Crystal's StorySite

Atlantis left Earth five thousand years ago. Two thousand years later, a Princess of Atlantis was returned to Earth to evaluate the advance of the human race had since the separation. In the transfer, something happened, she could not be returned as scheduled. For three thousand years she existed in the minds of successive women. until contact was made to permit her to return. However one of the conditions of the return was she was required to occupy the mind of a man but not in the male body.


A Princess From Atlantis

by Amelia Allen



The walls of the room was of cold stone, but covered by heavy drapes that absorbed the sound bare and took off some of the chill that seemed to pervade the air, in spite of the summer warmth outside. Inside the room were a half a dozen people talking or doing various tasks.

"Are you sure you want to do this Princess Arial? We can easily get someone else to take your place. You know this project is designed to last a hundred years? You cannot die. If your host does, you will just find another host. Intense pain will be mitigated for you and your host. In the event of accidents or torture, We don't know exactly what is out there any more. As you know we haven't had any reliable contact with Earth for hundreds of years."

Princess Arial looked at him and stated. "I cannot ask anyone to do anything that I cannot or will not do it myself. Beside, I have trained and practiced for this journey. Please proceed."

"Let me restate the object of how the rest of humanity has progressed since we separated from them. You will enter the mind of an adult woman as a helpless passenger. You will live with her through rest of their life. You will read their minds, understand their thoughts and feel their pain. When she dies, your mind will be freed and you will enter another host and again, go through the cycle. The selection will be random as to where and the status of your host. They may be princesses or peasants. They my be old women or young girls just entering puberty. They could be anywhere on the face of the earth. After one hundred years you will be returned to your own body and revived. During your journey your body will remain in suspended animation until you rejoin it, be it ten years or ten thousand years and beyond."

You know that we will follow your mind, but not your thoughts throughout your journey. If we sense disaster, we will return you immediately".

"We have been all that several times. I understand the dangers and perils I may face during my journey." Let us proceed".

A group of sages, men and women formed a circle, staring at a crystal ball to focus their thoughts as the princess disappeared. Suddenly there was agitation among the group. "We have lost control of the princess! There is some sign of a psychic turmoil that is interfering with our thoughts. We have been able to follow the princess's Brain waves. But we no longer have the ability to rescue her in case of an emergency."

Fools! Keep trying. You must maintain full contact with her to ensure her safety return."

The group tried for hours and finally approached the high priest "We have not had any success nor can we find any reason for the loss of connection.

"You will keep trying until you regain contact or proof that she is no longer among the living. This effort will go on until you succeed. Even if it has to go on for the rest of your life, and those of your children, and your children's children."

The next thing Arial knew was to find herself in the body of a woman that was not hers. "The experiment is working". She thought exultingly. "I have been transferred to Earth". She had no idea that back in Atlantis, the priests had lost the ability to return her back to Atlantis

Her exultance faded somewhat when she discovered she was in the mind of a peasant's wife, living in a small primitive village. She was about thirty years old with four children. Life was hard,. The woman was worn out and by the time she was forty, she died. At last freeing Arial.

That was the first. After that, she went through hundreds of hosts from all over the world. The lives of her hosts varied from only a few moments as she was burned at a stake for witchcraft, to over eighty years as the host of a longed lived crone, the wife of a successful businessman in Italy.

It was hundreds, no thousands of years before she received a telepathic message. With pathetic apologies she was informed that they lost contact with her. Apparently there was a great electric storm that affected psychic contact during her transition to Earth. The priest, his children and children's children for generations, had been trying ever since. She had been existing in women's minds for over three thousand years.

It was hundreds, no thousands of years before she received a telepathic message. With pathetic apologies she was informed that they lost contact with her. Apparently there was a great electric storm that affected psychic contact during her transition to Earth. The priest, his children and children's children for generations, had been trying ever since. She had been existing in women's minds for over three thousand years.

Because of your existence with women for all this time, your mind has been psychologically affected. To return with a balanced mind you will have to enter the mind of a male. A few days after you enter him, the man to will be converted to female. His mind will remain that of a male, But under your control. After a period of adapting yourself you will be returned home.'



The warm breeze made a gentle rustle of the leaves as it made it's way through a copse of trees. Robin Brown, feeling sorry for himself decided it was the best place sulk. Becky, his best friend, and more had broken their date. She told him that the museum had just recently received a pack of ancient scrolls and she was assisting in sorting and attempting to decipher them. Rob didn't mind her work, but she claimed she was so engrossed in the project that she didn't have time to see him see him in over a week. To solace himself and pass time, he was sipping a beer, hoping she would soon get over her project and be able to spend some time with him.

Becky was an archeologist and worked at the museum. She had phoned him a few days ago and excitedly told him that they discovered some new scrolls and were trying to decipher them. "Professor Neuman is insisting that we give them first priority. They were tested and shown to be at least five thousand years old, they don't appear to be related to any of the other civilizations we had studied previously". We would not only like to understand them but determine who wrote them." .

Rob understood her agitation. She was forever analyzing relics of old civilizations. He understood her preoccupation, but wished that she would give more time to him. In fact, he felt so sorry for himself that he had another beer. They tasted good and as they assuaged his resentment somewhat, he had another.

The beer made him drowsy, so he lay back and began to doze. He was aware of his surroundings but they seemed to fade from his attention. Suddenly he saw a dot in the sky. It was not a bird or an errant scrap of paper, since it did not drift but maintained a steady course. As he watched, it became larger until it resolved itself into the figure of a woman. She was beautiful, clad in a robe similar to those worn in ancient Rome. She was blonde, her hair falling in tresses past her shoulders, her eyes were green, skin a sort of tan, her lips full and luscious. The vision came even closer until there were only a pair of eyes hypnotically staring at him

Robin was upset by the vision. But the beer took its toll and he fell asleep, waking up about an or so hour later. By then the sun was almost set, the breeze picked up and there was a chill in the air.

Making his way home he remembered his vision. "I'm seeing things." He thought. "I guess I drank more beer than I should and now I'm paying for it. But she sure was pretty. Maybe it was worth the beer".

That night as he lay in bed he mentally compared the girl he saw in his vision and Becky. They were both beautiful in their own way. The girl in his vision gave an appearance of being confident and reserved. She appeared quite tall, maybe five, nine or so. She was blonde with hair falling down past her shoulders, green eyes and tanned skin. Becky was impulsively enthusiastic. She was about five six or seven, with red hair, blue eyes and a fair skin that sunburned easily. There was no similarity in their appearance, but each in their own way was attractive and definitely female.

He spent the next few days working and almost forgot about his vision. He had begun to think that Becky would spend her life studying scrolls, when suddenly she called and asked if he wanted to accompany her and visit the museum. Afterward they could have lunch. Rob agreed enthusiastically, hoping that perhaps he could convince her to spend the evening (And night) with him.

The next morning they met and proceeded to the museum. Robin couldn't keep his hands off her but she laughingly fended him off saying that maybe later. Rob would have preferred right now, but Becky with a half promise of "maybe later". Rob had no alternative but to wait and hope.

They arrived and entered the museum. Rob always felt overwhelmed by its imposing appearance and exhibits of dead bones, dead animals, dead peoples and dead civilizations. It made him feel rather insignificant and solemn. Becky on the other hand was quite enthused. To her the museum was a place to play and be a challenge her training and intellect. She already had a degree in Archeology and was now working on her master's.

They went into the basement where the atmosphere was decidedly different. It was like a business office, brightly lit and people rushing by from one door to another. When Rob mentioned it, Becky answered. "This is where the accounting and records are kept. It also is where we receive and sort items that arrive or are sent out. This is here exhibitions are prepared. Anything other than setting up exhibits is done down here."

She then led him into a room where several people were working. She introduced him to Professor Neuman and to his assistant Mr. Phillips. "I want you to meet Robin Brown. He is my friend and I promised to show him the scrolls."

"I hope he enjoys looking at them". Said the professor. "So far we haven't had a clue to deciphering, them or even determine their source. We do know by dating that they are almost six thousand years old".

Rob stared at them and said, almost as if he was in a trance. "Those are Atlantean. Some of them are damaged or lost but they describe their disappearance from Earth."

"Apparently they were under almost constant attack from savages that had not yet matured and reached civilization. So their high priests (or scientist?) developed a method to move Atlantis and its lands to another dimension, or (plane, depending on the interpretation.) They will remain until humans have advanced enough so they could safely return."

"The scrolls appear to be partially damaged or lost but there is something about sending out envoys periodically to evaluate how humans have advanced".

The professor said, with an appearance of suppressed anger. "Miss Becky Bell I see you have a practical joker for a companion. We have studied these scrolls for weeks and could not decipher them and now he pretends that he can not only identify them, but can also read them."

"You are very clever young man" he continued, "But levity for something that promises to be quite important is not appreciated"

Rob looked at him with a look of amazement. "I don't know what you are talking about, I didn't say anything".

Why, I heard you myself. You were going on as if you knew exactly what you saying. What do you mean you didn't say anything?

"I mean my voice might have said something, but it wasn't me."

"That don't make sense." Said Becky "Please excuse yourself to the Professor. We had better leave before your "voice says something else". We'll talk to about it later."

Becky, taking him by the arm led him out of the museum. To Rob, it was no more just solemn. Now, it was terrifying. Wild animals snarled at him. Stone Age men threatened him with clubs even the pictures seemed threatening Rob wasted no time vacating the place.


They went to lunch. Over the meal Rob kept trying to explain himself. He kept denying that he said anything of his own volition, he claimed he was surprised as everyone when the words came out.

Becky would have none of it. She said that she had heard about people hearing voices. She claimed this was the first time she heard of anyone speaking voices. "Are you sure that you are OK? Have you been drinking?

Robin shook his head in despair. I'm not nuts; at least I don't think so. And I haven't been drinking since early yesterday either."

Becky was not mollified. "We're not through with this thing yet. Just take me home to get my car. I have go back to the museum and try and patch things up. You can go home and sleep off your hangover."

Rob returned home and tried to analyze his behavior. He did hear the words come out and it seemed like he had no control at the time. He had no idea who or what Atlantis was and what happened to it. Nor did he care. Where had the words come from?

After pondering over the incident and arriving at no conclusion he decided to have a beer. He went to the refrigerator. Pulled out a can and then thought about Becky saying he had a hangover, so he grabbed two cans, "What the hell! If I'm a sot, I may as well live up to it."

After brooding a couple of hours, he decided to go to bed, thinking that perhaps if he slept on it, he may get some answers.

* * * * * * * * * * *


The walls of the room was of cold stone, but covered by heavy drapes that absorbed the sound and took off some of the chill that seemed to pervade the air, in spite of the summer warmth outside. Inside the room were a half a dozen people talking or doing various tasks. There were modern looking machines available for the latest scientific analysis. There were ancient looking vials and decanters that looked as if they were taken from an alchemist in the Middle Ages.

"Are you sure you want to do this Princess Arial? We can easily get someone else to take your place. You know this project is designed to last a hundred years? You cannot die. If your host does, you will be reincarnated in another host. Intense pain that your host may suffer will be mitigated for you and your host in the event of accidents or torture; we don't know exactly what is out there any more. As you know we haven't had any reliable contact with Earth for hundreds of years."

Princess Arial looked at him and stated. "I cannot ask anyone to do anything that I cannot or will not do it myself. Beside, I have trained and practiced for this journey. Please proceed."

"Let me restate the object of the trip is to find out how the rest of humanity has progressed since we separated from them. You will enter the mind of an adult woman as a helpless passenger. You will live with her through rest of their life. You will read their minds, understand their thoughts and feel their pain. When she dies, your mind will be freed and you will enter another host and again, go through the cycle. The selection will be random as to where and the status of your host. They may be princesses or peasants. They my be old women or young girls just entering puberty. They could be anywhere on the face of the earth. After one hundred years you will be returned to your own body and revived. During your journey your body will remain in suspended animation until you rejoin it, be it ten years or ten thousand years and beyond."

You know that we will follow your mind, but not your thoughts throughout your journey. If we sense disaster, we will return you immediately".

"We have been all that several times. I understand the dangers and perils I may face during my journey." Let us proceed".

A group of sages, both men and women formed a circle, staring at a crystal ball to focus their thoughts as the princess disappeared. Suddenly there was agitation among the group. "We have lost contact with the princess! There is some sign of a psychic turmoil that is interfering with our thoughts. We have been able to follow the princess's Brain waves. But we no longer have the ability to rescue her in case of an emergency."

Fools! Keep trying. You must maintain full contact with her to ensure her safe return."

The group tried for hours and finally approached the high priest "We have not had any success nor can we find any reason for the loss of connection.

"You will keep trying until you regain contact or proof that she is no longer among the living. This effort will go on until you succeed. Even if it has to go on for the rest of your life, and those of your children, and your children's children."


The next thing Arial knew was to find herself in the body of a woman that was not hers. "The experiment is working". She thought exultingly. "I have been transferred to Earth". She had no idea that back in Atlantis, the priests had lost the ability to return her back to Atlantis

Her exultance faded somewhat when she discovered she was in the mind of a peasant's wife, living in a small primitive village. She was about thirty years old with four children. Life was primitive and arduous, The woman was worn out and by the time she died at forty. Freeing Arial to find another host.

That was the first. After that, she went through hundreds of hosts from all over the world. The lives of her hosts varied from only a few moments as she was burned at a stake for witchcraft, to over eighty years as the host of a longed lived crone, the wife of a successful businessman in Italy.

It was hundreds, no thousands of years before she received a telepathic message. With pathetic apologies she was informed that they lost contact with her. Apparently there had been a great activity with sunspots affecting psychic contact during her transition to Earth. The priest, his children and children's children for generations, had been trying ever since. She had been existing in women's minds for over three thousand years.

The high priest mentally told her, "Because of your existence on Earth, Living as a helpless witness in the lives of women, your mind has been affected. To properly return with no mental damage, You will have to enter the mind of a male. A few days after you enter him, he will become a duplicate of your body there, you will control the mind of this man, but he will be aware of your presence. A few days later the he will become a female. His mind will remain that of a male, But under your control. After a period of adapting yourself you will be returned home.'

* * * * * * * * *


Rob woke up the next morning; feeling rather refreshed, but soon realized there was something not right about his body. It didn't feel right. As he staggered toward the bathroom, he noticed that he was walking on his pajama legs and the sleeves kept covering his hands.

When he arrived and looked in the mirror, He forgot the inconvenience of the pajamas. He certainly did not need a shave. Staring back at him was a lovely woman. Her hair was long and fell down in waves past her shoulders. He next noticed that in spite of the sagging of the pajamas, there wee two sizeable protuberances on his chest.

"Holy Damned! That's the girl I saw in the park! No! I mean the girl I saw in the park is I! What the hell is going on?"

Slowly he dropped the pajamas and his worst fears were realized. He was wearing the body of a woman. From head to toe, it was definitely female. The face was that he saw in his vision.

"What do I do now?" Take shower he answered himself. No sooner said than done. Moments later he was in the shower, rubbing his body with a smooth lather. He washed the long smooth legs, then the hair and the little slit and no penis at his crotch. He washed his chest, taking a few extra moments on the breasts. There was nothing to signal he arousal, but he still felt an excitement and warmth in his crotch. He wasn't sure about what to do with the hair, finally taking some shampoo and gently washed it. He completed the shower and vigorously dried himself.

The next problem was clothing. He ransacked his wardrobe and found nothing that was small enough or proper for a young woman. He finally found a pair of pants that were a bit shorter than the rest. Still, even they were so long that the cuffs dragged. He had to roll them up to keep from stumbling. The waist was even more of a problem. All of the belts were too large. He finally settled using one of his ties about his waist to hold up the pants. He found tee shirt that was much to large. Still, it hid the bunching of the pants. It draped his body, effectively hiding his new body curves, except for two noticeable bumps on his chest. He looked at himself in a mirror and grimaced at what he saw, but he had no alternative.

Except the two prominent bulges at his chest and the long hair it wasn't to bad. "Men have long hair too", he thought. But looking at the hair, he realized that it was coifed in a manner no male would do. He found a bandana and looking in the mirror tied it about his head. He felt he was shapeless enough to hide his feminine appearance, There was no way he was going to find a pair of shoes that would even remotely fit. He finally selected a pair of scruffy moccasins that he wore about the house.

The next problem was to get help. The folks were to far away to aid him and he quickly decided that he was not going to call on his male friends. That left Becky. He called her, when she answered he said, "Becky, I'm in a jam, I need help"

"Who is this?"

"It's me Robin, Robin Brown. Something happened and I need help."

"I know Robin and have talked to him more times than I can count. You definitely are not him, from your voice you are not even a man." She then hung up on him.

Robin tried to call again but as soon as she heard his voice, she hung up.

The only thing Rob could think was to meet her in person and convince her. It was obvious; he was going to have to drive.

