Crystal's StorySite

This story sets up an alternate reality series called Random Victories. It is primarily inspired by Michael Moorcock and his Jerry Cornelius stories. Enjoy.

Tyrone Slothrop (An obvious alias)


Random Victories: The Legend of Hair House

by Slothrop


Chapter 1: Curtain Opens, The narrator begins boring the hell out of the audience about life in a small town. The audience throws him out. They don't want to see Our Town again. Instead a new story begins. Meet Jim Brunner.

Jim blinks his eyes and realizes he is riding a bicycle. It is a fall day in what appears to be a small American town. It looks like the early 1970s from the cars. Jim is about age sixteen and dressed like a normal sixteen year old boy of the era- hair just below his ears, polyester shirt, bell bottom jeans. He is riding furiously home from school. A Plymouth Volare pulls up and his mother rolls down the window. She has on a tie dyed tee shirt and long straight hair parted in the middle. The bangle bracelets on her arm clatter on the car's metal.

"Jim- you were supposed to meet Sharon and Michael at that new place and get your hair cut. It's supposed to be free for boys this week and we need to save the money." she says.

"Do I have to? I'm busy." Jim whines.

"Jim, we are short of money and I don't care if you ever get it cut but you are the one who says the coach will kick you off the swim team if you don't. So this is free for boys accompanied by a new girl customer. Which is Sharon. Now go and I'll see you home for supper." the Plymouth drove away.

Jim changes direction and heads to the new place next to the 7-11 and the pharmacy. Sharon and Michael are in front.


Chapter 2: Teen Slasher Flick Type Ominous Music plays in the background

Sharon has been his best friend since they were three. They cannot decide if they can stay friends or should get more serious as they get older. Sharon is also sixteen and has hair and clothes similar to Jim's. Michael is Jim's other best friend. He is shorter than both of them, and wears more expensive clothes. His hair is shoulder length and he is a bit of an outcast at the high school.

"Jim- are you ready? Lets get this over with, huh" Sharon mumbles.

Jim parks his bike and the three of them enter the shop. The sign above reads "HAIR HOUSE- the Latest in Everything" . You cannot see anything through the front windows.

A tall young woman is there to greet them. She looks like Marylyn Monroe but sounds like someone from England.


Chapter 3:The Plot develops- more ominous music

"Good day, ladies and boys. I am Miss M. I assume you are here on our special offer? Free hair work for boys with a new lady customer?"

"Yes , Miss M, that's right." Sharon says. Jim and Michael are too stunned by Miss M's body to say anything. (They are sixteen year old boys, after all)

"The lets proceed". Miss M opens a door and there is a corridor with ten rooms. In each room was a chair surrounded by many devices. Jim recognized a hair dryer but nothing else.

"Each of you pick a room and sit down and relax." I will be with you shortly to get started."

Jim, Sharon and Michael all exchange that look kids do when confronted by a strange adult situation.

Jim enters a room and sits down. Miss M enters. Her blouse is half unbuttoned.


Chapter 4:The Devious Miss M

Jim is squirming in the seat. He can see the tops of her Boobs!!!.

"Relax, boy. What's your name?" she says huskily. Jim is getting an erection.

"JJJimm" He stammers.

"Calm down Jim." She looks down. "OOOh, how did this happen?" she buttons her blouse.

"Jim- I have to set the machine. How do you want your hair done?"

"The machine?? You mean you don't.." Jim asks

"Heavens no, dear Jim" she says, placing a well manicured hand on Jims thigh. "I own this place. The machines do all the work. That's why we can charge so little. So, how do you want your hair? "

"Shorter , I guess. My coach won't let me swim unless I get it cut"

"It sounds like you'd rather have it some other way." Miss M went on

"My Mom said she doesn't care if I ever get it cut. I wouldn't mind having it like a rock singer, I guess." Jim answered.

Miss M though a bit and the said "Okay, I think we have what you need. How long is the swim season?"

"The last meet is tomorrow"

"Okay. A wash and deep condition, then a trim followed by a session in four days. Sit back and let me hook you up."

"I have to come back? But.." Jim went on

"Jim, you must come back or I would be very disappointed in you. Plus , you may not be pleased with how your hair turns out.."

Jim knew he was coming back, if only for a chance to see those boobs again. Miss M hooked a loose bracelet around each of his wrists, with a wire running to the machine console. She attached a sticky patch to his forehead , also with a wire running to the console.

"Lay back , close your eyes. This will take a little while."

Jim closed his eyes. Within seconds he started to dream. He could feel mechanical fingers working his hair, washing it as he leaned back. He dreamed Miss M came back and pulled his pants down. She started to arouse him. Oh my God the tongue!! She looked up and smiled at him. Then the dream faded.

Jim wakes up- Miss M is smiling at him. "You are done sleepy Jim. Why are you smiling?" She does not wait for an answer, but smiles and leaves.


Chapter 5:Are you going to Scarborough Hair?

Jim looks at his watch. It has been and hour! He goes out front and Sharon joins him. Her hair is a lighter shade and looks much fluffier. Jim's is cut above his ears and seems very short.

"Nice look, Sharon." Jim goes.

"I like it. Normally I hate girly stuff but this beats doing your own rollers and things. And it's only a dollar!"

"Where's Michael? Jim asks.

Michael enters, smiling.

His hair has not been cut but it seems .. fuller. It looks much better than it did. And it is no longer brown but blonde.


Chapter 6:Geometric progression

"Michael- it looks.." Jim begins. Sharon kicks him in the foot.

"Michael- it looks great. Let's go." She says. They agree to meet up at school and split up to go home.

Jim comes home to find his mother getting dinner ready. She missed her husband who was killed in a car accident last year. She now doted on Jim as all the family she had left.

"How was the new place, Jim? They took a lot off, I see."

"It was fine- it's all done by machine. Michael came out looking a little girly, though. "

"Jim, don't you dare make fun of him. You and Sharon are his only friends and he looks up to you. I'm sure he looks nice."

"Well, she says I have to go back in four days."

"That's fine as long as it's still free. But four days doesn't seem like enough time. Oh well- here's dinner."


Two days later, the morning after the swim meet, Jim woke up and got ready for school. As he got out of the shower he noticed his hair seemed a bit longer than yesterday, just coming over his ears. He thought nothing of it.

The next day, Friday, he woke up and again, noticed that his hair was noticeably longer, about two inches longer than yesterday. His mother was yelling that he had to get to school. He tore downstairs, ate and got into her car.

"Jim- that haircut didn't last long, did it?" his Mom said. Jim's hair was over his ears and two inches down his neck in the back, actually a bit longer than it was before he went to Hair House.

"No, it didn't." he said, defensively. "Maybe it was just slicked down or something."

"Well Jim, that would be hard to do. Maybe we should get you checked out."

"I thought you didn't care how long it was, Mom. I don't need a doctor!" Jim hated going to the doctors. He blamed them for not saving his father's life.

"Ok, ok. Here's school."

Jim gets out and goes to school. He meets up with Sharon and Michael at lunch. Michael looks upset.

"What's wrong. Mike?" Jim asks.

"Assholes- he got beat up by those idiots outside." Sharon goes. She is furious.

"Why now?"

Michael sobs. "They said I was a fag, or sissy ."

"Stay with me when we leave. They won't take on both of us." Jim says.

"Jim- what's with the hair- it was all gone a few days ago?" Sharon asked. Jim noticed she was wearing her hair in a much curlier style.

"I don't know- I woke up and there it was. Mom wants me to go to a doctor."

"I think you should see Miss M. I went back again. She's great." Sharon responded.

The bell rang and they went back to classes.

Saturday Morning!. Jim wakes up. He senses he has had another hair growth as it is laying across his eyes. He runs to the bathroom. Another four inches of hair!

The phone rings. Jim's mother is on the line with an emergency.


Chapter 7:Missing Miss M

"Jim- Grandma is in the hospital. I am on my way over there now. I need you to stay home and answer the phone. Tell people who call what happened and where I am. Can you do that sweetie?" his Mother asks.

"Sure Mom. I'll take care of it. Call me when you get there."

Jim forgets about the hair problem and gets dressed, making some breakfast.

Later in the day, Sharon comes over.

"Jim- I heard about your Grandma- sorry." she stops, looking at Jim. "What's with the hair? My God it looks good. I'm jealous, it's much longer than mine."

"I don't know- I'll go tomorrow to see Miss M. Maybe she can help." he says.

"Okay, but I don't think they are open on Sunday."

"Well I can't leave home today. I promised Mom. Can you get it out of my eyes?"

Sharon runs off to his Mom's room and comes back with some brushes, combs and clips.

"Sit down over here. You don't have enough for a ponytail so I'll just use these to keep it back."

Jim sits and Sharon goes to work. They spend the day watching TV, playing games. Sharon rearranges his hair every hour or so, just to have something to do.

Later that night. Jim's Mom comes home. Jim is asleep on the couch and Sharon has gone home. She looks at Jim and sees his hair pinned back with two of her barrettes and smiles. She covers him with a blanket and goes to bed. It has been a long day for her.

Jim wakes up. The progression continues


Chapter 8:They need a new Breck Girl, Jim

Jim wakes and feels totally dehydrated. As he gets up his hair is tangled in the sofa. As he tries to get free, he realizes it has happened again. Eight more inches! Jim gets a tape measure and checks the length of his hair. Fifteen inches! It is hanging well past his shoulders and desperately needs combing.

Jim calls Sharon.

"Sharon, are your parents home?"

"No- I'm alone in the house. What's wrong?"

"I need to come over, now."


Jim leaves a note for his Mom and bikes over to Sharon's, hair flying in the wind. Fortunately no one he knows sees him. He enters.

"Jim- what is going on- look at you! "Sharon exclaims.

"I need to go to see Miss M. Now- will you come with me?"

"I told you they are closed. You were supposed to go yesterday."

Jim explains what has happened and his measurements.

Sharon thinks and then says- "It looks like it is doubling every night- one inch, two inches, four then eight. Which makes tomorrow ..."

"Thirty one inches total. I know." Jim says.

"Maybe we should just cut it ourselves."

