Crystal's StorySite


Sharla Winslowe

by Christy Lake And Misty Dawn


Chapter 9

Part 23 William Coyote / Williemena Coy


Just after the Holiday Season, Naomi and Sharla had experimented with various protective Talismans. One, designed to amplify and reflect intentions, was Naomi's favorite. Once, when she visited Charles, she had been wearing it. Of course, as usual, he had physically assaulted her; actually he had kissed her passionately, with the intention of making her feel good and hot. The reflected intentions had resulted in some of the best loving they had experienced.

Thursday, during their last joint séance before she left for spring break as the Technical Consultant to the dig team at Shaman's Cave, she had asked Sharla to amplify the power of the amulet. Naomi was planning on getting in some real first quality loving with Charles tonight, something to carry her over the two weeks that she would be spending alone in a tent at the Dig Site.

While jogging to Charles' place, some rude dude had run into her. Something, probably the overpowered amulet, had slammed him back. He had been winded but otherwise he seemed OK. Just to be on the safe side, Naomi had taken the amulet off and stored it in a small Silk bag, inside a leather pouch before tucking it in with other assorted real magic amulets in her backpack. Heck, Charles really didn't need any magical assistance to make her feel exquisitely good. "Hehe, all he has to do is offer to feed me a little of that hot dog he keeps in stock for me!"


Willie Coy was seething! He downshifted effortlessly and neatly whipped his cherry condition 280 Z into the parking lot. "And getting a Full Blooded Apache angry is not smart!" he reflected.

His Dad's charter company, Diablo Watchers Air Charter, was sending two planes to transport an Archeology team to some place called Shaman's Cliff. Willy, although he was a business major, had offered to provide his expertise as a "Native American" consultant to the team. "You'd've thought they'd jump at the chance!" He was full-blooded and his father, in addition to being a damn good pilot and a wealthy businessman, was the Tribal Shaman.

That worthless mud dweller with the Polish sounding name, the team chief, had said that they already had their expert, one Naomi Tallcougar. "A squaw, for God's sake."

He often parked here and had a brew after classes so he knew that the shapely squaw frequently ran on this path. Parking his car, carelessly tossing the empty "Tall Boy" can under a decorative shrub bush at the corner of the lot, he strolled down the lane to a spot where the path made an S turn through a good stand of old Maple trees. He was going to pull her off the path, and then teach her, with his fists, a squaw's proper attitude, and station in life. Maybe after he got her properly subdued, he would teach her the joys of womanhood by pumping her full of top quality Apache Indian seed.

He had just taken his place when he saw her. "Damned nice th' way she fills those satin shorts! Damned if it looks like she is not wearing any panties!" She was running at an easy lope and had a big backpack instead of her normal hip purse. "She's one beautiful piece of woman flesh," he noted, thinking of plunging into her doggy style. He'd soon have her welcoming the attention of a real man. The erotic image had him so hot and bothered that he almost missed her.

The touted archeologist leaned into the turn. With a blood-curdling yell, he jumped out and grabbed her left arm to jerk her off the path. Something solid slammed into his belly. He dropped her arm and felt himself being slammed backwards to end up against a tree. Vaguely the would-be rapist realized that he was slumping to the ground an instant before the world went black.

When he saw light again, he saw the Tallcougar girl, pack on the ground, wrapping up a necklace in what looked to Willy to be a swatch of White Chamois, and place it in a soft leather Medicine Bag before tucking everything into her pack. Shaking his head to clear the fog, he moaned softly.

She looked at him and mouthed as she signed, "Are you OK?"

From hips to ribcage his body was on fire, but he was not about to admit he was in pain to this squaw. "No problem, just a bit winded." He gasped, wishing that she would turn away.

Again she looked at him, now a bit dubiously, but swung into her backpack then turned back to the path and began running on as if nothing untoward had happened.

After watching the girl disappear down the path, Willy slowly got to his feet. Who would have believed that a mere slip of a girl could have delivered such powerful of a punch? He decided she must have managed some sort of Martial Arts Kick. Very gingerly he settled into his car. He knew –somehow-- exactly what was needed to relieve the burning pain.


Charles Long Coyote relaxed into the pilot's seat, his preflight check complete. Yesterday had been the last day of classes before spring break. Now he was taking two plane loads of Archeologists and their equipment to the dig known as Shaman's Cave for extensive investigation during the break. Early coordination with department of Indian Affairs, Environmental Agency, and the Tourism Agency indicated that this might be a very developable tourist site. He had been hoping to see his son, now legally named Williemena Coy. The boy's cherry condition 280 Z was not in the parking lot and had not come in with the convoy of vehicles carrying his passengers and their equipment. It would probably be sometime after Graduation, The boy was supposed to get his Batchelor of Science in Business Management in May and then he and his girl friend had set up some sort of job and training program working with the Civil Aviation Authority all summer as part of a Masters in Business Administration.

Charles and his wife had done their best to insure that their only child, William had the full benefit of experience in both the surrounding Caucasian Culture and the Traditional Tribal Culture. One thing they both knew for sure, the boy needed Diplomas or wallpaper from good schools to prove to the business mavens that he would be dealing with that he had the endurance and self discipline to get an MBA. All told the boy had done "pretty good." The Summer Fellowship with the CAA was an indication.

William and an Uncle had come up to scout the school. The boy had taken the rental car and scouted out a very nice 2 bedroom apartment, fully furnished. Other than the size, the only other draw back had been the owner wanted a 5 year lease.

William had called home and presented a proposition. If the family would rent the 2 bedroom, 2 ½ bathroom apartment for the 5 years he would be in school and in the master's degree program, he would agree to keep the second room and bathroom in order for a way station for the female relatives that Diablo was seemingly always transporting to or from City Bluffs.

Billy had kept his word. He had provided a safe and readily available transit for a wide assortment of Indian women, including relatives. When Billy was a sophomore, several of the Aunts had campaigned to get Billy a car. The 240Z had been part of the Charter Service Assets, having been taken to cover a debt. William had driven responsibly

Last Summer, William had accompanied his dad on the normal start of summer harvest of special herbs and budding plants for the Shamanistic function. William had been very hostile earlier in the year and had wanted to change his name. The impulse had faded by the time they had functioned together as a team entering the spirit world. It had been a first for William and the boy had not been much impressed. As a result of the visit, Charles Long Coyote, as Tribal Shaman, and his wife had gone to White Running Bear. The three of them had worked some serious sorcery to get a divination.

As was normal in those situations the signs were very confused, but then the indications that came down the smoke from the Spirit World were very plain, but hard to believe. The message that the three of them all received was theat William Coyote was going to change his name to a womans, and then dress and live as a woman, and father three exceptional children with a woman not of the People. .

Charles had not been too surprised when he had received court documents showing William Coyote had irrevocably changed his name to Williemena Coy.


Last summer, like every summer since starting school, he had been drafted to help his dad harvest and prepare assorted herbs for different rituals. One mixture, "The Spirit Host Key," included, he was sure, hallucinogenic mushrooms. His dad had cautioned about misplacing any of that mix. The old man had spouted something about that mix letting the spirits take control of the body and sometimes the shaman being put in a pretty embarrassing position because the effect was recurring. William knew from tales told by his father, how unpredictable the spirits were. He discounted the stories and decided that a good high was getting hard to come by. He had "misplaced" a bit of the "Key" in his billfold.

During the previous school year, William had been pissed at the tribe and determined to change his name from William Coyote to Wilhelm Cox. He had done all the research and drawn up the paperwork which, when passed through the court, would legally change his name and make it impossible for any other changes for a period of six years. What ever had bugged him had passed and he had filed the papers in the apartment. Shortly after returning to his apartment near the campus last summer, he had tried the Spirit – Host Key mix with, he thought at the time, no results.

Evidently, the day he took the mushroom mix, he had changed the name change documentation to Williemena Coy and filed it with the Court Clerk.

Sometime during the following week he had gone to the driver's license office and got a new license. The same day he had gone to the bank and got a new, and what he considered cursed, Photo Visa Card. It had been several weeks before he actually looked at them and saw the name and the picture. He discovered that on that day he had worn his hair full and loose. To make matters worse, he had worn a light blue shirt with a round dark blue collar, open at least to the third button. With the name and that picture, he always got hassled for using a woman's charge card, at least until he pulled out his driver's license.


He "knew" what he had to do. He "knew" what he needed. He did not know how he "knew,' but he would go to another town to minimize chances of making a fool out of himself at the school.

A very pain filled hour after his disastrous attack on Naomi Tallcougar, Willie Coy eased into the parking lot of a big shopping mall in Canyon, a neighboring town. A few minutes later he was entering a store that discretely said in the window "Foundations for every body's construction project." It only took a minute to find the display of high waist girdles. There, that was exactly what he needed; a high waist panty girdle with hook closures for the waist section and cotton lined gusset with hook and eye crotch closure. The bit about special cut and reinforcement to provide separation and definition did not apply so he ignored it.

The biggest he could find was XL, for a 32-inch waist. He figured that would probably be tight enough since his waist was 34 inches. He approached the sales clerk and said, "I'd like to try it on."

"Well, you'll have to be wearing underpants," she replied.

"Lady, I am wearing jockeys, so that won't be a problem" he assured her.

In a surprisingly short time, he'd managed to pull it up. To his relief, the pain dramatically lessened, as he knew it would, when he pulled the garment into place. He pulled close the hooks on the waist cincher part. His reflection in the dressing room mirror showed what would be a nice feminine waist and hips. That was OK. The pain was gone and a feeling of correctness, or oneness, or harmony was with him. By the time he'd finished dressing, Willy was feeling almost jaunty.

At the check out counter, the Sales Lady began trying to convince him to buy a long leg high waist panty girdle. He was not interested. Suddenly a severe pain shot from his groin. It caused him to almost fold in half. His left testicle had popped out the edge of the crotch section.

He was helped back to the changing room. She released the three hooks on the crotch panel and he felt immediate relief. The clerk tried to get him to take off the girdle. He was adamant. He knew this was what he needed to control the pain. She told him that if he was going to wear that type foundation garment, he would need to go to a Dancer's Supply house on the other side of town on Monday and get a gaff. Until then, he could wear it open at the crotch.

He was already beginning to feel the burning pain again in his hips. He knew he could not last until Monday. He insisted that he had to wear that type of foundation, he had to wear it now, and he would pay anything to be able to wear it properly.

She finally said that she had only one item, a Vagina Gaff that would work. It would require fitting and because of the adhesive, he would be stuck with it for at least a week. She made sure that he knew that he would have to sit to pee while wearing the device.

The Sales lady used every objection she knew to discourage him but he was determined. Finally she took him into the fitting room and had him lay on the padded workbench with his knees spread. With scissors and an electric razor, she had his groin denuded. A light dusting of powder followed by a couple of alcohol swabs to clean the surface and she was ready to fit the device. A snap of a fingernail quieted his burgeoning erection. The adhesive was applied and the device fitted into place. It was not any too soon. With the closure of the crotch hooks, Willy felt the almost unbearable burning decrease.

At the counter, he requested four additional girdles, same model, and size. The store only had two more in that model and size, one was rose, and the other was black. He was advised that if he came back Tuesday afternoon, they would have a complete selection. He decided to buy the three today and come back the following week for another two. When Willy shook out the box for the girdle he was wearing, six garters fell on the counter. He asked why.

The Sales Lady pulled out the rose colored girdle and showed him the small loops on the leg elastic. She explained that some of the women had problems with the edges rolling up and cutting circulation or bunching up and pinching. They attached the garters and wore stockings. This kept the stockings up and the girdle down. Willy paid cash for all of his purchases. The sales lady gave him the instructions for the Vagina Gaff, along with a bottle of the cleaning solvent and the adhesive. She explained how to care for the girdles. She recommended cool water hand washing, blotting with a towel, and hanging to air dry. She recommended using plastic skirt hangers for drying.


Willy headed across the mall for the exit nearest his car. Approaching the corner, in a pharmacy window, he saw a bottle of the soap the sales lady had recommended. Just inside the door, he found a display of plastic skirt hangers. Walking through the store towards the outside door cash registers he spotted a display featuring bath soaps.

He "Knew" immediately that a long hot soak in the tub would do him a lot of good. For some reason, a big bottle of bath beads caught his eye. Hmm, soaking in soapy water would really dry out his skin, maybe he had better get some lotion. He was in luck. The next shelf had body milk skin lotion. He remembered how the Girdle had stuck to his skin as he pulled it on so he picked up a canister of body dusting powder.

