Crystal's StorySite

This story was inspired by the fine graphic artistry of Jenny North. Her grasp of the conflicts and impossible situations we sometimes find ourselves in, is without a doubt, some of the best I have seen, as she brings a refreshing and sometimes funny peek into our secret lives. Jenny North's site is worth a serious look. Laugh, cry, or snicker all you want, but please, check out all of her magnificent magazine covers, and see them for yourself.

This story inspired by her cover entitled "Boy becomes Girl".

Jenny's site is, which is a link on Crystal's Sprite's site.

Thanks, Janet


The Prom                        by: Janet L. Stickney             


As strange as it sounds, I was a Prom Queen. It's really strange when you find out that I am not a girl. Let me explain.

My sister and I have always been very competitive, and being only ten months apart in age, we often find ourselves in the same classes at school. One of them was Physics. I do better in Math and Science than she does, while she is better in English and History. We're about even in the rest. I was riding her about having what I thought was such a minor problem in Physics, while our Mother was sitting right there with us. Claire, in a fit of anger, wanted to make a bet on who would get the better grade, and knowing a sure bet when I see one, I said I would bet six months of car payments against anything she wanted. It was the wrong wording.

"Okay, if you get the better grade, then I make your car payment for six months, right?"


"I'll take that bet, but if I get the better grade, you have to attend the Prom, as a girl, and I mean the whole works, which means you'll have to get your hair and nails done, a gown, and an escort of course."

Like I said, I used the wrong wording, and there was no wiggle room at all. The better grade wins the bet, period. No excuses, no alibi's. In a fit of monumental greed, compounded by what I thought of as my superior male brain, and some stupidity, I agreed to the bet as stated. We both studied hard, but my scores were just better than hers, and I looked forward to having her make my car payment for me, then I fell and broke my arm. I lost more than a few days of school, then had to wear a cast for a month. That's when it happened. She scored higher than I did, and at the semester final, she scored a full ten points higher than I did! She was smirking, telling me how lovely I was going to be at the Prom, but I went to a higher authority, Mom. In my defense, I cited the time I was out of school, for a broken arm, and the loss of class work, all of which were out of my control. But Mom reminded me that she had heard the bet herself, and since no exception had been noted, or allowed for, even an accident, she had no recourse but to rule in my sisters favor! I was stunned, but we both knew that Mom was always fair with us, and I got that sinking feeling in my gut.

Because Claire and I are about the same height, Mom concluded that I could wear some of Claire's clothes, but I would need to have panties and bras of my own, and possibly a few blouses. When I asked why, they both looked at me as if I fell off a truck!

"You can't possibly believe that you can pull off going to the prom without any training do you?"

"What's the big deal? Shave, pad a little and wear a dress. What's so hard about that?"

My mother set me straight about what she expected, and why, then she detailed how she, not my sister, would turn me into a beautiful girl that had all the manners a lady would have. By the time she was done I ready to move out rather than do what she told me, but of course, I could not. Then she told me that on Saturday morning, she and I would begin my transformation. Most of my buddies knew of the bet, and when they found out that I lost, I took a lot of ribbing about it, including who would be my escort to the prom. The biggest offender of all was Mike, so, right in front of everybody, I asked him to take me to the Prom. He wasn't steady with anyone, and had no real way to say no, and after some kidding by the others, he agreed. I did not look forward to Saturday morning, but I had no choice in the matter. All I could hope for was that I looked so bad that it made people sick when they looked at me, and Mom would relent.

Promptly after breakfast on Saturday, my sister was told to leave, then I was taken to Mom's room and told to strip. I got as far as my briefs and refused to go any further. Mom merely began to rub a cream all over me, including my butt, then told me to wait. It seemed to take forever, but eventually I was sent to the showers, and watched in horror as all of the hair on my body washed down the drain. When I stepped out of the shower, wrapped in a towel, Mom quickly began to fill the tub with warm water, adding some kind of oil and bubblebath. I have to admit that it felt just wonderful as the oil soaked into my skin, easing the chemical reaction of the hair remover. Twenty minutes later, once again wrapped in a towel, Mom began to turn me into a girl. Feeling my skin, I was beginning to have doubts about turning out ugly enough to scare people.

Mom handed me a pair of panties, new ones, which I slipped them on, then she sat me at her vanity and began to brush out my hair, putting it in rollers as she went along, until my entire head was filled with pink, blue, or green rollers. She sprayed on some kind of setting lotion, then slipped a plastic cap over my head, then she handed me a small bottle of foundation. She never touched the makeup, because I did it all, but she guided me through every step. I used powder that made my face look smooth and soft, then a light brown eyeshadow with plum over that, blended with a small sponge. The eyeliner was black, and the liquid flowed onto my eyelids easily. Under my eyes was harder until I dipped the pencil in the baby oil. A soft coral blusher pulled out with a sponge, then a deep red pencil to outline my lips. When she was satisfied, I stood while she handed me the waist nipper, waiting until I had all eleven hooks made before she tightened the laces a bit. The bra was one of the newer Pushemup styles, white with lace trim and fastened in the front. As I made the clasp I could see that my own skin had filled almost all of the bra cups, and I really began to worry, more, when Mom added the small foam pads into the bra cups.

