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Midnight Downloads
by Wendy-J

© 1999-2004 Wendy-J All Rights Reserved.
Unauthorized distribution or archival prohibited.


Thursday Morning September 10th

The next morning was much like the previous one: Tina, up and in the shower before Jan went in to wake her, and Sam being roused, this time by two women on her bed instead of one.

"I could get used to this," she thought as she woke slowly to the tender ministrations of two mothers instead of one. Tina was ill again, and Sam couldn't help teasing her.

School was uneventful for both teens. Sam, aside from being discovered by Rochelle the previous day, was still assumed to be male by all she met. The day passed quickly and uneventfully. Jon joined their little group at lunch and talked programming techniques with Tina the whole period. Sam, Leticia and Rochelle chatted about school, teachers and homework on the first day of class. On the ride home, Sam confronted Tina about her uncharacteristic interest in Jon.



"What's with you and that Jon guy?"

"Who, Jon Bedford? He's a programming and animations genius. We're taking a Film-makers FX class together last period."

"Well, I figured he was some sort of computer geek," Sam said. "But what's up with you two? I mean you're always seem to be hanging with him and stuff."

"Nothing," Tina said as she drove. She seemed genuinely open and honest in her manner and tone. "We were just talking about some programming techniques that are used in the FX industry. The methodologies are very similar in the AI industry and we're trying to figure a way to integrate the two. If we can do that…"

"Okay, I was just wondering is all," Sam said, stopping Tina before she got lost in the esoteric mumbo jumbo of computers. "Have you ever thought that he might be cute or anything?"

"Who? Jon!?!" She swerved the car as she looked over at Sam in surprise.

"TINA!!! Watch where you're going!" Sam yelled as the car crossed the centreline. Thankfully, there was no oncoming traffic and Tina brought the car quickly and safely back into her own lane. Unfortunately, there was a police car behind them. The bubble gum machine on the top of the cop car came to life as the siren gave a brief "Whoop!" to get their attention.

"Damn!" Tina said as she brought her car to a stop on the side of the road.


A female officer approached the car slowly and cautiously while her partner watched closely from the safety of the cruiser, passenger door open, half way out of the car, and his hand on his pistol.

Tina had the window down and her license and other documentation out by the time the officer made it to the driver's door of the car.

"You two again?" the officer said in surprise, recognizing Sam and Tina from Baskin & Robbins. Tina visibly sank into the bucket seat of the car. "You aren't trying to tickle her while she's driving are you?" she asked Sam.

"No, Ma'am," Sam said meekly.

"I'll need to see your license, registration, and proof of insurance please," she said to Tina, who handed Officer Phorcey the required documents.

"What's up today? That was one heck of a swerve you made back there."

"I'm sorry, Officer, I sneezed," Tina lied, hoping the excuse would sound plausible.

"Sneezed; that's a new one. Give her an 'A' for creativity," Officer Phorcey thought as she stifled a snicker.

"Well, you should be more careful, Miss…" she looked at the license, "Wilson. Please remain in the vehicle. I'll be back in a few minutes."


"Sneezed?!?" Sam said when the officer was out of earshot. "You sneezed?" she started to laugh. "Of all the lame brained excuses!"

Tina just stared ahead glumly. "Lay off. I couldn't think of anything else to say."


Laughing, Officer Anne Phorcey returned to the police cruiser, waving her partner back into the car. When she got back into her seat, she said, "Remember Miss Priss and Mugsy from the other night?"

"Yeah, the Tickle Bandit and his Moll. I remember," Officer P.J. Wright said.

"Don't tell me they're at it again!"

"It's them all right!" Anne snickered. "She sneezed." She started laughing again. P.J. joined her.



"Call it in," he said around a snigger, "and check 'em out. Sneezed," he shook his head in wonder.

"A bee in the car I would believe, but…" he sniggered, "that's one for the books."

Anne, calling Tina's info in to dispatch, was having a hard time keeping a straight face.

"Peege! Would you shut up already? I'm busy here!" she yelled at him.

"Yeah, sure," and he snickered again.

Officer Phorcey returned to Tina's car a few minutes later with Tina's paperwork in hand.

"Here you go, Miss Wilson," her voice was strained with the effort of keeping a straight face and suppressing the giggles that were trying to erupt. "I'm only going to give you a verbal warning this time," she said still struggling to maintain a firm tone. "In the future," she coughed and caught herself just in time, "if you feel the need to sneeze," she almost lost it again, "either hold the car steady," it was now obvious she was trying not to laugh, "or pull over," she barely managed though her voice was obviously strained.

"Thank you, Ma'am," Tina said contritely as she blushed beet red and took her documents from the officer.

"Please drive safely and have a nice day," Anne called over her shoulder as she hustled away from the car. A tear made it's way down her cheek as she hurried to the cruiser. She was biting her lip and snickering.

P.J. was in the car miming an exaggerated sneeze and only making it worse for her.

"One of these days, P.J." she said between giggles, "you'll be sorry. I promise you."


Tina signalled and pulled back out into traffic. Her heart was still pounding in her chest.

"Thanks, Sam. I almost get a ticket, and all you do is tease me."

"I couldn't help it," she said plaintively. "Why didn't you say a bee flew in the window or something?"

"Cause my mind went totally blank."

"I'm sorry, Tee. I really am, but when you told her you'd sneezed…" She broke down in giggles again.

"I didn't get a ticket, did I?"

"No, she was prolly laughing too hard to write it!

"I thought your license was a fake?"

Tina just shrugged. Then she did sneeze, which caused Sam to break out in a fresh bout of giggles.

Back under control again Sam said, "So, back to more important things, do you think Jon's cute?"

"No, I don't think he's cute," Tina said sullenly, upset with Sam for laughing at her. "I think he looks kinda dorky, but I also think he's a nice guy, and a friend."

"Well, if you think he's a friend, we've gotta do something about the way he dresses," Sam said.

Tina looked like she was ready to do serious bodily injury to someone.

"Look, Tee, I'm serious. With the way he looks, he can do you -- and me, by the way -- irreparable harm in the social department. Here's what I think we ought 'a do…" And they started scheming.

They both agreed something just had to be done, but what? And more importantly, how?


When they got home, Donna was waiting for them in the foyer of the huge house. She gave them each a hug and a kiss on the cheek as they put their jackets in the closet. Tina couldn't believe how much she missed getting a kiss when she walked in the door. It really made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The warm cookies and cold milk after school were just icing on the cake.

The phone rang while they were munching the cookies. Donna jumped up and ran into the den to answer it; Tina took advantage of the opportunity to talk to Sam.

"Is this a regular occurrence?" she asked.

"Yeah; it really gets under my skin, too. I mean, I'm not nine years old anymore, y'-know?"

"Well," Tina blushed, "it…"

"You like it, don't you?" Sam said derisively.

Tina just nodded her head.

"My Mom used to greet me every day after school. Sometimes, she'd have cookies and milk ready for me. I never realised how much I missed it."

Sam just stared at Tina in amazement. "Doesn't it make you feel childish?" she said somewhat harshly.

"No, it makes me feel loved," she countered. "You mean…" her voice trailed off as the realisation hit her. Tina suddenly looked horrified and sad.

"I always hated it," Sam said flatly as her mind worked on her friend's words.

Tina's eyes filled with tears. "Oh, Sam." The dam was crumbling fast.

"Awww shit!" Sam moaned as she got up and went to Tina. She held her close as she cried.

Donna returned to see Tina crying in Sam's arms and opened her mouth to ask what was wrong. Sam just shook her head and motioned to the den with her head. Donna nodded and went out there to sit down and wait, a troubled look on her face.

When Tina's tears subsided, Sam asked, "All done?" Tina nodded her head and snuffled.

"C'mon, let's get you some Kleenex," Sam said, and pulled Tina out of her chair and led her into the den. "You've got to get used to the fact that I'm different from you," she chided softly.

She sat Tina down on the sofa and handed her a Kleenex. When she blew her nose, she did it quietly and daintily. Sam just shook her head. "No wonder she got so much teasing as a boy," she thought.

"Are you all right, Sweetie? Is anything wrong?" Donna asked. And the water works were under way again.

Sam looked up to the heavens as if to ask, "Why me?" and just held Tina close as her raging emotions took hold of her again. "It's got to be the hormones, Ma. I've never seen anyone cry so much in my life," she said. "Gods above, I hope that's all it is," she thought.

"What's the matter, Tina?" Donna asked. "Is it something I said?" The older woman was concerned. Had she done something wrong?

"Nuh...nuh...Nooo," Tina sobbed "I juh...juh... bwah...haah...hawww...."

Poor Donna looked on helplessly. She so desperately wanted to say or do something to help. She got up from the recliner and slowly pried Tina away from Sam and held her as tightly as she could. With her one arm in a cast from the elbow down, it was awkward, but not impossible.

"Honey," she said to Sam, "why don't you go on up and do your homework? I'll take care of her."

"Okay, Mom. Thanks," Sam said, relieved. She had no idea what to do. She felt completely ineffectual.

Tina's tears only seemed to get worse with each endearment or kiss Donna delivered, so she just held on tight and let her cry it out.

When Donna finally had Tina calmed down and under control, she asked, "Feeling better now?"

"Uh... huh," she said weakly and gave a big sniffle.

"Want to talk about it?"

"Uh huh," another sniffle.

"Here, Honey, blow." Donna held the Kleenex for Tina, while she did. "Now then, tell Auntie Donna all about it."

"Wuh…well, I felt so loved and ha-ha-happy when you gave me a kiss and then had cuh-cuh…cookies ready. And then Suh-Suh-Sam said that she always fu-fu-felt smu-smothered when you do that. And I fu-felt so buh-bad for her and…"

She was winding up again.

"Sssshhh... Hush now, darling. It's all right. It's not Sam's fault. She just grew up too much like her Daddy. Give her time," she cooed. "Come on, let's go upstairs and get you cleaned up. Okay?"

"Uh... huh," and she sniffled again. He whole body trembled with the effort.

"Just like Samantha was when she was eleven," she thought, hugging Tina close to her as she walked her up the front stairs. Donna's heart went out to the child in her arms. "To grow up so differently than children her age, to be without a father, and so delicate…"

She lay Tina down on her bed and got a damp washcloth from the bath. Donna sat on the edge of Tina's bed and gently wiped the tears and vestiges of her ruined makeup from her face. All the while, she kept up a constant stream of soothing words and sounds. In no time at all, the gentle touches and words soothed the emotional roller coaster and Tina fell fast asleep. At the change in breathing, Donna got up and quietly left the room, closing the door behind her.

Donna went down the hall and quietly knocked on the door to Sam's room. She barely heard the quiet "C'mon in."

"She gonna be all right?" Sam asked, close to tears herself. She was sitting cross-legged on her bed, hugging a huge white teddy bear.

Donna sat on the foot of the bed. "She's asleep. Do you know why she was crying?"

Sam violently shook her head no. "She was talking to me about how warm and fuzzy she felt getting a kiss when she walked in the door and then the cookies and milk as an after school snack. Then, when I told her how it usually makes me feel..." She trailed off. She was close to tears herself. "Why am I so different, Ma?"

Donna reached out with her good hand and gently stroked her child's cheek. "You're you, and that's what's important. Always try and be true to yourself. The reason Tina was so upset is that you had trouble dealing with the way I welcomed you home from school. She couldn't understand how you could feel smothered when all she felt was love."

"Why can't I feel the love in it, Mom? Why?" She started to cry. "All I feel is defensive."

"I suspect that's why we have to get into therapy, Honey," she said, wanting to hold her daughter close. She was on the verge of tears herself. "I think it has something to do with getting a beating from your father, and then everyone is really nice to you for a day or two. Then things would level out," her voice quavered. "Then you'd get another beating and everyone was really nice to you again." Donna started to cry, too.

Sam sobbed into the bear.

"Could I hold you, Sam? Please?"

Sam nodded her head vigorously as she cried into the bear. Donna took the bear from her, put it aside and pulled Sam close. They sat there and cried in each other's arms.

Once their tears had subsided, the two loosened the holds they had on one another. Donna looked into Sam's face and said, "You know, green just isn't your colour." She was referring to the colour the bruising was taking as Sam's face healed.

Sam laughed and coughed all at once. She sniffed as she wiped at her nose with the back of her hand. "Yeah, I know," she croaked, accepting a Kleenex from her mother.

"I'm going down to cleanup the kitchen. Why don't you go look in on Tina? I'm worried about her."

"'Kay, Mom," she said, a smile starting to return to her face. "Mom?"

"What is it, Honey?"

"I love you."

"I love you, too, Sam. Get cleaned up and look after your friend. I think she loves you more than she knows." With that, she left the room.

Sam went to the bathroom and washed her face. "Does Tina love me?" she thought, "Or is that wishful thinking on my part? I wish I knew." She went into Tina's room and looked at her friend lying on her bed. "She looks just like a little angel lying there. Gods, how sexy she looks."

Going to Tina's computer and turning on the monitor, Sam accessed the story she'd been reading on the computer in her room and read while she waited for Tina to wake up.

"It's really well written," she thought. "She finds this erotic huh? Hmmm… I wonder."

Sam got up carefully and went to Tina's closet. She took out the plaid skirt Tina wore to her parents' house on Tuesday and laid it on the bed. Then she got the short pleated skirt that she'd given her and draped it over the back of the chair by the bed. She went to Tina's dresser took out a pink fluffy sweater and put it with the skirt on the bed. Then she got out a pink satin camisole and tap pant set, lacy pink panties, matching strapless demi-bra and two pair of nude pantyhose. She put the lingerie and one pair of pantyhose on the bed.

Picking up the skirt on the chair she said, "You sleep tight Sweetie, I'll be right back." She kissed Tina on the forehead and slipped quietly from the room.

Back in her own room, Sam sat down on the edge of the bed and called Rochelle. Ro answered on the second ring, "Hey, Ro? Sam."

"Hey, Sam! Wha'sup?"

"Mall crawl! Can you get to the Clifton Mall in say..." she looked at the clock; it was Four Ten, " hour and a half?"

"Um…yeah, I guess so…why?" she asked. "I thought you didn't do malls."

"Yeah, well…this is sorta special. I'm wearing a skirt and heels, so…"

"You?!? In a skirt?!? Well, that explains why you want to go to Clifton," Ro said. "I wouldn't miss this for the world. Um…who all's gonna be there?"

"Just you, Tina and me unless you can get Lee to come, too," Sam said.

"What's Tina wearing?"

"A micro-mini like me," Sam said. "Think you can get Lee to come?"

"To a mall? Hell, she'll be there; she practically lives at the mall."

"Great! See you at the food court near the Cinabon!"

"Kay! Bye!"

Sam ducked into the bathroom, shedding clothes as she went. When she emerged, you almost couldn't tell her face was so badly bruised. The makeup was heavy, but it looked good. She put on a lacy demi-cup bra with matching panties and a tight satin blouse that she'd stuffed in the back of her closet. Then, sitting on the edge of the bed, she slipped on the pantyhose. She grabbed her only pair of three-inch heels and ran down the hall to Tina's room.

Putting on her shoes as she walked into the room, Sam sat on the edge of the bed. She started to play with the hair around Tina's ear.

"Mmm…" Tina moaned, a smile coming to her face.

Sam blew into her ear and whispered, "Time to wake up, Sweetheart."

"Hmmm?" Tina said as her eyelids started to flutter.

Sam traced the line of Tina's jaw with the tip of her finger as she said, "Time to wake up Tina." Then Sam kissed her ear.

Tina's eyes snapped open. "Sa... Sam?!?"

"Umm hmm," she said with a huge smile. "C'mon, Doll-face," she said seductively.

Tina just stared at her. "It's just a dream, right?" she said unbelievingly. "You're sitting on my bed in a skirt. This has got to be just a dream."

Sam giggled, "Nope, it's a mall crawl and it's dress to impress. Let's go! Up and at 'em! We're meeting Ro and Lee at Clifton in an hour."


"I laid out some clothes for you, so get that pretty little butt into them and fix your face. Unless you'd prefer to get changed and do your face in the car. C'mon, move it! We're going shopping!"

Tina shook her head in amazement and confusion. She was desperately trying to shake the cobwebs out. "Shopping? Sam? In a skirt and heels?" her mind raced in circles trying desperately to grasp the concept.

Tina dressed quickly in the clothes Sam laid out for her and was sitting at the vanity doing her face as rapidly as she could. The thought of putting on her makeup in the car with Sam driving scared her.

Tina started to get up when Sam said, "That's it? That's all you're doing for a mall crawl? Sit back down; I can see you've got a lot to learn. The lights there are a combination of fluorescent and incandescent. They'll wash your face out if that's all you do. Besides, what about all the guys who'll be there? You don't want them thinking you're a 'Plain Jane,' now do you?"


"Besides, Ro and Lee are gonna be there," Sam continued, ignoring Tina's remarks completely. "You've got to look good! Here, let me do it. Now watch closely." Sam just touched up what Tina did, and, in a couple of minutes, Tina looked older and sexier than ever. Tina just stared at her reflection, not daring to believe what she saw reflected back.

"C'mon, Tee, we gotta hurry or we're gonna be late," Sam said from the door. As Tina walked past her Sam said, "Hold on a sec. Something's missing; c'mon, in my room."

Tina detoured into Sam's room and stopped in the middle of the floor.


Sam was standing next to the tall chest of drawers and picked up a shell shaped bottle of something green. "This!" she said triumphantly. "C'mere."

When Tina got within an arm's distance of Sam, a cloud of mist appeared. "Hey! What'd y'-do that for?"

"It's perfume, silly. Just a little more behind the knees." She spun Tina around and spritzed her again, this time at knee level. Then she did herself. "There, that's better," she said. "Okay, let's get out of here; we're already late."

Tina sniffed at the air. "Hey, that's nice; what is it?"

"Shalimar; it's my favourite. C'mon, let's go!"

They went down the back stairs and found Donna getting ready to start supper. "Mom, Tina and I are going to Clifton Mall. We're meeting a couple of girls from school at the food court. We won't be home for dinner, okay?" Sam said quickly.

Donna turned around and almost dropped the mixing bowl she was getting down from the cabinet. "Samantha?"

"Uh huh! Isn't it gross?" she giggled back.

" Your face... You look... you're lovely! But..."

"...What about school?" Sam finished for her stunned mother. "Don't worry; it's cool."

"You aren't staying for dinner?" Donna asked.

"We'll eat at Friendly's or something like that," Sam said. "Okay?"

"All right, dear. Just be careful."

"We will, Mom," Sam said as she kissed her mother on the cheek and whispered, "It's for Tina. I'll tell you about it later."

Donna beamed. Her daughter was becoming quite the enigma at that.

"You two have fun at the mall. Try not to spend too much money."

"We won't, Aunt Donna," Tina said as she gave her a kiss on her other cheek. "And we'll be careful, too."

"Be home by eleven; it's a school night!" Donna called after the girls. "If I live to be a thousand, I'll never understand them," she mused as she put the large bowl back and took out a smaller one.


Continued in Part-19




© 2004 by Wendy-J. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of StorySite and the copyright holder.