Getting his keys and wallet, he left the house.

Fortunately, the car was in a garage that had an automatic door opener. Once he got in the car, he would not have to get out. He drove slowly and sedately, trying not to attract attention. He got a few wolf whistles and cars honking at him, but he ignored them, not even turning his head.


He arrived at her apartment with no difficulty and parked in the reserved lot. He looked around to see if any one was about. It seemed clear so he slipped out of the car and made for the doorway to Becky's apartment. He rang the bell. Almost immediately he heard Becky's voice asking whom it was.

Rob was silent. If he answered, she would cut him off. If he were not silent, she still would cut him off. Taking a deep breath, he replied. "Ask me something that we would only know. I'll prove who I am".

"You're the same girl who called me on the phone. Well, all right. We can play this game. "Where did we go on our date Thursday night?"

"We didn't have a date last Thursday. You had to go to the museum and I stayed home. Ask me another. She opened the door a bit.

"All right, What is my Grandmothers name and when did you meet her?"

"I was with you visiting your parents in Mayville. She was there and you introduced me. . Her name was Marie".

"Now, tell me how you got to be a woman"?

"I'm not a woman." "This is just the body of a woman, I'm not her."

"Where is your body"?

"This is my body, I went to bed as a man and this is the way I woke up."

"Perhaps I should explain." The voice came from the body that claimed to be the male Robin Brown,

"My name is Arial. I am from Atlantis. My ancestors left Earth, about five thousand years ago and lost all contact with Earth, After almost two thousand years later, it was decided to send someone back to Earth to see how the people advanced. They selected me. I was to determine the status o the people of Earth. To do that I was to be randomly cast into the mind of a women and stay with her until she died. Then I would repeat the process. I would enter the woman any time after adulthood and stay with her until she died. Then enter another woman. This was supposed to go on for a hundred years and return to Atlantis and report my findings. However something went wrong and I remained on Earth passing from one woman to another for three thousand years".

"When thy finally contacted me, I was informed that because I had inhabited women all this time they could not bring me back as planned, I would have to inhabit the body of a male for several days until I could recover my perspective. I would be a silent witness to, adapting myself to the thoughts and perspectives of a male. To prevent losing all my feminine attributes, he would be feminized to match my own body back in Atlantis. I would be in control of this body, allowing him freedom of action only at my permission".

"Is that how Robin was able to translate the scrolls?"

"Yes, I was in his mind and read the scrolls for him. I should add that they are an ancient form of Atlantis writing. And it was difficult to translate them properly""

"Well, that answers the question as to the accuracy of the translation".

"All right, come on in."

"Well Arial or Robin as the case may be. You two look like one circus clown in those clothes. Robin, I presume that those are the nearest to female clothes you have. Maybe I can find something that is more appropriate for your new appearance."

She went into the bedroom and returned a few moments later with a pile of clothes. You're a few inches taller than I am. Any of my slacks would appear like Capri pants on you, so I brought a skirt, You will NOT! leave my house wearing a skirt with bare legs! So I brought a pair of hose. Fortunately they have elastic tops so a garter belt is not needed. Your breasts appear to be about the same size as mine, a "B+". Fortunately I have an expander for your larger chest so you may get away with one of mine for a while. The top of your body is another problem. The best we can do is to let you wear that oversized monstrosity T-shirt you are wearing now. The nearest I have in shoes that comes near to fit you is a pair of slippers.


"We're going to have some money to get you some much needed clothes to match your new body. Do you have any money or credit cards w can use"? Robin had grabbed a few items as he left his house and crammed them in his pockets. After a brief search, he produced his wallet; "There is a few bucks in here and also my credit cards.


Robin watched helplessly as she, now, saw the clothes she would be expected to wear. Realistically, she realized that they were appropriate for her new persona, but that didn't make it easier. Poor Robin was of two minds. First his male self cringed at the feel of the exotic garments, but felt a sense of pride because the feeling of the silky material cling to her body and realizing that the garments increased his feminine attractiveness.

He cringed as she saw them select a pair of long stockings and a garterbelt. The hose was bad enough but when they began selecting panties and bras she went practically ballistic. All she could do was to watch helplessly.

Robin shut her eye as Becky and Arial began selecting make-up. She didn't know what they were but he realized that they would be applied to her face and nails'

Becky critically examined Robin, saying, "Well it isn't perfect, but it will have to do until we get you some new clothes that will suit you". With these words, the girls took off.

The trip was a gift from heaven for the Becky and Arial and a visit to hell for the male Robin as she saw his credit card charges approaching their limit. Arial had no problem signing the charges as she copied Robin's signature perfectly. She had no trouble with identification. The driver license picture was rather vague and she merely explained that she was not wearing makeup and had her hair cut at the time.

. The clothing they looked at varied, a long formal dress, a few that were applicable for day wear, one, almost mini style, Invariably they were designed to show a lot of skin and a bit of cleavage. The skirts were slightly better. Most were applicable for casual daywear, but there was a long skirt, with side slits, intending to reveal a bit of leg (all the way to the thigh). A couple was mini skirts, revealing a bit of thigh without the necessity of having side slits. For the most part, the blouses were a perfect match for the skirts and varied from exotic styles to just blouses that could be worn casually and for day wear. They reluctantly selected a pair of slacks,

They spent almost the entire day shopping, making selections, trying them on and discussing the pluses and minuses of the respective garments. While they shopped, they discussed the type of accessories necessary for the respective garment. Both girls, (including Robin) were tired and worn out from the trip.

Afterward, they had a brief lunch where Arial prodded Becky with questions about how women lived in today's world. Arrived back at Becky's apartment they reviewed their loot, gloating at their acumen about how they selected such bargains. (Please note, Arial adapted to such shopping trips almost immediately.) That is, all except Robin All she could do was look at the at the pile of frilly garments that demolished his credit cards

When they arrived back at the apartment, Becky went into the kitchen and mixed up a pitcher of martinis and brought it in the living room. She poured each of them a drink and they both leaned back, removing their shoes as they began sipping their drink. The drinks were cool and refreshing so they had another – then another

Finally Becky leaned over and kissed Arial. "That's for Robin for bringing you to me." Arial Immediately kissed back, saying, "That's for you for helping me find a wardrobe for Robin I just know she is ecstatic over the selections. She wants us to make a toast to our meeting each other."

After that, Becky said, "Let's have another without wasting time toasting. "Down the hatch!" She downed her drink, Arial doing the same

""Yeah, thought Robin, "I'm glad they met, but it would be a whole lot better if I was in my own body and enjoying the company of two luscious females. I'm beginning to feel that something is happening to me." She was. The drinks were having an effect on her body and she could feel turgidity in Arial's mind.

Naturally, t they had a drink with each toast. Their kisses began to be a bit warmer and more lingering. Arial opened her mouth a bit to let her tongue meet Becky's lips, but instead felt a mouth open. The tongue easily slipped in and met another throbbing tongue as if it was waiting for it.

In moments, hands were taking over, feeling each other's bodies.

Becky hesitated, and said. "I'm not sure I wish to do this."

"It is accepted in Atlantis. I don't prefer it, but I have enjoyed it. Relax and enjoy. Believe me, your buddy is stirring up feelings too. As of now, this is the only way you two can have sex with each other."

"You're Right." I do love Rob and I want him to realize that I love him too."

By this time hands were diligently exploring and tongues were doing their own searching. Clothes were being divested and body meeting body in every conceivable way. The excitement finally abated and eased away as the girls slowed their ministrations and leaned back in relaxation

"I just want to tell you that Robin enjoyed proceedings as much as we did, perhaps more as he has never enjoyed the feeling sex as a woman."

By this time, both girls were exhausted, arm in arm they went to the bedroom. After taking a shower, they crawled in bed together; both were to tired and too worn out to initiate further intimacy'.

The next morning, Becky suggested that Arial accompany her to the museum, to which Arial quickly agreed. When they arrived, Becky introduced Arial as a friend who was interested in past civilizations.

They were greeted by the professor, he said, "Becky, I want to apologize to your young man. I wasn't getting anywhere, so as last resort, I tried his suggestions and they seemed to fit. We haven't advanced much further yet, but feel that we are now on the right track".

After the amenities were over Becky led Arial about the museum, in which she totally enthralled. She did make a few suggestions about some of the panoramas depicting sections of life in some of the older civilizations, pointing out certain areas where she personally experienced.

Becky suggested that she look over all the exhibits and make any suggestions about changes to depict a more real and true picture of them.

After going over the exhibits, they left and stopped at the library. Taking advantage of Becky's card she selected several books about history. When they arrived back at the apartment, Arial became deeply engrossed in them, explaining that she wanted to have a better picture of the progress of the human race since Atlantis left so she could report back of the changes in Atlantis.

After poring over the tomes, Arial took a break and spent the next few days with Becky touring the city and the surrounding area. She was interested, but not particularly impressed by the mechanical advances at the expense of nature.

She explained some of the differences between Earth and Atlantis. "You people have advanced farther in physical sciences. "You make taller buildings, faster vehicles and a more elaborate system of communication. However, we in Atlantis have advanced in mental processes far more than you and we have not harmed the environment".

'Of the two, I believe that I prefer our methods. Our skies are clear, the waters are pure, the people live comfortable and manage to survive without mechanical toothbrushes automatic shoe shiners".

" We do have aircraft and railroads for distance travel. For the most part, these vehicles are powered by electricity, which can be charged in large capacitors, which store enough power for long distances. For local travel, we have bicycles and small vehicles powered by electricity. These vehicles are owned by the state and are left in various areas. When a person needs one, he goes to the nearest distribution point, (which are placed throughout the city), selects a vehicle and leave it when he arrives at his destination. There the next user picks it up. Periodically, these vehicles are rounded up from remote areas and brought to a central distribution point where there is more a need for them."


"We do have a form of television but it is not used often. Most to of the people are clairvoyant to some extent and receive entertainment, messages and news reports immediately, television is mostly used by children and others who have not yet developed mind control,"

Arial and Becky also visited a few clubs and danced a bit. One night on one of the outings, Arial seemed impressed with a man named Bob. After the usual flirting, she agreed to go to a motel with him. Getting the name of the motel, she gave it to Becky, "Pick me up in about an hour. I think Robin needs a taste of romancing with a man."

They left the club, during the drive, Arial had to fight off groping hands, smilingly telling him that they would have to wait until they arrived at the motel. She mentioned that there was no reason they should take chances of an accident or being arrested because he couldn't wait a few moments. Since she was adamant, Bob reluctantly agreed.

Arriving at the motel, Bob began necking arduously, laughingly Arial fended him off, but he was not to be deterred. Holding her tightly, they fell on the bed together, he was feeling her breasts frantically, trying to remove her clothes. Robin was helplessly being carried along in the struggle. She felt the fingers grabbing her breast, and feeling for a way to remove her clothes. She was helplessly trying to fend the man off but to no avail. Suddenly, in amazement, she realized that she was moving her hands and fingers. She was in control of her body! She pushed Bob off, sending him sprawling to the floor.

He arose from the floor, his face twisted in anger. "You prickteasing bitch! I'm going to knock the shit out of you and then take what I came here for.

He made a dive at Robin, who was still sprawled on the bed. She rolled over, avoiding him. Even as she did it, she was amazed how quick and controlled her movements were.

Bob climbed to his feet and made a dash at Robin. This time she stood her ground, as he approached, she grabbed his hands and forced them back. Bob tried to resist, but it was a no contest as Robin kept adding pressure until Bob was on his knees.

"I could make you suck me off, but your mouth is to dirty."

You were going to beat us up, then rape us. After that, you were going to rob us of everything we had and leave us helpless as you did to a dozen girls. In the past."

"Us?" What's this us"? "There is only one of you".

"It makes no difference how many of us there are." Arial said as she took Bob's tie and began binding his wrists behind his back, then taking a wire coat hanger, wrapped one end about his wrists, twisting it so hard that he could not get it of without tools. She took the other end and wrapped it about a faucet, twisting it in the same manner.

"We are going to leave you. Don't worry, the cops will be here in a minute. They will also find several women's purses you kept as mementos of your other misdeeds."

"Becky, Did you call the police"?

"Yes I did as you suggested. I called them on a pay phone so they can't trace it."

"Let's get out of here, we should be long gone before they get here."

As they drove away, Becky asked, "How did you know he was going to do all those things"?

"I have a bit of sixth sense and could get Bob's basic feelings about his intentions even before we left the club. Then in riding in the car, I could sense his exultation and thinking he could an another purse to his list of successes."

"But how did you know how to call the police"?

"In one of those books I read, there was an essay from one of the authors describing steps he took in foiling a robbery. I just did the same."

"Now, let's go home. We have some loving to do."




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