Crystal's StorySite

A New Life                 by: Sara

Part 3

Jenny was picking flowers and running around in the garden with Cathy. They were both wearing the same dresses. It was so nice to be with Cathy again, but Cathy looked different in some way. That's when Jenny heard a voice from behind calling them both.

"Jenny, Cathy, dinner come and get your hands washed."

When Jenny turned round, it was Sandra standing there and she looked so much taller. Jenny and Cathy both ran to Sandra and said, "Mommy, mommy, we picked these flowers for you."

Sandra said, "Thank you, they're beautiful."

At this point Jenny felt a prick in her arm and then she woke up she realized she'd been dreaming. She was still in the hospital. When she looked at her arm, the nurse was just pulling a needle out that was full of blood. Jenny heard a voice ask.

"How are you feeling kitten, is there any pain?"

"No I can't fell any thing down there. Why is that? Has something gone wrong?"

"No honey, they gave you a pain killer so you wouldn't be in any pain, but you will be fine. The operation went well. Now get some rest and I will be here when you wake up later, okay?"

The nurse that had taken the blood sample gave Jenny an injection that must have been a sedative because she fell straight into a deep sleep.

When Jenny woke up, she was back home in the country, and back in her own bed. She looked over to the side and saw Michelle sitting there reading a book.

"Michelle, how long have I been asleep, and how come I'm back in my own bed?"

"I will get your mother, She will tell you all about it, okay?"

Michelle left the room. Jenny lay there thinking that something must have gone wrong when Sandra came in and walked up to her. She gave Jenny a big hug and then sat on the bed to tell Jenny about why she was at home.

"Hi kitten how are you feeling?"

"I feel fine, and I don't feel sore. How long have I been asleep?"

"Well honey, you were going to be in so much pain that they decided to keep you asleep and on pain killers to help you heal faster."

"How long was that?"

"Four weeks, you have been asleep for four weeks."

Jenny was shocked to hear this, but at the same time, she knew that the worst part of it was now behind her.

"Mom, did it all go okay? Am I a real girl now?"

"You always were a real girl, but yes, it all went well and you can get up as soon as Connie has given you a look over, okay?"

"When will she be here?"

"Later today. Do you want something to eat? You've been on a glucose drip for the last four weeks."

"Yes please, can I have some soup?"

"Michelle, can you get some soup for Jenny? I'll have some as well, please. We'll eat in here."

Michelle left to get the soup and Sandra started to tell Jenny what had been happening over the last four weeks. When Michelle came back with the soup, she had to help Jenny eat because Jenny was too weak to hold the spoon.

"Don't worry about that Jenny, you will get your strength back soon," said Sandra.

Jenny, Sandra, and Michelle sat and talked for most of the afternoon. Sandra treated Michelle more like a best friend, rather than some one who worked for her. Michelle took away the dishes and helped Jenny to clean up. Sandra came back in just as Michelle was finishing, and Connie was with her. This made Jenny happy.

"Hi Connie, please say I can get out of bed?"

As she said it, she put a pout on her face, which made Connie and Sandra laugh.

"Well there's nothing wrong with your sense of humor."

Connie set about doing the examination, and making sure that Jenny was getting better. Jenny had the strangest feeling when she felt Connie putting her fingers in her.

"How does that feel? Is it sore, or is there any pain?"

"No it feels a bit sore, but there's no pain."

"Good, that means you are healing really well. You should be able to get up out of bed in two or three days."

Jenny was a bit sad to hear this and was about to say something, but before she could, Connie started to laugh. Jenny knew then that she was just joking.

Connie continued, saying. "You can get up now, but be very careful! You haven't walked properly since your accident, and your leg muscles are going to be very weak, okay?"

Jenny had the biggest grin on her face and was trying to get out of bed on her own, but Michelle stopped her and said. "Let me help you miss?"

"Michelle, please call me Jenny. I know you too well for you to call me miss."

"Okay Jenny, please let me help you before you hurt yourself."

Michelle helped Jenny out of bed, and she tried walking which was a big no-no. Jenny just collapsed under her own weight, and ended up sitting on the floor with Michelle next to her. Michelle looked really worried at first, thinking she had hurt Jenny, but when she looked at Jenny she was starting to laugh. This set Michelle off and then Sandra and then Connie started.

Connie said. "I think you should have some one on each side to steady you and don't over do it. You will need some time to get some strength back in your arms and your legs, okay?"

