Crystal's StorySite

Pokemon Adventures                   by: Paul G Jutras



"I almost forgot." Nurse Joy said as she went to a pile of papers on her desk and picked up the top one of the bunch. "While you were all out searching for that Pokemon and Ash, a message came in from Professor Oak."

"What does he want?" Ash said, not happy at the idea of anyone he knows seeing him in Misty’s body.

"It’s not the Professor himself that wanted to see you." Nurse Joy corrected. "Since Ash keeps in touch, Misty’s sisters figured he’d know where to find her. Should I say you now. Seems their having another Enchantment Under the Sea play and wants Misty’s body for the part of the mermaid."

"We can’t let my sisters know what happened." Misty protested. "If we don’t do it, they’ll wonder why."

"Okay, I’ll be the mermaid for you." Ash surrendered. "I always like being in show business anyhow."

"Except the time I asked you to be a Mr. Mime." Brock laughed as did everyone but Ash who hated how Mr. Mime had taken his place at home with his mother.

"Excuse me, but does these people try to rob this Pokemon center?" Officer Jenny asked as she led team rocket inside. Cupid hearts filled Brocks eyes as he turned love sick at one of the two most beautiful girls in his private little love sick world.

"That’s them alright!" Brock said in full manly voice. "I’ll be glad to come down to the station and give my full statement about everything they’ve done. I don’t care how long it takes."

"We’d better get going." Misty reminded Brock and Ash. "We got to get home for the water show."

"Especially before someone finds out the trouble about us." Ash added as a limbo pulled out. Ash watched in horror as Gary and his cheering female fans got out. "Oh no, not him."

"Gary Gary he’s our man!" The cheerleaders shouted. "If he can’t catch them, nobody can!"

Just then the mysterious Pokemon that started the whole mess showed up from the bushes the way Jiggypuff used to when he followed the group about. With a spray it made the group start coughing and rubbing their eyes. When Gary opened his, he found a pair of pom-poms in his hands and himself staring into his own face.

"What happened?" Gray asked as Brock started to run Officer’s Jenny’s soft hands over his curvy new female frame. Brock always wanted to be close to Jenny, but never thought he’d really get under her skin. Just her uniform.

"Cool it Brock." Misty muttered, still in Ash’s body. "You’ve got to learn to control yourself. Think of what officer Jenny is going through.

"I’m not Jenny." Nurse Joy’s voice came from Jenny’s mouth. "I hope this doesn’t meet I’m going to be too busy capturing crooks now to help poor sick Pokemon."

"I don’t think we can go anywhere until we figure out who’s who." Ash muttered in Misty body. "Perhaps if your sisters really need the show, the Pokemon center can close down and Brock can get Officer Jenny a leave of absence while we straighten this out in Misty’s home town."

"Sounds good to me." The former Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny said the strange Pokemon shot out another mist over a small portion of the group allowing Brock to end up in Jessie’s body this time and James in Officer Jenny’s.

"Ooo." James thought to himself as the Pokemon took off in the direction of Misty’s home town. "If I keep quite then Team Rocket has my licence to commit crimes."

He found himself silently out voted as the others were already chasing after the Pokemon and on their way to the water show. If only James could figure out who’s body Meowth and Jessie was currently in so he could tell them.

"That Pokemon is the key to our getting our bodies back!" Ash cried out. "After it!"




© 2000
The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission.