Crystal's StorySite


Queen of Harvest Moon

by Angel


Part 4

Ricky’s Halloween Surprise


As more and more unfolds and becomes known the O’Hare’s fight becomes a plan. Their neighbors and friends are drawn ever deeper into "Operation Queen." Rita, her husband and her daughter Dorothy become pawns in the corporation’s plans.


Julia sat at the kitchen table with her husband Bill and Rita as the girl’s were excitedly filling them all in on what was going on at the O’Hare’s house.

"There are trucks and cars parked everywhere! The police are directing traffic and keeping people away from your house. Mr. and Mrs. O’Hare they are packing up a lot of stuff and putting furniture and tons of boxes into a big truck. At the same time they are unloading other trucks and vans bringing furniture and boxes inside."

"Dorothy, calm down and speak slower ok? I am going to ask you some questions and I want you to answer slowly and clearly."

"Ok, Mr. O’Hare."

"Can you remember where the trucks and vans are from?"

"Some of them have advertising written on the sides and they were from the electronics place, the furniture store, the drug store and a medical supply company. There were plumbing and electricians, carpenters and painters. A lighting place and an appliance store. There was even a window company and we saw them carry in some windows and doors! Oh yes and a big moving truck they were loading your old stuff into. A few black colored vans and cars were parked in your driveway, but the windows are tinted really dark so I couldn’t see into them.

Terry was jumping up and down in an excited state impatiently waiting to jump in and add her observations. "Mommy, Daddy they brung in a bunch of girl stuff and baby stuff from Mrs. Haney’s store! I saw her and Mr. Haney go into our house."

Bill had taken out a pad and pen from his coat pocket and was writing everything the girl’s had said down. He looked up at his wife seeing the helpless and worried look on her face. He took her hands in his when he was done writing.

"Julia, this was planned well in advance and without any of us knowing what was to happen. All we can do is stay on top of things and resist where we can. We do have some power of our own and they know it. Ricky is our son and they know if they took him away from us he would fight real hard and ruin their plans. We have to be careful though, the corporation is very powerful and we have to pick and choose carefully where and when to resist."

"Bill, I know that already! What concerns me the most is Ricky! He is a very smart boy and he figured out they picked him to be the Queen for his class the moment we passed Dr. Wigs office to go to Dr. Roma’s. I bet right now he is thinking about all this and we have to help him understand what is going on and support him every second! How would you feel if you woke up and found yourself in a tub knowing you had messed yourself? How would you feel as you watched yourself helplessly peeing and realizing you could do nothing to stop it? You look at yourself and see budding breasts and swollen nipples on your chest? Then only to have your mother spread creams and lotions between your legs and on your chest. To have her put a thick diaper and pink plastic panties on you. Watch her put pads on your chest and then a bra on you. It is no wonder the Dr. gave me Valium to give to him! Honey, when I was bathing him I noticed puncture wounds in his arms, his scrotum and his spine! They gave him an IV of something and injected something into his testicles! Both of them are very swollen. His chest was injected as well. I saw puncture wounds in his nipples and both breasts! Dr. Roma lied to me and now I have to keep putting this stuff on our son or he will be harmed physically. That is what she told me. She said if I did not follow her instruction to the letter Ricky would suffer physical harm. One thing though, I think we have a friend and someone who will help us find out just what went on and what the Dr. has given our son."

Rita was just sitting there with her mouth hanging wide open as she listened to Julia. Dorothy was standing very still with the same expression on her face as her mothers. Terry had crawled up onto her fathers lap and had her head lying on his shoulder. She sensed that something was very wrong and found comfort with her Daddy.

Just then they heard the sound of cars pulling into Rita’s driveway. Dorothy was the first to look out the window.

"Wow, 2 black vans and a big white limo just pulled up."

The grown ups just looked at each other each knowing and guessing what was to come.

The knock on the door came shortly after and Dorothy answered it. Two men and two women all dressed in expensive light blue business suits entered and one of the women started speaking.

"Mr. O’Hare, the limo is here for you and your family. Just bring what you have with you now and everything you need, will be provided for you once you arrive at the hotel. You will find refreshments are supplied in the limo appropriate for you and the children. There is a small bar stocked with you and your wife’s preferred beverages. You should be leaving right now."

The other woman picked up the diaper bag and one of the men opened the front door as the woman walked out carrying the diaper bag and entered the limo. The O’Hare’s quickly followed her and once they were all seated inside the other man got in as well. The driver closed the uniformed driver closed the door and soon they were on there way to the hotel.


Meanwhile the woman who had spoken and the other man had remained at the Wood home. They were all seated in the kitchen and the woman began speaking again.

"Mrs. Wood, Dorothy, we have a very rewarding opportunity for you both as well as your husband Rita. Can I call you Rita? Very good, Rita, the rewards are great if you decide to take advantage of this rare opportunity, but I must warn you that the penalties are severe if you do not. Your husband will be here shortly and we can then fill you all in on what it is that we wish you to do. Is that coffee fresh Dorothy? No, well would you mind making a fresh pot for all of us? Thank you dear."


The hotel suite was huge and completely stocked with whatever the needs the O’Hare’s might have. Clothing and especially the medicines and special needs of Ricky were well stocked and already put away in there respective places.

The O’Hare’s would find they now had a butler and a maid, a nurse for Ricky and a limo and driver all supplied by the corporation. Ricky and Terry now had a governess as well. She would be with them at all times and was instructed to teach them both in all things to make them into elegant young ladies. Yes, she was very good in what she was to do. She was hired from Mrs. Porter’s finishing school in Glastonbury Connecticut. The very same school the former Jacqueline Kennedy attended as well as many other girl’s from very wealthy and influential families. The school was known world wide as to be the finest for teaching young ladies the proper attitudes and everything else they would need to know to be successful wives to rulers and great men both wealthy and very powerful.

The nurse and the governess knew each other well. They were sisters and both came from Mrs. Porter’s school. Mrs. Porter’s school was also owned by the corporation. They looked at each other with knowing smiles and were both eager to begin their respective roles. The rewards for their success would let them both retire in luxury for the rest of their lives. The penalties for failure they would not even think about!

The maid and the butler were well schooled in their duties and were very skilled. They are actually agents employed by the corporation and trained to infiltrate and gather information. They are part of a larger service group and from a company that supplied domestic help to wealthy and powerful families throughout the world. They were also well trained in the use of weaponry and hand to hand combat.

The driver the O’Hare’s now had driving for them as well as the limo, are very special indeed. Both were from companies that were also part of the corporation. The limo was one made for eavesdropping as well as protection. The driver, skilled in both defensive and offensive driving as well as a highly trained bodyguard had orders to protect Ricky and his mother first at all costs.


Julia held Ricky and Bill holding Terry as they sat in the limo. Ricky was once again fast asleep every so often groaning softly. Terry was napping as well and it was then that the woman began speaking softly to Bill and Julia.

"While your house is being remodeled you will be staying at the Hilton Hotel. We have a luxury suite with all the things you will need already in place. You now have a butler, a maid, a nurse and a governess. These people are employed by us and take their orders from us. You can ask them to do things for you, but they can refuse if it is not appropriate based on our requirements. The maid will keep your suite just as it is and will help with any personal needs Julia, Terry and Ricky might have. That is, preparing your bath and taking charge of your clothing as for cleaning and putting them away. The butler will be the first to answer any phone calls or meeting any visitors at the door. He will assist you Bill, with any of your personal needs as you see fit. He will take care of your clothing as far as sending them out to be cleaned and putting any away as needed. The nurse is actually a physician’s assistant and very capable of tending to any of your health needs. She has total authority of Ricky’s health care and treatment. The governess is of the highest caliber and is well schooled. She will see to Terry and Ricky’s education. Julia, she will also be instructing you as to what will be required for Ricky’s special training and needs. At all times when Ricky is to go anywhere the nurse and the governess will accompany you both. This limo as well as the present driver is at your disposal 24 hours a day seven days a week. Under no circumstances are you to take any other type of transportation for any reason. That is unless we specify any changes in this policy. Are there any questions you have of me?"


"Bill, as an employee of the corporation and an executive at that, you should know the general reasons why or have figured some of them out by now. Be that as it may, the meeting in the morning will I am sure, answer all of your questions. Please try to relax and enjoy all the pampering your family is about to receive. You will want for nothing and all of you will be treated like royalty. I know the freedom you have enjoyed up until now is gone, but you still will have some freedom. If you accept your situation and after the meeting tomorrow the directors decide, you will enjoy even more freedom. I urge you to think very carefully about your family’s future. As you already know Bill, resistance is dealt with harshly and the corporation has an unending reach."

"I know all that Ms.?"


"I know all that Ms. Black. I was asking, why was this done this way? I can think of other alternative ways that would have been much easier on all those involved."

"Bill, you do not know anything about, all those involved. You would be very surprised in actually knowing all that is involved and how many people this operation directly involves. I will tell you this and I know your wife will agree with me, we had to get Ricky out of the hands of Dr. Roma and Dr. Wigs."

Julia snapped out of her deep thoughts as she heard her name. She had been half listening to the exchanges between Ms. Black and Bill.

"I do agree with that part Ms. Black! What I don’t understand is why all this just for a sixth grade Queen for the Harvest Moon festival?"

Ms. Black chuckled and smiling at Julia while shaking her head she decided to tell her a little more before the meeting.

"Julia, I should not be telling you this now, but I think it would be better for you if I did. The festival has always been a tool, a research tool for us to gather valuable data and knowledge. It just so happened that the festival worked out wonderfully for what was to happen anyway. Your leadership abilities and your astute problem solving skills afforded us to keep using the festival as a means for your child’s much needed transformation."

"Why do you say his much needed transformation? Why does my son need to be transformed into anything?"

"Julia, surely you realize Ricky’s dilemma? How could he ever function as a boy and later as a man with his condition and abnormalities? You already know of his physical differences, but you do not know anything about his future psychological needs do you? He is already being picked on severely by his peers and his teacher keeps him inside during recess for his own protection. Did you know that Julia? How many times have you asked him about school and then realizing something was not just right after he answered you that you just let it go? Why is that Julia?"

Julia began to realize the truth and started to sob quietly, her eyes leaking tears that gently fell from her cheeks upon her sleeping son. Bill with his free arm hugged his wife and held her close knowing full well Ms. Black had hit on her weakness. Their son needed more than just his family’s love and care. Ricky needed much more and the corporation would see to it. Yes, they would see to it alright! Over the O’Hare’s dead bodies if need be. Bill realized that their very survival depended on his and Julia’s actions.


The limo had stopped and the door was opened by the driver. They were now at the Hilton as Ms. Black and her male companion exited. The driver helped Julia and Bill out of the limo as they were still holding the children in their arms. The man in the light blue suit looked funny holding the pink diaper bag that was slung over his shoulder by its strap. Bill knew what the name of this man was, Mr. Black of course. They were all either Ms. or Mr. Black weren’t they?

Ms. Black led them into the hotel’s main lobby and to a private elevator. She used a key and then entered a pass code to open the doors. There was no buttons to push and as the doors closed it rose silently to its destination. When the doors opened they exited into a small foyer, elegant and richly decorated. In front of them was a set of double doors and as they approached the doors swung inward and they were met by their new butler. They entered the suite and saw the others standing in a line. The governess, the nurse, the maid and after he closed the door behind them the butler joined the line as well.

The children were awake now and were looking around with wide open eyes. Bill let Terry down and held her hand as Julia kept Ricky held in her arms. He had not moved his legs much at all and she knew it was probably the injection he was given in his spine that caused it. The introductions were made and the nurse, Ms. Viola Turner led Julia to Ricky’s room.




© 2002 by Angel O'Hare. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, compilation design) may printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without express written consent of the copyright holder.