Crystal's StorySite

Plainfields - Stephanie's Story Copyright 2000 by Samantha Michelle

Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are your reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand and accept different lifestyles. Before they learn they from bad experiences.

All constructive comments are welcome. Please e-mail to me:

Finally, this is a piece of adult fiction. If you are underage, or if you find it offensive, please go elsewhere. Quickly.


Plainfields - Stephanie's Story        by: Samantha Michelle

We had been traveling for almost four hours, and being trussed up was beginning to get old. So were the dammed oversize pampers mom had put on me "just in case". Dad was carefully looking for a sign, so I knew we had to be somewhere near our destination. He slowed, and turned at a small sign that read "Plainfields" with an arrow pointing down a side-road. We traveled a few more miles, and at a crossroads there was another sign.




A Licensed Residential Four Year
High School and Treatment Facility
For Adolescent Boys with Special Needs


This is a secure facility. Access to the facility
and grounds is limited to Staff, Residents,
and Authorized Visitors only. Trespassers
will be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest
extent of the law. All vehicles, persons,
and personal property entering the
grounds are subject to search. 


I shuddered. Images of prison cells and floggings flashed by. What was it Dad said when he collected me from the police station a couple of weeks ago? That this time they were going to do what they should have done all along. I wondered if Amnesty International knew about this place. Mom and Dad were staring at each other. "They said they treat their residents appropriately and are regularly visited by people from the State..." Mom was almost talking to herself. Dad just nodded.

I desperately wanted to jump and run. But this time Mom and Dad had taken no chances on my playing Houdini again. So I was firmly wrapped in a custom-made kid-sized high-security straight-jacket, hobbled with handcuffs, and strapped to the seat with a harness that looked strong enough to secure a gorilla. Dad headed down the road, which soon turned to gravel. The area was kind of pretty. Small farms, lots of woods. If I could manage to get free, hiding would be easy. And I could probably live off the land for weeks.

Dad's "Here it is" brought my attention forward. A very tall chain-link, wire-mesh and razor wire fence, with nothing but grass in a wide path on each side dominated the view. There was a large gate-house, surrounded by huge trees, occupied by two armed guards. On of the guards came up to our car, and looked inside.

"Mr. and Mrs. Koller, and Stephan?" He was smiling. Dad nodded. "Can I see each of your identification, please?" Mom and dad handed them theirs, and pulled put the photo ID the police had given me. I saw him go and check them against a list. Then call someone on his radio. A moment later he smiled, and came back, returning Mom and Dad's identification. "The administrator will be out here in a couple of minutes to meet with you. Please pull over to one of the visitor's slots."

Dad pulled into the parking area, and we waited silently. Shortly a van came up the road from inside the fence, and they opened the gate. The van pulled in next to us. I noted the back was a cage, just like the one the jail used to transport prisoners. Two people got out. One was a stocky older woman, casually dressed in a long skirt and pullover, the other an older girl, wearing a plain gray jumper that silently screamed "prisoner". They came over to our car, and the older woman introduced them.

"I am Samantha Adams, the administrator and founder of Plainfields. My assistant today is Amanda, one of our third-year residents." I stared at her. Something was wrong. This was supposed to be an all-boy's school. I wondered if they had changed and never gotten around to fixing the sign. The woman continued "I see you have taken great care to insure that Stephan completed this trip safely, and on time."

"You are aware of his proclivity for running away. It appears your facility has better security than the State's."

She smiled. "We take great pride in out ability to keep our students secure. We have not had anyone depart without permission since we opened almost eight years ago." My heart sank. It was a prison. Or they kept everyone drugged. I wondered idly if permission included suicide. It was my final escape. "We have received all the signed legal documents. All that is required now is for you to place your son in our custody, and sign the final release forms at the gate-house." She looked firmly at Mom and Dad. "You clearly understand that you are giving up all parental rights to Stephan until he graduates from here, or is given permission to leave? This means no contact with him in any form without our permission, no visits, including by siblings or relatives?" Mom started to cry, and Dad held her. I saw them nodding.

"Please transfer Stephan to our van, and then we can sign the papers." I was unstrapped from the seat, and placed into the back of the van, where I was again strapped in place. I noticed the van was clean and seemed to have very little use. Much different than the police van. And the seat was comfortable. I watched as they went to the guard shack.

When they returned, Mom and Dad each gave me a kiss, and cried as they wished me well. I watched silently as they drove off. The older girl hopped in, and buckled herself in next to me. "Welcome to Plainfields, Stephanie." She gave me a hug as I stared at her.

