Crystal's StorySite


Nurse Karrie

by Jennifer White


Karrie was a nurse. Ever since she was a little girl, she had loved the idea of helping people. She had played doctor to her stuffed animals, putting bandages around their arms, pretending to give them shots, and listening to their hearts with a toy stethoscope.

When she got older, she didn't have the financial resources to become a real doctor, but she was able to get a scholarship to go into school as a nurse. She hoped to work for five years, and save up enough money to apply to medical school.

However, she soon learned that while nurses are a very valuable resource, and in many cases know almost as much as the doctors, they are grossly underpaid. She worked double shifts twice a week when she could, just to make ends meet. It was very frustrating to her how the hospital used the nurses, charged such high amounts to the patients, but paid out such a minimal wage to their dedicated hard working staff.

So when she heard through a friend about a women's clinic that was hiring, she applied. After passing the interview with flying colors, she moved from the overly stressful environment of the hospital, to the more laid back clinic. She also liked it that she was helping other women. She had enough bad experiences with male patients over the years! It was ideal for her, and it even paid more than the hospital.

Karrie was happy, and settled into her new routine. All was going well until STAB came to town.

* * *


STAB was a radical group of mostly wealthy conservative men with too much time on their hands. Their cause of the day was abortion. They were fundamentalists, and they believed it was morally wrong. Yet it wasn't enough to just believe it, they felt duty bound to make sure that everybody else was 'educated'. If everybody felt as they did, it would be a better world. They knew the right answers, and all those poor women who went to those clinics were uneducated and deluded. They had to put a stop to it.

STAB stood for STop ABortion. It started as just a few people, but eventually grew into a regional organization, with plans to go nationwide. All they needed was some publicity. Their leader, Hal Bosworth (the third) was a rich powerful businessman. He decided to target a local clinic, and to make sure that the media was there to see their triumph. He had enough swing to get the papers and TV to show up.

Once all the people saw their good work, word would spread, and they would grow into a larger and larger organization. Soon, they would free the world of the despicable scourge of abortion.

* * *


It was cloudy, and the dark skies showed the promise of rain that afternoon. But it made Karrie smile. Her flowers were thirsty, and they could use a good rain. This time of year, it would rain hard for a few hours, then dry right up. It would be nice when she got home, and everything would smell fresh and clean from the rain.

She drove her silver VW Jetta down the highway, and got off at her exit for work. Rounding the corner, she caught sight of the clinic. Immediately, she saw that something was wrong. There was a crowd in the parking lot, vans all over the place, and even TV crews. What happened? Did someone die? Her mouth became dry, and her heart raced.

Being a nurse, her first instinct was to get right in there, and see what she could do to help. She had to park in the neighboring business's parking lot, which made her feel bad. But her own lot was blocked off, and she had to get in there! She grabbed her purse, and went towards the front door.

"There's one!" she heard someone yell.

She saw that in front of the doorway, there were a crowd of picketters. They help up signs that said "Murders are performed here!" and other radical slogans. Clearly, and anit-abortion group.

Yes it was true that the doctors at the clinic performed that procedure from time to time, but it was rare. Normally only if the mother's life was in danger. They would steer people to counseling first, and try to get the mothers to keep the baby, and give it up for adoption. But if all else failed, the procedure was done. But this was rare. Only a very small fraction of their patients came for abortions. The vast majority were there for other women's health issues. Breast cancer screenings. Pap smears. Tubal ligations. Any health service a woman might require.


As Karrie attempted to walk in the door, the men blocked the way.

"Excuse me" she said politely.

"I'm not letting you in there to help commit murder" said one man.

"Murder?" said Karrie. "We help women here. You don't understand."

"Oh I understand all right. You help them kill their babies" he said belligerently.

Soon other men joined in harassing her. They had no idea what they were saying! They had no idea what it was like for a woman who was pregnant and scared. Or the victim of a rape who was carrying a child now. The only abortion scheduled for the week was one for such a woman. How could a man possibly understand what it would feel like to be carrying a baby that was fathered by the a man who raped you?

They kept harassing her. One of them even shoved her back.

"Excuse me! You don't have to hit me!" she said, getting more and more angry.

"You commit violence in there, killing innocent children" he said smugly.

Karrie looked around for help. There was none. The TV crews were filming, the reports were writing notes, but nobody would help her. In fact, the camera crews got right in her face. The police were there, but they kept their distance. She didn't know that the police commissioner's political career had been bankrolled by Hal Bosworth III. There would be no help from the police today.

