Crystal's StorySite

Rainbow - Copyright 2000 by Samantha Michelle

Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand and accept different lifestyles. Before they learn from bad experiences.

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Finally, this is a piece of adult fiction. If you are underage, or if you find it offensive, please go elsewhere. Quickly.


Rainbow                    by: Samantha Michelle


It was the beginning of my sophomore year, and I was trying to be the big little guy on campus. The high school campus. And getting nowhere. My sister and her friends were thoroughly tired of my attempts to catch them undressed. I could not get to first base with the easiest girl in the school. And my face was breaking out like a lava field.

I had an incredible interest in girl's underwear, and the girls who wore them. But they treated me like a fungus. The girls, that is. Partly because I was so little. You know it's bad when a freshman says you look just like her kid brother. The one in grade school. The only things I had going for me were I was really intelligent, could out-swim a fish, and had thick, really long hair that got me at least a little attention from the female side of the world. So I managed to get really decent grades despite everything. I made the swimming team. And I still didn't get dates.

One of my acquaintances, since I had few friends, asked if I had ever worked with a miniature camera that connected to a computer. "Dig this!" He pulled out something about the size of a golf ball. "All you do is hook it to a serial port and a power supply, and you get really good pictures. My Dad uses them all the time to set up store security systems. This one has a broken mount, so he gave it to me." My mind went into overdrive.

"Mind if I borrow it for a few days?" I think I was drooling.

"No problem, you can have this one, I've got several more." As he walked away I had evil thoughts dashing through my head. I almost failed a test in chemistry, which would have been a first. Mar, actually Marcie, my older sister, Lisa, and Nancy, her two closest friends, were chatting away in her room when I got home. When they saw me they closed and locked Mar's door. I went searching for a long serial cable.

Friday Mar went to Lisa's for a sleepover. Mom and Dad went to a show. I raided Dad's shop for tools. By the time anyone got home, the camera was concealed in the trim above her closet, and the wires ran through the wall to my computer. I had it set for a really good view of her bed. So I shut down the computer, and jerked off in a pair of her undies to thoughts of my own private strip show.

Saturday I missed her, and the same happened Sunday. I was so mad I was spitting. Pictures of Mar sleeping, cuddled up with a stuffed animal were not what I wanted. So I worked on my graphics program, and figured out how to get my computer to store a series of pictures automatically. And came down with the flu. So I was off the computer and onto the toilet until the weekend. When Mar announced that Saturday Lisa and Nancy were spending the night, I sneezed Jell-O out my nose. Mom made me go to bed really early, but I left the computer on, and hoped for the best.

Sunday I was well enough to do homework, and with Mom in and out of my room, I was afraid to see what I had collected. Sunday night I found what I was looking for. Three very good looking girls (Mar is really built) running around in their underwear. Lisa took off her bra, and I discovered she was wearing a lot of padding. Nancy had big, heavy boobs. And unless the camera was lying, she was shaved down there. I was so horny I shook, but I managed to remove all the extra pictures, and store the good ones in a hidden directory. Then I took care of the backpressure.

By the end of the week, I could give a good description of how Mar got dressed, and what she did with a funny looking round thing that took batteries, which she kept hidden in drawer. I was walking like a peg-legged pirate most of the time. My grades were not doing well, (that meant anything less than an A) so Mom was all over my case the next weekend, and all the week after. Soon I was caught up, and Mar had another sleepover planned. So I reprogrammed my computer, and on Friday night I let it run. My eyeballs almost fell out Saturday night when I checked the pictures. I had heard of girls doing other girls, but one of them was my sister, and she looked like she loved every minute of it.

So my collection of pictures grew, and I fantasized a lot about joining them. But I still didn't have a date. It was almost Christmas when I dropped a box of books on my toe, and Mom took me to the emergency room for x-rays while Mar was having a sleepover. I was in so much pain it never dawned on me that Mar might do anything with my computer. With the monitor off, nothing was visible anyway.

I learned much later that Mar's computer was having trouble reading a disc on which they had some homework files, so she decided that since I was out, she would use mine. When she turned on the monitor, she found herself looking at her own room on the screen. So they searched my computer, and found my picture collection. It would have been better it they had told Mom and Dad. Or strangled me.

It was several weeks later that my little camera stopped working. I found something inside had burned up, so I carefully cleaned up my stuff, and enjoyed the pictures I had collected. It was about this time that the doctor prescribed some new medicine for my face. It seemed to help a little, but it put me into a super-sound sleep that even an ice cube on the back would not interrupt. I guess I should have been suspicious when Mar found out, and grinned evilly.

One morning the next week I woke with both cheeks of my butt aching. But I could find nothing wrong, so I did some exercises, and it seemed to help. Two weeks later my face started to really clear up. But I was feeling weird. Sometimes happy, sometimes crying for no reason. And I was not as horny all the time. And again I woke up with my butt sore. By February my face was completely free of blemishes, and my skin felt really smooth and soft. And I seemed to have stopped gaining hair on my face and body. Which was fine, because it was swimming season, and I usually shaved it all off in hopes of gaining a slight edge.

My chest itched, and my nipples seemed to be getting bigger and darker. But I ignored it, figuring it must be the medicine Mom was giving me. They had said that temporary breast enlargement was a possible side effect. Mom noticed, and the doctor reduced my dose. I got teased at swimming practice, until the coach informed the others that I was taking medicine that caused the problem, and that if they made fun of me they were off the team. He found me a girls top to hide things at meets, and I really liked the way it felt, so I wore it whenever I swam.

In late March I realized my hips, legs, and butt were getting bigger, and stronger. And I was actually getting smaller around the waist. But I was still swimming fine, and Mom did not notice, especially since I was now wearing a psuedo-baggie look that could hide a small car. I again woke up one morning with my butt sore. For some reason it always seemed to happen when Mar was having a sleepover. It was the end of April when I went back to the doctor for a follow-up on my acne medications. He took one look at me naked, and came unglued. They took a lot of blood, and stopped my medications. Mom was really upset, but Mar simply laughed when she heard I was starting to look like a girl.

It was at the follow-up the next week that the doctor said I had a hormone imbalance, and that I needed to be checked monthly. He also told my Mom that I would probably grow to look a lot more like a girl before they could get my hormones back in balance. She cried all over me. Mar suggested I wear a skirt, so I could bend over and the boys could look at my panties. She got grounded for a week. By early June the doctor said my hormone levels were very slowly improving. But I now had a big butt and hips, and jiggled painfully when I walked. The doctor and Mom recommended a bra, and I finally agreed. But that was all. Whatever was wrong, I was still a boy, and boys did not wear girls clothes unless they were weird, or gay.

Mom and dad sent me to see a counselor, saying I needed help in handling my changes. The counselor kept trying to tell me that I should consider dressing in girls' clothes and learn to live with my being different. I made suggestions she become something less disgusting and disappear. And I continued to change. By the early August I had a figure almost as good as Mar's. My voice had quit breaking, and was stuck at a high alto. So I was taken to a hospital where they ran a bunch more tests. Three days after I got home, Mom and Dad called a family meeting. I will never forget that evening. Dad did the announcements. Mom held me. Mar just sat back and laughed, at least at first.

"Brandon, we received a full report from the specialists today. There is both good and bad news." I stared at Dad. I was already miserable. And the good news lately had only been less bad. "The good news is that it appears your hormone levels should, if things continue the way they are going, be back to normal by this Christmas. I had gathered this from what the doctors at the hospital had said. "And you are in excellent health. They were really happy to tell us that it appears your male organs are functional, just quite a bit smaller than normal." Mar giggled, and Mom's scathing look shut her up. It didn't seem to matter. Girls would never even consider someone who was a freak like me.

"The bad news is that the changes cannot be reversed without major plastic surgery and special hormone therapy. And there is a chance that the hormones could damage your heart and liver at the needed doses." Mar screamed, and ran out of the room sobbing. Mom chased her down, and brought her back in. I was still staring at Dad, the shock slowly working it's way into my brain. He began again.

"They can't do anything until your hormone levels have been stable for several months. When I asked how effective the surgery and hormones would be, they were not overly optimistic. Their opinion is that they can probably make you look like a boy again, but you will always be small and somewhat feminine. The surgery will also mean many weeks in the hospital, and the cost won't be covered by our insurance." He looked pained "They estimated the whole procedure will cost almost fifteen thousand dollars."

"Brandon, I've already called your counselor, and she wants to see you tomorrow morning. Your mother will take you." He looked at me with pain in his eyes. "Please work with her. It's your life that we are trying to make better, not ours." I nodded, and silently made my way to my room. Sleep was hard coming. I liked girls. I hated almost being one.

The next morning Mom had a splitting headache, but took me to my appointment anyway. She said it was a two-hour appointment, and she would be back to pick me up. She gave me a hug, winced and held her head, then left. I got the same briefing from my counselor. And a push to accept how I looked, and to quit fighting against my body. It was not a pleasant session; neither of us was willing to give an inch.

Mom was not there when the appointment ended, and I waited for an hour, wondering where she was. My counselor saw me sitting, and after finding Mom was supposed to have picked me up, she went into her office, saying she would call my Dad. When she came out, her face was white, and her expression scared me. She woodenly told the person who was supposed to be next that she would have to reschedule, and asked me into her office. When she closed the door, she held me.

"Brandon, I just talked to your father." Her voice was breaking "Your mother died of a brain hemorrhage about an hour ago. There was nothing anyone could do. I'm sorry." I stared up at her, and felt my world falling apart around me. She held me until I finally cried myself out. Then she took me in her car to the hospital, and stayed with me until Dad was able to take over. We met Mar at home, and when she heard, her screams sounded like knives. Mar and I wound up holding onto each other while Dad notified relatives. Two days later they held the funeral. Dad was a wreck. Mar and I looked like we felt. Awful. We hugged a lot of relatives. And went home to a horribly empty house.

Dad was despondent for the next couple of weeks. I kept going to my counselor, and refusing to talk, getting more depressed every day. Mar looked haunted every time she saw me. Finally when Dad was out, she grabbed me and pulled me into her room. And told me why I had turned into a girl. About her and her friends finding the pictures on my computer. And how they had somehow gotten some slow release female hormones, and given me shots while I was sleeping. "We just wanted to teach you a lesson for taking those awful pictures, but we thought that when the hormones wore off, everything would go back to normal. We never meant to make it permanent." She broke down completely, and I held her until Dad got home.

For some reason I didn't tell him. She did. I guess I figured it was as much my fault as Mar's. I went into my bedroom, and erased all the pictures. We cried on each other's shoulders again when I told her the pictures were permanently gone, then she looked at me, and wailed that she wished she could change me back that easily.

I had one appointment left with my counselor before school was due to start. It lasted five minutes. I told her to shove her ideas. And walked out as she told me not to come back. Dad was upset, but I said I wanted everyone else out of my miserable life. He looked really worried. When I got home I barricaded myself in my room. And thought. The next afternoon I grabbed Mar, and told her what I was going to do.

Mar was putting the finishing touches of clear polish on my chipped nails, as tears leaked from the corners of her eyes. "Brandon, are you sure you want to go through with this, I mean, like, the doctors said that with plastic surgery and a year or two of male hormones you will be able to pass for a boy again."

"Mar, you know what else they said. Weeks in the hospital, risky surgery, huge medical bills. And the very real possibility that the hormones would damage my heart and liver. And for what? A chance to look like a sissy for the rest of my life?" I shook my head. "Like it or not, and I don't, I'm stuck like this. You and your friends did way too good a job."

"We never intended it to be permanent, it just..."

"The way to hell is paved with good intentions. And you guys laid down a really good piece of concrete."

I watched as she ran crying out of my room. I had hurt her. But I didn't feel any better. I was still undecided about facing my future. Mar really did not understand. And I had been very careful that no one knew of my other option. What was it my counselor said as she told me not to come back? Quit wallowing in self pity and get a life? I looked in the mirror. A very plain teenage almost-girl looked back, the pain of living twisting her face.

I looked at my room. Books, my computer, the sports trophies I had won before they turned me into a... a freak. A pair of shoe laces holding my last flying model to the ceiling. I remembered getting laughed at when I took it to the field last week, dressed as much like a boy as my body would allow. "Fags don't fly airplanes", was all I heard as they ran me off. From the beginning I steadfastly refused to dress in any way like a girl. Except wearing a bra because it HURT if I didn't.

Mar came back in, and stared at me. She looked awful, and I wanted to rub her face in it again. But it wouldn't come out, and I held myself and slowly collapsed to the floor, whimpering. She picked me up and carried me downstairs. Dad was sitting on the couch, watching, as she carefully set me in the big recliner. He looked exhausted, and I knew it was partly because of me.

"Brandon, I spoke with your counselor today, and she said it was pointless for you to continue. She recommended that I have you hospitalized, so you can receive medications and much more intensive therapy."

I had sort of expected this. I stared tiredly at him.

"You. And only you, are making your life miserable." I started to say something, but he indicated quiet. "Neither your sister or I can change the past. If I could, your mother would be here to help you through this." I could see the pain in his eyes. Mom's sudden death had devastated him. "And the longer you spend trying to be something you're not, the worse it's going to get."

"I'm not trying to be anything. I'm a dammed freak, a boy stuck in a girl's body. I look, move, sound, and dammit, even smell funny. I've got no friends, people treat me like I've got AIDS, and..."

"And you are throwing another pity party." I shut up. He was right, but there was so much pain... "Because you are afraid to face the fact that under that cute girlish exterior there is a wimpy little kid who needs to grow up."