"How did you...." My mind was spinning. I called myself Stephanie, but... "Relax. This place is not what it seems. Her voice dropped to a baritone. "My real name is Maxwell, but I go by Amanda." The voice moved back up to a feminine alto. "And yes, I'm a lot like you." I quietly fainted.

I woke up to the van stopping. When I opened my eyes, Amanda was holding me, and smiling. "Have a good nap?" I nodded shakily, and looked around me. I was still in the van, but we were pulled up near a large building, and I could see a bunch of girls dressed like Amanda heading towards us. The back door opened, and the older woman smiled at me. "I see you have recovered. You parents left me the keys, so we will have you out of the harness and hobbles in a moment. It is lunch time, Amanda and some of the other residents here will take you to the cafeteria, feed you, and then begin your orientation." She climbed in and gave me a hug "Welcome to our home, Stephanie. I think you will enjoy your next few years with us."

She left, and I sat there with my mouth open, wondering what the hell was happening. In a minute I was standing next to the van, still firmly secured and locked in the straight jacket, but without the hobbles, being introduced to a bunch smiling and chatting kids my age and older. I had been expecting a chain-gang. This looked more like a church social. A bell sounded. "Hey, Stephanie, can you walk wearing your security blanket?"

"Er, I think so." I took a few steps, and tried to fall on my face. They easily caught me. I started to cry in frustration.

"Hey, like it's no problem. Debbie will carry you."

I looked way up as a girl who was as big as I was small came over, casually tossed me over her shoulder like a sack, and we all headed somewhere. I felt like a complete fool. We went through a couple of doors, and when I was put back on my feet, I looked around. It looked like a commercial cafeteria. And we were in line. Amanda was next to me, and said she would carry my tray. Instead of tin cups there were ordinary restaurant plates and silverware. The big girl was ahead of me. She took double portions of everything. I called out my selections, and each of the girls doing the serving smiled and welcomed me. I wound up at a small table with Amanda, the big girl whose name was Debbie, and an older looking girl they called Josie.

I sat, embarrassed that someone would have to feed me. They took turns as they talked. "I guess you are wondering what sort of loony bin you're in?" I nodded, chewing a rather good meatball. "And I bet you thought this was a place where they were going to try to make a man out of you?" I quit chewing and looked at my plate. I felt my chin being lifted, and found myself staring at Amanda. "There are about one hundred students here. Only two of the students are genetic females."

I managed to swallow a half-chewed meatball. "But they said..."

The three of them chuckled. "This is school for boys like us that need to be girls." I suddenly realized that my parents had finally accepted who I was, and sent me here to help me. I started to sob, and found myself a part of a group hug. "Hey, the food's getting cold." Amanda suggested I relax, and eat quietly. I nodded, and slowly finished my spaghetti without further interruptions. I was carried back outside by Debbie, and we wound up at a picnic bench.

"Mind if we do this outside? It's a really nice day."

"I've been locked up in jail or at home for the past six weeks, so this is fine." They stared at me. "No, I didn't murder someone. I just ran away for the umpteenth time, and my parents asked if the police would keep me locked up until they found a place that would take me." They giggled. "And when I was not locked in a cell, or handcuffed four ways to my bed, they've kept me wrapped up like a Christmas present." I wiggled slightly in the straight-jacket.

Andrea carefully examined the straight-jacket. "Custom made too. Kewl, the latest in high fashion for stressed out teenage girls." I would have hit her, but all I could do was stick out my tongue. "So let me guess. You kept being caught dressing as a girl, and your parents went ballistic, and tried to force you to be manly and macho?" I nodded. "And you got beat up a lot and harassed because you're so small and people thought you were gay and a sissy?" I nodded again. "Are you gay?"

I sat there, afraid any answer would be wrong. "No, at least I don't think so. I like girls, and they make me horny." I suddenly felt very alone. But she giggled.

"A few of the students here are mostly gay. Some of us are bisexual like me, who get turned on by boys and girls. But most of us are straight. We're pretty much just boys that need to be girls that like girls who are really girls." I think my eyes crossed. "So it's time to begin your orientation." She pulled out a clipboard from somewhere, and showed me a small book.

"The rules. Every student gets a copy, and there are copies in every room. You are expected to know them by heart. And follow them. Most are common sense. Ms. Adams always lets the students do the orientation. She says we are closer to the situation. So here goes."

An hour later I had a headache. Amanda and Debbie covered every rule, and made me repeat them until I got them right. They were really pretty simple.

No lying, cheating, or stealing.
No violence to onesself or others
Absolute respect for all points of view, others' needs, and limitations.
No leaving the grounds without permission.
Respect safewords.
Never use a safeword in vain.
Take, and accept, responsibility for my actions.
Never divulge anything about the school to anyone other than residents or staff.

Josie said nothing, and simply watched. And held me when I got frustrated and started to shake. I suddenly realized I needed to pee, incredibly bad. And I was still locked in the dammed straight-jacket.

"Hey, do you have the key to this canvas cocoon, cause I gotta PEE!" They looked at each other.

Debbie's "Shit, I bet Ms Adams still has it" made me whimper.

I was bouncing. "Like I gotta go now!" Josie looked carefully at me.

"I'm sorta familiar with straight-jackets. Did they make you wear a diaper?" I turned bright red, and nodded. "So use it. No one will laugh at you. To dammed many of us have been in the same, er, leaky boat." She giggled. "Or at least in the same wet undies."

I stared at her, then the others. Debbie tried for an evil grin "We can tickle you till you whizz, or Eeep!" Amanda had goosed her.

"Stephanie, can you trust us not to laugh?" I stared at her. And started to shake, and cry.

"I'm afraid..." They wrapped themselves around me.

"We know. We're all still afraid sometimes." He voice was strained. Between the shaking and the stress, my body decided for me. There was no question when it happened. With a soggy diaper I looked at them through my tears. "Feel better?"

I shook my head, then nodded. "Okay, now we have plenty of time to find Ms Adams and get the key. So let's head for the school's quartermaster, and get you some new clothes."

"Um, what's a quartermaster?"

"Oops. I'm an Army brat. That's the place where they keep all the clothing and supplies." She stopped and looked at me. "God I just realized how tiny your are. The straight-jacket makes you look a lot bigger." I nodded, embarrassed. "What size do you wear?"

I turned red again. "Um, I don't really know, cause I sorta stole whatever I could that fit." That got a lot of "Been there's "

"Most dresses and stuff said girls twelve or fourteen, but some were kinda loose around the middle without a belt."

Now they were all staring at me, making funny noises. Amanda managed to speak "How tall are you, how much do you weigh, and do you know your waist size?"

I nodded, and cringed. "I guess I'm kinda wimpy. At the jail they said I was four feet ten inches tall, weighed eighty five pounds, and when Mom measured me for this cocoon she said I had a twenty-one inch waist."

Debbie looked at me, and burst into tears. The others hugged her, and I did my best to snuggle into the group. "Hey, did I say something wrong?" She looked at me, shook her head, then started to whimper. When she finally finished, there were a couple of other students checking to see if we were okay. Amanda told them we were fine, just emotional, and they left.

Debbie and I were still staring at each other. "I don't know what I did, but..." Amanda put her had softly over my mouth. "We'll explain it later. You did absolutely nothing wrong." I wanted to believe her. But Debbie kept staring at me.

We wound up at a building that looked like a warehouse. Josie grabbed a telephone when we entered, and I heard her trying to reach Ms Adams. Debbie was still acting like I was something out of a bad dream. Amanda simply went to the counter, and rang the bell. A Santa Claus looking gentleman came out from the back, looked at us, then stared at me. "New student?" His voice was full of disbelief. I nodded. "When did they start taking grade school kids?" I looked at the floor.

"I'm thirteen, and I'm supposed to be a freshman this fall..." it came out quiet and shy.

"George, she's had a really rough day so far. All she has is what she's wearing. Ms Adams is on the way with a key. So she's gonna need a shower and some undies before you can even get her measurements." He stared dubiously at me. "She says she doesn't know her sizes, but she has a twenty-one inch waist, and often wears a girls size twelve or fourteen."

"Hoo boy. Let me see what I've got that might work." He headed to the back, muttering that Ms Adams must have done this to him as pay-back for her shoes. I looked inquisitively at Josie, who was giggling.

"George goofed in ordering Ms Adams new dress boots. They were supposed to have a three inch heel. He ordered five inch heels. And she had to wear them the next day. She was lame for a week. And has sworn to pay him back." We all giggled at that. As small as my feet were, five inch heels would have me standing almost on tiptoe. I heard the door, and Ms Adams came in, carrying a key.

Amanda told her about the bathroom problem, and she gave me a sympathetic look. "Happens to the best of us. So are your ready to promise that you won't try to escape?"

