Crystal's StorySite

A Kingsley Investigation - Happy Halloween        by: Heather Sinclair


She didn’t think that even he knew what would happen at the stroke of midnight. She had a sneaking suspicion that it wouldn’t be painless. Nothing that happened tonight was painless. She had to fight like the devil to get where she was, and she wasn’t moving an inch till this Halloween night is through or I’m dead. Whichever comes first.

Friday, October 29, 1999, 5:55 p.m. The end of another boring day. I reached the outer door and opened it.


Falling towards the floor wasn’t the bloodiest form I’ve ever seen, but it held a very close second. I caught her before she hit the ground and bounced her body up and into my arms. I could hear her moan as I carried her to the couch and laid her down. I quickly examined her for the injury that caused the blood flow, but came up empty.

"Are you hurt?"

She shook her head in the negative. Producing a handkerchief from my pocket I dabbed at her face, removing the worst of the ick.

"Stay here I’m going to get you a glass of water."

I stepped over to the side table where Suzi, my right hand, always leaves the goodies. I picked up the pitcher and poured her a glass of Houston’s finest tap water and returned to her side supporting her head so she could sip at the rim.

She seemed to gather her composure enough to sit up and hold the glass on her own. I took the chance to examine the obvious. The bruises on her knuckles had shown that she had been in some kind of fight. The putrid aroma lofting to my nostrils said that she had a nice little trek in the sewer system, and judging by the rough marks on her wrists, had been held without consent. I saw that she gathered herself together.

"Why don’t we go into my office and you can get yourself cleaned up."

I lead my guest to the private bath, showing her where all the amenities were located and left her to some privacy. I started to close the door.

"NO!" she started, "Please leave the door open so I can see you."

I thought the request strange, but the client gets what she pays for.

Which reminds me I need to find out if she can pay. The thousand-dollar outfit and five hundred-dollar shoes probably mean yes, but you can never tell in my business. I returned to my desk and picked up the phone.

Dialing the number by heart I reached the deli downstairs. After only a three minute lecture about calling at closing time and an extra ten buck tip, I was able to obtain a cold roast beef sandwich and couple of cokes. I busied myself rearranging my pens and paper clip holder while I waited for the sandwich and my special guest. The knock on the door announced the former of the two.

Returning to the desk the latter walked out rubbing a fluffy blue towel through her shoulder length dark red hair. Hmmm, could be a bottle. I dunno. To say she was a knockout was over stating things but damn, if there wasn’t something about her that struck me strange. Whatever it was it needed further looking over.

"Thank you for the loan of the outfit," she said demurely.

"Not a problem. Suzy sometimes likes to take a jog home after work. She always leaves an outfit to run in."

She filled out the shorts and sports bra quite nicely. I motioned to the chair in front of the desk.

"I ordered some dinner, before we get down to business."

"That was very thoughtful of you. I guess what I’ve heard about you is all true."

Damn, my reputation is proceeding me.

"Well, you can’t believe everything you hear in this city."

She smiled, "I hope I can. You may be the only person who can help me."

"Well, you seem to have me at a disadvantage. You know me, but I don’t seem to know you."

"I’m Edie Forrest. Mr. Kingsley, and as strange as this is going to sound last night I went to sleep a man and woke up like this."

I don’t get caught off guard. It’s not in the job description. But as God as my witness I stared her straight in the eyes and blinked. I looked up and around searching for the hidden camera of which there was none. It was my office. Then I returned my gaze to her eyes again, those sapphire blue eyes.

"Look, Edie. It looks as if you have been through a lot. Why don’t we just take it from the top and let’s see what I can do to help you."

She took a sip from here glass and set it down on the desk.

"Well Mr. Kingsley, How should I start…ah yes, I think it started yesterday morning at the Starbucks on Highway 6. I had just gone in to get my usual latte, and I bumped into a woman on her way out. She seemed in a huff about something, but I didn’t care one way or the other.

"I ordered my coffee, paid and left, Just like every other day. When I went back to my car she was waiting for me. She seemed in distress. I asked if there was anything I could do to help her. She told me her battery was dead and she was late for a meeting that would cost her firm a large account, and worse her job. After finding out where she needed to be, which was about 2 blocks out of my way, I offered her a ride.

"She flashed me a smile that melted me in my tracks. I gestured to the car and we both climbed in. The time in route was filled with meaningless conversation about family, friends, work, and favorite foods. When we reached our destination, she fumbled through her purse. She pulled out a few dollars and tried to offer me gas money. I politely refused and thanked her. She stared at me thoughtfully and leaned over and quickly kissed me. Don’t get me wrong, I loved every second of it, but I don’t normally kiss people I just met. As she pulled away I felt a little prick on the back of my neck where she had her hand.

"I thought it was her nails, and didn’t give a second thought. The rest of the day was normal. I went to work, lunch, then back to home. I ate dinner, watched the baseball game and passed out in front of the TV.

"The next morning I awoke to the strangest sensations. It was the feeling of cool satin sheets and the warmth of a body next to me. My eyes flew open and I saw it was a guy lying next to me, asleep. I was out of the bed in a split second reaching for my gun in the bedside table, but there was no table. Something else was wrong too. I felt really off balance, and I must have still been half asleep because I hadn’t noticed that I was a girl now. I turned in the unfamiliar room, found the bathroom and rushed in. It was true, there I was staring at the person you see now Mr. Kingsley."

"Bob, call me Bob."

"I was a girl, Bob. I couldn’t figure it out. Was I going insane? Was this some kind of a nightmare? I heard someone stirring in the next room and I froze, stock still, in terror. I finally had sense enough to close the door to the bathroom and I listened at the door. I heard movement and soon was rewarded with a knock at the door. He said he had a great time last night, but he had to get to work, and I was welcome to stay as long as I like just to lock up when I left.

"The sound of the front door was next, it closed and I released a breath that I hadn’t realized I was holding. I opened the door and made my way to the bedside to grab what I guessed were my clothes. It was then that I noticed evidence of ...well...they had sex. Needless to say I showered, dressed and headed to the front door.

"I spotted a purse on the coffee table and guessed it went with the body. I snatched it on the way to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, I eyed a plate of biscuits and bacon. I also grabbed the carton of orange juice, and set the lot down on the breakfast table.

"I poured the items on the table in front of me and immediately noticed all the tell tale signs of womanhood, pocketbook, compact, keys, lipstick, address book, tampon, etc. One item did catch my eye, a diary! I opened it quickly and scanned the contents. It was all very common stuff till a few days ago. There was a noticeable handwriting change. The old seemed normal female script, rounded out letters, but now it took the appearance of scratch.

"Apparently the person who inhabited this body before me was not what she seemed. From what I could figure out the diary spoke of bizarre rituals and black magic. I could barley make out most of the writing, but you could tell it was intended for another person.

"Then the idea came to me to call home. If I was in this woman’s body then she might be in my own. I reached for the phone and dialed my number. I waited on pins and needles till I answered the phone…uh, she answered…oh, you know what I mean. Well she/I answered and before I could say anything she screamed out "NEVER TRY TO FIND ME AGAIN!!!" I dropped the phone and stepped back. Shit! How did she/I know it was me?

"I bent down and grabbed the receiver and hung up as quickly as I could. I turned and shoveled everything into the purse and made a beeline to the front door. I opened the door and headed to what I hoped was the right car. It thankfully started up and I headed to my house. It only took about fifteen minutes but I arrived and jumped out, heading to the front door. Before I made it around the front of the car, She/I grabbed me from behind. I screamed and tried to get away, but I knew I worked out everyday and was in excellent shape, it was useless. She/I pulled me into the garage stuffed me into the back of my Range Rover. A pair of handcuffs suddenly appeared and I was bound to the seat support. The duct tape was next covering my mouth. I was helpless.

"I heard the SUV start up and back out of the driveway. It seemed like it took about an hour to get where we were going. Then the back hatch opened and their she/I stood. The cuffs were undone briefly till I was loose of the SUV. In one hand I was being held and in the other she/I carried a large jug filled with some kind of liquid. I noticed we were underground and wondered about my fate. Please God, don’t let that be gasoline in the jug. She stopped suddenly. "Do you know what is outside that wall over there?"

I looked and didn’t have a clue.

"It’s Buffalo Bayou."

I was still dumbfounded. Why would that matter. She bent over and undid a manhole cover. I looked down and noticed a drainpipe that led in the direction of the aforementioned Bayou.

"Have you ever heard tale of the alligators that frequent the Houston sewers?"

My eyes squinted in response to Her/my statement. She opened the jug and my eyes widened. I tried to step back but I was soon covered, to my horror, in blood. I screamed under my duct-taped mouth. She/I grabbed me and covered my head with a hood. Then all I could sense was falling into the manhole. Thank goodness I landed on my feet and rolled with the fall. The last thing I heard was Her/My voice."I can’t have you messing up my plans. I just need another day, till Halloween is over, and then I can live forever. Your life was nothing, now I’m making you into a GOD!"

The manhole cover was replaced and I was screwed."


Chapter 2

"I had heard about the alligator stories when I was a kid, all kids hear the stories. I was about to find out first hand if they wear true, but first I had to get this damn hood off. I slipped my bound hands under my ass, and my legs through, one at a time. Then reaching for the hood I pulled it off only to be rewarded with pitch black again. Something was different this time. I could smell. UGH! It wasn’t raw sewage, but it might have well have been. I made a feel for my pants pocket to retrieve my lighter, but as you know I was wearing a skirt. I was so disoriented, but I tried to keep my wits about me. That’s when I felt it. If I wasn’t so wet I might have missed it. I felt a very light breeze brush my skin and I immediately knew that was my way out. My captor had inadvertently given me my means of escape.

"I turned into the breeze and made my way to freedom through the outlet pipe draining into the bayou. I made it to the opening and found it barred. Damn! Of course it would be. Wouldn’t want some stupid person walking around in the sewers, hell, they might be eaten by alligators.

All I was thinking was how bad this day has gone. I turned around and headed back into the darkness. My eyes adjusted to where I could barely see my hand in front of my nose. It was better than nothing. I must have wandered around half the all night and most of the next day. Once the sun came out my vision got better. There were bits of sunlight peeking through hole covers. I tried screaming, but nobody heard or was unwilling to help a woman in need. Eventually I made my way out through a utility access port. But guess what …all the alligator stories were bullshit.

"Once I was out I had more than enough light to make my way to a local gas station, that was thankfully closed. I had found an old screwdriver and with a little leverage had managed to slip out of the cuffs. By this time I was exhausted. Then I noticed your name on the sign in front of this building and remembered seeing an article about you in the Chronicle a few months back.

"Yes, I remember the article Ms. Forrest."

"Well, the rest you know," she finished.

"I must say Ms. Forrest, that was quite a tale," Kingsley commented rather skeptically.

She frowned, knowing how fantastic this whole thing sounded. She knew no one would believe her.

"Look Mr. Kingsley, I’ll make you a deal," she said grimly "I’ll pay you double your normal rate, with a ten thousand dollar bonus if you take this case and get my body back."

"Ms. Forrest, if what you say is true, then do you have the means to back up that offer?"

She got up and made her way around the desk to the computer.

"Do you have Internet access?"

I nodded.

She began typing. "I have resources that this person doesn’t realize."

As she was typing I leaned in to see the screen. Apparently she had a substantial amount of money in an account in the Cayman’s. She held in queue a transfer made out to the agency for the amount of fifteen thousand dollars. All I would need is the transfer code and the money would be mine.

"Wow, you weren’t kidding. You do have resources."

"I meant every word of what I said Mr. Kingsley. But remember she has a time limit, and that was tonight at midnight. After that I don’t know if whatever he did to me can be reversed."

I walked over to an ornate cabinet, found the trip switch and triggered it. The doors opened and I looked at my choice of weaponry. I chose a dart gun and a handful of tranquilizer darts. I couldn’t risk harming the body if it really is hers.

"Ok, where do you live?"


It didn’t take long to arrive in her neighborhood. We had stopped off at a local department store where I purchased some more appropriate clothing. Now she was dressed in black tights, and a black cover-up with black running shoes. We parked about a block away from the house and approached on foot. I noticed that there were no lights on in the house. She led me around to the back door where she kept a spare key in hiding.

"Do you have a workshop back there," I pointed

"As a matter of fact I do. Why?"

"Cause the light is on."

I loaded the first dart into the back of the pistol and stood ready.

"You stay here. I don’t need you getting in the way."

She seemed insulted but obeyed my command. I made my way around to the side window where the light was emanating and peered cautiously through the glass. Everything seemed normal. Work bench, tools hanging on the wall, table saw, bubbling caldron, guy throwing a dead bat into the caldron. Hold it, back up. Yup, it was a guy throwing a dead bat into a bubbling caldron. Will wonders never cease? I held still, watching the guy at work. Occasionally he would reach into leather bag at his side and pull out a small amount of what I hoped was spice, that when added produced a noxious black mist that would rise out of the smoking pot.