When he had squatted down to get the large package of dusting powder he felt the leg openings of the girdle roll up and pinch. It made a very uncomfortable bind around his legs. He had been told that the garters to hold up stockings would solve that problem. Near the end of the aisle, he saw a sale display of stockings. A careful reading of the packages showed that there were only nine pairs on the rack that would actually fit him. On the off chance that this pain would take a while to go away he took all nine pair marked as XL-T.

At the checkout counter, he was told that since he had purchased over fifty dollars of Miss Jasmine products, he would get a bonus gift. He thanked the clerk and pulled out his cursed Visa Card.

The clerk took a look at the bulging Lingerie sack and then in a low voice said, "The last three ladies who qualified for the Miss Jasmine Gift packages refused them. Would you take the extra packages? I just saw the promotions supervisor come in the mall entrance. If he finds these extra's here, it will be my butt for not "Properly Promoting Special Merchandise." Willy had nodded as he signed the charge slip and pocketed his copy him that the stockings were the secret to keeping the girdle from rolling.

The clerk pulled four different sized gift bags from under the counter. The smallest and the two largest were stuffed deep in the Lingerie Store shopping bag. The remainder was packaged in a Pharmacy shopping bag along with his purchases.

As soon as he got home, he slipped out of his jeans, sorted out the white garters from his purchases, and fastened them to the girdle. He pulled open one of the pairs of stockings and pulled out the filmy garments. Fortunately they had a seam to indicate which the back side was. He knew enough to bunch the stocking into a ring and slide it up his leg. Fastening the three garters to each stocking was a bit of a problem, but he had the trick of it by the time he had snugged up the second stocking.

The stockings held his toes together so he could not wear his flip-flops and the tile floor was chilly. He tried on his sneaks. His feet slipped around like they were way too big. Maybe one of his female relatives had left something in the guest room.

He was in luck, almost. There was a plastic shoe storage rack hanging in the closet and there were six pairs of shoes in it. All the shoes fit, but they were all spike heeled sandals. They had only three inch heels. He almost did not stand up, remembering how difficult it was to stand while wearing spike heels. His Girlfriend and one of the younger Aunts had dared him into wearing a pair of heels just while the three of them had prepared dinner. However, for some Reason, he tried. . He wore the one pair of mules.

He found an oversize light weight sweat shirt that he pulled on before heading to the kitchen to put away his purchases and maybe fix some food.

He noticed that his hair was really tired and dirty. Damn, Babs'll kill me if she sees my hair looking like this! What he did not notice was how the oversize pullover shirt made a pretty, and reasonable tunic-length dress, covering the tops of his stockings, or how the three-inch heels shifted the muscles in his legs so that the fine seams down the back of the stockings were emphasizing very nice looking legs. Man, I gotta do something with this hair!

Recalling the mess of things he received in those Jasmine packages the day he bought all that stuff, he went into the bathroom and began to search. Shrink wrapped to the bottle of shampoo was a hair care booklet. While undressing, he read through all the details about washing, conditioning, and paid particular attention to the section about blow-drying and brush styling. Hey, I think I got one of those around her somewhere.

After washing and conditioning his hair, he went rooting through the cabinet under his bathroom sink. He thought he had a hair dryer there. Yep, it was still under the sink in its original bubble wrap package. Well before drying, he would go ahead, wash the other girdles, and hang them in the guest room bathroom to dry. Ghad! I gotta clean this place!

After dinner, he decided to go and rent a movie. He pulled on a pair of nylon exercise pants. His sneaks still did not fit, so he went back into the guest closet. In a box on the closet shelf found a pair of loafers with a two inch heel that seemed ok. He headed out. At the video rental, the guy behind the counter seemed unable to keep his eyes off him and it made Willy feel like he was some sort of prey and it was somehow uncomfortable.

The wind had really whipped his clean hair around so while he was at the Video store he saw, and bought, a leather horseshoe shaped "hair-thing" with the store's business logo emblazoned on it, designed to hold long hair out of the eyes. He told himself he would use it only while he was driving.


Saturday morning was hot and still. Willie knew his dad was at the airport, but since he was not bringing up any passengers or freight, Willie did not have to go to the airport. He put on another girdle and immediately put on a pair of stockings. He decided to try a pair of open toe sandals with a four inch spike heel. Almost on autopilot, he went back to the storage shelves in the guest room and emerged wearing a sleeveless top and an almost knee length kilt.

This was not normal clothing for him, but somehow, he knew it was the right clothing for him to be wearing. How or Why it was right, he did not know, just that it was right.

The Bonus Packages he had received for the other customers yielded an assortment of nail care products and two facial cosmetic kits. Checking himself in the mirror, he decided to try some more things. Things like foundation, powder, mascara, and lipstick. He decided to delay experimenting with eye shadows and nail polish until he knew a bit more. He spent the morning going through the leftovers in the guest room. He had cleaned almost everything he tried on, so he had an idea about what was available. He collected an assortment of very sexy underwear. On the top shelf he discovered several boxes that he had not put up there. When he inspected the contents, he knew he had never seen any of the items before. Two bundles revealed front lace corsets without bras. The box from the corner revealed two breast forms, complete with adhesive strips, containers of adhesive and solvent and a small roll of cosmetic coloring lotions. The only other thing he found on that impossible to reach shelf was a package containing seven assorted bras,

Willie spread the wealth of female finery across his room. Examining it, he figured he had enough female dress up cloths to last a normal girl a year. There was a noticeable shortage of everyday type clothes. The closest he came to house wear, other than some very sexy night gowns and house coats, were three shirtdresses.

"In for a Penny, In for a Pound." He said quoting one of his female class mates from Britain, as he put on one of the bra's and inserted the breast forms before putting on one of the three shirt dresses. He had always heard the women in his life complaining about wearing dresses while working. He decided to spend an hour in active work, house cleaning and then two hours doing the research reading and note taking that he had scheduled for the Spring Break. Then he would change into another outfit and repeat the pattern.

Tuesday afternoon, when he headed back to the shopping mall in Canyon, he was very reluctant to put on his own "Male" clothing. He had to get the other girdles that he "knew" he needed. When he returned to the apartment, he debated trying to Call Barbara, but decided that he probably could not connect because she was probably traveling and se would be back sometime before the end of the spring break.


Part 24 Sharla the Entrepreneur and Ouachita Knoll Property Owner

Just before Spring Vacation, Sharla had become the owner of a three mile by three mile block of Oklahoma wasteland. One of the less favorable areas where no oil sign was ever found within ten miles. The water had turned bad and the grazing capacity was rated at fewer than twenty animals per section. That meant, according to the experts, that Sharla's land could maybe support one hundred eighty animals, if they had good water.

At the end of January Sharla had visited the area with Kevin when they flew down to do the Oklahoma City installation for Caldwell Construction. Sharla had managed to make a couple of more visits to the area traveling Out of Body. Enough times to reassure her that her purchase was correct.

In February when all the new computer installation work orders began coming in from other companies, Mr. Caldwell needed Kevin to begin working on other aspects of the conversion, so he pulled his son away from Sharla's projects, except for the monthly Caldwell installations.

At a time when it was needed most, Mr. Caldwell "leased" an outside office to Sharla, for her business use. He also let his secretary shove some assorted furniture into the building to supplement the workbenches. Andrea and Frank took up a lot of the slack and before she knew it, actually by mid June, Sharla was running a pretty fair sized business. The fact that she could visit the sites using her Out-Of-Body mode enabled her to resolve all sorts of problems, before they really happened.


Dropping her backpack on a chair Sharla got herself a big glass of ice water, before slumping into another chair at the small breakfast table in the kitchen. An aromatic reminder of yesterday evening's baking teased her appetite awake. Huge chocolate chip cookies with double chips! She almost drooled at the memory. While she went to the cookie jar, her mind mulled the dilemma before the House of Winslowe.

A real problem had developed. Taking two majors required a lot of study. While in the dormitory the first year, she had learned the fallacy of sharing a room, even with as good a person as Jenny. After completing the mandatory year in "College Housing," she had been able to live at home and use her own room. This year hadn't been too bad. She had her own room, which had so far been a blessing, at least insofar as her official studies went. Now that her Mom's hobby had turned into a business and as Sharla and Andrea needed more privacy to practice with the power, things were beginning to get a bit sticky.

The family had discussed the situation many a night. After finishing school work, Andrea and she had joined her parents at the dining room table. Mom's graphics design hobby had turned into a real thriving upscale business. Winslowe Graphic Designs had been selected as best in the state. As a result, small, but lucrative and prestigious jobs for the period immediately after Valentine's Day had come in. Customers were coming to her. She needed an office. The basement studio was still adequate for her artwork and most of her storage, but was totally unsuitable for presentations and negotiations. Mom, because of her work style, needed an office at home.

After the Spring Equinox had passed, the two girls, Sharla and Andrea began to share what had been Janine's room. Since the start of the school year this had been Sharla's room. Now Andrea's room could be converted into the sorely needed office. A door to the driveway would be cut through the outside wall to allow customer entry. Hopefully by next fall, when school started again, Sharla would be able to move into an apartment of her own.

Both parents and Sharla agreed that an apartment would be very expensive. If she got any farther away from campus, she would need a car to attend classes. Getting to work would also become a serious consideration. Though she had a good part-time job at Turnbulls and a growing income from the budding computer installation business, the expense of a car, its upkeep, and an apartment, and its upkeep, was just more than the family could manage at the moment. At present Sharla was sharing Mom's car. This was becoming increasingly tricky with their conflicting schedules. There was some possibility of increasing income if the psionic's Computer installation business panned out. But whether it would be enough, no one was certain.


May Day Andrea convinced Sharla that an additional body was needed to sort the paperwork, answer the phone, and provide a Business Representative. Most of the work was being done. When they were all free after classes. Most of the businesses Sharla and crew dealt with were more than glad to have the computer installations handled after normal business hours. Mr. Caldwell's secretary, ecstatic at the simplicity of a new PIM program Sharla had recently installed, was handling things during the day and the mail service was handling the flow of packages. All that ended at normal quitting time. Andrea strongly suggested that Cheryl, who had been captain of the swim team, but had resigned, be hired to answer the phone and process the packages for the Sharla Winslowe Enterprises. The swimming competitions had all been in the first part of the year so Andrea and Cheryl both had plenty of time on their hands after school.

Finally agreeing Sharla called and talked to Cheryl at home. Cheryl explained that she had some personal commitments that needed to completed, but she would be able to begin working two hours a night, four nights a week starting the next Monday.

On Friday after classes, Cheryl showed up at the Caldwell Corporation office sporting a number of dark bruises. When she saw them Sharla asked, "Cheryl, what happened?"

Noting the true concern in the tone, the girl looked into Sharla's emerald eyes. "Please don't ask, Sharla." She did not want to say anything because she was ashamed of her recent actions.

"No, I want you to tell me what happened."

In a moment the younger girl found herself explaining that she had gotten involved with the Teasers and Pleasers to get revenge on her brother who was now her sister. The Local High School Thugs running the Teasers had expanded and did not want to let go. The locals had slapped her and her sister around when they had tried to quit.

"They started again today, but Jeri distracted them and I had a chance to get away to come to the job," she sobbed finally.

"Hold on, I'll take care of it." Sharla took a couple of badge pins, and then twisted a bit of electrical wire into a curlicue W inside an oval. On this object she placed the "reflect to the originator" hex that had knocked the guy who ran into Naomi on his tail. Sharla gave the two pins to Cheryl and made her promise she and Jeri would wear one all the time for the next week.

Creating the Talismans for Cheryl made Sharla realize that her "getters and weavers" provided a possible solution to the routing of telephone and computer cables through the different buildings. Several of the businesses were housed in converted warehouses. The one fact Sharla had not considered was that most of the walls and floors were poured and reinforced concrete. Another dilemma.

"Sure…" Cheryl replied cautiously while gazing at the innocuous device. "We'll wear them, I promise." Wearing them would be no problem; they were kinda cute and cute was "in" at the moment. It amazed her when she looked up from the simple pin and saw the older girl moving away, head down. Sharla was apparently lost in thought. "Thanks, Sharla."

"Uhh…what?" the witch replied in a distracted tone. "Oh, no problem. You're welcome," she turned her attention immediately to the situation confronting her.

Setting on the workbench, next to the place where she was planning to install a router and several hubs were spools of Category 5 Cable and a box of RJ45 connectors.

According to the blueprints there was supposed to be three one-inch conduits that would run from the service box recessed in this wall to the other sections of the building. This had been the principle reason for the area being designated Sharla's office/workarea. According to the available wiring channels, it was central. That morning Kevin had come in very early to run/fish cable through the conduit. He had discovered the entire conduit system planned for the computers, except the last 10 feet to the service box, had been used by a security alarm system. This was going to set back the home office automation installation, and probably set it back big time. Alternate routings would have to be identified and then suitable sized holes bored through the solid concrete, and then the appropriate cable installed and the open holes somehow sealed. He had briefed his father on the problem before Sharla came in to work.

Both he and his dad had been present when Kevin explained the problem to Sharla. They were both surprised when she calmly said that it would take some serious thinking and she would get back to them. After they left the office, she locked both the inside and the outside door and then established a light ward around the room. She then quickly cleared an area on the worktable, next to the service box and stripping down to her "Thinking Clothes," she took a lotus position and then slipped out of body to examine the problem. Although the walls and different floor levels were reinforced concrete, she discovered there were many areas, continuous areas of solid concrete, where she could run the cables. She had plenty of Plenum grade cable so she could route just about anywhere. She sorted a route from the office service box to another service box on the third floor, the longest run, and relaxed further into the yoga trance. "This is fun!"

In the outer office, Cheryl looked up from what she was doing at the sound of the outburst, but paid no further attention During the last three days of working for Sharla, she was getting used to such expletives.

On the bench before Sharla several clear plastic RJ45 connectors were just lying on the surface, their contact strips like so many razor sharp teeth. In a tangle beside them on the bench were several lengths of cable and a terminal section of fish tape.

In a half trance the redhead visualized five of the connectors as heads arranged in a rotating circle, each with their eight super hard chisel action teeth on the outside. In her mind the head turned and flexed, began following the line decided for the routing. It would finely pulverize whatever was in its way and shove the powdered residue toward the center of the rotating bit. This fine dust would touch the tow wire and be translocated to a big gully on the central property of the Oklahoma land. Behind this rotating head was a collection of three cable scraps. They were almost the same length, a little stiff and when resting acted as an eighteen-inch tripod for the inch and a half rotating head.

Attaching a link to her Green Energy Battery into one of these legs Sharla then pictured the leading end seek out the route she had plotted through the building. The second and third legs latched onto stub ends of cable from the storage spools and would follow behind the head in the new tunnels carved between service boxes.

"Darnit!" Sharla exclaimed in frustration as her eyes opened and she saw in reality her visualization disappearing into the wall. There was a mental flash of acceptance. It, now The "DarnIt," was happily chewing its' way through the building, towing the cable behind itself.

The next day, after school, Mr. Caldwell met Sharla as she arrived. He was very worried. He'd contacted every industrial tool supplier including the big ones in Chicago, and was unable to obtain the necessary concrete drill bits or drills for at least four weeks. He was flummoxed when she pulled him into a hug, kissed him on the cheek and told him, "Not to worry, Chief… and cancel any orders you've made. I assure you that everything is under control."

Scratching his head in confusion he watched her saucy buns jiggling in tight shorts as she moved off towards her own area, he made a mental note to cancel the orders for the concrete drill bits he'd made earlier. His Ace-In-The-Hole had not steered him wrong as yet. Man, hang onto that one, he reminded silently. You can't afford to lose her!


Cheryl's day was busy and as promised when she had received the magic Talismans from Sharla she had put it on. Before she was able to give one to Jeri, James, Larry, and Donald, the leaders of the Teasers grabbed her. They were taking her off her front porch with the intention of taking her to a nearby woodlot and "educating her." Since they were nabbing her in daylight, they were hurried, and purposely did not intend to be any way gentle. The girl didn't see them until they rushed across the lawn towards her.

One of them was aiming for her left arm, the other for her right. James was looking to put her in a headlock and gag her. He thought that he could probably knock her out with his choke hold. That would simplify transporting the girl to, and keep her quiet while in his van.

Jeri, though he had been avoiding the trio, arrived home just in time to witness the attempted attack. A few months back he might have stepped in and tried to prevent it happening, but now all he could do was scream and try not to pee his panties from the wave of fear clutching at his insides. He stood and stared at the tableau unfolding before him.

Suddenly Larry and Donald went flying backwards and landed in a sprawl on their backs. It looked like someone had grabbed each and jerked them across the yard before turning loose. James, staggering backward, was gasping like he was choking. Cheryl was paralyzed, standing on the corner of the porch, holding the post. All three of the boys quickly regained their focus and their feet and started moving in on Cheryl again. From where Jeri stood it looked like the three hoods were again being severely beaten by invisible fighters. Not one seemed able to force their way to within four feet of the paralyzed girl when they suddenly seemed to just give up. Finally, muttering obscenities, all three of them just limped to the van and left.

Rushing to his sister, Jeri supported her in a firm hug. How he wanted to comfort her and take the scare he read on her face away. Helping her into the house, he soon broke and found himself telling her about his mixed feelings towards the doctor, his strong attraction to Mark, and his developing desire to really be a girl. Jeri was telling Cheryl about how he thought Sharla was a real a witch, not a "wannabe witch" that went to meetings and performed in rituals like mom and gran.

Saturday morning at work, Cheryl explained to Sharla and Andrea what had happened the night before to the three attackers. Soon after, Frank and Andrea left for a site with some equipment. It was then Cheryl related Jeri's wanting to enlist Sharla and her magic to make him completely a girl. Sharla just smiled and gestured as if to wave the idea away, before getting into the batch of bills and correspondence that Cheryl had sorted the previous night and now lay before her on the desk. Paper work was not her forte. While wading through the stack of bills, her mind worked on several stigmas. The least of them was Jeri Tanner's. That would be no big thing

Having completed the school year, and somehow she had been able to manage her 4.0 GPA, Sharla now had two weeks free before the summer term started. She needed to make up her mind if she was going to cut back on some of her academics. It would still be another two weeks before Andrea and Frank got out of high school to help her with the new installations. David Lowry had promised to help her at least a half day, especially with the teaching. That was so time consuming and frankly as dense as some of the people pretended to be, plaguing them with itching powder to see if it was possible to get their attention appealed to her as answer. Dave did not seem to have as much of a problem with that though. Therefore, as long as she had customers that he could teach, she would do the fun stuff, setting up the systems and getting them to run right.

In addition to installing a new remote system every month for Caldwell, Sharla had agreed to do a major expansion of the Caldwell Home Office system and one other business every month. Coincidence was starting to bug her. Coincidently in that there had been one small job scheduled to receive delivery of all equipment and software, each month at the same time. Somehow she had managed the setups in February, March, and April. Now with the DarnIt she would be able to do Caldwell, the one in May, and probably the two in June with no problem.

Her computer science advisor was dating her mathematics advisor. The two of them had suggested that she cut back on the academics, take only one extended computer lab and apply her concentration to the growing computer business. There had been a number of suggestions about creating a support service, and an information processing service.

The week before Andrea's final exams Sharla was setting up a major system when Cheryl and Andrea, escorted a tall girl into her workroom. As soon as Sharla had pulled her mind completely out of the project, Andrea explained, "This is Jerry / Jeri Tanner. Do you really think the "Blue Energy" can do for him what the box did on me?"

Sharla paused a bit and closed her eyes then felt for the blue energy flowing through her sapphire. There! A touch of the Green energy to make time slow down. Now then…just a bit of reconstruction. Oh really, all that is needed here is some repair and restructuring. And…with two very healthy girls right here to provide the pattern… Okay! Got that little bugger! There. And there. Done! Release the Time. She turned away to her bench work. There was a flicker of light around Sharla.

Damn, wonder if I could use the time trick on this assembly?

When Sharla turned away, obviously no longer interested in them, Jeri had a shocked look on her face. She started to sway as she felt her breasts. Andrea looked at Sharla's back and whispered to Cheryl, "Lets get Jeri out of here."

The outside door swept closed. Cheryl and Andrea supporting / dragging Jeri out of the building. Jeri jerked free. Both hands went under her skirt. She slumped against the closed door and then slid down to sit with her hands under her skirt and her legs spread out to her sides in an almost splits.

"I'm complete. I'm me. I'm a she. She did it!"



Before Andrea finished classes, finally, Naomi departed for the Shaman's Cave Dig. She was, academically, the most junior of the task force assembled. One Shaman had a Master's degree in history. One of the Witches was a graduate archeologist.

Jenny was already in New England with her Aunt Sheila. The evening before she left, Jenny had confided that she was a "Genuine Magic Using Witch" and hoped that Naomi and Sharla would still be her friends after the summer. Jenny explained that she had to pass some sort of ritual exam or evaluation before she could discuss it with people who had not been initiated. Sharla and Naomi, thinking of their weekly lessons with White Running Bear, managed to keep straight faces as they assured Jenny that she would find them very much interested in her magic when she returned.




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