I looked her straight in the eyes. "Your rules say I must be completely honest. So I would be lying if I made that promise." The others looked worried. "The rules say I cannot leave without permission. If I ask permission to leave, will you allow me to do so without penalty?" Her answer was firm and clear.

"Because of your age, we cannot permit you to leave without an escort." She looked hard at me. "If for no other reason than our very real concern for your safety. Should you decide you must depart, then we will escort you, restrained if we believe it necessary, to meet with and return you to your parents, or to turn over to the state as a child in need, whichever you choose. When you turn sixteen, we will, if you request, petition for your emancipation, and release you without conditions when the petition is granted."

I felt myself being picked up, and I found myself facing Debbie. "Stephanie, give this place, and all of us a chance. We've all been there, just like you." There were tears in her eyes. "Most of us were forced to come here. I know of no one that has actually decided to leave, once the reason they made the request was worked through." I stared at her, and then the others.

"Dammit Ms Adams, you should have told me one of our new students was Tinkerbelle's little sister!"

We all turned to stare at George. He was carrying an armful of clothes. "This is the smallest stuff I've got, and she'll still look like a refugee." We looked at each other.

Debbie whispered in my ear "At least take a shower and change, then argue. You smell like a two year old." I turned red, and asked where the shower was. Ms Adams froze, but when Debbie whispered something to her, she handed Debbie the key. Debbie carried me through a door, and into a large washroom.

It felt so good to be able to move my arms again. Debbie was watching, and I suddenly blushed, realizing I was almost naked in front of a girl, and covered myself. "Stephanie, I'm a boy just like you." I looked at myself, in the now bulging diaper, and realized how silly I really looked.

"Okay, you have made your point. What do I do with this thing?" I tugged on the diaper. She pointed to a plastic lined trash can. I peeled loose the extra tape Mom had used to secure it, and headed for the shower. Five minutes later I felt human, and was drying off with a towel Debbie tossed me. She was still staring. "Hey, like I'm sorry I'm so scrawny. Jail food was awful." I looked around. Um, did they find me some undies?"

She tossed me something small and white. They were cotton panties! For the first time in my life I put a pair of panties on without fear of being caught. They were too big, but would work. I shuddered, and stroked the material. "Feels great not to worry, doesn't it?" I looked at Debbie, who was grinning. "No one here will judge you by what you wear." I suddenly felt guilty. Of something.

"You damn sure don't need a bra yet , so try this on." That hurt. The slip was also cotton, and would have made a fairly decent party dress. Next came a gray jumper. It was also too big, but when I spun around, the skirt swished against my bare legs, and I hugged myself. She picked up my straight-jacket, and pointed to the door. When I got our of the room, Everyone was sitting, and looked me over. Debbie headed me for a large mirror. I looked a lot like a little girl wearing her big sister's clothes.

"Well, get over here so I can see if we have any shoes that'll fit." I headed for the counter. My feet seemed to make George happy. He was whistling as he disappeared to the back. We all remained silent. He returned, and me a pair of knee-high nylons, a pair of sandals, and some high-heeled boots. And a chair. I stared at him. "Well, try them on." The knee-highs were almost too loose. The sandals fit. When I laced up the boots, and stood, I started to cry.

Debbie was the one to reach me first. "Hey, little sister, what's wrong?" She picked me up and held me against her like a little kid. Which was how I felt. I had never before worn heels that fit, and the glance in the mirror made me afraid this was a dream.

"Why are you being so nice to me? I'm a freaky little runt, a perverted weirdo, I...." I stared to wail. Debbie just held me till I quit shaking.

"We've all been there. Terrified of this place, afraid of the unknown, and unsure of who or what we really are." I pulled against her, afraid to let go. She knew what I was going through. And she had survived. I wondered if I was more afraid of them than I was of myself. I managed to motion to Debbie to put me down.

I wobbled on the heels, and from sheer fright, but turned till I could look straight at Ms Adams. "Is it okay to be afraid?" She grabbed me, hugged me, and smiled.

"God yes, child." We held each other till I quit shaking. "Does this mean you are planning to stay a while?"

I looked at the others. There was no contempt or judgment on their faces. Just concern, and maybe even a bit of love. I shuddered violently, which scared Ms Adams, then relaxed. "I think so. Yes." They told George I would be back tomorrow to get measured. Debbie refused to let me walk, she just hugged me against her and carried me to the dormitory.

