Crystal's StorySite


... (Period, Period, Period)

by Jennifer White


Of all days, why did he have to pick today?


Lynn was a single mom, now 39 years old. Her son Tom was a typical teenage high school student. Typical in that he was acting more and more like a teenager.

Gone was the sweet boy who used to help with the chores and do his homework. In his place, was a brat who was failing math class, getting in trouble with his friends, and now, mouthing off to his mother.

Lynn had worked a 10 hour day today. She had been working extra lately, to try and save extra money so that Tom would be able to go to college when he graduated a year and a half from now. *If* he graduated that is. If he flunked another class, he might have to go to summer school, or be held back a year.

Lynn sighed. What had she done to deserve this? She had tried so hard, doing everything a mother should. And Tom had been more or less decent, up until about six months ago. But today was about the worst he had been. And to make matters worse, Lynn was having bad cramps from her period. She was grouchy, tired, achy, cramping, and upset.

And now *this*.


"I told you to take out the garbage young man" she said.

"Take it out yourself. I'm busy" he replied.

"First of all, it's *your* chore, but it can in the kitchen is overflowing. And second of all, I shouldn't have to tell you twice to do something. Now get moving!"

"I'm busy. I'll do it later."

"You're watching TV. That does not make you 'busy'. If you were doing your homework like you're supposed to, then I might cut you some slack. But you're not, so get out there and take the garbage out this instant!"

She was so upset that she wanted to scream, but she kept her calm as best she could.

"Stupid old hag" muttered Tom under his breath, but loud enough for her to hear.

"Excuse me!" she yelled. "What did you just say?"

"I said I'm going to take out the stupid garbage!" he replied.

"You had better watch your mouth, it's going to get you into trouble one of these days" warned Lynn.

"Yeah, whatever" said Tom, finally heading out of his room to take out the trash. In the time it had taken to argue with his mother, he could have already done the simple chore, and returned to his room. But no, he had to make a scene about it.

Lynn shook her head. She didn't understand teenagers.

"This is stupid" he muttered under his breath.

"Quit griping. Just get it done" she replied, at the end of her rope with him. She was fed up, and would have slapped him except that she had never believed in hitting her child.

"What's the matter, on the rag today?" he said as he walked off. Quiet enough not to be plain, but loud enough that his mother could hear it quite clearly.


"What did you say?!!!!" announced Lynn in an icy tone.

"I said what's the matter? Are you on the rag today?" said Tom boldly. She had heard him the first time, so what did it matter if he said it again? And what would she do to punish him? Send him to his room? Ha!

"As a matter of fact" said Lynn, her face turning red with anger, "I am having my period. And I feel very grumpy today. So you had better just do your chores, and stay out of my way. I can't take it today, okay?"

"Whatever. Go ahead, use your period as an excuse to pick on me. You'll find some other reason tomorrow."


Lynn was hurt by that. What did he know about periods? She felt like lying down in bed, but she worked to earn money for *him*, then cooked dinner, when she wasn't even hungry. Again for *him*, and he didn't even appreciate it! And now he was blaming everything on her stupid period! That was enough, and she snapped, blurting out something from pure emotion.

"I wish you had been born a girl, so you'd understand" she said.


Tom just stood there and stared at her. He didn't move. His eyes were wide open, and his mouth.

"I don't feel right" he said.

Lynn squinted, looking at his face. Something didn't seem quite right with him. His face. It was changing!

"Aaah!" said Tom, feeling pain all over his body. In front of Lynn's eyes, he was changing. He was getting shorter! His muscles were getting smaller! His shoulders less and less broad. He was shrinking!

But that wasn't all. His face looked softer, younger somehow. And his short cropped hair was getting longer too. It reminded Lynn of when he was a baby.

Tom's clothes were now loose, since he was so much smaller. His pants fell right off to the floor. He took a step, and came out of his shoes, since his feet were several sizes smaller.

But it was then that Lynn noticed something else. Something far worse than what she had seen so far: Tom's hips. They were getting wider! And his butt was getting fuller. At the same time, his waist was still shrinking, so it looked like he had a woman's curves.

A woman's curves! With his long hair, now down to his shoulders, she realized something. He wasn't getting younger and smaller, he was becoming female!

"What's happening to me?" said Tom, his voice several tones higher than it had been a moment before.

Lynn looked at his chest. His shirt was starting to move away from him, being pushed up by two mounds of flesh on his chest. They were growing in size, moment by moment.

"What?" he said, noticing her eyes staring at his chest. He looked down then, and saw how his chest had changed. The outlines of two large nipples were also visible under his shirt now, as his cup size moved past A, and on to B.

"Mom, help me!" he said.

"I...I think you're becoming a girl!" said Lynn, shocked at what she saw.

"No! I can't be a girl! Make it stop! Make it stop!"

But Lynn didn't know what was happening, so she didn't know how to stop it. The process continued, and Tom's breasts were now up to c-cups, and appeared to still be filling out.

She glanced down at his boxers, which hung limp. There was nothing push them out anymore. Tom looked completely like a girl now.

"No" said the young lady who used to be her son. "This can't be real."

His voice was now soft and feminine. He was a girl in every way. He was very pretty, having perfect skin, a wonderful face, cute nose, deep blue eyes, long blond hair, a perfect body, long muscular legs, sexy curves...Lynn wished she looked like that still. She hadn't been that way since *she* was 17. Tom now had a body virtually identical to hers at that age.

She realized that Tom was no longer her son. He was her daughter.

"Between your legs..." said Lynn, wanting to verify just how complete the transformation was.

Tom pulled back the elastic waistband, and looked into his boxers.

"No! I've got....I'm a girl now" she said.

"You look like me, when I was that age. You're my daughter now."

"Aaaah!" said Tom.

"What? What's the matter?
"Look at my finger! I touched myself, and I'm bleeding down there! Something's wrong."

"No Tom, you're having a period. Just like your mother is."

Now a woman on her period has gone through years of menstrual cycles, and can be somewhat prepared for what is coming. A young girl eases into it, and has been prepared by the time she starts her cycles. But for a young *boy*, it was more traumatic than words could describe. He was not prepared for it physically, mentally, or emotionally. He was awash in *female* emotions suddenly, and came under the strong influence of the *female* hormones that were in his system. He had become a girl, and he was dizzy, out of control, as he was swept into femininity.

Like his mother, he felt bloated, achy, tired and upset from his first period. And he was grouchy. Super grouchy, without having the maturity to keep himself in check. Or more accurately, *herself*.


"This is all your fault!" screamed Tom in a high shrill scream. "You wished this on me! You did this to me you witch!!!"

Lynn herself was being pounded by strange emotions. A mother is very protective of her children, and she wanted to shield Tom from what he was going through. And yes, she had wished it on him, so it *was* her fault in a way.

But when he called her a witch, that set her off. She was too crabby to take that from anyone. Not even from her daughter.

"Witch? How dare you call me that! I wish you would never go back!"

Tom staggered a few steps, then sat down. She started crying. Quiet tears at first, then raging torrents as she sobbed.

Lynn sat down next to her and hugged her.

"My baby" she said.

"I'm stuck like this! I'll never go back! I'm a girl now, and I'll never be myself again!"

"It's not all bad" said Lynn. "I always wanted a daughter. If you had been a girl, I was going to name you Cathy. And somehow, you changed into the girl I had wished for, all those years ago. You're my daughter now. You're Cathy."

"I'm Cathy?" sobbed the young girl.

"Yes. Cathy. You are my daughter now. Think of the fun we'll have together! We can do all those special things that mothers and their daughters do together."

"Oh, great. Like I want any part of that. You're treating me like I'm a girl!"

"But Cathy, you are a girl" said Lynn. It was clear that her daughter wanted sympathy, but she decided that it would be best to just get over things, and start treating her like a girl. She was a girl now, she would always be a girl. So she needed to learn how it was, starting now.


Cathy was crying.

"I can't be a girl. I just can't."

"Well you are. You're my daughter now, so you had better get used to it" said Lynn.

Although she was still upset from the incident, she loved her daughter, and quickly forgave her. Lynn was too cranky from her period. And Cathy was having a period too. That made forgiveness even easier to come by.

"What am I going to do?" sobbed Cathy.

"Well first thing young lady, you're going to go upstairs and put a bra on."

"I'm not wearing a bra!" protested Cathy.

"Yes you are. You don't want your boobs to be saggy when you're older, do you? No. So you had better go put on a bra. I don't want to see you around this house again without one. Is that understood young lady?"

"Yes mom" said Cathy, defeated.

They went up to Lynn's room. Cathy turned out to be just her size, with almost the exact same body. A true daughter, who took after her mother. Cathy fit perfectly into Lynn's bra.

"Notice the wide straps, so it will be easier on your shoulders. With large boobs like you and I have, bras with thin straps dig in too much" said Lynn.

"And now before you put on your panties, you need something else."

She handed Cathy a tampon.

"What's this?"

"A tampon. You put it in, and let it absorb your discharge."

"Gross!" said Cathy.

"Well, it's better than the alternative, isn't it? Now go put in your tampon, then we can get you into some panties."

Cathy returned a few minutes later, shaking all over.

"I have....a....a pussy" she said.

"Of course you do. You're a girl. And its called a vagina. There is no need to be scared of what it's called. You're not a little girl you know. You're almost grown up. So you can call it by the proper grownup name."

Lynn made Cathy put on white cotton panties (they breathe better, and when you're menstruating, it is best to make sure you get something that lets some air through).

They she found a nice skirt and a cute little top for her to wear.

"I can't wear that!" protested Cathy.

"Why not dear?" said Lynn.

"Those are clothes...for a girl."

"Cathy, you *are* a girl. These are the types of clothes you need to wear now. When you're bloated from your period, you won't like being in tight jeans anyway. A skirt is much more comfortable. Trust me, you'll thank me for this."

So Cathy put on the skirt and the cute little white top that showed off her big boobs. She felt so weird! She was used to being a guy, but suddenly she was a sexy young girl. She had boobs! She had a vagina! She was a *she*!

Cathy looked at herself in the mirror. A pretty young thing. If she was still a guy, the girl in the mirror would have been someone to hit on. How could she be the girl in the mirror? She winced, feeling the lack of anything between her legs, except a gaping chasm inside the warm moist slit. A slit that was oozing out a blood colored discharge. She was having a period. A period!


"Now lets get you into some light makeup, and do your nails."

Cathy become so passive, as her mother made her up and did her nails. She didn't like it one bit, but she felt unable to fight it. So she just let her mom do it to her.

"Won't you be the pretty one at school tomorrow!" said Lynn.

"I can't go to school! I'm a girl!"

"Now Cathy, girls go to school too, or haven't you noticed that? I'm sure you saw all the pretty girls at your school before. They'll be your friends now, since you're one of them."

"Mom!!!" protested Cathy.

"But boys on the other hand....we need to have a nice mother to daughter talk about boys. They will all want to take advantage of you, so you need to be very careful around them. Don't be too friendly to a boy, or he'll think that you want to have sex with him."

"Mom!!! I'm not going to have sex with any boys!" yelled Cathy.

"Good girl. I'm glad you understand. I'd hate to see you end up pregnant at such a young age."

"I'm not going to get pregnant!" said Cathy. "Ever!"

"Don't say never. Some day you'll meet the right man, and you'll fall in love with him. After you marry him, *then* you can have all the sex you want, and have babies. When you get a little older, you'll start to feel the *need* to have a baby of your own. Don't worry dear, once you've become a woman, the way you think will change."

"I'm never having a baby" said Cathy.

"That's what I used to think when I was your age" said Lynn. "I thought they were these messy smelly things, and I never understood how anyone could want to have a baby. But once I got to be 25 or so, I started to look at them differently. And soon I realized, I wanted to have a baby of my own. To hold, and to love. That baby turned out to be *you* Cathy. I'm so glad I had a baby. My baby girl."

She came over to Cathy, and gave her a big hug. Cathy hugged back hard. She loved her mother. Her mother cared about her so much. She was so upset with all that was going on. Her raging hormones, her out-of-control emotions, her grumpiness from her period. But her mother's love shone through it all. She loved her mother. And now, she was just like her.

"If I have to be a girl, I'm glad that I'm like you" said Cathy, meaning it from the bottom of her heart.

"I love you too, my baby girl" said Lynn. "I love you too."




© 2004 by Jennifer White. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of StorySite and the copyright holder.