Crystal's StorySite


A Study in Satin

by Tigger


Part III: Dum Vivimus Vivamus!

Chapter 11. Successful Promises


"A most promising result, Herr Doctor Buchner," Moriarty said in great bonhomie, "for all the patient did, in the end, sadly die."

"I must point out, Herr Professor," the broadly built academician hurried to insert, "that we did not truly observe a gender transition in this case. Our autopsy clearly shows that the monkey was still fully female, externally and internally, at the time of death."

"True, true," Moriarty replied magnanimously, "But it is a most remarkable and obvious change, is it not? I do think you are on the correct path of inquiry at last, Doctor Haber, Doctor Buchner. So, what is your proposed plan at this point?"

"Ummm. .Professor, as you are no doubt aware, we are dealing with limited supplies of certain of the key herbal ingredients. This particular treatment uses a significant amount of one particular herb - significantly more, in fact, than any of the other herbs," Sweat was beading on Buchner's forehead. "Disproportionately more, I should say."

"What are you telling me, sir?" Moriarty's pleasant mood had evaporated and the room seemed to become instantly cold.

"Only that we do not have sufficient of that one herb for very many experiments, Herr Professor," Haber bravely broke in. We have enough to treat, perhaps twenty or so monkeys, or six to eight chimpanzees, and at most three or four human subjects. Or some combination of those options."


"I see," Moriarty said coldly, his mind already working at solutions to this unanticipated logistical problem. He had, quite overly optimistically, assumed that he had more than adequate supplies of the special Amazon herbs for his needs. *I simply had not anticipated the true lack of scientific talent that mark these so-called leaders in their fields. They are the ones who have wasted my precious supplies. Hopefully, the next experiments will prove successful - we are SO close, but how to I acquire more if I should need them?*

"Would it be possible, Herr Professor, to obtain additional supplies of these remarkable herbs?" Buchner asked.

"I am already, as we speak, Herr Doctor, dealing with that issue. You and Dr. Haber are to come up with a plan of action that will suit me and make the most efficient use of your remaining resources. Trust me that you truly want to succeed in this endeavor, or perhaps I should say, you truly do not wish any further failures."

With that, Moriarty spun on his heel and walked from the room. He would have to consider having Carver make a voyage to the Amazon. It was, at the moment, the only solution that seemed to make any sense. But that would wait until he returned with the second set of chimpanzees. "Six to eight" was probably more than the six they currently had, and Moriarty wanted to be sure that the new potions worked on the chimps. It was, at most, another day.


The sun was low on the horizon as Katrina slowly made her way back the hotel after a long day of running errands. She had not even been able to make time to see Erich and thank him for his promise to keep her secret. She made her way along the water, and stopped for a few moments. Tossing stones into the icy river like the boy she pretended to be turned out to be a good way to think, Katrina realized. At least she had learned to throw like a boy.

Not that she had managed to do much else right in this cursed guise. *Unmasked by a twelve year old boy,* she fumed to herself as she heaved a particularly heavy stone into the frigid water. *What does that say about poorly I am carrying off this role? Does my continued presence here as Karl endanger the woman I honor as my Mother and the woman I love?*

She turned from the river and automatically put her hands into the pockets of her coat. *Sherla must be correct when she said that most adults fail to look at other people's children with a critical eye. It is likely the only reason I have gone undiscovered for so long a period of time. So, the question becomes, do I stay, and wait for us to move on to Meringen where I will have a second chance to be 'Karl', or do leave Brienz and return to Irene's Paris cottage?*

She passed the train station on her way to the hotel and was surprised when Herr Loche waved to her and greeted her by name. *Evidently he hasn't recognized me as anyone other than Karl Huxley. That's reassuring since I have been around him more than I have any other adult. It is also unfortunate, because it would make my escape to Paris more difficult. Even if I changed back to Katrina before purchasing the ticket, I would be purchasing it from Herr Loche. A pretty yet unfamiliar girl would draw his attention, I think, and then he might connect Katrina with Karl. Curse it, what a coil.*

She had reached the hotel for supper without finding any better solution to her problem. *I will just have to be careful until we move to Meringen. Thankfully, Erich told me that the rails will be fixed sometime tomorrow. Finally.*

"Ready for supper, young Herr Huxley?" Herr Schmidt asked, clapping Katrina on her shoulder. The blow nearly toppled her, but she somehow managed to keep her balance and smile up at the innkeeper.