Ms. Adams conferred with Debbie and Amanda, and announced that I was to be Debbie's roommate. "You and Amanda have similar interests, and I planned on her being your roommate and big sister. But Debbie and Amanda seem to think, and I agree, that you two have bonded, and that Debbie can give you the support you need. So unless you have any objection, she will be your roommate for the foreseeable future. I looked at Debbie's pleading face, and nodded. "Good, the rest of us will leave you with her. Debbie will escort you until she feels you are ready to navigate on your own. Please obey her as you would any of the staff. And again, welcome to our home." She and the rest quietly left.

I was starting to shake again. Debbie, now carrying a pile of clothing, directed me to her room. I quit shaking when I saw the place. Weird. She was a renaissance freak. "You get the empty bed. She tossed the clothes on the bed, then tossed me on top of them. "Relax and take a nap. I'll set the alarm to get us up for dinner. The bathroom is the other door." I stared as she peeled off her shoes and jumper, a slip, and plopped her muscular body on her bed, which objected to the impact. She saw me staring. "Hey, nobody's got a perfect bod. So relax." She pulled up her sheet and blanket, and closed her eyes. She was muscled like a football player, but was wearing a huge bra, and seemed to have real breasts.

I figured a nap was a really good idea. So I moved the clothes to the empty dresser, took off the boots, and slid, fully dressed, under the covers.

I awoke to Debbie threatening to dump a bucket of cold water on me if I didn't get my buns out of bed. I finally returned to the present, and stared at her. She was laughing. "I was wondering if I was gonna have to haul you sound asleep to dinner. Feel better?" I stretched and nodded. "Then hustle your butt, 'cause the only thing that turns me into an ogre is a lack of food, and I'm starving." I thought about her lunch. I could go for two days on what she had devoured.

"I hope you don't eat in your sleep, or all they will find are my bones!" She stared at me, then sat on her bed laughing.

"You're safe. I like my meat medium-well. Besides, you 'd be awfully stringy." I gave her a raspberry. I was still shaky. But there was something about this place that was growing on me. Soon we were heading to the cafeteria. I loved the boots. They made me feel like I had just grown up. Heck, I was now over five feet tall!

I got my own tray of food, and Debbie remarked she knew canaries that ate more. I mentioned black holes, and she muttered "touché". I was soon stuffed. She went back for seconds. Ms Adams came over and handed her a large package, whispering instructions in her ear. She looked concerned, then nodded. When they announced that there was going to be a movie tonight, and gave a title I didn't recognize, Debbie asked if I wanted to go. I told her I just wanted to get a good nights sleep. She grinned. We headed back to the dorm. I stripped to my panties, went to the bathroom, and hopped into bed.

I was surprised when Debbie came over. "Ms Adams gave me these" She held up two sets of padded cuffs connected to long straps. They were medical bed restraints. I tensed, and shrank away from her. "She said that if you needed to feel secure, I could restrain you at your request. She also said you would understand what she had written on this note." I looked at her. She read the from the paper. "Sometimes we all need to be secure to be free." I thought about it. And nodded.

I had never imagined requesting someone to take away my freedom. But I did understand what Ms Adams meant. So I was firmly secured to my bed when Debbie pulled up my covers, and kissed me goodnight. I struggled briefly, and had to tell Debbie, who dashed to me, that unless I told her I needed help, I was fine. I again relaxed, struggled to convince myself I was unable to accidentally get free, and promptly fell sound asleep. I dreamed of the heels and a pretty girl named Stephanie wearing a beautiful dress to the prom.

When I woke up, I tried to move. I had been restrained so often that it felt normal. Then I woke up, and realized where I was. And struggled violently to get free, resulting in little more than squeaking bedsprings. So I relaxed, and listened. Debbie was snoring quietly. I then really relaxed, and let all the muscles in my hands go limp. Within a minute my hands slid out of the restraints. I stretched, and pulled off the covers to get to the restraints on my ankles. Part of me was screaming "run away". My conscience was reminding me of my promise. My body made the decision. I headed for the bathroom.

I was in there far longer than I wanted, something about the effects of stress on one's digestive system, when Debbie's scream cause me to jump off the commode I had just flushed. And in order, slip on the bath-mat, grab the towel bar which ripped loose at one end, spin and slam into the curtains covering the bathroom window, breaking the glass out, and land unscathed face up on the floor with a tremendous clatter, tangled in the loose towels.

Debbie yanked open the door, and stared at the disaster as I managed to scream at her "Don't scare me like that!"

"Are you hurt?" She sounded frantic.

"Only my dignity. What went crash-tinkle?"

