Crystal's StorySite



by Jennifer White


Heath smiled to himself. Jenny would never know that he was here, cheating on her. He was out of town on business, just like he was a couple of days every week. He had grown tired of his wife, and their constant little spats upset him greatly. But now, he was with a beautiful woman, and she was going to take him back to his hotel room. They'd have hot sex, and Jenny would never know the difference.

He liked this girl Jeri. She was tall and athletic looking, with long pretty hair, and really big breasts which he couldn't take his eyes off. She put her hand on his crotch, and he knew it was time to leave. He paid the waiter for the dinner, and got up to leave. Jeri put her hand in his back pocket as the walked out the door.

He loved how she jiggled when she walked. He loved her sexy raspy voice. He wanted her badly. They entered his hotel room a few minutes later, and soon they were kissing each other. Heath started to take off Jeri's clothes, exposing her huge breasts. He fondled them, then started kissing them. He put his mouth around her nipple, and started suckling her.

Jeri in turn got off most of Heath's clothes. He was down to just his boxers now, while Jeri still had on her skirt and panties. Heath stood up, reached behind her, and unzipped the skirt, which fell into a pile on the floor. Jeri pulled down his boxers. She told him to lift one foot at a time so she could fold them and put them on the chair.

Now on her knees, she opened her mouth, and let him put himself in. She sucked him while touching him all over, until he came. She swallowed, and looked up to him, smiling.

"Now it's your turn" he said.

Heath went behind Jeri, and teasingly touched her on her butt. Then he slid his hands under the elastic waistband of her panties, and worked them off, down her long smooth legs. He opened his mouth, and circled his lips with his tongue.

Jeri turned around to face him, and Heath almost died. There between Jeri's legs wasn't what he expected. He was shocked to learn that Jeri was a man.


Heath's face turned bright red. He had been making out with a man! He had let a man go down on him! He looked like a woman completely, except between his legs.

"You pervert!" he yelled. "How could you do this to me? How could you trick me like this?"

"What's the matter honey?" said Jeri. "Wasn't it good for you? Aren't you going to do that back to me?"

"No!" said Heath. "I want a woman, not a man!"

"But I am a woman" replied Jeri.

"Aah! How could you think that a straight man would want you? How could you do that, seducing me, pretending that you're a woman."

"I acted as who I am. And I *am* a woman. I was just born into the wrong body."

"I could kill you" said Heath.

Jeri cowered. She hadn't meant to enrage him. When he picked her up at the bar, she thought that he wanted someone like her. It was a bar where everybody knew you went if you wanted to pick up a she-male. If he went there, he must have had that in mind.

"Please don't hit me" she said, shrinking back.

But Heath's testosterone was boiling, and he took a swing at her. He barely missed her, then shoved her to the wall. He pulled back, about to pound her. Jeri reacted without thinking. She grabbed the lamp from the table, and swung it towards Heath. Heath got hit in the head, and fell to the floor.

"I'm going to hunt you down and kill you" he threatened. But he tried to get up, and fell over, passing out.

* * *


"I don't know what to do!" said Jeri on the phone to Nichole, her roommate and friend. Nichole was in the same boat that she was, being born into the wrong body. But Nichole was a lot stronger than she was, with a much less feminine manner. Nichole would know what to do. She would help.

"I have an idea" said Nichole. "Is he really passed out?"

"Oh yes" replied Jeri.

"Good. Move him to the bed if you can, and tie him up good. I'll go get the girls, and I'll be over in a jif."

"Thanks Nic" said Jeri.

"Don't thank me yet. Wait until we're done with him. Then you can thank me."


Fifteen minutes later, Nichole arrived with three other 'girls'. A couple of them carried bags with them as the entered the room. Immediately, Nichole took charge. She had two of the girls start cleaning up the mess. She had another check to make sure that Heath was securely tied to the bed. And she herself went over to hug Jeri, to comfort the poor thing. Jeri was a mess, crying and shaking. It took ten minutes to calm her down.

"I hit him" she sobbed. "I hurt him. I hate myself. I would never hurt anyone!"

"You did it in self defense" said Nichole. "It wasn't your fault."