"I am not a dammed sissy wimp!"

"Really? Then why are you refusing to face reality? Scared of the big bad boogie-man? Afraid someone will figure out that you are so insecure about who you are, not what you are, that you might pee yourself? Terrified of actually being human and caring because it might make you look weak?"

I stared at him, and tried to scream "NO", but nothing came out. My head hurt. And suddenly I felt very sick. I sagged to my knees, managed to grab a wastebasket, and vomited until I was dehydrated and raw. When I finally looked up, they were staring at me.

"Had some trouble stomaching the truth?" He did not sound sympathetic. I got sick again. When I looked up a second time, Mar was standing there with a glass of water and a towel. Dad was still on the couch. He looked worse than I felt, and I knew he was close to breaking. I carefully rinsed the bile out of my mouth, and cleaned myself up.

Dad stared at me. "Brandon, I talked with Lisa's dad about you yesterday." I gave him a pained glance. Lisa was one of the conspirators who helped Mar made me into a girl. Her father was a research psychologist, who I was certain did not know about her involvement. Mar's eyes were wide open in fright. "He told me that your problem has nothing to do with how you look. It is how you look at yourself. He asked me if I would have you join him at a meeting he needs to attend. The only stipulation is that you must dress as femininely as possible."

"Great, now you want someone to parade me around and show off your little pet weirdo." I stared at him. "If this is a way to get me hospitalized..."

"No, if I was going to do that I would have drugged your orange juice this morning." His look said he was not joking. "Please, he said it might help you to learn a little more about yourself. And he promised to take you to Sandy's for dinner."

That got my attention. Sandy's was a seafood place that I loved, but we could rarely afford to visit. "Um, can I get lobster?"

He smiled. "Whatever you want. He said he is paying for it." He looked thoughtful "But don't toss your dinner all over him." Mar giggled. I stuck my tongue out. The tension, at least for the moment, was broken.

Mar announced that we had about four hours, and that she was in charge of my appearance. "Are you willing to dress the way I want you to, and just let it go?"

I nodded "Sure, it's not like it can get any worse..."

An hour later I was beginning to think she had found a way. I was showered, lotioned, and powdered, and all the hair below my neck was down the drain. Like when I swam, but more so. Soon I was dressed in a very tight panty-girdle, real stockings, a new, very supportive bra, and was having my hair done by Lisa, whom Mar had called for help. I was having a mixed reaction. I hated everything but the bra, and the stockings, which felt strangely good on my hairless legs.

Shortly they were working on my face, and I tried to object when they plucked my eyebrows. "Remember your promise!" I decided to sit through it. It was almost three when they finished lacquering my newly extended nails. I felt like an idiot, and wondered how anyone could do more than stab themselves with talons like the ones I was now wearing. Even though they were only a quarter-inch past the end of my fingers.

When Lisa pulled the outfit I was to wear from a suitcase, I tried to back away. Fifteen minutes later I was wearing an ankle-length denim skirt and a very fitted, revealing western style blouse. My hair had been combed out, and I discovered that Lisa had given my normal mouse-brown hair red highlights. It fell in soft curls down my back. They refused to let me look in a mirror, and I was afraid I was being turned into a clown. The boots they brought were a good fit, and had over three-inch heels.

Finally they finished working on my face, and added jewelry and heavy earrings. They were smiling, and I demanded they show me what I looked like. When they uncovered the mirror, I looked right past myself trying to find my reflection.

Then I stared at her. She looked about eighteen, and although not beautiful, was strangely attractive. Her hair was awesome, and she made me horny just staring at her. I wobbled on the high heels, and they had to hold me up and get me to a chair. "I just got aroused by looking at myself..." I paused "I look just like a... a girl going out on a date..."

"Damn straight, Sis, you look great."

"But, I'm not supposed to..."

I heard the doorbell ring. "You are supposed to relax and learn about yourself. And don't drop food down your cleavage." Dad gaped at me when he saw how I appeared.

I was still in shock when Dr. Simpson, Lisa's dad, escorted me out to his car. He opened the passenger door for me just like I was a girl, and helped me with my seat belt. I felt like a complete idiot. Worse, I looked like a real girl.

Dr. Simpson interrupted my internal conversation by introducing himself as Charles, and began asking me about my life. He was easy to talk to, and I guess I needed to talk, because I was pouring out the story of how I wound up like this when I mentioned Lisa, and he sputtered. "Lisa?!" He pulled into a parking lot and stared at me. "Lisa, as in my daughter Lisa?" I nodded. He looked really mad for a moment, and I wondered if I was going to find myself walking.

"Can I make an educated guess that a girl named Nancy was also involved?" I nodded again. "I wish I had known, maybe there was something I could have done." I shook my head.

"By the time my doctor figured out what was happening, it was too late. They said they couldn't mess with my hormone levels until they stabilized, and apparently the shots the girls gave me are some new, long-duration kind, so they still can't be sure I've finished changing."

He nodded, and pulled back on the roadway. We continued to chat until he stopped at a rather fancy subdivision, saying he had another person to pick up. I started to panic, and he made it really clear that I looked fine, and no one that didn't need to know would have any questions. When he pulled up at a big green house, I screamed. "No, I know the kids who live here...!"

As the front door was opening, he stared in shock at me. "How...?"

"Tony was on the swim team with me. Oh god, I'll be killed..." I started to shake, and was ready to run when the back passenger door opened, and someone got in.

"Hi doc, see you have a new girl for the meeting." I jumped up and looked at the person in the back seat. She was tall and absolutely gorgeous. And looked familiar. She stared at me. "Don't I know you...?"

I slid down against the seat belt, and started to cry and shake. Suddenly the person in girl in the back started to cough. Dr. Simpson broke in.

"Time for introductions. Brandy, meet Tammy. I think you two have met before. Probably as Brandon and Tony." I sat up and spun around. And stared. The gorgeous girl in the back seat was my old swimming buddy, Tony. And he, or was it she? seemed to be happy looking like a girl. Now I was really confused.

"Tammy, Brandon has a medical problem that has turned him into Brandy. But she really does not understand that the person inside is the same. If you don't mind telling her your story it may help her cope." Tammy agreed, and Dr. Simpson recommended we sit together in the back. As I switched seats I saw she was wearing a microskirt and really high heels. And her legs were killer. Now I was getting aroused by my friend.

Her voice was soft and low. And very feminine. "Brandy, the best way to begin is to say that I have always felt I should have been born a girl." I stared at her. "I guess it is how I look at life. I am happier doing girl things, I get along a lot better with girls. And I feel so much better when I am dressed like one. So I started to borrowing and wearing my Mom's stuff when I was five or six, and got caught when I was ten." She paused.

"To make the story short, my Dad blew a fuse, and I got sent to a shrink, who tested me and then sent me to Dr. Simpson. Dad didn't like the diagnosis, and sent me to three other psychiatrists. But he finally came around a bit when Mom threatened him with divorce when his three consultants all gave the same diagnosis." She smiled at me. "I suffer from something called gender dysphoria, which means I have a woman's personality in a man's body. It doesn't mean I'm gay. I really do like girls, and yes, they excite me. But I'm not happy or comfortable looking or acting like a guy."

She gave me a sad look. "If what Dr. Simpson says is true, that you have a medical problem that is causing your body to become female, I wish to god I could transfer it to me. For both our sakes. As it is, I'm taking hormones to try and make me more feminine, and using a lot of padding. I hope to come out as a girl at school this fall." He looked at the expression of shock in my eyes.

"And you really don't want to be a girl at all, do you?" I shook my head. He pulled me to him and held me, just like Mar always did. I wanted to scream that boys did not hug each other. But it just wouldn't come out. So I simply burst into tears. Tammy popped open her shoulder bag, and handed me a bunch of tissues. It was not long before we arrived at out destination.

When we went inside, I almost ran back out screaming. Tammy anchored me in place, and she and Dr. Simpson almost carried me to a couch, where they pinned me between them.

There were over thirty people in the house. Some were beautiful. Some looked like linebackers in skirts. But from the conversations, they were almost all males. One of the beautiful ones, who was obviously not wearing any padding above the waist, jiggled over and gave Dr. Simpson a hug. He introduced her as Betsy, and said she was the host for this get-together. She obviously knew Tammy, but gave me the once-over before asking to be introduced.

"Betsy, meet Brandy; Brandy, Betsy." She shook my hand gently. He continued. "Brandy has had, for her, the bad luck to have no choice in becoming a girl, and is really uncomfortable about the change. Maybe you can introduce her to Fran, Josie, and any others that unwillingly transitioned."

She smiled at me. "Well, you damn sure are cute and pretty enough." She looked at my chest. "They're real, right?" I nodded, totally embarrassed. "Hey, most of us here would give our last year's earnings to have a natural figure like yours." She dragged me to where what appeared to be four young women were having a heated discussion on something. So I was introduced, with a description of my problem, despite my trying to disappear into the scenery, as Brandy to the group.

One woman, actually a pretty, dark haired Hispanic girl about my age, introduced herself as Fran, and gave me a hug. "Hey, I was in a similar pickle as you last year." She grabbed a much taller, masculine looking girl, and introduced her as Josie, saying she too was a prisoner in panties. Josie sounded as feminine as a bass drum. But she was smiling. The two others departed, leaving us alone.

"So what strange quirk in life got you trapped in a skirt?" Fran was direct and to the point. I motioned to an empty couch. And spilled the entire tale of my being feminized by my sister and her friends. When I was finished, they had tears in their eyes. "Damn, that's a lousy way to get stuck in a dress. But you say your plumbing still works?"

"They say it's fine, and I keep trying to get aroused while wearing this damned girdle, and it hurts!" That got a laugh from Josie, and a frown from Fran.

Josie spoke up. "I was a boy, including my plumbing, until last summer. I was a real tough guy, or so I thought, always in trouble with the law. One night I tried to break into a storage yard." He looked pained. "They said I slipped, and landed crotch-first on the razor wire." I almost doubled over in sympathy pains. "Anyway, at the hospital they told my mom there was nothing left worth saving, and they recommended I consider undergoing a sex change. She was so pissed at me for doing something stupid and illegal, she told them to go ahead."

He looked wistful. "So now I have an innie instead of an outie, and am taking hormones and trying to learn to sound and act more like a girl. The only good thing about it was that the Judge tossed out the charges, saying I had suffered enough. So I have a new name, and a totally clean record. And have to sit to pee." I gave her a hug, then realized what I was doing. The dammed hormones were affecting my brain.

I looked at Fran. She was crying quietly. "My mom always wanted a daughter, and when my Dad ran off with his mistress a little over three years ago, Mom decided I was to be her revenge. So she fed me lots of hormones, much stronger than those your sister used,. and gave me shots, saying they were to help me get over my Dad's leaving. By the time someone rescued me, the hormones had made it impossible for me to father children, and I looked just like a girl except for a tiny penis.

So I can still get a hard on, but it's too small to do much with. And I still like girls, which makes it worse." She shrugged. "So I'm now taking small doses of hormones to finish the job, and keep me from growing a beard. And being a girl is not all bad. I've got a lot of friends, and have discovered how much nicer girl's clothes feel. I haven't decided if I'm going to get surgery done when I'm old enough to make me into a complete girl. So now you know you're not alone. And no, dammit, I would not wish this on anyone."

We sat and sniffled at each other until Dr. Simpson came by and collected me. As we walked away, he asked if they had told me their stories.

"Neither wants to be a girl, so why do they try?'

"Because being neutral is really boring." I had to think about that.

"And they can't ever be boys again, their plumbing doesn't work. But mine does, sort of..." He smiled.

"Your next discussion will be with Wendy, who is a lot like you. The only difference is that she changed because of a medical problem. She's also a bit older, and is married to a wonderful genetic woman who is the mother of their two kids." I stared at him.

"A girl would marry a boy who looks like a girl?" He snickered.

"You have a lot to learn about love. It comes from inside." Soon I was being introduced to Wendy and a cute redhead, who was apparently her wife. Wendy was pretty, but sort of plain. Kind of like a much bigger me, I realized in fear.

She spoke up "Dr. Simpson says you are another unwilling convert to the pantyhose and heels set." I nodded. "Well, don't let the woes of Fran and Josie get you too depressed. I was a perfectly normal teenage boy" his redheaded companion made a rude comment about normal "until I hit puberty. Then I suddenly started to grow boobs, and get fat in the butt. When the doctor's finally figured out why, they told me it was a genetic problem that I would have to live with until I quit changing. After the changes were finished, they said surgery was possible, but until then I should learn to dress and act like girl.

So I was teased and roughed up and generally wanted to die, but then I met this goofy girl" she hit him "who was more interested in the person than the clothes. And was a closet lesbian." She blushed and smiled wickedly "and who taught me to like my breasts." This caused me to blush, as I had used their sensitivity to masturbate way too often lately.

"Anyway, when it came time I could have the surgery, she convinced me that I should stay like this, and spend the money on college, and a marriage license." They hugged. "That was six years ago. I have a master's in accounting, and Sherry here" He hugged the redhead "Teaches kindergarten and has been kind enough to get pregnant twice." She kissed him. "So, although I think I would still rather be a guy, well, I'm happy and don't want to change back. Besides, I've developed this silk fetish that is really hard to indulge when dressed in a business suit."

This was a whole different perspective. I asked his wife a lot of questions, and basically got the feeling that she didn't care if he was green and spotted. She said she married the person, not the clothes. Now I was really confused.

By the end of the evening I had met guys who wanted to be women, some that had gone all the way, and some who were giving it a test drive. Tammy was glowing, and asked me to dance. I felt like a fool. But she was enthusiastic, and talented, and I found myself enjoying the closeness. I wondered if I was becoming gay. But I doubted anyone would mistake Tammy for anything but a really pretty girl. And inside, I grew a little know that said I could do the same if I chose.

Tammy held me the whole way back. We dropped her off, and she asked me to keep her secret until fall. I pointed to myself, and said "like I'm going to say something?" She giggled.

When I was dropped off at home, Mar and Dad were waiting for me. Over a bowl of ice cream they gave me the third degree until I told them all about the people I met, except Tammy. Mar cried when I told her about Wendy and her wife. Dad cringed and turned green when I described what had happened to Josie.

Mar helped me get undressed, and stuffed me in a flannel nightgown before tucking me in. As she was leaving I started to cry. She came back, and I managed pull my self together for a moment. "Mar, I'm so scared, I don't want to be alone." She gave me a hug and half-carried me to her room. And snuggled me like a teddy bear till I fell asleep in her arms.

I woke the next morning to the smell of breakfast. Mar was nowhere to be seen, so I figured she was doing the cooking. When I entered the kitchen, I found Lisa, Nancy, and Mar all waiting for me. Before I could say anything, Mar stuffed a piece of toast in my mouth, and handed me a plate of bacon and eggs. So I sat, munched, and watched them. They got their own, and joined me. Lisa was the first one to speak.

"Brandon, none of us wanted to permanently hurt you, you do understand that much?" She and Nancy looked really sad. I was tired of fighting. I nodded. "Mar called us last night and told us what was going on. And this morning Mom and Dad read me the riot act. I guess Dad called Nancy's mom, because she barely escaped alive." Nancy nodded, making strangling motions.

"We can't change what had happened. We both know that." She looked at Mar and Nancy, who were nodding. "But we can help you..." She looked at her feet "learn how to be a girl, at least on the outside." She looked at me. "Please? It is the only way we can help..."

"So I'm to be your Barbie doll?" It oozed out. Mar started to cry, and Nancy looked like she wanted to run. Lisa just winced.

"No, you will not be played with. You are not a toy." She grabbed Nancy and Mar and looked at me. "Dammit, this is the only thing we can do. Please, let us try to show you that being a girl is not all bad." I just shook my head.

"Why bother. The first guy who sees me will pound me to a pulp as a faggot. Just like they ran me off the ball-field when I tried to fly my model."

"Not with one of us, or any of our friends around, they won't." She looked at me. "Mar told us you destroyed those pictures, even knowing you couldn't change back. Please, let us at least try."

"So what are you going to do, teach me how to wag my butt, so some guy will try and molest me? I'm not gay. I like girls. But I'll never get a chance with one like this." I put my head in my hands. I was surprised when they held me.

"No, we'll teach you to be a young woman. And you may be really surprised at what some girls want. Most of us can't stand jocks."

I gave her a hard look. "Tell me honestly you would, if you were not involved in this, consider me boyfriend material." She tried to say something, and shook her head. I looked at Nancy. She shook her head also. "Case closed." I started to get up, and found myself pinned to my chair by Lisa.

"Damn you, quit feeling sorry for yourself. If it's a piece of ass you want," She took a deep breath "Then you can have me whenever you want until I graduate. And I'm a virgin." I stared at her in shock. She stepped back, and took off her clothes. She no longer needed the padded bra, and had a beautiful body. Mar and Nancy were holding each other. I managed a very small tent in the nightgown. "Well, I see it still works. Here or upstairs, your choice."

I managed to breathe, then handed her back her clothes. "No. I can't do that. Despite what you think, I not that kind of person." I looked hard at them "If I live, I'll make a great old maid." I headed up to my room to be alone. It was half an hour later, as I was staring at the ceiling, that they came into my room. Lisa had her clothes back on, and they sat on my bed and looked at me.

"Other than getting your old body back, which was pretty wimpy anyway, what can we do to help?"

"I was not wimpy"

"Brandon, when we gave you those shots we also looked at you naked. You looked like a sixth-grader with a few extra muscles. And you never were very big down there." That hurt, because it was true. "With your size, long hair and narrow face, most people thought you were gay or a sissy anyway." I hung my head.

"But I was a guy..."

"I hate to burst your bubble, but you look a hell of a lot better as a girl. And you are still a guy, even if it is small, where it counts." I felt awful. Because they were right. "If the right girl gets to know you, it won't matter if you are purple and have feathers. But you won't have a hope looking like a girl in drag. So give us a chance. Besides, this way you can legally get into our locker room."

I realized how absurd this all was. At least if I appeared as a pretty girl I could at least look and dream. And I thought of Tony/Tammy. She was a fox, and I had a better body. What I didn't have was her attitude. "Give me a few minutes alone. I need to call someone." They looked afraid "And no, I'm not going to hurt myself. Now get out." When they were gone, I pulled out the phone book and called Tammy.

When I got off the telephone, I knew it was going to be a long day. I headed downstairs, and gave them a weak smile. "Do any of you remember Tony from the swimming team?" They nodded. "Was he a hunk or a looser?" They all voted major hunk. "He is on his way over, in about fifteen minutes." They stared at me. "When he gets here you can explain to him what you want me to do, and what you are planning on doing to me. Standing in your birthday suits. Or the whole thing is a wash. You can wait in the kitchen till I call you." I headed for the living room, leaving them with their mouths open.

When the doorbell rang, it was Tammy, not Tony. He looked at my disheveled nightgown. "Hey, it's been a rough morning." I closed and locked the door. "Okay girls, it's show time." I wondered if they would do it.

Three very red girls walked stiffly into the room, without a stitch of clothes on. And stared at Tammy, who was wearing a miniskirt and a tank top. Mar was the first one to get her voice. "Hey, you said it was Tony, not some bimbo that..." Nancy's "Oh my god" stopped her. Nancy was pointing and giggling. "Nancy, what the hell's so funny?"

"Take a closer look at her." Mar and Lisa went over, looked, and when it hit they both slid to the floor.

"Tammy, meet the three who made me into a girl." "Girls, meet Tammy, who used to be Tony." I wish I had a camera trained on them.

Soon we were all sitting around the kitchen table. Tony and I were down to panties, and the girls were still naked. "So it's like you are a girl inside? And want to look like Brandy?" Tammy nodded sadly. "God, tiny tits and all and you are still turning me on!" Lisa was wiggling against her seat as she talked. The tent in Tammy's panties said the feeling was mutual.

Tammy asked the girls "What you want to do is teach Brandy how to look and act like one of you, without trying to change him into someone else?" They all nodded. Lisa was now sitting on Tammy's lap and nibbling on her ear. Tammy looked at me. "I wish I had been given the chance they are offering you. Even if it's not your choice. Give it a whirl. And they are right, you look a lot better as a girl." I gave him a raspberry. Lisa looked like she was trying to give his ear a hickey.

"Lisa, you told me I was not boyfriend material. What's so different between me and Tammy?"

"I like tall girls." It took a while to digest that. "And Nancy doesn't like boys." Now I began to understand some of what I saw on the computer. Nancy was quite a bit taller than Lisa.

I suggested we get dressed, and do some planning. Lisa requested the loan of a bedroom. Tammy seconded the request. They got Mar's room. Mar made a ceremony of loaning them some protection. While we got dressed, they provided sound effects.

Tammy and I were comparing notes on how to tuck things away when Dad got home. He gave Tammy the evil eye, wondering what a beautiful girl like her was doing alone in the house with me. We didn't enlighten him. The three girls were away on a mission. It was almost nine when they started dragging bags of stuff into the living room.

They were followed by Mrs. Simpson, and Mrs. Hanover, Nancy's mom, looking like wardens. After a very short set of instructions to their daughters, and threats of dire consequences, they grabbed Dad and dragged him out the door. Mrs. Hanover stuck her head back in and said they were going out to dinner and to talk, and would be back very late.

When they drove off, Tammy and I looked at Lisa and Nancy. Mar looked like she had been too close to a grenade. Lisa managed "If we can't help you get your life back, we are going to be sent to a special girl's military school in Alabama. Where the girls wear crew cuts and don't shave anything." She looked really scared. "Mom says their motto is "We turn girls into real men." Tammy and I cringed. Mar added shakily that their moms were more than willing to pay her tuition if Dad agreed.

"So if you want revenge, all you have to do is tell either of our moms, and we get two years of marine boot camp. Or worse." I nodded. "They intercepted us on the way back from shopping when we tried to get some stuff from home." She looked at me. "If you want them to ship us off, please tell us now. Don't keep us on a hook. We didn't try to destroy your life." She broke down crying and Tammy grabbed and held her. Mar and Nancy were shaking.

"Revenge won't help me. I don't think anything can. So quit whining and lets get started." It was a very subdued group that set out the contents of their travels. Much of it was used, but in great condition. Tammy said she was jealous, she barely had enough clothes for a week. It looked like I now had enough for a year. I was surprised when two of the bags contained clothes much too big for me. Lisa gave Tammy a hug, and pointed at the resulting piles. Nancy handed me a package with a smile. Inside were three spandex thongs with instructions. Lisa gave a similar package to Tammy.

Ten minutes later there were two sort-of girls in their new undies unhappily trying on clothes. Okay, it was actually a blast. Tammy's enthusiasm helped. Several outfits landed in the "Yeech" pile. One was a really pretty dress. If I was a ten-year-old on the way to church. Tammy tried on a little green outfit. It was awesome. I got so horny I almost ruined myself. Mar said Tammy could work street-corners for quarters. It joined the pile.

When we were finished, Tammy and the rest agreed I had an excellent wardrobe. Nancy's "most of the other girls will be jealous" made me grin, then sit and cry. I got a group hug. When Nancy started to give me a body massage, I stopped her.

"You said you don't like guys."

She gave me a hurt look "I don't want to have sex with you, but at least I want to do this. Please?" I looked at Mar and Lisa, and Tammy, who gave me a thumbs-up. Mar tossed a comforter on the floor, and in a few minutes I felt like a piece of bread dough. Almost naked, relaxed bread dough. I was sensually being turned into putty as the others quietly raided my room, and took all my boy clothes and put them in bags, then restocked my room with the new clothes. Not that I noticed, or cared. I creamed my new undies and made all kinds of funny noises when she softly sucked on my breasts.

I woke up to the sound of giggling. Mar was standing there with a camera. I was wearing a pink flannel nightgown with little animals all over it, snuggled up to Mar's big teddy bear. And Nancy, wearing a similar nightgown, was wrapped around me. Flash! I was too relaxed to move. Mar giggled "Your first sleepover pictures." I stuck out my tongue. Flash! My fuzzy brain said "brilliant move." I snuggled back against Nancy. She was warm and her breasts were so nice pressing against my back...

When Dad and the others returned, I suspect they gave birth to a bushel basket full of porcupines. The five of us were all curled up in the living room, on and under a huge pile of blankets and pillows. Sound asleep. Tammy and Lisa were entwined. Mar was wrapped around Lisa. Nancy was using me for a teddy bear, with my face buried in her cleavage. I was out like a light. At least that was the description provided by Dad the next morning.

When I woke up, there was the smell of food, and the sight of three moms and one dad staring at us. It was then I realized I had been sleep-nursing on Nancy's breasts, and was still firmly attached. I glanced up, and she had this incredibly content smile. It was probably the embarrassed red glowing beacon I became that woke the others.

We were trying to shrink into the covers when Nancy's mom started to giggle. Soon all the parents were sitting around laughing. Once they had ascertained that we had not thrown an orgy they told us we looked so cute they couldn't keep from taking pictures. And they held up three cameras. Tammy tried to apologize to her mother, and got told that teenage girls held a lot of sleepovers. That caused her to break out in happy tears. It was suggested we get dressed, as there was food in the kitchen. It turned out we were all in nightgowns, but Nancy had to pull hers up and fasten the top. Her nursed nipples were huge. I was surprised when she gave me a really sensual hug. In front of her mother.

There was no question all four parents seemed happier. Over breakfast Dad told us why. "We met with Dr. Simpson early this morning, after we found the five of you asleep together. Aside from some concerns about his daughter's virginity, he said that you and Tammy were acting like teenage girls, which was extremely important." Lisa looked mortally embarrassed.

He looked at me. "He said that if either of you were still acting as boys there was no way you and Tammy would have slept together with the other girls under the same covers. Was he right?" Tammy and I nodded.

"But I don't want to be a girl!" My protest sounded pretty feeble.

"Ready to give up sleepovers?" That was Nancy.

I turned bright red. "Um, well..."

"And that long rayon party dress that we had to lace you into, and you begged us not to take off?" I shut up and sat down. "So not everything about looking like a girl is all bad?" I nodded. "And I'll bet that you wouldn't want to give up those wonderfully sensitive boobs of yours."

Now I was glowing. "Help?" Everyone broke out laughing.

"Besides, you can't wear four inch heels, which make you so much taller, as a guy." She came over and hugged me. "We know you'd rather be the little boy Brandon than the pretty little girl named Brandy. But you are finding out it's not all bad news." She held as I cried. I never noticed settling my head comfortably between her breasts. Mar whispered in my ear that if I wanted a pacifier it would be a good idea to use my thumb while her Mom was watching. I quickly untangled myself, and looked guilty. Nancy's Mom was giggling.

We got a lecture on birth control from Lisa's mom. And Tammy and I were advised we had appointments at a beauty salon at one, for complete makeovers. When I asked "What's a makeover?" it got the other three kids giggling. They were told they had to take us. Tammy suddenly looked scared. Lisa gave her a wrap-around hug. She quickly looked a lot less scared.

Beauty parlors stink. Perming solution stinks worse. And waxing should require anesthesia. Or tranquilizers. But when Tammy and I walked out, the three girls were making jealous noises, and every male in the area was tracking us like we were edible. The girls had me wearing a low-cut lycra mini-dress, an almost indecent push-up body-shaper, and real stockings. And what felt like stilts, but were actually four inch plus platform heels. Tammy was wearing a tight leather microskirt, pantyhose to show off her incredible legs, and a padded bra under her crop-top. And heels taller than mine. So she was over six-five, a foot taller than me. Between the short, tightly clinging skirt and heels I swished and swayed as I walked.

I was afraid to touch anything with the painted talons they had given me, even though they said they were almost as strong as steel. Tammy was strutting and her eyes were wet with happiness. I gave her a hug. "This is what you always wanted, isn't it?" She looked down at me, and smiled.

"I'm glad to have you with me. I was afraid all my friends would abandon me, and..." I gave her a hug, and she shut up and hugged me back.

We spent the afternoon cruising the malls with the girls, who were muttering about having created monsters. Several kids who knew Tony and me gawked, but none seemed ready to take on the five of us. We were about to head home for dinner, and a second night of sleepovers when we were confronted by the worst three of the brainless muscle set from school. They started teasing and taunting Tammy and me, calling us fags and making obscene motions. We tried to retreat with the girls, and they boxed us in, getting physical.

Suddenly Mar whispered something in my ear. It made sense. I pulled down my top to get the leader's interest, and kicked him as hard as I could in the crotch while he was staring. He went down with a grunt. So with everything I had, I soccer-kicked him in the face. The platforms have very hard toes. He crunched.

Meanwhile one of the others had grabbed Tammy, and let go fast when she shredded his face with her new nails. I saw her pivot and kick, and heard a snap as his knee collapsed sideways. Lisa proceeded to kick him in every vulnerable spot. That left one facing Mar and Nancy.

He must have had the majority of their IQ points. He turned and ran. Into a mall guard, who maced him. Nancy and Mar pulled Lisa off the one that had attacked Tammy. I was carefully watching the one I kicked, but all he was doing was screaming and holding his face and crotch.

Mar called Dad and Dr. Simpson while we talked to the police. An ambulance had taken all three of our attackers to the hospital. None of us knew their names, but one older woman came over and got the police's attention. We all recognized her as one of the teachers from the school. She proceeded to give names and histories, and said she saw the whole thing and would love to testify.

Dad and Dr. Simpson arrived and after verifying we were okay, confirmed Tammy's and my identities. We got some funny looks, but when Dad and Dr. Simpson said they would be pressing charges, the policeman in charge smiled, and read off a list. Assault. Assault and battery. Attempted sexual assault of a minor. Disturbing the peace. He added that if they could think of anything else, they would be sure to add it to the list. He then looked at Tammy and me. "If we prosecute, you two are probably going to have to testify. And then you two dressing as girls will make the papers."

Tammy started to shake, looked at me, and I nodded. She then stood to her full height. "This is who we are." She looked at me, and I hugged her. "We will testify." Dad gave me a crushing hug, and Dr. Simpson hugged Tammy.

We managed to get home intact. Dad called the other parents. By the time they arrived, Tammy and I were better, but Dr. Simpson spent an hour with us to make sure we could handle what happened. Mrs. Hanover was livid, and left saying she had some pressing business to take care of regarding our three accosters. Nancy giggled, and said they would be lucky if they got solitary. She didn't provide details, other than her mom used to date the District Attorney. We ate a very quiet and subdued dinner, and crashed early.

Lisa and Tammy slept together. Mar used me for a teddy bear. So did Nancy. This time Nancy stuffed a very erect nipple in my mouth, saying I needed a pacifier. There is something about having your hands full of soft breast, sucking on warm nipple. I was asleep in minutes, feeling her quiver and listening to her make happy noises.

Sunday morning we made plans for the first day of school. Dad and Dr. Simpson were going to be there to answer any questions. I was given some paperwork that caused a lot of discussions. Once signed, if I agreed, I was officially on the road to becoming a card-carrying member of the panty brigade. Tammy had already done hers at the beginning of summer. "Brandy, this is the start of what is called a real life test. For a full year you must live, dress, act, and try your best to be a teenage girl." I looked at him in horror. "No, you don't have to go out with boys." I relaxed a bit. "But you will have to use the girls washrooms, and if you are brave enough, the girls locker room." That got a lot more discussion. I finally signed.

Nancy had to head home early, and Lisa left with her Dad. Which left Dad, Mar, and me staring at each other. Dad suggested we go out and get a steak. I wore a long skirt and loose blouse. And the heels. All we got were compliments.

Monday, Dad drove Mar and me to school. We met up with Dr. Simpson, Tammy's mom, and Tammy, and headed for the administrative offices. It looked like the story of what happened at the mall had gotten around, and there was a lot of whispering and pointing. Tammy and I were shaking and jittering so badly Dr. Simpson made us each take a pill. By the time the principal was ready to meet with us, I don't think a bomb would have made us jump.

It tuned out to be a no-brainer. We were registered under our female names, and told how to report any harassment. All of us were surprised when the principal told us there were two other students like us, and asked if he could tell them who we were. "Um, did you hear about an assault at the mall Saturday?" He looked puzzled, but nodded. "Tammy and I were the ones assaulted, so everyone in the city will know who we are soon enough." He grimaced.

Since Tammy was a senior, and I was a very advanced junior, and needed the moral support, we got our schedules changed to take the same classes. Including gym. That had been the subject of a lot of discussion Sunday, but we both liked to exercise, and figured that it would at least squelch any rumors. We got stared at and joked about all morning, but most of it seemed to be friendly. And congratulated by a lot of girls and even some guys for putting the three muscleheads out of circulation. We were too nervous to eat lunch, and spent the time being hugged by Mar, Nancy and Lisa. Who also chased away anyone bugging us.

At two, there was the mandatory all-school back-to-school assembly where, as always they read the rules of dress and conduct. We almost screamed when Mr. Kimball, the Principal, called us by name to the stage. This was not in the plans. When we finally met him at the podium, My heart was trying to go into overspeed, and Tammy looked like a ghost. "I want to introduce you to two new, formerly old, students. You probably know them from the swimming team as Brandon and Tony. Due to medical necessity, both of them are undergoing the difficult and stress-filled change from male to female lifestyles. The new students are Brandy and Tammy. They have the wholehearted support of their parents and the school. I expect that you will treat them with respect, and help them adjust smoothly to their new lives."

"Normally I would not place them in the position of being in the spotlight so soon. But an inexcusable, criminal attack on them occurred this weekend because they were different. Three former students, who were supposed to be seniors this year, taunted and assaulted them at a mall on Saturday. Two of them remain hospitalized from injuries received when these two and their friends defended themselves. The third is in jail. The three have been permanently expelled from this school, and are facing multiple criminal charges. The District Attorney has assured me they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

"I will not accept any form of intolerance or harassment of any student for any reason. Should any such act be reported, it will be investigated, and the individuals involved will be suspended or expelled, and turned over to the police, if appropriate, to face criminal charges. There will be no further warnings." He paused to let his speech sink in. "So rather than worry, treat them like any other new students, except they are not freshman, so no stupid pranks. And to make it clear to everyone from the start, they will use the girls' washrooms and lockers. Anyone objecting to this should see me immediately after this assembly."

He turned to Tammy and me. "Welcome to our school." We shook his hand, and jittered our way back to our seats. Of course as soon as the assembly was over, we desperately had to visit the washroom.

Inside, the first question we got was "Are your breasts real?" Tammy shook her head, blushed and said "still growing". I nodded. We grabbed the first available stalls, and remembered to sit. When we got out, there was a welcoming committee of senior girls. They looked like a lynch mob. We were told to stand and be inspected. If we hadn't just gone we'd have peed our panties. They looked us over, squeezed us and prodded us like we were groceries. Wendy, their leader, a big girl with an incredible body, who was also head cheerleader, conferred with the others. Finally we were pushed out the door into a waiting crowd of girls. Nancy, Mar and Lisa were there, each held firmly and looking scared.

Wendy, nicknamed Wedgie by a lot of guys, and who was well known as a hard-assed bitch, spoke out. "Listen up. We have inspected them, and they are not making fun of us. In fact, a lot of you should take lessons from them." There were hisses. "So as long as they behave like us girls," someone hit her with a pair of panties, and she smiled, "they have my friends' and my support and protection."

She looked up at Tammy "You're cute. Got a girlfriend?" Lisa's "Hey, she's mine, so keep your hands off!" got a lot of laughter. And Lisa turned bright red when she realized what she had said. Soon we were reunited with our friends. Amazingly, we made it to the bus without further problems.

Our parents debriefed us over a dinner at Lisa's place. Dr. Simpson was upset about the principals' speech, and our being "inspected" by the girls' Gestapo.

Nancy spoke up. "Dr. Simpson, what Wedgie and her friends did would have happened eventually. But now no one will dare to bother Tammy or Brandy."

"Who is this Wedgie, and what makes her so special?" The parents seemed upset.

"Wedgie is Wendy Ashton, Sarah and Fred Ashton's youngest daughter." I looked confused. To me she was just a bitch. They looked impressed. Mrs. Hanover provided an explanation.

"Fred Ashton is the power behind the politics in this town. And Sarah, who I know fairly well, is the meanest divorce lawyer this side of New York. If Wendy takes after her parents, crossing her is a very bad idea."

Nancy giggled. "Um, Mom, did I tell you Wedgie and I have a date for Friday night?" That got a lot of discussions started.

We were stared at a lot over the next two weeks. Several parents tried to sue to keep us from using the girls facilities. And found out we were covered by anti-discrimination laws. A couple of fundies accosted us in the locker room. Some of Wedgie's cronies tossed them out the back door wearing only towels. Tammy and I got pinched. Lisa and Mar said get used to it. Tammy was wearing a padded girdle, so it didn't hurt. I wasn't. OUCH!

After that, things settled down. I was put on a maintenance dose of hormones to keep my beard from growing, and, although Nancy still came to sleepovers, I didn't have any other close encounters of the female kind. Tammy and Lisa were inseparable, and I was jealous. When Mar brought Konrad, a boy from a neighboring school, home to meet Dad before a date, and was walking around like an airhead, there was little question of what was going on. But I now had a couple of friends, and found school a lot nicer.

In late October, Tammy and I met our two counterparts. Elaine was a tall, shapeless girl with long sandy hair and a sad expression. She had been injured in bike accident when she was ten, and her parents were really poor, so the doctors had just left her smooth. She was unable to afford more than a tiny dose of hormones. She was really shy, and hated being in-between.

Iris was cute in a plump sort of way. She had never wanted anything to do with boy stuff, kinda like Tammy but much more so. Her parents kicked her out at six, and she was still a ward of the state, living in a foster home. Unlike Elaine, she had tried to cut off her male parts, and at the hospital they finished the job, and made her look like a girl on the outside. She had been on hormones for years, and said she was going to complete the surgery over the next summer.

Iris was a snot and pain, and we left her alone. We soon got to be friends with Elaine, and both Tammy and I lobbied Dr. Simpson to see if he could help her. Finally, with everyone on his case, he relented, and agreed to talk to her parents. The next week he arranged for a physical, and told us she would be receiving a full dose of hormones from now on. The problem was not her parents, it was the Medicaid people who refused to provide required care. We all celebrated when they agreed as a settlement to perform the complete reassignment surgery once the hormones had completed their work.

Tammy and I were mostly ignored, or treated well by the other girls, and avoided by the boys, for the rest of the year. We attended support group meetings together, and Dr. Simpson found me a counselor that actually helped me work towards accepting myself. But I was still without a girlfriend. Or a purpose or goal in life.

Over the summer I spent a lot of time with Tammy and the others. I was the only one returning to high school in the fall. Tammy and Lisa were heading off to the State university. Nancy had found a job, and was going to go to school in a nearby city. Mar was going out of state to school with Konrad. So it was with many tears and great loneliness that the summer drew to a close. The only high point, despite what it meant, was that no one, unless they knew me, ever thought I was anything but a plain teenage girl. Even at the beach.

So as Brandy I again started school in the fall. A few of the die-hard idiots still caused me trouble, but I was very old news. Elaine had blossomed, and she was attracting boys faster than me. Which was fine with both of us. She had accepted being forever a girl, and was planning to enjoy her new life. I wished I had a life to enjoy. With Mar, Lisa, Tammy, and Nancy gone I no longer had female friends I could relate to. I wanted to go back to being a boy, which was not going to happen. My counselor kept working with me to try and find a purpose or goal. But nothing clicked. So I got depressed, and my grades fell a bit, and I wound up on Zoloft, which made me less depressed, but no happier.

Dad was getting really worried, but there was nothing more he could do for me. So I managed a miserable fall, and approached Thanksgiving with little to be thankful for. Dad was working long hours and occasionally staying out late. It was in mid-November that a major change to my life ran straight into me. On Friday I had just gotten my lunch from my locker and turned to head down the hall when someone slammed into me from behind. I bounced off the lockers and wound up face-down on my lunch bag.

Before I could even try to get up, I was grabbed and set on my feet by Xena the Warrior, carrying a bookbag. "Hey sorry about that, little girl, but freshmen should stay on their own hall." She pivoted around me and I stared in amazement as the black-haired Amazon headed down the hall at warp 3. I carefully knelt and picked up the remains of my lunch. One look confirmed the worst. The raspberry yogurt had gone squish over everything. So I deposited the gooey remains in a trash can and headed for the lunchroom to get a soda.

Since the others had graduated, I usually sat alone, even though it meant chasing off the occasional moronic male who didn't know I was really a boy. So I sat and pondered my miserable existence. "Hey, why the sad face? Like I didn't mean to run you over." I looked up as the huge girl sat on the opposite side of the lunch table, and smiled.

"I landed on my lunch. I'm a senior, not a freshman. And I've never seen you at the school before." It came out bitter and nasty. She pulled back, like I had hissed at her.

"Sorry about the lunch. Let me buy you something."

"You really are new, if you can eat this stuff." She chuckled.

"Moved here two weeks ago. And the food here is a lot better than at my last school. At least the plastic is fresh. My name's Barbie. Barbie Ann Dalton. And no jokes, please. My parents did it to me. They named my younger brother Ken." I snickered. "So what do they call you, little girl?"

"Angry, if you keep making little people jokes." I looked her over. She was built like a muscular Barbie doll. A very big Barbie doll. I took a deep breath. Maybe she would just kill me and get it over with. "My name is Brandon, Brandon Michael Adams. But everyone calls me Brandy." I extended my hand, wondering if she would rip it off.

Instead she gently shook my hand, and then stared hard at me. "A girl named Brandon?" I glanced at the clock. There was plenty of time for my usual explanation.

"...And so I have no real choice. Nothing but girls clothes fit, and I look really funny in boys stuff with these boobs. So please, don't make fun of me. My life is awful enough as it is." I expected her to start laughing, like so many others. But she was staring at me with a concerned look.

"Shit, and I thought I had troubles." She shook her head. "Tell you what, if I can't buy you lunch, can I at least take and buy you a snack after school?" I didn't know how to respond. "Okay, then tell me after school. I'll meet you at the main entrance after the last bell." She got up, picked me up, gave me a kiss, and after setting me on my feet, smiled and strode away. I got horny watching her incredible legs, and my mind was trying to cope with the idea of a girl, knowing what I was, buying me a snack. Everything was backwards. My head started to hurt. And the bell said it was time for class.

By the end of the last class I was a nervous wreck. But I headed for the main entrance, where I found her being pestered by several of the jocks. I must have been in worse shape than I thought. I squeezed between them, and jumped up, wrapping my arms around Barbie's neck. And gave her a kiss. "Barbie, let's get away from these nasty old boys. I really want that snack you promised me." I licked her ear, and her eyebrows almost fell out. The guys backed off, then one of them recognized me.

"Hey, that's Brandy, the weird girl that's really a guy. Shit, lets get out of here before someone thinks were really after her." They headed off. I tried to let go of Barbie, but she was holding me against her. And trying so hard not to laugh she was shaking.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that. Just let me down and I'll never bother you again." I was really scared. Then she gave me a kiss. The kind that is seventy-five percent tongue, and the rest body language. Things stirred that had been pretty much dormant for a long time.

She finally released both her lips and arms, and I sort of oozed down her body to a standing position. Her look was as glazed as mine. I was staring eye-level at her breasts. They reminded me of Nancy's, but bigger. So I settled my face against them, and snuggled against her. It had been too long. We were finally rousted by one of the bus monitors, who was muttering something about lesbians.

We both giggled. "Ready for that snack?" She sensually licked her lips, and I groaned. The monitor gave us a disgusted look. I made Barbie walk very slowly until things got back to normal in my undies. We wound up at the same little café that Mar and the others used to visit. Barbie was too big to fit in a booth, so we found a table in an alcove near the kitchen.

I ordered a small float and a grilled cheese. She ordered their biggest burger, triple fries, and a pitcher of lemonade. I pointed in shock at the huge amount of food that was soon piled in front of her. "Hey, I'm hungry" After a Tyrannosaurus sized bite of her burger, Barbie smiled "So how do you manage, well, as a half-n-half?"

I nibbled, and looked at the table. "Mostly I just make it day to day, and hope that someday, somehow, I'll find a reason for living Or one day I just won't wake up."

"That bad, huh?" I nodded. "And I thought I had a freaky life." She saw my questioning glance. "I mean, like I'm a real girl, just kinda supersized." She looked unhappy. "Most other girls don't want to be around me 'cause then all the guys ignore them. Or they're lesbians that think I'm some kind of female sex goddess." I thought about Lisa and Nancy.

"And any boy that isn't scared silly 'cause I'm bigger and stronger than them wants to bed me as a trophy, or thinks I spend my life with my legs spread 'cause I look the way I do." She made a few dozen fries disappear. And about pint of lemonade. "I've even got to make most of my clothes, 'cause the stuff I can find that fits is mostly for fat ladies." She looked me over. "You can't understand how much I'd like to be small and feminine like you."

"I don't want to be small and feminine. I'd be happy to be just a wimpy little guy again." I looked down and saw I had eaten half of my sandwich. "Girls ignore me, or treat me like I'm their little sister. The lesbians mostly don't like me cause I've got extra parts. I don't want a boyfriend, but I keep getting hit on until someone tells them I'm really a boy, then they make funny noises and either beat me up or run away. And most guy's won't be friends with me 'cause then everyone thinks they're gay." I slurped soda, and smiled wanly. "At least I have no trouble finding clothes to fit." I shook my head "as long as they're girls clothes, in the young juniors section.

So why are you bothering with me?" I looked up at her. "Other than pity. I'm not decent boyfriend material; I look like someone's underfed, fourteen-year-old little sister. And even if I could get you into bed, I'm too damn small down there to do you, or any girl any good." I put my head on my arms. "I don't want sympathy. I want friends, I want a real girlfriend, and a life. Or for it all to quit hurting."

"Can I be your friend?" I almost hurt my neck looking up from the table.


"'Cause you're the first boy I've met here that isn't a jerk. And I'm lonely, and don't have any friends here, and in a way, you're in the same boat as me. Please?" I smiled, and stole one of her fries.

"Please, be my friend too?" She slid out of her chair, picked me up, and nearly squeezed the sandwich back out of me. While I was trying to decide if my ribs would return to their original positions, she finished off her food. And mine.

"Want to meet my parents?" I looked at my watch. Dad would be wondering where I was.

"Got to call home and tell my dad I'll be late for dinner."

"Tell him you're staying at my house for dinner. As little as you eat, Mom won't be able to complain she needs to fix extra." I gave her a raspberry, and headed for a pay phone. Dad was not home yet, so I left a message.

It was a long way to her place, and my feet started to hurt. Four inch heels are great for the appearance, but not for marathons. Barbie offered to carry me, but my ego refused. She lived in a new subdivision, and their house was at least twice as big as ours. "Dad retired from a State job out in Washington a couple of months ago. He and Mom decided to come back here to stay, so they bought this place before it was built, and had them alter the design to fit us."

"Um, you don't alter houses like clothes."

"When your father is as big as mine, you have to." Suddenly I envisioned myself as a Lilliputian stranded in a Gulliver world. It turned out to be more than a fantasy. We were met at the door by her mother. She had to be her mother. I had never seen a woman that big.

"Barbie, I was expecting you home to help with dinner." Then she noticed me. "Oh, and who is your pretty little friend?" I almost hissed, and Barbie came to my rescue.

"Mom, this is Brandy, and she's also a senior at the high school. I invited her over for dinner, and don't you dare say you need to fix extra. She doesn't eat much." The big woman leaned down and shook my hand.

"Nice meeting you, Brandy. Why don't you relax while Barbie sets the table."

"I can help, I'm not that little." I was that little. I couldn't even reach their cabinets. So I sat at the table, and found I needed a booster seat. Or a high chair. When I heard Barbie announce that her father and brother were home, I got up and joined Barbie in the kitchen. I almost panicked when half the starting line for the New York Giants came in. The younger one, who had to be her brother, was inches taller than Barbie. When he saw me, he came over, patted me on the head, and smiled as he asked "Hey Sis, when did you decide to start baby-sitting?" "OUCH!"

Everyone was staring at him as he hopped around rubbing his shin. I'd had enough little people jokes, and kicked him. I looked at Barbie, who figured it out quickly. And whatever had caused me to hug her earlier kicked back in. So I jumped up and hugged her like before "Barbie, that big nasty boy made fun of me, so I kicked him." She almost fell over laughing. Then her mother started to giggle, and had to sit down. Her father looked confused.

"Hey, I didn't mean to insult the little brat." Her brother was still rubbing his shin. I let go of Barbie and headed for his other shin. Barbie grabbed me and tucked me under her arm. I didn't fight her. It felt nice.

Barbie's mom butted in. "Andy, Ken, meet Brandy, Barbie's friend, who is her age and a senior in high school." Her dad started to chuckle, and Ken looked really embarrassed. And dinner is ready, so Ken can do his apologies at the table." We headed to the dining room, where Barbie found me a couple of cushions to sit on so I could reach my food. Talk about embarrassing. Her mom was a good cook. I had to explain that the food was fine, I just didn't eat much. Her idea of a small serving was scary.

After Ken apologized, Barbie explained how we met. I almost screamed and tried to disappear where I sat when she told everyone I was really a boy. Barbie grabbed my wrist so I couldn't escape. When she finished my story, I expected to get tossed out.

"So you're the girl the guys on the team told me to avoid." Ken looked me over. "They were right, there's no way anyone would guess..." I managed to nod.

"Brandy, you really are afraid of us, aren't you?" Barbie's mom was looking at me with concern.

"Most people freak and tell me to get away from them. Some just pound on me."

"Well, no one is going to say anything or beat on anyone around here. I've gotten enough grief just for being big. I hate to think what it'd be like to have to be a girl, too." "Ow..."

Mr. Dalton was trying to defend himself against his wife. "So being a girl is bad? I'm going to turn all your underwear pink if you keep that up!" Once things calmed down, Mrs. Dalton asked me how I coped with being different.

I gave her my sob story, and she seemed thoughtful. Barbie looked at her watch, and muttered something about homework, and being way behind.

"Hey, if you need help, I'm in nothing but advanced classes, and last time I looked I had all A's and high B's" Barbie and Ken both gave me dirty looks.

Barbie pouted. "I was doing fine till we took a month to move, and now..."

"Barbie, I'll be glad to help you with your homework. Lets get started so I can see where you're at." She smiled, hopped up and grabbed both our bookbags with one hand, then headed upstairs. I had to run to keep up with her. Her room was actually neat. And the bed was incredible. I'd never seen a bed that big. Within minutes we were sprawled out, as she showed me what her assignments were, and where she was having problems.

"See, at my last school wouldn't even have started this type of math till next semester, and I'm so far behind and..."

"And this stuff is easy. I did it two years ago." She stared at me. "Lets get comfortable, cause I've got to teach you the basics first." I got off the bed, and peeled off my dress and heels, leaving me in a bra, panties, and stockings. Her eyes were like saucers. "Okay, so I'm a bit skinny."

"You're a boy, and you just took off your clothes in my room."

I looked down, and shrugged. "I'm so used to being around my sister and her friends, I just don't think about it any more. I can put the dress back on if it bothers you." She just sat and stared.

"It's not fair. You're a boy and you look more like a cute little girl than I do."

"Hey, it's not like I want to. So do you want to study or should I get dressed and leave?"

Her answer was to strip to her underwear. I managed a small tent in my panties, and almost drooled. "My shoulders are too wide, and my muscles bulge, and..."

"And you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen..." She stopped and blushed all the way to her toes. "And if I keep looking at you I'm going to hurt myself." She started to giggle, then looked at my panties.

"That all?" I covered myself, and curled up on her floor. "Hey, I didn't mean it as an insult, it just that..."

"I told you I'm too damned small to be any use." I wondered if I should just leave now and forget I ever saw her. She came over and gently picked me up.

"Brandy, if all I wanted in a boy was a stiff dick, I'd buy a cucumber." She gave me a hug, and I wound up with my face in her cleavage again. "So let's quit playing mine is bigger than yours, and be friends." I licked the top of one of her breasts, and she shuddered. "And if you keep that up, we'll be really close friends and Mom will kill me."

With great reluctance she put me on the bed, and grabbed her math book. And took off her bra. "God, it feels great to get that harness off." I was staring hungrily at her incredible breasts. She wrapped herself in a blanket. I started on powers and bases. I wanted to start on nipples. And really missed Nancy. Barbie was a lot smarter than she claimed, and picked up the missing information fast. It was nearly ten when I finally finished my homework between helping her with hers. She was still working on English, and she had let the blanket slip...

So I softly rested my head against her chest, and snuggled. She pulled me against her like a stuffed animal, and tucked the blanket around me. It was warm and she was soft and I went out like a light.

I woke to Barbie and her mother talking softly. " Mom, I know I'm not supposed to be in bed with a boy, especially at home. But she's, I mean he's, not like the other boy's I've met. And Brandy is a girl, even if she doesn't want to be one. She acts like a girl and cuddles like one. Look at her sleeping."

"I know. She's as feminine as any girl I've ever met."

I opened my eyes and looked unhappily at them. "I can't help being this way. And I'm no danger to your daughter. I'm sorry to have caused her any trouble, so I guess I had better get dressed and leave." I tried to get up, and found myself pinned back to the bed by Barbie, who simply leaned on the blanket.

"Hey, we're not throwing you out. Mom already called you father, and got permission for you to spend the night." I looked at her mom like she was crazy.

She smiled. "Brandy, I simply told your father that you and my daughter were doing homework together, and it was going to run late. When he tried to decline, I told him we knew you were a boy, and that it didn't matter. He seemed, well, relieved, and said for you to enjoy the weekend." That sounded like Dad. He really wanted me to get out more. And he knew my chances of getting in trouble with a girl in trouble were awfully low. For a lot of reasons.

"But you were worried about me being a boy in bed with Barbie, and..."

"You are seventeen and Barbie is eighteen. And she wants you to spend the night. As her girlfriend. So I trust her. Besides, she's as lonely as you." Barbie nodded, and her mom leaned down and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "And she's right. You're not like any other boys I've met. And I don't mean your appearance." She got up and told us both goodnight.

When she closed the door Barbie was grinning. Then she saw the sad look on my face. "I don't want charity."

"You're not getting in my panties, either. But I like you and I saw how happy you got when you were snuggled up to me. It was like someone told you it was okay to be who you are. And Mom was right. I've been lonely for someone warm and cuddly for a long time. Not for sex, for companionship." She grabbed the blanket and unrolled me. "So get comfortable, and let's enjoy being friends."

Barbie was straight and to the point. Kinda like Lisa. But more so. Once I was down to panties, I realized I needed to use a bathroom. I wound up in one of her T shirts as a robe. A long robe. Arghhh! When I came back she had already cleared the bed, and was tucked in. Soon I was warmly and very securely snuggled in her arms, my face comfortably back in her cleavage. I think my brain was on autopilot when I softly massaged her breasts. Instead of getting clobbered, she made happy sounds, and snuggled closer. It was not long before I had one of her large nipples in my mouth, and was sound asleep.

The next morning I woke up to an earthquake. Or that's what I thought was happening until I realized where I was, and that the bouncing and shaking was coming from Barbie's very warm body and active body. Several "Oh Yesss....s" later, she lay there quivering. Now I was incredibly horny. And her abundant pheromones were causing further distress. So I snuggled up against her, and gave her a kiss. She almost launched herself straight into orbit.

"I thought you were asleep!"

"I thought there was an earthquake."

"Oh...Shit. I'm sorry, it's just that I woke up and you were nursing on my breasts and I was so incredibly aroused and..." I nibbled again, and she arched. "God that's intense!"

"Um, like can you maybe go take a shower or something, cause I really need some privacy?" Instead of answering, she pulled me up high in the bed.

"My turn". I almost screamed when she almost took one of my small breasts entirely in her mouth, and used her tongue to massage my nipple. As I wiggled and squirmed, she slid a hand in my panties, and started to squeeze other things softly and rhythmically. I soon decided the hormones were not all bad. Before I would have lasted seconds. It took a glorious ten minutes, and the result left me in a state of shock. And still twitching occasionally. Barbie immediately did a repeat performance, using me as a body pillow. Mmmm...

When she finally came down I was feeling, well, warm and happy. It was weird. We stayed snuggled until we could no longer wait for the bathroom. She got there first. By unfair tactics. She wrapped me in a blanket. Before we headed downstairs, we changed the sheets. I wound up dressed in my bra, panties, with another of her T shirts as a dress, and one of her scarves as a belt. It actually looked decent when I added my heels. But I still looked like a little kid next to Barbie.

Her mother was waiting for us when we got downstairs. One of us must have had a guilty look. Or she had mommy radar. "Sleep well? The emphasis on "sleep" was poignant.

I tried to shrink further, but Barbie simply smiled. "Mom, we didn't play mating games, and yes, we are SO much more relaxed." Her mom's eyes got big. Barbie grabbed me and gave me a full-body hug. Her mom blushed. "Now about breakfast, 'cause all that exercise last night made me hungry!" Now I blushed.

Barbie wound up doing the cooking. Her mom complained of a headache, teenage style. I recommended that we do our homework early, and Barbie agreed. So after breakfast, which was really an early lunch, Barbie borrowed her mother's car, and we headed for the library. It was almost four when we finally packed up our remaining brain cells. But we were finished for the weekend. And Barbie was a lot closer to being caught up in math.

I expected to head back to her house, but instead we stopped at mine so I could get clean clothes. Dad was not home, and there was a note on my door saying he had been called into work. I gave Barbie a tour. When she saw my library, we needed a box to carry all the books she borrowed. We made it back to her house in time for dinner.

By the end of the weekend I was feeling, well, like life had a meaning again. Barbie's parents and brother, at her urging, treated me like a girl. And it wasn't that bad when I quit fighting the idea. Spending the night as her bed-mate didn't hurt either. Except when she rolled over on top of me. When I finally reached Dad, he told me I could stay Sunday night but had to be home on Monday. I didn't argue.

Monday school seemed different to me. Barbie was in none of my advanced classes, so we didn't get to see each other except at lunch. But I felt alive and animated. The reality of how different I felt came when one of the jocks made a joke about my being a pitiful excuse for a guy. Instead of either arguing or running away, I simply vamped at him. "Guess you're just jealous!" And simply walked, wiggling, away. I wanted to look back, but I figured it would spoil the effect.

When I told Barbie after school, she gave be one of her patented rib-rearranging hugs and a kiss that left me tingling. When I got home, there was a note saying to do my homework early, and dad would be taking me out to dinner. When he got home he was smiling. "Ready for some decent food?"

"Sure, so where are we going?"

"Put on a nice dress and I'll surprise you." Usually I got upset when he treated mr like Mar, but not tonight. When I wiggled my way down the stairs in a slinky little party outfit, his eyes bugged out. "Wow." He started to say something else, and shut up suddenly. We wound up at Josephine's, the fanciest and most expensive restaurant in town. I found we had reservations. I knew that something was up, but I was not sure what. When we were seated, it was at a table for four.

"Um, Dad, what is going on?" He smiled.

"You know I've been spending a lot of extra time at work, and out of the house. Well, not all of the time has been working. I met a wonderful woman who I have been dating, and I want you to meet her."

I stared at him. Dad? Dating? Parents didn't date. Boy, did I feel stupid. "Um, does she know about me?" He looked unhappy.

"I haven't told her yet. I wanted you to meet her, and her son, first."

"Her SON!" I looked at Dad. "I'm not interested in boys, and you are fixing me up with a date with..."

"No, I just want their first meeting with you to be unbiased." He paused, and looked at his plate. "Please Brandy, Dorothy is really a special person to me, and I've been so lonely since your mother died..."

I got up and gave him a hug. "I won't embarrass you Daddy, but don't lie to her about me." He hugged me back.

We were nibbling on exquisite crab-stuffed mushroom appetizers when a stocky older woman, accompanied by a really nervous looking boy in a suit were escorted to the table. Dad almost jumped up, and introduced the woman as Dorothy Carston, and the young man as her son Philip. The poor kid was staring strangely at me and my cleavage, and I was afraid he would start screaming and run.

When they were seated, Dorothy and Dad were on one side, and Philip and I on the other. Dad continued with the introductions. "Brandy, Dorothy and I met on the Anderson project. She is a certified public accountant, and was auditing the billing procedures." Dad held her hand. "And one day we chatted about out families, and found out we were not that different. He husband died several years ago, and she has raised Philip alone ever since. When she found I was a widower raising my daughter by myself, we decided to get together and compare notes."

She held his hand and they made eyes at each other. "And we found we have more in common than just being single parents. So we decided it was time to let our children know we are serious about each other." Philip looked upset, and I was afraid I was going to scare off someone my father really cared about. "Philip is a bit shy around beautiful girls like your daughter. He's a senior honors student at St. Michael's, which is an all-boys school, so he doesn't get much chance to be around girls his age."

I looked at him carefully. He didn't look like either a jock or a geek. More like a puppy. "Brandy is also a senior honors student, at Central Community." He looked at me. "When I asked her to dress up for dinner, I didn't expect she would be quite as fancy as this."

"Don, your daughter is very beautiful, and carries herself like a lady." I blushed, but not from the complement. "Perhaps we should order, since the waiter seems to be getting nervous." So there was less conversation and a lot of menu-reading. I kept glancing at Philip, who for some reason seemed embarrassed. When I saw they had a petite surf-n-turf, with real lobster and a fillet, I knew what I wanted.

I was almost shocked when Philip ordered a huge piece of prime rib, rare. He didn't look big enough to down that much food.

Dad and Dorothy were holding hands and doing disgusting things like feeding each other appetizers. "Um, Hi, I guess..." Philip was looking at me and trying to start a conversation.

"Relax, I didn't know a thing about this till a few minutes ago. Same with you?" He nodded his head, and leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"Did your Dad give you a pep talk about wanting for us to get to know each other?" I giggled, and nodded. "Mom's really head over heels for your Dad, and is afraid I'll be a problem." He gave me a "sad puppy" look. I wondered why she was afraid her shy son would interfere?

Dinner arrived, and as I thoroughly enjoyed my small dinner, I watched in awe as Philip made a meal big enough for Barbie disappear. He even ate the garnish. I wondered where he put it all. The band started up, and I was shocked when Philip almost dragged me to the dance floor. He whispered to me "They really want to be alone, and this way we can talk without worrying about their hearing us." It made sense. Sort of.

They played only slow dance music, and I found myself being held close by Philip. And all sorts of alarms went off. I looked like a really cute girl, and he was holding me like a girl against him, and it felt wonderful. Which felt WRONG. So I started to shake. "Brandy, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Philip pulled me to the side of the floor.

"It's just that you are a boy and..." He pulled me over to a quiet spot.

"And I know you're not a girl." I gave him a horrified look and tried to get away.

"Brandy, please, listen to me." I quit struggling. "When Mom started seeing your dad, I got worried, 'cause she got hurt really bad once before, and so I researched your family. And found your dad had a son, not a daughter, named Brandon." He was looking at me. "So I made a lot of inquiries, and learned that Brandon and Brandy were the same person. I haven't told Mom, because I figured if your dad was serious he would tell her."

"Why are you dancing with me, just to make fun of what I am?"

"I'm dancing with you because I love my mother and I want her to be happy. And, although you may not understand, because you really are very pretty, and I don't care what's in your underwear." I stared at him. "Mom is afraid I will embarrass her because I'm gay. I like boys a lot better than girls. And she thinks if your dad sees me going out with one of my boyfriends, he will freak."

"You mean they are both scared of..." He nodded. I suddenly snickered "And I'll bet I'm like, one of your fantasies?" He turned bright red, and nodded. I started to giggle, then looked at him. "But I'm not interested in sleeping with a guy, cause I'm kinda like a weird lesbian, I only like girls."

"Hey, I didn't say we had to hop in bed. But can you at least dance with me?"

I gave him a very un-ladylike kiss, leaving him sweating. "I'd love to." Which surprised me. I reacted just like a girl again. But it felt good to dance close to him.

We were finally tracked down by his mom, who told us it was time to go. Dad had lipstick on his cheek, and was smiling. He seemed flabbergasted when Philip held me and I gave him a sensual kiss. When we reached the parking lot, Philip whispered in my ear "Should we save them the trouble?"

I nibbled on his ear, which made him quiver. "Yes. And you get to do the honors." That got me a dirty look. He straightened, and asked for everyone's attention.

"Mom, Mr. Adams." Both parents looked at him. His mom seemed frightened. "You both had ulterior motives when you brought us together tonight. You were afraid that because we're not quite normal" he hugged me "one of us would cause problems between you two." They looked suspiciously at each other.

"Mom, you are afraid that Mr. Adams will get upset and freak when he finds out I'm gay." Mrs. Carston grabbed my father and held him.

"Don, I'm sorry, I was going to tell you but I wanted you to meet Philip first and..."

"And my father wanted you to meet me before he told you my secret." Dad had a pained look. I faced Mrs. Carston. "Despite my appearance, I'm not really his daughter Brandy. I'm really his son, Brandon." Her mouth dropped open.

"So Brandy and I are okay with each other." Philip gave me a squeeze. "And no, we have no plans on getting in bed with each other. So can you two now quit worrying about your kids?"

"Dorothy, I..." She kissed him. Philip and I watched then for a while, then told them we had school in the morning. They separated with big smiles.

Philip gave me a far from neutral kiss. "If there's a dance or something where I need to take a girl, would you consider a date?"

I didn't even think as I kissed him back. "Sounds like fun." Both parents made funny noises...

On the way home, Dad was apologizing furiously when I finally told him I had a great time. "Philip is cool. He knows I don't like boys, at least for bedroom games." He swerved a bit. "But he's nice and I really enjoyed dancing with him."

The rest of the trip was quiet. I realized that I had just said I enjoyed dancing with a boy. As a girl. And I didn't feel it was so awfully wrong. I managed to hold the tears back until I was safely in my room.

What was I? As I wiped off the tears, I knew I was no longer a boy. Nor was I a girl. I was somewhere in-between. And it just didn't make sense.

By the middle of the week I was more than thoroughly confused. I found myself acting much more like a girl when around guys I found cute. Yes, dammit, cute. The idea of being around boys, as a girl, or snuggling with a boy, was not longer abhorrent. It was like someone had adjusted something inside, and I had changed overnight into a different person.

Barbie wondered if I had lost it when I made a comment that one guy looked really hot. "Hey, I thought you said you were straight!"

I hugged her. "Just checking out the guys I might want to go dancing with." She gave me a "really?" look.

It was Friday after school when I was finally able to sort things out enough to talk with Barbie, and explain about Philip and Dad and Dorothy, and what happened on Monday. "So I'm now even more confused than before."

"Does this mean you don't want to be a boy any more?" She sounded afraid.

"No, darn it, I really want to be a boy when I'm with you. But when I'm around a cute guy I really want to be a girl too. And when I'm around you and a cute guy I'm perplexed as hell."

"Well, since I'm the only one here at the moment..." I loved being her human teddy bear. A boy teddy bear. I wondered for a moment how I would like being a girl bear. Considering how much use I was making of my boy parts, I guessed it wouldn't be that different. I fell quietly asleep after Barbie did her earthquake imitation, with me as an aftershock, and stuffed a nipple in my mouth as a pacifier. Mmmm. Munch....

It was the week before Christmas break when I got a frantic call from Philip. "Brandy, Mom got invited to some big party at the headquarters for her company, and they are expecting her to bring her son and his date. If I show up with Tony, they'll can her for sure. So..."

"So you want me to play sweet young thing and go with you."


"When is the event?"

"Friday night, at their offices over in Anderson. And it's formal. Can you help?"

I thought for a moment about what I had to wear. Formal was not an option. "Um, I'll need to go shopping. What time do we need to leave?"

"Mom and I will pick you up at six. It is supposed to last until one, so we won't get back until after two. Please, will you help?"

The idea of a stuffy formal anything was disgusting. But Philip was a good kid, and probably soon to be my step-brother. "Will do. I'll go shopping tomorrow and let you know how much this is going to cost you."

"Thank you. Thank you. Shit, I almost forgot I've got to rent a tux. Gotta run."

It had been a long time since I had gone shopping, and I didn't feel like venturing into that realm without support. So I called Barbie. After a short explanation, she agreed to go with me.

After school on Tuesday Barbie and I headed for the mall. I was planning on a basic, non-threatening outfit. Barbie took one look at my initial selections, and made gagging noises. Then she started to jump up and down like a little kid, clapping her hands and giggling. "Oohh, I always wanted to dress up a real living dolly!" I stared at her in shock. I should have started to run. "You will be soooo... cute when I'm done!" I tried to disappear, but she was too fast. Then she pulled me out of the store, and over to a place where the window looked like an inside page from a Victoria's Secret catalog.

I stared at the hot babe in the mirror. The dress, what there was of it, was definitely striking, and fit perfectly. It was really formal. A formal invitation to getting molested. In the five inch strappy heels each movement made my breasts jiggle precariously, and I wondered if there was enough fabric in the back to keep my bottom covered. I was seriously embarrassed, but Barbie was having so much fun I was afraid to burst her bubble. When she paid for the dress, shoes, and wisps of underwear that were included, I gawked at her.

"Don't say a word. This is the most fun I've had in ages. Just keep that cute butt of yours wiggling and we'll move on to stage two."

"Stage two?" Wrong question.

We wound up at a beauty salon, where I was directed to give a fashion show. Without my consent, not that arguing with Barbie would have done any good, I wound up in a chair having my hair and nails done. Including my toenails. "Close your eyes and don't worry about a thing. I spent a lot of time worrying. I had this awful feeling that I was about to look like a real Barbie doll, complete with platinum bleached hair.

I stared at the mirror. My normally sandy-colored mane was now a flowing mass of shiny, red-blonde curls. My eyebrows had been shaped and waxed. And my nails, all twenty of them, were done in the same iridescent green as the dress. Barbie was beaming, and making all sorts of comments about how proud she was of her little sister. "Barbie, um, like I have to go to school tomorrow." I swung my head and the waterfall of hair flowed around my face. "I'm going to stand out like a beacon."

She smiled. "You are going to turn so many heads they'll need to hand out neck braces." I wondered why, all of a sudden, she was flaunting me to the world. I carefully said nothing until we were out in her car.

"Barbie, I try to keep a low profile. That way people leave me alone." There was both hurt and fear in my voice.

"It's time you came out of your shell. You really are a beautiful girl."

"I'm not a girl." It was a half-hearted protest. I was as much girl as boy.

"You are both my girlfriend and my boyfriend. And you are too nice a person to keep hiding from the world." She looked pensive. "Brandy, I can't stand around and watch you try to be a nobody. I love you, and want you to get out of your shell and start living."

I managed to remember to breathe about the time things started to get fuzzy. Barbie loved me? "Barbie, I..." I managed to grab her and hold on when the flood started.

When I finally managed to get my control back, I looked up at Barbie, who was holding me against her. She was smiling, but there were tears in her eyes. "I love you too, but how can you be happy with someone like..." Her kiss said a lot more than words. It was a quite a while before she was prepared to start the car and drive us back to her house. She fixed my makeup before we went inside.

I called home and Dad agreed to let me spend the night at her place. Barbie carefully undressed me completely, and, for the first time, climbed into bed without a stitch of clothes on. When we finally fell asleep, our relationship had reached a new level of intensity, and intimacy. And I didn't care what anyone said. I was Barbie's boyfriend, girlfriend, and now, her lover.

We took the bus to school. I was glad it was cold out. I was able to cover my head with a scarf. But I got stared at a lot by the other students. And the driver. Barbie had found me a long, flowing skirt and a fitted green sweater that was almost the color of my nails. And she insisted on helping me with my makeup. At breakfast Ken inhaled his coffee when he saw me, and Mrs. Dalton gave me a careful checkout, finally mumbling that I was going to create quite a stir. Most of me wanted to run and hide. But something was telling me it was time to strut my stuff and announce to the world I was really Brandy. And that Barbie and I were a mated pair.

The hubbub started when I took off my coat and scarf. Within seconds I was surrounded by students who normally avoided me. "Wow, Brandy. You look great!" I stared at Josephine, one of my regular tormentors.

"Hey, who's the new chick?" Steve and Randy were pushing their way through the crowd towards me. Randy was a regular on the "beat up on the poor pansy" crew, and I realized I was trapped against the lockers. I was about to panic when they confronted me. "Shit, it's just Brandy..." Steve was staring at me.

"Um, Randy, if that's a boy, I'm gay." Steve gave me a head-to-toe checkout.

"Leave my girlfriend alone!" Barbie had made her way to me, and I nearly jumped into her waiting arms. As I snuggled against her for security, Barbie hissed at them. "Besides, she doesn't like boys." I tried to gurgle out a response, but Barbie planted a tongue halfway to my tonsils and gave me a full-body hug. The heck with talking. I melted.

When she finally let me up for air, we were being watched by the entire crowd. "Any questions?" My eyes were still glazed as I slid down till my feet were on the floor.

"Mmmm. Duhhh. Can we go back to bed now?" I put my face in her cleavage and gave her a hug. There was utter silence for several seconds after the words slipped out of me. When reality suddenly awoke, I started to panic, but Barbie had me in a death-grip, and that limited the options. Like breathing.

"You mean you two are like...?" Steve was staring at us. Barbie smiled a canary-feather smile. "Wait'll the guys on the team hear this, are they gonna be surprised." Steve pivoted and dragged Randy, who was making fish-out-of-water motions, down the hall.

"You mean like you two are, I mean have...." I gave Josephine a satisfied grin. "Oh wow. Like that's so cool." She had never said a kind word to me before. The tardy warning bell ended any further conversations. Barbie let me go, and shouted "see you at lunch!" as she ran down the hall towards her first class.

The word spread quickly, and by noon I was being treated like any new girl with a steady date. Even if the date was female. Instead of eating alone, Barbie had to defend a place for me to sit. She looked dazed. "I didn't expect people to react like this." I grabbed her and hugged her. Then sat on her lap and nibbled on her ear. I wanted to go home and have a very different lunch.

"Hey, no quickies in the lunch room!" I stuck my tongue out at Brenda, who was giggling. Brenda's boyfriend goosed her. "Hey!"

"And what's wrong with a quickie?" He gave her a vacuum-cleaner kiss, and when she came up for air, it was obvious that both of them had anything but food on their minds. They hurried out of the lunch room as I got off Barbie's lap and pulled out my lunch. It was like some barrier had been dropped, and I was no longer an unclean person. It felt so good that I started to cry, and wound up sobbing on Barbie's shoulder.

"Brandy, what's wrong?" She sounded scared.

"I'm so happy I'm crying and I feel like a fool and..." She finished the sentence for me. Silently. It was not until the bell rang that I discovered she had also finished my lunch.

We took the bus to my house, where we managed a quiet interlude before doing homework. Barbie promised to come over on Friday after school, and help me get ready. "Remember, you're mine." I had but one answer.

By the end of the week I felt like a different person. A few kids were still harassing me, but when one of the fundies started giving me their standard "you are a sinner' lecture, a big guy that before had called me a fairy interceded. I watched as he finished stuffing the bible-toting idiot into a trash receptacle. We then stared at each other. He seemed embarrassed, and quickly disappeared. Barbie had borrowed her mother's car and drove us home after school.

Dad had not seen the formal outfit, but had raved about my hair. When I came downstairs after Barbie's ministrations, his eyeballs bulged out, and he made gurgling noises. He finally managed "No daughter of mine is going out looking like an advertisement for an escort service!" We stared at each other, as the impact of his statement, that I was his daughter, sank in."

"Brandy, I'm sorry, I..."

I gave him a hug. "I really am your daughter now. And it doesn't bother me any more." Barbie had come down after me and was watching. "Besides, my girlfriend was the one that picked out the gown. Said it made her horny." Dad had trouble breathing, and I gave Barbie a hug that caused my gown to reveal some of the fancy underwear I was wearing.

"That dress is indecent!" I smiled and wiggled at him.

"Yeah. Isn't it just perfect?"

He was still having trouble breathing when the doorbell rang. Barbie answered the door, and let Philip and Dorothy in. The gasps made me feel good. Dorothy finally managed to speak. "Brandy, that dress, it, it's positively shameless!" I pirouetted in the towering heels. "Don, Are you going to let her out of the house like that?"

"Wow! Maybe I'm not gay after all." We stared at Philip.

"Sorry, but she's already taken." Barbie gave me a hug, which I carefully returned, again showing the edges of my lingerie. Dad and Dorothy stared at each other. Philip stared hungrily at me. He looked really good in the tux.

"Um, Mom, we need to get going if we want to get there on time." Philip was trying to get the parents out of protective mode, so I grabbed my dress coat and his hand, and we headed out to their car. It was a few moments before Dorothy followed. Once she was buckled in and we were on the road, she started to talk.

"Brandy, I know you are doing this as a favor to Philip and me. but that dress, and your hair... You said you were just trying to make it from day to day, but you look, well..."

"Dorothy, I look like I feel. Like a pretty girl going to a fancy get-together who has decided to quit being a wallflower and let the woman inside face the world." That left a pregnant silence. "And yes, I've come to realize I am a girl, and a boy, and a woman, ans a man. And I have a father and a girlfriend who love me the way I am. Which is all that really matters."

We traveled most of the trip in contemplative silence. I wound up snuggled up to Philip in the back seat. He smelled like a manly man, and I relaxed and enjoyed the snuggle. I was almost surprised he managed to remain a gentleman; having his mother driving may have been the deciding factor.

When Philip and I entered the main dining room, we turned more than a few heads. Barbie was right, the dress was perfect. I wasn't the barest, or the most immodest, but I definitely was sending out "hot blooded GIRL" signals. I got a lot of request for dances, and more than a couple of requests for other things, especially after the older male contingent had sampled the punch bowl.

Philip tried his best to guard me from the prowling wolves. "Brandy, if you don't want to dance with them it's okay." I nuzzled his ear.

"I am having a wonderful time, and I'm so horny that if I wasn't straight, I would be dragging you off the dance floor this moment." He tried his innocent, lost-puppy look, but the bulge in his Tux told the whole story. His hand softly massaging my bottom was unfair tactics.

It was with some reluctance, and very sore feet that we managed to track down Dorothy and point out that we were past the pumpkin stage. I almost lost control as we headed for her car and Philip started gently massaging my breasts through the thin dress when his mother wasn't looking. I was wondering of I would make it home without giving in, but the cool fresh air and exhaustion took over. Philip was asleep with his head buried in my cleavage before we hit the highway. I managed to fend off a couple of Dorothy's questions before I joined him in fantasy land.

When Dorothy woke me up it took a bit for me to get organized. Philip was sitting there with a smile on his face, and I wondered if I had done anything incriminating in my sleep. Then I saw we were at Barbie's house. "Philip suggested that you might be much happier if you could, er, spend the night with Barbie..." She was apparently a bit embarrassed.

I looked at Philip. "Um, I called Tony on the way here, and, well..." I gave him a very close hug.

"Have fun yourself. It was a great evening." Dorothy said she would be coming over to our house late Saturday, and asked if Philip could come along. I licked his ear, which caused him to shiver and her eyebrows to rise. "Sure. Barbie will be there, 'cause we've got a lot of studying to do, and she knows about Philip." Dorothy seemed to relax. Just a little.

Barbie met me at the front door, and insisted, not that my feet objected, on carrying me up to her room. It was a good thing I had napped on the way home. She had been briefed by Philip. I was afraid the noises we made were going to wake her parents. God, she was beautiful when she came. And came, and came...

Barbie's mom had to wake us so we would have time to study before dinner on Saturday. I tried to disappear under the covers, but Barbie simply squeezed me against her and announced "mine." He mother's expression scared me. She seemed upset about something, and I had a feeling I was the cause.

My feet were so sore that Barbie had to carry me to the shower. I think I enjoyed her washing me, but I was too sleepy to notice. I did manage to do her back. By the time we made it downstairs, her Mom had gone shopping, so I quit worrying and enjoyed a quick lunch with Barbie. Even the idea of a quick anything else hurt.