Next came an old padded pantybrief of my sisters, then pantyhose, a short slip, and the dress. Mom helped me get it over the curlers, then zipped it up, closing the material around me. My feet slid into the low heels, and Mom sat me back at the vanity. I watched as she removed the rollers, and began to brush out my hair. With every stroke it only got better, or worse depending on your point of view, and I knew I was sunk. By the time she told me we were done, it was a done deal. I looked at least as good as my sister! The lipstick she handed me was red, just lighter than the lip liner, and as I drew it on my lips I wanted to run and hide. It took Mom about half an hour to add the fake nails, file them down, and paint them red to match my lipstick. Since I have pierced ears, she handed me a pair of red and gold chandelier earrings, waiting until I had them on before she fastened the matching necklace around my neck. A pair of rings of my sister's, a thin gold bracelet, and finally, a dash of perfume. Then I got to look in the full length mirror for the first time. The girl staring back couldn't be me! She just couldn't!

"Mike will be here to meet his date for the Prom in about ten minutes, so you can wait here and make a grand entrance, or you can wait in the familyroom."

"Mike is coming here?"

"Yes. I told Claire to tell him to come over. That way there won't be any surprises, and he won't have this vision of you as some kind of parody of a woman. You're quite lovely, and you know that, but he deserves to meet his Prom date. Why don't you wait here, and I'll call you when he gets here?"

What was there to say? She had arranged this, and nothing I could do would stop it. As I stood there staring at myself, I somehow understood that if I did this right it would be easier on everyone. Rather than becoming a parody like mom mentioned, I could try to walk, move, and act like the girl I looked like. If I managed to pull it off, maybe nobody would know. I heard the doorbell, waiting to hear Mom calling me. We had not decided on a name, but I was sure that she would not call me by my male name, so I had to pay attention, and cracked the door open a bit so I could hear her.

"Catherine! Cathy honey, come on down. Mike is here."

Cathy. Not too bad I guess. I stood up straight, all of my 5'6" plus the heels, and stepped out of the room. My heels were silent on the carpet, then the unfamiliar click of them on the hardwood floor as I crossed the foyer, and finally, I stepped into the familyroom, a smile etched on my face. That smile was my brave front. Inside I was quivering. Mike was on his feet instantly and I saw him smile, first at me, then at Mom.

"Okay, where is Chad? This can't be Chad, but I would certainly like to know her better!"

"Mike honey, this is, or was, Chad. Now she is Cathy, with a "C".

"No shi… Sorry! You're Chad?"

"Noooo, I'm Cathy. I'm your date to the Prom, remember?"

"I think I'll just go iron some clothes or something and let you two talk a bit."

Mom left Mike and I standing there facing each other, caught in the middle between his disbelief that I had turned out this way, and also, my disbelief that I had.

"Maybe you and I could go have a soda at the Burger Bin."

"I don't know Mike. A lot of the guys will be there. What if the recognize me?"

"I've known you since we started school and I didn't. What makes you think they will? Besides, if you're going to be my date for the Prom, shouldn't we be seen together?"

He had a point. All I had to do was agree. Just then, Mom walked in and handed me a purse, telling me that she had put my wallet inside, along with my lipstick and a few other necessities.

Mike went to the door and held it open, waiting as I gathered the nerve to actually leave the house like this. But if I was going to the Prom this way, I might as well get used to it I thought, and stepped outside. Nobody even looked at me, and there were a lot of people out that day. Our neighbor was mowing the lawn, kids were playing, and so on. I sat next to him on the way to the Burger Bin, and his only comment the entire way over was "You have really great legs Cathy". I didn't know what to say, so I sat there quietly. To my very great surprise, he took my hand as we walked in, then he paid for my soda and walked me to the table. I saw at least four guys that knew me, and even more girls. As we walked by I saw the guys staring at my legs while the girls ignored me. That meant that I had passed the initial test, but I knew more were coming, and simply sat next to Mike, hoping we could pull this off. As I sipped on my drink, Mike slipped his hand over mine and gave me a squeeze. He was making me very nervous, then I saw why he squeezed my hand. Bill and his buddies walked in. Bill is on the outside of things, and always has been. Tall, rugged, and very tough, he always traveled with his flunkies Fred and Ned. Those two could only gain strength by hanging around with Bill. Fred and Ned were no threat to most guys, but Bill was very dangerous.

They sat at a table across from ours, leering at me, my legs and my boobs, and I did what Mom told me to do. I crossed my feet at the ankles and held my knees together tightly. At the same time I ignored them. Mike leaned over and whispered in my ear, telling me to just relax, and stay in character. I had no thought of doing anything but stay in character. Bill was making kissy faces at me, but when I ignored him he finally quit. Mike and I finished, dumped our trash, then he and I headed for the door. I went out first, followed by Mike, and we almost made it to his car when Ned grabbed him while Fred made a lunge for me. I spun around and saw a fleeting glimpse of Bill watching. Mike popped Ned in the mouth, which distracted Fred, so I raised my arm, bent at the elbow, and smacked Fred right in the nose with my elbow. I heard the bone break, then saw the gush of blood as he staggered back. Ned spit out a tooth, and ran at Mike, which was exactly the wrong thing to do, because Mike popped him again, right in the stomach, and sent him to the ground. I got in the car with Mike, and he drove off leaving them laying in the parking lot.

"Are you okay?"

"Sure. I only look like a girl, remember?"

"Yeah I know, but a damned nice looking one. I just forgot I guess."

"Thanks Mike."

"Lets go out tonight. The show maybe. If you're going to be my date for the Prom we should be seen together more often."

A date? A real live date? What would Mom say? Or worse, my sister?

"I'll say okay for now, but call me later, to confirm it."

He let me off at home and I went in. Mom saw me first but didn't say a word, then Claire walked out. She gave me a funny look, then asked me who I was! I stood there for a moment, then her eyes went wide and she fell silent.

"Claire, this is Catherine. Your sister Catherine."

"I'll be…I can't believe that you…"

"I have a date tonight Mom, but I'll be home at the usual time."

"A date! You have a date?"

"I'm not a wall flower Claire. Mike asked me to go to a show with him, and I said yes."

"What is that blood on your elbow Cathy?"

I told them about Fred and Ned, what happened and why, then went to my room to wash off the blood. About a minute later Claire came barging in and sat on the bed, waiting while I washed up. I walked back into my room, turned around, and asked her to unzip me, then, as she watched, I slipped the dress off.

"When I made that bet I never figured that you would actually do it, and even if you did try it, I never expected you to look so…good!"

"Can I borrow that black dress? The one with the two straps?"

I was trying to provoke her, but she didn't bite. Instead, she went to her room and brought back the dress I asked for. I tried it on for fit, got the okay from Claire, then took it off and slipped on a pair of jeans and a tee. The whole time she was silent, but she was watching me very carefully, and finally I asked her what she found to interesting.

"I find it interesting that Mike took you to Burger Bin, then Fred and Ned thought you were a hot girl, then, to cap it all off Mike asked you out! Doesn't that sound just a bit strange to you?"

"He said that if he was taking me to the Prom then we should be seen together, at least a few times, so I agreed. What's the big deal?"

"Men are so stupid! Listen dummy, he likes you! That's why he put his hand over yours, why he tried to defend you, and later, asked you out! Can't you figure that out?"

"But he knows who I am Claire! Nothing can come of it, so why would he think of me as a girl? I'm the one that nominated him to take me to the Prom remember? He didn't ask me, I asked him so I would fit in better. We made the bet, but Mom is the one that said I would have to do it, so what choice did I have? Besides, Mike is a good friend, and is only doing this because I asked him too."

"Did he, or did he not ask you out?"

"Yes, but…"

"There is no but Cathy. He took one look at you and saw a girl he liked and wanted to be with. You'll just have to accept the fact that he finds you attractive. Hell, he'll probably try and kiss you good night when he brings you home after the show!"

"He wouldn't dare!"

"I'll bet he not only would, but will."

"We'll see." 

Later, after dinner, rather than make a mess of things, I washed off my makeup and felt my skin, checking for any hairs that might have grown out. I should have known better, since I only shave twice a week as it is. I had to use Claire's vanity, so I went in her room and began to redo my makeup, trying to remember everything Mom had shown me that morning. I was almost done when Claire came in, took one look at me, then suggested that I wear a darker red lipstick with a brighter rose blusher. I made the changes, then pulled the slip over my head and settled it on my shoulders. Claire watched as I pulled the dress on, then managed to zip it up by myself. Since I could wear her shoes, I changed to the black heels, used gold button earrings with the same bracelet as I wore earlier. Claire suggested a thin gold necklace and handed me one. I was getting used the to longer nails, and made the clasp on my own, then did my lipstick. I used the same perfume as before, then, when I was done, turned to look at Claire.

"You are hot girl!"

"Yes, I am aren't I?"

"Just be the girl he wants tonight Cathy and everything will be fine."

Later that night, when Mike saw me, his eyes went wide and he broke into a wide smile that even I could read a pleasure. Then I saw him look me over from head to toe and back before he took my hand and we started for the door. Mom stopped us. She wanted a picture! Darned digital cameras. She must have taken twenty before we could leave, and not once did he let go of my hand until I got in the car. It felt strange, yet somehow normal, which is why I did not shy away when he took my hand. Everything about dressing as a girl was beginning to feel very nice, and I was surprised to find that I didn't mind wearing a dress one bit. I was still scared a little, but for some reason, it was a good scared. The dress I had borrowed had a pair of one inch wide straps over the shoulders that held up the square cut neckline, was fitted in the bodice and flared out at the hip, the hem just below mid thigh. I knew I looked good, and more, I felt good. It's not that I like dressing as a girl all the time, really, it's just that if I have to, I'm glad I look good.

