Crystal's StorySite



by: Miss Teerius


"We find the defendant, Charles Aaron Flanders, not guilty on all charges."

A wave of relief swept over me as I tried to keep the self-satisfied smile from my lips. My lawyer had successfully used all the tricks in his portfolio, and some REALLY tough cross-examination of the victims, to get me off. I was free!

The weeks of worry, that, somehow, the prosecution would find witnesses or supporting evidence, were over. I could never be tried for those offenses again. It was a fantastic stroke of luck, for me, and stupidity on the part of the prosecution, that they had proceeded with all of the cases at the same trial. Especially when none of the ladies involved had the fortitude to stand up to cross-examination.

Now that I had seen first hand how the system protects the rights of the accused, I was already thinking about how much I wanted to see that look of fear again. Thinking of the mouse-like cowering, the pleading, even the woman who initially fought back, all served to swell my excitement. A light sheen of sweat was forming on my forehead as the tension of not showing my arousal and triumph built in me. *I - COULDN'T - let this show now.* There were too many eyes on me at the moment, there would be another time for the planning, the anticipating, the savouring....

I had always chosen very carefully. It would never do, to "take" a lady who had relatives or even close friends who might take the law into their own hands.

I decided to be even more careful this next time. There was, after all, now, notoriety attached to my name.

" CHUCK! Are you all right?" my lawyer asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just relieved, that's all."

"Well you keep your nose clean, I won't always be this successful, especially if you are brought up on similar charges in the future."

"Relax, I'm innocent, the jury said so, right?"

She gave me a withering look as if to say she knew otherwise. I had believed, and the case bore it out, a female lawyer would present an image of sincerity for my plea.

That night I received the first visit. It was so dream-like I didn't take it seriously, and almost forgot about it, until after.

I have no idea what woke me, but I looked at the bedside clock, it read 00:00

*We have come to right a travesty of justice.*

It wasn't a voice so much, as thoughts forming in my mind. There were nine, quite lovely ladies, of indeterminate age, all in black, standing - well sort of hovering, at the foot of my bed.

*You have done WRONG and will NOT escape punishment.*

What had almost started getting me excited (the nine lovelies) now, along with the icy stares, sent a shiver up and down my spine.

"Fuck you, I was cleared of any charges. You can't do a fucking thing to me!" I blustered.



*The punishment must fit the crime!*

Then my room was empty. I had a hard time falling asleep, with those echoes running through my head. But I must have, because my next conscious thought was that I felt completely rested. It was morning and was sure the entire episode had been just a weird sort of dream.

I went to work, as I normally do, walking the two miles briskly, feeling on top of the world. My employer welcomed me back saying he never thought I was guilty. I went back to my cubicle and immediately immersed myself in the weeks of backlog that had accumulated during my trial.

One strange, seemingly residual effect of my dream the previous night; all day whenever my thoughts strayed to plans of my next "adventure" that echo would send me into a spasm of shivers and cold sweat. It didn't last long, just a split second, but it was enough that after three or four tries, I kept my mind on my work. ((*the punishment must fit the crime.*)) "Nah, fuck no!" I had said it out loud and the other clerks heard and looked at me questioningly. I just smiled and shook my head, and they soon went back to their tasks.

My job keeps me in wholesome groceries, pays the rent on my bachelor suite and allows me to drive a four year old Geo (with five payments still due); and precious little else. The mediocrity might be part of the reason for my "exploits", I don't know, I'm not a psychologist.

When I got home from work I made myself a chef's salad for supper and settled down to watch TV for the evening. I dozed off, I guess, because the next thing I remember there were the nine.

*You have four times transgressed against the weak, against the meek, against our sisters.*

The TV was still on and I could see it right through the center woman.

"Hey, I told you fucking bitches yesterday, I was fucking acquitted."


I couldn't move a muscle, I couldn't even blink.

*You WILL feel their pain, you WILL feel their sorrow, you WILL feel their humiliation.*

*Your punishment is to live the rest of your life as one of those you have transgressed against.*

They all raised their arms in a sort of arch over me. There was a boom that wasn't a boom, that seemed to shake me to my core, and I felt a tingle all over my body.

*It is done.*

"What in heavens name is going on here!!" I finally was able to talk again and and and...

*Your body now possesses "XX" chromosomes, which are a composite of the four you have hurt. Each cell will begin altering itself to its new blueprint just as if a virus had invaded your body and insinuated its DNA into every cell at once. The cells will rebuild themselves in just over 2 days; depending on how much must be accomplished, soft tissue organs, a week to two months; solid structures, like your skeleton, will change over the next year, to the completely feminine body that is and will be yours.*

I was in a daze. "But, but, but... How can you do this?"

They were gone.

I must have passed out sometime during the night. All I could remember was the darkness and protestations raging through my mind and FEAR; TERROR!

The morning light brought a slight fading of the memories. I started rationalizing it all away as I got up to use the bathroom. - All normal - I looked in the mirror as I washed my hands and face afterward and saw what I always had. A chuckle began in my belly and soon developed into a hardy laugh. How could I, a balding, 6' 2", 220 lb. male, become one of those cute little chicks. LUDICROUS!! I would have to stop eating SOMETHING that was upsetting my system like that. WOW, what a nightmare.

I went to work, but I was feeling a little under the weather. As I went to my office several of the clerks made comments about how pale I looked, etc. I shrugged off their words of concern and got to work. By noon I was definitely not well, the boss came in and sent me home for the day, asking if I needed a taxi. One of the secretaries (whom I hadn't known before) offered me a lift. And with everyone looking on with sympathy I gratefully accepted. My mind was in a fog as we got into her car. I thought there was something familiar about her face...

THE DREAM!!!!! My head snapped around. She was one of the dream ladies.

"What is happening to me?!" I demanded.

"You look like you have caught some sort of virus, dear."

"What have you done? I don't want to be a woman!!!! How can I be a woman? How will I live?"

"Oh, come now, over half the people on Earth are female, they get along just fine. And you won't LOOK fully female for at least two weeks. Although you had better not see a doctor until your vagina forms, otherwise you would never be able to explain yourself. With completely female DNA and well ..."

"What about all my friends and family? I mean how will I explain ... Oh, oh, oh, this can't be happening to me!" I still hadn't caught on to the fact that I COULD NOT swear no matter how hard I tried. (not that I did try) Swear words didn't even come to mind, no matter how upset I was. The really strange part is, mostly, I felt relieved - relieved of the burden to use foul language from now on.

By the time she had driven me home, (She KNEW where I lived, after all) I was so tired and sore she had to help me to my apartment and even into bed. I was barely able to lift my arms. "I'll be here when you need help, dear, these first few days may be a little difficult." and with that she seemed to fade out, as if into thin air.

I slept.

The next time I woke up, it was morning again. Gweneth, the witch from my office, was making coffee and toast in my kitchen. It smelled heavenly. I couldn't believe how hungry I was.

"Good morning, dear. You've been asleep for two nights and a day. How do you feel?"

"Better." I croaked. Hrrrrrm, I felt as if I had a CHORUS of frogs in my throat. I didn't sound at all like myself. "Two days! I still feel weak. I can hardly move. But I surely would love some of that coffee and toast." Well, the frogs were gone but - "MY VOICE!!!! It's higher!"

Bringing in the breakfast, she said, "Hi, I'm Gweneth. I'm sorry for not introducing myself earlier, but I just didn't think you were ready for it. Oh, the voice, yes, well you had better make arrangements to quit your job, before it climbs any higher and they won't believe it's you anymore."

"QUIT MY JOB!?!?!?!?!?! How will I live?"

"We'll help you gain employment once your body is functionally female. We have already begun altering all of your records with all the various bureaucracies that you have dealt with in your life. It is NOT a simple matter, but will be completed in a day or two. In plenty of time for your début, as it were."

By this time, after some coffee, I had to go to the bathroom. I had been procrastinating in dread of SEEING changes - especially after hearing that my voice had changed already. I sat down - SAT DOWN!?!?! - WHY? All I had intended to do was tinkle. Hey "it" was a LOT smaller than it was two days ago. - THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING!!! I took the time to wipe myself with TP before getting up and washing my hands. - MY HANDS!!!! They were so soft and smooth and that soft smooth skin went all the way up my arms. - MY FACE - I could definitely see changes. There should have been two day's growth of heavy black beard. My facial skin was MUCH smoother than the last time I looked into this mirror. And as I stroked my mustache and where the beard SHOULD have been, the whiskers and stubble just RUBBED RIGHT OFF right in my hand.

I felt faint... I wanted to YELL! - *"AAAAAARRRGGGH!!!!!!!"* But all that came out was a high pitched keening wail, "EEEEeeeeee..." as I sank down into the soft but incredibly stable grasp of Gweneth, who, anticipating my faint, had come in behind me just then.

"You must get yourself cleaned up. Into the shower with you. You will likely prefer a bath from now on, but right now a shower is what you need."

I couldn't believe it, what I had always considered a very soft spray felt like it was now slicing into my skin. I looked twice to see if this was really my own shower. As I washed myself I felt the hair all over my body slide away from under my hands and almost clog the drain at times. All except the hair on my head, which seemed softer and fuller than ever. I had been keeping it quite long to cover my receding hair line, but now it felt so soft, full and ... As I inspected myself in more detail I noticed more changes; my pubic hair was also softer, my whole body was smooth and soft and rounded - NO muscle definition - not that I had ever been a body builder type, but I was in fairly good shape - strong and big - but not fat. (I did work out a little) Now that seemed to all have melted away. And "it" seemed to be even less obvious than when I had tinkled. (Hey why was I using all these sissy terms? Couldn't I even think like a man any more? GULP apparently not)

I turned off the shower, and THAT wasn't all that easy. The lady whom I had originally sub-let from had left me a note describing the bath faucet as "hard" but until today I had always thought she was just a complaining old lady. I grabbed the towel and nearly ---SCREAMED--- as I began rubbing the wetness off me in my normal way, HARD. My skin had become so sensitive that the towel felt like being dragged across a gravel road. I immediately began to "pat" myself dry. That not only felt better, it actually felt sexier. I had to be especially careful around my areolae and nipples, as they were not only fantastically sensitive, they were also tender to the touch. It was then I noticed the toweling, as careful as it had been, had been enough to remove the last traces of any body hair. As I applied lotion all over my body - HEY - (These expletives were starting to become boring even to ME) since when do I apply body lotion? But - mmmmmmm - it felt divine, and my skin felt sooooooooo soft and smooth. I just knew I WANTED to feel that way - always.

I put on my bathrobe and walked out. I didn't like the way it felt against my skin, but this was my soft terry-velour robe. I had nothing softer or smoother to wear.

"This is really happening isn't it?" it came out as a faint whisper, my feelings were in control of my voice.

"Yes dear, and you had better call your office right now and take an extended leave of absence. You could claim the stress of the trial was more than you thought, or something like that. We'll provide you with a doctor's certificate later. There will be no trouble and you'll need the income for the next while, while you readjust to your surroundings."

"You also must go shopping for new clothing. What you have in the closet is not suitable, and in a very short time your measurements will be very different. So with your limited finances you had better be careful."

"I-I-I-I don't know anything about women's clothing. Won't you please help?"

"Except how to rip it off that is!" the sarcasm fairly dripped.

I guess I deserved that. At least the old me did. I couldn't quite think of this soft smooth person as me. Just then I felt as if a bout of diarrhea had hid my gut. I ran for the toilet and voided and voided... It was incredible, I hadn't eaten a proper meal in three days. Then it hit me, this was the "virus'" way of getting rid of mass. I checked my weight. 175 lb. I looked in the mirror, it was NOT coming off evenly, my shoulders and waist were a lot smaller but my posterior seemed if anything MORE rounded.