We arrived at my house dressed like normal teenagers. I was wearing a jumper with a long skirt, and tennis shoes, Barbie opted for her sweats and, despite the cold, sandals. There was a tantalizing smell in the air when we opened the door, and I was almost run over by Barbie when I stopped dead in my tracks. There was a strange male presence in the living room. A few introductions later, both Barbie and I were getting to know Tony, who was the creator of the incredible hors d'orves we were ravenously devouring.

After dinner, prepared by Dorothy with Tony's help, another major change in my life occurred. We were sitting in the living room when Dad got down on his knees before Dorothy, and pulling a too-familiar ring from his pocket, asked her to marry him. From her screaming and crying and wrapping herself around him, it was obvious the answer was yes. Acting like a couple of hormone crazed teenagers, they managed to excuse themselves before dashing madly upstairs, saying they needed some private time. The four of us provided a background of snickers that did not slow them down in the slightest.

Once the doors had finished slamming upstairs, we sat around staring silently at each other. "Wow!" Philip looked like he had been slugged with something. "It's so weird, seeing my mom being proposed to by someone who will soon be my father..." There was a look of pain on his face. Tony held him as he cried.

"You really do miss your real father." Philip managed to nod, and Barbie handed him a box of tissues. Several loud snorts later, he began.

"Dad and I were never really close. He was always so busy with his work, and when he was home, we couldn't seem to communicate with each other. It got worse when I discovered I was not attracted to girls. To him, homosexuality was something bad that happened in other peoples families. He tried, but it scared him, and in the couple of years before he died, we grew apart."

He started to shake, and we all joined in a group hug till he was ready to continue. "He never did understand, and I never was able to express how much I loved him in a way he could accept."

I thought about everything Dad and I had been through, and suddenly realized how much help all the counseling had been. And how much Barbie meant to me. I scared her when I started to cry and plastered myself against her. When I finally managed to explain, it was her turn, and we held each close other while Philip and Tony snuggled together against their demons. Finally it was Barbie, or rather, Barbie's bladder that broke the pall. The "Aahhh...." from the bathroom made us all start to laugh.

"Anyone want to try some dessert?" We stared at Tony. And dashed for the kitchen.

When Dad and Dorothy came back downstairs, looking very much relaxed, and even more mussed, we were all sitting quietly, nibbling on some chocolate, raspberry and almond confection that was too good to be legal. Or to be eaten quickly. They announced they planned to get married at the beginning of the Christmas holidays, and would take a month-long honeymoon when their current projects finished up in early April. "I will call Mar and let her know tomorrow. It will be a private affair, just the six of us, plus Mar, and probably Konrad. No announcements or fanfare." He paused. "And we haven't worked out the details of which house we will keep, or anything like that."

We looked at each other. I guess the idea of moving was something we had never considered. " Brandy won't be a problem, 'cause she's mine and I'm not letting her out of my reach." She grabbed me and squeezed me till I was seeing colors. It felt so good...

"I guess it's time to announce that Philip and I are planning to room together at the University starting in the fall." We looked at Tony. "And he can stay at my house until then. My parents have lots of extra room, and are happy I have found someone as wonderful as him. So that means you two" He gestured to Dad and Dorothy "shouldn't have anything to worry about. " I managed to pry myself loose from Barbie, and gave Dad a hug and a kiss.

And followed it with the same for Dorothy. Philip kissed his Mom, but stuck with a hug and shaking Dad's hand. Barbie whispered something in my ear, and I passed it on to Tony and Philip, who announced that as an engagement present, all the children were leaving for the weekend, and would be home after school on Monday. They didn't argue.

It took Barbie and me about fifteen minutes to pack more than enough for me to spend a week at her house. Dorothy and Dad were nowhere to be seen, and we joked as we locked up the house about their being too sore to move by tomorrow morning.

When we got to Barbie's house, there was a note saying everyone had gone out to dinner, and if Barbie wanted to eat, she could thaw something for herself. We looked at each other. "I have a better idea..." I didn't argue, but I made her lock the door and leave a "Do Not Disturb" note for when they returned.

After Sunday morning breakfast, where I got the feeling that her parents were getting a bit upset over my sleeping with their daughter, Barbie called a family meeting so I could announce my father's engagement. And to make one of our own. Once the congratulations for Dad and Dorothy were finished, Barbie and I stood up, and hugged each other. "Mom, Dad, and even you, little brother." He stuck his tongue out at her. "Brandy and I have an announcement to make." Her mother turned pale.

"Oh my god, you're pregnant!" Barbie and I stared at each other, and broke out in giggles.

"Mrs. Dalton, I can assure you that, despite my most valiant efforts, Barbie is not... umgph" Barbie managed to get a hand over my mouth.

"Brandy means that we have taken proper precautions." Barbie was a bright shade of scarlet. "And no, I'm not pregnant, and have no plans on getting pregnant, at least not for a couple of years." Her dad sputtered loudly. She released me so I could breathe. And continue.

"Barbie and I love each other very much, and want to move in together."

Ken's "Way to go, sis!" got him a "wither quickly" look from Mrs. Dalton.

"But you two are in school, and..." Her dad looked upset.

"And that is why we are asking you if I can move in with Barbie, here in your house. I don't take up much space or eat a lot, and..."

I was surprised, and scared, when Mrs. Dalton got up and came over to where we were. But she simply grabbed Barbie and me in a great big hug and started to cry all over us. When she finally let go, Mr. Dalton was busy putting twenty-dollar bills in Ken's hand.

"I bet Ken that it wouldn't last. And somehow I'm awfully glad I lost." Barbie and I descended on him and tried to hug him to death. I'm not certain, but I think there was a tear or two in his eyes when we finally released him. Ken suggested that he use some of his winnings to throw an party, which was seconded by everyone. I think Mrs. Dalton got even for my comments by having me wear an outfit that made me look like I was thirteen, and then ordering me a child's portion. What made it worse was I had leftovers. Barbie kept whispering that she wanted to be dessert.

That evening I began moving in. After we had finished our homework. I called Philip and got congratulated, and managed to catch Dad and Dorothy during one of their food breaks. I had been afraid that Dad would be upset about living alone. He announced that he was afraid I might be upset because he wanted Dorothy to move in immediately. We agreed to discuss logistics later in the week. Besides, Barbie was busy nibbling on my toes, and I was having trouble thinking.

Over the holidays we held Dad's mini-wedding at his house. The Daltons were there, as were Tony and his parents. Mar and Konrad got center stage when they announced that she was two months pregnant, and that they had secretly gotten married the day her test came back positive.

"Konrad's parents are buying us a condo near the campus, so we are going to continue with school, adjusting our schedules to handle child care." That got them a lot of congratulations. And comments about 2 AM feedings.

When everything was over, Dad and my new Mom announced they were going to do their honeymoon in their bedroom, and they would appreciate not being disturbed for a week. Philip, Mar, and I agreed. We had similar plans with our partners.

Over the vacation I got to introduce Barbie to Lisa, Tammy, and Nancy. Nancy almost drooled when she saw Barbie, but I claimed ownership. Loudly. And demonstrably. They, along with Mar, wanted to know what our plans were after graduation. Which got a lot of discussion going, because we didn't yet know ourselves.

There were a lot of hugs and tears when it was time for people to leave at the end of the holidays. Lisa and Tammy, who now was sporting her very own chest decorations, were the last to depart, and wished us their best.

I guess when you can simply shrug and ignore the stupid people, soon you become invisible to them. A few of the fundies kept bothering me, but even they seemed to tire of it after time. And once I was getting roughed up by a couple of skinheads when Ken and his teammates came to my rescue. They told me not to watch, something about too much violence for my delicate feminine eyes. I took the hint, and got out of the area fast.

In late May I found I was going to get my chance in public again. I was going to graduate as one of the top ten students in the school, and had won a full scholarship to the state university. Which was weird, because I didn't remember putting in for scholarships. Back then I was just trying to survive. Barbie was also going to get a little limelight. She too was going to be an honors graduate. I guess my initial tutoring helped some.

Dad and Dorothy, and the Dalton's got to sit in the section reserved for special graduates, and watch as we did our little parade in the funny gowns and hats. It was when they were handing out the scholarships and grants that I got a surprise I had never anticipated. Mr. Kimball had just finished the announcements, when he called me up to the stage. I almost hurt myself, and was shaking as I got up in front of everyone without any clue as to why I was there again.

"Two years ago a new girl, Brandy Adams, became a student at our school. She was a new girl in a very unusual way, because before then she was also a student here. As a boy named Brandon Adams." There was a lot of murmuring, and I started to get really scared. "I, along with many others, doubted that she would make it through the first week. She did. Then we wondered if she would make it through the semester.

She surprised us all. As you already know, Brandy is among the top ten graduates of this year's class. Despite the odds against her. So when it became obvious how special a student she really was, several members of the faculty and I got together, and submitted her name and story to the Adams foundation." I had never heard of them, but some in the audience certainly had. "Two weeks ago they contacted us, and asked for an update. And yesterday I received a call from their executive director, and this morning a package came overnight delivery."

He turned to me. "Brandy, you have been named an Adamsen scholar." He picked up a folder from his table. "Which, by your expression, doesn't yet mean anything to you." I managed a nod. "You are the first ever at this school, as only a couple of students in the country each year receive this honor." He paused.

"The Adamsen scholarships are awarded based on both personal achievement in overcoming overwhelming odds, and on highly superior academic achievement. You have done both. The scholarship covers all tuition, books, and provides a large stipend for housing and expenses for six full years at almost any college or university of your choice." I had to hold on to a table for support, and there were a lot of gasps from the crowd. "Congratulations. You have truly earned this award." He handed me a leather-covered folder. I managed to give him a hug before I burst into tears and ran off the stage into Barbie's arms.

There was a thunderous applause. And then everyone who knew me tried to add their hugs and congratulations. Barbie wound up carrying me out to their car.

The next day Dad and the Daltons sat down with Barbie and me to discuss our college plans. It was apparent that with the scholarship, I was guaranteed admission to wherever I wanted to apply. Which left Barbie up in the air. She was an honor student, but like me had only applied to the state university, because it was nearby and affordable. Which meant we would have a very difficult time staying together if I decided to attend a better school.

She was insisting that I select the best, but there was no mistaking the emotional strain of her insistence. And both Dad and the Daltons were aware of the problem. I wondered aloud if I should just return the scholarship, and got loudly informed that I had earned the damn thing and would make the most of it. Even Barbie was insistent. She finally got a pained look, and ran up to our room. I tried to follow, and Mrs. Dalton blocked me.

"Brandy, Barbie has to work this out herself. She knows she will be an impediment to your getting the education you deserve. And she loves you enough to want the best for you. But that doesn't make it hurt any less. You must decide what is best for you."

I looked at all of them. "What is best for me is to stay with Barbie. So I need some time to figure out how." I collected myself. "Please, we don't have to make any decisions today. Give me a chance to think this through." I slowly made my way up to the room, and spent a lot of time snuggled up with Barbie, giving back to her some of the support she had given so freely to me over the past year.

Two days later I started calling colleges to find out if I could get Barbie registered with me. It looked pretty dismal, until I wound up talking to the admissions director at, of all places, our own state university. And then spent the afternoon curled up with Barbie, smiling. After faxing copies of Barbie's and my transcripts, and my letter from the scholarship people to several admissions directors.

On Friday I received a call from Chicago, and Barbie and I planned a celebration. And a very important announcement.

When we announced that we had found a school that would accept both of us, everyone was surprised. But we refused to divulge anything until the party.

Saturday everyone gathered at the Dalton's, and after being pestered for information, we finally decided to give everyone the good news. "Okay, enough with the twenty questions." Everyone gathered and looked at us. Barbie stood me on a chair so I could be seen.

"Although our admissions are tentative, subject to the school getting our official transcripts and registration paperwork, this fall Barbie and I will be going to school in Illinois." This got some blank looks. "At the University of Chicago, where I will be studying mathematics and physics, and she will begin her pre-med curriculum." That got us both a lot of congratulations and hugs.

Mr. Dalton had a puzzled look. "Weren't they one of the first schools to turn down Barbie?"

I smiled. "I just didn't know how to apply. See, they don't have any procedures for helping me bring along my girlfriend." Barbie pulled me into her arms. "But it seems that they have lots of latitude for the spouses of students like me."

There was general pandemonium when the impact of what I said hit home. We were almost crushed by Mrs. Dalton, and I got wept all over by Dorothy. When we finally managed to escape and breathe, we announced that we were going to get married in a civil ceremony on Monday, and then if anyone wanted to throw a big celebration, they could do it after we finished getting ourselves registered for school.



That was almost five years ago. There were problems at the courthouse, until Dr. Simpson was called in to explain why two girls were trying to get married. Then the school got confused, which took a bunch of calls to iron out. But we managed to get registered and move into married student housing just before school started.

I'm scheduled to defend both my Master's theses next week. Barbie will be starting her internship in the fall, at a hospital in upstate New York. Me, I'll take a year or so off and play housewife, then go back to school to get my engineering degrees. We've had enough of big cities, so I'm going to do everything by correspondence and computer.

And Barbie has been hinting, loudly and warmly, that once she completes her internship, it's time for us to start a family. She's working on a personal research project involving getting genetic males like me to lactate. Something about 2 AM feedings. I'm hoping she's successful.


-- Finis.




© 2001
The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission.