Crystal's StorySite

John's Gift                  by: Prudence Walker


Chapter seven

I lay there, exhausted from tussling with the four girls. They had stopped the pillow fight, and were huddled together. As I lay back on the mattress clad only in a delicate nightie, with my eyes closed, thinking about how my life had changed so radically. I heard the girls whispering together, but I didn’t move or open my eyes, thinking they were just talking

When all of a sudden I felt them grab me, and holding my arms and legs, they tied them together, using what felt like pantyhose. I didn’t struggle, as I knew they were just having fun with the token bondage, but as I looked at them and started to ask what they were doing, they just giggled, and said it’s a surprise. Relaxing, my mind started to wander again as tiredness started to show itself. I must have dozed off, when I felt them doing something to my face.

Stirring myself, I saw they had the makeup kit from my bedroom, and were making up my face. Wondering what they doing, but not saying anything, I just let them go ahead, it seemed to take ages. I had false lashes added and mascara, eyeliner and lipstick, the girls finally finished then holding up a hand mirror, I got to look at what they had done.

WOW, gone was the demure schoolgirl, what I saw was pure SEXY SLUT, they had overdone everything, to make my face say, "here I am, come and get it." They giggled, as I spluttered with surprise and I turned to them with a question in my eyes. Then they pulled my nightie up, exposing my body.


They started to kiss my nipples, and I squirmed as their hot tongues started licking my aureole making them harden as the sensations started me moaning in pleasure.

"What are you doing?" I said, "what if someone comes in?"

"Oh we’re just teasing you" they said, "blame Cathy it was her idea."

I looked at Cathy seeing she had a grin that told me, the girls were telling the truth, I arched my eyebrows in a "Why" expression, she bent down and whispered in my ear,

"It’s just to show you what a girl can do for another girl, and besides I thought, if you reached orgasm with us first, it might help you decide about boys in general."

"Cathy, I’ve already had sex with Sam" I whispered back, trying not to jiggle around, as the others girls started pulling my panties down.I watched her eyes widen in surprise,

"You had sex with Sam? Already!" she said, motioning the girls to desist while she got the full story.

"Yes, it just seemed right, at the time." I answered


"Girls I was wrong, Jan has a story to tell us," she said, giggling. I looked askance at Cathy and she nodded. "Girls always tell each other, of their first time, It helps us, bond together." I sighed, and agreed to tell them, so huddling together in a circle, our heads close together, I told them about Sam, and how I felt. After my confession Cathy hugged me, and said,

"Welcome sister, to the world as a woman." Then the other girls joined in the hug, I felt very emotional as I felt their support and friendship fill me and I started to weep a little, releasing built up tensions and self doubts about this life. Cathy, seeing my tears smiled, and got a tissue from somewhere. (I still hadn’t learnt that trick of producing stuff from seemingly thin air) and dabbed my eyes saying,

"Look, you’ll get panda eyes if you keep this up." I giggled at the thought, and managed to pull myself together and straightening my nightie. We went to sleep then, although I stayed awake a while listening to the girls breathing deepen as one by one they fell asleep. I felt secure knowing I had these girls to turn to, if I needed help, and I knew help was something I was going to need.

That weekend was a revelation to me in the way that girls interact. They had decided, (with all our parents permission) to stay over for the entire weekend. We swam and practiced makeup (Cathy’s idea mostly) for which I was grateful seeing I needed it most, also we went and changed our hairstyles too. I think every item in my wardrobe got worn that weekend, and ‘mom’ saw us parading around, sometimes clad only in our underwear.


Monday came with a thud, back to the teachers, and back to fending off the advances of several of the boys. I had arranged to have Sam meet me after school, to take me swimming at the local pool. I had told Cathy she could drive my car back to her place, after dropping the girl’s home and I would pick it up later. I managed to continue my remarkable comeback to an ‘A’ grade student and finally the school day was over.

I told Cathy to go ahead, as I needed to pick up a book from my locker, but as I walked along the corridor I was suddenly struck from behind. As I stumbled to my knees I was grabbed by the arms, and pulled into one of the science labs, looking up I saw Jan’s old group there looking menacing.

"Well, if it isn’t goodie goodie two shoes" snarled one of them,

"I think we need to show the teachers just how good she is."

I struggled, and as I tried calling for help, I was gagged and then tied to one of the benches. The girls huddled round a cardboard box they had and then they said,

"A little smoke bomb will bring them running and who will they find in here, but you" then they untied me and sneered,

"Can’t have you saying you were tied up now can we,"

" What about the gag?" asked another girl.


"If she takes it off she could alert someone."

"I have just the thing," said the leader of the group, "super glue."

She opened a tube of glue and forced it between my lips, cementing them tight together, I couldn’t open them and was only able to make muted sounds. Then they made me sit on a wooden bench smeared with the glue and then glued my arms to the bench top. I was immobilized, the glue had securely fixed me in place, but it looked as if I was just calmly sitting there.

They fussed with the box, moving it near the teacher’s desk, then suddenly smoke started coming out and they started moving towards the door leaving me behind in the room. With the door closed, the room started to fill with smoke and I started coughing, then I saw with alarm the box had started to ignite and now flames were going up towards the desk. I was starting to panic, if the desk went up it could spread, and I didn’t know if help would come in time.

I struggled against the effects of the glue, but I had too much of my skin stuck and the pain of trying to tear myself free, was unbelievable.

The desk had starting burning and I was struggling to breathe, there was fire climbing up the wall from the charts hanging there. The smoke that was going out the partially opened window was turning from the dense white of the smoke bomb, to the darker of real smoke, from the burning room.

I could feel the intense heat coming off the fire, and I started gasping, as the fumes started searing my lungs. There was a sudden whoosh as the ceiling flashed into flame as if it was covered in petrol. At this point I blacked out.

My next recollection was that I found myself on the grass outside, next to the bike sheds. I could feel my arms and legs stinging and my lips also, as I realized the glue had gone leaving a red mark on my skin, like a rash. I was still a bit breathless as I sucked in the clean air.

I could hear some yelling from around the corner and I could see the smoke from the burning building, as I walked closer. Turning the corner, I could see Cathy and her friends crying and beside them was my old gang, they had worried expressions on their faces, then one of them turned and saw me and screamed. The leader of the group turned to look as well and as she saw my disheveled state with face blackened from soot, she fainted. Cathy ran to me screaming something about Sam.

"He’s in there she said, pointing at the science lab. "Looking for you. We got the truth out those girls when they started yelling it was on fire and you were still inside, and unable to get out."

"NO!" I screamed "NOT SAM!" As I watched the windows explode.



To be continued……….

Any feedback would be appreciated.

© 2001
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