Crystal's StorySite


The Lost Swords

by Dave Hicks


Chapter 7




After breakfast, Eleanor and Ingrid drove into town to meet Pamela and my slave. The new buildings arrived soon after the women left and I guided them into position, using a hand held radio. Once they were landed, they looked quite presentable. I’d chosen a style that suited the lodge building and they seemed to blend quite well into their   surroundings.

Grace and Susie thought the whole operation was pretty exciting and decided they both wanted to move into one of the buildings immediately. I suggested they wait until Eleanor returned from town. And because there wasn’t any furniture in them yet. They decided to inspect the buildings anyway, to find the room that suited each of them best. Michael suggested it might be a little more peaceful at the lodge, now the two girls had a place of their own.

I was preparing to connect the new buildings to the power distribution system when Eleanor spoke to me.

"Are you busy, honey?" she asked.

"Just finished landing a couple of buildings, sweet heart," I replied. "Is there a problem?"

"I’m afraid so," she said. "We’ve just picked up Pamela and went over to get your new lady. They wouldn’t release her to us. You have to sign for her personally. Do you want us to wait for you, until you get here?"

"No, sweetheart," I replied. "Do what you need to do and come on home. I’ll head into town now and get her."

"Thanks, my love," she said. "We’ve got some shopping to do - as usual. I’ll buy some things for her - the sort of things I got for Angela."

"That’s kind of you love," I said. "I really do appreciate it. What does she look like?"

"She’s short and skinny," said Eleanor. "Really ugly, with a bad case of acne."

"You’re joking," I said, "aren’t you?"

"Just wait and see when you get here," she laughed.

She’d used the controller again.

I flew the new helicopter from the lodge to the airport in town. I hadn’t flown it before and it seemed like a good time to give it a workout, since Paul had flown it home after I'd bought it. After I landed at the airport, I went to the cargo department and signed for my new slave. She looked like Angela.

She didn’t say anything on the flight back to the lodge. When we landed, Eleanor hadn’t arrived home yet. Angela made coffee for us all and we went to the room we all use as a study and quiet area. We sat in armchairs around a low table..

"Do you mind if I name you Amanda," I asked her.

"Thank you," she smiled. "It’s a lovely name."

"It felt wonderful when David named me," said Angela. "I felt like a real person."

"Yes," smiled Amanda. "So do I now. I’m so glad I belong to you David."

It was remarkable just how similar they looked. Amanda’s hair was a lighter shade of brown than Angela’s and the eyes were a different color. Apart from those small differences, they could’ve been twin sisters. I had to admire Loretta’s skill. And of course, Amanda had the same enormous bosom as Angela.

"Would you see that Amanda settles in okay," I asked Angela. "Let her know what’s going on. Eleanor will be back from town soon, with some clothes for Amanda. Perhaps you could lend her something of yours to wear, for the time being. The clothes Loretta gave her are pretty awful."

"Of course," Angela replied, with a broad smile. "She might like the room next to mine."

"That’s great," I acknowledged. "Thanks."

I went back to connecting pipes to my new buildings.

"We’re on our way home," Eleanor announced.

"I’ve picked up Amanda," I told her. "We’re back home and Angela’s looking after her."

"How did you do that so quickly," she asked.

"I took our own personal helicopter," I smiled.

"Cheat," she laughed. "And don’t forget I love you. Is everything going okay?"

"It’s fine, honey," I replied. "I love you too."

"And your new lady?" she asked.

"Fine," I answered. "Angela looking after her."

"You’ll have to take me for a fly, sometime," she said.

I felt the control device give a twinge.

"Anytime," I laughed.




Eleanor, Ingrid and Pamela arrived home just before lunch. By then, I’d connected the new buildings with power, water and waste disposal. I decided to leave the choice of furnishings to Eleanor - and anyone else who might be interested. During the thousands of years I've been alive, I’ve never tried to pretend I’m an interior decorator.

Ingrid helped Pamela settle in. Angela and Amanda had prepared lunch. Paul and Claire had spent the morning with Tseng, learning about Zen, Chinese philosophy and heavens knows what else. Though Tseng couldn’t speak English, they seemed to have managed to communicate effectively. John and Michael had spent the morning fishing. No surprises there. Grace had taken a real interest in painting and Eleanor was helping her, as much as time would allow.

At lunch, the women mostly talked among themselves - getting to know each other - their silence broken occasionally with bursts of laughter. Michael and John talked about fish. Paul and Claire talked to Tseng and Susie on various Chinese subjects. Angela and Amanda didn’t sit with us for lunch. I went to the kitchen and asked Angela why that was the case.

"It’s easier if we don’t," Angela smiled.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Not everyone thinks of us as people, the way you do," Amanda replied. "We thought is was better for us to eat alone."

"I don’t like it," I said in anger "This is my bloody house. I decide who sits at my table."

"We really don’t mind," said Angela. "We don’t want to cause problems for you."

"It makes it easier for us to serve, if we don’t eat at the same time," added Amanda.

I nodded reluctantly. What they were saying made sense.

"Okay," I smiled. "But I know you’re real people, even if they don’t."

"Thank you," Angela smiled.

"Thank you," echoed Amanda.

Since I don’t eat solid food and no one was talking to me much anyway, I decided to leave the table before the meal was over.

I checked my computer for messages. There was one from Isabel. She informed me the information of my slave’s past identities was restricted. However, she had included a large collection of media articles, I might like to browse through later, involving certain crimes that had been committed over the last few years. Like any really good lawyer, Isabel had found a way around the law but had covered her arse in the process. I would have to leave the viewing of them until later. Also, there was no way to appeal against the convictions. The law had reduced them to the status of property and they no longer had any standing in a court of law. The courts only dealt with people defined by the law. It meant they would always remain my slaves. Even more so. The foundation were creating couldn’t own slaves. They would remain my property. Also, the foundation couldn’t own land, for tax reasons mostly. I would retain ownership of the land and could rent it to the foundation, if I wished.

I bought a new car over the computer and had them deliver it to the airport for storage. I asked John to come for a walk with me around the lake. As he’s a psychologists and I felt his insight into my problem would be valuable.

"Tell me the average person’s attitude to slaves?" I asked him.

"An interesting question," he remarked thoughtfully. "I’ve even done some research on the subject. In my country we’ve had slaves even longer than you have. But in general, attitudes are about the same both here and there."

"And they are?" I asked.

"For most people, slaves are in the same category as dogs and horses," he replied. "Some owners get quite attached to them - even preferring them to people sometimes. Some believe slaves are almost human."

I suspected he was testing me.

"Did you notice that my slaves didn’t eat with us at lunch?" I asked.

"Yes I did."

"This is my house," I said. "It’s up to me who eats at my table."

"That’s very true," he smiled. "But it’s up to others to choose who they eat with. They might prefer not to join you. In polite company, not everyone thinks it’s good manners to feed the dogs at the table."

I considered what he said for a moment.

"I can see you’re point," I said resignedly. "I won’t be asking them to eat with us again."

John nodded.

"It has to do with basic human nature, I suspect," said John, "Not to put too fine a point on it - if people think slaves are sub-human, they don’t feel so guilty about what’s being done to the slaves. Slaves don’t have feelings - so how can you hurt them. History’s full of examples of this sort of thing. And it suits the authorities to encourage that kind of biased thinking."

I nodded for him to continue.

"Since the introduction of slavery, racial prejudice has dropped significantly. Slaves are the new American Negroes of old. They make people feel superior in some way. Now they’ve all got someone to pick on. A group at the bottom of the pecking order, that can’t fight back."

"You don’t agree with slavery?" I asked.

"Not really," he replied. "But I’m certainly not going to try and change the system. There are too many benefits to society in general. Ancient Rome had them. They were an important part of their economy. The same applies to us."

"I know," I smiled. "I was in Rome when the Goths attacked."

"Sorry," he laughed. "I forgot about your age."

I didn’t see any use in discussing my attraction to Angela and Amanda. There didn’t seem much point. I returned to the new buildings and spent the afternoon getting them ready for occupation.

It was possible that Eleanor didn’t think of Angela and Amanda as real human beings either. She’d grown up with slaves all around her and maybe she couldn’t really understand what I was so concerned about. It seemed to me, as long as a slave belonged to me, society’s attitude said; I could do what ever I wanted with them.




I relieved Eleanor’s breasts before dinner.

"You’ve been busy," I said to her. "We really haven’t had much time to talk."

"I know my love," she smiled. "There’s so much to do at the moment. Are you feeling a little neglected and frustrated?"

"I imagine so."