They shouted at her, insulted her, called her a sinner and a murderer. All her life had been dedicated to helping people, but these *men* hated her! Just because of where she worked! They didn't understand anything. How could the do this to her? She broke down and began to cry.


A woman walked up, who Karrie recognized as a patient. Immediately, Karrie wiped away the tears, and went over to her. She would help this poor woman get out of here before she had to endure the same thing Karrie had just gone through. Even in a time of crisis like this, her first instinct was to protect and help people. This poor woman's husband had just left her, after she had told him that she was pregnant. The husband was having an affair, and left her alone. He had hidden all of their money, so this poor woman had nothing. Yet she was going to keep the baby. She was only coming into the clinic to monitor a health condition she had that could effect the pregnancy. She was there to *save* the baby, not kill it.

But before Karrie could reach her, the men swarmed down on her like savage beasts. They accused her of coming there to kill her child. This of course put the woman in tears immediately. Nothing could have been further from the truth, and she was hurt! With all of the hormones stirring within her, her emotions were running high. Immediately the tears were flowing down her cheeks.

"Look what you did to her!" yelled Karrie, fiery with rage. "You didn't need to do that! She's here to make sure her baby is healthy! You have no idea what you're talking about!"

"I don't believe you" said one man. "Why should I believe a word that a murderer says?"

Karrie had enough. That was the last straw. Her rage boiled over, and she did something out of her character. She let her emotions get the best of her.

"All you men think you know everything!" she bellowed. "You don't. You don't understand anything!

I wish to god that you were all women so you could feel what its like!"

Just at that moment, as if on cue, the clouds finally burst open. A flash of light and a boom of thunder heralded in the rain drops, which at first were large and scattered, but then a torrent let loose from the sky. As the storm raged, the camera crews scrambled to get back to their vans. The reports notes were all soaked, and their PDAs covered with water. The picket signs blew away in the gust of wind, and the men scrambled to get to their cars.

Only the police had been smart enough to wear their rain ponchos. Officer Greene smiled. He was glad that the rain had broken up the demonstration. He had almost ignored orders when that woman got pushed, but his captain was there, and he put out his arm to stop officer Greene. Ignoring a direct order from his captain would have gotten him fired. So he stopped.

"This damn thing leaks" said Captain Powell as the got in the cruiser. He hated field work.


Meanwhile, Karrie had seized the opportunity, and had helped the woman get in the door before the rain became hard. They hardly had a drop on them, while the protesters had all been soaked. They smiled at each other. It was poetic justice.

* * *


But nobody knew the true extent of the poetic justice. Not until that night. When Hal Bosworth III himself got home, after his dutiful wife Joan cooked him dinner, cleaned the kitchen, put the five children to bed, and cleaned up after them, her husband wanted sex.

She had wanted to go on the pill or get her tubes tied, but he forbade it. It was a sin in his opinion, and if she got pregnant again, well that was just fate. She loved sex, at least the though of it with someone who cared about her needs too (which was Hal!). He was in and out, and when he was done, too bad if it wasn't good for her.

She had lately been able to talk him into having oral sex. That way, she wouldn't get pregnant, and she could get it over quickly. She hated it too, but it turned him on, and it was easier. She couldn't take having a sixth baby.

When they got in bed, she wanted to cuddle and kiss first. But he just told her to take off his pants and do him. She obliged, but her eyes got big when she looked between his legs.

"My god Hal..."

"I'm that big today? Get right on it babe."

"But Hal, its..."

"Didn't you hear me? Do it!" he roared. She knew better than to disobey him. Last time she had said 'no', the bruises took two weeks to heel. She went down on him, but in a different way than normal.

The difference was his genitals, and their new form. She had tried to tell him, but he didn't listen. He never listened. So why should this be different? She took her tongue, and stuck it into the top of his new slit. She worked it in a little, until she felt the touch of the clitoris. She went to work at it, and listened as he moaned.

"Oh baby! This is the best ever! Whatever you're doing, keep at it!"

She took her hands, slipped them under his shirt, and felt up until she found his nipples. She pinched them as she worked with her tongue, just as she had wished he would do for her. He never did of course. But this drove him crazy, and he began to come, again and again.

Hal's eyes rolled back into his head at this incredible feeling. He was hit with wave after wave of pure pleasure, and he just could not believe how wonderful this was today! Normally she made him come quick as he like, but this was something else! It just kept going and going, and was better and better.

