting for us, and the mill manager gave us a complete tour when we arrived. I was amazed by the extent of the automation. It was almost 6 o'clock when we arrived back at the plane. The Captain had set up the table for us again and had prepared some more sandwiches.

 During the 3-hour flight back to Texas, Grandma had me review and summarize everything that we had seen and learned. She pointed out several things that I had thought insignificant and explained to me their relevance to the overall operation. When I was done with my review, she told me that I had been extremely observant, and had a very good grasp of the operations. She joked that the next time I could go alone on the inspection tour, and just give her a report when I got back. I told her that I was not quite ready for that. She said that, seriously, I could do it now, but she didn't know how the site managers would treat such a young person, since most girls my age did not have my maturity. "It might be interesting to see," she mused aloud. "Would you be up to the challenge?"

"Oh Grandma, do you really think that they would listen to an 11 year old girl?"

"They listen to a 66 year old girl."

"That's different, you're the company president."

"And you're the granddaughter of the company president. They would not ignore you if they were smart. It might give me some insight into how intelligent some of these men are. The site manager at the logging operation, Mr. Sloan, has an excellent track record. I've been considering him for a promotion."

"His operation certainly seemed efficient."

"Yes, but I have to know a little more about him before moving him up. The way that he treated you, if I was not there, could be significant. Yes, next trip, I'll send you on the inspection tour alone while I stay at the headquarters. I'll brief you on what I want you to look at before you go, and we'll see how he treats you, and if he's open and honest with you."

"Okay, Grandma."

She sat back and smiled like the Cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland.

Grandma asked me when my mother was coming. I told her that Auntie was going to make arrangements for a special flight in about two weeks as soon as the doctors removed the single, large cast and put on a couple of smaller ones. My sisters would also be coming with her. Grandma said that as soon as we had a firm date, that I should tell her. If the plane were available, she would send it to pick them up. I leaned over and hugged her and gave her a big kiss. I told her how much that would mean to me and that I loved her. She said that it was the least she could do for her favorite granddaughter and newest undercover agent. I smiled and kissed her again. The captain's voice came over the loudspeaker and said we should buckle up. We were about to turn on final approach. I looked out the window and saw the runway lights on. It was the first time that I had seen them illuminated. We landed without a bump and I didn't even realize that we were down. Auntie was on the hanger ramp when we deplaned. After bringing the bags to the car, the copilot tipped his hat and left. In minutes the jet was screaming down the runway and disappearing into the night sky with only its running lights visible. I hugged Auntie and kissed her and then we got in Grandma's car and drove up to the house. It was only a short walk but she had to bring her car there anyway.

Grandma came in and I made a pot of tea for us. I told Auntie about Grandma's generous offer for the use of the plane to pick up Mother and the girls. Auntie said that we couldn't possibly impose on her like that. Grandma said that it was no imposition. She had the plane. She had to pay the pilots whether they flew or not. So why not use the available resources. Auntie gave in and told her that we would let her know when Mother was ready to travel. We conversed on a number of topics over the next few hours, until Grandma said that it was past her bedtime. I kissed her goodbye and thanked her for a wonderful trip. She said that it was the most delightful trip that she had had in years and looked forward to our next trip together.

"Me too!" I said.

After she had gone, Auntie and I enjoyed another cup of tea. She told me how much she had missed me. The house had been so empty without me. I told her how much I had missed her too, and that I couldn't wait to get back. I told her that I had acquired a new recipe for French Toast and I would try it out tomorrow morning. I also told her all about my trip. I told her how Grandma had me memorize a bunch of facts and figures on the way up, and then used me to distress one of her vice-presidents by showing him that an 11 year-old girl knew his division's facts better than he did.

"Mabel's a crafty old fox. That VP will be better prepared in the future. The company will be more efficient for her efforts."

I told her about the dinner party and about the inspection tours. "Grandma wants me to go alone next time while she stays at the headquarters. She wants to see how one of her managers responds to an 11-year-old inspector looking over his shoulder. She's considering promoting him if he passes the test."

"You can learn a lot from Mabel. Things that they will never teach you in college. This is a wonderful opportunity for you. Make the most of it, sweetheart."

 I cleaned up the tea things and we went to put our sleepwear on. Auntie asked me to come to her bedroom when I finished my nightly rituals. I knocked on her door and entered when she bid me too. I walked over and climbed up onto her bed and slid next to her. I said, "What is it you wanted to tell me Auntie?"

She pulled me close to her and wrapped her arms around me. "Nothing. I just wanted to hold you. I was so lonely with you away. It seems like you were away for a week, not just one night. I want you to stay in here tonight. Okay?"