"That’s understandable," she said. "Maybe you’re getting itchy feet too. You’ve spent most of your life on the move."

"That’s true," I replied. "You must be looking into my mind again."

"And you’d like to go sailing for a few days," she continued, "and you’d like me to come with you, but you understand I can’t leave here at the moment, and you won’t go without me, so you’ll just stay here and get more miserable and worry about things?"

"Yes," I admitted, with a smile.

"You’re going to have to get a hobby," she laughed, hugging me.

There’s that control device at work again.

"What do you think about the slaves?" I asked her.

She looked into my mind for a moment.

"Pretty well what you’ve already worked out," she said. "Does that make you think I’m a terrible person, because I think of slaves the way I do?"

"No!" I exclaimed. "Not at all, sweet heart. I guess I’ve lived for so many centuries, in so many different cultures, my attitudes are bound to be a little different from other people at times."

"Maybe you need to go out and have a little fun," she suggested. "You might be getting bored."

"I might take Paul on a training flight in the gun ship one moonlit tonight," I said thoughtfully. "That might scare him a little."

"Why Paul?" she asked. "Is it because of what he said about having slaves eating with us?"

"Never," I smiled. "I wouldn’t do a thing like that, would I?"

I didn’t join them all for dinner. I’d only feel out of place while they were eating, so I sat on the verandah. Angela brought me a beer, without me asking.

"Sit with me for a second," I said.

She did as I asked and waited for me to speak.

"How’s Amanda settling in?" I asked.

"Fine," Angela replied. "I’ve told her everything I know."

"Will you get on with her okay?"

"Yes," she said, with a smile. "We’re more alike than sisters. There won’t ever be any problems between us."

I nodded.

"Are any of the people here unkind to you?" I asked her.

"No," she smiled. "Not really. They know Amanda and I belong to you and they wouldn’t dare do anything to upset you. We try not to say anything to them unless we have to. Most of them don’t believe we can think and have feelings, the same as they do. Playing dumb seems to avoid most problems."

"Perhaps it’s for the best they go on thinking that," I said. "The less they know, the better I like it. I realize I can’t fight their prejudice. It’s too ingrained into them."

I thought for a second.

"Why are they afraid to upset me?" I asked.

"Maybe they simply respect you because your so different from them," she smiled. "It could be Paul told them about the tree you punched."

"I was showing off," I said. "That was a stupid mistake. And Paul’s got a big mouth."

I looked at her for a moment.

"Are you able to have sex with me?" I asked.

"Yes," she smiled. "But only ever with you. Angela and I want to make love to you very much. We can’t get pregnant at the moment but that can be easily changed, if you wanted us to have babies."

"Are your breasts real or made of plastic?"

"They’re very real," she replied. "We don’t have any plastic in us at all."

"I’m glad about that," I said.

"You can make our breasts fully lactating too," she said. "We could feed you then."

I didn’t answer her.

I spent the rest of the evening reading and watching the media items Isabel had sent me. Gradually, I started to piece my slave’s histories together. Isabel would get a generous bonus next payday. I’m always prepared to pay for talent.




Early next morning, I put a notice up saying; as soon as the new buildings were furnished, my slaves would be moving out of the lodge to one of the new buildings. I took a walk to where the new community was to be. Heavy earth moving machinery had started preparing the site. I was pleased with the rapid progress being made.

When I got back to the lodge, John said he was planning on going into town and checking on his boat. I said I would like to do the same and I’d fly us both there in the chopper. It was due for it’s first inspection. After we landed, I picked up the keys to the car I’d bought and we drove to the marina.

"I noticed your note about the slaves moving out of the lodge, to one of the new buildings," he said. "It would’ve taken a lot for you to do that."

"If it helps to keep the peace," I answered.

"Still," he said, "it would’ve been a difficult decision for you to make."

"That’s life," I smiled. "You don’t live for centuries without learning to be flexible."

"I’m not one of those people who think all slaves are sub-human, by the way," he stated.

"I never thought you did," I smiled. "I’ve always considered you’re too intelligent for that. My problem is cultural more than anything. And you can image how many cultures I’ve lived in over my life."

"You must know so much history," he commented. "The true version. I imagine you could rewrite most of the history books. Maybe all of them."

"It’s only the winners who write the history books," I laughed. "No one’s much interested in the loser’s version of events. Mostly people believe what they want to believe. You’d be surprised how much history happens when your not around to see it."