Sandra and Michelle both helped Jenny to stand up. Then Jenny started to try and walk. She felt so different! Her hips and bum felt much bigger and, when she looked down she could only see two largish mounds pushing out the front of her chest. After walking around for fifteen minutes Jenny was getting really tired and Sandra decided to put her back in bed. Jenny tried to argue, but Sandra was having none of it. Jenny went right to sleep which was worried Sandra.

"Connie is this normal? She has been sleeping for the past four weeks."

"Yes she will do a lot of sleeping for the next couple of weeks. When she gets tired just put her to bed and let her sleep. She will get back to normal soon."

"Okay Connie. Thanks for all your help. I don't know what I would have done without you here with me."

"It was my pleasure. She's a good kid and didn't deserve what happened to her. I have never seen you so happy."

"She means everything to me. I can't wait to get her back together with her sister, she misses her a lot."

"How is she doing at college now? And the house you found for her and her friend?"

"They're both doing really well. They're both top of the class, and I hope to have them all back together by Christmas."

"That will be a nice present for them both and it will give you two daughters to care for."

Sandra just sat with a happy smile on her face, which told Connie more than any words could.

"Connie, would you like to spend some time here with us and just relax for a week or two?"

Connie thought about it and then said, "Yes I have nothing on for the next two weeks. It will be nice to watch Jenny get better and just have some fun. Thanks Sandra."

Connie stopped for three weeks in the end and had fun every single minute. She helped Jenny get back on her feet with swimming every day and just walking around the grounds, which were bigger than Jenny had first thought. By the time Connie was ready to leave, Jenny was just like a normal girl, running around and making Sandra, Connie, and Michelle laugh all the time. When it came time for Connie to leave, Jenny was sad to see her go, but Connie had to get back to work. They waved to Connie of at the front of the house after making her promise to come for Christmas which was months away yet. Connie had no family just like mum. Jenny had asked Michelle about it, but Michelle told her to go and ask Sandra, but Jenny was waiting for the right time to ask. Jenny walked back into the house after Connie's car went out of sight. That night, as Jenny was getting ready for bed, she started to look at herself in the mirror. She looked so different now. Would Cathy still know who I am? Jenny was so deep in thought that she never heard Sandra come in the room.

"You look good, you know?"

Jenny started to scream, which made Sandra jump.

"Mum you scared me! I didn't hear you come in. How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough. Come on, put some clothes on and in to bed you need to get some rest. You start becoming a lady tomorrow."

"I thought I was a girl already?"

"Girl yes. Lady no. We need to teach you how to act like a girl, you still do some things like a boy."

Jenny looked disappointed at what her mum said, and Sandra saw this in her eyes.

"Jenny don't look so sad. We will have you acting like you were born a girl in no time. You just need to learn some things, okay?"

Jenny started to smile again, gave Sandra a hug, jumped into bed, and pulled the covers up, then said, "Night mommy."

Jenny started to giggle, and Sandra came up to the bed and kissed her on the cheek and said, "Good night kitten. Sweet dreams." then she tucked her in and left the room.

"Jenny, its time to get up" Michelle said, and at the same time pulling down the covers on the bed.

"Michelle, do I have to get up so early?"

"Yes, if you want to start your training. We have a lot to do."

Jenny got up, and went to the bathroom, finding that Michelle had already run her bath. Taking off her nightgown, Jenny got in the bath and just lay there in the bubbles and started to relax. She could have stopped there all day, but Michelle came in and started to wash her hair.

"What are we doing today, Michelle?"

"You're going shopping with Sandra, and myself."

"But I have lots of clothes already, why do I need more?"

"You need to get out and see how other girls act, and you need to know what to look for when buying clothes, okay?"

Jenny was thinking about the day she went shopping with Cathy. When Michelle said it was time to get out the bath. Michelle helped Jenny to get dry. Then they walked back to the bedroom to find Sandra sitting on the bed, holding an envelope. Jenny knew what it was and ran to the bed. Sandra thought she was not going to stop, but she did.

"Are these the newest pictures of Cathy and Prue?"

"Yes they are."

"How long will it be before I can see her and let her know I am still here for her?"

"Well, she and Prue have just finished their exams, and are having fun in the house so if you want, we can sort it out for the end of the month?"

Jenny dropped the envelope and flung her arms round Sandra and started to cry, she was so happy.

" I would love that! I hope she doesn't hate me for keeping her in the dark for all this time."

"She will just be glad to have her sister back."

"Well young lady, I think you better get dressed, if you want to go shopping."

"Yes mom" Jenny said, and giggled as she said it. As Jenny turned to walk away, Sandra slapped her bum. This made Jenny scream, and Sandra giggled.

At that point Michelle came in and started to help Jenny get dressed. When she was dressed. Jenny and Michelle went down to get some breakfast, so they could then go out. With breakfast out the way, and her makeup fixed. Jenny was ready to go shopping.

Walking outside, they found that Michelle was sitting in the car waiting for them. Jenny jumped into the car and Sandra followed, giving Jenny a strange look.

"What have I done wrong?"

"Lady's don't jump into cars like that. Get out and get in again"

"Yes mum, sorry"

Jenny got out the car and then got in again. This time she did it the right way. Sandra had a big smile on her face. This was all Jenny needed, to know she had done it right, and then the car pulled off and they were on their way to the shops. It was a long drive to the town they would be shopping at and Jenny was ready to do some walking after sitting for so long.

Jenny, Sandra, and Michelle spent the whole afternoon shopping and making trips back to the car, to drop off what they had bought.

Jenny had just finished trying on a dress when she got tapped on the back. As she turned around a voice said, "Cathy what do you think of this dress?"

Jenny was in shock; she was looking at Prue face to face.

"Sorry, I thought you were some one else."

Jenny couldn't speak, her mouth had gone dry. She just stood there with her eyes wide open. Then without saying a word she ran from the shop, knocking a girl over as she went.

"Cathy? Are you okay?"

"Yes I am Prue, but what was up with her?"

"I think I scared her. I thought it was you, but she looked younger. Then she ran out, knocking you off your feet as she went."

"Thanks! You scare her and I get knocked over."

With that they started to giggle, and Prue said, "She really did look like you. Are you sure you don't have a sister I don't know about?"

Cathy just looked at Prue, and Prue said, "Sorry I wasn't thinking."

"Don't worry, I know you didn't mean anything by it."

As they started to walk off, a well-dressed woman came up to them and said, "Are you okay? I hope you're not hurt?"

"No I am fine. I don't know what happened to make her do that?"

"She is very shy. Please don't hold this against her."

And with that Sandra left Cathy and Prue and went to find Jenny, and Michelle. Sandy walked outside the store and saw Michelle standing on the corner. Michelle waved to Sandra, and Sandra walked to where Michelle was and saw Jenny hiding around the corner. She was shaking and crying really hard.

Sandra put her arms around Jenny and said, "It was okay, they never knew it was you."

"I was so scared! I was looking straight at Prue, and she thought I was Cathy! Do I really look like her that much?"

"Yes you do, and I am glad that Cathy didn't get a good look at you. She would know it was you."

"Can I go home now? I don't feel like shopping any more."

"Yes we can. I think you've had enough excitement for one day."

They went back to the car and started on the drive home. Jenny didn't talk much on the drive home. She was thinking about how close she was to being with Cathy, and then she started to cry again. Sandra saw this and gave her a tissue to use and just put her arm around her. Jenny looked up at Sandra and didn't need to say a word. Sandra knew what she wanted.

"I will sort out the fine details, and invite them to come to dinner this weekend. I think it is about time you two were back together."

Jenny smiled, then put her head on Sandra's shoulder. The next thing Jenny knew they were home.

"Come on sleepy head, lets get you in the house."

"Do you need some help with the bags?"

"We have done it already. You were fast asleep so we left you till we had done it all."

Jenny got out the car and went into the house and straight to her bedroom. When she got there, she went to the bathroom and got ready for bed. Feeling hungry, she went back down stairs to have something to eat. Sandra and Michelle were already there.

"Hi honey, do you want a sandwich? Michelle and I are having one."

"Yes please, I am really hungry. Sandra, do you think I hurt Cathy when I knocked her over?"

"No she was okay, I asked her."

"You spoke to Cathy? How was she? Did she know it was me?"

"She is fine, and no, she didn't know it was you. Now eat your sandwich young lady."

Jenny ate the entire sandwich and had a glass of water. Then said her goodnights and went to bed.

Jenny had a week to wait, and then she would be back with Cathy. Michelle was in charge of helping Jenny be more ladylike. The days were really long, and Jenny was very tired by the end of each day, but she was acting more like a lady by the end of the week. On Thursday night, Jenny was sitting in the garden looking up at the stars, when Sandra came out and started to tell Jenny the news about Cathy and Prue coming that weekend.

"It's all sorted for this weekend. I have hired a limousine and driver to pick them up."

"Wow, they will be in shock when they see that pull up outside."

Sandra and Jenny talked for some time, and Jenny decided it was time to ask why she was alone, so with a deep breath.

"Mum, why are you alone out here? Have you never been marred?"

Sandra was quiet for some time, then started to tell Jenny about her life before jenny turned up. She told Jenny how she had been so alone for a long time that she thought she would die a lonely old woman, but then that night it all changed. Jenny found out that Sandra was married, but her husband was killed in a car crash, and she could never look for love anywhere after that. Until she found Jenny, which was like two souls being put together to help each other.

"Sandra do you think there is some one up there, helping us?"

"I like to think so, but if not, then we were just lucky to have found each other."

And with that, they went back inside to have dinner.

On Friday morning, Cathy and Prue were in the pool, when they herd the phone ring. Prue got out the pool and went to get it.

"Hello, Prue speaking."

"May I speak to Cathy please?"

"Yes, may I say who's calling, please?"

"It's a friend."

Prue knew straight away that Cathy would want to take this call, so she shouted to Cathy to come quick.

"Who is it Prue? I'm not expecting a call."

"You will want to take this one. They say they're a friend."

Cathy knew what Prue was getting at. Was this the person who did all this for them? Would they finally, find out who it was?

"Hello this is Cathy, can I help you with something?"

"Hello Cathy. I am the one who helped you and Prue with your college work and the house. I hope it is all okay for you?"

"Yes thank you very much, but why did you do this for us. Do I know you in some way?"

"The reason for phoning you is to invite you down to my house in the country for the weekend. Would you like to come? verything will become clear when you get here."

Cathy thought about it for a minute, and then said, "I would love to come, but what about Prue, can she come as well?"

"Off course she can come, you are both to come down for the weekend." the voice on the phone said.

Cathy turned to Prue and asked if she was willing to go down for the weekend and meet the person that helped them so much.

"I would love to thank them in person."

Cathy went back on the phone and told the person that they would love to come down, and could they have directions to the house.

The voice on the phone just said, "You will be picked up at 6 PM tonight. Is that okay?"

"Yes that will be fine with us."

" Okay, I will look forward to seeing you tonight then, and please bring a change of clothes with you. We don't want you wearing the same things all weekend, do we?"

"Yes okay, till later then. Bye."

Cathy looked at Prue and said, "We will finally get to meet the person who did all this for us."

Prue was just as shocked as Cathy as to who might have done so much for two girls that they didn't know.

The two girls spent all afternoon packing for the weekend, hoping they had packed the right clothes for where they were going. Dead on 6 PM, the doorbell rang. Cathy and Prue were only half expecting it, but seeing how the house did belong to this person, they went to the door. They were shocked to see a big white limousine there and a chauffeur all formally attired, opening the door for them. The girls were carrying the bags out, when the driver took them from them and put them in the trunk. Cathy and Prue both felt lost in the back of this car.

Cathy asked the driver where they were going, but all the driver said was, "Sorry miss, but I have been told not to say anything about that. I hope you don't mind?"

"No I don't mind. I am just eager to find out who is doing this for us."

The two girls talked and looked out the window to see where they were going. The drive to the house was a long one, but when they got there, the house that was in front of them was bigger than they thought possible. The limousine stopped outside the front door and the driver got out to open the car door for the girls.

As the girls got out of the car, a well-dressed woman came out the house to meet them, and both Cathy and Prue recognized the woman from the shop on Monday.

"You're the same lady from the shop we saw earlier, how do you know us?"

"Hello Cathy, Prue. My name is Sandra. I am the one who paid for the house and the car and your college tuition."

"Why would you do this for us?"

"I think you better come in and meet someone, they wanted to help you in any way they could."

With that, Cathy and Prue followed Sandra into the house. The hallway was massive and Sandra kept walking into a large living room.

"Please take a seat, and I will get the person that made all this happen for you."

Sandra left the room and went to fetch Jenny. She was sitting on the bed looking really worried when Sandra walked in.

"Jenny are you ready for this?"

"No, but I will have to do it one day. So now is as good a time as any."

Sandra walked over to Jenny, took her hand and pulled her up off the bed and started walking towards the door. Jenny was so scared that Cathy wouldn't want anything to do with her, that she was feeling sick.

"Sandra I'm scared, what if she hates me now?"

"Jenny she will love to see you alive and I know she will not hate you. Trust me."

With that, Sandra gave Jenny a smile that made her feel better. Sandra walked in to the room with Jenny behind her. Cathy and Prue both stood up to meet the person who did so much for them.

Sandra said, "Cathy, I would like you to meet Jenny."




© 2000 by Sara UK. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, compilation design) may printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without express written consent of the copyright holder.