She kept at it, until he became very tender. He laughed then let out a squeal.

"Stop it!" he had to say. He couldn't take another touch. It was so sensitive.

His wife sat up, and wiped the juice from her face. He had been lubricating quite a bit, and it ran down her chin.

"Oh god that was great" he said, short of breath still.

"Now you do me like that" she ventured. Perhaps today he might oblige.

"Like that? Its different with a woman. I don't want to put my tongue into your pussy."

"But I did it for you!" she protested.

"But that's different. You just sucked me."

"No I didn't" she protested. He still didn't realize what had happened to him!

"You're talking crazy, woman!" he said. "You make no sense."

"You should understand women dear, now that you're one too" she said in a snide tone of voice.

"That's it, you're gonna get it" he said, sitting up so he could smack her in the face.

That was when he saw it. Between his legs. It was gone! His manhood! Gone! No! Impossible!

"Oh my god...." he said.

"I just made you come, like a woman. Like I've wanted you to make me come" said his wife. She had enough of him, and decided that it was time for her to take charge. "As you can see, you're a woman now too. You say a woman's place is to serve. Well things are going to change. You're going to serve *me* now."

"This can't be real! I'm not a woman!" he said weakly, but it was a useless protest. The pussy between his legs was all the proof that was needed.

"You're a girl now Hal. No, I think I'll call you Harriet from now on.

"No..." said Harriet weakly, protesting her new name.

"Yes, *Harriet*. You're my woman now. Let's get your legs shaved, and get you into some pretty clothes."

Harriet was too beaten down inside to disobey. She knew nothing about being a woman! But Joan did. She looked up to Joan with puppy dog eyes. Joan would take care of her. Joan would show her what to do. She loved Joan. She would help her out.

* * *


All across town, there were similar stories. The police captain. The reporters. And the members of STAB. Every man who had been soaked by the rain had been transformed. By midnight, each of them had discovered that between their legs, they were now women. Their wives and girlfriends had been overjoyed, and had taken control of their relationships. All of them were now quiet, shy women. Their outward looks were still the same, but that was about to change as well.

* * *


Karrie was relived the next day when there were no protesters at work. The previous day's events kept the clientele down for the day, so it was somewhat slow. But at 4:30, just before close, there was a walk-in. A man and his wife. They both went to the back room, and waited for the doctor.

After the doctor had seen them, he called Karrie over.

"I don't believe what I'm seeing. I need you to verify this" he said, sounding upset and flustered. He was always calm and collected, so Karrie knew something very unusual must be going on. She went into the room, and was surprised to see the *man* on the examining table, with his legs in the stirrups.

"Tell me your opinion" he said, pulling back the 'tent' used to give privacy, so that only the doctor could see what was going on between the patients legs.

Karrie stared in amazement. The person on the table appeared to be a man, yet between his legs he had a woman's genitals. Everything! The labia major and minor, a clitoris, a vagina...this must be the best sex change operation she had ever seen. But she never heard of them performing one on a man who dressed and acted like a man.

She probed inside, and was shocked to find that the structures were not from a gender reassignment surgery. They were real! This man had a woman's genitals!

"What happened?" she asked.

"Yesterday. I was here. I was running a camera..."

"I thought you looked familiar" she said.

"I came home, and last night I discovered this. I didn't know what to do. My wife told me to come here."

"Its the first time in years that he's listened to me" she said.

"Well he is definitely a woman now" said the doctor. "I'll need to run some tests, but somehow, he now has a *working* female reproductive system. Look at this scan. You can see the ovaries here, the uterus...everything."

"My god. I'm a girl" said the man.

"Yes honey, you are" said his wife. Her relationship had taken an unexpected turn. One that put her in the driver's seat for once. She was happy, but he was just in shock.

* * *


Two days later, the doctor called Karrie into his office.

"I have some shocking news" he said.

"What doctor?" replied Karrie. After the last few days, nothing would be shocking.

"I suspected something from my examination, but the lab work confirms it. Look at these results. Look at the blood levels and the antibodies."

"She's pregnant. Wonderful. Who's lab work is this?"

"Marvin Alton, the camera man who we saw two days ago."


"He's pregnant?" said Karrie, suddenly flushing red.

"Yes he is. I don't believe this. He didn't even realize that he had been transformed, and somehow he's pregnant. You would think that he would remember having sex to be inseminated. But he doesn't. Now he's a woman, and pregnant."

"What will happen to him?" asked Karrie.

"The same thing as any pregnant woman. The baby will grow. The hormones will do their work. His breasts will swell and begin producing milk. He'll gain weight. I'm just concerned that without female hips, his birth canal might not be large enough to deliver the baby. We need a full set of x-rays to make sure. Otherwise, we'll need a C-section to deliver the child."

"If he chooses to keep it" she said. "It sounds like a high risk pregnancy to me."

"I concur. We'll have to talk to him to find out."

"Should we still say 'him'? It sounds funny to say 'he is pregnant'. I think he's a she now."

"You're right. Please have Betty call her and set up an appointment as soon as possible."

"Sure thing doc" said Karrie as she headed out.

She felt red and flushed because the words of her curse rang back to her in her head. Had she caused this? If so, was he the only one? She decided to contact STAB to find out.

* * *


Using a pay phone, Karrie called the offices of Hal Bosworth III. At first, they wouldn't let her speak to him. But when she said that it had to deal with STAB business, they let her through.

"Bosworth" said Harriet 'Hal' Bosworth. Her wife allowed her to pretend to be a man for work, but then she had to come home and change into a proper dress. She wore a bra under her three piece business suit.

"Hello Mr. Bosworth" said Karrie. "I'm calling you about STAB and an incident from this last Monday."

"Who is this?" said Harriet cautiously.

"Mr. Bosworth, have you found any strange healthy symptoms after Monday? Several others have reported something odd."

"Others?" said Harriet, giving away more than she had meant to.

"So it happened to you too?"

"Yes" she admitted.

"Listen Hal...can I call you Hal?"

"I prefer Harriet" she said.

"Harriet. Listen, I have reason to believe that you might be pregnant. I urge you to go see an OB-GYN right away. You will be a high risk pregnancy. You need to see someone immediately. You might even want to visit the clinic you protested at. They can help you."

"I....I don't know."

"This is for your own safety, and that of your baby. You care about your baby, don't you?"

"I've got to think about it. Thank you for calling Miss" said Harriet, hanging up.

She couldn't be pregnant, could she?


Karrie was shocked and awed. So there was at least one other who transformed. How many could there be? Calling 'Harriet' would take care of the STAB members. She would be sure to contact the others now. How about the police? She knew an ambulance driver, and made a call to him.

* * *


That night, there was quite the discussion at the Bosworth household.

"But I'm pregnant! I can't have a baby! What would that do to my career? I can't do this. I'm going to the clinic tomorrow."

"No! I forbid it" said Joan. "And didn't you always say how wrong it is to terminate a pregnancy?"

"Yes, but this is different!" protested Harriet.

"Different? How?"

"I have a career! I....I can't have this baby."

Joan laughed. The shoe was on the other foot now. She would use this for all it was worth. She wondered if she could get him to wear maternity clothes? She wanted to see him in a dress as soon as possible. This baby might make him accept his new gender. Then he'd start to dress properly. How fun it would be to go shopping with her for clothes and shoes! She smiled. This was going to be great!

* * *


It was a month since 'the incident'. Karrie had found out that there were eighteen men at the protest who had been transformed. They were all pregnant now, and they were beginning to show some other signs of changing. The camera man now had definite breasts, albeit small ones. But if they kept growing at the current rate, they would be fairly large by the time the baby came.

It was also clear that the estrogen was effecting them. Their skin was becoming smooth, their facial hair had stopped growing, and they were becoming more and more emotional. At least two of them were already wearing dresses and makeup.

Five of the members of STAB had come to the clinic and asked for abortions. They all went through the standard program of counseling They were all advised of their options, and urged to carry the baby to full term. But because there were all high risk pregnancies, they all wanted to procedure.

They had a 30-day waiting period policy, and all were on ticking clocks. Karrie smiled at the irony of the situation.


Eventually, Harriet had given in, and came to the clinic. She was well dressed with top name brand designer clothes and shoes, which made Karrie somewhat jealous. She couldn't afford very much Prada and kate spade on her salary.

Harriet was beginning to act completely like a woman. In fact, if Karrie hadn't known better, she would not have been able to tell that Harriet had ever been a man. She was now four months pregnant, and very much showing the expected signs of it.

She wanted nothing to do with the baby, but her wife had forbid her from having an abortion. She was torn, and came to them in tears.

* * *


Time marched on, and so did the transformation of the former men. To Karrie's amazement, they were starting to look, act, think and even *feel* like women. Marvin, the former cameraman, who now went by the name Megan, had become a girlfriend to Karrie. They had lunch together, went shopping, saw movies, and did all of the things that two women friends would do.

