Crystal's StorySite


Pink Dreams

by Jennifer White


Dreams become reality?


Everyone would consider Al to be a normal man. He did normal manly things. He had a wife and two lovely daughters, Tammy and Tina. He was very conservative in everything he did, from the way he dressed, to how he cut his hair, to how he behaved. All was well in his little world, until the day it all changed. The wires were crossed.

At least, that's what he figured happened somehow. At night, when he went to bed, he started to have strange dreams. They shocked and repulsed him, as he realized that they weren't *his* dreams at all. They were those of a young woman. A girl in transition from being a child, to being a woman. Whoever she was, her dreams started to fill his head each night, and he hated it.

One night, he dreamed of hanging out with a bunch of young women. No problem, it was like some sort of sex dream. But then the dream shifted as they all went to the mall and went shopping. In the dream, the others found cute outfits right away, but he couldn't find anything in his size. And the sales clerks wouldn't help. They he saw one, but he couldn't find his money, no matter how much he dug in his purse. He was so frustrated! He'd never get a date if he couldn't have that outfit! The harder he tried, the more it seemed to slip away.

He woke up with a start, in a cold sweat. What a nightmare! He reeled as he realized that it was a *girl's* dream.


* * *


At first, these strange dreams only came once in a great while. A couple of times a week at the most. But after some time passed, they started to become more and more frequent. Soon, it was almost every night, then even multiple times in the same night! He dreaded going to bed now. He couldn't stand it that his mind was doing this to him!

In the dreams at first, even though he was having girlish fantasies, he was himself. But now, during his dreams, he was changing too. It alarmed him when he started dreaming of having breasts. At first, they were just small budding nipples, but they began to grow each night. Now, he dreamed that his breasts were full and womanly.

After the breasts became fixtures in his dreams, he started to notice that something was missing between his legs. Under his dress, he felt himself, and knew that he was a real girl. That was bad enough, but when the dreams started to include romantic fantasies that a 18 year old girl would have, he felt like dying. When it got to the point where he had a sex dream from a female point of view, he knew he had to do something.

During the day, he was himself. He was normal still. Nobody knew about his dreams. They were his dark secret. But he worried. What if they meant something? What if inside, he really did want to be a woman? No! That was wrong! It wasn't true, and even if it was, that was sick and wrong. He was a man, and would always be one!


* * *


Al resigned himself to the fact that at night, he was girl in his dreams. When he dreamed of being with friends, they called him 'Tiffany'. How he hated that name now! But that was the name he had when he was a girl. He gritted his teeth, and laid down for another night of bad dreams. He stayed up as late as he could, but at some point he had to go to sleep.

As usual, he was Tiffany all night long, and he woke up feeling edgy. With so little sleep, his head was groggy when he went into the shower at 6am. He did his usual routine, then went to dry off with his towel. He used a piece of toilet paper to clean up the hair in the drain, since his wife hated it when he forgot to do it. He wondered why there was so much hair today? As he dried his legs, it hit him.

He had shaved his legs with his wife's razor.


What the hell? Why would he do a thing like that? That was something that *girls* did. It sent a shiver up and down his spine to think what had just happened. He had dreamed all night of being Tiffany. Now for the first time, in his waking hours, he had done something which Tiffany would do. Now it was more than just her dreams in his head.

It must have been because he was so groggy, that he must have been almost asleep. Yeah, that must be it. He promised himself to start drinking coffee first thing in the morning so that he wouldn't do anything like that again!


* * *


The next few days were mostly normal for Al, other than having to make up an excuse to his wife when she asked him why he shaved his legs.

"You have pretty legs" she said. "Your calves are nice. I'd love to see them in pantyhose" she said teasingly.

"No!" he snapped. He might have worn them all the time in his dreams, but that was one dream which was *not* going to become true if he had anything to do about it!

Otherwise, things were OK except for an incident in the office one day. It seemed that there was a visitor, a woman named Tiffany from one of their customers. After the meeting was done, a colleague named Fred called out her name, because she had forgotten her eyeglasses.

"Oh Tiffany!" he said.

"What?" replied Al.

That got him a very strange look from everyone.

"I mean, what do you want to talk to her for? I'd be glad to help."

He turned bright red. Hearing that name called, he had reacted like he would in his dreams. And he wasn't half asleep this time. No. Whatever was making him dream Tiffany's dreams was starting to effect him in his waking life too now.

But what was the most disturbing to him, was that after his first "pink dream" (as he called them in his mind), it had been about a week before the next one. Then they became more and more frequent, until now they were the only dreams he had.

What if this was the same? It was about a week since shaving his legs. What if this was going to happen in his waking life too? He shivered inside. He couldn't let that happen. What if he started doing things like that all the time? It was too much to think about. He tried to hide it in the back of his mind.


* * *


But to Al's dismay, it was only four days later when the next incident occurred. He took his wife Cathy shopping, and was walking around the clothes department with her. She was browsing through the racks of clothes, when she turned to discover Al holding up to himself a yellow skirt with a tropical floral print.

"This is cute" said Al. "I wonder if they have it XXL? The ones on the rack are too small for me."

"What? Why would you want a skirt?" asked Cathy.

Needless to say, Al was embarrassed more than he could bear. They skirt was really cute, but why would he care about that? Why would he even think to buy one for himself. He didn't wear women's clothes! He knew that he needed to do something before this got out of hand, but what? Go to a psychologist and say "I think I'm turning into a girl"? No way! Go to a fortune teller and say he was possessed? No, they were all quacks.

Really, he was stuck. He couldn't even tell his wife. He could only hope that it would go away soon. He mumbled a lame excuse, and said that he had to go to the bathroom. He left her there in the aisle. He had to be alone for a while.


* * *


But it wasn't even two days later when Al did something that scared him even more. He took his daughter Tina out for dinner, as a celebration of her being accepted into Northwestern. It was supposed to be just a father-daughter outing, so Cathy and Tammy didn't come with them. They picked a nice restaurant, and had a good dinner and conversation. In fact, they had never talked so well together.

"Gee dad, this is a lot of fun. You're really communicating today."

"Thanks" he said, smiling. This really was the best they had gotten along since she became a teenager. Perhaps it was because she was older, and had matured. Or he thought, perhaps it was because he lived his nights as a girl now, so he could relate to her better. But that wasn't what scared him. The problem was that when the guy came out to refill their water glasses, he leaned over to his daughter and said "He's really cute! Look at those...."

"Dad! Quiet!" hissed his daughter. He had to excuse himself, and once in the safety of the men's room stall, he actually cried. He hadn't cried in years, but here he was, tears flowing down his cheeks. Something was wrong with his mind.

The "pink dreams" were bad enough, but now it was clear that the young woman that somehow got into his head was starting to emerge during the day too. When would it end? When he said the guy was cute, he meant it. The guy *was* cute in those tight little pants. But he would never think that, let alone say it! Whatever this woman named Tiffany in his head was doing, it was in such a way that her thoughts and his were the same. It wasn't like *she* thought something, then *he* did. No, it was more like he was *becoming* her, bit by bit.

Al drank a lot that night, and fell to sleep earlier than he would have liked to. Because the earlier he fell asleep, the longer he was Tiffany in his dreams. Tonight, in his dreams, Tiffany seduced the cute water pitcher guy, and had sex with him.


* * *


Each day now, something little would happen that made Al upset. Every single day, something would happen where Tiffany was emerged within him, the way she had in his dreams. He could almost feel himself start to slip away a little, and her presence starting to fill him as he became her, bit by bit.

Nobody was home that night, so Al decided to try something radical. He locked the door to his bedroom, closed the shades, and went into his wife's part of the walk in closet. He pulled out a stack of her clothes, and went to work. In just a few minutes, he was wearing her bra and panties, silk stockings and a garter, a black skirt and a sleeveless top. He stuffed the bra with folded up hand towels, then went into the bathroom to put on makeup. His had was expert at it, having done it hundreds of times in his dreams. Once he was fully dressed up, he put on a pair of pumps, and went to the mirror.

"All right Tiffany, if you're in there, talk to me! What do you want?"


There was just silence as a reply.

"You're in my head! Talk to me. Take over if you have to. What is going on?"

More silence. He walked around the room. He read a chapter of his wife's current romance novel. He watched a sitcom. Nothing.

It was ironic that one of the few times that Tiffany did not seem to be present within him, was when he dressed himself up as a girl. He had hoped to confront her, but she didn't answer.


The time was getting late, so Al knew he had to undress and shower before he was found out. He undressed, put the clothes back where they belonged, took off his makeup, and went into the shower. Al washed himself off, all over. He looked down at his smooth legs. He had shaved them yesterday, or should he say that *she* did it, since it wasn't his idea.

He wondered when she would make him shave his chest too. As he soaped it up, he looked at his nipples. He had never noticed before that they seemed so large. They weren't changing too, were they? No, it couldn't be. She couldn't change his body too. That was impossible.

He dried off, and looked into the mirror to see himself naked, and check for other changes. He couldn't notice anything, except that his stomach did seem slimmer. Perhaps that diet was finally paying off. The slimmer stomach made his hips look wider. He hoped he would loose weight there too.

He put on a nightie, and climbed in bed to wait for his wife. He was watching a rerun of an old movie, and realized that it was "Breakfast at Tiffany's". Grr. His least favorite name right now. He was going to switch the channels, but it *was* such a good movie. He just had to watch the rest. And the ending was very romantic.

When Cathy came home, she was quite surprised.

"So, someone wants kinky sex tonight, huh?"

"What do you mean?" he said.

"You're wearing my nightie silly. What else could that mean?"

"Um, yeah. Come on babe, lets go" he said, not believing that he had been so stupid! He had meant to put on his pajamas, but he grabbed hers! This was getting worse and worse. At least the sex was very good. Having had all of the female sex dreams, he knew now how to touch a woman, and what made her excited. His new knowledge played out well in bed, and Cathy said he hadn't made her come so many times since they were first married.


* * *


The next day when Al went to the bathroom at 10:30, he wasn't too shocked or surprised to find out that he was wearing a bra under his shirt. Just disappointed. He almost expected something bad like that to happen any time now. And he had almost accepted that there was nothing he could do about it. It no longer really upset him.

Nor the fact that he found himself buying a purse at lunchtime. He had taken a walk as usual, and had ended up at a strip mall. He passed by a leather goods place, and saw this one bag that was just so cute! It had a long thin strap, and was just the right size. He bought it, put his wallet and keys in it, put it over his shoulder, and walked back to work.

It was only when he put it down on his desk that he realized what he had just done. It had seemed so natural to him, as if he had been carrying a purse all his life. But he couldn't be seen with it! What would people think!

He went to empty it out, so he could march right back and return it. But as the contents spilled onto his desk, his heart went into his throat when he saw the makeup and the tampons. Then he remembered stopping at the drugstore on the way back. Then he had a thought. Did he.....

He looked into his compact mirror, and saw the bright red shade on his lips. This was so embarrassing! He opened the tube of lipstick and fixed it right away. How long had he been walking around with lipstick so unevenly applied? He was embarrassed. What if someone had seen him? He shook his head and went back to work.


* * *


When he got home, he saw a note on the table from Cathy. She was taking the girls on a long weekend to see her folks, and she knew that Al didn't get along with her mother all that well. Or was it because they all thought he was acting so strange? He was relieved that he didn't have to accompany her this time, so he would be alone all weekend. Just as well, with all this weird stuff going on, he would rather be alone right now.

He went upstairs to get out of his work clothes. Once he put on a casual skirt and a knit sweater, he felt much better. But then he realized something. He was being stupid again. He went upstairs, and took off the sweater. What was he thinking with that brown color and a blue skirt? It looked terrible together. He searched until he found a top that matched much better. Then he looked at the bra with its two cups hanging sadly empty.

Suddenly he had an idea. He went over to the drawer, pulled out a bunch of socks, and stuffed the cups until they were full. There, that was better. Now with the top on, it looked normal. He went back downstairs and had his dinner.

He found his daughter's copy of Cosmo, and read it while he ate his salad. Normally he would read the newspaper, but it seemed dull, all that news about wars and politics and such. After dinner though, he did check out the entertainment section to see what movies were in town. He decided to go out and catch a show.

So he went to the bedroom, used a can of hairspray to get his hair just right, fixed his makeup, and got ready to go out. But he felt so naked with his nails being uncovered. He couldn't remember the last time he went in public without nail polish. He carefully did them in a shade of dark pink. After two coats and a sealer, he grabbed his purse. He checked inside to make sure he had tampons. After being caught without them once as a young girl, he had vowed to never leave home without them again. And he felt funny. Perhaps it was his period coming on? He shook his head. 'The Curse' was something you just had to live with.

Al bought a ticket to the latest romantic comedy, and found a good seat in the middle. He watched the show, laughed and cried with the emotional swings the main female characters went through. He thoroughly enjoyed it, because he could identify with her so much. But as he got up to leave the theater and slung his purse over his shoulder, he suddenly got red and flushed. He realized that he was out in public in full female dress.

He remembered everything leading up to that point, and it had seemed a good idea at the time. But why would he dress as a girl and go out? He prayed that he wouldn't meet anyone he knew. As he got in his car, he looked around and was relieved. Nobody said anything. They all mistook him for a girl. As he drove, he sang along with Jessica Simpson, and rolled the windows down.

Once he got home, he went upstairs. His chest ached, and the bra felt funny. He took off his top, and discovered that he had crammed too many socks into the bra. It was bursting full. In fact, he could have used half as many to fill it up. No wonder his boobs ached. He touched them, and they were tender.

He decided that a nice long bath would be nice. He undressed, and got into the soothing water, scented with rose essence and a delightful bubble bath. He relaxed, and stared at his toes. Duh! He painted his nails, but had forgotten his toes! He would have to fix that after he got out. What had he been thinking? Or not thinking!

But he was so tired, all he had the strength for was to put on his nightie and climb into bed. He adjusted the straps, since it was too tight on his chest. He couldn't wait for his lovely dreams to begin. He closed his eyes, and fell into blissful sleep.


* * *


When Tiffany woke up, she felt very stiff and sore. She wondered why. It had seemed like a good night's sleep. She got up, and went downstairs to get breakfast. She went to the front porch and picked up the papers. There was a Saturday paper, and the Sunday one as well.

"That's funny" she said in her high sweet voice. The Sunday paper was delivered on Saturday? But as she read the headlines, it dawned on her: she had slept through the entire day of Saturday! No wonder she felt so stiff. She had been in bed for a whole day!

She had to go to the potty after all that time asleep, and sure enough, as luck would have it, she had been right the other day. She *was* starting her period. She was only spotting, but she put in a tampon in case she started flowing harder. She hated maxipads, which felt like diapers to her. So in went the tampon. The plastic applicator made it easy to put in. She remembered back before they invented those. It was a lot harder, and a lot messier. Why didn't the woman who came up with that idea get a Nobel prize? Probably because men ran the selection process. Ha! Men.

Tiffany went back downstairs for breakfast now. She read the fashion section and the entertainment as she ate the nonfat yogurt and banana. She was on her second cup of tea when there was a knock at the door. She went to go get it, but the door swung open. In walked Cathy with Tammy and Tina, home early from their trip.

"Hello" said Tiffany.

"Who are you?" asked Cathy. "Oh my god, he's having an affair. No wonder he had been acting so strange. Girls, go back to the car!"

"No!" said Tiffany "It's nothing like that!"

"where is that cheating bastard? I should have known that he would do something like this to me if I trusted him alone all weekend". No wonder he was buying skirts and acting so strange!

"No, please Cathy, stop" said Tiffany, almost in tears.

"Don't you call me Cathy you hussy. You don't have the right to use my name."

"No! Wait, you've got it all wrong!" she said, now fully in tears. "I didn't do anything like that. I wouldn't ever want to hurt you. After all, you're my mom!"



Cathy was shocked.

"I can't be your mother. These are my only two children."

"What about Tina's twin sister?" said Tiffany.

"She....she died in childbirth. How do you know about her?"

"Because, I am her. *I* am Tiffany."

"That's impossible!" said Cathy.

"Tina...Tammy...I've missed you both so much! I'm so happy we can finally be together."

"Don't talk to her girls. I told you to go to the car!"

They were too wrapped up in the drama to leave.

"All right Tiffany, if that's really your name, where is Al?"

"You're not Tiffany!" insisted Tina. "You can't be."

"Look mom, you're going to find this hard to believe, but I really am Tiffany. My body died as you said, but I stuck with you through all the years, as a spirit. Then one day, I found a portal. A window. A way to get into this world again. So here I am! I thought you'd be happy."

"I would be happy if it were true, but it can't be."

"It is. I'll prove it to you."

"How could you possibly do that?"

"Well, as you know Tina has her birthmark on the inside of her left thigh. I'm her twin. So I have the exact same one too."

Tiffany raised up her skirt. There it was, plain as day. Tina was wearing shorts, which she pulled up to reveal hers. They were an exact match.

"I don't believe it. But they are identical. But if you're her, how did you get here. And you still haven't told me where Al is."

Tiffany pulled up her right sleeve. On her upper arm was a tattoo.

"Oh my god!" said Cathy, as she stared at Al's tattoo from the navy.

"I woke up one day, and I was in his body. It was awful being a man. But then it started to change, and I emerged."

"Perhaps that's why he wanted to buy a skirt?" said Cathy.

"He was scoping out a guy at dinner the other day" said Tina.

"Get out of here!" said Tammy.

"Well, he was really cute. You should have seen his buns" said Tiffany. Tina nodded in agreement and gave a wicked smile. The twins had the same taste in men.

"So you're telling me that my husband Al turned into our dead daughter Tiffany?" said Cathy.

"I'm here now, aren't I?" asked Tiffany.

"And what do you want?" she replied.

"I want to go out and have some fun! Come on Mom, let's go somewhere and dance. I've waited all my life to have fun. I want to slow dance with a cute guy. I want to kick up my heels. I want to have some fun. Let's go!"

"Now Tiffany, not so fast young woman. You have a lot better things to be doing than running around chasing boys" said Cathy in a scolding voice.

"Aw Mom..." said Tiffany, disappointed.

"Come on Tiff, we have some catching up to do!" said Tina. The two girls walked arm in arm up the stairs, to the bedroom they would now be sharing together.....




© 2003 by Jennifer White. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of StorySite and the copyright holder.