"Yes, sir. I am very hungry. Mother has had me running to just about every shop in the city this morning."

"Good lad!" Herr Schmidt said jovially. "Run and get your lovely Momma and sister, and we will feed that appetite of yours. Frau Schmidt made her apple strudel for the sweet, just for you."

"Oh, thank her for me, sir," Katrina said with honest gratitude, and hurried off to find Irene.

*Boy needs feeding up. Polite as that sister of his is flirtatious, but he needs to build some muscle - get himself a manly figure. Well, Momma's food will put some meat on those skinny bones. I'll have her give Frau Huxley some of her recipes, too. Good lad.*


"Ah, Carver, you have brought in the first load of chimpanzees without incident?" Moriarty asked.

"Nary a one, Professor," the seaman responded. "They're snug and warm in that room off the main lab area. Those two science coves be checkin' that lot over as I stands here talking to yer. But, they seemed right lively to me when I turned 'em out into that big holding cage."

Carver had worked with the previous shipments of animals and had learned how to care for and to read the reactions of the lab animals. Moriarty nodded in satisfaction. "And you'll be heading back for another load." It was not a question.

"First thing in the morning, Professor. The station master expects me after lunch again. By the time I get them back, the rails to Meringen will be fixed and the lot of 'em will be only a couple of easy miles away."

"True, true. Once you are back, I have another mission for you, Carver. One that will make use of your seaman's skills. Tell me, have you ever sailed to South America before?"

"Couple times, Professor," the big man shrugged. "Took leave in Rio once or twice. Smuggled some art out of Buenos Aires, too."

"Excellent. I shall tell you more when you return." It was obviously a dismissal, but Carver was hesitant to leave. Moriarty gave him a stern stare, but still the seaman stood his ground. "You have something else, Carver?" Moriarty's tone made it clear that Carver had better have something else to share with his leader.

"Ummm. . . Professor? You remember when you told me to be on the lookout? When we first got set up here?"

Moriarty only stared at Carver, rare confusion in his eyes.


Buchner and Haber had been watching as the big sailor went into speak with Moriarty. They were working at getting the new animals settled and deciding which would be their next test subject when Carver burst from Moriarty's office, the old man appearing immediately behind him in the doorway.

"You have your orders, Carver! I am too close. Success is within my reach at last, and I will take NO chances. See that you are back here before dark tomorrow. Do . . . NOT. . . FAIL!"

The two captive scientists became very obviously involved in their tasks, and tried to move out of the enraged Moriarty's line of sight.

Not entirely successfully.


Sherla smiled in relief as Katrina began to loosen her stays. The three women had just concluded a short planning discussion dealing with their itinerary for the next three days. Irene, satisfied with their plans, had left to make arrangements with the concierge for handling the packing and transport of their luggage leaving the two younger women to prepare for bed. "If Irene finds out the tracks have been deemed ready for passenger traffic, we shall be on our way to Meringen at last."


"I am glad, Sherla. Truth to tell, I was beginning to get nervous about my masquerade. Every time someone smiles at me, I almost expect them to ask what a nice girl like me is doing dressed up like a rough and tumble boy."

"Nonsense, sweet, you are doing wonderfully. Remember, *I* have been watching you. And you are becoming more adept at the role with each passing day."

"Well, if you say so, petite, but I shall be glad to start anew in a new place."

Something in her lover's wistful tones caught Sherla's full attention. "Would you prefer to stay in tomorrow?"

Katrina sighed. "I would prefer to stay in, but I promised Erich I would help him load the sleigh with chimpanzees again." *In return for his promise to keep my secret,* she thought darkly. "Then I am going to claim I must be here to help pack and leave the train station as soon as possible."

"Irene could send a message to Herr Loche that you are ill if you would rather spend the entire day here." Sherla said, finally recognizing how nervous her lover was acting recently. *Perhaps the strain IS getting to her. Well, the role has served its purpose and there really is no need for her to venture out once we get to Meringen.*

"No, it is all right. Besides, I would then show up the next day hail and hearty when it was time to leave the next day, which might draw undue attention to us."

*There is more to this than a desire to avoid dirtying her hands in monkey droppings,* Sherla thought. "What is really bothering you, love?" she asked gently.

Katrina turned away, focusing her attention on the fire instead of Sherla before answering. "Oh, just what we were speaking of a moment ago. I feel like . . . I . . I feel like I am on borrowed time in this guise." *And the loan has already come due and marked past due. Oh god, I wish I had never agreed to this charade. Now I am lying to her!* "I am terrified that I will give away the entire charade," Katrina continued. "You've convinced me how deadly, how purely evil this Moriarty truly is, and I don't want to be the instrument of your or Tante Irene's death! And I would be if some failure of mine brought you to this fiend's attention before you were ready to move against him."

Sherla considered her words carefully, and then took Katrina's hand in hers. "Come over to the settee, darling. Here, sit." Sherla pressed her lover into the soft cushions and then went down on her knees in front of her. "I have already told you that I think you are doing wonderfully in the role, and I promise you, that IF I thought there was the slightest chance of your disguise being pierced, I would end this scheme, for I would not put YOU in danger. Understand me?" Sherla looked Katrina straight in her eyes. She stared back for a few moments before her guilt over her secret failure made her look away. She finally managed a barely perceptible nod.

"Good, and in the second place, young miss, I am and have been ready to move against Moriarty the moment he shows himself to me. He won't surprise me, love. Remember who I am and who I was. I defeated him when I was Sherlock, and I will defeat him as Sherla."

"You sound so certain now, but last night, when you spoke of him you sounded far more cautious."

"Cautious, yes. Frightened, no. Trust me, my love. We will triumph."

A knock on the outer door interrupted them. Shrugging, Katrina rose from the settee and walked over to open the door. Herr Schmidt entered, a pleased smile on his broad face. "A message has arrived, young Herr Huxley, for your lovely sister," he said, holding out a wax-sealed envelope. He cast a paternal grin at Sherla. "I was asked to wait for a reply, Fraulein."

*This is NOT an appropriate time for whatever has put that look on our host,* Sherla thought with mild annoyance, even as she pasted a flirtatious smile on her own face. "And who would be so very bold, I wonder?" she asked as she hurried over to snatch up and open the missive.

Dear Fraulein Huxley,

I would be honored if you would accept my invitation for a moonlight sleigh ride followed by dinner at my home. Naturally, your charming mother and your young brother are included in both invitations. I would like to earn the privilege of calling on you once you and your delightful family are settled in our little community.


Hans-Peter Kreuger

*Well, well. . . the man from my very erotic dream wants to escort me out. The dream father of my dream child,* she thought, a bittersweet smile coming to her lips.

"What is it, sister?"

"An invitation, Karl, for a sleigh ride and dinner - from Hans-Peter." *If we were to be here any longer, it might do well to encourage this - he would be useful in that he knows the location of Moriarty's hideaway and he has that very nice sleigh to transport us, but that would endanger him and his family too much. It would be much less suspicious if the estate agent Irene has contacted in Meringen was the one who showed us that property.*

Sherla turned back to the innkeeper. "Herr Schmidt, I cannot accept this very nice invitation. Mother, Karl and I will be quite busy tonight and tomorrow preparing for our trip to Meringen. Please convey our regrets to Hans-Peter." She saw the surprise on Herr Schmidt's face and nodded to confirm her decision. *And my failure to send him a message in my own hand, or to speak to him myself should put paid to any further overtures from Hans-Peter. I only hope that I have not truly hurt his feelings or his confidence.*

Katrina saw the sad smile on Sherla's face and felt her insides twist. *She wants him. She has told me she loves me, but she wants him, and now her honor prevents her from taking what she truly desires. If I were not here, she'd be free to follow her heart. All I have to do to keep her is stay, and that would be the most reprehensible act I could ever commit.*

She waited until the confused innkeeper took his leave, and then turned to face Sherla. Tears were burning at her eyes, but she took a deep breath to help her control herself. "I. . . think, Sherla, . that. . . that since my role here is done, I . . I would prefer to go home to Paris. . .instead of this Meringen place. I am tired of this boy disguise, but my face is. . .too well known and I can't change back here." A stray tear or two escaped her eyes, but she ignored them and turned her face away. "I am so damnably tired of these itchy trousers. I . . .I believe I shall go . . go and pack."

All but stupefied, Sherla watched as her lover nearly ran from the room. *What in heavens name was that all about?* She followed Katrina and slipped into the bed chamber before the other girl could latch the door. It was the final straw for Katrina and she broke down completely. In an instant, Sherla had her wrapped in her arms and was making soft, comforting noises. The deluge of tears took a while to die down, but eventually, an exhausted Katrina found herself lying on the bed, cuddled in Sherla's arms. "Now, tell me what is truly the matter."

"You wanted him," Katrina said simply. "You wanted to go with him, but you didn't, because of me."

Sherla considered that. "That is true, at least in part. I may have wanted him, a little bit - that's curiosity - and I did not go with him, in part because of you, but mostly because of me."

"He could give you things I cannot, my love, and I want you to have everything good life has to offer. . ."

"And you are thinking that includes children, is that it?" A shaky nod answered her. "I have been giving children a great deal of thought of late myself. Part of my monthly blues, I suspect, and having a lovely little baby all but dropped into my arms yesterday, but I know. . .listen to me, my love, I KNOW that is not my path."

"You're just saying that. . . because you feel obligated," Katrina heard herself whine and hated it.

Sherla brought her hand up to cup Katrina's chin up so that she was looking directly into Sherla's eyes. "Goose," she said, a loving smile glowing from her face. "I could never be satisfied and fulfilled as a wife and mother, noble though those life paths are. After all, I may be Sherla, but I am also still *Holmes*, and the hole in my life without adequate challenge to my intellect would be greater than any due to the lack of children or a husband. I truly believe that I was put on this earth to stop criminals from preying on the innocent. However, all that is secondary to this, by far more important truth, you silly widgeon. I . . . love . . . YOU, and I want you in my life more than anything else I could possibly have in this new world that has opened up before me."

"You're sure? Truly?" Sherla only managed a nod before Katrina began crying again.

"What is the matter?!?" Irene's voice called from the still open bed chamber door. Neither young woman had heard her return from her last-minute-get-together with the concierge.

"Ah, Irene, just the person we need," Sherla called. "Would you come in for a moment? I have a declaration to make that must needs be witnessed."

Irene slipped into the room and stood by the bed. Sherla rose from the bed, and then pulled Katrina to her feet as well. Taking both of Katrina's hand in hers, Sherla faced Katrina. "My love, I want to make my life with you, and I do hereby pledge myself to making you as happy and fulfilled as I possibly can."

"Oh, beloved," Katrina sighed, "That is what I want, as well. I was just afraid that. . ." then she stopped herself short, and squared her shoulders. "I would pledge myself, but I am already yours, as I have been since that first night together. I want nothing more from life that to spend mine with you."

A single finger came up to shush Katrina. "Thank you" Sherla whispered, and then kissed Katrina softly, but possessively on her lips. "You are mine and I am yours."

Katrina was instantly in Sherla's arms, kissing her fervently, her fingers again seeking the fastenings on Sherla's clothing at the same time. Irene chuckled, "I can see that I have become quite de trops now that my witness function is no longer needed," and let herself out of the room, closing the door behind her.

"Well, you've made your choice, love" Sherla purred as Katrina finally finished loosening her stays, "And now you are MINE!" She stretched sensuously and enjoyed the feeling of an unrestricted deep inhalation. She speedily dispensed with her chemise and pantaloons before turning to help Katrina divest herself of Karl's clothing. "Have I ever mentioned, just how much I LOVE unwrapping you at bedtime? You are the most wonderful gift I have ever been given in either of my lives, and I get to open you EVERY single night for the rest of our lives! God, you are so WONDERFUL!"

Katrina blushed as Sherla planted soft, possessive kisses on each patch of slowly exposed skin. "I love you, too," she whispered as she felt the fire begin to flare in her loins.

Sherla slid on to the bed and beckoned to now nude Katrina. "Come and love me, Katrina. Come and let me love you."

"Whenever you wish, my love," Katrina sighed. *for however long we can.*



© 2000 by Tigger. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, compilation design) may printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without express written consent of the copyright holder.