Megan's inner self had completely transformed. She was a woman through and through. She was in her third trimester now, and she was really excited about the baby. She had prepared a room for the baby, and was decorating it. Her nesting instinct had kicked in fully. She was acting just like every other expectant mother that Karrie knew.

Similarly, the others who came into the clinic were just as much fully women now. The strange thing was the that few that had decided to abort their pregnancies were still struggling with issues of their gender, while the ones who still carried their babies had all settled into being women.

Among them was the police captain, who had tried everything he could to hide his new gender from the other cops. But as he changed, he got a new body shape. He grew breasts. His face became pretty. One day, he found himself staring at another cop, thinking how handsome he was in that uniform, and daydreaming of going out with him. That scared the hell out of him, and he went to the clinic that day.

But now, he had completely transformed into a real woman, in every way. But inside, he still felt like a man. He didn't know what to do! He felt like he was going crazy. Until one day, when he went to a party. He was still dressing up very much like a man, and the people at the party thought he must be a 'butch dyke'. He denied being gay, so they set out to find if this was true or not.

They got him really drunk. It was easy. He was used to being able to drink half a bottle whisky himself. But with his new smaller feminine body, he was wasted. He was hardly aware as Ron, another cop, took him to the back room, and made love to him. He was all but passed out. Did they slip something into his drink? He wasn't too sure.

It was a month later when he missed his period that he suspected something to be wrong. He missed again the next month, and went to the clinic to find out. Sure enough, he was pregnant again. He was going to abort this baby as well, but while he went through the mandatory waiting period, something snapped within him.

One day, he went to bed upset and full of anger over all that had happened to him. But upon waking in the morning, she realized that she was a beautiful woman, and that she was *meant* to be this way. She felt her tummy, thinking of the new life that was growing within her. More than anything, she wanted this baby. She went out and bought a dress, then tracked down the cop Ron who had made love to her.

"We have to get married" she informed him bluntly, and so began her courtship. Within a month, they were wed by the county judge, and they planned their official honeymoon for after the baby was old enough to leave with Ron's folks for a week.

* * *


The big day was coming up for Megan. She was due any day now. The day started off like any other. By now, her back ached, and she felt so fat and ugly looking in the mirror. She felt the baby kick. It wanted to get out of her as much as she wanted it to be over. Nine months was a long time!

That evening, as she watched 'Friends' on the TV, she felt her first contraction. Within half an hour, she was in the maternity ward, ready to give birth. Dr. Greene had said it could be difficult, since she had somewhat narrow hips for a woman. And true to his word, the imagine showed that a 'natural' birth would be very risky for both mother and child. They decided on a C-section.

Megan wanted just a local instead of a full anesthetic. But they insisted in putting her under. She breathed in the smelly gas, and soon was fast asleep.

In her dreams, she saw a white light which grew brighter and brighter. A voice both deep and timeless, comforting yet authoritative spoke to her.

"You must decide your path" it said.

In front of her were two paths, clearly marked. One path was her former life, as a man. Down that path, she would become her former self, and reenter the world just as it had been.

Down the other path, she stayed a woman. She could see herself holding her baby, the baby taking its first steps, and other events unfolding.

Without hesitation, she strode down her chosen path. She blinked, then opened her eyes.


"Congratulations, it's a girl!" said the nurse, handing the infant to Megan. Megan smiled and held the wondrous being close to her.

"My baby" she said. "My baby."

* * *


Karrie stayed in touch with several of the woman who transformed that day. All of them gave birth to healthy babies. She asked a couple of them if they the same type of dream that Megan had. They all did! And each of them chose the feminine path.

They had all settled into being women, and they all were happy except for Harriet. Her wife had become a tyrant to her. After all the years of mistreatment, she was getting it back twofold. She was thinking of leaving her wife now, and finding a man for herself.

Karrie smiled. Even Harriet had accepted womanhood now.

* * *


Business went back to normal at the clinic. Nobody spoke of the strange incident again. They didn't want to think of the implications. Karrie was just glad that at least some men in the world were given a chance to understand what it was like for a woman. She hoped that men who had no business imposing their moral standards on others would take heed. A woman should be allowed to control her own body. A woman has the right to decide her own fate.

Just ask Megan, if you have any doubts.




© 2003 by Jennifer White. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of StorySite and the copyright holder.