"I'd love to. I always enjoy snuggling with you."

We fell asleep holding hands as Susan and I had done.

I awoke early the next morning and went to bathe. After dressing in jeans and work shirt, I went to the kitchen and made breakfast including French Toast. Auntie, dressed for work, came over to me and hugged me. "It's so nice having you back. Is this the new recipe?"

"Yes. Sit down and drink your juice. The French Toast will be ready in a minute." I dished it up, and carried the plates over to the table. Auntie poured maple syrup on it and took a piece. She chewed it slowly, tasting and savoring, then a big grin broke out on her face.

"It's wonderful. It's the best French Toast that I ever had."

"I knew that you'd like it. I learned it from a nice man in Portland where Grandma took me for breakfast."

Auntie finished breakfast and left for work, still raving about the French Toast.

I cleaned the kitchen and went to the stable to care for the horses. After the stable was squared away, I went back to the house and did my Monday cleaning even though it was Wednesday. After Auntie's and my bathrooms and bedrooms were done, I vacuumed the floors upstairs and down, and did the laundry. I was done by 3 o'clock and went to my bedroom to call Karen. We talked for two hours. I told her about my trip and all about the horses. I invited her over the next day to go riding. She asked if Mike could come. I said that he could come next time. Right now we only had two horses that Auntie would let me ride. Once Auntie had test ridden the others then all three of us could ride. She said that she would try to get a ride. She would call me tomorrow.

After we hung up I went to start supper. Auntie arrived home at 6 o'clock. When she came in, I jumped up into her arms and gave her a big kiss. She said, "Now that's what I call a welcome." She kissed me back and we separated, giggling. During dinner she told me about her day. I had learned enough about her business that I didn't have to stop her once to answer a question. I recognized every name that she mentioned. After dinner we went to the stables and brought the horses in. I saw that Emily's leg was almost healed when I changed the dressing. I was looking forward to riding her. I gave her an apple and walked out of the stall. Auntie and I walked back to the house. We changed into our sleepwear and watched some TV. At 10 o'clock, we went upstairs to bed. Auntie held onto my hand and pulled me into her bedroom. We climbed up onto her bed and snuggled together. We talked as sleep overtook us. I remember her saying that she had arranged for some additional saddles, just before I drifted into slumber.

The next morning I awoke very early to find Auntie draped across me. Her head was on my shoulder. I turned my head and kissed her on her cheek. She mumbled something and shifted her body, then found my mouth and kissed me passionately. Her eyelids suddenly fluttered as she woke up. She froze as she realized where she was, and that she had me pinned to the bed while she kissed me passionately. She lifted her head and looked at me sheepishly. I said, "Now that's the way I'd like to wake up every morning," and smiled.

 "I'm sorry. I was dreaming about Gabby."

"No apologies necessary. It didn't hurt a bit."

She grinned at me, "It didn't hurt eh? Well how do you like this?" She started to tickle me and I started to laugh as she worked her fingers up and down my sides. She stopped after a few minutes and I slid off the side of the bed and stood up.

"I still say that it didn't hurt." She reached for me and I giggled and ran out of the bedroom.

I ran my bath. I put a lot of bath crystals in and the bubbles were piled high on the steaming water. I disrobed and slipped into the water. I had just leaned back to relax and enjoy the warmth when I heard a knock at the door. I told Auntie to come in. It couldn't be anyone else.

She came in, and looking at the bath said, "That looks wonderful."

"There's plenty of room if you want to jump in."

She smiled and dropped her robe and sleepwear on the carpet before stepping in to bathe. She leaned back against the tub and sighed. We sat there in silence for a short time just letting the warmth radiate through our bodies. Then we started to wash ourselves. Auntie asked me to wash her back so I slid over and scrubbed it. Then she scrubbed my back by straddling me with her legs and pulling me backward up to her. She ran her hands down my sides to my hips and said, "Honey, your figure is really starting to develop. Your waist has slimmed down and your hips have really widened." She ran her hands down my front, cupped my breasts and said, "Honey, your breasts are really starting to develop. You almost need an A-cup. Your present bras must be very tight. Oh my gosh, look at the time. I have to get moving."

She jumped up and stepped from the tub. She toweled off, picked up her robe and sleepwear and left to get dressed. I got up, dried off, powered, and put on my undies. I grabbed my robe and a pair of mules and went to prepare breakfast.