I noticed a clear shot from an opposing window that was ajar, so I made my way around the shed and to my new vantage point. I peered once again to get my barring. One thing was missing…my target. Damn, I’ve been spotted. My senses went to hyper alert. Every bug chirp was a thousand times louder. I turned and place my back against the wall using my peripheral vision to scan the area. Nothing. I hear a muffled scream. Damn! I was up in a heartbeat and heading for my client. There he was. His arm was around her neck and a big knife was at her throat.

"You people are seriously impeding my progress tonight." He grunted through gritted teeth.

"That why she pays me the big bucks. Now why don’t you let her go and we can talk this over like gentlemen," I said softly.

I had him in my sights, but I knew that the sedative would not act fast enough to prevent him from slitting her throat. I had to think of something else. I knew everyone was full of shit about tonight. The possibility of people switching bodies was highly improbable if not impossible. So I really didn’t have anything to lose if I let him complete the spell, potion or whatever it was he was doing.

"Look, if you want we can sit to the side while you finish what you were doing. Just give me the benefit of the doubt. I don’t think it’s for real and you two obviously do. Let’s make a deal. You tie us up, and do your thing. If at midnight you complete your spell and it works then we go our separate ways, but if it doesn’t then both of you go with me to a nice doctor friend of mine."

I didn’t take my eyes off the bad guy as he quickly considered the options, and quickly was the operative word. It took all of about three seconds for him to decide.


I didn’t know whether to jump for joy or kick myself.

Edie immediately protested, "NO! Kingsley! Have you gone totally nuts? That’s MY body!"

"Just go along with it Edie. It will all be over with one way or another in a couple hours anyway."

The bad guy led us into the shed and I held Edie at bay while he tied her with some cord. Then I was next. The stench of something cooking overpowered me and made me gag.

"What is that smell?" I spat.

"Well Mr. Kingsley, that smell is my salvation. You see I have lived for four hundred and sixty three years, and in order to live for another hundred years I have to appease my demon then she will grant me new life and new powers. The ritual has to be performed at midnight on All Hallows Eve and must not be disturbed. That is why I had to get rid of my body swap. "

"But why switch bodies?" asked Edie.

"Well, that part I must say was an accident. Apparently I must have scratched you when we kissed the other day my dear. You see the ring is the key to the transformation. It requires the blood of the intended victim to activate. You can’t imagine my surprise when I woke up in the body of a man yesterday morning. I didn’t think it would work across the sex lines, but then again you learn something everyday, don’t you. Now if you will excuse me, I have work to do."

Now that she had her back turned and was across the room. I slipped the belt knife from its sheaf where it was hidden in the small of my back, and went to work on my bonds. Once they were done I cut Edie loose, but whispered to her to keep the illusion up till I had a plan to get us out of this situation. I kept a close eye on the clock hanging on the wall. Two hours worked it way down to thirty minutes and so on. Ten more minutes. The closer we get to midnight, the more his attention will be on his potion or what ever he was doing. I’d have to wait for the last second before I could act.

Three minutes

Two minutes



I jumped from my chair and was across the room in a split second. The bad guy was suddenly aware of a presence behind him and started to turn when I kidney punched him. He went down like a sack of potatoes. I didn’t see the knife that he had ready till it was in my Thigh. I went down also. Ms. Forrest was quick with her reaction and drop kicked him in the head, till he was out cold.

"Are you ok," she asked

"No, I’m not. I’m a dead man," I gasped "He drove that knife through an major artery. I’ve got about five minutes before I bleed out. I’m already getting dizzy."

I tried to staunch the flow of blood, but it was no use.

"I’ve got an idea. Do you trust me?"

"Sure, for the few minutes I’ve got."

She bent to her old body and took his ring hand. Reaching over to Kingsley she scratched him across the leg collecting some blood for the ring. Then she took off the ring and placed it on her finger and scratched her old body. She looked at Kingsley and saw that he was passed out already. Then she looked at the clock.

Five seconds after midnight.

"Dear God, please let it work."


The next morning I awoke and noticed the bad guy was staring down at me.


"You’ve got to stop saying that," he laughed.

My head cleared a little.

"Ms. Forrest?"

"Call me Edie, that is E.D. Forrest. It’s my real name."

"You got your body back. Then that must mean."

It was then that I noticed my voice seemed a little higher than normal. E.D. handed me a mirror.

"Holy Shit, I’m a woman!"




© 1999
The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission.