Crystal's StorySite


Jessie and Lessie

by GaryG


Donna grumbled out loud to herself as she pulled the wet sheets off Leslie's bed for the fourth time this week. She had finally run out of patience. Seven and a half is just too old to wet the bed almost every night even with the trauma of a divorce. After all Susan is six and she is dry all the time. It's been four months. His father and he had never even been close. Bill was one of those sports guys. Leslie on the other hand is…well face it. He is a sissy and Susan would never be daddy's little princess. She is just too independent and grown up for her young age. Bill is gone and his generous support check arrives from his corporation on the first of every month. At least she doesn't have to go to work out of the house.

All the usual rationalizations run through her mind. Leslie! What a name for a boy but it had been Bill's dads name and its not that bad. Then he was a little bit of a premie. Even now he wasn't as big as some four and five year olds. BUT EVEN FOUR AND FIVE YEAR OLDS DON'T WET EVERY DAMN NIGHT!!!!!!

Its diaper time she concludes. Her friend Beth has a four year old at least as big as her "baby". He still wets at night and fits easily into size six Huggies. Now that was settled in her mind but what about his other bad habits such as whining like a baby and crying every time his sister even raises her voice to him. Let's not even mention the clinging and tattling on everyone and the hard time he gets at school even from the kindergarten kids.

During the rest of the morning Donna works out a plan. She feels so guilty in the end that she calls her friend Beth to see if she thinks it is way too mean or even worse. Maybe Beth isn't the best person to ask ever since Leslie had that little accident and wet all over her carpet a couple of months ago. He had fallen asleep and wasn't quite awake when Donna picked him up as she started to leave her friends home.

"Perfect" is her friends one work response. Donna leaves right away to do some shopping before it is time to pick up the children at school. Naturally the first purchase has to be the largest package of size six Huggies she can find. At the toy store she finds another vital item for her plan. She leaves the store with a smile and a large stuffed monkey. He is about 36" long, all light brown with a slit in his mouth big enough to hold its thumb. It doesn't come with any clothes, which is perfect. Other purchases follow.

School will be out in less than two weeks so timing is good. Just before school the next morning. She breaks the news to Leslie that he is going back into night diapers. Naturally he starts crying and whining all at the same time. Susan smiles sweetly. She doesn't want to get into trouble with mom for teasing her brother. That can come when they were alone but then the little tattle tail will tell anyway.

Donna on the other hand knows Leslie will have to stop carrying on before he gets to school and even if he doesn't, she wont have to listen.

Leslie worries all day. He hopes that this is only one more in the series of threats from mommy about his wetting. Something about the calm way she told him frightens the little sissy more than usual. One another level, he thinks waking up in a dry bed might be nice but he quickly pushes that idea out of his head and replaces it with a picture of his sister's face laughing at his baby attire.

Now in this home there is a bath routine. At about seven thirty Susan always gets called in for her bath. As soon as she is out, Leslie is called in to have his bath in the same water while Susan is in her room getting ready for bed. Leslie thinks that Susan goes first because he is the big brother. Truthfully, Donna has Susan bathe first because she is afraid that Leslie will pee in the water that his sister has to use. Bedtime is always eight thirty.

At six forty five, Donna calls Leslie in from the backyard. He is informed that his bath time has arrived. Loud crying when mommy slaps his butt after pulling down his pants follows a little whining. Donna finishes undressing her son noting with disgust the brown streaks and yellow spots on his underwear. Suddenly she smiles as she thinks of his future. The boy sobs quietly in the tub At least it has lots of bubbles. Usually he only gets a few leftovers from Susan's bath. He also finds a rubber ducky and small plastic baby doll under the foam. They must be Sisters' but he plays with them absentmindedly until mom returns and washes him up. As she helps him out of the tub, pulls the drain, and starts to dry him, a dreadful thought hits him but he dares not ask.

He knows soon enough. In less than a minute poor Leslie is lying naked on his bed-mommy standing over him with a dreaded diaper in hand.

"NO, PLEASE Mommy. I won't wet the bed anymore. PLEASE"

Ignoring the unrealistic promise, Donna powders and diapers her young son. He is too much of a wimp to actually fight with her. Then mommy does something that really confuses her boy. She smiles and starts tickling little Leslie. She kisses him all over- even on his naked tummy until the red- faced boy is actually laughing.

"You are so silly honey. We both know you don't wet on purpose so how can you stop? Your diapers will keep the bed and everything dry until you do stop. Besides you are just so cute in them! I have to kiss you some more. Let's put a top on you and then we can go wait for Susan to finish her bath. I bet she will think you are cute too."

While Leslie doubts that his mean sister would do anything but tease him, he is so confused over all that attention mommy gave him, he isn't sure what to think. Mommy pulls him onto her lap in front of the TV and holds him tenderly until Susan appears. Though she doesn't quite stop the giggle, she assures her brother that this is much better than wet beds and he does look kinda cute in his diaper and tee shirt. He correctly guesses that his mother has had a chat with Susan.

"Snack time" Donna announces as she puts Leslie down beside his sister and walks to the kitchen. Much to his surprise, his sister sits quietly watching the TV.

"I think this is hers. I don't use a pink sippy cup."

"Oh honey, just drink up and eat your cookies. You are the only one who spills things anyway even if that is really Susan's cup."

Susan has a regular glass yet Leslie has his snack without further complaining. There is just too much going on for him to understand. In fact things are quite pleasant until seven thirty when mom announces "Bedtime for Leslie."

" But Mommy, Its only seven thirty not eight thirty. What about Susan?"

"Don't start, honey. This is not punishment." She assures him. "I read that more rest every night might help you mature a little faster and may even stop your bedwetting. You don't want to be in diapers for your High School graduation do you? Well, do you?"

"No mommy. Is Susan going to bed too?"

"No, silly. Susan hasn't wet her bed for three years. She wears big girl panties just like mommy. Now give your sister a night night kiss and let's go."

Kisses for his sister is a completely foreign idea but under mom's watchful gaze, he kisses her lightly on the cheek and allows his mom to lead him by the hand to his bedroom.

"Honey, try to stop sobbing. I think you'll be happy mommy put you back in diapers when you wake up in a dry bed instead of being cold and soaking wet from head to toe."

"But, but, couldn't I wear Goodnites then?"

Our little Leslie has been thinking while in the tub.

"Baby, Goodnites are just bigger pull-ups. They would be falling off of you."

"Then can I wear pull-ups?"

"Mommy is glad you don't mind wearing pull-ups but at night you need diapers. I just hope these will keep you dry by themselves. You're a heavy wetter after all. Wearing a pullup to bed would be like you wetting your pullup all day long without anyone changing you. Boy would that leak everywhere. Besides you look so cute in your diaper."

Naturally the sobbing gets a little louder and Donna responds with more tickles and kisses until it subsides.

"Speaking of diapers Leslie, there are about four simple rules you need to follow. These are real easy. For the most part its just things you don't do and not things you have to do. Now pay attention because I want you to repeat them back to me when I'm done. One. You never try to put on your own diaper. Two. This is very important. You never, never take off your own diaper for any reason. Three. When you are in a diaper, I expect you to be in a diaper. Let me explain that one. You've been around your little cousin Jimmy a lot lately, right?"

"Ah, yes. I guess so."

" He is still in diapers of course. Have you ever heard him tell mommy he needed to go potty?"

"No he is a baby in diapers."

"That's right. Have you ever heard him tell his mommy that he was wet or that he needed his diaper changed?"


"Last, have you ever seen him jumping around because he was trying not to wet his diaper?"

"No. That's would be silly."

'That's exactly how you need to act because you will be in a diaper too. Mommy has no intention of taking your diaper back off an hour after I put it on you so you can go potty. Also there is no excuse for you getting up once in bed. You can drink all you want before bed but then you are done till breakfast. When you are changed, we will find out if you are wet or not. Do you understand?"

The sobbing is back but he manages an affirmative headshake.

"Good. Now lets repeat these three things so mommy will know you understand all of the rules."

"Ah, Ah, I don't put this on myself."

That's close dear and it brings in the last little rule. I think you will adjust much easier if you call your diapers what they are. They are YOUR diapers. Let me do the first one for you." "I will never try to put on my own diaper. Now you do number two."

"I will not take off my own diaper……..ever."

"Perfect. That deserves a big kiss."

Now number three. That's the one that's harder to say but try."

" I will…..use my diaper and not say anything."

"You are so smart sometimes. I know it's early for bed but I bet you will sleep really well tonight because you don't need to worry about being wet. Mommy will never be upset because you wet your diaper. Now you be good and go to sleep. Maybe mommy will have a surprise for her good little one tomorrow night if he is a perfect angel tonight."

Donna tucks the sheet around him and with another kiss, leaves the room.

Leslie is almost asleep when he realizes the faint voices he hears along with laughter, are his mommy and little sister having fun while he is in bed and in a diaper. Fortunately it only takes three minutes for him to cry himself to sleep.

Friday morning brings a surprise for Donna. She actually has to wake Leslie up for school. Most mornings he is standing beside his wet bed shivering until she comes in to help him into some dry things. Of course he isn't wet every single morning but she knows there is no way he is dry now. After all he went into a diaper earlier than he usually goes potty before bedtime when it was eight thirty. Besides, she gave him a full eight ounces of milk in the sippy cup instead of the half full glass he usually gets. Gently pulling down the covers and feeling the front of the soggy diaper confirms her belief.

"Time to get up, baby." She says loudly. "Breakfast is ready."

The boy's first thought is that he has had a rare dry night. Then all the memories of the night before flood back to him as he realizes he is in a very wet diaper. At least the bed is dry. Mom has already left the room. He hoped she would take his diaper off before he had to face his sister but now he has no choice but to waddle slowly to the kitchen and face the teasing.

"Good morning, brother!" Susan greets him cheerfully. "Did you sleep well?"

"I guess so."

"That was such a nice greeting. Leslie, give Susan a good morning kiss."

"But mommy"

Donna has always resented the fact that that Leslie calls her mommy while the younger Susan calls her mom. Somehow now it is completely normal.

"I think it a good habit to get into, Leslie so give her her kiss now."

Since his sister was standing up, the diminutive boy actually has to stand on tip toes to kiss her. Donna smiles broadly at the sight.

" Now sit down and eat."

"But mommy, what about…?"

"I certainly hope you aren't going to start breaking rules already. I know you don't want to start the day with a hairbrush spanking. Now what do you want to say?"

"Nothing mommy."

"Fine. Then eat your Cheerios and drink your juice."

Leslie wisely doesn't comment on the fact that he once again has a sippy cup. This one has baby Minnie Mouse on it. Finishing his breakfast quickly seems like the best was to get out of the soggy diaper. Unfortunately for him, Donna sends him to watch TV whiles she picks up the table. The channel is set for Rugrats. Once into the show, he is disappointed when mommy finally calls him to get dressed for school. It's getting to the end and he hates missing it even though he has seen this episode several times before.

Donna picks up her son and tosses him gently onto his bed. Once again he gets kisses and tickles before she finally undoes the tapes and pulls the wet garment off her baby. Then she sprinkles baby powder over his diaper area, chest and legs before reluctantly sliding a pair of his stained underpants up the scrawny legs.

"Ok Leslie. Hurry up and finish dressing for school."

The child notices her change of attitude from cheery to business like but does not yet associate it with his diaper.

Nothing unusual happens at school. Everyone is excited that there is only four and a half days left after today until summer vacation. Most of the children are looking forward to playing with all their friends. Leslie is happy to get away from the constant teasing he gets because of his sissy gestures and lack of ability at the simplest sports. Finally the day ends and mom returns to pick up both children. Susan is in the same school though lower grade. She rarely sees her brother and would rather not admit she even knows this whiny little boy.

Since it is Friday and there is no homework, both children go out to play on the swing set in the back yard. Once again, Leslie is shocked that his sister has no comment to make about his return to night diapers. She is as sweet and nice as can be. Five o'clock is suppertime. Already Leslie is getting used to having a sippy cup and makes no fuss over it. Then it's back out to play for a little while. At six, the boy is summoned to the house. Tonight's bath time has been moved up. This brings tears, whining, and another hard slap on his skinny butt. Still he finds himself playing in the bubbles with the dolly and rubber duck. He never guesses that they are his toys and not Susan's.

"What are you crying about anyway?" Donna asked him. " Just because you're getting your bath and being diapered for bed now doesn't mean you have to go early. You can still play until seven thirty."

"But why am I having my bath so early?" He whined

"Because that is what mommy wants to do. Mommy is the boss. Now settle down if you want your surprise at bedtime."

Leslie does like surprises though he can't imagine a good surprise for such an early bedtime. Still it's better to be safe so he pulls himself together and gets more involved

playing with the bath toys until mom gets him washed out of the tub and dried. Leslie doesn't comment on his diapers though he loves the part where Donna plays with him like a baby and showers him with kisses and hugs.

Soon is out in the living room again watching his little sister playing out the window. Donna scoops him up from behind and drapes the startled boy over her shoulder holding him by his legs as he laughs loudly. His tee shirt falls forward completely exposing his Huggie but he pays no attention. It is great fun playing with mommy and it hasn't happened for a long time. It seems she is always angry with him over bedwetting or something. Laughter turns to fear when he realizes she has whisked him out into the back yard.

"Calm down little one. No one can see in our fenced yard."

In an instant, Leslie finds himself being swung around by his legs just inches above the grass. This is so fun that he is laughing again in spite of being outside in just his diaper and tee shirt. Next, Donna puts him on a swing next to Susan. Naturally she is a competent daredevil swinging as high as the swing set will allow.

"This top is really too long for playing" Mom observes as she tugs it out from under the Huggie and settles him on the swing seat. Leslie is happy to be pushed slowly. High swinging frightens him like so many other things normal kids his age do.

"Look at Susan, honey. She is going so high. What a big girl! Isn't she brave?"

"I guess so."

"Of course she is. Do you want me to push you way up there?"


"Mommy is only teasing. I wont scare my wittle boy."

For a moment Donna wonders. It seems like her son is fidgeting around on the swing seat but it may be that he is not used to the thick diaper under him.

The kids play happily on the swings and the slide until about seven o'clock when mom announces that its snack time. Leslie is a little surprised when he is the only one mommy brings the cookies and milk for.

"What about her?" He asks

"Susan is going to have her snack a little later with mommy, dear. Go ahead and eat up. I know you can't wait for your surprise at bedtime. Thirsty from his outdoor play, he quickly drinks down his cup of milk.

At seven thirty mom informs him that the time is come. Leslie gets up from the couch and starts to head for his room.

"Are we forgetting something?" Mom chides.

After a moment's thought the boy goes over to give his sister her kiss.

":Nighty night, brother." Is followed by a friendly pat on his puffy rear as he trots off hand in hand with mommy.

Almost as an after thought, Donna slides her finger under the edge of his diaper as the little boy climbs onto his bed. He is wet.

"What a good little angel. You wet your diaper and mommy didn't even know."

Kisses, kisses and more kisses are showered on the delighted boy. It doesn't even occur to him that he is proud to have wet his diaper at seven years old.

"Oops. Susan will want to see your surprise too, honey. Susan. Can you come in here?"

Susan enters to see her brother lying on his back on top of the sheet.

"I know you want to see your brother's surprise. I just have to get his diaper changed and we will be ready.

"Mommy, not with her in here."

Donna pulls up the surprised boys tee shirt and does a big raspberry on his tummy just above the diaper. It's a method used to distract toddlers all over the world.

"You are such a silly little one sometimes. Not only is Susan your sister, she's also a big girl who has seen little boys get their diapers changed before."

By the time Leslie could react, the diaper change is finished and mom is patting the front of his Huggie.

"There all dry and comfy. Susan, could you throw this wet one in the kitchen trash?"

"Sure mom."

"See, honey. Your sister can be such a big help."

With Susan back in the room, Donna reaches under the bed and pulls out the surprise. The little boy's eyes light up when he see the big stuffed animal.

"This is Jessie, Hon. She is little but wants to be your friend and be just like you. See. She even has the same diaper as you do."

Indeed the stuffed monkey is wearing one of his diapers. In addition the former boy monkey wears a pretty little baby doll style top. The light pink cotton nighty is trimmed with a ruffle at the bottom and delicate lace around the neck and elastic of the short puffed sleeves. On the front is a large drawing of Hello Kitty and when the monkey is stood up, the flared out garment only covers about a third of his Huggie.

Mommy tucks them both into bed and gives both her son and Jessie a night night kiss before her and Susan leave the room.

Back in the living room, Susan is looking a little down but mom has the solution. She starts by giving her daughter a big hug.

"Honey, I know it seems like your brother is acting more like a baby than usual and yet he is getting attention and even gifts while you are being a big girl and missing out. I want you to know how proud I am of you. You haven't teased Leslie at all. In fact you have been a perfect big sister instead of a little one. Now close your eyes and stand right here. Keep um closed."

Donna slips out of the room only to return with a box wrapped in bright blue paper.

"Open them!"

"Wow, mom, it's so pretty. Blue is my favorite color."

"Yes, dear we all know you love blue. Open it."

"You got it! You really got it for me! I thought you said it was too old. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

The gift is a blue skirt and top outfit that Susan admired at the mall on a few occasions but her mom had told her it was more appropriate for a ten year old than a six year old.

"Well, so are being such a good girl that I decided you deserve it. Are you sure you like it?"

Susan's answer is a big hug and kiss for her mom.

"Go try it on so I can see you in it."

When she returns to model her new outfit, Donna also tells her that her bedtime on non- school nights is now nine thirty-a full two hours past her older brother. Mother and

daughter enjoy one of many evenings to come playing games, doing each other's hair, and just chatting.

Saturday morning, Leslie does not wake up until after nine o'clock. By the time Donna got around to taking off the soggy diaper, it was almost eleven yet the young boy seems content to watch TV in his baby attire. Susan has a play date with the girl up the street who is near her age. The girl's mom picks her up just after Leslie is dressed and will not bring her back until suppertime.

Donna notices toward lunch that Leslie is clinging less than he usually does when they are at home. He has no friends to play with and so far has not asked to go outside. Quietly she peaks into his bedroom to find him holding his new friend Jessie. Mom is pleased to see him "check" her diaper and smooth out her nighty and he talks to his doll. She slips quietly back to the living room. After lunch she finds the right tape for the VCR.

"Leslie, I'm putting a movie in for you to watch. Why don't you bring Jessie out so she can see it too?"

Leslie is disappointed to see "Barney" skipping across the TV screen. He thinks that is too old for such a babyish movie.

"Mommy, this is a baby movie."

"Well dear, I think it will be just right for Jessie and you can stay with her to explain what is happening so she will understand. OK?"

That seems logical and soon the boy is deeply engrossed in the movie as he holds the stuffed animal close to him. Donna finds it adorable but offers no comment.

Suddenly the door opens and Susan and her friend Sally rush into the house.

"I have to show her my new outfit, mom and then Sally's mom is taking us for ice cream."

The girls are gone in a flash having paid no attention to the little boy watching Barney with his friend. Still Leslie is sad that they are getting ice cream while he is stuck at home. His mom sees it as an opportunity to further her plan ahead of schedule.

"Poor Leslie. Your sister is off with her friend for ice cream. It seems she is running off someplace or having friends over a lot, huh. That's just the way it is with big girls. How about if mommy lets you have a freezer pop and some juice right here in the living room while you and Jessie watch the movie?"

Freezer pops and ice cream are never allowed in the living room because of the dripping so this is a special treat, which Leslie happily agrees to. Soon mom returns with not two but five items.

"Look, mommy found you a pretty sippy cup with "Hello Kitty" on it. It's just like Jessie's nightie and look what else. I found a doll bottle so you can feed it to Jessie. After all you know how bad you felt missing out on ice cream. You don't want Jessie to feel bad, do you?"

"Ah, no.. But she is a …."

Donna interrupted her son's comment. "Just to be safe, I also found these things for the two of you."

These things turned out to be plastic bibs. She placed one around Leslie's neck and smoothed it down the front. Then she handed him the other one.

"Go ahead and put it on for her, honey. You know she likes you to help her."

Leslie was at a loss for words or thoughts. It wasn't unusual for mommy to put a towel or something around his neck like a bib for messy meals like spaghetti and this was the living room but a real bib? Finally he comes out with his classic line.

"But I'm not a baby!"

Of course it's not too convincing as he half whines. Donna knows that he really doesn't mind it or he would be bawling by now. He simply needs a little assurance that it's OK.

At any rate, Jessie is a baby so he dutifully attaches the Velcro closure behind her head. Somehow seeing Jessie in a bib as well calms the boy down. He starts on his pop before it can melt further. Donna wonders if he noticed the writing on his bib. "I'm the Baby Sister" in bright pink letters.

Once the freezer pop is gone, mom places the monkey across her sons lap and shows him how to cradle it as he pretends to bottle feed his doll. He makes no comment about still being in a bib.

Finally all the food and drink are gone and Donna asks him to take Jessie's bib off her. Only then does she remove her son's bib.

"You know. These are a good idea for you two. I'm going to keep them out."

The boy didn't pay much attention to that remark. He was too involved with Barney. He was holding Jessie close as well. Without realizing it, our boy was beginning to think of the stuffed monkey as his real little friend- one that needed his help and didn't tease him or anything. Mommy's habit of acting like Jessie was a real little girl was paying off already. Another thing that is changing is the way he sees Susan. With all that talk from mommy about what a big girl his sister is and a little boy he is has begun to see her as someone other than a little sister. Of course her staying up later and his kissing her night night has an effect as well.

Donna has another surprise for bedtime tonight. As soon as Leslie is snuggly in his diaper still laughing from mommy's tickling, he learns of the addition to his diaper and tee shirt for bed.

"Honey, guess what? Today mommy found a little wet spot on the couch. I don't know if it was from your diaper or Jessie's but either way, we need a little more protection. From now on, I am going to add a diaper doubler to your nighttime diaper and you are going to wear baby panties over your diapers.

"Baby panties!"

"Yes dear. You know. Plastic baby panties. I know you know what they are. Not only that but I'm sure you are going to love wearing them."

"No. Sob, I'm not. They are for sob, sob, babies."

"Well, so are your diapers. Tell me you don't like waking up in wet diapers better than being cold and wet from head to toe. Now, mommy is not mad at you for being wet and your room doesn't smell plus you have Jessie. So, do you like your diapers or not?"

"But I don't need baby pants, too."

"Baby panties not pants. Those disgusting stained things you wear to school are pants. You thought you would hate diapers too but you were wrong. Baby panties are soft and billowy and even pretty. Besides they make the sweetest little sound when a toddler walks around in them. You'll see. Just give them a chance."

With that she started tickling her son until he was begging her to stop as he laughed loudly.

"Do you want baby panties?"


More tickling

"Do you want pretty baby panties?"


Raspberries on the tummy.

"OK, OK, I want baby panties" He managed through his laughter.

Donna produced a plain pink pair of plastic panties.

"Here you go. The tag goes in the back."

Leslie, while still smiling happily started to pull his leg up

"Whoa, what are you doing? Silly thing, those are

Jessie's baby panties. You need to put them on her. Mommy will take care of you."

Leslie pulled the plastic panties up the monkey's legs and around her waist.

"Not too bad for the first time, dear but you need to make sure all her diaper is inside the panty. You run your fingers around like this to be sure. Now you do it.

Great job. You'd be a good mommy. Don't they look cute on her the way the stick out everywhere?"

"She does look cute." He agreed "But she is a baby girl."

"Baby girls and boys can wear baby panties. Now lay down for mommy."

As soon as the boy is dressed in matching pink plastic panties, Donna insists that he bring Jessie out with him so Susan and see them dressed together.

"You look just as cute as Jessie" Donna whispered in his ear as they headed for the living room. " Do they feel good rubbing between your knees?"

The boy just kind of smiled bashfully. Mommy knew the answer.

Susan told him they looked adorable except for that old tee shirt. Mom gave her a quick nod and smile. Leslie even thinks Jessie looks extra happy tonight as he feeds her her ba ba before they both give sister kisses and trot off to bed at seven thirty. Donna thinks the rustle of his plastic panty is the neatest sound he has made in years.

For the next few days, Mom repeats the process of handing a pair of plastic panties to her son so he can change those on his stuffed animal before putting a matching pair on him over his Huggie. Colors include pink, white with lace, and lavender as well as some with designs.

On Wednesday, Leslie has another surprise in store. After his bath, Donna treats him to his usual playtime when she diapers him but tonight she just puts a pair of baby panties on him without mentioning Jessie. This pair is pink but has pretty dolls all over it.

"All set, honey."


"What honey?"

"What about Jessie? Where are her baby panties?"

"Oops, mommy forgot. Here you go angel." Donna told him. She smiled broadly knowing he was ready for another step.

The boy was used to bringing his doll out every evening now and feeding her a play ba ba as he drank his sippy cup of milk and enjoyed his cookies.

"What's that?" Donna asked as she sat near Susan across from her son and Jessie.

Suddenly she arose, walked over to Jessie and picked up the monkey. She held it up to her ear as if the animal was telling her a secret.

"Humm, I think we should get Susan's opinion too, don't you?"

Now everyone but the curios little boy were whispering and Susan and mommy were all smiles. His curiosity was killing him by the time Susan finally spoke to him.

"Well we all decided."

"I'll be right back mom." Susan said as she trotted off to her room. In a few minutes she returned in her knee length blue nightgown only to have Donna trot off to her room. Soon

she returned also in a long, blue night gown. By now, Leslie is really wondering what is going on. Finally, mom decides the suspense is built enough

"Yep, it's official. We have all decided that you can not be the only one in the house that doesn't wear a nightie to bed."

"But I'm a boy."

"Too bad. That's three to one. The tee shirt has to go. What's that Jessie?"
Again mom holds the doll to her ear.

"Jessie says you are too cute and much too nice to really be a mean old boy."

Before he can protest further, Donna grabs the tee shirt and pulls it over the boy's head. She doesn't miss the opportunity to give him a quick tickle and kiss. Then from under the chair cushion she pulls out a baby doll top identical to the one Jessie wears. The only difference is that hers' is size 2T and his is 5T.

Jessie apparently has something else to say. Once again there is a female meeting of the minds."

"Jessie is right. You should never wear any of these old tee shirts again. She also hates those stained ucky underpants of yours. You know what mommy thinks of them too, don't you? You better. I've yelled at you often enough about your little accidents."


"Girl's rule in this house. Let's get him!"

With that Donna grabs up the surprised Leslie and puts him on the floor. She uses Jessie to tickle his tummy before doing a raspberry or two herself. Meanwhile Susan tickles her brother's knees until the boy begs them to stop through hysterical laughter.

Mom helps him stand up and pulls the nightie over his head as his giggling subsides. She buttons it at the neck in back and turns him to face Susan. The three "girl's decide he looks much better but needs something else. After a couple of more whispers, Susan runs to her room, returning with a hair elastic and brush. Leslie's hair is almost shoulder length mainly because he is such a pain at the barbershop and hasn't been in several weeks so Donna is able to put it into a ponytail high on his head. Now everyone agrees that he looks adorable. Finally Leslie pulls himself together. He can't see the results of his makeover but that isn't what's on his mind at the moment.

"But mommy, I don't want to wear diapers and baby panties all the time." He whined in true sissy form.

"Nobody said you have to be in diapers and plastic panties ALL the time, now did they?"

"No but if I can't wear my underpants and tee shirts………"

"Don't worry your silly little head. Mommy, Jessie, and Susan will take care of everything. Come on and see yourself in the mirror."

Leslie is surprised that he looks just like a little girl. With mommy and Susan telling him how sweet and cuddly he looks, he decides not to protest even when they have him twirl around so that the nightie flares out showing the waist of his pretty baby panties. He secretly likes the feel of the ponytail tapping against his head as he moves. In fact he is disappointed at bedtime when mommy removes the elastic and lets his hair hang freely.

In bed, he squirms around a bit enjoying the feel of the soft garment rubbing against his chest.

"Do I really look adorable?' He asks Jessie in a whisper.

Apparently he likes her answer because he smiles and gives her a kiss before drifting off to sleep.

The boy is very wet by the time Donna changes him after breakfast. It's still early but he had wet while being tickled and no one had thought to check him so he went to bed wet. Even he didn't give it much thought. A wet diaper has become normal attire.

"It's only a half day today and it is the last day of school. I know you're happy about that. No more getting picked on by those mean kindergarten girls and boys."

First mom undoes the buttons on his nightie and pulls it over his head. She folds it up and slips in under his pillow. Next she slips a garment over his head. At first her son thinks it is his regular tee shirt but it only reaches his midriff and has wide straps instead of sleeves. She proceeds to remove the plastic panties and saturated diaper before opening his underwear drawer.

"I was going to save these for a surprise after school was out but then it's only one day. Of course being a half day, I guess I could just put you in a dry diaper and baby panties."

"No mommy, please. I want my surprise. The kids will pick on me even more."

"OK but you'd better appreciate these."

With that she removed one of the pink items from the large supply and slid it up his legs.

"Aren't they pretty? These are Attagirl training panties. They are just like pull-ups but I thought these were cuter. You can just call them pullups if you want or you can call them your Attagirls. After you decide tell mommy so she will know.

Leslie started to cry of course but Donna held her little boy and calmed him down.

"No one will know what you are wearing except, you, me, Susan, and Jessie. You could have an accident in school. I mean you are having a party and all and you might forget you aren't in your diaper and baby panties. These will keep you safe and dry. Imagine what would happen if you wet your pants in school again."

"That was a long time ago Mommy. Why can't I have blue pull-ups?"

"Blue is Susan's favorite color and she looks great in it. She is a girl who looks good in blue and you're a boy who looks good in pink. There is nothing wrong with Susan wearing blue pants is there?"

"No but…"

"It's settled then. Let's go in mommy's room so you can see yourself in the mirror. I have to get you a long mirror for yours and Jessie's room now that you both have some pretty things."

Leslie is able to see the delicate lace at the straps and the little pink bow in the front of his undershirt as well as the pretty designs on the front of his panty. Donna again assures

him that he looks great and no one will be able to see his under vest or his Attagirl as soon as he finishes dressing.

School goes smoothly and both children are happy when Donna picks them up. Of course Susan is the only one happy about spending more time with her friends. Leslie is just happy that he won't be picked on for the whole summer.

Once at home, Donna strips her son down to his pullup and under vest while Susan changes into some shorts and a top in her room.

"Honey, you can just run around like this. It's hot today and this will be comfy-unless you're wet that is. Are you?"

"No mommy."

In fact, the boy is a little damp from almost not making it into the stall so he could pull down his pants and his panty to go potty. A little wet is better than admitting to mommy that he did needs training panties.

"By the way, Leslie. What did you decide we should call your training panties?"

" I don't know. Can we call them underpants?"

"There were two choices dear. Pullups or Attagirls. They are definitely not big boy's ugly underpants."

Leslie couldn't decide. Pullups sounded too babyish and Attagirls sounded too girly. Finally Donna decides for him. From now on they would be his Attagirls.

Back in the living room, Susan comments that he looks like he is very comfy and cool. She is more interested in having her mom put her hair up for her on this warm afternoon. Donna agrees but also asks her to bring out an extra pink elastic and ribbon. Susan's hair is soon brushed and put up with a bright blue scrungy.

"Come on Leslie. I might as well do yours as well. You're going to be too hot with that hair on your neck all afternoon."

"Do you think I need it mommy?" The boy asks timidly.

"It will be much cooler for you. Now come over here and sit in this chair."

Donna brushes the long hair for several minutes to bring out the shine before pulling it into a high tight ponytail similar to the one he wore the night before. This time, however, she ties a bow with the pink ribbon over the elastic and lets the ends tangle down the back of his head. She tells him to stand up to admire her work and then sends him off to play with a pat on his Attagirl. Poor Leslie doesn't even realize the pretty bow has been added. The boy plays with Jessie for the hour or so until their late lunch. He has missed her for that half day of school. He almost forgets his babyish and feminine attire until they are eating.

."Honey, tell Susan what we have decided to call your training panties." Mommy suggests.

"Attagirls." He tells her in a tiny little voice.

Susan makes him repeat the name and then asks where it came from. Donna explains that this is the brand name of pull-ups from Wal-Mart but they had decided not to call them pull-ups. She looks them over, noting the little ducky and bunny as well as the butterflies designed to disappear when the panty was wet.

The child is so embarrassed by all this babyish treatment yet he loves the attention he is getting from his mother and sister. Besides, it is great not to worry about wetting the bed and his friend Jessie doesn't like those underpants and tee shirts either.

After lunch an amazing thing happens. Susan offers to push him on the swings. She never does that. Soon a happy little boy is out in the back yard playing with his sister though a stranger passing by would have guessed it was two sisters. Donna gets several darling pictures with her zoom digital camera. The children play outside for two hours before succumbing to the heat and heading in.

"Mom, you better check little Leslie. The butterflies on his Attagirl must have flown away." Susan told her mother-proud that she thought of the butterflies flying away instead of just saying he was wet. Mom thanked her "big girl" for watching out for the little one.

The boy knew he was wet. He had to go while his sister pushed him on the swing set but he was just having too much fun to ask her to stop. First he thought he could wait and then it was just too late. He didn't know about the disappearing butterflies that gave him away.

Donna just went to his room and took another pullup from the stack before approaching her son as he sat with Jessie on the couch.

"Lay down on the floor, honey. Mommy needs to change your Attagirl."

He got up silently and lay on the floor trying to figure out how his mommy knew he was wet. She tore the sides of the panty and pulled it out from under him before sliding another up his thin legs. Then she helped him up and gave him a kiss and hug.

"I'm sorry mommy. I was playing and forgot."

"These things happen and mommy isn't mad at her little one. I'm sure you'll be able to keep you're your pretty Attagirls clean and dry one day. Now you know why mommy has you in training panties and not underpants."

"By the way, did you thank your sister for taking you out and pushing you on the swing set?"

"Ah..No mommy."

" I guess you better go to her room and knock and see if she will come to the door so you can tell her and give her a kiss for being so nice to you."

It still doesn't occur to Leslie that his little sister's room is a private place where he can not go freely while Susan is now often in and out of his room and even in the bathroom chatting with mommy while he is in the tub. Somehow it seems normal though he would have screamed at her only a couple of weeks ago.

Leslie does manage to give her a thank you kiss and returns to the living room.

With that Donna gives him another kiss and puts a Care Bears movie on for him to watch.

Mom poked her head into her daughter's room and thanked her again for taking such good care of her brother.

"I'm just so proud of you! I tell all my friends what a wonderful girl I have. By the way, Sally's mom called while you were outside. She asked if it was OK for you to go to lunch and out to the movies tomorrow afternoon with her and Sally."

"Can I mom?"

"Sure honey. Why don't you wear your new outfit?

That evening after both kids are in bed, Donna ponders rather her little boy is ready for the next step in her plan. Susan being away from the house for a good part of the day

provides the perfect opportunity. Whiles she debates it with herself; she sits at the computer and admires the newest pictures of her sissy. There is one close up of his face where he has a broad smile and his ponytail and ribbon show just perfectly against his little girl's under vest. In another his sister can be seen pushing him and he is holding on tightly. With his pink training panty, in plain site, he looks for all the world like an oversize toddler girl.

Finally she makes her decision before e-mailing the newest pictures to her best friend Beth. She decides to add one more step before trying what she has planned. There will be many times when Susan is away for hours. In fact, Beth will gladly take her almost any time since she is a big help with Beth's four year old.

The next morning, Donna changes Leslie out of his nightie, diaper, and plastic panty just before Sally is due to arrive. She even puts a pair of shorts and shirt over his training panties and under vest. At this point she wants him to be comfy and safe in his baby attire without being teased.

Right after lunch, she launches her plan for the day.

"Do you know what you kids need, Leslie?"

"What mommy?"

"A new swimming pool, that's what."

"Can we? Can we please?"

"Well, it might be hard to find just the right one though. It has to be small enough so you won't be too afraid and still big enough for Susan to like it."

"I want a big one."

"Right. Remember the one over at Beth's? Her son played in it but you were afraid to even step in and he was only three last year."

"I'm bigger now, Mommy." He told her though he wasn't any more convinced than she appeared to be.

"Let's just go look at some. I hear there is a big selection at the Super Wal-Mart over in Westfield. It's kind of a long ride but we have all afternoon. Susan won't be home until seven o'clock. Let's get you ready and get going. You can bring Jessie in the car."

The boy thought he was ready but Donna didn't see it that way. She took his hand and led him to his bedroom.

"First let's get that hair off your neck. It will be a very warm ride otherwise."

He sat quietly on the bed while his mommy put his hair into the usual ponytail. This time she reluctantly skipped the ribbon. Then she pushed the surprised lad onto his back and pulled down his shorts before tickling his tummy. Leslie knew what was coming.

"Mommy, do I have to wear a diaper?"

"Diapers and baby panties will be safer than an Attagirl. It's a long ride and it might take us awhile to pick out the pool. Do you want to go or not?"

"Yes, but…"

"No one will know but us. You can wear an old pair of your sister's shorts. They'll be nice and roomy. It will be our fun little secret."

In a flash, the young sissy was securely diapered with a white pair of plastic panties-plain except for the little lace at the waist and legs. Donna put him in an old pair of her daughter's shorts. They do have lots of diaper room though the picture of Minnie Mouse

on the yellow shorts is a bit less than masculine. His pullover shirt is yellow as well. He has "an outfit" as his sister would say.

Donna wasn't worried. With the ponytail, people would assume she was shopping with her four- year- old daughter. She even debated adding a yellow ribbon to his hair but decided against it. Instead she put a pair of Susan's yellow socks on him along with his white tennis shoes. The whole time she talked excitedly to her son.

"We are going to have so much fun and won't big sister be surprised when she finds out we have a brand new swimming pool? We can stop for ice cream if you are very good. Maybe we will even get a couple of pool toys."

The boy is excited about getting a pool and maybe even some new toys but still embarrassed about going out in a diaper and baby panties. Holding Jessie calms him down even when mommy hands him a spare diaper to carry for her.

"Just in case." She tells him sweetly.

The trip to the store is only about forty- five minutes. Usually that would be forever for the immature boy but playing with his doll helps the time pass quickly. With Jessie left safely in her seat belt, the child and his mommy head for the swimming pool display outside the store.

After some discussion with the sales associate, she picks out a 24- foot inflatable pool that is thirty inches deep. Donna has decided that the three foot deep model would probably be scary for her sissy while the two foot deep version would be too babyish for Susan. Leslie is so excited that he doesn't even cry when the sales person asks mommy if she has children other than this pretty daughter.

Mom tells the sales person to get a pool from stock with the filter package etc while she and her daughter go into the store for a few items they need. At the door, mommy picks up her son and places him in the seat at the front of a shopping cart and even fastens the safety belt around his narrow waist. She smiles as she notices the obvious plastic panties showing around the leg openings of the oversize shorts.

"I think I will get a new bathing suit for Susan. She is growing so fast that last years' is probably too small. That reminds me, we will have to figure out something for you as well."

"Can I have a new bathing suit too, mommy?"

"That might be a little problem, dear. Your Attagirls or even a diaper will get all soggy in the pool and might even mess up the filter. Besides they would be so heavy you couldn't even walk. That might be cute but not much fun for you."

"But mommy, Can't I just wear my bathing suit?"

"No. Mommy and your sister will feel better if you have a little protection. Let's go to the kid's department and see what we can find before we look for sister's suit.

It didn't take long for Donna to find what she was looking for. The "Little Swimmers" display was placed prominently in an aisle.

"What's this?" She asks innocently.

A blue swim diaper has been put out for display which Donna studies carefully for a moment before declaring that they will have to do. Then she picks up two packages and places them into the cart. Naturally she is careful to pick the bright pink ones but Leslie doesn't notice. He just wants to get out of the baby section.

Back in the girl's department, Donna finds she can't decide between a light blue one-piece suit and a royal blue two- piece that has white trim. As Leslie grows impatient, she decides to get both.

"You know what is really unfair, honey?"


"Little boys and girls both have the same parts on top but only girls have to keep them covered."

"What parts?"

"Your boobies silly or at least your nipples. Why do girls always have to wear tops but not boys especially swimming?"

"Boys just don't I guess."

"New rule. I'm going to speak for the three girls in the house. Any boy that swims in our pool will wear a top!"

"But mommy. I'M a boy."

Yes you are so we better find you some tops, huh. That is unless you don't want to swim in the new pool."

"But mommy."

"No buts. Would you like mommy to help you find some swimming tops or not?"

Leslie is trapped sort of. He really doesn't mind wearing a shirt or something to go swimming. He even likes wearing his nightie to bed. Still, he is a boy-not a girl.


"I want to go swimming."

"Mommy is so happy. Let's get going so we can go get some ice cream.

Donna starts going through the size 5T swimsuits in the little girl section. She finds an adorable bikini in pink gingham print. The bottom would look silly over a swim diaper but the top will be perfect. She muses to herself that her son is so small down there that he could wear this bottom without a swim diaper and still no one would guess that he was a boy. She adds it to the cart as Leslie tries to pretend that is has no interest in what is going on. Next she chooses a one piece in lavender with pink trim. It's her second choice over one with a built in skirt but she decides not to go that far today. This suit has boy cut legs. That will hide the bottom of the swim diaper but the sides are low cut enough to make the undergarment obvious.

At another table she finds a selection of play tops She chooses two. The first one is a yellow close to same color as the shorts and shirt he wears today. It has lace around the

edges and plain white strings to tie at the neck and back. The second one is similar in design but is lilac with pink trim and pink strings.

Next it's finally off to the toy section. Since they are in a bit of a hurry, mom picks out a mask, snorkel and flipper set she knows Susan will enjoy. Then she picks up a pair of water wings in blue and pink as well as a vinyl tube for her son. The tube is bright purple with a blow up head attached. This one was obviously a generic Barney. Still, Leslie is happy with the choices and soon they are back in the car with all of their purchases.

"You're being so good today. Let's go to McDonalds for ice cream. You can play for just a few minutes while mommy drinks a coffee."

Donna buys her son a chocolate cone and takes him to sit at a table outside in the playground area. Needless to say, the cone starts melting in the hot sun and before it is half eaten, poor little Leslie has chocolate all over his yellow shirt."

Still. Donna appears not to mind. She wipes his hand off with a napkin and sends him to play. Luckily in mid afternoon the playground is deserted except for two young toddlers with their mommy. Otherwise a little boy might have been teased since his baby panties were in such plain site as he crawled through the tunnels and slid down the slides.

"Ok honey. Time to go. We have to go into the bathroom and get you washed up a little first."

She leads him to the vacant ladies room and washes his hands and face with a paper towel. Then she kneels down and slides her finger up under his shorts, plastic panty, and diaper.

"Somebody needs a diaper change." She announces.

The boy protests but mommy just picks him up and places him on the changing table and pulls a spare Huggie from her purse.

"This will only take a second and if you are real quiet, no one will know."

She efficiently changes her baby, pulls up his baby panties and shorts, throws out the wet diaper and sits him back on the floor.

As he gets into the car, his mom looks at the dirty shirt once again.

"You can't wear that nasty thing." She tells him and proceeds to pull it off his head. She finds stains on his under vest as well and removes it.

She tells him to sit on the seat turned away from her. The boys wails loudly as she reaches in front of him with the yellow top from Wal-Mart. Donna pays no attention, instead tying the neck and back strings in little bows before turning him toward her and adjusting the pretty garment. She then fastens his seat belt and they head toward home.

"Maybe instead of all that whining, you should ask Jessie what she thinks. I bet she thinks it's pretty on you."

"But what if people see me?"

"Then they will think just what the man in the store thought. They will think I have a pretty little girl who is very fussy today."

The boy continued to sob as she started for home. He might have been more upset if he knew that his plastic panty stuck out of his shorts at least an inch and was now in plain sight with no shirt to cover it.

Less than five minutes into the trip a surprising thing happened. Donna noticed that it was quiet in the back seat. Her first thought is that the boy has fallen asleep but as she

glances in the mirror she sees him whispering into the stuffed monkey's ear then holding the doll to his own ear for the reply. He is actually smiling.

A little voice came from the back seat. "Mommy, these strings tickle my neck."

"You're just lucky I'm driving or I'd go back there and get that tummy too."

"No sireee." He answered with a giggle.

"Yes maam." She replied to see what he would say

"No way Hose'."

"We'll see about that when we get home. You better settle down a little for now, and be sure Jessie doesn't make too much noise back there either."

Leslie giggles again but sits back with Jessie on his lap. Donna makes a mental note to get out Susan's old booster seat.

When they arrive at the house, Leslie makes three trips into the house bringing in the clothes, gifts, and dirty shirts as well as his Jessie. Meanwhile Donna gets the hand truck from the garage and struggles with the pool and filter as she puts it in the back yard. She goes inside to find her son looking at his new bathing suits and top. After a quick trip to Susan's room, she calls the boy over to her.

"Sit in this chair for a minute, dear. Mommy has to fix your hair. It's starting to come out."

In a flash, she has it back in the elastic along with a yellow ribbon to match his outfit. Then she suggests that he come outside and play or watch her set up the pool.

Leslie plays on the slide and watches his mom. Donna watches her son as well. She notices that he likes to move his head to make the ponytail swing back and forth. He also runs his fingers along the strings of his new top as well as across his naked tummy. Still he doesn't seem to notice or care that his baby panty shows so plainly above his shorts.

As soon as Donna starts the pump to inflate the pool, she brings Leslie inside and separates Susan's things. They go to her room while her baby's things go to his room. It is almost time for her daughter to return. Mommy tells her son that he can be the one to tell his big sister about the new pool.

The first thing Susan sees is her brother in his very little girl outfit. After a giggle or two she asks her mom about it.

"Aren't those my shorts my brother is wearing? Is that my top?"

"Those are your old shorts but I think they are too small for you now and no that isn't your top. I'll explain it to you in a few minutes. Right now your brother has something to tell you before he bursts."

"We got a new swimming pool!!!!" It's out in the back yard. It's real big too!"

All three of them walked outside to see the pool. It was now fully inflated so Donna starts the hose to fill it before they head back inside.

"I gotta find my bathing suit." Susan shouts.

"Hold on a minute. I need to talk to you first. Just give me a minute to get your brother situated.

Donna fills the Hello Kitty cup with kool aid and picks up the doll bottle for Jessie.

"Sit here with Jessie for a few minutes while mommy talks to sister. I'll start a movie for you. Now don't get up till I get back in here."

After starting a Care Bears movie, Donna walked with her daughter to her room.

"First let me tell you how Leslie ended up in your shorts and that top."

Mom went on to explain in great detail the events of the day starting with her decision to put him in diapers and baby panties and including everything except what she found for Susan. Her daughter listened with interest and giggled loudly when her mother told her that Leslie now had to wear a top just like she did. Then Donna tried to explain her general treatment of the boy.

"Leslie is not quite like lots of boys."

"He is a sissy, right?"

"Exactly right, honey."

That certainly explains it all. Then Donna proceeds to tell her that the plan is to slowly turn her big brother into her baby sister to see if he will be happier and less whiny that way. She goes into detail about how some big brothers are mean and nasty while hers' has different problems including bed and panty wetting. She also tells her daughter that it has to be secret for now and she shouldn't tease him very much. Again, Susan gets right to the heart of the issue.

"Can I change his diaper?"

"Maybe when you are just a little older if he is still in diapers."

"I bet he will be."

"Me too. Enough about him. Before you look for your bathing suit, check this out."

Mom pulled the one-piece suit from the bag stashed under the bed. She could tell her daughter liked it but wasn't thrilled.

"How about this one" she said as she pulls out the two- piece suit.

This is a different story. Susan jumps up and down and gives her mom a big kiss and hug. She receives another one for the mask and fins.

"Let me check on the baby. Why don't you try on one of them and come show us. Don't forget this is our secret. Only we know he is really your baby sister. Try on your suits and come model them for us.

Mom makes tacos for supper. As she cooks, Susan makes two appearances modeling her new bathing suits. By five thirty, the dishes are in the sink.

"Angel, mommy is going to give you your bathy now. I know it's early but you need your diaper changed and I'm not putting you in a dry diaper or Attagirl for an hour. After your bath, maybe you can model your new suits just like Susan. Won't that be fun?

Surprisingly, Leslie doesn't whine about the early bath. Donna wonders if is because he wants to be changed or perhaps just wants to get into his pretty nightie and be like Jessie. She decides it must be the later because he is sitting still engrossed in the movie.

The child happily plays in the tub having a conversation with the dolly and the rubber ducky. Susan sticks her head in just to say hi which is a pleasant surprise.

Following the routine of drying her baby and blow drying his hair in the bathroom she leads him naked to his bedroom. Tonight, however, she tears open the package of swim diapers and puts one on him. Then comes his one-piece swimsuit.

"Let me do your hair real quick and then you can come out and model your swimsuit just like sister did." She tells him in a happy voice.

Leslie is a little unsure of this but it is only Susan so he doesn't whine as mommy puts his hair in a ponytail and adds a ribbon to match the suit.

"Now wait a minute while mommy goes and sits on the couch with sister. Then you come out just like a real model. Don't forget to turn all around and show off. This will be fun."

He really is cute as he walks out slowly and twirls around in front of his family trying to mimic his sister's earlier show.

All three audience members clap before he heads back to his room. Jessie gets a little help from Susan. Mom follows him in and removes the suit. Then she ties on the pink gingham bikini top and changes his hair ribbon to pink before dashing out for the second appearance.

Again Leslie does his little imitation of big sister to the applause of the audience. This time he is smiling broadly at all this positive attention as mom leads him to her room so he can admire himself in the mirror before heading back to his room where she removes the swim diaper and top.

"This swim diaper really isn't meant to be peed in, so try to remember to go potty when you are wearing it."

Donna again powders and diapers her baby. Along with baby panties this includes tickles and kisses as well as his pretty nightie. He dashes out to get Jessie so he can change her into baby panties that match his own.

After lunch the next day, both children are ready to try out the new pool. Donna decides that her sissy will not be able to stay in the cold water since the sun hasn't had time to make it warm enough for a toddler. Therefore she chooses his two- piece swimsuit.

Susan complains that it's cold but dives in anyway and starts to practice with her new mask. Donna picks up Leslie and dangles his feet into the pool.

"Get me out! Get me out! It's freezing."

"Ok, honey we can try again later this afternoon. Maybe it will be a little warmer by then. Let's get an Attagirl on you for now."

And so, this almost eight- year- old boy spends the next several hours happily playing in the house and out in the yard in a pink gingham bikini top and girl's pullup, often carrying his stuffed monkey. It's OK though because Donna has put a pink ribbon in his ponytail to complete the outfit.

After supper both he and Susan did finally get into the pool together. Donna thinks he looks adorable with his floaties and Barney tube while she also admires the big girl practicing her swimming.

The baby cries a little when he has to get out so he can get ready for nighty night while the sun is still shining brightly. Unfortunately, for safety sake, big sister has to get out too. After her son is in bed, mom apologizes to her daughter for having to get her out so early.

"That's the way it is when you have a baby sister." She replied

Donna hugs her big girl and they agree to do each other's nails now that the baby is in bed.

Leslie is almost asleep when he realizes something.

"Mommy, Mommy."

"What is it angel."

"I didn't get my bath."

"Mommy is going to start giving you your baths in the morning, honey. That way after you get out of your wet nighty night diapers and baby panties, you can have your bathy so mommy's baby can start the day smelling all clean and sweet. OK?"

"Mommy, you're talking to me like a baby."

"I know honey." She replied as she gave him another kiss and left the room.

After a few days of swimming and fun, everyone wakes up to a cool rainy morning with the gloomy forecast calling for rain for the nest three days. Donna has been waiting for just such a weather event.

After breakfast, she gives Leslie a present for Jessie.

"Aren't they just so pretty?"

The gift or gifts are three baby dresses in Jessie's size. All are that very short flared design usually called baby frocks. There is one each in pink, yellow, and lavender. All have some lace and the lavender one has the Hello Kitty design, Donna favors.

The boy isn't sure what to think about this development. Sure he changes her baby panties every day but changing her dress too? Mom lends encouragement.

"It's so unfair that poor Jessie has to spend all her time in a nightie. I know you wouldn't

like it. (Actually Donna wasn't too sure about that but it sounded good.) You can help her pick one out every morning and put it on her either when you get up or after mommy gets you dressed for the day. They all button up the back. Bring her out to show us after you both decide on one. Oh, and fold up her nightie and put it under your pillow just like I do with your nightie. Hang up the two she doesn't wear today in your closet. They have their own hangers."

With that Donna leaves him alone in his room and goes out to chat with the bigger child.

The boy stares at the three dresses. Somehow he is uncomfortable about handling baby dresses. This seems a little silly since he is sitting on his bed in a soaked diaper and pink baby panties wearing a Hello Kitty baby doll nightie.

Finally he touches one of them. Humm, nice and soft. They would look pretty on Jessie and she is a girl after all. In minutes he has consulted with his baby friend and they have agreed on the yellow one. He clumsily takes off her nightie and manages to get the dress on and the tiny buttons fastened. Automatically, he smoothes it out and gives the monkey a kiss and hug. He tells her how pretty she looks before shyly walking out to show mommy and his sister that he has dressed his stuffed animal. The monkey's baby panties show plainly beneath the dress just as his do with his nightie.

Mommy thinks she is really cute. So does Susan though when his sister refers to it as his dolly he shrinks just a little. And so Jessie returns to his room. Eventually, Donna runs his bath and Leslie is soon ready to get dressed for the day.

As soon as Donna has him safely in his Attagirl along with a pink print under vest, she suggests an outfit.

"Honey, wouldn't it be fun to wear your yellow shorts and top today so you could be kinda like Jessie?"

" I guess so. Are we staying home?"

" I think so."

"I guess it would be all right."

"Well, it's up to you. Do you want to wear your yellow outfit or not? You don't have to be like Jessie even though she loves you."

"I want to wear it."

"Great. Let's get this vest back off you. We'll get you dressed and then mommy will do your hair."

Later as Jessie and Leslie played together on the living room floor, mom got some darling pictures without being noticed.

Over all it was a pretty good day. Susan even played a couple of simple board games with her brother. However, the day took a slight turn at about four o'clock. Leslie was sitting on the floor watching Sesame Street with his doll when Susan passed by. In a loud voice she announced in six- year old fashion. "Mom, the baby's wet."

In typical Leslie fashion, he looks down and starts to cry.

Donna looks in to see the dark lines at both sides of the crotch on the shorts. His Attagirl is wet and leaking. She just quietly walks to his room and grabs a Huggie, baby powder, and a pair of plastic panties before addressing her son.

"Lay down. Mommy's little angel needs to be changed."

"I'm sorry." He sobs.

"Never mind. When you wanted to dress like Jessie, I should have put you in a diaper and baby panties like her too. Let's just get you changed so you can go back to watching Sesame Street. The only bad thing is that you won't look as much like your dolly because I don't have any more yellow things to put on you-not even yellow baby panties. These are pretty though with the teddy bears all over them."

The boy continued to sob quietly but made no comment about being put into diapers instead of a dry Attagirl. In just a couple of minutes she noticed that he was again holding Jessie and laughing at the jokes in the program. He stayed in that diaper until after his snack and sippy cup of milk before bedtime. Donna changed his wet diaper for bed just before seven thirty, then let him change Jessie into her nightie before he gave his sister night night kisses and crawled into bed. He doesn't say anything about being called a baby or about his "dolly".

The next morning is the third and hopefully last rainy day for a while. Mom decides to see if she can almost finish his transition to the baby of the family.

"You know what mommy hasn't done for years, dear?" She asks as she watches him play in the tub.


"Play house. I think it would be fun to play house again just like I did as a little girl."

"Why don't you?"

"It wouldn't be fun without you and Susan."
"I'll play." He offered- excited by the idea of spending some time playing with his mother."

"Are you sure? Do you know how to play house?"

"I guess so."

"Let me go ask Susan if she wants to play too."

"Yep, Susan will play. Do you think Jessie will join us?

"Oh yes, mommy. She loves to play."

"Let's see, I'm the biggest so I'll be the daddy. Susan is the next biggest so she will be the mommy. Jessie can be our one year old baby girl named Jessie Lynn,"

"What am I?" He asks excitedly.

"Well, since this is pretend, you can be our two year old. Your name can be Leslie Ann but we will call you Lessie."

"I'm going to be a baby girl?"'

"Sure. It's just pretend. Do I look like a real daddy? Does Susan look like a real mommy? Do you still want to play?"

"Oh yes. I was just asking."

"Mommy gave her baby a hug and helped him out of the tub so she could get him toweled off and his hair dried.

Once back in his room, she diapered him with a diaper doubler and picked out pair of baby panties that was pink with little lambs jumping about. Next came a plain pink under vest. Then she proceeds to braid his hair in two pigtails and tie them with pink ribbons tangling down.
"Here are Jessie's baby panties. You can put them on her while I'm gone. Put her pink dress on her too please."

"OK momm…I mean Daddy." He replied

"Instead of "daddy" returning, Susan(mommy) walked in with a surprise in her hand. It is a baby dress very similar to the one he is still putting on his baby sister.

"Hands up. Mommy is going to get your pretty little dress on you."

And so she did as the boy stared down at his short play dress. When it was buttoned, Susan picked up Jess Lynn and took Lessie's hand as she headed back to the living room.

Both mommy and daddy fawned over their babies, played games like peekaboo and patty cake, and generally treated them like loved little babies.

Leslie is surprised at lunch to find two high chairs at the kitchen table. One is for a doll and one is Susan's old high chair, which had been stored in the garage. Bibs hang on the back of both chairs. Daddy picks up Lessie and places her in the big chair even fastening the straps while mommy puts Jessie in the smaller one. Both are bibbed. The little boy thinks it's great fun when daddy feeds him his lunch consisting of two jars of baby food followed by a smaller jar of baby fruit. After lunch, both babies have their faces washed and are carried to the living room still wearing their bibs. This time "mommy" has Leslie lay down with his head on her lap while Jessie is cradled in "daddy's) arms. From behind them two ba bas are produced. Lessie's is a real baby bottle filled with milk to which his mommy has added a teaspoon of honey. Jessie's is a play one of course.

When the boy reaches for the bottle, mommy pushes his hands away. Daddy informs Lessie that mommy will hold the ba ba for the baby girl. The sweetened milk is a real treat and the new baby girl happily sucks out every drop. Daddy decides that Jessie has also finished her ba ba and produces a Hello Kitty pink pacifier that he pushes into the monkey's mouth.

"Where's mine?" Leslie asks only half in jest

Susan produces an identical one and slides it into her baby's mouth. Even daddy is a little surprised to see how quickly he settles into a smooth sucking rhythm. Leslie Ann is having so much fun with all this attention and babying that she hardly complains when daddy announces that the little ones need to be put down for a nap. The former boy's paci comes out with a loud pop as Daddy pulls it and tells him to kiss mommy night night. Then it is rubbed across his lips as he quickly sucks it back into his waiting mouth.

Mommy Susan removes both his and Jessie's dresses then pats his diapered butt before he is led to his room.

Once in bed, Leslie tells his little sister how fun this game is though his words are muffled by the paci he holds firmly in place. He drifts off still sucking happily.

His mother wakes him up in about an hour. She doesn't want him staying awake long past his early bedtime.

"Wake up babies!" She tells them gleefully.

Only as he wakes up does the pacifier slip from Leslie's lips.

"Honey, we are still playing house but I have to make some changes. Mommy has some work she has to get done. Now, mommy is going to be mommy and Susan is going to be the big sister."

"What are we going to be?"

"You are going to stay Leslie Ann because mommy just loves her baby girl." Kiss, Kiss" I think now Jessie will be your dolly instead of a real baby. Now mommy needs to check her baby's diaper."

He was wet. It must have happened while he slept but he isn't sure. Donna just smiles, puts the pacifier back in his mouth and changes the diaper and baby panties. Then she puts him back into the infantile dress.

"I think you can manage to put your dolly's dress on her. Hurry up and then come out and see mommy and big sister."

The day continues in the same vain. The baby gets lots of attention from mommy and big sister. She even gets another ba ba fed to her by mommy this time. Supper consists of more baby food in the high chair with bib tied in place. It is the one that says "I'm the Baby Sister." She even gets to go into the swimming pool in her new one- piece swimsuit with swim diaper of course.

At bedtime, mommy changes her diaper once more and feeds her still another ba ba before baby gives kisses to big sister and trots off to beddy-by sucking happily on her paci.

Leslie wakes up in the morning with the pacifier still in his mouth. He smiles as he thinks of all the fun he had the day before. Just then mommy comes in.

"Oh, mommy's precious baby is awake. Don't move."

In a minute she is back with a baby bottle of juice in her hand.

"Here baby. Drink your ba ba. Mommy is going to get your breakfast ready and then she will come get her pretty little girl."
"Are we still playing, mommy?"

"Of course we are. It's just like yesterday afternoon. I'm the mommy, Susan is the big sister and who are you and who is that?"

"I'm Leslie Ann and this is my dolly." He answered proudly though he was hard to understand.

Mommy gave him a big kiss and hug. As she left the room, she watched him take out the pacifier and carefully put it on his pillow before starting on his ba ba. It was another fun day of bottles, high chair, bibs, baby food, naps, swimming, and baby games. What a great time he is having.

That night in bed he thought about how much he would miss not having his paci again. Mommy had finally taken it away when he was only five.

Morning came again and so did baby Lessie. By the six or seventh day, there was no mention of a game or a boy named Leslie. Now messy diapers are of no more concern than wet ones.

Two weeks later Donna and Beth sat on the couch chatting as her son and the baby played quietly on the floor with Leslie Anne's favorite dolly. Donna had formed another plan and wanted to discus it with her best friend. They decide to put the little ones down for a nap. Since Beth's little Bobby is in pull-ups, Donna offers her of one of Leslie Ann's diapers. Soon, both boys are asleep together on Leslie's bed with Jessie tucked between them.

Donna's plan is simple. She wants to home school all three children with Beth's help of course. In addition to her academic classes, Susan will be will be taught to be a self- assured young woman with a broad knowledge of how to train and handle the inferior sex-boys.

The boys will be taught together. Beth and Donna agree that the little ones will start with a year or two in home nursery school before starting kindergarden level classes. They will also learn about the natural superiority of girls and how they must be respected and obeyed without question. The ladies also agree that any little girl who is out of diapers will have surpassed the young students in every way and therefore be their better. Excitedly, the ladies agree on some finer points of the boys' education:

Leslie will remain in diapers while little Bobbi will wear pink Attagirls during the day other than being put in his diapers for naps and daytrips.

Both boys will be fed bottles and baby food.

Pacifiers will be part of the school uniform. Leslie will be in dresses though Beth is torn between dresses and very sissy boy's things for her baby.

No toys will be purchased or played with that are not listed on the box for under three year olds.

Those toys will only include dolls, doll accessories, play kitchens, and other items that are intended to lead little girls into a stereotype female roll.

The boys will learn to hold hands whenever walking together. Further they will kiss and hug each other for any or even no reason several times a day.

The ladies move to Leslie's room where the watch the babies sleep peacefully. They can hardly wait till they awake and learn the great news!!!!


The end.




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