"I'm sorry! I'll never do it again!" I screamed!

"We know that, you will not have the desire to assault a woman EVER again."

"Please - PLEASE - Stop this, I'll do anything..."

"What is done can only be undone by the will of all and any parties involved. Are you willing to go ask those ladies for their consent to a pardon? And if you did, do you think after what happened AND the degradation and humiliation in court they would agree? ------ Be very careful of your tone in asking even me, who knows what you are going through, for help, or you might be left to fend for yourself."

"Oh, goodness, what have I done..." I sobbed. For the first time I could see what I had done and I knew there was no way out. I didn't even want there to be a way out.

I cried. I cried for me, but I also cried for the women I had wronged. I could feel their pain and it had been caused by me.

When I had cried myself out Gweneth suggested, "Let's get you something more suitable to wear."

I put on the softest clothing I could find, an old sweat suit. Everything I tried looked WAY too big on me, but style would have to wait. Gweneth helped me pack up most of the rest -including ALL my old underwear, into a bag destined for the "Sally-Ann". Then Gweneth took me shopping to the women's departments of several thrift stores - I reasoned I couldn't afford to spend much money because I KNEW my body was still to go through MAJOR changes. I was amazed how little we spent and the mass of clothing that had accumulated. There were three blouses, two skirts, two dresses, two pair of slacks (that both had side zippers) and a jacket, a pair of dressy pumps with 2' heels and a more casual pair of shoes, a half slip a full slip and two bras and a soft frilly night gown. I refused to try any of the clothing on in the stores and was a little worried about the fit but Gweneth assured me they would all be fine. We then went to a department store and bought several pair of panties and pantyhose. (I refused to even look at anything used, in that department)

"You'll need a purse and some jewelry. I would like to buy you a pair of earrings as a gift from me to you."

We were just passing a jewelry store so we stopped for a look. Gweneth had me sit at the counter while she picked out my gift. Several pair were held up to my ears. (and I must say I liked the look) All at once she gave a little squeal of delight as she and the sales girl were at another counter.

"Close your eyes I have found the perfect pair. But, I'd like to surprise you with them on your ears."

I closed my eyes and was patiently waiting. I could feel Gweneth and the girl pulling on my lobes to get the earrings in place. Then, almost simultaneously I felt both my earlobes being pierced. There were sharp pains on each side, and by the time I realized what had happened my ears were pieced. The look of glee on their faces was matched by the look of surprise on mine. But Gweneth was right about them being just perfect, I loved them instantly.

A quick stop back at the thrift store and I found the perfect bag to match both pair of shoes.

Back at my apartment and for the first time in my life I got dressed as a woman. I noticed that the changes had continued during the day, but, having totally resigned myself to my punishment, I no longer dreaded these changes. "It" was hardly visible anymore, and the difference between my waist and hips was even more pronounced. The panties fit on the crest of my hips perfectly. And after having my nipples rub, rub, rub all afternoon I was quite prepared to see the small mounds on each side of my chest. The cups of the bra were even puffed out a little. It was like instant relief to have the silky material support and protect my sensitive nubbins. They were not large, but I could never forget that I was to be an amalgam of the four women I had picked partly for their lovely breasts. Mine would be that large, C-cup. I would need bigger bras.

It was not always easy to get the clothing all on properly. Pantyhose would have been totally impossible if the skin of my hands wasn't so soft and smooth, as it was I got a snag near the top and almost caused a run. (and at $2.49 per pair how would I keep my legs covered) The blouse buttoned backwards and with the silky material of the slip underneath and the blouse itself, the darned buttons kept slipping away from my fingertips. The skirt had a hook and zipper closure at the back and I had to work them by feel alone. When I finally had the shoes on Gweneth, who had refused to help at any point in my trial, complimented me on a "job well done". I had to admire the things women went through to just get dressed. It wasn't easy. And I hadn't even tried make-up or worried about my period yet.

I was strange, I felt comfortable in these, until today, alien articles of clothing. I felt "right". And yet my intellect kept nagging that it was definitely NOT right. Gweneth, with whom I had spent all day, I saw more and more as a model for my behavior and sense of style and less and less as the lovely example of femininity she would have seemed just two days earlier. I saw how she wore her hair, off her ears to accent her pretty earrings, the way she always smoothed her skirt under herself as she sat down, and a myriad of details, I found myself copying unconsciously. The little smiles of acknowledgment of my progress were not lost upon me either. I strove ever harder to learn.

"I have spent enough time with you for now Carol." she called me a name for the first time. "Yes, you have a new identity, Carol Ann Fields. And all of your documents now show you as female. Your savings have been moved to a new bank account, drivers license, social insurance number, etc. have all been amended. We issued a doctor's certificate that would allow you to remain away from work for up to three months. Your employer has settled your health insurance claim with a severance package, which is in your account. Use these resources wisely to build your life around your new gender. We will be watching, but we will not interfere unless there is a danger to your life. I strongly suggest you find a job similar to the one you had, and seek out companionship in a community of like-minded people. You will learn the fears and joys of being a woman."

"Will I see you again?"

"I live in this neighborhood. But your memory of me will fade over the next few days as the rest of your initial changes occur. Then if we meet on the street it will be as strangers who might become acquaintances or friends."

"One last piece of advice, your first period is due in several weeks. It should be preceded by some abdominal discomfort or mild cramping. So you will know what to expect. You will find tampons uncomfortable until your vagina is complete, in two months. Farewell, Carol, find your place in the community and live."

I hugged Gweneth before she faded into thin air, and realized it had been a gesture of friendship of one woman for another.

As I got undressed and ready for bed I began caressing myself. The sensations were wonderful, my soft hands stroking the soft skin of my arms, neck, over my nipples, which got larger and harder and even more sensitive to the delicate touch of my slender fingers. My fingers soon found the soft hair at my crotch and slipped between to arouse the last vestige of my former manhood. Ever so slowly I felt a glow, that started just behind my belly button, heat up and take control of my actions. As the orgasm came in waves and coursed through me again and again, I began to wonder why this wonderful experience had been denied me as a man.

Being a woman is not easy, it costs more for everything. A haircut as a man was $8.50. As a woman I couldn't find anyplace to style my hair (the equivalent of a cut) for less than $25.00 and then there was the perm and set. To top it all off men are routinely paid more for the same work. I was being educated.

The city I live in is large enough and I had no real friends to speak of so my former life did not interfere with me at all. I joined a community club in the neighborhood and started making friends for the first time since I was a kid in school. I was soon invited to parties and teas. I was having the time of my life.

I felt at peace with the world, until one day about five weeks after my change, I saw one of my former victims. She was at the grocery store and we were both reaching for the same box of maxi-pads. (I had been feeling twinges in my lower tummy and thought I had better be prepared)

Startled, at seeing her, I jerked my hand away. I totally flushed. Stammering out an apology, it was mostly that I was the only one who knew what I was apologizing for.

She smiled a curious smile and said, "Don't feel bad hon, it happens to all of us. There are more of them."

I smiled shyly and said, "Th Thank you."

Just as I was reaching for another box a second lady came up and reached for that as I grabbed it. I stammered again, "Oh oh oh, sorry I-I-I..."

"Oh, hi Gwen. We all seem to be after the same box of pads. -hee hee hee- This lady and I just had the same experience as you did with her." To me, she extended her hand, "Hi, my name is Sarah. and this is Gwen. You must be fairly new in this area. I don't remember seeing you here before."

I couldn't help myself, I was blushing furiously with embarrassment. (this was the first time I'd ever bought feminine protection) "H Hi, I I I'm Carol Fields, and yes I am new, I'm VERY new. Ah, um, uh, to the area I mean. But I have joined the community club, I heard there are some great people there."

"They always have the best dances, hey, there is one Friday. Are you going Sarah. You should come too, Carol. I thought I had seen you at the center." said Gwen. "Sarah and I joined there two years ago. But Sarah has been keeping to herself for the last three months. It would do you a world of good to get out, Sarah, dear."

Oh my, I KNEW Sarah, and exactly why she had been keeping to herself. Taking my heart in my mouth I said, "Well it might be fun to get out of the apartment. But I wouldn't know anyone there. Would it be asking too much i i if I asked if I c c could tag along with you two?" I was now feeling sympathy pains with Sarah that I had never imagined before.

With a pleading look at Gwen, who gave a quick nod, Sarah hesitantly nodded yes.

WHAT WAS I DOING! I had never been to a dance as a woman. I did feel good talking with these two women. We all finished our shopping and stopped at a café for a soda, and chatted for an hour, before setting a time to meet at the dance Friday. Two days away and I would be in the middle of my first period at my first dance with my new feminine body barely five weeks old. How did women keep their heads with all of this happening?

Well, I got my period, and it was no big deal, well OK, it wouldn't have been a big deal if I had learned to stick the pad to the underwear properly. *blush* I made a mess of my bed and had to do the laundry - quickly.

I wore my prettiest dress to the dance and both of my new friends said I looked great. I felt radiant and danced with several nice men who came to ask. It was much easier than I thought it would be to dance with them. They were very nice......... and .......... dare I say it, handsome. Ok, I know this is kind of weird, but - well, I was, um, having a good time. THERE, I said it.

On my way out the door that evening Gwen asked if I needed a ride home.

"No thanks Gwen It is a beautiful night and I'm only a block and a half from my apartment."

"Well take care Carol."

As I was walking home the music was coursing through my head. And I was thinking things were going so well for me that this almost didn't seem a punishment. I was to all appearances a pretty young woman by then, only I knew that at 5'8" 150 lb. I still had some 4" and 25 lb. to lose.

Then I KNEW.

I thought I had been careful. I hardly ever walked out after dark anymore. And then almost always in well-lit areas.

A sound out of MY past. My euphoria from the dance suddenly shattered. My blood turned to ice in my veins. My heart blocking my throat stole my breath. Foot steps, coming closer, closer....

I only know that the revulsion I felt was mostly at myself. I spent hours in the shower trying to clean myself of the filth. My physical self was sure I had done something to cause this to happen to me, it was my own fault. My intellectual self couldn't forgive myself for MY crimes. I shook, sobbing in a fetal bundle on the shower floor, the shower's spray streaming down my body in little runnels.

In my darkest hour as I was seeking what seemed the only way out of the abyss, I received a visit ...

*This travesty on your person was not our will*

*Our gift to you has given you the strength to prevail.*

*Seek consolation in the company of those from whom you seek forgiveness.*

*This trial by fire burns away the dross and leaves the metal, stronger for its having been tested, radiant in its purity.*

*Your happiness will be found where other's misery is mitigated.*

It took months before I could even go out on the street. By this time my meager savings had long run out, and if not for the generosity of the women's shelter I would have been on skid row. I finally was able to join a support group. Sarah had asked that I join her group, the very group of women I had wronged. I spent the first six sessions a sobbing mess, not even able to speak. How could I let the other four know, it was because of my shame over their horror, not my own. They were there, comforting the woman who, as a man, had been their assailant.

I learned. I learned how great compassion can be. I learned to be open about my feelings. I learned to be a human being.

I now run the shelter. My insight into both the aggressor's thought's and emotions and the feelings of the victim have made me able to give comfort and understanding to many who have passed through the doors. I NEED to help. I am happier that I have ever been and KNOW I am a better person for all my experiences.

After I was finally able to confess my story and bare my soul to Sarah and my other three victims, they became my dearest friends. All five of us were invited to join the coven. Their forgiveness, both implicit and explicit, meant a full pardon for me.

So, I have everything I need to go back to being a man. Oh, I thought about it seriously, --- for....a nanosecond.




© 1998 by Miss Teerius. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, compilation design) may printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without express written consent of the copyright holder.