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Crystal's StorySite


Sarah's Story

by Rob Henson


Chapter 7 – Sarah and Deedi

Sarah slowly got over her ordeal and for the rest of the Summer she concentrated on work putting any unpleasant memories out of her mind. Kent never came into town much anyway and she never met him again. She enjoyed her job and spent most evenings at home with Clair and Richard except at the weekends where they would go across to the Norfolk Broads spending long, lazy days on the new boat Richard had recently bought. There was a small hiccough when they sailed into Barton Broad one Sunday morning and she suddenly realised where she was. Apart from that life was beginning return to normal for her and she was enjoying being Sarah more than ever. Early on she had found it exciting to wear girls clothes but that had subsided somewhat as the character of Sarah gradually took over. She still enjoyed shopping of course, especially long hours with Clair trying on everything they could find but there was another change that was also starting to occur, she was just as comfortable wearing Jeans and a T shirt or shorts with bear legs. It was if she had crossed a line into real woman-hood where what was inside now felt more important than the image created on the outside.

It was Friday and the weather finally settled into warm Autumn sunshine ready for the week-end as everyone had been hoping. Sarah had just returned from lunch when Andy came in with someone she did not recognise. Andy showed the girl around the office and then came over to Sarah's desk.

"And this is Sarah, my fantastic Office Manager. Deedi is a bit of a computer wiz and will be helping to set this lot up and run the system for us," said Andy waving at the blank computer terminals and unpacked boxes taking up valuable space in the corner of the office, "she needs to look over all that stuff and work out what we need to do."

"Hello," said Sarah raising her eyes at the complement, "pleased to meet you, where would you like to start?"

"Right I'll leave you to it then," said Andy interrupting, "do you want to pop in when you're ready and let me know what you think, then I'll drop you home? Shall we get together now Sarah?"

Sarah showed Deedi where everything was and made sure she had all that she needed. Deedi looked about the same age as Sarah but she seemed very nervous, still Andy could have that effect on you she thought. He was a real dish who would turn your legs to jelly and she still had a bit of a crash on him after the conference. Deedi was tall with striking blonde hair which had been well cut and set off her high cheek bones and pretty, soft features very nicely. Her dress was bright but not garish and quite short. Her trim figure and white high heels gave her an elegant look.

Deedi settled down and seemed to know what she was looking for so Sarah left her alone and went off to her weekly meeting with Andy. At about half past four Deedi came over to Sarah's desk.

"Right, I think I've got everything," she said "I just need to tell Andy what we need to do."

Sarah took her over to Andy's office and showed her in. About half an hour later they both emerged and Andy said he was just taking Deedi home.

"She will be starting with us on Monday week," he told Sarah, "can you set up whatever paperwork we need for her please?"

"Yes, of course," said Sarah "I'll have it all ready for when you come in although there won't be much to do if your coming in as temporary staff, have a good week-end and see you soon."

"Goodbye" said Deedi.

Sarah was pleased, Deedi seemed pleasant enough and she thought they might become friends which would be nice.

The following week Deedi arrived at nine, just after Sarah. She looked very smart in a light-grey two piece suit with a hint of check and grey tights. Her shoes were also simple black high heels. Well, thought Sarah, she certainly knows how to power dress noticing her professional appearance.

"Right, let me show you round first and introduce you to everybody here and then I'll explain a bit about what we do. I don't expect you'll want to get too involved but you may need to answer the phones occasionally so it's as well to know what your talking about."

Deedi never said much but Sarah guessed she might be shy, it looked like it might be her first job. Once she had finished she showed Deedi back to her desk and left her to get on with setting up the new systems. Sarah was busy in meetings with Andy and Robert most of the morning and finally escaped at one o'clock. She looked over and saw Deedi with her head buried in a manual and decided it was time they got to know each other better.

"You can save some for tomorrow," she called over to Deedi who looked up with a start. Sarah walked over to her desk.

"Pardon?" Deedi smiled at Sarah.

"Sorry to interrupt but I am just going out to lunch, would you like something?" she asked.

"Gosh," said Deedi, "I didn't realise the time disappearing, yes that would be great, what were you thinking off?"

"There's an Italian café just around the corner which is good value. I thought we could celebrate your first day."