"I don't know. Suppose it grows back faster?" Jim worries.

"My uncle rents that building. Maybe he can find Miss M's address. While I'm doing that- get a brush and fix that hair- it looks awful."

Sharon goes off to use the phone. Jim wanders into the bathroom and starts brushing his hair.


Chapter 9:Miss M is Very Convincing

Just as Jim finishes the brushing, Sharon yells-

"I got her number. She says to come over right now and she will help out."

"Sharon- I don't want to be seen like this walking over there! What are we gonna do?"

Sharon grabs a pastel yellow knee length coat from the closet.

"Here - put this on. Then I'll tie a scarf around your head. That should work."

Jim puts on the coat- it is a tight fit. Sharon gathers his hair and ties the scarf.

"Just keep you face down and stay with me." Sharon goes.

They walk the ten blocks to Hair House. Miss M is waiting at the front door. They enter.

"Sharon explained why you did not come yesterday. I am sorry your Grandmother is ill Jim. Now, what is the problem?" Miss M said, in a quiet voice. She was still dressed in a very tight fitting dress which showed a lot of cleavage. Jim could not focus on anything but her boobs.

"Problem? This keeps growing" he said holding up a length of his hair.

"Well you did say you wanted it like a rock singer." Miss M observed.

"Yes but, I did not think.." Jim stammered

"It looks quite nice, don't you think so Sharon?"

Sharon looked at Jim, who had taken off the scarf.

"It is great- it could look really good, but I'm not sure he wants it to double in length again, every day." Sharon went on.

"Jim- do you want it all off? Or do you want to try this for a while? I can stop the rapid growth, in fact we should have done it yesterday, but why don't you try what Sharon suggests and see how you like it? If you don't, then we can fix it."

Jim looks uncertain.

"Oh Jim, she came in on a Sunday, give her a try." Sharon goes on.Jim agrees.


Chapter 10: Positive Reinforcement is very Powerful

The three of them go into a styling room. Jim lies down on the reclined chair and Miss M hooks up the bracelets and forehead patch. She then arranges his hair to drape into the basin.

"Sharon, hold Jim's hand, boys are not used to this." Miss M whispers.

Sharon gently grabs his hand. Jim looks at her face. Miss M starts the process and the lights dim. Jim's dream state begins.


Jim feels a great sense of well being. He is drifting and vaguely feels the warm water and the shampoo. The mechanical fingers gently knead his hair and scalp. He drifts into a deeper sleep. He dreams a warm tongue is caressing his thighs, and working to his crotch. He looks down in his dream and it is Miss M, using her mouth to great effect. Miss M morphs into Sharon. Sharon speaks in the dream "Oh Jim I love your hair- you look so cute. I can't wait to see how it comes out!". Sharon morphs back into Miss M. "Jim I really want you to like this. It means so much to me" Jim drifts on.

Meanwhile back in the room Sharon is giggling. Jim is sound asleep with a head full of very large rollers. The dryer is just about to descend on his head and start. He seems to have a large erection.

"Miss M- what happens now- will his hair keep growing?" Sharon asks.

"Yes but it will slow down until it hits a "natural limit"- I would guess about two feet or a little more. Then it will grow at the normal rate. I will need to treat it at least three times a week, though, just to keep it in good condition."

"I suppose he can get it cut if he doesn't like it." Sharon says.

"No, it will just grow back to the natural limit very quickly. The effect will last for at about two months. A lot of the town boys and a few men got this treatment but they were more modest in their request. That is except a few of the bald ones. Jim here though is at least a week ahead of them."

Sharon is staring at Jim's bulging erection in his jeans. Miss M comment- "You seem to have quite an effect on Jim, Sharon. I'm sure he likes you very much."

"I'm not sure he is interested in me that way, Miss M." Sharon said pensively.

"Sharon- young boys are quite suggestible if a woman is interested in them. Do you like Jim with this hair?"

"Yes- it's .. sexy I guess."

"Then encourage him to enjoy it. You can help him to try it out. Bring him with you three times a week. No charge for my first good customers. Now let me finish this-I'll bring him out to you."

Sharon leaves and sits in the waiting room. She starts paging through hairstyle books. She notices half the models are men, with very long styles.

When Sharon is gone , Miss M pushes a button. Jim, under the dryer and half in the dream state, hears Miss M's voice-

"You enjoy coming here Jim..."

"You want to please Sharon..."

"You want to please me...

"You love the feel of your hair..."

"Women please you when you come here Jim..."

It goes on during the dry cycle. Miss M winds it down and waits for Jim's erection to subside. She watches as the dryer hood comes up and the rollers are removed. The machine does the comb out.

Jim stands up and Miss M escorts him out to Sharon. Sharon gasps.

Jims hair is wavy and full. It flows about his shoulders and shines in the light. Jim is smiling. He feels great after that dream and wants to get his hair done again soon.

Sharon goes "It's beautiful Jim- really beautiful! Turn around!"

Jim spins, his hair flowing.

"Do you like it Jim? Do you want to try it for a while?" Miss M asks.

"I think I like it- I hope Mom does." Jim is beaming at Sharon.

"Here's your coat Jim" Sharon goes.

"I don't need that now- let's walk." Jim thanks Miss M, who tells him to be back on Tuesday.

Sharon and Jim walk to Jim's house.

Jim's Mom is at the breakfast table, drinking coffee.


Chapter 11:Mom holds her tongue

Jim's Mom sees Sharon and Jim , holding hands. They look happy and she has always liked Sharon. She sees the hair.

"Jim- is that yours?" she asks calmly.

"Yes, Mom- I like it. Miss M offered to get rid of it if I wanted but I decided to try it for now." Jim is beaming and Sharon is twirling his hair in her finger.

"Isn't it great? I think he looks wonderful! "Sharon says to Jim's Mom.

Jim's mother decides to check this impossible growth out later, so she will be supportive of Jim for now. Besides, she likes the look anyway. Her brother is in a band, and his hair is almost as long, but nowhere near as well kept.

"Jim, it looks very nice. I hope you keep it that way. I think I will pay a visit to Miss M myself. Is it going to keep growing this much?"

"No, it should slow down some." Sharon goes.

"Ok- I will be at the hospital all day with Grandma. Can you get yourself to school tomorrow?"

"Sure Mom."

Sharon and Jim spend the day, shifting from friends to boy and girl friend in subtle ways. They walk through town and from a distance, most people assume they are a couple, but given Sharon is slightly taller than Jim they are not sure which is the boy or girl. However, really long hair on boys , while rare, is not unheard of so they rarely draw a second glance.

As they get ready to leave each other, Sharon raises a point.

"How about school tomorrow, Jim- do you think you will get hassled?"

"I don't care. If anybody hassles me they have to deal with the rest of the team. The worst I'll get are some idiots talking." Jim continued.

Jim has an uneventful day at school until he runs into Michael.


Chapter 12:Adoration can cross the line

Michael runs up to Jim.

"Jim- how did you do this?" He is picking up strands of Jims hair and holding it up. It is making Jim uncomfortable.

"I'll bet this was Miss M. Wasn't she great!, I dream about those boobs ever since I went there." Michael continues.

"It's just my hair, Mike. Come on, don't make a fuss." Jim pleads.

Michael goes on some more.

"My Mom loved the way my hair looked when I got home. She told me it made her happy to see me taking care of my looks. She raised my allowance!"

Jim knew Michael's allowance was more than some families earned in a week.

They parted on their way to separate classes.

The swim team, being in the off season, all were trying to grow their own hair out anyway (It is the 1970s, remember). Jim was their hero. He told them about Hair House and especially about Miss M and her boobs.

Word spread through the school.

At the end of the day, Jim walks Sharon home. At her doorstep, she kisses him on the lips and says

"Jim- I've gotta go but don't forget our appointment tomorrow after school!"

The next morning, Jim wakes up and measures his hair. It has finally stopped at about 27 inches. He breathes a sigh of relief and starts to get ready for school.

At the breakfast table, Jim's Mom looks him over.

"Not good enough Jim- put on some clean jeans and brush that hair better. It looks a bit wild."

Jim complies and once again heads off to school.

The nasty comments seem to be on a decline today. Jim notices a lot of the boys have hair over their ears now, and a few have it longer. In fact, he has not seen a single short haired boy today. The girls also seem to be favoring more elaborate styles, with some updos which would usually never have been worn for a regular school day.

He meets Sharon outside Hair House after school. There is a steady line of girls with boys in tow, waiting for an appointment.

"Good thing we are already booked." says Sharon

They enter and are greeted by the unflappable Miss M.. Everything is orderly in here and she refuses to be rushed. Boys and girls are looking at the stylebooks together.

"Hello Sharon and Jim. Michael was in yesterday. I think you inspired him , Jim." said Miss M.

"I did?" says Jim.

"Yes , he took a bold choice. But now, let's get you two going. Go to room 10- there are two chairs there."

They enter, followed by Miss M.

"Sharon- what shall we do with you today-? Jim looks so good, I think you should at least meet him halfway, right?"

"I don't know Miss M... " Sharon stumbles out the words.

"I think she should match mine, at least. Then I can be bugging her to brush it out all the time!" piped in Jim.

"Well Sharon- what do you say- matching hair styles? It would look very cute." Miss M whispered.

"Oh all right , why not. At least this place handles all the hard work." Sharon went on.

"And you Jim.. you have become quite the trendsetter. I think almost all the boys and a good number of the men in town are now customers. I think I should let Sharon pick the next trend for you to set- do you agree?" Miss M went on.

"Sharon- but but.." Jim sputtered

"Jim, don't you trust Sharon? Plus, in a few days when her hair matches yours, you can pick hers."

Jim smiled. "Okay- that works. Beside, she doesn't want to be seen with a complete geek.."

Miss M takes Sharon aside and shows her the control panel after she has attached Jim to the machine. The process is based on reviewing the stylebooks on the screen and then entering the number of the one desired.

Sharon selects one and enters the number. She then lays down on her chair and Miss M starts her up.

Sharon selected one with long, spiral curls


Chapter 13:Shooting the Curl

Jim is in the dream state again. In the dream, Sharon is engaged in serious oral stimulation. Jim is growing to like these sessions. When an hour has passed, Jim wakes up. Sharon is standing over him and kisses him. Jim notices her hair is shorter.