She pulled aside the curtain, and I could see the broken window. "Um, can I claim temporary insanity?"

"How did you get loose?"

"Can we discuss this after I get some underwear on?" She picked me carefully up, and after making sure there was no glass on me, put me down on my bed. Then she tossed me a pair of panties from the pile. Now I was staring at her.

"I was scared you had run away!"

"Your breasts are real!"

We stared at each other. And started to talk at the same time. She sat next to me, and put a hand firmly over my mouth. I stared at her chest. She blushed. "Wait right here and don't say a word!" I lay there as she dashed to her side, and put on a bra. When she returned she stared at me. "Okay. One question at a time. How the hell did you get loose? I put those cuffs on so tight I was afraid I was going to cut off your circulation."

I reached down, put the restraints back on my ankles, and asked her to put them back on my wrists. That was when she noticed they were still buckled closed. Once I was secure, I relaxed, and when everything was limp, I slid my hands out of the cuffs again. She stared at me. I sat up and released my feet.

"Hey, like I've had a lot of time to practice." She nodded. "Now about your very prominent chest..."

"I've been taking hormones, like almost everyone else here does, to help make my body more feminine. I just kinda grew real fast, so now I have to wear a damned industrial strength harness to keep them from bouncing too much."

"I wish I had breasts." I stared at her "But one of those would cover my whole chest!" She giggled.

"That would look a bit weird. Stephanie, the human tit." That got us both laughing. When I suddenly stopped and started to shake, she got concerned.

"Hey, are you hurt?"

"I just trashed the bathroom, and broke a window. I'll be in solitary till I'm fifteen."

"Don't worry too much. Those are only flogging offenses." I whimpered, then realized she was giggling. She pointed at me. "Gotcha." Then she looked at her clock. "Shit, we're gonna miss breakfast if we don't hurry!" We made it with five minutes to spare.

Amanda seemed relieved to see I was still here. When Debbie, against my feeble protests, told her about this morning, she almost laughed herself into convulsions. I wanted to hide, but people seemed to be laughing with me, not at me. We stopped at the maintenance office on the way to the quartermaster's place. The guy simply shook his head, and told us that next time there had better be a video to accompany the story.

I was left with George, and instructions to stay until Debbie returned to collect me. George almost fell of his chair laughing when I described my morning. I wound up on a small platform, while he took and recorded all sorts of weird measurements. I wondered silently why he needed so many measurements just to get me some clothes. When he told me to drop my panties, I got real nervous.

"Hey I've seen and measured everyone else, so don't get you knickers in an uproar."

"MEASURED!" I stared at him.

"Ever heard of a dancer's gaff?" I shook my head. "It's a special pair of elastic underwear that lets you tuck everything out of the way. That way your crotch looks like a woman's, and women's stuff will fit right." I think I blushed like a strobe light while he measured me.

"One final thing. What cup size do you want to start at?" I simply stared at him. "Cup, as in bra. Boobs. Knockers. Tits. How big do you want yours to be? Cause it takes a while to grow your own." I thought of Debbie and remembered the little bags of stuff I put in my dresses.

"Um, say about this much?" I made motions with my hands. He gave me a disgusted look.

"I'll take a guess on a B. Wait here. He headed to an office, then went into his warehouse. He returned with a box and a tray full of bottles and tubes. "Since I don't have any bras that are near small enough, I'll glue them on."

I backed up "glue?"

"It's a special surgical adhesive that wont harm the prosthesis or your tender skin. Now lie still or you'll wind up lopsided." I watched as he cleaned my chest several times, then pulled a flesh-toned, jiggling object from the box. He painted something on my chest that smelled weird, and something else on the back of the object. He then pulled the second jiggly thing from the box, and painted it. After five minutes, he carefully pressed and smoothed each cool, soft blob onto my chest. When I looked down, I had breasts. He cleaned the excess glue off with a solvent. And measured the result. "Twenty eight almost B. And they look just a tad big, which means you can grow a bit and they'll still look great." He handed me my slip, and told me to get dressed.

When I stood up my chest bounced and jiggled. It felt wonderfully creepy. I fondled myself. They felt real, but had no feeling of their own. "Um, aren't you going to remove these?"

"Not for a while. That glue is good for at least a month." I stared at him, as he started to punch information into a computer. So I got dressed, and looked in the mirror. And stared. And looked some more. From the neck down I was now very female. And no longer looked like a grade-school reject. I preened for a bit, and he called me over to the computer.

"Your natural hair is a medium brown. Do you like long or short hair?" When I told him long, he seemed happy. "Wait by the mirrors." He returned with several plastic bags. I gasped as he fitted a waist-length wig on my head, secured it with built-in clips, and then bobby pins. Stephan instantly ceased to exist. He moved to try a second wig, and I backed up.

"Mine. Mine mine mine mine mine." He nodded. I was flitting like a moth in front of the mirror, watching my hair fly when Debbie returned. She had to drag me away. George told us that most of the clothes would be here next Tuesday, but a couple of things might not make it for a few weeks.

After lunch, where I got a lot of compliments on my new appearance, we ran into Ms Adams, Josie, and a tall, gangly, long haired boy wearing a dress. We waved hi, and she motioned us over. "Debbie, Stephanie" she stared at me for a moment, then shook her head "this is Jonathan, another new student. She has not yet picked a name herself. He stared at us, looking like he was about to either burst into tears or run.

"Debbie will be entering her fourth year, and Stephanie was delivered, well packaged, to us yesterday." We nodded, and they headed in the direction of the Quartermaster's building.

We returned to our room, where we found the window had been replaced, the bathroom repaired, and something new added to my bed. A long, thin chain attached at one end to the bed, and at the other to a smooth metal cuff with a very secure built-in lock. I stared at it and started to shake. Debbie gave me a hug. "Hey, you don't have to use it. But it would make me feel a lot better if you did." I stared at her, realizing she really was worried about me. And we had only met the day before. That got my tears started. We wound up on her bed, snuggled together.

That night I agreed to let Debbie secure me with the cuff. I could reach the hall and the bathroom without difficulty. But there was no way I could get it off without the key. She was surprised the next morning to find I was sleeping soundly with a smile on my face.

By Saturday I knew how clean the room was supposed to be, and had been given a tour of most of the facilities. There were four more new students, and I found that one had arrived before me, for a total of six. Twenty more were due in over the next two weeks. I asked Debbie if she would let me loose to explore, and she grabbed me, and gave me a hug. "No." It took a moment to register. "Ms Adams and I agree. You are still too unsure of yourself. Besides, why do you need to go without me?"

"I want to meet some of the others one-on-one. And I need to sit quietly under a tree, away from everyone else, and think. I have a feeling someday soon someone will say "sit up" and I'm going to bark and wag my tail." The weather was beautiful, so Debbie simply left me with Amanda, and her new roommate, a really feminine girl named Melanie who had obviously been dressing as a girl for a long time. When Debbie returned she was carrying a heavy canvas bag.

After warning me to visit the washroom, she took me to the picnic area. And proceeded to put a padded, locking cuff on my ankle, and connect the other end of a very long chain to one of the picnic benches with a padlock. Creative she was. So I got a chance to meet people, explain my leash, and lean back and look at the sky.

It was strange. Some of the students who were entering their second year still looked a little like boys in a dress. Some looked like they could model. The third-year students were all quite feminine. And the seniors were indistinguishable from any of the older real girls I had known. That was when I realized that Debbie really did not look like a girl. It was her movement, speech, and bearing that screamed "feminine". No wonder I had trouble when I dressed. I looked good. At least to me. But I moved wrong. I spent a while soaking up the sun. The only comment on my chain was that it looked comfortable.

Sunday everyone was awakened early by the staff, and without fanfare or breakfast we spent a grueling three hours battening down the campus in anticipation of violent weather. It was only after we were all assembled and accounted for in the bomb-shelter like basement of the school building proper that I realized I had been neither escorted or secured. We were munching cold sandwiches when we heard the wind start to howl, and the main lights went out. There was emergency illumination, but several students, including a couple of long-time residents, started to panic. Debbie and I wound up holding one of the sophomores as she lost it when the wind got really loud.

There were several episodes of this, then it got quiet, and the teacher monitoring the radio announced the all-clear. When we got outside, we could see the storm had been a beauty. Pairs of students were sent to check each building for damages. I didn't see many trees down, but there were limbs and leaves everywhere. Debbie and I went to check one of the storage sheds near the gate. Which was open. We looked at each other, and ran for the guard shack. There was a big black streak down the power pole by the gate, and it was smoldering. There was part of a tree through the roof. We could get no answer, and I gasped when Debbie grabbed a concrete parking barrier, and battered the door down.

Both guards were alive, but were unconscious and bleeding. The wiring was blown out of the walls. Debbie started to panic, and I slapped her. "Grab one of the portable radios, and see if it works." They were both dead. "Do you know anything about first aid?" She shook her head. "The run back and get Ms Adams and the Nurse." She turned to go, then looked at the open gate, and me.

"Get your ass going, this shit is real." She sped away. I found the first aid kit, and started putting pressure bandages on the worst bleeders. By the time I heard a vehicle come screeching to a stop outside, I was carefully splinting one of the guards legs that was bent at a funny angle. Ms. Adams, the nurse, and one of the other students dashed in. My "has anyone called an ambulance" was met by "Phones are out."

After a quick check the nurse piped up "They've got to get to a hospital fast."

Ms Adams took charge. "Carefully load them in the back of the van. They are the only injuries. I'll drive and Nancy can ride with them.

"I need a second person in case I need to do CPR." Ms. Adams looked at Debbie and me.

"I know CPR and first aid. Debbie's strong enough to handle the gate." Ms. Adams stared at me. "I won't run off, dammit."

"Someone might realize you are not a girl."

"So what."

She told Debbie there would be others out to help in a little while, and I jumped in the back with Nancy. By the time we got to the nearest hospital, I was sure Ms Adams had raced cars. Or flown jets.

At the hospital entrance, I jumped out and ran to get help while Nancy kept pressure on a persistent bleeder. Once the guards were transferred inside, accompanied by Nancy and Ms Adams, I straightened up as best I could. One of the orderlies asked me to move the van, and I said I couldn't drive, but if he could it would be okay. So he parked it quite a way from the entrance, and handed me the keys.

I suddenly realized I was in the perfect place to vanish. With all the confusion from the storm, they'd never know which way I went. And without the keys to the van, they would have no chance of searching for me. I hopped out, and stood there. And looked at myself in the side mirror. Debbie would be hysterical. Everyone would be worried. There was enough grief for one day.

But most important, I had no idea why I was running, or what I was running away from. Except away from my self. I slowly locked up the van, and walked back to the emergency room. Ms. Adams was outside, frantically looking around. When I waved to her she came running. "When the orderly said he parked way out, and left you with the keys I though you had run off and ..."

I gave her a hug. "I can't run from myself." I cried as we hugged. "How are the guards?"

"They will both make it. Thanks to your first aid. It was close, and they won't be out of the woods for a couple of days." She looked at me. "Where did you learn how...."

"I had to get certified to baby-sit for one family. It drove everyone nuts because their kids always called me Stephanie, since I told them I was really a girl in disguise. But the kids wanted me back, and I made more an hour than my older sister did at McDonalds." She chuckled as we went back inside. An hour later we were headed back to Plainfields. Nancy had restocked at the hospital.

When we finally reached the gate, Debbie and three other big girls came out to meet us. A utility crew was working on the pole. "The power will be off for several more hours. I have radio contact with George, who is directing cleanup. Tim from maintenance says the gate controls and guard shack are toast, and will have to be completely replaced. He is bringing out one of the buses for a temporary shelter, and the four of us will cover the gate until the regular night shift guard get here."

Ms. Adams addressed Debbie. "Stephanie had the perfect chance to disappear, with little chance of being caught." Debbie stared at me. "But she didn't. So she is officially free of being escorted. Or secured." Debbie gave me a big hug.

I told Debbie I was going to go get all the blood and gore off me. She nodded. We drove back to the main area. Tim had us on backup power, so there was water pressure. When I was clean, I joined the main group at the cafeteria for a sandwich and some chips. When I found that no one had taken food to Debbie, I made up a bunch of sandwiches, grabbed chips and drinks, and Tim drove me to the gate. I stayed until the night guard was on site and briefed. We were all exhausted. I was surprised when one of the older students congratulated me on what I had done, saying she was still afraid to be in public dressed. I felt warm inside.

Debbie barely managed to make it through a shower. I found her shaking on her bed. "They, they almost died and..." I hugged her.

"But they didn't. Now get some sleep."

"Stephanie, I'm scared..."

I climbed into bed with her. "I'll be your teddy bear, okay?" She nearly crushed me with her hug. And drowned me with tears. I woke the next morning with her still wrapped around me. And her hard-on jabbing me in the butt. Instead of panic, I just moved up a bit, so it was more comfortable, and went back to sleep. When we both woke up, the one battery clock said it was almost noon. On the bathroom mirror was a note from Ms. Adams. "Sleep in. You both earned it." We laughed. Everything seemed back to normal, whatever that was, when we headed to the cafeteria for lunch.

End of part 1


© 2000
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