"Wonderful idea, we can get to know each other a bit better as well," said Deedi picking up her coat. The café wasn't too busy as they sat down each ordering a lasagne and a glass of white wine. It was there first chance to chat mainly getting the basics out of the way, where they lived, family and school life. It felt very friendly and comfortable.

They were both busy the next few days and agreed to go out together on Wednesday evening into town.

They went to one of the busy café-bars near the Market Square and ordered a bottle of red wine. They sat down and chatted about the day. Deedi asked about Andy and Sarah told her that he was off limits.

"He has a fiancé, so you are out of luck there," said Sarah and told Deedi about the conference. She also mentioned how she had too much to drink on the first night and how she was expecting Andy to kiss her on the way up to their rooms. They both laughed.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" asked Sarah moving the conversation on.

"Well, I suppose so, just," said Deedi and Sarah smiled.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, a few weeks ago I went to the cinema in the Grafton Centre with Rosy and afterwards she suggested we went to a wine bar nearby, Chico's. Do you know it?"

Sarah shook her head and also noticed something strange in Deedi voice although she couldn't work out what it was.

"As soon as we arrived we bumped into someone she knew and he had a friend with him. We chatted for a while but they had to go. His name was Robin and he called on Saturday for a date and we went out last night."

"No, so how did it go?" asked Sarah intrigued now.

"We went to a pub, you know the one on the river with all the decking outside not far from the bridge. Anyway we chatted about all sorts of things, he's in his second year at the university and his family live in London. The evening went ever so quick and before we knew it the bell was ringing so he took me home. He's really nice and six foot of real hunk and…." Deedi was thoughtful for a moment.

"Well, what happened don't keep me hanging on now," Sarah had moved forward in her seat with her arms resting on her chin. Deedi laughed.

"Nothing happened, he was really nice and just kissed me on the cheek and said goodnight."

"That must have been a disappointment," said Sarah and they both laughed, "are you seeing him again?"

"Yes," Said Deedi, "he is taking me for a tour of his college on Thursday. Sarah raised her eyebrows.

"and no, that won't include his rooms," Deedi smiled, "not just yet anyway."

They finished their wine and left the bar. They were fast becoming friends and agreed to go shopping together on Saturday. After that they were almost inseparable apart from when Deedi was out with Robin.

It was a couple of weeks later that Deedi was working on one of the computers in the corner of the office. Sarah noticed it was getting late and got up to put on her coat.

"I'm just off," she said, "you seem so engrossed I didn't want to disturb you. See you on Monday."

She was going away for the weekend to the boat with her parents. It would only take a couple of hours to drive over to Potter Heigham where it was moored and then they would find a pub for the evening.

"What's the time?" said Deedi looking up and seeing that the office was empty.

"It's nearly five."

"Wait, before you go I need to ring the computer consultants, who are they?"

Sarah was almost out of the door.

"Terry Gillan Services," she said, "the numbers on my desk. Good night, " she said leaving the office. She was looking forward to a relaxing weekend with a good book and plenty of wine. This seemed to be the pattern for her life at the moment and she was more than happy with it.

Deedi rang the number on the yellow post-it-note under the phone and got a shock.

"So where are we going tonight?" asked Sarah on Wednesday afternoon. They had planed another trip into town.

"HaHa," said Deedi.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, We're going to Ha! Ha!'s, it a new cocktail bar in town. Rosy and I have been there, it's really good," laughed Deedi.

"Oh," said Sarah still not fully understudying the joke.

They went back to Sarah's house that evening since it was on the way into town and Sarah ran upstairs to get changed. Deedi chatted with Clair until Sarah returned and they went off to get the bus.

"Shall I get a couple of glasses of wine," asked Sarah stepping to the bar once they arrived.

"No lets get a cocktail first and a bottle. Shiraz?" asked Deedi.

"Wow, are we celebrating?" asked Sarah all smiles.

"I'm not sure but it's definitely something significant." Deedi looked serious.

"What is?" asked Sarah confused.

"Tell you in a minute," she replied, "come on lets find a table." They sat down and took a large sip of their cocktails and Deedi finally spoke.

"Sarah," Deedi looked her in the eye, "I have an apology to make. While you were getting changed tonight I needed to use the toilet and as I was walking past you bedroom door I noticed a flash of light. I couldn't help it, honestly. It was the mirror of you wardrobe but I just caught a glimpse of you getting dressed and… I'm afraid I saw… well…everything."

She had no need to spell it out, the look on Sarah's face told her they both knew what she was talking about.

"I wasn't spying honestly, it was just an accident, really," continued Deedi seeing Sarah's face and thinking maybe she should not have raised the matter after all. Sarah's features seemed to go blank and then a look of relaxed resignation slowly slid across her face.

"It's funny really," she said quietly after a moment, "you make sure you're very careful wherever you are and then get caught out in your own home. I'm really sorry Deedi I didn't mean to deceive you, I simply enjoyed us being really good friends and never wanted to lose that. I know I would have told you at some point… but I suppose its too late now. I expect you want to leave? I won't mind."

"Don't be silly. If I wanted to go why would I have suggested we by a bottle of wine and the cocktails?" said Deedi, "Sarah you are my best friend too and I don't want to lose that either. In fact there is probably a very good reason why we get on so well together. It could be because we have so very much in common."

"What do you mean," said Sarah completely confused again.

"I know you might not believe it but I am the same as you," replied Deedi. Sarah never spoke while the words sunk in.

"You," she finally said still not quite sure what Deedi was saying, "the same? You mean that… that you're a…. boy too?"

"Yes," said Deedi, "I used to be called Daniel. I guess you never realised?"

"No, not at all," Sarah said relaxing slightly, "you had me completely fooled. You just look so… pretty, in fact I was quite jealous, although, thinking back though there was one thing that seemed odd but I dismissed it at the time. It was when Andy came in one morning and leaned over your desk to ask you something about the new computer system. I saw you go red and then squirm in you seat like a boy would but I never made the connection at the time."

"Yes I remember that," laughed Deedi, "he looked very appealing that day and his after shave … well, that was some thing else." They both laughed.

Now the tension had been broken they both relaxed and told each other their stories. Sarah told Deedi all about herself and then it was Deedi's turn.

"Well, I used to live with my Mum in London and then there was an accident. She was with her boyfriend one night and they had a car crash. Dad had died when I was very young and I never really knew him. Anyway after the funeral I moved up here with my Aunt Liz and cousin Rosy who I mentioned." Sarah nodded. Deedi had said that she was staying with her Aunt when they had first met.

"But all that was as Daniel. Well, one day while we were out walking I slipped into the river and got filthy dirty. When we got back there were no clean clothes around and I had promised to go to the cinema that evening with Rosy, remember? It was when I first met Robin. I didn't want to disappoint her as she had been so kind to me. So she suggested I dress in some of her clothes. Everything worked out fine really although I was very nervous and there were a few heart-stopping moments. The next day we were due to go shopping with Liz and somehow Rosy talked me into going as Deedi again and since Liz seemed to be happy with the situation that's what we did. The rest just seemed to follow naturally."

Sarah smiled as the story unfolded.

"Tell me something though," asked Sarah, "I bet that wasn't the first time was it?"

"What dressing?" Sarah nodded.

"No, I used to borrow Mum's clothes occasionally but not often," it was uncanny how Sarah seemed to understand her so well. The wine was almost gone now and they were both feeling a bit drunk but very happy.

"But wait a minute," said Sarah after a moments thought, "you said that Robin was your boyfriend now. Does he know about you?" Deedi dropped her eyes.

"No I haven't told him," she said, "I suppose I will have to sometime, it just seems a bit too soon right now."

"mmm…just be careful," said Sarah, but didn't elaborate further. She wasn't quite ready to tell Deedi about that episode in her life.

"Yes I will but it's fine at the moment, we're just having a good time and he is really nice."

"Deedi," said Sarah as they got up to go, "I really am so glad this has happened. I hadn't made any real friends since we moved up here until I met you and its been really great working together and I am really pleased we have …well… so much in common."

"Me too," said Deedi.

So the bond between Sarah and Deedi that had already been forged, now grew stronger still as they hugged each other tightly and then left. From that point on they were together much of the time going out in the evenings after work and at the week-ends, shopping and spending time at each others homes almost as sisters.

Not long after their revelations to each other they decided to meet up and go shopping in town.