Mike and I had a really good time at the show, then he took me to Kelly's, a popular night spot for teens. I was more than a bit concerned about going in, but he once again took my hand and we went in, found a table, and ordered some cola. While we waited, he asked me to dance, and while I said no, he ignored me and I was out on the dance floor, his arms wrapped around me. Not normally a dancer, I was able to follow him okay, then the house lights dimmed and he pulled me just a bit closer. There were kids all over the place that I knew, and I was getting very tense, but he never once let loose, until the lights went even dimmer. As I backed up a little, he whispered my name and when I looked up, I found his lips on mine! Just a touch, then he smiled at me and pulled me closer into him. He kissed me! What next? A motel?

Mike continued to act as if it was perfectly normal for him to kiss is best friend in front of God and everyone else, while I was merely in shock at what he had done. As we turned I saw Claire with her boyfriend, and she was watching me. She had seen Mike kiss me. I knew that because she was smiling widely. Mike and I went back to our table, had just sat down when Claire and Greg, her boyfriend joined us.

"Greg, this is Cathy."

"Nice to meet you Cathy."

"Come on Cathy, lets use the powder room."

Claire and I rose, and I soon found myself inside the ladies room, which is forbidden territory for men, and I was very edgy about being there, but Claire pointed to a stall and I went in. Using the restroom as a girl is like unwrapping a plastic toy. Up, down, don't fall over in the heels, then do, then reverse the order. Not at all what I was used to, and I quickly understood why the ladies rooms were always so crowded. They had to almost undress!

"You can't say that Mike isn't attracted to you now can you?"

"What does that mean?"

"You know what it means. I saw him kiss you, and I didn't see you pulling away either."

I did not answer her because there was nothing to say. She was right, except for me liking it. He just caught me off guard is all. About eleven he and I left the club and started for my house, but he stopped the car about two streets away, under a big tree. Without a word he pulled me to him and kissed me again, and it was not just a touch. I felt his tongue on my lips, and in a fit of lust, opened up and tasted him. There is no other way to say this, we parked, and while I was extremely aware that I am a boy, it didn't seem to matter. He walked me to the door, kissed me again, and I went with the taste of him on my lips, his aftershave in my nose. I felt like I was drowning in a sea of feminine feelings, fighting to retain my masculinity, yet I had not put up any resistance when he parked the car, nor did I stop him when he pulled me close and kissed me the first time. I went to my room hoping I had not made the biggest mistake of my life.

I washed everything away and appeared as myself the next morning, vowing not to dress as Cathy again until I had to. I knew I could do it, a lot of kids had seen me, and they knew I was with Mike, and that's all that counted. Neither Mom or Claire mentioned my being myself, but I stayed in my room. On a whim I went on line and ran a search on boys that want to be girls, and got something like a million hits! I narrowed my search and found a number of sites dealing with what I was doing, sites on how to do it better, like how to make my own breastforms, or one site that sold a panty that made it seem the wearer was a female, complete with all of the right working parts, and they did work! I found fiction sites, lingerie sites and personal sites, many of which offered a number of hints on how to become a perfectly normal looking girl when I was dressed. Taken all together, if I had the right stuff, I could become Cathy, and get away with it, even if I was almost naked! I bookmarked the sites and started to read some of the fiction I found. Some were just plain terrible, a few helpful, and some that offered a lot. Most were enjoyable to read, some plain trash, but as I looked around I found out that there were thousands of boys out there, dressing as a girl, just like me. The only difference is that they wanted to do it.

On Monday morning I went to school like always, keenly aware that Mike and I had shared something not many boys share, trying to not think about it, yet when I saw Fred with a bandaged face, it all came rushing back. He gave no sign that he knew it was me that had dumped his nose. I saw Mike about third hour, and while he and I talked, I could see that he looked hurt that I was not Cathy. It felt oddly comforting to know that he missed me, as Cathy, yet neither of us gave any outward sign that our relationship was anything more than a guy thing. By the time the day was over I was more confused than before. Mike had actually told me he was going to call Cathy that night, yet he knew that I was Cathy, but then, he never said he was calling me, just Cathy.

Over dinner that night Claire asked me how my date was, then dropped it that Mike had kissed me.

"We passed Mike's car when you guys were parked under that big tree, and it sure looked like it was going hot and heavy to me!"

"Catherine is a pretty girl Claire, and there is no reason for you to tease her about it when a boy finds her attractive."

"I'm not teasing her, I'm wondering how long she can last before she starts going to school as a girl. I mean, most of the kids I talked to wanted to know who she was, and did she go to our school. Besides, Mike likes her, that much anyone could see."

"I'm not going to school as a girl, and Mike is only being friendly!"

"Ummm, well, okay, if you say so sister dear."

"That's enough Claire. If Cathy decides to go to school, she can. If she decides not to, she can do that too. Now tell me about parking under the tree."

"It just happened Mom. It won't happen again."

"If you say so."

Obviously, neither of them believed me, but I didn't care. School was the same as always, yet by the time Friday neared, I found myself wondering what Mom would say if I became Cathy again. She did tell me that I needed the practice. Every male part of me screamed "no, don't do it", yet I felt myself drawn to it. It was almost as if I had no control over my own actions. Nobody was at home when I got there, so, without any more thought about it, I went into Claire's room and took a skirt and blouse, her taupe shoes, and the jewelry I thought would match, then all of the makeup I needed, and returned to my own room. I never heard anyone come in, and got completely dressed within an hour. The short tan skirt and pink blouse looked nice together, accented my breasts, and the taupe flats were comfortable. I did my lipstick, added the earrings, and walked down to the kitchen and started dinner.

I had on a bib apron and was busily cooking dinner, my favorite, and my specialty, when the door opened and Mom walked in, with Grandma right behind her! There wasn't anyplace to go, and since I had to stir the potatoes anyway, I tried hard to ignore them. They left the kitchen without a word, returning a few minutes later.

"Hi Cathy. What's for dinner?"

I told Mom, and went to setting the table. Grandma helped, and did not say a word about how I was dressed. Claire came in a bit later and all four of us took the meal to the table. That's when Grandma finally said that she thought I was a pretty girl, even though she didn't understand why I was dressed as one. Mom and I explained it to her, and while she seemed to accept it, I wasn't so sure. After dinner Claire and Mom were washing dishes when the doorbell rang, and I went to get the door. It was Mike. His face lit up when he saw me, took my hands, and kissed me on the lips, lightly, which everyone saw reflected in the foyer mirror. I let him in, and introduced him to my Grandmother, telling her that Mike was taking me to the Prom. It threw her when he kissed me, more, when she found out I was going to the Prom, as a girl, Mike's date. Greg came over to get Claire and they left, leaving the four of us. Mike stayed about an hour, then left after asking me out for the next night. I said yes, and he went home, leaving me with Mom and Grandma.

"Obviously that young man finds you attractive Catherine, and you say he knows?"

"Of course he knows! I asked him to take me to the Prom myself."

"Just how often do you dress up this way? It can't be every day."

"Just on the weekends Grandma, I still have to go to school."

"That's not very much practice if you are going to be the Belle of the Prom."

"I don't intend to be the Belle of the Prom Grandma. All I have to do is attend as a girl, with escort of course."

"That doesn't seem like a lot of time to me, even if you just plan on attending. How would you like to come stay with me? I'm in a different school district, and you could become Catherine full time. That way, you'll have plenty of time to become a real lady."

I was shocked at her suggestion, because I always thought she was an old fashioned stick in the mud! Mom said I could go with her if I wanted, but I would have to take some of Claire's clothes, plus buy some of my own. For me it wasn't a question of moving, it was a question of my becoming a "real lady" as Grandma put it. Mom took it out of my hands when she told me that I would move and change schools at the end of the grade period, which is two weeks away. That would mean I would become Cathy from October until the Prom, which is in May next year! I wasn't so sure I could do it, so why didn't I say no? But, like a good little girl, I simply nodded my head yes. Then I realized what I had agreed to!

"Wait! I can't do that! What if someone finds out? How can I become a girl every day Mom? Birdseed breastforms might break, or the foam pads might pop out! That will be fun. I can just see it now."

"If you don't want to do this, then don't! It's just a chance for you to become very good at being a girl, and that's all!"

"Do you want me to do it?"

"Cathy, honey, all I want is for you to do whatever you feel you have to do. If you want to go live as a girl with your Grandma, you can, or you can stay here with us. That's up to you."

"I'll think about" is all that I managed to say.

Well, Mike and I went out the next night, again on Sunday, then the following weekend. As much as I wanted to deny it, I found being thought of as a girl wasn't so bad, and I really didn't mind the short skirts or tight blouses, the makeup or the perfume. I also found that I was waiting longer and longer to change out of my girl mode so I could return to my male self and go to school. Twice, right in school, I found myself making a motion to sweep my skirt aside when I sat down! That's when I knew that I had to make a choice, and make it quickly. I was starting to act like a girl, even when I wasn't dressed as one, and that could be dangerous to my health. If the guys ever caught on, well, it would be ugly at best.

The situation goes like this. I could stay with my Grandma and live full time as Catherine, or stay here at home and only do it on the weekends. If Mom had simply told me to do it, then I would be guilt free, because she told me to do it, but if I say yes on my own, then it would be my choice, and everyone would know it. Then what? What would that make me? Mom had merely told me the choice was mine to make, and left it at that. As a male, I thought of girls as strange creatures that we males could try and date, maybe understand, then marry so we could have children. Now, if I decide to move and become a girl full time, I will be the strange one. Stranger than most I would guess. Yet, like I said, I didn't mind the clothes, it was everything else that bothered me. Like why did Mike, who knows that I'm not a girl, find me so attractive, then put his best moves on me? Worse, why did I submit to him? As I looked in the mirror, I tried to find a way to deny the fact that deep down, I liked being a girl, being treated as one, and more, the way Mike looked at me. I hated myself when I realized that I could not find a reason to say no. I had come to like being a girl, and no matter what anyone else thought, I could not escape what was in my own mind. I would be giving up what most guys thought of as being superior to women, but I knew better. I knew that I could make Mike do what I wanted, just like any other girl could usually get her guy to do what she wanted him to do, even if he didn't want to do it. Women have the power. The men just don't realize it. I decided to move in with my Grandmother, but right after the Prom, I was done, and would return to being my old self! That was my plan.

I told Mom that I would move, surprised when she told me that she was sure I would! As we sat across from each other, she told me that I had begun to exhibit mannerisms more like a girl would use, and often, I looked dejected when I went to school on Mondays, after having spent the weekend as Cathy.

"I never expected this to happen dear, in fact, I never thought that you would actually try it! If you had put up a big enough fuss I would have found another way for you to repay your sister, but you did try it, surprising all of us when you looked as nice as any girl your age, and I was equally surprised, but not shocked, when Mike found you attractive. You don't realize it, but men are visual, and they are drawn to a woman that meets what they think is their ideal. Obviously, Mike thinks that you fit his ideal, which is why he is always mooning over you. After that first time you went out, and you let him kiss you, I was sure that you found out that you like dressing as a girl, even though you never did it before. Now, both Claire and I know that you not only like it, you hate it when you have to become yourself, so I am not at all surprised that you decided to move in with Grandma. I won't pretend to understand it, but I can see that it is important to you, so I am going to let you try it. If at any time you want to come home and be yourself, just tell me, and this will end."

Just how could I tell my mother that the more I wore the dresses, the more I liked it? How could I admit, even to her, that she was right? How could I tell her that I had decided to become a girl, full time, and all I could think about was what I was going to wear for my first day in a new school, or that I didn't mind it at all when Mike kissed me? That night I began to pack up, taking some of my old stuff, like my sweats, but mostly, clothes that my sister, Mom, and I agreed I could take with me. I had three skirt and blouse sets, a few dresses and tops, plus two pair of shoes. The rest I had to leave behind. Oddly, Claire did not say much. I drove myself to Grandma's house, then, with her help, we moved me into her spare bedroom, which had been my Mothers room way back when.

I put things away, set up my computer, and began to look around my new room. Grandma let me alone, and I soon had everything the way I wanted it, then I joined her in the familyroom.

"Your Mother tells me that you found items on the Internet that will let you look and feel more like a girl. Can I see them?"

Just how did my mother know that? I nodded my head yes, went online, and showed Grandma the items I had found, plus a few of the sites that I liked best. I could hear her gasping over my shoulder when she looked at some of the pictures on a few of the personal web sites, then I printed out most of the information and handed it to her at her request. She loaned me a few things, and I got ready for my first full day as a girl, in a high school.

As much as I worried about it, it was an anticlimactic day. All of the kids simply accepted me as a girl named Cathy, and went on with things. During the first week I became friendly with a couple of girls, but remained aloof and did not try to join in. Grandma and I settled into a routine, and by Friday I think we were both comfortable with the way things were. When Friday came, I was told to be home immediately after school, no explanation offered, but the minute I walked in the house, I was told to go to my room. Grandma shut the door, and asked me to undress, which I had never done in front of her before, but she insisted, and I was soon standing there in just my bra and panties.

"Take your bra off dear."

I put my birdseed breastforms on the bed next to the bra, feeling naked without them. I watched as she opened a small pink and white box, then pulled out a perfectly shaped breast! It quivered, even in her hand! Using a small marking pencil, she made small marks on my skin, then using some kind of adhesive, she attached each one to my chest, and stood back. I looked in the mirror and saw them, so lifelike, the color almost exactly my skin tone, the nipples poking out just a little, the breasts with almost no sag to them. Using a color stick, Grandma easily hid the thin seams where the latex abutted my skin, and those breasts became my own, just as if I had grown them!

"Now the hard part Cathy. We can order one of those special panties you showed me on the Internet, or we can try something I read in one of the stories you printed out for me."

I knew what she meant. Ice and glue to make my manhood disappear, while taking the shape of a woman's vagina. She left it up to me, and as much as I worried about how it would work, it was obviously better than wearing a panty that might or might not work well. We traded looks, and I began to giggle, and she joined me.

"It is a big step, I know, but it does seem the best, doesn't it?"

"Can you do it? I mean, without any problems?"

"That story pretty well defined what I have to do, and I have everything right here, except I am going to use medical adhesive rather than some sort of superglue. I think it will be safer. If you want to try it, take off your panties and lay down on the bed."

For the first time since I was a baby she saw me naked, but without a word, she slapped the ice bag on me and held it there. After I pulled my fingernails out of the bed frame and my teeth quit shaking, I grew used to the chilling numbness of it, and relaxed as Grandma, wearing latex gloves, pushed and folded, glued and grinned, then more pushing and grinning before she stood facing me, her hand still on my manhood, or what was left of it. She held her hand that way for about ten minutes before she removed it and examined her work. Smiling, she told me to get up and take a look. My eyes fell on the fold of skin that now defined me, the hair on my groin defining, not hiding, the thin slit that was now my vagina. I felt no pain, but I worried about being able to use the bath. Grandma told me to stand still, then used the same adhesive to attach a pair of oddly shaped, foam filled, latex pads, one on each side that filled out the hollow in my buns, making them rounder and fuller. My hips were now wider, and because they too were the color of my skin, completed the transformation. I looked at myself from every angle, then smiled as I got dressed. My panties fit better, my bra, now holding weight, had to be adjusted, and while not expansive, I did have some minor cleavage. I was on cloud nine as Grandma walked out of the room, leaving me to get dressed. After Grandma left the room I left my finger trace the slit, but there was no reaction, and I got dressed.

Grandma told me later that she had not told anyone about these changes, telling me that they had no need to know, and I agreed. After that I became more natural, joining in with the girls in a few outings, and of course, I was still seeing Mike. I had no intention of letting his hands roam and wander no matter what I had under my clothes, and we satisfied ourselves just parking. Although I know he was reacting to me as he would any girl, I never gave him any relief that way. About a week after Grandma made the changes for me, she invited me to join her in her aerobics class. I said I would, and the two of us went shopping for a leotard and tights for me to wear as well as a sports bra. Aerobics was hard, but Grandma did the exercises like a pro, all without so much as a hard pant, while I felt like a rag after each workout. About all that I had going for me was the two girls from my classes at school were there with their Mothers, and the three of us tended to stay together. The hardest thing for me to get over was changing, then showering, in the ladies locker room. I mean, all those naked females were in there, and I was still technically, a male. I got over that quickly when nobody paid any attention to me, even in the shower. I was just one of the girls. One of my friends, naked, walked over and asked me if Mike was taking me to the Christmas dance.

I mentioned it to Mike, and he said he would love to take me. Mom, Grandma, and I went dress shopping, but Mom did not know about the changes we had made to make me look like a girl. I had a suspicion that she would find out today. While I was now used to not having any male equipment, I wasn't sure how Mom would take it when she found out. I was ready to just try on dresses, but Grandma said no, telling me that I had to have the right undergarments. That turned out to be a corselet, with matching panties of course. At a very elegant lingerie shop, Grandma steered me to them, picking out three for me to try on. I wear a 36B bra, and my waist was now down to 25 inches, but she insisted, so, with Mom in tow, I went into the changing booth, and slowly undressed, Mom watching me the whole time. When I slipped my blouse off Mom did not react, so I reached back and undid the bra and let it fall into my arms. That's when I heard her take a deep breath and exhale it slowly.

I slipped my skirt off and she did not see the lump made by a folded male member, but the smooth, tapering lines of a woman, and drew in another breath, but this time, she said something.

"You've changed!"

"Yah. It makes it easier at school and when we go to aerobics classes."

I did not elaborate, and quickly wrapped a corselet around myself and made up the hooks. Mom made the laces tight, and I saw my breasts rise into the cups of the built in bra while my waist drew down to at least 23 inches. The black satin and white lace looked nice, but after I tried on all of them, I picked one in the same style, but was all black with panties to match.

"Claire will not believe this Catherine! You have breasts, and while I'm not sure, I'll bet something else."

Walking through the mall, Grandma and I explained to her just how I did it. Mom just shook her head and we kept walking. The dress I ended up getting was emerald green, cut like a Prom dress with a very full skirt, a sweetheart neckline and was strapless. The fitted bodice would require me to wear the corselet, but I didn't mind a bit. I had shoes and purse to match, in silver, rhinestone and emerald earrings and necklace set, then I made an appointment at the salon to get my hair done. By the time we got back to Grandma's, Mom was clearly anxious to find out how I really looked, so I asked her to come to my room. It did not take long to strip naked, then I stood there, looking just like she and my sister did. Then I got dressed again.

"That is really something! I never would have known that under that you are a boy unless I already knew!"

"That is the idea Mom. I have to shower with the women, and this way I can. Besides, I like it this way."

"I already knew that honey. My only question is will my son will ever come back to me, or do I have another daughter now?"

Of course, by then I knew the answer to that question. I had asked it myself many times, and each time I got the same answer.

"How can I become a man again Mother? I'm a woman now, and I like it. Nobody but the few of us knows the truth, and everyone thinks I'm a girl, even me Mother. Mike has given me his ring, and I took it because I like being his girl. I like being a girl and can't give it up."

"That's what Grandma told me. Have you and Mike…?"

"No! Of course not! But that doesn't mean that we won't, I thought about it, but no, we haven't done it."

"Just be careful. Can I tell Claire?"

"I would rather you didn't. She might not take it real well when she finds out that I'm prettier than she is."

"Don't be snippy Catherine. I won't tell her. I'll let you do that."

The dance was on Saturday, so that morning I went to the salon for a six hour appointment. They started with a waxing which left my skin smooth, the lotion made my skin softer. Then I had my hair and nails done, and for the first time, my eyebrows thinned out and my makeup done by a pro. I had thought about what Mom had said, whether Mike and I had done it, and decided that his Christmas present would be a memorable one. I took a long hot bubblebath, then began to dress by slipping the thong panties on. Boy did I like the way they looked! I had worn the corselet every day, to break it in, and I could now fasten it up easily, then drew the laces tight myself. After fluffing my boobs, I had the put on two very full petticoats before I slipped the dress over my head. I had to have Grandma zip it up, and as she sat on the bed, I put my earrings on, the asked her to fasten the clasp on the choker necklace. A bright red lipstick, then my best perfume, and finally, I stepped into the shoes. My purse lay on the dresser, already filled with a thin wallet, and I slipped the lipstick into it before I stood in front of Grandma for her approval.

"If that young man of yours isn't dead, he will be in love before the end of the night I'm afraid. You're a very pretty girl Catherine, and I have to tell you, I had my doubts when this all started, but now, well, you have become a wonderful Granddaughter."

Just then the doorbell rang, but I stayed put in my room, waiting for Grandma to call for me. Then I heard the doorbell again, and a few minutes later, my name being called. I took one last look in the mirror, hiked my boobs up again, gathered a smile on my face, and stepped out of the room and carefully walked down the stairs. At the bottom stood Mike, his eyes shiny and bright, a smile on his face, next to him Mother, and right beside her, my sister Claire with Grandma just behind her. I stepped down into the foyer, as they all stared at me. Mike came and took my hand while Claire just stared, clearly wanting to know how I managed to have boobs, let alone bigger than hers, while Mom got out her camera again. The dance was very nice, Mike attentive, and best of all, I got a lot of compliments on both the dress and my hair. He took me to a late dinner, then, on the way home he parked the car in a very secluded area. I returned his passion, and for the first time, I let his hand fall on my breast. Because of the fit, and the fact that I had worn them for so long, I could sense his touch, and that, with his panting in my ear, told me he was on the edge, which is when I took over by pushing him away.

He lay very still as I unzipped his pants, pulled his member out, then took care of him the only way I could. The moment my lips touched him, I knew that I would never return to being a male again, but I had made that decision before we even left the house, and I think Mike knew it too. As time went on all thoughts of being a male disappeared, and I felt like a female right to the core of my being. However, Mike and I were out walking in the park when we were confronted by Ned, Fred, and of course, Bill. I felt Mike tense up, ready for any and all action. Bill once again remained silent, letting the stooges do the work. Ned, well aware that Mike wasn't afraid of him, and Fred, with his dislocated nose, both stayed just out of reach, yet they looked menacing, and I was sure they would make a joint rush on us.

"Why don't you just stand over there and let the lady come with us?"

"Why? So she can break your nose again?"

Fred, already angry at me, made a rush at Mike, who waited until he was extremely close, then stood aside, and put a roundhouse right hard against Fred's nose. He fell to the ground bleeding as Ned yanked out a knife and moved in, waving it back and forth. I yelled, and Mike turned just in time to catch the blow on his arm. Blood ran down his arm, and Ned took another stab at Mike, but my foot caught him right in the manlies and he fell to the ground rolled in a ball. Bill walked over, looked down at Fred and Ned, shook his head, and stared right at me.

"You're a hot chick, but these fools wouldn't recognize class if it bit them on the ass."

He yanked Fred to his feet, then helped Ned up, and the three of them walked, stumbling, out of sight. Mike and I went to his car and I drove him to the hospital. It turned out to be a superficial wound, but it was reported to the police, and Fred and Ned were arrested later that day for assault. As much as I felt like a girl, when we were attacked, I went right into my male mode, ready to defend myself or Mike, all thoughts of recoiling as a real girl might do, fading out of sight. I was proud of Mike, but ashamed that I so easily reverted to my old way of thinking. Claire told me it wasn't such a bad thing for a girl to be able to defend herself, which only brought home just how much I had changed, and how much more I had to learn. Claire had long ago decided that our bet wasn't worth much, especially when I was attending school as a girl, but there was no way I could give it up now. I had become Catherine, inside, where it counts the most.

Mike took me to the Prom, and I was nominated as Queen of the Prom. They had no idea how right they were. It was on that night that Mike and I satisfied our mutual passion for each other. While not equipped like the other girls, I found several ways to sate our passions, climbing over the wall of my self doubt, with no regrets, and enjoyed it all. I graduated in June, turned 18 two weeks later, and started on that long path to complete what I knew to be true, I was a woman, and needed to be one. Eventually, I was, and Mike loved every minute I proved it to him.



© 2000

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