Crystal's StorySite

Spies are Maid, not Born                         by Rachel Ann Cooper            © 2000


Part 2

I sat down with a noticeable thud into my seat. I had just kissed the hand of my arch enemy/new friend and rival spy who, through a clever manipulation, had become the second best looking woman I'd ever seen. Now I understood Robert's reaction to Monique a little better.

"Marsha, you are...devastating!!" I heard it come out of my mouth but didn’t believe I’d said it.

"Thank you sir," 'she' replied sweetly in a voice that was both sultry and convincing. My mind was spinning. I simply could not think of this lovely creature as anything except what she seemed to be. This was MOST disconcerting!! Intellectually of course I knew this was a male, more or less, but a MAN? No, this could not be a man, not a man according to Webster.

"Well Frank," inquired Rob, "what do you think of what's happened to poor Mark. I do believe he’s been kidnaped or something, eh? <chuckle> Seems to have fallen off the planet eh? Will we miss him or not?"

" he gone for good?" I rendered that question into mid air. It was more for effect than for an answer.

Monique replied to that one saying, "Is she not beautiful Frank? Is she not everything a man would want in a woman, soft, curvaceous, gentile? I think Mark is going to be fired and I am going to hire Marsha here to replace him. What do you think of that?"

"I think," said Frank, "that we had better get you both some new papers and quickly before the Gestapo finds you and beheads you both. I'll see to it in the morning. Marsha, are you really going to join Monique and live full time? I mean, it's obvious that you could but..."

"This has been weighing on me heavily Frank," Mark replied.. "The doctor has said that I must continue this therapy or risk an early death and it is certain he has changed my chemistry to that of a female in the process. I knew when I signed on for this that I could be captured or killed but things have taken a rather unusual turn and I don’t think I’m quite ready to die, not when I’ve discovered such a fascinating way to live."

"There seems to be nothing I can do about it now and I'm finding I rather like it. Look how I've changed over these past few months. I am a mere shadow of the man Mark was. I’m soft and tender. I can hardly keep a masculine thought in my head and my body, well, it has simply become a temple of femininity as you see. I don't see that I have much choice in the matter, do you? The rituals are a bit of a bother but I'm sure I can get used to it over time. And I must admit I DID enjoy the attention you just gave me."

"Seeing you this way...Marsha, I don't know that I ever want to see Mark again. You are dear. Would you care to dance before the show?"

"Oh, yes, I'd love to. Thank you."

I walked around and, pulling out her chair, took her by the hand and led her out onto the small dance floor to the sounds of the juke box. Oh, what a fix! I could feel my heart pounding and that was not the only place my blood supply was in trouble.

"Marsha, I know you are...not what you seem but I find you..." "Do you really like me Frank, the new, improved me?"

"Well, you know I do Marsha. It's dealing with my own feelings that I'm having such a time with. I asked myself some time ago when Robert was smitten with Monique if I could...well, you know, and I didn't have an answer. I guess I do now. I'd be proud to be seen with you anywhere and I'm sure it's the truth because I'm stone sober. Do you want me to change your identity? I can do it you know. You are sure you want to do this, live as a woman?"

"Yes and yes Frank. I had no idea that SAVING my life would CHANGE it so much but it has and I have become rather comfortable with my ever increasing girlishness. You cannot believe the sudden freedom I feel and I do love the lifestyle and the clothing. I have found it to be quite, how do you say, addictive and quite liberating and relaxing by comparison?"

"Just look at this daring dress and I just love my new lingerie and high heels. I never understood women before and now I must come to understand everything about them as quickly as possible if I am to survive. A real twist of fate, wouldn't you say?"

(Frank: I couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at that. It was I who twisted Mark's fate and now it appeared I had twisted my OWN in the bargain as I was truly and rapidly falling for this new woman.)

Marsha danced well. They must have given her some lessons here at the club. She was light on her feet and seemed quite expert in managing her 3" pumps as the full skirt swirled around her. It was a slow dance and I held her close. I shouldn’t have, but I did. The scent of her perfume filled my nostrils and my head swam with desire.

This was not going down well with me, not well at all. I could not deny my feelings but they were going against all my instincts and training. A decision had to be made. Either I was going to divest myself of this relationship or find a way to advance in it and feel good about it. I could not have a relationship with another male and that was that! Then it hit me. Leila! She could not only help Marsha become a perfect lady, she could help me accept my feelings for her. Perfect! Without saying a word to anyone, I excused myself and went backstage to talk with her.

Leila was in her dressing room resting. I knocked. "Yes?" "It's Frank, Leila. May I come in?"

"Of course Frank." "Leila, we need to talk."

"Please Frank, you look distressed. Please sit down and tell me all about it."

And so, I did, ALL of it.

"Frank, it is obvious that we need to make some...adjustments to your thinking processes. I do believe you are falling in love dear boy and we certainly don’t want you to think of yourself as gay in the classical sense now, do we? Monique and Marsha are just...imperfect women, not like some of our campy, sex starved boys on stage. Let us proceed."

"Frank I just want you to sit there and relax. Let your mind drift. Put all thoughts away. Let me in. Now, close your eyes and listen to my voice. You can hear only my voice. The sounds of backstage are fading, fading, quieter and quieter and now they are gone and all you can hear is my voice. Is that not true Frank?"


"Good, now you shall remain aware of who Marsha was but she is no longer that person Frank. She is a woman, a very desirable woman, is she not?"


"Yes, and you want her don't you Frank?"

"Very much."

"But you can't have her completely yet Frank. She will have to have some adjustments made to her anatomy first like Monique wants to do. You are willing to wait for that time Frank and you will do all you can to help them both become true women using all your special connections. Is that not correct?"

"Yes, I will."

"And you will feel very comfortable around her and treat her with respect and court her properly, courteously, and perhaps you will fall in love with her. Is that not true Frank?"

"Yes, it is."

"Good. Now I am going to whisper a phrase in your ear and when you hear that phrase spoken by me alone, you will go into a deep and peaceful sleep. (whispering)

Now, you will awaken refreshed and happy to be going back to your lady friend as I count backwards from 5 to 1. Five, four, three, two, one and you are awake. How do you feel Frank?"

"Wonderful Leila and thank you. I need to get back to the girls. We'll talk about that matter later."

"Yes Frank. We WILL."

I wondered why Leila put the emphasis on that last word but, no matter. I had important socializing to do in the cabaret. It was too bad Leila didn’t have time to re-arrange my thinking while I was with her. Well, I don’t THINK she did. The rest of the evening was filled with the repartee one might expect of two couples out on a date, one of them for the first time. It was not truly a blind date and yet I most certainly was blinded by the experience. Indeed this was Marsha’s maiden flight and she was absolutely SOARING.

"Are you having a good time" I asked Marsha?

"It has been an absolutely DEVINE evening Frank. You are a very nice man and a handsome one too. <wink>"

"Please Marsha, you’ll embarrass me."

"Oh pshaw, you’ll make some girl proud to be swept off her feet one day."

"If you say so Marsha."

We were all a bit tipsy by the time we decided to go home so we got a taxi. Rob wanted to stay but I said no so that night, we all slept in our own little beds.

The next day I set about seeing just what I could do to alleviate this growing sticky situation. I had brought in both ‘girls’ passports and through the magic of things that are better not mentioned, converted them both to completely legitimate looking female passports. Leila had a photographer come by the club and take the girls pictures a few days ago. The next part of the plan...well, there actually WASN’T another part of the plan. They could stay and work in England or go anywhere they pleased but right now, neither Rob nor I wanted them going ANYwhere, at least until our enlistments were up. We had two spies on our payroll and dates for the duration of the war. What could have been more perfect?

In the meantime, I consulted with Dr. Westhall about what he could do to make the girls more comfortable and authentic. His solution was unheard of. He knew of Monique’s desires and felt that Marsha’s hormones would drive her to the same conclusion shortly. He therefore suggested that we bring them both in for examination and to discuss the options. This we arranged for the next day they had off together which happened to be a Friday next week. I had no idea how they would react and I didn’t even tell Rob what the doctor had suggested because it was certainly NOT everything he would have hoped for.

We four presented ourselves in the doctor’s outer office and took seats. Everyone looked nervous and rightly so. The doctor called in Monique first and explained the procedure he wanted to use and told her how it would affect her life and then he did the same with Marsha. Rob and I stayed out of it completely. Then he called Monique back in so they could discuss it three ways.

We heard some giggling and then the girls came out virtually bubbling over. "Well ladies, it seems that Dr. Whitehall has found you a solution you can live with?"

"Oh, yes Frank. It’s not perfect but then, what is? And maybe someday, when there are advances, we can get some ‘adjustments’ made <giggles>." For two highly trained agents, these girls were acting awfully silly all of a sudden!

"Loretta, make surgical appointments for these ladies. We can use the office surgery here although we’ll have to put you both completely under."

Appointments were made and we left his office.

"So, which version of his idea did you ladies decide on after all" I asked?

"Do you really want to know the gruesome details Frank" asked Marsha." "Well, I already know them but which of the two did you like best?"

"We are going to have the complete castration, saving the scrotum. The doctor is going to remove much of the erectile tissue and surround the urethra with folds of scrotal tissue and also remove the end we won’t need and then he’ll sew everything together to look very real and we will then have to sit like ladies at all times so you must promise not to leave the seat up any more Frank and Robbie." <giggles>

"He assured us we would pass under the closest inspection other than, of course, a sexual one by a gynecologist. Monique and I just don’t know WHAT we are going to do about that yet, do we dear?" "No, I’m afraid we don’t but we are going to talk about it a lot I’m sure. <smile>"

We took the girls to dinner and then back to their flat. Rob and I had some decisions to make as well regarding this turn of events. There was no hope for poor Rob. Monique had him wrapped around her little finger. He was like a little puppy around her always wagging his tail anticipating what he could do next for her. I was not nearly so far gone, or so I told myself. Marsha had become, through her chemical and hypnotic suggestion AND the constant brainwashing of Monique a very desirable woman in her own right.

True, she was almost as tall is I in her heels but I didn’t mind that. What was really getting to me was not only her body and that beautiful face but her mindset. She had truly taken on a sweet femininity that was very captivating, very charming and easy to be around. It was becoming extremely difficult for me to see or hear or feel any of the old adversary in my new lady friend.

Monique was the first to undergo the procedures and the doctor only kept her for a day and then it was Marsha’s turn. To be sure, Monique was in some pain but she bore it well and the doctor had her in some special garment to hold everything as he wanted it. Then followed Marsha. For about a week, we just let the girls go home after work and go to bed but soon they were asking to go out to dinner again and so we resumed our old habits.

Something however, had changed about the girls and not just the obvious. Both of them exuded a new confidence, a new delight in their womanliness and were more flirtatious than before. Their spirits were very light. I had a most difficult time in sorting this out except to say that the only thing that I could equate it with was that they had truly become feminine spirits. There was no more manliness, no more maleness, no more competitiveness or worldliness IN them. They had somehow become very sweet, if not entirely innocent babes. And what was it I remembered my reaction to first seeing Marsha being?

"I could really GO for this girl. I wonder who she is?"

Now that I know, what am I going to do about it? Indeed! All I could think of most days was how soon would I see her and when I saw her, how much I wanted to take her in my arms and kiss her—deeply and explore her charms, charms that had grown handsomely to the distraction of many a man that passed.

We had occasion to be invited to a party at a dignitary’s estate. It was a formal affair but we were encouraged to bring bathing suits as it was still quite warm. We were also encouraged to bring dates since Rob and I were well known bachelors. Did we dare? Would there be an inkling of recognition among any of my peers for these young ladies whom they had met six or more months ago? Would there, could there be any recognition of these curvaceous young ladies in the same breath with Mark and Ernest?

The girls admitted to some reservations but they did bring their suits. There was absolutely nothing to give them away—perfect double agents—chameleons at that. I must say that both of them got ogled, did their share of flirting and made all of us feel quite secure in our little ruse. When the ladies changed into their gowns for dinner, they certainly had the attention of many of the young men and they were sweet enough of disposition that some of the other ladies took a fancy to them as well and struck up ‘girl talk’ between them. It was quite perfect.

It seemed that they so impressed several of the ladies that they were invited to other gatherings coming up shortly. They could do nothing but accept and being in the unique position of having a whole department store to choose from, their wardrobes of ultra feminine finery blossomed by leaps and bounds in a matter of days.

After that Rob and I seldom saw them in the same outfit twice. Monique and Marsha actually had to move into a larger apartment with more closet space. Monique was making more than enough to cover the difference. I never saw so much beading and sequins in my life; off one shoulder, both shoulders, strapless gowns and cocktail dresses around the moon. Dozens of pairs of shoes.

"Marsha?" "Yes Frank darling?"

"You seem to be really enjoying this little side effect of your therapy <hearty laugh>." "What is it they say? If you can’t beat’em, join ‘em? Frank, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something very serious. Do you think that maybe you could come home with me tonight?"

"What about Monique?" "Oh, I’m sure she and Robert can find something to amuse themselves at your flat. Don’t you think?" "Yes, I suppose that won’t really be a problem judging by how he moons over her. All right. I’ll have the car brought around."

It was still fairly early and I had no idea what was so important to Marsha that we had to be alone to discuss it but if that’s what she wanted, it was OK. We arrived and walked up the two flights quietly, as quietly as her spikes on the marble steps would allow. Arriving at her door, she handed me the key and opening the door, I bade her enter. She put on only one small lamp which kept us from bumping into things but not much more.

She then put a classical record on the Victrola and asked me to take a seat on the couch in front of the fireplace where she was just stoking a few embers into consciousness to fend off the chill coming on with evening.

She was a vision sitting there in the moonlight with the light of the fire dancing in her eyes and through her hair, her impressive milky white bosom rising and falling with each breath as she looked deeply into my eyes. I was about to ask her what it was she wanted to talk about but suddenly, it didn’t matter. I was lost in her eyes.

I already was holding her hand and with the other reached up, caressed her smooth cheek and then our lips touched and touched again and again and we were lost to the world, lost in the embrace of love for it was then that I knew what I refused to admit. I WAS in love with Marsha and didn’t give a whit. The hand moved from her cheek to her waist to her bosom. The room, once with a light chill, was now a bit too warm, or so it seemed.

Her hair, tied up in ribbons, came tumbling down around her shoulders as she then reached back and unzipped her gown. By this time I was aflame but with acquired British reserve I waited as she wriggled free of the dress as it fell to the floor about her stockinged feet. Her garters and her strapless bra showed through the diaphanous slip and once again my gentle hands went exploring. But then, so did hers.

No longer was I encumbered by coat and tie nor for that matter, trousers. We embraced and hungrily kissed and then I lifted her easily and carried her off to her bed where I laid her down gently and sat down beside her. It was then that we again spoke.

"Is this what you really want Marsha?"

"Yes Frank, more than anything I want to know that I am woman enough for you."

"But..." "Go with your feelings Frank, not just your eyes, not just with what you think you know. If you love me, then love me and we will be complete. You will see. It will be fine. The doctor has assured me."

I said nothing more but kissed her again, this Marsha, this figment of my imagination that lay before me making my blood boil and I caressed her tenderly and pleasured her as she directed me and we did find a point of mutual eruption, I, somehow, inside her–somewhere--- as it was meant to be and it was wonderful. It was indeed true. I had fallen in love with my enemy. What magic had this sorceress done to me?



© 1997-2000 No work herein described may be reproduced or distributed in print or electronic media without the author's express consent.  Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, to actual names that may exist or to circumstances which may have occurred or to other stories in this genre is purely coincidental.

At the request of the author, this story is presented in a 12 point, Times New Roman font.