"Just off Mum, I'll be back later with Deedi and then we're going out."

Clair was preparing lunch and came to the door say goodbye.

"Well, I know you are only going shopping but you look great," Clair said and walked down the drive to hug her daughter.

"It does feel so right now and I know I couldn't have done it without you Mum, thanks."

"Have fun," Clair called and shut the front door behind her. Mmm, she thought, a couple of hours to spare, time for Richard to do his duty. He was working in the office but a well placed hand together with some gentle massaging would soon stop that.

"Hi Deedi." Deedi was waiting by Cafe Rouge as they had arranged. "Come on, I'm starving, lets go Garfunkels first, they do great salads."

After lunch they hit the shops and Sarah went wild. She had decided that therapy was required and shopping was the cure. Both girls were confident now and there were no problems trying different cloths on in the busy stores of the Shopping Centre or in the many smaller, more intimate shops around the Market Square. It was obvious though that Deedi loved wearing stockings, Sarah had never met anyone who bought so many pairs. They did feel quite sexy but Sarah was as happy wearing tights as she was Jeans. However, that would easily change given the right circumstances, especially since the conference.

When they had finished they caught a bus back to Sarah's house where that spent a blissful hour trying everything on.

"Now, I really must see what these look like," she said opening a bag and pulled out a matching undies set which was very frilly and very sexy.

She took off her tights and then her panties allowing her cock to hang free. She glanced up and noticed that Deedi was blushing and avoiding her gaze.

"Deedi, you're not shy are you," asked Sarah, "we've been friends long enough now not to be embarrassed with each other haven't we?"

"I suppose so," said Deedi still blushing furiously. Sarah decided to break the ice a bit further.

"So, get that skirt off and let me see yours then. Remember, you still have the advantage on me."

Deedi unclipped her skirt slowly and let it fall to the floor. She then slid her tights and panties down with one movement and took them off, straightened up and looked at Sarah.

"Mmmm," said Sarah taking a long look at Deedi, "Not bad, a bit longer than mine but not quite so pretty. I think you'll do though." Deedi laughed.

"Mind you who I am to talk," she continued suddenly dropping her voice, "at least your Robin seems to be happy with you which is more than I can say."

Deedi had finally told Robin about her situation and although he was shocked initially he came round and they had continued going out together. Deedi immediately went over and hugged her tight. Sarah remembered the incident with Kent and felt the pain again. Not the physical pain but the realisation of being different and the rejection that came with it.

"Don't be silly," she said in a very soft, reassuring voice, "there are thousands of boys out there who would love to have you as a girl-friend, it's just a matter of time. I had no idea how Robin would react when I told him but the fact was he already knew me by then and seemed to like what he had. Just keep looking and it will happen."

"I suppose your right," said Sarah feeling a little better.

Sarah hugged Deedi close and the girls stood still for a long time grateful for each others love. What neither of them had noticed was that they were both naked from the waist down and their cocks were nuzzling each other, not out of any sexual desire but of real friendship.

"Come on," said Deedi, "lets get changed and then hit the town, and tonight we'll dress to knock'em dead. Cocktails at Ha!Ha!'s first?"

They both got ready and Deedi suggested they wear very short skirts and tights with thin-strapped, high heeled sandals.

"If that doesn't do the trick then they must be blind," she said.

They arrived at the bar and Sarah looked around for a table while Deedi went to get the drinks.

"Sarah, do you have any change, I only have twenty pound note," Deedi called over.

Sarah stopped, opened her bag and turned back quickly just as someone walked past carrying two glasses of larger. They banged straight into each other knocking the bag out of Sarah's hand and spilling its contents all over floor. Some of the beer also splashed onto her coat. She bent down quickly to pick up the money that had fallen from her purse.

"I'm terribly sorry," said the man, "here let me help you."

She looked up and saw a young guy, about twenty-two she guessed, smiling at her. Wow, he looks dishy, she thought and then realised the contents of her bag were all over the floor.

"and don't lose this, they are a pain to replace," he said as they both stood up, handing back her driving licence and mobile phone which had fallen at his feet.

"Yes," she said still flustered, "I have only just got that one back from Swansea, I put the last one in the washing machine."

She took the Driving Licence from him and put it in her bag. Richard had bought her a car as soon as she was eighteen and she quickly passed her test. Richard and Clair felt she would be safer if she had her own car bearing in mind what she was underneath that thin outer layer of clothes.

"Oh well," he said, "at least you have a clean licence, you should be safe to be with," and they both laughed. "but your coat, I've spilt beer all over it, is your dress OK?"

She opened her coat revealing her long nylon clad legs. He realised there actually wasn't much of a dress for any of his beer to fall on. However he did like what he saw, very much. She noticed him looking at her legs and blushed. She had never felt she was a really beauty like Deedi but she was very pretty and had a great figure.

"Its OK, just the coat that's a bit wet, it'll soon dry, thanks," she said and he walked away.

"Well," said Deedi returning with the drinks, "I know I said things would be OK but I never expected you to move so fast."

"Don't be silly," said Sarah, "it was just an accident. Mind you he was nice wasn't he," she added glancing round at his table and seeing him smile at her. She smiled back and blushed again.

An hour or so later they were getting ready to leave and Deedi got up to use the toilet.

"Hi, I just wanted to make sure you were OK," it was the guy who had bumped into her. He sat down in Deedi's seat.

"I'm fine," said Sarah.

"Mike Burrell by the way," he said and held out his hand.

"Sarah Lindly," she said following his lead and shaking his hand.

"Can I buy you drink to make up for your coat?" he asked.

"That would be nice but we are just going out to eat," she replied feeling more comfortable with him now, he was very nice looking after all.

"I wasn't thinking of tonight," he said in a low voice looking straight into here eyes, "how about tomorrow, can I call you and fix up a time?"

Sarah stopped for a second unsure what to do. She had not been out on a date since the incident with Kent although she had been asked many times. She also thought about what Deedi had been saying earlier in the evening although somehow she felt that he might be OK this time.

"Yes, alright," she heard a voice saying but it didn't sound like hers.

"Great," said Mike getting out his mobile, "what's your number?"

She read out her mobile number as he tapped it into his phone.

"I'll call you tomorrow, will that be OK?" he asked ringing the number to make sure it connected.

Sarah nodded just as Deedi came back. Mike got up, smiled at Deedi and returned to his table. They both got up and walked to the door but Deedi was silent.

"What?" asked Sarah at last not bearing the silence any longer.

"Nothing." Deedi just smiled, "tomorrow or Monday?"

"Tomorrow" said Sarah and linked her arm in Deedi's and marched off to the restaurant.

She had a good feeling about Mike but knew there was a very long way to go.

He rang as promised on Sunday afternoon and they chatted for nearly an hour. Sarah was in her room laying on the bed wearing the casual clothes she normally had on when she was at home; a short sleeve blouse, short skirt and tan tights. She loved the feel of her legs in smooth nylon and unconsciously rubbed them together while she was talking. At one point she wondered what Mike would say if he could see her but luckily it wasn't a video phone.

She was surprised how easy he was to talk to given that they were complete strangers less than twenty four hours before. Agreeing to meet up was never in doubt by the time they came to the end of the call, it was like two friends simply setting the date for when they would get back together again. Finally Mike said he would meet Sarah at her house at eight o'clock and then drive to a pub on the river.

Sarah put the phone down and lay back on the pillow thinking of Mike. She could hardly remember his face but his voice was etched in her mind even though it was distorted by the poor telephone quality. She closed her eyes but before any fantasies could take hold she had fallen asleep. She woke with a start when Clair knocked on the door with a mug of coffee.

"It's six o'clock, are you going out with Deedi tonight?" she asked putting the coffee on the bedside table. Sarah sat up a rubbed her eyes.

"No, I'm meeting someone else."

"Boy?" asked Claire trying not to be too curious.

"Yes, we literally bumped into each other last night at the cocktail bar and he asked me out so I said I would."

Clair had known Sarah had dated Kent for while but had assumed it had just fizzled out.

"Mmmm, be careful."

"MUM, it's only our first date, he may not even like me by the end of evening," replied Sarah but somehow she knew that wouldn't be the case.

"OK, but I have a feeling the you sometimes forget that you're not quite the same as other girls," said Clair making for the door. Sarah blushed. It was unnerving how parents seemed to know your innermost thoughts better than you did.

She had a shower letting the hot water run down her silky smooth white body while deciding what she would wear. She knew Mike had seen a lot of her already the night before and she did not want to be too provocative for their first date but she still wanted him to come back for more.

She dried and talced herself rather too generously and slipped on a simple white lace, bra and panty set. She decided on a knee length black leather skirt, black tights and a pink top. Her new ankle boots set the image off nicely and she sat down to prepare her make-up. Mike arrived at eight and she ran downstairs saying goodbye as she ran out the door. Clair had got up to see what Mike looked like but she was too late, Sarah had jumped into his white Peugeot and they sped off.

"Don't worry," said Richard looking around from the laptop PC he was working on, "I'm sure she'll be OK."

She never had time to get a glimpse of him anyway. She let the heavy curtain fall back into place and turned to Richard.

"Yes I know, she's a sensible girl," Richard never heard her add the words - most of the time.

The evening was cool as Autumn had well and truly arrived, the pub was warm and not crowded. They found a table in the corner overlooking the river and sat down.

"So you mentioned that you have not lived in Cambridge long?" asked Mike breaking the ice.

"No, we moved over from Warwick earlier in the Summer."

"Oh well, their loss and our gain I suppose. Can never have enough lovely ladies here Cambridge and we do have a lot."

Sarah smiled at the complement.

"So how long have you lived here then?" she continued.

"Nearly five years. I went to Gonville & Caius reading Maths and Computer Science and then got picked up on the milk round by a local instrument company who were looking for software designers. Since I had grown to love the place it seemed natural to stay. I'm glad I did now." He stroked her cheek with his fingers as he spoke.

Goodness, thought Sarah, I am never going to last the night if he carries on at this rate. Still she wasn't complaining. They chatted on about their early lives and families until Mike looked at his watch and said it was ten thirty. Sarah was surprised. They picked up their coats and made for the door.

Sunday evening traffic was light and they drive home was quick. They continued their conversation for a while and Sarah looked up at the windows and noticed Clair and Richard must have gone to bed early. She smiled to herself.

"What's so funny," asked Mike. Sarah turned towards him.

"Oh nothing, just thinking about Mum and Dad."

Mike leaned forward and touched her cheek again with his smooth fingers. She looked at him and smiled. He moved forward and their lips touched and he pulled away slightly. She closed her eyes and leaned baked in the seat. Mike moved with her and their lips met once more, this time for longer. She put her arm around his neck and her finger ran through his hair. He held her gently around the waist but firmly at the same time. A part of her just kept the situation in check but she quickly realised there was nothing to worry about. Finally he pulled back and they smiled again.

"Well, lovely Sarah, I have had one fantastic evening and I must warn you that when I ask you out again I will not be expecting a – NO." Sarah laughed.

"Well in that case I had better find out when and where I suppose."

"Good, that was the correct response. How about Tuesday? There's a new comedy club opened in town and it's supposed to be good".

"Yes, I know. You remember Deedi, my friend you met on Saturday?" Mike nodded, "She's been and they are very funny."

"Ok, shall we meet in town after work then we could go for something to eat before we go in if you like?" asked Mike.

"That sounds good, lets meet at six at the bar where we met on Saturday. Will you be able to get into town by then?" said Sarah.

"No problem but I don't know how I will pass those long hours waiting to see you again," she laughed once more and they kissed again.

Tuesday was also a big success and they met every night after that. Very quickly a strong relationship formed.

"So," Mike asked on Friday evening as they were strolling along the river bank watching the last of the Eights put their boats away for the night, "have you been inside any of the colleges?"

"I didn't know you could if you weren't a student." said Sarah.

"No problem there's load of wonderful rooms inside. How about I give you a tour of the area tomorrow, are you busy ?"

"I will be in the morning but we could meet in the afternoon if you like."

"Great, it's about time you learned the something about the history of Cambridge."

"Oh no, it is my day off you know," laughed Sarah.

"Don't worry there will only be a few questions at the end and if you listen carefully I'm sure you'll pass the exam."

Sarah slipped her arm into Mike's smiling as they walked across the footbridge and away from the river. She was looking forward to it already wondering what the reward might be if she passed the test. A girl always lives in hope.




© 2005 by Rob Henson. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of StorySite and the copyright holder.