After Jeri finally calmed down, Nichole told her she should leave.

"Go home. Take a long bath, and relax. In the morning, there won't be any more problems."

"What are you going to do to him?" asked Jeri.

"Do you really want to know?"

Jeri shook her head, and left the room. It was a traumatic night for her. She went home, and took a long bath, like Nichole suggested.

* * *


About an hour later, Heath woke up. His head hurt, and he was a little dizzy. He immediately remembered what had happened. How that *thing* named Jeri had tricked him. He was going to hunt him down and kill him.

He looked up and noticed that he wasn't alone. There were three, no, four women in the room with him. But as his vision came into proper focus, he noticed that they weren't really women. They were more of those she-males, like that Jeri had been.

He tried to sit up, but he discovered that he was tied down by the wrists and by the feet. Tied naked to the bed! He struggled, but he could not move.

"Hello" said one of *them*, with a raspy voice too deep to be truly female. "I'm Nichole. Nice to meet you Heath."

She smiled, then giggled. "I'd like you to meet a couple of my fellow sisters. This is Brenda, Amanda, and Paula. Say hello girls!"

"Hello!" they all said.

"Untie me. Get out of my room."

"Oh, sorry honey. That won't be happening. In fact, we'll be here for quite a while. Now we need to make sure that you don't cause too much a fuss with people being in other rooms and all."

She nodded to Amanda, who produced a ball gag, which she forced into his mouth. Heath was now unable to talk, and felt like choking with that thing in his mouth.

"Since you like us so much, we've decided that we're going to help you" said Nichole. "We are going to let you in on some of our secrets."

She looked at the other girls, and they all giggled. Heath didn't like the looks of the situation. He struggled again to move, but he wasn't able to. He was tied down too well. And anyway, these 'girls' were all bigger than he was. They looked strong. He'd never be able to get out of the room, even if he got loose.


"First of all," said Nichole, "I want to teach you about how we keep our skin so smooth and sexy. You see, it is easy enough to shave off your body hair, like we did to you while you were passed out. And it is easy enough to apply different creams to help make your skin softer."

Heath could see his chest, and realized that it had been shaved clean. He craned to see his legs, and they too were shaved. This really upset him, and he tried to struggle again, but to no avail.

"However," continued Nichole, "to get skin like a natural born woman, you need more than just body creams. You need the hormones that naturally turn a woman's skin soft and nice. Estrogen. And a few other little things, which are found in birth control pills. But now, we also have 'the patch'. You get the hormones delivered to you through a patch, like smokers use."

Amanda handed her one, which she peeled off the backing from, and showed to Heath.

"You can apply it somewhere out of the way, like the small of your back, or here, on your shoulder."

With that, she took the patch, and put it on Heath's shoulder. She pressed it down tight, to make sure it was secure.

"There. The hormones are already flowing into your skin now, and into your system. Nothing helps feminine you like real female hormones."

Heath's eyes were bugging out of his head. He realized what they were up to now. They were trying to turn him into one of them! He tried to call out to protest, but the gag prevented him from making more than a quiet gurgling sound.

"It takes a full month for the hormones in the patch to drip out. So we also sometimes use a booster, to get a head start."

Two of the 'girls' held down his arm, while Amanda handed a syringe over to Nichole. She calmly wiped a spot on Heath's arm with an alcohol swab, then put the needle into him, and injected him with the contents.

"Pure female sex hormones for your system" she said. "A good head start."

Heath could do nothing to stop her. This was madness. He wanted to kill them all.

"And this is called breast cream" said Nichole. "It helps your boobs to grow quicker. I'll apply your first dose. You'll have to remember yourself to do this every day though, if you want nice boobs like we have."

Heath was on the verge of tears as she rubbed the cream into his chest area. He didn't want to have breasts! How could the do this to him? But from there, it only got worse.

* * *


Brenda approached Heath now. She had in her hands a pair of scissors.

"We keep our pubic hair neatly trimmed. Not like men. Now that you're becoming one of us, you need to keep yourself trimmed too. I'll get you started."

They propped him up better so that he could see what she was doing. She started by trimming his pubic hairs. She was cutting off his hairs! She took the scissors, and pretended like she was going to cut off his manhood.

"Oops, I slipped" she said, causing the others to giggle loudly.

Now she changed to an electric razor, and continued to remove hair, until he only had a small rectangle of hair, clipped short.

"We'd give you a bikini wax, but we didn't bring the gear for that" she said. "But you're nicely trimmed now. Just like a girl. And just like us."

It was so humiliating for him to be told that he was just like a girl. And even worse to be told that he was just like a she-male. Now he did shed a tear, as they lowered him back down.

"Oh look, she's crying" said Amanda.

"She's so sensitive" said Paula.

"It must be the hormones" added Brenda.

"Oh Ginger, you're such an emotional girl" said Nichole.

Heath gave her a wide eyed stare.

"Oh yes, didn't I tell you yet? Your new name is Ginger. Now that you're a girl, you need a nice feminine name. And we decided that you should be called Ginger."

"Hi Ginger" said Amanda. "You're sure a pretty girl. I'm glad you're one of *us* now."

"We have another girl in our group now" said Paula. "Welcome Ginger. We're really glad that you're like us now too."

Heath barely even tried to struggle now, as Nichole applied another dose of breast cream to his chest.

"See how thirsty your chest is for female hormones? It's just soaking right in! You'll have real boobs in no time girl!"


All four of them went out of Heath's earshot. They had the TV on, so nobody in the adjoining rooms would have been able to hear what was going on. And now, he couldn't hear anything other than Oprah talking to her guest.

He looked up to see the four of them walking back. He didn't like the looks on their faces, not one little bit. Nichole had a smirk on 'her' face as she injected him with something else. They walked away, and he heard Nichole talking on the phone. But he couldn't make out what she was saying.

A few minutes later, they returned.

"I just injected you with a powerful muscle relaxer. You will find as it kicks in, that you will have a harder and harder time moving. You will be virtually paralyzed, but just on a temporary basis. You will find it hard to talk too."

"W..wwwhy?" said Heath, struggling to talk.

"Because we need to make sure that you don't struggle when we move to the next phase."

Heath just gave her a blank stare. She smiled.

"Hard to talk now, isn't it? Remember when I told you that I'm going to let you in on our secrets? Well here's another one. You see, most of us aren't as luck as your girlfriend Jeri. She was born with a body that was small, and she never got big muscles like I did. And more than that, she was also lucky to come from a family with lots of money."

"That's why she was able to afford all her surgeries" said Amanda.

"But not all of us are rich like that" said Paula. "We can't afford to go get breast implants like she did."

"You're staring at our chests though," said Brenda, "and you're wondering why we have such big boobs if we don't have implants. Well, part of it is the hormones and the breast cream like you're using now too. But there is something else. Our little secret."

"We pump" said Nichole.

The four she-males smiled at each other, at the little 'in joke'.

"We have pump parties. What we do, is we take silicon, like the use in the implants. But rather than having a bag of it surgically put inside you, we inject each other. In all the right places. Just like we're going to do to you now."

Amanda handed to her something that looked like a caulking gun, with a large tube of silicon sealer. But instead of a nozzle for putting the silicon down as a sealer or a caulk, there was a long needle.

"We start with the cheekbones, to make them look larger, just like a real girl" said Nichole as she went to work. Heath wanted to scream, but he was barely able to breath now. He couldn't move at all, paralyzed by the muscle relaxer. He could feel the skin on his face stretching as the silicon oozed into him.

They were changing how he'd look to everyone. Changing his face. This was beyond terrible. He would have cried if he could have managed to.

"And we use it to make our butts rounder, and our hips wider" said Nichole, as she changed needles, and moved to new spots on Heath's body. Again, he could feel it ooze into him, and feel pressure as the skin stretched. How could they do this to him? This had to be dangerous!

"Now you have a nice round butt, just like a girl. And your hips are looking wider, so you'll be more attractive in a skirt."

She put in a new tube, and another needle. She put her hand on Heath's chest.

"Now for some boobs. We can't make them full size in one day, and pretty soon, the hormones will kick in. But lets give them a head-start."

He could see the needle penetrate under his nipple. He saw Nichole empty the tube into him, then one into the next size. The silicon amassed under each of his nipples, making it look like he had small mounds of flesh there, like a young girl.

Heath now had boobs. He had wide hips and a round butt. And who knows what his face looked like now. He wanted to see, but he was also terrified of it, part of him *not* wanting to see the results.

"Now it's our turn" said Nichole. She changed needles, and each of the girls went about pumping each other with silicon. That's why they each looked round in the right places, and had feminine shapes. They had been altering themselves through hormones, and also through 'pumping'.

When the last of the silicon was gone, they all complimented each other on how wonderful they each looked. Brenda used a hand mirror, and tried to show Heath how pretty he was now, but he closed his eyes. This was a nightmare, and he didn't even want to see what they had done to him.

"That's all right. *She* will be here soon, and you will have no choice but to accept that you are now a girl."

"I recommend that you don't go against her. She doesn't like it when you do that" said Paula helpfully.

"Wwwho?" said Heath, struggling to talk, now that the muscle relaxer was starting to wear off, just a bit.

They all looked at each other and giggled.

"This is the other part of our secret. We have someone special who helps us. We call her 'The Queen Bee', but her real name is Tessa. We worship the ground she walks on. We all adore her."

"We wish we were her" said Paula.

"And you will too, when she's done with you" said Brenda.

* * *


What was this queen bee that they were a excited about? They talked about her like she was god herself. Heath laid there, unable to move still, but slowly starting to regain strength. He still couldn't bring himself to look and see all that they had done to him. It would be too painful to look upon himself and see the changes with his own eyes.

He laid there, wondering how in the world he was going to be able to get out of this situation, when there was a knock on the door. The 'girls' all hurried into position, and opened the door. Heath craned his neck to see who was now entering his room. It was *her*.

Tessa, the Queen Bee walked into the room, or glided you could say. She moved with such grace and elegance, that everything in her motions seemed easy, like she was floating on air.

The 'girls' all immediately got down on their knees and bowed to her.

"Arise sisters" she said in a calm, commanding voice.

The all stood up, and made a big fuss over her, complimenting Tessa on her hair, her clothes, her makeup. In return, she doled out little bits of praise for the girls, and how feminine the looked today. It made Heath want to puke.

"So this is the new girl" she said, looking his way.

"Yes Tessa. We started to indoctrinate him, but he resists us. I don't understand why he doesn't want to be like us. He won't even look in the mirror to see how pretty we've made him" said Nichole.

"Jeri told me that he tried to assault her" she replied.

"Yes, he did. She gave him pleasure, but he refused to do it for her. Then he turned on her, and tried to hit her. He threatened to kill her, and to kill us all. That's why we decided that we needed to do this to him."

"A wise choice" said Tessa, in a tone like she was telling a dog 'good girl'. Nichole smiled and blushed at the high praise from her mentor.

Now Tessa turned to look at Heath closer. She cocked her head to the side, and looked at him closely with her beautiful eyes. It was quite apparent that she, unlike the others in the room, had been born female. She was a *real* woman. She kept staring at Heath, and he suddenly felt quite uncomfortable.

"The problem with you..." she said at long last, " that you still think of yourself as a man."

With that, she walked away, and conferred with the others. All five of them approached Heath, who was laying there, barely able to move.

"Untie her" said Tessa.

They cut off his bonds, and he was free to move his arms and legs, although he was too weak to actually do that yet.

"I'm going to take your gag out" said Tessa. "You will be too weak to talk yet. Let me just warn you. When you regain your strength, if you try to yell, to scream, or do anything foolish like that, you will be swiftly and severely punished. I have a knife, and I'm not afraid to use it. If you disobey me in any way, you will quickly find yourself missing certain parts between your legs. Then you really will be a woman. Do you understand? Blink your eyes twice if you do."

Heath blinked his eyes twice. He would do anything to get that awful gag out of his mouth. He wouldn't scream, like some weak woman. He'd wait for the right time to make his move.

Nichole removed the gag, and Heath was suddenly able to breath much easier.

"Who's first?" asked Tessa.

"Me! Pick me!" they all said.

"Amanda, why don't you start" said Tessa.

She walked over towards Heath, put her hand on his face, and gently touched his skin.

"You got pleasure from poor Jeri, but you didn't give her anything back. So to start with, we are going to teach you how to do that. You'll get lots of practice tonight."

Amanda had stripped naked, and she came over to the bed. She stood up on the bed, and walked over to where Heath was lying down. She walked over him, one leg on each side of his body. When her feet got to his elbows, she started to kneel down.

Her body looked female, except for between her legs, where she was still a man. She moved *it* closer and closer to Heath, towards his mouth.

Tessa put her hand over Heath's chin, and pressed in with just the right pressure to force his mouth open. She guided Amanda into his open mouth. Amanda thrust her shaft all the way into Heath, making him feel like he was going to choke.

"Now don't think of biting or anything like that" said Tessa, "or you will get more than a bite back between your own legs. Just suck, and use your tongue."

Amanda kept thrusting into him, and Heath could do nothing about it. He was too weak. She kept coming at him, and he wanted to puke. He wanted to die. He felt a warm splash in the back of his mouth.

"Swallow" ordered Tessa.


After Amanda was done, Nichole, Paula and Brenda each had a turn with him. By the time Brenda got off of him, Heath was almost numb. This couldn't be happening. This couldn't be real.

"There. Now you've had sex with *five* she-males today" said Tessa. "And now it is time for you to look at your body. You can't deny it Ginger. You are just like them now. Your body looks like theirs. You have taken a girl's name for yourself. And you have had sex with them. You are one of *them* now."

"No...." he replied weakly, just being able to talk for the first time, as the muscle relaxer wore off.

Tessa shook her head.

"You are a tough one, aren't you" she said.

She stood there looking at him, with her head cocked to the side again. After a few moments, she went over to the others, and told them her plan.


Amanda and Paula went to either side of the bed. They picked up Heath, and held him in a standing position. They walked him over to the full length mirror on the wall. He had his eyes shut tight, so he wouldn't have to see.

"Look" commanded Tessa.

His eyes were still shut tight. But then he felt the cold glint of steel against his groin.

"Look" she said again, pressing her knife at him. He didn't want to lose what he had there between his legs. He opened his eyes, and looked.

In the mirror was him. But it wasn't him. His image in the mirror had a different face. One with what looked like high cheekbones. And with a bit of curve in the hips. And with small round boobs on the chest. He looked like *them*.

"Put on her wig" ordered Tessa.

Nichole put a long blond wig onto Heath's head. It had shoulder length curly hair, and he felt so terrible wearing it, and seeing himself like that.

"Makeup" said Tessa.

Nichole and Brenda scrambled to apply all sorts of makeup to Heath's face. Long eyelashes. Mascara. Lipstick. Lots of it soon covered him, and he thought that he looked like a freak.

Nichole now put a bra on him, supporting his new little boobs. Then she put a black tank top on him, low enough cut to show them off. They put a medium length black skirt on him too, but a loose fitting one.

After making him look at himself like that in the mirror, the moved him back to the bed.

"Stay on all fours" ordered Tessa. They set him up on his hands and knees, and held him in place. Tessa walked in front of him, and took off her skirt. Then she removed her panties. She took at out a strap-on from a bag, and put it on. She took a jar of cream, and covered it completely.

"For lubrication. I don't want this to hurt you any more than it has to" she said.

Tessa got on the bed behind him, and pulled up his skirt. He could tell what was coming next, and had to hold his breath as she penetrated him from behind. She worked it into him, and gave a few gentle thrusts.

Tessa started to touch him all over, in just the right places. Against the will of his mind, he started to get aroused. She kept touching him the right way, in the right places, and kept gently thrusting. One of the girls reached under him, and put a condom on him.

"With the right pressure on the prostate, and with the right touch, I can make you come" she said.

She kept it up, and although he tried not to let it happen, he felt an orgasm start to well up inside him. He tried his best to hold it back, but he exploded into the condom. It had to be one of, if not *the* biggest orgasm he ever had.

"There is no going back now" said Tessa, who kept thrusting. "From now on, you'll never be able to feel as good in bed with a woman. You will always think of *this*. Even if you do make love with a woman, you'll imagine in your head that she is doing this to *you*."

"No" said Heath.

"It's true Ginger. You have been altered now. You are a woman. You will never be the same after tonight. Now you'll begin your quest. You will find that you want to be just like me now. A woman. You will keep doing whatever it takes, until you reach that goal. Even if you deny it now, you'll soon realize that its true, and you'll start working on feminizing yourself."

"How can you do this to me?" said Heath. "I'm a married man. What am I supposed to tell my wife."

"You're married? Then where's your ring? Why did you pick up Jeri at a she-male bar?"

"I didn't know she was a man!" said Heath.

"Aw, isn't that sweet? She'll take that as a huge compliment" said Tessa, as she pulled out, took the strap-on, and threw it into the sink to be washed up by one of the other girls.

Heath collapsed on the bed. They rolled him onto his side. Tessa laid down next to him.

"You're like me now" she said. "You've got boobs. You're wearing a skirt. You need to wear a bra. You're more like a woman than a man now."

"What am I going to do?" said Heath, the tears starting to well up in his eyes.

"As I see it, you have a couple of different options" said Tessa.

Heath looked at her. He was all ears. He had no idea what to do next.

"You could to the cops, and tell them what you did tonight. Tell them how you picked up a she-male at the bar, and her friends took you to a pump party, and you made love to them all."

"No!" said Heath. He'd die from embarrassment. He couldn't do that.

"You could go home to your wife, and tell her how you're becoming a woman like her now too. If you tell her that you wish you were just like you, she might be willing to let you stay with her, and she might help you in your journey into womanhood."

"No! I can't do that!" said Heath.

"You could just tell her that you've been having affairs when you're away from her, and that you've decided to become a she-male now, just like the girls you pick up."

"I can't say that" said Heath. "I can't tell her I'm a she-male!"

"You can use the term 'he-she' if you like. Or some prefer 'pre-op transsexual'."

"No!" protested Heath.

"Well then, the only other option is to stay here with us, and join with your sisters. You can live with them until you find a job here, and a place of your own. You can join with us Ginger. We won't tease you about being a woman, we'll celebrate it. We'll make you feel good about wanting to be a woman. You're one of us now, and there is no going back."


Heath's mind was in a turmoil. Tessa was right. He couldn't go to the cops, or to his wife, and admit what he had done. And he certainly didn't want Jenny to know what they had turned him into. How could he face her like this? And tell her that this was all his own fault, because he was having affairs when he traveled on business?

How could he face his friends like this? He could go to a doctor, and try to get the silicon removed from him, but what about the hormones in his system? What effect were they having on him? How could he get those removed? You couldn't.

As much as he didn't like the idea, Tessa was right. He *had* to stay with them. There really was no going back now. He could never face his family and friends like this. He was in too deep, and couldn't stop it.

And what if what she said was true, that after feeling the pleasures he did with her, that he'd never be able to have 'normal' sex again? Here he was looking at this gorgeous woman lying right next to him, and he felt absolutely nothing in terms of sexual attraction to her. Had she really changed him so fast?

Tessa put her hand on Heath's face, and gently stroked him.

"Let me help you become a woman. You should have been born female, but you weren't so lucky. But I can help you. I can help you become the woman you were meant to be."

"What do you want from me?" said Heath weakly.

"Get down on your knees, and bow to me."

Heath got out of the bed, looked at Tessa, and fell down to his knees. He bowed to her, like he had seen the other girls do.

"Tell me that you wish you were a woman like me."

"I wish I was a woman, like you" said Heath.

"Tell me that you are Ginger now."

"I am Ginger now" he said.

"Tell me that you will try, mind, body, and soul, to become like me."

"I will try, mind, body, and soul, to become like you."

"Swear your eternal loyalty to me, and to womankind."

"I give my undying loyalty to you, and to womankind" said *Ginger*.

"Arise sister" said Tessa. "Welcome to your new feminine life."

Ginger stood up, with tears in her eyes. It was true. Her new life began today....




© 2004 by Jennifer White. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of StorySite and the copyright holder.