"I though you were getting longer hair." he said.

"I am- this is just a starting point so it grows evenly. You look really scrumptious, though." Sharon went.

Jim looked at the mirror. His hair was a mass of tight curls below his shoulders. It was so full he was afraid he would hit things on his sides with it.

"I hope you like this.." Jim goes

"I love it " says Sharon

"And so do I" chimed in Miss M, who entered then.

Jim looked at the two women he really liked and realized he did like the hairstyle, after all. If Sharon and Miss M thought it was good, then how could they be wrong?

"Then it is great. Let's go Sharon. " said Jim..

"Oh, Jim- I met your mother today- she is an outstanding woman. I offered her a job managing our new salon. This one is overcrowded. " Miss M said.


Jim gets home and sees his mother- she is dressed like Miss M.

"How do I look, Jim? I have a new job at a lot more money now. "

"You look great, Mom." Jim says, a bit stunned.

"Oh., honey- I love that hairdo- will you spin around?"

Jim spins.

"Sharon is a lucky girl, Jimmie." his Mom goes on. "You are quite a hunk."

A week passes. Sharon is ready for Jim's choice.

Chapter 14: Jim chooses, Michael surprises

Jim and Sharon are back in room ten. Miss M is waiting for Jim's choice for Sharon. Sharon's hair is now roughly equal in length to Jims.

"I pick this one" - he announces, indicating a spiral curl just like his.

"Wonderful, choice, Jimmie dear. Should Sharon pick yours now?"

Jim could not wait for the dream time, so he said "Fine- let's get started".

Sharon smiles and says "Number 29 for my Jimmy, Miss M."

The process is about to begin when Michael walks in. Jim and Sharon both sit up in surprise. They have not seen him for a week. Michael is beaming. His pants and shirt are soft leather but his hair is unbelievable. It is teased up on his head at least six or seven inches and then falls to his rump. It is still blonde.

"What do you think? - you are the first to see this other than my Mom.." Michael asks.

Sharon recovers and says "Wow- I can believe it! It is incredible!"

Jim looks at Sharon and goes- "Yeah Mike- it sure is something. "

Michael runs up and hugs Miss M. "Thank you so much."

"Thank you Michael. You are a walking advertisement for my salon. "

Miss M goes on. Jim notices the back of the leather shirt says "HAIR HOUSE FOR MEN and BOYS" in neon letters which show through Michael's strands of hair.


Chapter 15: Phase two revealed

Michael kisses Sharon and Miss M on the cheek. He looks at Jim , grins and kisses him on the cheek too. Jim notices Michael is wearing lipstick.

"Gotta run along now-" Michael prances out.

"Time to get started" Miss M says as she starts the machines. Jim enters the dream state. This time he and Sharon are cuddling in the dream, and then Miss M enters. Both of them work on Jim's pleasure points. Jim is very happy with this dream.

When they wake up- Sharon looks great in the spiral curls. Sharon looks at Jim and gasps. "My God Jim, it's beautiful.."

Jim looks at himself to see what number 29 is. His hair is teased out and combed back from his face , with a very tight flip curl on the ends. Jim at first thinks it is very girlish but one glance at Sharon's face convinces him it must be great if she likes it.

Later , Jim's Mom is taking Jim out to eat, as she is now too busy to prepare meals. She is wearing one of her very tight dresses from work and Jim never noticed how well endowed his mother was- why she was even bigger than Miss M!

"Jimmie- I love the new style- did Sharon pick it out? Number 29, right?"

"Yes Mom. Sharon wanted this and she likes it so I like it."

Jim looks around. All of the men have at least shoulder length hair and some have obviously had some styling work done. The women all have extremely elaborate styles.

'Jimmie, the new shop is doing so well. Would you believe we may have to increase our capacity to meet the demand?"

"Going to build another salon, Mom?"

"No, Miss M said we cannot get enough machines so we are going to cut the times in half and handle twice the people."

"How will that work, Mom?" Jim was afraid of less dream time. He loved dream time.

"O simple- we just send everybody out before the drying session and they can use their home dryers." We can then have them come back and have some people comb them out or they can do it themselves. " she looked at Jim's face. "Don't worry son, the dream state will be just as long."

Jim relaxed. As long as the dream state was still there, he was fine.

"Of course, Jim, you will have to take out your own rollers at home, or sleep in them until the next day." his mother smiled at him.

Jim got a worried look. Rollers? in public? He had not even realized the machines used rollers.

"Oh Jim, stop worrying. Look at your hair now- a few weeks ago it would have drawn funny looks, now everybody is jealous. So what if you walk around in rollers? How do people think you get such fine looking hair?"

Jim relaxed. "Ok Mom. I guess Sharon and I can help each other."

"Oh Jim did you see Michael?"

"Yes Mom, I did. He has gone a little extreme."

"Oh that's his mother. She always wished he was a girl. But I have never seen him happier. I think he may be a cross dresser."

"What's that Mom?"

"Someone who enjoys dressing like the other sex. Either that or he is the new trendsetter for you boys."

"Mom, I hope not."

"Jimmie, I hope you are right. I have enough trouble changing the hemlines on my own skirts."

They finish dinner and head home.

A week later , Jim and Sharon are back in room ten.


Chapter 16:Rollin', rollin', rollin'

"Jim, how about something like Michael had?' Sharon asks.

"I think hair that long would be a real pain Sharon. If I get , so will you."

"Ok, but I think we should try a Dolly Parton look for you." Sharon goes on.

Jim wants to get to the dream state, now. He has no will to argue.

"Ok - go ahead."

Sharon sets the machine and turns it on. Miss M has been training her. She sets her own Sharon turns on Jim's unit. She then sets hers to the "Cher" look.

They both enter the dream state. Jim smiles.


Jim wakes up with Sharon kissing his lips. "Wake up, Jimmie. Time to go."

He gets up and feels no hair on his back. He looks. His hair is all wrapped in large pink rollers. Sharon's is straight and parted in the middle. She has no rollers. She is wrapping a pink net around his head.

"The new process , Jimmie- they need this room. so I'll come over in the morning and help you take these out." Jim feels a little silly but Sharon seems happy. This is just another thing he shrugs off as now normal.

He walks home, drawing a few glances from some of the people, but not many. He no longer rides his bike as it ruins his hairdo.

His Mom is home, also in rollers.

"Hello son. I see you and Sharon had another date. Do you want some help with those?"

"No, Sharon's coming over in the morning to help. I guess I'm sleeping in these tonight."

After dinner while getting ready for bed, Jim is confronted with a dilemma. "Mom, can you help me?"

His mother comes into the room. Jim is confronted with a pullover pajama top. There is no way he can get it over the rollers.

"Oh Jim, I guess your wardrobe is not adjusted to the new look. Let's see, I think some of your father's old pajamas..." She stops when she sees Jims face. She forgets he still has trouble accepting his dad was gone.

She shifts "Oh no, those won't do. Wait here." She runs off to here room and appears with a blue garment.

"Try this- it ties in the back." Jim puts his arms into the gauzy nightgown while Mom ties the bows behind his neck and waist.

"Now those pajama pants look ridiculous, Jim- use these instead, at least they match." She throws him the matching pantaloons. Jim is increasingly obedient when ordered by Sharon, Miss M or Mom, so he turns his back, slips off his pants and puts on the matching panties.

"Now you look darling, Jim- lets go downstairs and watch some TV."

Jim and his Mom sit on the couch, watch TV and he listens to Moms gossip about the salon customers. Jim notices that most of the men on the TV shows have long hair.

The next morning , Sharon walks into Jim's room and wakes him up. She lifts up the skirt of the gown and says "Pretty sexy, Jimmy. I like this."

Jim gets up gets dressed, a bit embarrassed.

Sharon fixes his hair and it sure looks like something Dolly would wear.

Michael approaches Jim at school. He looks very different.


Chapter 17: Home Improvements

Michael is wearing a purple pantsuit, sandals and hose with a white shirt. His hair is swirled in an updo with the rest in a large braid down his back, tied off in a purple ribbon. His is wearing mascara and purple lipstick, and carrying a small purple purse. His nails are purple. He rushes up and pecks Jim on the cheek.

"Hello, Jimmie! I haven't seen you at all, except in my dreams! How are you?"

Jim is very uncomfortable.

"Michael- what's happening to you?"

Michael pouts. "Jimmie, I finally feel free. Look at the neat stuff my Mom got me! Those boys that used to push me around? We have gotten very close these days. Ah, I see them now! Gotta go, tata!" Mike swishes off.

Jim wonders what the "in my dreams" comment meant. He knows what other people do in his dream state, and he worries what he does in Michael's dream state.

Later, Jim and Sharon go to Jim's house after school. There are a lot of workmen there. They go inside and Mom is there smiling.

"Hello you two- I have a surprise. Jim- we've enlarged your room! And Miss M has a new machine for you to try!"

Jim goes into his room- he now has his own large bathroom, with a vanity table. In the corner is a chair with a small console. There is a dryer and salon supplies are everywhere


Chapter 18: Better than a Toni home kit

Jim is speechless.

"Jim- I want you to try the new home unit. It guides you through all the steps. If this works we are going to be rich!" his Mom bubbled.

Sharon goes "This is neat. How does it work?"

"You connect up just like at the salon, and you enter a training mode where it guides you on how to all of the work yourself! It's like dream state but you can move around. After some time it's all automatic and you only need the machine for new styles you don't know."

Jim is fingering his Dolly Parton hairdo. Part of him thinks this sounds silly and part of him wants to please Sharon and Mom. He looks around at his new room. He has his own TV, telephone, new bed and a closet full of new clothes. He likes the idea of getting rich.

"Give it a try, Jim. Sharon and I will watch and make sure it goes ok." his Mom says.

Jim puts down his schoolbooks and sits in the chair. "Put the bracelets on and stick that patch to your forehead. There are no wires on this one." his Mom goes.

Jim proceeds. As soon as he puts on the patch, his Mom pushes the button.

His eyes close and he enters the new dream state. His eyes reopen but he is very relaxed. He takes his clothes off and gets in the shower and starts to shampoo his hair. After adding several lotions he looks at his Mom and Sharon watching him. Sharon has a big smile. He smiles back. He is very happy. The shower finishes and he wraps himself in a towel, something he has never done. It takes him a few tries. He does not wonder why he took a shower in front of Sharon and his Mom. He sits at the vanity and proceeds, somewhat haltingly to comb , separate and roll his hair.

Sharon and his Mom are staring at his erection which is prominently sticking out of the towel.

After this is over, Jim goes under the dryer. He enters the normal dream state, this time with Sharon working him over while his Mom stroked his hair.

Sharon turns to Mom- "What is he learning to do?"

"Number 29. It's my favorite on him."

Jim finishes number 29. They system shuts down.


Chapter 19: Jim Goes Into The Closet

Jim shifts from the dream state. He has unclear memories of working on his hairstyle. He looks into the vanity mirror and sees his hair shining , full and with the signature flip curl of the number 29. He is still in the towel, wrapped from his chest to his knees.

Jim thinks "I did this myself? Wow!"

He gets up and goes to his new closet. Mom has ordered a whole new selection of clothes. He finds some mesh underpants in a drawer and some nylon black dress socks which pull up to just below his knee. He finds a pair of black bell bottom pants and some half boots with a 2 inch heel.

"These are cool." Jim comments. The pants are a tight fit around his butt with extra room in the crotch. He looks at the shirts. They are all different colors, most with long collar points and blousy sleeves. He picks a white one and then notices a selection of gold neck chains. He grabs one with a medallion with his initials. The shirt fits snugly. He straightens his hair over the shoulders and looks in the mirror.

"Not bad, not bad at all." He says out loud. He looks in the drawer and find a bag labeled "Something Extra" It is some shaped pads. He sees they add to the crotch of his pants and inserts them.

"Now I look real good" He says to the mirror. He goes out to see Mom and Sharon.

"Jim, I hope you like the new clothes. I had the new teen store send over their latest." Mom went on.

Sharon whistles. "My my, but you look good enough to ask out!"

"So ask me out." Jim goes, pleased that Sharon is giving him approval.


Chapter 20: The view from 200 feet

Over the next few weeks, several things happen-

Sharon takes Jim to the dance and they both look fabulous. They hear this new trendy music called "Disco" for the first time

Most homes in the town lease the new home units. Traffic at Hair House is back to a manageable flow, mostly the few men who seem to be inept, women who want special hairstyles and mothers with small boys who want them to get the lengthening treatment which the home units cannot do.

The town barbers and hairdressers are happy. Miss M has bought them out and they can retire comfortably. A few set up shop to provide assistance to people with home units.

Michael and his new friends are arrested for public exposure. They are caught giving "oral stimulation" to the mayor and two deputies. The deputies move in with each other, the mayor decides to run for re-election and Michael is given a suspended sentence. Thereafter, Michael is seen to appear with his mother everywhere, and they are dressed like twins. He is accepted by almost everybody in the town except a few jealous ex wives. There is an ongoing debate as to whether his breasts are real or not. The real question is "Who is taking him to the spring prom?"

Miss M is dating the swim coach who used to be bald. There are new policies for the team, and at an off season team meeting, he hands out the new team bathing caps with the HAIR HOUSE logo.

Jim finds the home unit is acting differently


Chapter 21: A little knowledge can be exciting

Jim is in the dream state , doing his usual number 29. He has just finished the shower , shampoo and condition. The dream has Sharon pulling back from his crotch and smiling at him. She seems to be saying "Do it yourself Jim, you know how." he doesn't know how he is hearing her. He takes off the bracelets and forehead patch.

He steps out of the shower , puts on a robe. He is fully awake and no longer erect. He sits at the vanity and just starts rolling his hair. He is amazed at how he does this, but it just feels right. When he is finished with the rollers, he sees he is erect again. He feels a need to relieve it and goes back in the shower stall, where he turns on the low jets and masturbates into the warm water. He dries himself again and decides to just get dressed instead of sitting under the dryer. He will take the set out in the morning.

Jim had complained to his mother about the new socks falling down, so she got him some new dress socks and new underpants. He put on the underpants, and then pulls on the first sock, which now goes over his knee. The new underpants have clips which attach onto the top of the sock. He does the other sock. He puts on some slippers, and tightens the belt on his robe, which falls to mid thigh. He looks in the mirror to detect some sign of a beard, finds none as usual, not even sideburns.

"At least I won't have to shave my legs until next swim season." He looks at his legs and thinks "It sure isn't growing back as fast as it used too, actually not at all."

He sits down with Mom at the kitchen table, where she is also in a robe and rollers.

"Mom- the home unit made me do this myself. is that right? Do we need a new one?"

"No Jim- when you have done a given style enough times it allows you to take over. You did fine." She looks down "By the way, I'm jealous of your legs- you should wear robes more often"

Jim blushes and goes "Mommmmm, no way I've got better legs than you!!"

She reaches over and hugs him.

"I've been so busy at the shop, I never get to see enough of you. The new nail and makeup programs are a big hit with all the girls, so we are swamped! But our best customers are Michael and his mother."

"Mom, about Michael- do you known if they are real ?- some of the guys want to know." Jim asked.

"Jim, I don't know, even Miss M can't do that, or if she can she sure hasn't told me. I do know no one goes from flat to a C cup in a few weeks without some artificial help. I would bet they are what are called prosthetics, usually for women who lose a breast during surgery. Why- do you want some? I could order them for you, Sharon might like them." She kids Jim.

"No Mom, Michael can have all the fun. I'd rather let the girls have them. Besides, I could never compete with you."

"You are a sweetheart, Jimmie. I do need you to help me tonight with some testing- I see you aren't dressed so I assume you are staying home tonight?"

"Sure Mom, Sharon is out of town with her parents, so I am all yours"

Mom asks Jim to try a new program for the home unit


Chapter 22: Jimmie Homemaker

Mom has Jim take off his robe. She takes a measuring tape and takes measurements of his entire body- height, inseam, torso, chest, waist, neck, arms, wrists on so on. She enters them into the home unit.

"How long is this going to take , Mom?"

" I think about two hours, maybe less."

She leads him into her sewing room, which has bolts of cloth, two sewing machines and all the implements needed for making clothes.

"Jim-I need to see how this works on someone who has never sewn before. That would be you. So you are going to make some clothes which should fit those measurements we just took. Ok?"

Jim is pulling on his robe, and shrugs. "Ok Mom, if it helps your business. But let's keep this to ourselves, huh?"

Mom smiles-"OK Jimmie, I won't tell Sharon. Now put on the bracelets and the patch."

"What am I making?"

"You'll see." Mom turns on the unit.

Jim enters the dream state. The dreams are not erotic at all, just he and his mother sitting together, happy. She is smiling at him approvingly.

He starts measuring and cutting fabric, working hesitantly at first but eventually developing a smooth rhythm. He has all of the pieces and begins putting them together into the final garment.

Mom passes by, and sees Jim, head full of rollers, stockings and garters visible through an opening in his robe bending over the sewing machine.

"My how things change " she thinks to herself, "my son seems perfectly comfortable with all these changes. Miss M was right, men are easily influenced. If it leads to a blowjob, they will accept anything." She giggles and then gets serious. "Sharon's influence needs to be tempered a bit, Jim needs to maintain some independence. I will talk to Miss M about "helping" Sharon adjust to this."

Later , Jim finishes his work. His last step into dream state is to try it on.

Jim is wearing a black cocktail dress and wakes from the dream state. Mom says "Let me zip that up for you"


Chapter 23: Little Black Dress of Horrors

Jim looks around and goes "MOMMMM. IT'S A DRESS!!!!"

"Yes it is and it fits you perfectly. Of course no girl over twelve could wear it but it looks good on you, really shows off your legs.." Mom smiles.


Mom realizes Jim is getting upset and she has to stop kidding him. She hugs him.

"Jim, I never meant for you to be seen in this. We are just testing the sewing program. I must say, you do great work for someone who can't thread a needle."

Jim notices the intricate transparent lace making up the sleeves, the beaded neckline, the spaghetti straps. "Wow, I did this?"

"It is too nice to throw away-just put it into the other side of your closet. We need to check out all of the patterns over the next week. Will you do these? I am asking Sharon to try out the new makeup modules and I'll be doing the new nail programs . We need to get them ready in two weeks."

Jim thought about all of the new money his mother brought home and decided he would pitch in and help.

"Ok Mom, but no one knows but you and Sharon, Promise?"

"Promise, Jimmie. Now I am going to be working late. See you in the morning." She pointed to her nails and left the room.

As Jim walked back to his room, he noticed his erection making a tent in the dress. "My God, Mom saw that the whole time!"

He carefully tried to take the dress off but could not unzip it . He went to get help from his Mom but she was in her workroom, doing her nails in dream state. He guess he was stuck for another hour, so he curled up on the couch and watched TV until Mom was done. At least the dress was comfortable, if a little drafty.

On television, things seems normal to Jim. In all of the shows , women were dressed well, with elaborate hair, the men wore tight pants with padded fronts and long, well cared for hair. There were no beards sideburns or mustaches anymore. There were some very effeminate characters , like Michael, who were outrageous and funny. There was a show on the new young music fashion leader, David Bowie, who appeared in dresses tailored for men, which seemed to be catching on with other groups. There was a documentary on Hair House, with Miss M. Jim got alert.

The Hair House on TV was in Japan. How could Miss M be there?


Chapter 24: Sharon's mistake, Jim Fixation

Over the next few nights, Sharon , Mom and Jim were busy testing the units. Jim filled the empty half of his closet with an assortment of blouses, skirts, dresses, and pantsuits. Sharon spent hours on all kinds of makeup variations. Mom tried every combination of the nail program.

Friday night, they finish dinner.

"Sharon, you and Jim have helped a great deal. I never could have done this without you." Mom said.

"No, this is fun, right Jim?"

"I guess, I've got a closet full of clothes I will never wear, but if it helps Mom, okay."

"Jim- you smell like chlorine- what happened?" his Mom asks.

"After swim trials I got changed. They had just 'shocked' the pool with a triple dose of chlorine after we swam. Some of us guys were playing catch and I slipped and fell in." Jim related

"Well, you need to get out of those clothes and shower before you get started tonight. Okay, sweetie?"

"Okay Mom." Jim answered.

"Jim, we both need to redo our hair and since it's Friday, why don't we match? My choice." Sharon said, smiling at Jim.

"Why not. I was going to stack my programs- hair first, then the sewing, but with a new hairdo, I'll do hair part one, sewing, then hair part 2."

"Can you show me how to do that? It sounds like it saves time." Sharon said.

"Sure, bring your program and I'll show you" Jim said.

"Jim, I want you to make an extra outfit tonight so here are Sharon' measurements, please enter them and make two tonight." Mom says.

"Matching hair and outfits, Jim, you must like me. I've never had a boy make me an outfit before." Sharon laughs.

"This may be the last time" Jim laughs back.

In Jim's bath/dressing room Jim shows Sharon how to set up multiple programs.

"Here, first put in the first hair program, part one into my unit." Sharon does. "Now I'll put in the sewing program like this, see?"

"Yes, now how would I add my makeup program to my unit next?" Sharon says.

"Just add it now" Sharon does. "Now I add hair part two" Jim goes on, "and that's it. And now this deletes the makeup program.

Now I've got to get ready to shower, so why don't you practice once more?"

"Ok Jim" Sharon looks it over and Jim starts to disrobe.

Sharon runs through it one more time but forgets to delete the extra step. "Ok Jim, I'm leaving, you can come out now." Sharon says as she closes the door.

Naked, Jim puts on the patch and bracelets and starts the unit. He showers in the dream state and goes on with the program until he dries off, puts on his underwear , picks some tan stockings from his drawer and puts on his robe. He rolls his hair in a pattern he hasn't done before. He walks to the sewing room. First one outfit, then another over the course of three hours. His dream state has gone from oral sex with Sharon for the hair to cuddling with Mom during the sewing. The unit then overrides the last step of sewing, postponing it until later due to a logic conflict. Jim gets up and wanders past Sharon and Mom who are done, and sitting over tea in the kitchen. He approaches his Mom's vanity, sits down and proceeds to do Sharon's program of 'formal, evening' makeup. Foundation, blusher, lip gloss, mascara, eye liner. Fortunately for Jim, the program assumed that eyebrows were the way the user wanted them already. Sharon and Mom realize something is wrong and get up to watch Jim.

"Oh. no, he is on the makeup program" Sharon groans.

"Well, no permanent damage done" laughs Mom.

"He is going to be soooo mad at me" says Sharon.

"It washes off, Sharon , just do not laugh at him. I know it may be difficult." Mom says, giggling out of control.

"Should we stop him?" Sharon asks.

"Why, it will screw up his whole sequence plus, he is probably enjoying the dream state."

"I'll bet he is" said Sharon.

Neither of them knew that Sharon's preference had been imprinted on this module. Jim's dream state was very different. As Jim sat there, pursing his lips, in rollers, nylon stockings and a robe, he saw...

Himself, in Sharon's fantasy .


Chapter 25: Sex with yourself

Jim was deep in the dream state while he was applying makeup. He saw himself in a white gown and he had large breasts. Two arms encircle his waist and he feels a sense of excitement in his crotch which feels very different, and wet. He turns and is in the arms of Jim, wearing a matching white gown. "Come with me, Jim", Jim goes. He carries Jim to a huge canopy bed overlooking a waterfall. Jim sees Jim suckle his tits, and then realizes Jim is entering Jim. Jim's eyes roll up in their sockets and Jim and Jim go "Yes Yes Yes!!!" in unison.

Jim lays there wanting to cuddle with Jim and Jim sits up and begins to get dressed. "Got any frozen waffles, Jim baby? "Jim asks.

The makeup program ends and hair part two begins. Jim gets up, still in dream state, proceeds back to his own vanity, his face perfect for an evening out. He gets under his dryer and pages through a comic book while he waits. When did Superboy have long blonde hair? and was a sidekick to Wonder Woman?

His dreams are back to Sharon, but this time she is carrying Jim to a large canopy bed and sucking on Jim's tits, while Jim is penetrating her and sucking on her tits. He smiles.

After his hair is dry, Jim finishes the program segment. He takes out the rollers and begins the process of matching Sharon's' hairdo. He pins his hair into an upswept style, with a fall down his back.

The last segment starts, and Jim gets the outfit he made, takes off his robe and steps into it. It is a high neck , full sleeve side slit floor length prom gown in white. Jim , coming out of the dream state says "Mom, can you zip me up?"

Mom, in a calm voice, says "Sure Jimmie- here" and zips him up. Sharon is suppressing an hysterical giggle.


Chapter 26: Sharing with Mom goes too far

Jim looks at Sharon and sees her hair in the same style as his. She looks great in it. "Sharon ,is that what mine looks like? I have looked yet since I woke up" Jim goes.

Sharon gets under control- "Yes Jim, it is, can I try on the dress you made me?"

"Sure, it will look better on you, than this one does on me."

"Jim, you look really good, it is a wonderful dress you made" his Mom says soothingly.

Sharon and Jim, now in the same gown, same hair and same makeup stand next to each other. "You two look like a great prom couple" says Mom.

Jim notices he is wearing makeup. He gets upset but quickly laughs it off. "Sharon, did you screw up the programs?"

"Yes I did , Jim, I'm real sorry but we couldn't stop you. And it was funny."

"I'll bet."

"Jim, since you have come this far, can you test the nail program? I need a totally inexperienced tester and looking at your nails, you are it. It would only take another hour and I'll make it worth your while."

"Oh Jim, it would finish your look, that and a pair of heels." Sharon went on.

"Okay, Mom, but this is the last time"

"Take off the gown, dear, and put on your robe. Sharon, you too. Jim will do yours and his."

One more time Jim puts on the bracelets and patch and once more he is in dream state. While he is adding extensions and painting Sharon's nails a light translucent pink he is dreaming. This time, his mother's fantasy is imprinted.

Jim is in his mother's tight business dress. He has breasts like hers but is still male. Miss M approaches and kisses him fully while squeezing his plump rear end. He gets erect. Miss M smiles and runs her fingers under his skirt and excites him further. She lifts her dress and says "Me first, Jimmie dear" Jim, instead of penetrating her, pulls down her panties and proceeds to orally excite her. It goes on for a long time. Miss M screams "Now you!!" and pushes Jim down. She creates incredible suction and he climaxes. She looks at him and smiles. "Girl on girl is so nice" Jim wakes from the dream. He is visibly shaken. Sharon says "get those nails under the dryers, Jimmie , you did wonderful work"

Jim looks down. His nails have been extended at least an inch and are the same pink as Sharon's. They make his hands look totally different, and very feminine.

Mom is amazed "Jim, you did better than an experienced cosmetics and nail person after she had several tries." She kisses him. "Now Sharon, help him get that face off before he dies of embarrassment or ends up liking it."

Later, after Sharon has gone, Jim is getting ready for bed. He is confronted again with the pullover problem. Mom comes in.

"Jimmie- put on that nightgown set we used last time and I brought you this sleep cap. It will protect you hairdo, okay?"

"Okay Mom."

Mom pulls the large bouffant bonnet over Jims hair, carefully putting his fall into the attached net.

"Mom, what about these?" Jim waves his nails.

"Oh no, I forgot, those. Can we do that in the morning, sweetie? We are both tired."


Jim puts on the nightgown and pantaloons. He carefully positions his net and bonnet so it will keep his style intact and then falls into a deep sleep.


Chapter 27: Twisted Jim

Jim walks over to the other side of his closet. After last night's dreams, he is drawn to skirts and dresses. He puts his hand on his hip, showing off his pink nails, his sleep cap and net still in, wearing his peignoir and pantaloons , walks up and says "No, that would be a bit girly." His hand lingers over a jean skirt, but he turns and picks out padded red pants and a pink shirt, with white stockings. He grabs some half boots with heels and gets dressed. He notices the pants are side zippered. He fixes his hair and heads down to see Mom.

"You were really stunning last night Jim. You make a beautiful looking son." his Mom says.

"Mom, I've got a problem."

"Tell me Jim."

Jim relates his wanting to wear a dress this morning, and the strange dreams he had last night and during using the unit. Mom looks concerned.

Jim also tells her he can't stand the feeling he gets when he wears pants. They make him want to cry.

"Jim, I think something may have gone wrong during dream time when you used Sharon's program. Would you feel more comfortable in a dress now? Until I can talk to Miss M?"

Jim says yes.


Chapter 28: Skirting the issue

"Go pick out a nice skirt, Jimmie. I've got to get something else to help you." Mom goes to her room while Jim goes back and grabs the jean skirt he was fondling before. Mom enters and hands him what looks like white underwear but feels like much heavier, stretchy material.

"It's a panty girdle, Jim. It will keep you under control so your excitement isn't quite so obvious. I think it will fit you ok until we figure this out." Mom goes, smiling her soothing smile at Jim.

She continues "Oh, and you might want to change to some sandals, too, those boots just don't look right." Jim pulls on the girdle. it fits snugly but is not that tight. His erection is eliminated. He grabs some sandals he wears in the summer and straps them on. Mom is on the phone with Miss M, who is in Japan.


Chapter 29: Fixing Jim, stage one

Miss M continues, telling Mom to keep Jim out of school and prepare for a long process.

"We can help him, point him back to his normal path, but I must work closely with you and Sharon and maybe others. What has he done so far?"

Mom relates the discomfort in his pants, the wanting to wear a skirt and then explains the girdle. Also, he had not asked to remove his nails.

"Good, indulge him wherever practical and charge it all to the store. Make him feel happy and accepted and have Sharon do the same but keep him close to home. I will be there in a week. And when I get there, you and Sharon must be prepared to describe your own fantasies to me- " Miss M went on.

"But Miss M, it was Sharon's fantasy that did this, right? Why do you need to know mine?" Mom goes.

"You forgot the nail program. It had been imprinted with your fantasy , so in combination with Sharon's, it seems to have seriously affected Jim. He now has experienced joy by becoming the ones he loves and depends on. Also, please get unused modules for the makeup and nails before any of you use them again. I will fix the imprinting problem later."

"I'll just keep them away from Jim." Mom offered.

"I think that may be difficult if you want to support him. See you in a week!" Miss M hung up.

Mom comes back into the kitchen. Jim is eating cereal and looking at his nails.

"Mom, I need to fix these nails." Jim said.

Mom felt better, maybe the imprinting was not as great as Miss M feared.

"Sure Jim, whatever you want. I can remove them for you." Mom said.

"No, Mom, I was thinking a darker red would look nicer with this outfit, don't you? And I think I can do it myself, even without the unit. May I?" Jim was beaming at his mother, begging for approval.

"That would be lovely, Jimmie. I'll watch and help if you need it."

Later, after the nail session, Mom tells Jim he is staying home from school for an extended period while they wait for Miss M.

"Sure Mom, I can help you around the house. I can even learn to cook if you'll teach me."

Mom hugs Jim. "You are the best son ever" she says. Jim feels very good.

While Jim is cleaning, Mom calls Sharon and fills her in. Sharon giggles.

"He's wearing what? Oh Boy, or maybe Oh Girl! I'll be right over."

"Remember, you are part of this, so make him feel good." Mom warns

"Oh, I think it's cute. Anyway, I have to see this." Sharon goes.


Mom tells Jim Sharon is coming over. Jim shuts down the vacuum cleaner and gets a puzzled look.

"Sharon, coming over , now? I can't see her like this!"

"Jimmie you look fine" Mom goes.

"Let me at least fix my face!" He runs off to his bathroom and closes the door.

Mom turns around and then stops. "Oh no he's going to use the unit for makeup!"

Too late, Jim is already in dream state, enjoying being Jim/Sharon. He is applying a light treatment, some blush, lipstick but heavy on the eyes, like young people tend to do.

Sharon arrives, wearing a sweatshirt and jeans, her face scrubbed and hair in a pony tail. She has just come from a field hockey match.

"You can sit here and wait, Sharon, Jim is fixing his face." Mom goes on, a hint of smile.

"I guess turnabout is fair, I've done it to him often enough." Sharon goes on , laughing.

After fifteen minutes, Jim enters. He has changed into a red long sleeve knee length dress with tan nylon stockings. The girdle has reshaped his butt and he has borrowed some shoes from Mom. His lips match the dress and his nails.

"Hello Sharon, I'm glad you could come." Jim beams, smiling a wide smile.


Chapter 30: Better than a kick in the head

Sharon and Jim spend the afternoon together and Mom leaves them alone. Jim remains passive and fixated on Sharon. Sharon starts necking with Jim on the couch in his bedroom, acting as the more aggressive one. She wants to reach under his dress but decides to wait for Miss M. She does , however , encourage Jim to fondle her breasts under her sweatshirt.

After a while, Mom call up the stairs " Sharon- your Mom wants you home now."

Sharon and Jim disentangle. "Jim- I've gotta go. I'll see you in a few days. And you better fix your face, your lipstick is smeared and your mascara is a mess. "

Jim kisses her goodbye and goes to the makeup stand. He applies corrections without using the unit.

Two days later , Jim is in the kitchen, preparing lunch for his mother. She is due home from work soon. He has tried to wear pants at least three times and gets so depressed he cannot bear it. He is still in a nightgown and panty set, with slippers. His hair is rolled and he has not done his face yet. Mom arrives, carrying many bags from the local department store.

"I've made you a salad, Mom" Jim goes.

"Wonderful, I'm starved" his mother says, setting down her bags and easing into the kitchen chair, mindful of her tight skirt. "I've got some things for you Jim. If you want to wear skirts, you will need these. I can't have you using my things all of the time and a boy needs his own."

Jim opens the bags. There is an assortment of hosiery, ten different girdles, some loose fitting panties, half and full slips, and four full body shapers. There are tights in many colors and some body stockings, as well as several leotards. Then there are a selection of shoes, ranging from everyday flats to four inch heels.

"I assume you can make what ever you want to wear, but you will need these for you to look proper." Mom said.

Jim was wide eyed. "Thank you, Mom, I guess.. I didn't know it was so complicated."

"Only use what you're comfortable with, Jimmie. But the next time you wear an unlined dress- wear a slip, please? "

Jim went on to finish his housework. He and Mom spent the evening at the drive in movies. He had his confused dreams again that night, this time featuring Sharon and Miss M fondling his breasts.

Next morning, after breakfast Jim and Mom are filing their nails at the kitchen table. They are wearing matching nightgowns. Both of them have combed out the number 29 style.

"Mom, do you like having breasts?" Jim asks innocently.

Mom hesitates, wondering where this is going. She decides to follow Miss M's advice and indulge Jim.


Chapter 31: Boobies In Training

After Mom's explanation, Jim seems disappointed.

"What do you want, honey? Anything I can do?" Mom asks soothingly.

"I guess I wish I had at least something to show." Jim whispers.

"You'd have to make new clothes or alter what you got, Jimmie." Mom points out.

Jim brightens "No problem! I can do that.!"

"Ok sweetheart. Let me get the other bag from my room." Mom retrieves another department store bag. She pulls out a selection of "training" bras, some with padding. "I found these and was keeping them for you in case you wanted them. But they have merged the boys and girls clothing together now and are matching the colors. So I found these which match!" She pulls out what look like jockstraps, but the material is soft and smooth.. Stocking garters dangle from the belt. "They call these jockies and I hear all the boys are wearing them."

All this seems to calm Jim. He settles in to a routine of house cleaning, clothing alteration and home schoolwork. He is becoming a reasonable cook. He really likes the feeling he gets when he looks at himself, particularly with the padded bras. The dreams continue. Sharon stops over and they continue to neck aggressively. She loves to snap his bra strap and he blushes every time.


Chapter 32: Miss M has a plan

A few days later Mom, Sharon and Miss M are in the office at Hair House. Jim is in a salon room, trying out different makeup styles.

"Sharon, you have told me your fantasy. I know you must really like Jim, but do you know why he was always wearing a matching dress in your fantasy?. The rest is pretty standard." Miss M asks in a quiet and comforting voice. Sharon has gotten over her embarrassment and goes "I suppose it's because I wanted to him to be safe for me, maybe I wanted some control, so he always wore what I wore." She goes.

"Excellent insight Sharon." Miss M turns to Mom "And would you prefer to discuss your fantasy alone?"

Mom goes "No, we are in this together and I want us to do this right for Jim. He seems happy as he is but I think he should find his path willingly, not just follow our fantasies."

"Yes, I agree. Let me guess about your fantasy. You miss your late husband very much but are a healthy woman with needs. You meet me and decide that some girl on girl sexual release is less like being unfaithful. Yes?" Miss M smiles.

Mom is stunned , hesitates and then goes " I think you are right. I never put it into words, but it feels right."

Miss M goes on.

"We have a good chance at removing Jim's artificial fixation, but it will take time. We must make the fantasy come true for Jim, then he can control the fixation. Sharon, you are seventeen now and this will require you to go down the road to being a woman , maybe faster than you want." Miss M outlines Sharon's role. Sharon's eyes get big.

"If it helps Jim, I will be happy to do it. Besides , it was going to happen soon anyway." Sharon goes. Mom rolls her eyes.

Miss M outlines the plan in detail.

"This should be enough. If not, I have one more trick up my sleeve." Miss M goes.


Chapter 33: Every Girl's Dream Diet

Miss M enters the salon room where Jim is waiting. Mom and Sharon follow in.

"Jim, put on the bracelets and the patch. I want to try out something to help you." Miss M goes.

Jim, eager to please them, complies. He enters the dream state.

"You two help me undress him, then go get the supplies for your house. Meet me back here in two hours." They slip off Jims dress, slip, girdle, jockies, stockings and bra. Sharon looks him over and Mom grabs her and they leave.

Miss M applies a gel over certain parts of his body, rubbing it in until it is dry. She then does the same with another gel to other parts.

Meanwhile, Jim is dreaming of sitting with Sharon and Mom. They are eating all sorts of sweets, cakes, and cookies. There is lots of bread, butter , jams and jellies. They are laughing. He is very hungry. Sharon keeps putting chocolates in his mouth and then kissing him.

He is still under when Mom and Sharon return.

"Did you get it all" asks Miss M.

"Yes. We are all going to regret this, I think, but it'll be fun. " Mom goes.

"Remember, he will be very hungry while the treatment is working, but very tired. Keep him in bed for the next five days, and feed him whenever he wants. Encourage him to eat. Remember to keep him busy after that and always make him feel good about himself. He is deeply conditioned to want to please you both. In a month, we do our role play." Miss M said, a concerned look on her face.


Jim wakes up as Mom is helping him into his dress. "Are we done, yet, Mom" he asks.

"Yes, Jim for now. We are going home. We are all starving."

"I sure am. " Jim goes. They help him to the car. He can barely stand and is wobbly on the three inch heels.


Later, they have Jim in his bed, wearing a loose nightgown. He is catheterized. He can barely move. Sharon is feeding him chocolates and cake. Jim is insisting she take some every time he does. Later, Mom takes over, sitting with him and feeding him a constant procession of snacks. Jim falls asleep.

Sharon is in the kitchen with Mom. "This high fat, carbohydrate diet is going to kill me. I can feel my thighs expanding" she laughs.

"I said we would regret it but we need to do it for at least ten days. Besides, just take very small bites. He doesn't notice." Mom says.

"But I love chocolate. It's so hard to not eat it all!!"


On the fifth day, Mom helps Jim out of bed . He can walk with some assistance. She can see he has gotten pudgy in certain areas. As she guides Jim into the bathtub, she notices he is at least an A cup. Also, his hips and buttocks seem to have gotten some added padding, but his stomach is still flat, although his muscle definition has softened to a smooth layer of fat. Jim is still barely awake. She washes him and then starts on his hair, which has gotten very dirty. Jim seems to be gaining focus. She wraps Jim's hair into a turban and then gets Jim out of the tub. She puts on his robe.

"Wait here , Jim."

Mom goes to Jim's closet and replaces his bras with new ones which will fit him. The girdles he has will be fine for now. She comes back out and Jim is standing.

"I think I've gained some weight, Mom." Jim goes.

"Yes Jim, laying in bed for five days will do that. You need to recover your strength so don't worry about that . You can always swim it off later."

Since this had always been true, Jim did not worry.

A few days later, Sharon and Jim are sitting on the sofa, watching TV. Jim is in a peignoir, Sharon is in jeans and sweatshirt and they have just set each others hair. Jim is still constantly hungry but is starting to worry about getting fat. Sharon is feeding him potato chips while she is fondling his B cup breasts. Sitting on his expanded butt still feels a bit funny to Jim.

"Sharon, do you think I'm fat? " Jim asks.

Sharon, staying with the plan, responds "No Jimmie, you look delicious. I'm the one getting fat. My Mom made me wear a girdle today and told me to lose some weight. Besides, don't you like it when I do this?" She rubbed her fingertip over Jim's nipple. Jim does not want to argue.


At the end of ten days, Jim is moving around more and more. He has started making clothes for himself and Sharon, who has gone up two sizes. His appetite is gone. He has his hair pinned up and is wearing a silk blouse and skirt combination, with black stockings and sandals. Mom is in the kitchen.

"Jim, you seem to be recovered and we have all gained weight while you were getting better. I have had to buy new clothes and wear a body shaper for the first time! We are all now on a better diet.! Okay? Sweetie?"

"Fine Mom, I am tired of sweet stuff anyway. Do you think I'm fat? I can barely fit into this bra."

Jim's C cups were bulging out of the bra. His skirt wrapped around his rear and showed it off nicely. Jim's Mom needed to deflect his concern and did so with misdirection and admiration.

"Oh Jim- yes, you are a little pudgy there, but very little. Look at your stomach! Fat men get bellies and yours is flat! Just go on this diet with me and we will both slim down. Plus, you wanted to wear the bras, now you have a little something to put in them and it compliments your clothes. Plus, Sharon seems to like them. " Jim blushed. Mom continued." I don't think we need to worry about a little baby fat, Jimmie. Let me get you something which fits a little better until you can swim again."

Mom can always calm Jim down. He goes off to do more sewing, needing a "little more room up top and below" in his outfits.


Chapter 34: Things that big cannot be denied

After three weeks had gone by, Jim had replaced his wardrobe and adapted to his new body parts. Every time he brought up a concern to Mom or Sharon about his breasts, they told him he was beautiful, they loved him and don't worry, it would all go away when he got better and could exercise again. He had been back to Hair House for more dream sessions with Miss M, and they always made him feel better. However, he still could not bring himself to wear men's clothing. Which was just as well, since he could not fit into any of his boy stuff anymore, anyway.

He could barely remember what things were like just weeks ago, before he and Sharon had gone to Hair House. Most of his friends, while they had longer hair than they had before, had not changed very much. They played the same games, did the same things, with a few concessions to keeping their hairstyles intact. Other than occasionally seeing a group of boys in rollers walking down the street, not much had changed. The girls seemed a bit girlier, but that was changing too as the novelty wore off. People no longer played with hair styles every day and comfort and convenience were becoming higher priority. A lot of men could now cut their hair after the lengthening process wore off and many went to shorter styles, usually just below the ear.


Jim was eating a sandwich when he suddenly felt ill. Sharon was with him and watched him slowly fall asleep on the sofa. She and Mom had been expecting this and were waiting for Jim to get the last effect. She made Jim comfortable, unbuttoned his dress and removed it, along with all of his clothes except his jockies and stockings. She looked at his breasts and realized they were the same size as hers. She knew that his Mom had bought Jim bras which minimized their size. She called Mom and Miss M.

Jim was dreaming of Sharon. She was holding him very close and whispering in his ear. He could not make out what she was saying.

Within twenty minutes Mom arrived. She and Sharon got Jim into his bed.

"What happens now?" asked Sharon.

"We make sure we are there when he wakes up. We do not make a big deal about what's happened, tell him we are think he looks good and make sure if he has a concern we ignore it as if it would be silly to be worried." Mom smiled.

Jim woke up the next morning. He had an ache in his chest. He looked down and could not see anything but the peignoir. Mom and Sharon were looking at him.

"Are you ok Jim? You were sleeping so peacefully." Mom said.

Jim got up slowly, the peignoir trailing him in a flow of gauze. "My chest hurts."

Mom unties the nightgown. She looks at Jim's chest. He now has D cup breasts with somewhat smallish male nipples.

"It looks fine from here Jim." Mom goes soothingly.

Jim looks at his hooters and goes "These are huge! Look at these!"

"Calm down, Jim, they do look a little bigger, I guess. What do you think, Sharon?" Mom goes, as calmly as she can.

"Look fine to me, Jim. What's the problem?" Sharon says, in a total deadpan manner.

Jim is exasperated. "These are real boobs! I'm as big as you Mom! Bigger than Sharon!"

"I guess you are, Jim." Mom goes calmly- "I have some bras which should fit you fine. I would be happy to share with you."

"Wow, my boyfriend has bigger ones than me! That's great!" Sharon goes on, suppressing a smirk.

"I HAVE BOOBS!" Jim whines.

"Yes, you do Jim. Let me get you a brassiere right now. Those will need support and I'll bet they are tender." Mom leaves to get the bra.

Sharon goes " Jim, what's the surprise? You wanted to wear bras, so you did . You gained weight because you ate all that junk food and the fat had to go somewhere. Besides, I enjoy them and I thought you liked that." Sharon lets out a calculated sob.

Jim is resigned. Mom comes back with a black underwire bra and helps Jim into it. His breasts look even more impressive. "Time for new clothes, Jim. I called Miss M and she wants to see you I two days. I think you should wear something nice.: Mom says in her sweetest tone.



Chapter 35: What Price Fantasy?

Jim finds having a large rack takes some getting used to. Sleeping is a challenge and he needs a sleep bra. Getting up suddenly is tricky until he gets used to his new center of mass. He spends the next day just adjusting his wardrobe or making new outfits.


Sharon shows up the following day and says "Jim- get ready, we are taking a walk over to see Miss M! It's time you went outside the house.!"

"What are people going to say? I am afraid.." Jim babbles.

"They are going to say-'Wow, Sharon's boyfriend is stacked!" Are you ashamed of me?" Sharon goes.

"No, but..."Jim stammers

""Well I want to show you off. Everybody is asking about you."

"Yes Jimmie. You should get out. Now go get dressed in something nice." Mom chimed in.

Jim says "Okay, give me two hours and I'll be ready." He goes upstairs.

Sharon and Mom chuckle. "I remember when he took two minutes" Mom says wistfully.


They proceed to sit and gossip over tea. Mom is going shopping and Sharon is dropping Jim off and then playing volleyball. She is wearing her uniform under her sweatshirt and pants. Her hair has been cut back to shoulder length and is tied back.


Jim comes down two hours later. He is wearing a short black dress which is very low cut, showing his considerable cleavage with fishnet stockings and black pumps with a four inch heels .It accentuates the curve of his girdled hips and rear. He has a fur wrap around his shoulders and his hair is in his favorite number 29 with some brushed over his exposed breast. He is wearing elegant makeup, very subdued and his nails are dark red , at least an inch long. He has on a pearl necklace and has borrowed some clip on earrings from his mother, which dangle from his ears. He smells like Chanel.

"I'm ready Sharon." Jim says, looking to her for approval.

Mom is smiling- she had gotten the mink wrap yesterday for him to make him feel better about himself. It seems to have helped.


Jim and Sharon walk through town. Some people stop, and Sharon introduces Jim. They are first surprised, but welcome him back. A lot of boys stop and gawk as Jim walks down the street on Sharon's arm.


Halfway to Miss M's, a limousine pulls up. Michael gets out with his mother. They are dressed in identical skirted suits with frilly blouses. Michael has redone his hair in a more sensible length and it is swept in an updo, just like his mother. His breasts are actually bigger than his mothers, which may be the only way to tell them apart.

"Sharon darling, tell me this is the long lost Jimmie!" Michael squeals.

"Hello Michael." Says Jim. He extends his hand. Michael takes it, get a mischievous gleam, and kisses Jims hand.

"I usually let my men do this, but I stand in awe of you, Jim. You are going to be incredible competition I can see."

"Michael, I am happy to see you. It has been a while. It would be good to spend some time." Jim goes.

"I must go now. Maybe sometime." Michael departs after everyone has met his mother.


Miss M is waiting and Sharon goes on the her game.

"You wanted to see me, Miss M. Can you help me?" Jim goes, sitting in Miss M's office , legs crossed carefully.

"Yes, Jimmie, as soon as your mother told me what happened I had to see you. It is a rare event when a boy flowers as lovely as you have and I get a look at you. You look very beautiful, my dear."

Jim is confused. "That's all? You called me here to tell me I'm lovely? Thank you, but I was hoping for more."

"Be calm, dearie. All of us have been working to help you for weeks now. I need you to be totally open with me if this is to work. Can you do that?"

Jim agrees. She asks him about the dreams, in detail. He is embarrassed, but tells it all.


"Jim, here is what you must do. For the next week, you must go out, go to school and enjoy the way you are now. Have fun with it. Then, on Saturday, you come here with Sharon and your mother, dressed with whatever is comfortable to you. Also, make a pair of men's pants which fit you and bring them with you. Any style will do. "

"Men's pants which fit me? That could be a challenge" Jim goes, patting his rump.

"I'm sure you can do it, Jim. Now, here are two sewing programs. Make two of each of these and bring them also.


Chapter 36: Endgame

Jim went back to school and found he was accepted. Most of the girls had been primed by Sharon and they threatened severe social displeasure on any boy harassing him. His swim teammates and coach welcomed him back and he spent some happy time in the locker room socializing. He was still in no shape to begin exercising, Miss M told him, besides, the team uniform was a bit too revealing, being a men's brief. A few of his teammates wanted to feel his tits. Jim remembered what it was like and agreed to a "look but don't touch, one time only" flash of hooters in the locker room for the team. He attended classes and in a compromise with the principal used the girls restroom , as it had the facilities for maintaining his appearance. He and Sharon spent a lot of time together. By the end of the week, Jim was feeling very happy and was also considered a fashion leader.


Saturday came and the three of them descended on Hair House, which had been reserved just for them.

Miss M met them inside.

"Please come in. Jim, we all care for you and want to help. If you do what I ask for the next few hours, relax and go along with anything that happens, things will get better for you. If anything feels unnatural, follow your heart. Will you do that?" Miss M intoned. She waited patiently.

"Yes" Jim answered.

"Are you happy as you are?" She asked back.

"Yes, Miss M. I feel wonderful." Jim answered. He had not realized the answer until now.

"Do you want to go back to what you were?"

"I can't go back. But I want to go forward." Jim answered.

"You have learned a lot more than most boys ever learn." Miss M smiled. "Let us begin."

Miss M led Sharon and Jim into another room and then hooked both of them up to the same unit. Before she turned it on, she asked them to put on the clothes Jim had prepared, two identical white gowns. After they were ready she turned on the unit. Mom walked in and joined her.

"Do you have it ready" Miss M asked Mom.

"Yes, just tell me when." Mom answered.

Both Sharon and Jim were sharing a dream state, Sharon's fantasy. At first, Sharon caresses Jim and takes him to bed, lifting his gown, kissing and sucking his breasts and then going lower. Jim explodes and Sharon smiles. They lay down close to each other. Then the roles are reversed. Jim takes Sharon to bed, lifts her gown and starts with kisses on her breasts and then continues elsewhere. Sharon's body is wracked with pleasure. There is a brief pause where they are frozen, staring at each other, then they resume. Jim penetrates Sharon who, while a virgin, has little trouble. They both climax and the dream fades. They sleep.

"Did you get it on in time?" asks Miss M.

"Yes" says Mom, holding a dripping condom. She disposes of it and washes her hands.

"Nobody can do it like seventeen year olds" says Miss M, in a very uncharacteristic comment. Mom laughs.


They move the sleeping Sharon to another room. They change Jim's clothes to the second outfit he made, a skirted business suit in hot pink. Miss M puts on the copy in her size.

"Did you know what to do?" Miss M asks Mom.

"Yes-hit the button and don't interfere. I know." Mom says.


Jim is jolted to a second dream. It is his mother's fantasy. He and Miss M are together in very sexy pink suits. He notices his boobs are bigger than hers. Miss M approaches him, fondling his breasts. He responds by lifting her skirt and using his tongue to good advantage. This goes on for about twenty minutes. Miss M is clutching onto furniture and sweating visibly. She lets out a huge "YESSSS" and then collapses. Jim smiles and then Miss M gently leads him to the bed. She fondles his breasts and proceeds to give Jim the best oral gratification he will ever know. As Jim is spent, Miss M says in a quiet but firm voice, "Jim, girl on girl is wonderful, but girl on boy is incredible." She smiles. And lets Jim drift off.

Jim dreams on. His Mother comes into his dream. She is wearing a nightgown. "Jim, how are you? Come cuddle with me."

Jim gets up and sits on the sofa with Mom, He lays his head on her breast and she runs her fingers through his hair. He feels content.

"Jimmie, do you like girls?" his dream Mom asks.

"Yes I do Mom."

"Do you like boys?"

"Not as much as girls. But I think a lot of boys like me. I guess I look good to them." Jim says quietly.

"Do you want to be more like a boy again?" she asks.

"Yes I do, but maybe I can't. I'm confused. ."

"Take off your skirt, Jim and try on these pants" Mom goes, holding up the pants Jim had made.

In the dream state, Jim removes his skirt and slip, along with his heels.

He pulls on the pants, which are made to accommodate his hips and rear.

"How do they feel, Jim? Like they used to?" Mom asks.

Jim looks around. The pants feel strange. He doesn't feel the depression he used to, just an uncomfortable feeling, like he was wearing the wrong thing.

"No Mom. They feel wrong, but I can wear them if I have to. I would like to put my skirt back on." Jim whines.

"Go ahead, Jimmie, put on your skirt." Mom goes. There is a pause and Mom wakes up. Jim is standing there having just finished dressing, still in the dream..

"I was afraid of this. " Miss M goes.

"I guess I have a daughter who loves me. At least we made him feel ok about himself." Mom says wistfully.

"I have one last trick. Someone will pay a high price but I think it is worth a try. Please leave and go wake Sharon up and help her clean up. It was her first time, after all, even if she was in dream state."

Mom looks at Miss M and decides she can trust her son to her. She leaves for Sharon's room.


Chapter 37: Last Chance

In the dream, Jim is down to bra, jockies and stockings. He is laying on the big bed, by the waterfall. He is blindfolded, gagged and tied to the bed with velvet straps. He feels a hand removing his bra and jockies.

"Sshhhh!" is all he hears.

A tongue works his breasts and on down. He gets erect and after a few minutes, he cannot hold it. Somebody is doing an expert job and he releases.

The blindfold is removed. He sees Michael, hair and makeup askew, stripped to bra and a half slip smiling.

"Jimmie, I've always wanted to do that. Did you like it? I've been told I'm very good. I doubt I can match Miss M but I know I am very good. Please don't try to answer- the gag is to make sure you listen to me."

Jim grunts inside the gag.

"Come Jim, nod yes if you liked it. It doesn't make you queer. You didn't know who was doing it. It could have been a trained dog, for all you knew."

Jim nods.

"That's an honest answer. Ok. I'm going to tell you a secret. Do you know who was my fantasy from the first day we all came to Hair House?" Michael goes on.

Jim shakes his head no.

"It was you silly! I always loved you. Now I get to find out if my fantasy can come true. Frankly , you and I could go well together as you are now. I need someone who understands the life we lead. Do you want me like I want you? Please nod yes." Michael pleaded.

Jim looked at Michael, one of his oldest friends. He thought of Sharon and Mom and Miss M. He decided.

He shook his head no.


Michael. looked like he expected it. "Oh well, I guessed you would do that. You and Sharon were meant to be together. Now I'll never get to look down on your smiling face whenever I get my hair done. Bye bye!" Michael walked off.


Jim woke up a few minutes later. He sat up. Mom was there.

"How are you Jim?" she asked. She looked very concerned.

"I'm fine. Where are those pants, I want to go home and shower. I'm going to need to make a bunch more of these."

Jim pulled on the pants. He felt at ease. He looked at the skirt.

"Mom, these pants look ridiculous with this blouse , right?"

"Yes Jim, they do, but it doesn't matter." Mom smiled.

"Well, if it's all the same to you, I'll wear the outfit home that I wore here. Then I'll find something that looks right with the pants." Jim smiled.



Miss M and Mom were having tea while waiting for Jim and Sharon to come home. It was a month after the dream process.

"Did it work, Miss M?" Mom asked.

"Yes, we all paid a price. Sharon gave up her safety net of demanding Jim be controllable. You gave up a feeling of guilt, I gave up my rule of ever getting close to my clients. But Michael was the best friend Jim will ever have. He gave up his fantasy and now will never see Jim again. He did not have to do that. He was the bravest one there as he exposed all of his feelings, knowing he would be rejected."

"And Jim?"

"Jim gained it all. He has no fixation on what he wears and he has learned a lot of skills, but mostly a life lesson in growing up. Plus he and Sharon found each other. He can wear pants but will probably wear dresses until he loses the extra weight. He will wear what feels right. When he loses the bust and butt, he will be very comfortable in shirts and pants."

Jim and Sharon burst in, cheering.

"Jim placed third. He is almost up to his old time!" Sharon went on.

Jim is smiling He is stepping out of his sweats and is in his new team suit. He has lost a good bit of the weight. He had kept his hair and it hung in a braid down his back. Mom looked him over.

"The suit fits you well, Jim. You've gone through three of them."

Jim stood there in his one piece suit. He had lost half of the weight on his rear and hips, so the curves were less pronounced. His still had C cup breasts, which were filling out the cups of the suit. Sharon sat down while Jim ran upstairs to change. He came down in jeans and a transparent blouse, which showed his bra clearly.

"Hi Mom, your son is halfway there."

Miss M smiled.


What's after Epilogue?

Miss M said "I have an announcement."

Everyone paid attention.

"Hair House is closing, worldwide. My time here is done. I have enjoyed it, but it is time to go. Also, all the home units are shutting down. The leases are all closed. They will stop functioning tonight."

Everyone is stunned.

"But why" Sharon says.

"I can only tell you this much. My people needed to observe how certain cultural changes worked out. We chose this time and place, this reality. We intervened and now we stop. Things have been returning to normal around you. At best we can gently disturb a reality but it moves back into shape by itself.

However I give you a gift and some advice. Here are three units -they do hair, makeup, nails and other things you will discover. They also grow hair and other things unlike the old home units. They are self powered and should last well past your lifetimes, which I know will be interesting. "

" Now - the advice- Sharon- stay with Jim as long as you both are happy. Mrs Brunner, Carolyn , follow your heart." She kisses Mom on the lips.

"Jim- remember what you know about yourself. You will travel far and sometimes alone. And , if you keep swimming for two more weeks, you will not need that brassiere. But, if you ever gain a lot of weight again, you better keep your other wardrobe handy. I had to rebalance where your body deposits fat and that will stay with you. So , if you want Jimmie to come back, he is just a few candy bars away. Bye now."

Miss M just popped out of reality.


The next year , Jim and Sharon are seniors. Jim has stayed slim and masculine except for an occasional Sharon inspired hairdo session.

"Jim the class is going to Europe this summer after graduation and I was thinking we could go as a couple if...." Sharon says, smiling sweetly.

"If what ? " Jim asks, trying to guess what's coming.

"If Jimmie and I signed up together." Sharon hands Jim a large box of chocolates. "You only have a month to get ready, start eating."



"Police Academy 4 was so necessary, there were so many unanswered questions in the first three." Bobcat Goldthwait

What else can the unit's do?

Who are Miss M's people and what do they really want?

What does Miss M's advice to Jim foreshadow?

Who did take Michael to the Prom?




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