I quickly made fresh OJ and cut up a cantaloupe. I made a pot of tea and put on some bacon to cook. When I heard Auntie's bedroom door, I popped the pumpernickel into the toaster and dropped the eggs into the frying pan. She walked in and came over to me and kissed me. Then she sat down and started to eat. The toast popped up and I put the second set in. I flipped the eggs and counted to five, then took them out and put them on the plates. The toast popped up and I put two slices on each plate. I added several strips of bacon and carried the plates to the table. We talked as we ate. She told me about her schedule for the day. Then she looked at her watch and announced that she was late. She got up, kissed me goodbye and hurried out. I finished eating and cleaned the kitchen. I went to my bedroom to get dressed.

 As I walked into the room, my phone rang. It was Karen. She was on her way over. Her grandmother was dropping her off. I took off my robe and finished getting dressed. I put on Susan's jeans and Auntie's work shirt. I thought again to myself that I was going to have to get some of my own ranch clothes soon. I grabbed a couple of apples and walked out onto the front porch just as Mrs. Wallace was pulling up. I smiled and waved to her. Karen got out and Mrs. Wallace smiled and waved before leaving. Karen said, "She's late for a salon appointment or she would have stopped and talked."

"I understand. I'm funny about appointments too. I hate to be late. Let's go down to the stables."

We walked down and opened up the door to the corral before opening up the stalls and letting the horses out. By now they knew the routine and were happy to go out and socialize in the warm sun. I stopped Karen from opening up Emily's gate. I explained that she had been injured and the vet didn't want her moving around too much until it healed. After all the other horses were out, I moved Emily to an empty stall and we mucked out the six stalls. After hosing out Emily's stall I put down some fresh hay filled her water bucket and put her back in. She came to me after I closed her gate and I gave her an apple. I told Karen that Emily was my horse. I told her the story about the auction, how we had found Emily, and how we had gotten her so inexpensively. We finished cleaning the stable and went outside to the corral. I filled the water trough and we brought some fresh hay out. Then we brought Henry and the Palomino back in to the stable and saddled them. We didn't bring a lunch because I didn't intend to stay out that long. Three to four hours at the most.

We started out by riding the small ranch property boundary. Then we started exploring some of the inner areas of the thousand acres. At one o'clock we were back at the house. Karen was sore because she hadn't ridden in a couple of years. I was not as bad because I had spent a full day in the saddle on Sunday. We rubbed down the horses and gave them each an apple then turned them out into the corral. Emily whinnied for attention. I gave her another apple and stroked her face and head. Then Karen and I went up to the house to have lunch. After lunch we discussed what we should do. I asked her if she had ever baked a pie. She said no, but she'd like to try.

"It will be a first experience for both of us," I said. "I've been wanting to try to do it. I've read a bunch of different tips on pie making."

We got out the cookbook and read through three recipes. We selected one and peeled enough apples for two pies. After they were sliced, we put them back in the refrigerator, in a bowl filled with cool water until we needed them. Then we turned our attention to the piecrust. The first one was a disaster. We threw it away and tried again. The second was much better but still not satisfactory.  It joined the first one. The third attempt was a keeper. We took the two pie tins and lined them with the piecrust. Then we mixed the ingredients and filled the tins. The top crust pieces were put on top and crimped together with the lining. We put them in the pre-heated oven and set the timer.

We cleaned the kitchen and went down to the sewing room to practice with the machine. When the pies were about done we went upstairs to wait out the timer. We took them out and set them on the stovetop to cool when the timer dinged, and we went back downstairs to work on our project in the sewing room. At five o'clock, we put our things away and went upstairs to make diner. We put the now cool pies in the refrigerator. We prepared dinner together like a real cooking team. Karen had embraced domesticity very quickly. For somebody who couldn't boil water a few weeks ago, she had come a long way. In fact, I thought, we had both come a long way.

Dinner was all ready when Auntie came in. Our main entrée was fried chicken breast cutlets. The side dishes were mashed potatoes, nibblet corn, and salad with fresh oil and vinegar dressing. Fresh biscuits, lemonade, and tea had also been prepared. Auntie came into the kitchen and smiled when she smelled the food. I went and greeted her and then she said hello to Karen. As we ate, I told Auntie that we had gone riding today. She asked which horses we had taken. I told her that we had gone on Henry and the Palomino, as she had instructed me. I told her that we had stayed on the small ranch and rubbed the horses down when we returned. She smiled and said that I was becoming a real horsewoman. I smiled at the compliment.

After dinner, Karen and I cleared the table and got out one of the pies. I cut it and put a scoop of vanilla ice cream on each piece. Auntie started to eat it, and remarked that it was unusually good for a store bought pie. Karen & I smiled at each other. She said that she didn't remember buying a pie last weekend when we had shopped. I told her that that was because we didn't. Karen and I had made it today. She stopped eating and looked at us. Then resumed eating and said that nothing really surprised her any more where I was concerned, and now I was getting Karen involved. Karen said that I was wonderful. I had taught her so much in our short time together. She said that I should be nominated for woman of the year. I said, "Now stop that, both of you, you're making me blush." We all laughed. Karen and I cleaned up while Auntie changed into ranch clothes. Having Karen there was like having one of my sisters with me; and the cleanup went very fast. When Auntie returned we went to the stable to bring in the horses and give them their oats. Then we watched some TV for a couple of hours and at 9 o'clock we took Karen home, after getting the intact pie from the refrigerator for her to bring home.

After she was inside, we drove back home. I asked Auntie if Karen could maybe sleep over some time and she told me that Karen was a lovely girl and that she could stay anytime that I wanted, and her grandmother allowed. I slid over on the seat and kissed her. "Thank you Auntie, you're so good to me."

"You deserve everything that I could do for you, honey." When we got home, we changed into our sleepwear and I went into Auntie's room. We lay on her bed and talked about the upcoming weekend since it was now Thursday. I asked her if we could do a little shopping. I really needed a few pairs of jeans, some work shirts, and a couple of new girdles and half-slips. I didn't elaborate on the fact that my panty girdle was showing the signs of daily wear and washing, as well as the tight half slip that I wore whenever I wore a dress or skirt. She told me that we would go on Saturday after we did the grocery shopping. 

The next morning, the vet came back to examine Emily and Henry. She said that Henry was now fit and required no further special attention. Emily's leg had come along fine. There was no infection, the swelling was all gone and all soreness would disappear after a few days of exercise. She told me to let Emily out in the corral with the other horses and by Sunday, if there was no inflammation, then Emily could be ridden. I was so happy that I kissed the vet and thanked her for everything that she had done. After the vet left, I took Emily out to the corral and left her to socialize with the other horses. I went up to the house to clean up and change out of my ranch clothes. I put on a light, summer dress and brushed my hair. I had completed all my cleaning work so I went to the sewing room. I was determined to master the sewing machine. My work was showing improvement. I now felt capable of doing minor alterations that nobody would be able to find fault with. I wanted to be able to alter some of my clothes to better show off my new figure.

Just after lunch, I was back at the machine when I heard the front doorbell. It was Grandma. I invited her in and we hugged and cheek kissed. Then we went into the parlor to have some tea. We made small talk for awhile. I told her that Emily was almost better and that I would be able to ride her on Sunday. I told her about my first attempts, with Karen, to make an apple pie, and that I had made the French Toast for Auntie. She told me about what she was doing with her environmental cause, and other activities that she was involved with.

Then she asked me if I was still willing to help her out with testing the logging site manager. She said that a position was opening up, through a retirement, which she felt he was qualified for. But the position required good "people" skills as well as technical skills. She wanted me to conduct the test, if I was willing. She said that it would be difficult for me. I would have to hide my normal personality and play the part of a "rich spoiled little bitch." I told her that I had seen enough movies to play the part and thought that I could do it if she really wanted me to. She said wonderful. I was to intentionally push the manager to the breaking point to see how he would react.

She opened her briefcase and took out a very thick pile of papers. She said, "These are very technical, logging industry articles about the type of operation that Mr. Sloan manages, plus some quarterly reports that he has submitted, and notes about what you should be looking at, in your role as an inspector. If you can manage to get through the articles, you'll get a better understanding of how a logging site works. Not just the basic outward appearance, but the real underlying strategy of harvesting, replanting, and protecting the mountains that we use. We'll go up in two and a half weeks for an overnight stay. That will give you a week to be with your mother before we leave, but you should start studying now so that I can work with you before we leave. You should pay close attention to the format of the reports. You will have to question him on certain points where data is a little inconclusive."

"Okay Grandma, I'll study everything very carefully to be ready for the inspection."

Then we switched topics and talked about my family.

"Judy will be graduating from eighth grade this weekend. I wish that I could be there to celebrate with them, but I can wait until they get here. As the date of their arrival nears I'm getting more anxious."

"It must be wonderful to be from a large family. I was an only child. With the loss of my daughter, and my husband, I have no close relatives."

"You have me Grandma."

"Yes, my dear. I have you. You have become very precious to me. I hope that you and I can still find time to be together after your mother and sisters arrive."

"You will always be in my heart, and you're always welcome in my home. My family will love you as much as I do. You're my Grandma. That's the way that I think of you, and the way that I feel about you. You're part of my family now."

She looked at me with teary eyes. We hugged and embraced for several minutes. When we separated, she dabbed at her eyes, as did I. She looked at her watch and said that she had to go. She had a dinner engagement in the city. We kissed and she left.

I went to the sewing room and put everything away before taking the sheaf of papers into the office where I sat down at the conference table and began reading. I read the industry papers first. They were magazine and newspaper articles about logging operations. The articles were not very difficult to read. Anyone with an elementary school reading level could handle them. But there were industry specific terms and acronyms, which gave me some trouble. I made notes when I didn't understand a term or reference. As I progressed, I found answers to many of the questions I had written down, in successive articles. I memorized all the acronyms and industry terms when I understood their meanings. After I had read all of the articles, I started at the beginning and read them again. This time I zipped through them because I understood the "lingo." On my second pass, I set aside certain papers for further study.

When I completed the second read through, I began to study the papers that I had set aside. These were in-depth reports with charts and graphs, or, analysis of new techniques or equipment. They were not the types of article that lent itself to the speed-reading that I normally used. When I completed these articles, I felt that I could pass any written test on their material. It was almost five o'clock so I put the papers away and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Last Saturday we had purchased some frozen fish products so that I would have some thing for no-meat Fridays. I selected a box of scallops and got out the cookbook to peruse the appropriate recipes. I selected one and began the preparation. Auntie arrived home just as dinner was ready for the table. As always, we told each other of our days activities over our meal. I told Auntie about the vet's visit, my efforts to master sewing, and about Grandma's visit. I told her how I had spent the last several hours studying logging operations in preparation for my inspection tour. She said that she had some trepidation about my going alone, to deliberately infuriate a man whose temperament we didn't know. I said that I knew that Grandma would never place me in any danger, but I would relay her apprehension.

After dinner, I cleaned up, while Auntie went to care for the horses. We completed our tasks about the same time and went to put on our sleepwear. Then we went down to the theatre and watched TV until 10 o'clock. When we walked back upstairs, we just naturally walked into Auntie's room and climbed into her bed. I had slept here every night since I had come back from Oregon, and had walked in without thinking. As we snuggled, we talked about the weekend activities. Tomorrow we would do the grocery shopping, clothes shopping, and pick up the saddles that Auntie had purchased. I drifted off to sleep still snuggled in Auntie's arms.

I dreamed that I was back on the pirate ship, tied to the support post as Karen had tied me. I couldn't move a muscle as I hung suspended in the ropes. Mr. Booth came in and carried me back to the British man-of-war. This time he freed my arms, and as he started to kiss me, I kissed back enjoying his embrace. Suddenly, I woke up and realized that I had my arms wrapped around Auntie's neck and was kissing her as passionately as I was able. I froze and looked into her eyes. She rolled off of me and started laughing hysterically. I was aghast. My look made her laugh all the harder. When she could talk she said, "What's the matter? I thought that you wanted to wake up like that everyday."

"I dreamed that I was kissing a British naval officer. It was just a shock waking up."

"Now you know how I felt two days ago when I thought I was kissing Gabby."

"Yes, it's a shock."

I got off the bed and she said, "Why don't we bathe in my tub today? You haven't been in my tub yet."

"Okay, I'll run the bath."

I walked into her bathroom and ran in the steaming water as I put in the bath crystals to make mountains of bubbles. I took off my gown and panties and stepped into the bath. I found a comfortable spot and started to relax. Auntie came in and took off her gown and panties and climbed in too. Her tub was even larger than the one in my room, so we had enough room for five or six more in there, easily. We relaxed in the tub until we started to prune. Then we washed ourselves, and each other's back. Auntie stood up and got out while I sat back for a few more minutes. We talked as she toweled off, examined herself in her mirror, then powdered and put on a fresh pair of panties that she had brought in. She put on her bra, hooked it and adjusted her breasts. She told me it was time to get moving and handed me a towel. I started to rise just as the telephone rang. As she went to get it, I got up, toweled off and wrapped the towel around me. I didn't have any clean undies in here so I would have to walk to my bedroom. I stepped into her bedroom, where she was still on the phone. She looked at me and I pointed to my bedroom. She nodded and continued her conversation.

I went into my bathroom and inspected myself in my mirror. I powdered and put on fresh panties and my girdle. I attached my nylons, and put on my bra. I was straining the fabric of the training bra or 'grow' bra as some people call it. This bra was only designed to get young girls used to the feel of wearing a bra until they really needed one, and it was becoming obvious that I needed one. I put on my camisole and corset, and then my face. I put on my ranch clothes and went to make breakfast.

The pancakes were ready when Auntie came in. As we ate she said, "Ben Cranshaw says that we can pick up the saddles any time up until 4 o'clock, so we'll go get them after grocery shopping. Then we can go get you some new things."

"Auntie, I've been thinking. Judy's graduating tomorrow. Can we pick up a small present for her?"

"Of course."

Sadly I said, "I wish that we could be there to see her graduate. Mommy will miss it also."

"Not entirely. I made arrangements with a photo studio to shoot both stills and a film of the event. We'll be able to play the 16mm in the theatre when we receive it."

I jumped up and ran around the table to hug her. "Oh Auntie, you're so wonderful. I love you."

"I love you too, honey. And I want to see it just as much as you do."

After breakfast and cleanup, we went out to care for the horses. Emily came to me as I got to her gate. I kissed her face and gave her an apple. We let all six horses go out into the corral and then cleaned the stable and put down fresh hay. I went out in the corral and filled the water trough and put fresh hay in the rack. Then we went back to the house and got ready to go grocery shopping. I changed my clothes, touched up my face, and put on lipstick. I grabbed my purse and got the grocery list from the kitchen. Auntie met me downstairs and we walked to the garage. After we had done our shopping, we went to the checkout. Scott was not working there. We paid for the groceries and left the store. Scott was pushing a load of carts in from the parking lot. He stopped and said, "Howdy, Miss Darla. It sure is nice to see you again."

"Hello, Scott. How are you today?"

"Better now, Miss Darla."

"That's quite a load of carts that you have there."

"Oh, it's just a small batch." A man in a red jacket was standing by the store watching us. "My boss is watching," Scott said. "I have to go. It was great seeing you again. I hope that you come back soon."

"Every Saturday. See you next week."

He resumed pushing the carts as I caught up with Auntie. We put the groceries in the trunk and drove home to put them away since the frozen food wouldn't last while we did our other shopping.

We drove to Mr. Cranshaw's ranch next and picked up the saddles that Auntie had purchased. They were wrapped in cloth; and we put them in the trunk. When we were driving away, I remarked that I was surprised that she had bought 5 more saddles. She said that they were a good deal, and having an extra saddle or two was important. If something broke, the saddle was useless until it was fixed.

 We drove to the store that we had gone to get her mini-dress and mini-skirt two weeks earlier. I tried on some jeans and selected a half dozen pairs. Then we selected a dozen shirts, mostly in denim. We went to the lingerie department and I picked up a half dozen panty girdles and a half dozen half slips. Auntie picked up a new bra for me and we went into the changing room to try it. I took off my blouse and took down the straps of my camisole, then removed my bra. The new bra felt much better. It didn't squeeze my breasts the way that my old ones had and it left me a little room to grow into. Auntie said that since she and Mother both wore 36C, then that would probably be my approximate size when I had fully grown, but I was much more developed than she was when she was 11.

We picked up six more bras for me and then went to look at dresses for Auntie. She tried on a number of dresses and narrowed her selections down to 5. She couldn't decide so she told the salesgirl that she would take all of them. When we had finished my shopping and Auntie's shopping, we went to get a graduation present for Judy. After a lot of gift suggestions from both of us, we settled on getting her a pair of cowgirl boots. We walked to a boot shoe and selected a pair in Judy's size. We returned home with our purchases and took our new clothes to our bedrooms. I changed my bra immediately. I felt much better with my breasts not being squeezed flat to my chest. I took all of my old bras and moved them to a distant drawer for storage. I knew that I would never need them again. I put my new bras in one of my lingerie drawers, and put my new panty girdles and slips in another. As I was going out, I passed the mirror and stopped to look at my figure. The new bra accentuated my chest and figure. With my larger hips, narrow waist, and growing bosom, I was very pleased with my figure. I blessed the day that I had started to wear the corset. I was less a little girl and more a woman every day that I wore it.  

Auntie was coming out of her bedroom as I came out of mine. She stopped me and looked at my figure. She turned me around and felt my breasts. "Honey, you look wonderful. I bet that the new bra is a lot more comfortable."

"Yes, I hadn't realized how much the old ones were pinching me and flattening me out. This one is so much better. Thank you, Auntie."

"My pleasure, honey. How about a snack? We didn't get any lunch."

"Great. What shall we have?"

"How about Apple Pie a la mode with Double Chocolate Ice Cream?"

"Heavenly, let's go."

We went to the kitchen and made our snack using the pie that Karen and I had made. As we sat down to eat, and sigh with pleasure. Auntie said, "Darla Anne, this apple pie is wonderful. I hope that you'll get a chance to do some more baking. You have a real gift."

"Thank you. It was fun. There are a couple of cake recipes that I'd like to try. That's why the grocery list was so long today." We finished our pie and cleaned up.

It was only 2 o'clock. Auntie said that she had some paperwork to do so we went down to the office. She worked at her desk while I worked at the other one. I continued reading the logging operation papers. I studied the quarterly reports that had been filed by Mr. Sloan, and then the notes that Grandma had prepared which instructed me on what to look for during my inspection. Auntie got up to use the copy machine and came over to look at what I was working on. She asked me how I was doing as she looked at some of the reporting forms. "Not too badly. This is a lot simpler to follow then some of the stuff that I've learned from you. Logging is not anywhere near as complex as drilling and geology. Auntie, could you get me a book like yours? I mean the one where you keep all your notes and phone numbers and such?"

"Of course honey, I believe that I have a new one in the forms closet." She went over to the large walk-in closet where forms, files and stationary supplies were stored. She returned and gave it to me. "Put your name on the front so we don't get them mixed up. I'll do it to mine also."

"Thank you Auntie."

She got her copies and returned to her desk to work.

I finished reading the notes from Grandma, and now had them committed to memory. I went to the library and looked to see what I could find about logging. I found three books on the subject and two on forestry. I returned to the office and sat to read. Using the speed reading technique that I commonly employed, I read through two of the logging books that looked to contain simpler material. The third book was quite detailed, and contained many graphs and tables, so I would read that one normally, and set it aside for now. I speed-read the forestry books, slowing down at chapters that contained information that I thought would be relevant to logging operations. As 5 o'clock approached, I got up and put the 4 books that I had finished, back into the library. Then I packed up the sheaf of papers that Grandma had left with me. I went over to Auntie, hugged her from behind, and kissed her cheek. I told her that dinner would be ready at 6 o'clock and she was expected to be prompt.

She kissed me back and said, "Yes, dear." I giggled and went upstairs.

Dinner was ready exactly at 6. I put the food on the table and sat down. Auntie walked in and then around the table to where I sat, kissed me, and said, "Sorry I'm late, dear, the traffic was murder." We giggled as she sat down. Auntie said grace and we ate. After dinner, I cleaned up while Auntie went to take care of the horses. When she returned, we went to watch TV in our sleepwear and then retired at 10 o'clock.

I awoke at my usual time the next morning. I had dreamed about being with my sisters, Mother, and Auntie in a park near a pond. I only remembered that we had spent a lot of time feeding the ducks. Auntie was still asleep and I didn't want to wake her, so I got up and went to my bathroom where I ran my bath and climbed in to soak. I had just settled in when Auntie came in and slipping off her gown and panties got in with me. "How come you came in here? There's more room in my tub?"

"You were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you."

"Oh poo. We both have to get up for services, and it's more fun bathing together."

She leaned back to relax and enjoy the warmth of the bath. This was always my favorite part of the day. I relaxed with my eyes closed until I started to prune then washed myself, stood up, got out of the tub, and toweled off. I examined myself in the mirror, then powered and put my panties on. Auntie hadn't moved since she first got into the tub and I suspected that she was asleep. I went over to her and touched her shoulder. Her eyes fluttered open.

"Where… oh… Hi darling, I guess that I fell asleep."

She washed herself and then got out and toweled off. She wrapped the towel around herself and left after saying that she was leaving to get dressed.

I sat at my makeup table, brushed my hair and made my face. I stood up and put on one of my new bras. I modeled in front of my mirror for a few moments and then finished dressing for services. I took one of my vitamins and went to prepare breakfast. I made my new specialty, French Toast, and had breakfast ready when Auntie came in. She complimented the French Toast again, then we hurriedly finished breakfast and after touching up our make up and putting on our lipstick, we left for services.

We were a little early this week, so we stayed outside and socialized with congregation members until it was time to go inside. Some of the ladies were talking about an upcoming bake sale. Auntie raved about my apple pie and before I knew it I was volunteered to provide four pies or cakes. People started to move into the church, so we queued up to go in, as well. After services, the chairwoman of the bake-sale came and thanked me for my generous offer and told me when I should bring my baked goods. I told her that I was happy to help out and would have them there on time. We left and returned home after briefly visiting with the minister and his wife.

Auntie said, "Did you notice the two Fuller boys looking at you?"

"Yes. They're kinda cute."

"I don't think that they took their eyes off of you during the entire service. Such wicked thoughts in church. Tch, tch, tch." She smiled after shaking her head.

When we arrived home, we changed into ranch clothes and went out to the stables to let the horses out into the corral, and clean the stalls.

 With that done, we brought one of the Tennessee Walking Horses in and saddled her. Auntie took her out into the corral first and rode her around for a few minutes. Then I let them out the gate and she rode her around the outbuildings a couple of times. When she returned, we stripped the saddle and bridle from her and did the same with the other Walker and then the Arabian. Both Walkers behaved well. The Arabian balked a little at first. He probably hadn't been ridden in a while, but he calmed down once Auntie mounted. Then it was time for Emily. We saddled her and I held her head and stroked her face as Auntie climbed up. She never flinched or resisted in any way. Auntie took a couple of turns around the corral, then had me ride her so that she could look at Emily's legs while we rode around. When I stopped, Auntie said that she looked just fine. Those bidders at the auction missed out on a good bet. Emily was a wonderful horse. I was very pleased and felt very lucky to have her.

Auntie told me to leave her saddled while we got the new tack out of the car trunk. She backed it up to the stable and we carried everything in. We unwrapped the saddles and put them on the racks in the tack room. Auntie had made a point of carrying one in and putting in on the side. She told me to unwrap it. When I did, I saw that it was a sidesaddle. She started laughing at the expression on my face. "A saddle for milady so that she can ride to the hounds," she said. I started laughing with her.

"I love it." I said. "Can I try it now."

"Sure. Let's saddle Emily with it."

We took off the western saddle and put on the sidesaddle. Auntie took Emily over to where she had stacked up several old bales of hay like a platform. She told me to get up on the top bale while she moved Emily into position. Then I kind of slid onto the saddle, and she showed me how to put my legs into the supports and grip the saddle with my legs. It was a strange sensation, but it worked as she led me around the corral once and then handed be the reins so that I could control Emily myself. Then she opened the gate and I rode around the outbuildings. Meanwhile, she saddled the Arabian again, and joined me on my second pass. Then we took a two-hour ride around the small ranch. When we got back, I was as sore as the first ride last week. Auntie told me that I was using different muscles than I used with the western saddle. I stripped the gear off Emily and rubbed her down. I gave her an apple and turned her out into the corral. Auntie had done the same with the Arabian.

We walked back to the house and made a couple of sandwiches for lunch after we cleaned up and changed our clothes. We carried the food out onto the porch to rock and relax while we ate. I told Auntie that I would like to call Judy later to congratulate her. She said that we would call at seven. Any celebrations should be done by that time. After a couple of hours, conversation had lulled so I went back inside to get the book on logging and returned to the porch with it.

I spent the next several hours studying the textbook like material, while Auntie read oil industry magazines and reports. I began to think that I had earlier underestimated the complexities of the lumber business. While it still paled when compared to geology, mineralogy, and oil exploration, it was much more complex then the impression that I had gotten from the other books, which had only given an overview of logging operations concerning the harvesting of trees. The book that I was now reading covered milling operations as well. Lumber grading, cutting, planing, reconstruction of wood products such as plywood and particleboard, molding manufacturing, moisture and waterproofing operations, etc., combined to make this a very complex industry. I know that I was going above and beyond what Grandma had wanted me to study, but I was fascinated by the processes, and felt that once I understood them I could get her to let me view the operations in progress. The reading was slow going as I was working hard to remember everything, and to understand all the charts and sidebars. I would not proceed until I clearly understood what was being said. When 5 o'clock rolled around, I had only read about a quarter of the book. It was taking as long as the first time I had read some of Shakespeare's works.

I book-marked my place and put the book away as I went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Auntie joined me and we worked together to cook a rib roast with all the trimmings. After dinner we called New Jersey and congratulated Judy on her graduation. She told us how happy she was to graduate, and at the same time how sad she was to be leaving all her school friends. Mary and Susan echoed similar sentiments about leaving. I told them that Auntie had said that Gina and Maria could come visit us anytime, and that we had more than enough room here for company. Gina and Maria wanted to come right away when my sisters and Mother came out, but Auntie said they should give us a couple of weeks to get everybody settled in first. We talked for an hour and then said our good-byes.

I knew that it would only be another week before we were re-united, but I still felt a sense of loneliness after we hung up. I embraced Auntie, and kissed her. She asked what was wrong and I told her it was just that I hadn't seen my sisters in so long, and I missed them. She hugged me back and said that she understood. We hugged for several minutes until I started to feel better. I thanked her for understanding. We went back upstairs and cleaned up the kitchen, then changed into our sleepwear and watched TV until it was time for bed. We fell asleep holding hands. My loneliness had evaporated with Auntie's affection.


(continued in Part 11)




© 1999 by C. Sprite. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without express written consent of the copyright holder.