"I still find it fascinating," he said. "I’d love to pick your brains sometime."

We spent the morning working on the boats, before flying back to the lodge for lunch.




I had been wondering for a while how much skill and knowledge Angela and Amanda retained from their lives before they became slaves. I reasoned that skills do involved memory but so does speaking English, which both my slaves do perfectly. Now I had some idea of who they used to be, I thought I might try to answer that question.

In the afternoon after lunch, everyone was moving furniture and other items from the newly arrived delivery containers to the new buildings. While everyone was occupied, I asked Angela to walk with me by the lake. We sat on a wooden bench overlooking the water. I’d brought my small computer with me.

"You were thirty-five years of age when you became a slave," I told her. "Amanda’s age was about forty. Although you both look a little older physically, you’re still young. Which means you’re going to live to be a ripe old age."

I handed her my computer, which she placed on her lap, under her immense breasts.

"Do you think you’d be able to access a bank account I’ve set up for you and Amanda?" I asked her. "You can use it to buy the things you need for yourselves."

She nodded, with a smile.

"Show me," I asked her.

She took the computer from her lap, placed it on the bench between us and switched it on. After a brief inspection of the display, she linked it to my computer at the lodge. With a little help from me on security codes, she had the information within a few minutes.

"I had a theory that you hadn’t forgotten everything about your past," I explained. "I figured any skills you’ve learnt would survive. After watching you just them, it looks as though I was right."

"Did I once work with computers?" Angela asked.

"Yes," I smiled. "You got caught breaking into a highly secret government computer system. That’s the public version, anyway. We may never know the real truth."

We walked back to the lodge.

"How do you and Amanda feel about moving to one of the new buildings?" I asked her.

"It’s wonderful," she said brightly. "We’re both so excited about it. Our new rooms are larger and we have our own kitchen, lounge, dining room and study. Lots of things. We can make it a home for us. Thank you so much."

She pressed her bosom against me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I felt myself become excited.

Things seemed to be working out better than I expected, for everyone. Angela and Amanda were happy. And so were the rest of them, I would imagine, now my ladies had moved from the lodge. When we arrived at the lodge, Angela and Amanda quietly moved their furniture into the slave house. Unlike the chaos at the other new building. I sat with Tseng, on the verandah of the lodge, away from the noise and confusion. Without being asked, Amanda brought me a beer and Tseng some fresh tea.

"Is Tseng being cared for?" I asked Amanda.

"Angela and I take great care of Worthy Master Lao Tseng," Amanda smiled, bowing her head to Tseng. "We are both honored servants of Dai Ho."

He bowed his old head in return and smiled.

Amanda returned to her duties.

We sat in silence for a while.

"May I speak openly, Dai Ho?" asked Tseng.

"Always, Tseng" I replied. "I value and respect your wisdom."

"I may not be able to speak the language," said Tseng, "but I notice things."

"Please tell me what you notice?" I asked him.

"They do not treat you with the respect that is rightfully yours, Dai Ho," he said, waving a hand. "You provide all this for them and more. Yet, they are like bees in a hive. So intent are they on honey, that they forget to honor the maker of the hive. They flock around the queen, in the belief that she will provide them with true purpose. Only Angela and Amanda, accept their burdens with serenity, dignity and without complaint. They serve you with loyalty, devotion and respect - even when ridiculed. They have much in common with the aspirations of the house of Lao."

"I acknowledge the deep wisdom in your words, Tseng," I said.

"It is not for me to ask why to tolerate such insolence from them," he stated.

"May I ask for your indulgence to quote from the writings of Lao Tse?" I asked.

"Only a fool would decline to listen to the wisdom of Lao Tse," he smiled.

"‘A war is made up of many battles,’" I said. "‘Each battle composed of many engagements. Each engagement - many contests. One cannot judge the outcome of a campaign by the struggle of a single warrior, on a single day of combat.’"

He smiled and nodded his head.

"How many of these warriors would desert you, if they thought the king’s palace was to be attacked?" he asked.

"Only, the queen, the house of Lao and his faithful servants, would remain," I smiled sadly. "Maybe a few others. The future is already written in history. What has gone before, will come again. Such is the great cycle of change."

"Then how does the king protect his palace from attack?" he asked.

"If the walls of the king’s palace are weak," I smiled, "then deception makes a better defense. The fox will outwit the hunters."

We sat in silence for a time.

Amanda brought Tseng an ornately carved wooden box from his room and set it on the table next to him. He opened the box and carefully set up the ivory chess pieces. I let him make the first move.




It was late afternoon when I’d finished my game of chess with Tseng. I walked over to the new buildings. Most of the contents of the delivery containers had been moved into the buildings. I started connecting the phones in the ‘slave house’ then moved to the ‘kid’s house’ to do the same.

"How’s it going," I asked Eleanor.

"Great," she said brightly. "Where are you?"

"Top floor, kid’s house," I replied. "Doing the phones and computer connections."

"I’m a bit full," she said.

"I’m on my way," I told her.

After I relieved her breasts, we joined the others in the lounge room of the kid’s house for drinks.

"All the heavy stuff moved in," said Paul to me. "The women don’t really need us men for much else."

"I can think of a use for you," laughed Claire. "Later."

"I was talking about moving furniture," chuckled Paul.

"Where’s the girls?" I asked.

"Still organizing their rooms, I suspect," said Michael. "We won’t see them for a while."

I wandered over to the slave’s house. Angela was sitting alone in the lounge room. I sat in a chair opposite her.

"How’s it going?" I asked.

"Wonderful," she smiled. "I’ll start getting dinner ready soon and give Amanda a chance to arrange a few things."

"I want to thank you and Amanda for taking such good care of Tseng," I said.

"We know he’s special to you," she smiled.

"You’ve had a long day," I said to her. "I imagine you’ll be glad when you can get to bed."

"It’s been busy," she said, rubbing a shoulder.

"They’ll be two more people arriving to help you, in a few weeks," I informed her. "I hope that makes it a little easier for both of you."

"That’s wonderful news," she smiled. "Thank you so much, David."




While Angela served the others dinner, I helped Amanda get the servant’s house tidy. Afterwards, sat in the lounge.

"If there is anything you and Angela need," I told Amanda, "let me know. I’ll do what ever I can to make you comfortable."

"Thank you," she smiled, rising from her chair to make coffee.

"The hot water’s not working," she called to me, from the kitchen.

"I’ll check the system," I said. "It may be the power or something."

I went to the back of the house and reset the power switch.

"Try it now," I called to her, through the kitchen window.

The was a pause for a few moments.

"It’s okay now," she said. "It’s starting to get warm. Thank you."

I returned to the lounge. She brought two cups into the lounge.

"David, my love," called Eleanor, "There’s some gentlemen here to see you."

"Trouble?" I asked.

"I don’t think so," she replied.

"I’m on my way," I said.

As I walked to the lodge, I noticed a police car parked in front of the lodge. Eleanor was waiting for me on the verandah.

"They’re in the lounge," she said.

"Thanks," I replied, kissing her.

I followed her into the lounge, where a middle aged man in a suit and a younger man in uniform, sat waiting for me.

"How can I help you?" I asked, sitting down next to Eleanor. "My name is David."

The young police officer couldn’t seem to tear his eyes from Eleanor’s bosom.

"Are you the owner of the lodge?" one asked me.

"Yes I am," I smiled.

"I’m sorry to bother you, at such a late hour," said one of them. "I’m the senior sergeant of police in this area. This is my first officer. We heard the lodge was being occupied and we felt we needed to drop by, to ensure everything was in order."

"I certainly appreciate your concern," I said.

"Will the old place be taking guests again?" he asked.

"Eleanor, my dear," I thought to her. "Please forgive me for what I’m about to say. I’m going to try to engineer it, so he doesn’t ask too many questions."

"Thanks," she said.

"Not anymore," I replied. "At least, not for a fair while, anyway. My fiancée here, wants to start an artist’s sanctuary or something equally as ridiculous. A refuge, where poor struggling artists can come and be terribly artistic and hide away from the real world. She wants to start some private asylum, where sensitive, artistic people don’t have to be upset by the fact that, unlike them, the rest of us have to work for a living. You’d have to ask her, if you need any details about it. I try not to involve myself with any of her crazy projects. It only gives me a headache. Personally, I think the whole lot of them are more than a little deranged."

"No, that’s fine," he said, looking a little uncomfortably towards Eleanor.

"Would now be a good time for me to storm off in a huff?" she asked.

"Perfect, my sweet one," I replied. "The cold, silent look of - I will talk to you later - would round it off nicely."

Eleanor rose from the chair, without saying a word and walked from the room.

"Don’t mind her," I smiled. "These artist are just so sensitive, aren’t they. Please continue."

"You don’t think much of artists?" he asked.

"I don’t think much of anyone who sponges off me," I replied, with more than a hint of resentment. "I’m doing all this for her - that’s all. The rest of them can go screw themselves. I’ve seen five year olds who could paint better than some of these parasites. They’re like flees on a dog."

"Mm," he said. "There’s a lot of construction going on by the lake, just a way from here. I’ve checked and it’s on your property."

"That’s where the whole artistic madhouse will end up," I said. "They’re only using the lodge while it’s being built."

"I see," he nodded.

Michael entered the room, with a smile on his face.

"I know a cop when I see one," he said.

"May I ask who you are?" inquired the sergeant, with a hint of irritation.

Michael withdrew his wallet and handed it to the sergeant.

"Sorry sir," said the sergeant, rising from his chair and handing back the wallet.

Michael waved him to remain seated and sat down himself.

"Any problems?" Michael asked me.

"None at all," I replied. "The sergeant and his officer were checking to make sure everything was in order. I was about to tell him how much I appreciate his concern."

Michael nodded and turned to the sergeant.

"What do you need to know?" Michael asked him.

"It’s only a security check, inspector," replied the sergeant.

"That’s chief inspector," smiled Michael. "I’ve had a recent promotion. I’m on leave at the moment, while they find me a bigger desk. There’s some good fishing here and David is a personal friend of mine."

"Yes sir," replied the sergeant, "All the taxes are paid and the permits are in order. There are no outstanding reports or warrants. I was curious to know what was going on here."

Michael nodded.

"Good man," he remarked. "I like a cop who knows his job."

The sergeant was pleased by Michael’s comment.

Angela entered the lounge and placed a tray of coffee cups and biscuits on a low table. I could see the younger policeman was now distracted by the size of Angela’s enormous breasts.

"Will you need anything else?" Angela asked me.

I shook my head.

"You’re Brian, aren’t you?" said Michael to the younger policeman. "Jack’s son. I never forget a face or a family resemblance."

"Yes sir," he replied, dragging his eyes away from Angela, as she left the room.

"You’re father and I were in the ‘59 riots together," Michael said, with a hint of a smile. "Good grief - that must be over ten years ago."

"Yes sir," the young officer replied. "He used to talk about you often. You saved his life. He hasn’t forgotten you."

"Do you see him often?" Michael asked.

"Mum died three months ago," the young office said. "He’s kept a lot to himself since then."

"I’ll go and see him," Michael decided.

I decided to wind up the conversation.

"Is there anything more I can help you with?" I asked the sergeant.

"No sir," replied the sergeant, rising to leave. "I think you’ve pretty well answered any questions I might have."




"How do you feel about me giving your slaves milky boobs?" Eleanor asked, in bed that night.

"Do you think you should?" I asked in reply.

"There might be times when I’m not here to feed you," she explained.

"Why? Are you thinking of leaving me?"

"Never," she replied. "It’s something Pamela said to me, while we were working on the new houses today. She knows of a young woman, in a mental ward on the mainland, who may be a telepath. She’d like me to go with her and see for sure. And if she is, we might try to get her out of the place and help her. But it would mean being away from you for a few days."

"You don’t mind me sucking their breasts, do you?" I said.

"That doesn’t worry me," she smiled, holding my hand. "You can always get them to express it into a cup or something, if it worries you that much. Their only slaves. It’s only for when I’m not here. But they do have breasts, so you might as well make use of them. And it would solve the feeding problem while I’m not here, wouldn’t it?"

"I guess so," I said. "If you’re sure about it?"

"Of course I am," she replied, with a laugh. "They’ll only be making milk for you. You’re not thinking of falling in love with your slaves, are you?"

"No," I replied. "When would you do it?"

"As soon as possible," she answered, "If I give them the injection tomorrow morning, they’ll be making plenty of milk, in a few days. Between them, they should be able to make enough for you. Is that okay?"

"It’s fine," I said. "Thanks, sweetheart."

She cuddled closer to me.




© 2002 by Dave Hicks. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, compilation design) may printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without express written consent of the copyright holder.