Crystal's StorySite

I Didn't Mean To Change the World                by: Larry M


Part 2


I searched my pockets and found the billfold. The name on the drivers license was Tom Martin. Ken had chosen another body builder, probably someone he knew. As I walked slowly to Joy’s apartment, I remembered seeing Tom as I passed him in the hall the previous night and knew seeing him would be a shock to Joy and tried to think how to tell her what had happened to Elaine’s body.

Joy had the night latch on and opened the door only part way. "Why are you here? What do you want?" Joy almost sounded paranoid.

"Let me in, I’m Fred. It didn’t go as planned. Elaine is dead. It was Ken who used this body last night!"

"Oh no!" Joy exclaimed. "Please not this!" Joy quickly opened the door to let me inside. "What happened?"

As I related the events of the morning I couldn’t refrain from breaking into tears. "I should have realized this could happen! Why didn’t I think of that possibility?"

"What else could you have done, how could you know that she’d panic?" Joy ask. "It will be better if I break the news. I’m sure they will be furious and won’t understand."

I sat in the living room while Joy used the kitchen phone. In spite of my grief and guilt I still had to fight the urge to explore this new body. A few minutes she returned.

"How did Elaine take it?" I ask.

"She’s really upset! I told her that she’d have a young body, probably Diane’s. Nothing seemed to help. She said she’d rather be dead and kept repeating that it would be an abomination to live in someone else’s body."

"Did you talk with John?"

"He’s at work."

"So where do we go from here?"

"She finally agreed the only logical thing to do was to keep my body until the funeral. That way she can help John take care of the legal affairs."

"What happens then?"

"I hope she will consent to become Diane or Joy, whichever is available. Either one would be less limiting than being me and 8 months pregnant!"

Joy then stared intently at me. "That’s some body you’ve got! I remember how it felt last night when we had sex. It’d be terrific being in it, especially after having it in me. How about changing now? Remember you owe me a week as a male. If we change now you’ll have less time being pregnant and if you’re careful Elaine will never know which body you’re using."

I thought it over. "I guess it doesn’t matter. Remember your promise not to make advances."

The sensual sensations were not as intense as before. I ran my hands over a body that had become somewhat familiar, still very much aware of the differences in my crotch. The biggest problem was the aches in my hips and legs. Although small enough to not be a major distraction, those breasts were tender and sore.

I looked up at Tom and then down at his crotch. He was over a foot taller than I and that definitely bothered me. It appeared the change of sex affected Tom more than I. To my relief Tom turned and staggered to the bathroom.

It was then that I remembered the scheduled tricks! With trembling hands I opened the appointment book. So much for not checking! I could ask Tom to switch back or force a trade. But why should he switch after I had agreed to become Joy? If I forced a trade, then I’d have him after me. I could cancel the appointments but some of the tricks might not like being stood up and take their frustration on me. If I left, where would I go and what would I do? How much money did Joy have?

I searched through Joy’s purse. There were only thirty five dollars in it. There was five hundred dollars in the checking account, but would my signature be the same? I found a piece of paper and signed the name on the driver’s license, Marla J. Horne. The signature wasn’t Fred’s but it wasn’t Joy’s either. I found the ATM card but would have to see Diane for the pin number.

Tom should have the money Joy had taken to the mail box. I sat impatiently to wait and stared at the numerous rings on Joy’s fingers. The door bell rang as Tom returned from the bathroom and I let him answer it. It was Ken. At least his shorter height didn’t intimidate me so much as Tom’s.

As I looked at Ken, I felt my nipples become stiff and turgid and looked down to see their imprint on the T shirt. My body felt such a sexual attraction! I knew that I couldn’t resist if Ken wanted to take me to bed. That perception shook me to the core. Ken looked at me intently and I knew Joy’s body was having the same effect on him.

Ken looked at me and then at Tom. "I guess I’ll keep this body since I have become used to it. They’re still keeping Diane under observation, but she can have visitors." Ken looked disappointed as he continued. "I told her what had happened this morning. She decided to remain Diane! Meanwhile, I’ve got a problem, I’m broke. Do you have any money?"

"Not much" Tom replied. "We’re going to have to share. Incidentally, I’m Sue and Joy is Fred. As payment for my help, Fred agreed to loan me a male body for a week."

"Tom, there are tricks scheduled for tonight!" I interrupted. "I can’t stay here and I don’t have money to leave."

"Just cancel them." Tom replied. "If Tom lives alone I’ll take you to his apartment. If not and those appointments can’t be canceled, I’ll trade with you."

Ken abruptly turned to Tom. "I’ve got to go. How about that money?"

Tom pulled out a billfold, counted the bills inside and gave Ken half. "How about a ride." He ask Ken.

"We can pick up Joy’s car at the hospital." Ken suggested. "Then you can drive where ever you wish." He turned to me. "Do you know where my - Diane’s car is?"

"No, but it should be close to the pier." I replied, not at all happy that Tom hadn’t volunteered to trade bodies. How much protection was he going to be and would he keep his promise not to get intimate. As I remembered Sue’s erratic behavior during our first transfer, I was even less happy about the prospect of moving in with him.

"I guess we should let Sue know the location of Elaine’s car." Tom then turned to Ken. "Let’s go."

"Don’t leave me here." I pleaded. If necessary, I could always transfer with someone else, but wanted to avoid further complications.

"I’ll be back soon." Tom said as they left. "I’d better go alone until I know the situation."

After they were gone I tried to cancel those appointments by phone but no one was home. When I got over my disappointment my thoughts again turned to Elaine. It was going to be hard to live with the guilt. I turned on the TV but could not concentrate. It seemed like forever before Tom returned. Again his presence made me feel like a midget.

"It appears you’re in luck. I can take you with me. Tom is single and lives alone."

I felt his eyes and his nearness bothered me, but the effect was nothing like Ken’s presence had been.

"It isn’t much but it should do for a few days."

He continued.

"I tried to cancel those tricks but no one was home. Maybe I should do what Ken did, have you give me some money and find another place to live."

"Then I’ll be broke. It isn’t possible. I’m not happy about taking you with me either. In view of your attitude, it might be more fun to be alone."

"Are you thinking about taking a woman to the apartment?"

"I really don’t know." Tom admitted. "It’s still hard to think of having sex with a woman. Yet Joy used Fred to have sex with her own body."

"I think Joy is bisexual and Diane is a lesbian" I retorted, but as I considered Tom’s offer, I saw no acceptable alternative. "OK, let’s go."

"Bring that address book so you can call them again. I don’t want anyone giving us a hard time. Oh, and you’d better bring some clothes."

"Couldn’t the clothes wait?" I complained. I wanted out of Joy’s apartment!

"You’ll need something for tomorrow. I don’t know when we’ll be able to return."

I quickly gathered up a few things I thought a young woman would need. Tom aided by adding items of feminine hygiene I hadn’t considered. Just before we left the apartment I noticed a sketch pad and opened it. In it were some drawings. They weren’t bad. On impulse I picked up the sketch pad up and took it along.

Tom’s apartment was rather Spartan and cheap. There was only one bedroom. I put the clothes on the bed and investigated the apartment while Tom called John. The kitchen cabinets and refrigerator were almost empty. Evidently Tom ate out most of the time. I tried to relax, letting Tom search the apartment for clues regarding Tom’s life. He came up with an address book, old letters, pay stubs and miscellaneous papers.

"He’s probably been fired for absenteeism by now." Tom said. "I’ll call later and see if he is still employed. If he is, I’ll have to come up with a reason to quit the job. I hope he’s got some pay coming. Although Tom’s relatives live out of town, he has a girlfriend." Tom concluded as he handed the papers to me.

Especially disturbing were the letters signed "All my love, Ann." Evidently she was Tom’s steady girlfriend. The letters had been written while Ann was on a trip to New Orleans. Reading them made me feel even more guilty. The fact that Ann lived nearby was a further pitfall.

"Perhaps we can come up with an excuse to break off that relationship." I suggested.

"Let’s not be too hasty. While I’m sure neither of us can do Tom’s work as a machine operator, you might want to continue with Ann."

I looked at Tom, sure that he was thinking of seeing Ann before Elaine’s funeral. "Just don’t cause complications."

As Tom continued looking through Tom’s belongings I found myself in tears.

"Here is the pink slip and last year’s registration for Tom’s 1980 Ford." Tom announced. "We’d better pick it up before it is impounded. It is probably near that letter box."

"Can’t we eat first? I’m starved!"

"I’d like to find that car. Then if we separate we’ll each have a car."

"Can’t it wait. You know how these legs and hips feel!"

"We’d better find it tonight and I’ll need you to drive. Come on, it shouldn’t take too long."

It was almost dark when we arrived at Quick Copy and Printing. The glances of the male pedestrians made me all too self conscious. I looked down at the T shirt I was wearing and wished I had on a bra or at least a less translucent top.

"Why don’t you look on this side of the street and I’ll look on the other side." Tom suggested. "This is a reasonably safe area and you should be O.K."

"Not on your life! What if I run into one of Joy’s customers?"

"OK, we’ll go together, but it’ll be a lot slower."

Even with Tom’s presence, the looks I received made me quite happy I had insisted on staying with him. All of the sudden I was in a land of giants! Tom’s car appeared to be in poor shape. There was a parking ticket on the windshield.

"It isn’t much, but it should get to Arthur’s. I’ll walk you back to Joy’s car. Meet me at Arthur’s."

"Can’t you just bring something to eat to the apartment? I’m beat and I’ve had enough exposure!"

"Where’s your sense of adventure? Surely you’re not planning to hide in the apartment all the time."

"Please, I have to make calls to cancel Joy’s tricks. There isn’t much time until the first appointment!"

"Oh all right! I’ll get something at the Jack in the Box and meet you at the apartment."

"Great. I hope you don’t expect me to cook. Except for breakfast, I usually eat out."

Tom accompanied me to Joy’s car. After I returned to the apartment, I managed to cancel those appointments. One objected and another wanted to talk but I cut them off promptly. Tom soon appeared with the food. Although I had adjusted to moving Joy’s body, I still had to consciously adjust to those shorter arms and smaller hands as I ate. The gaudy rings were a bother and halfway through the hamburger I removed them. It was late when we had finished eating.

"Do you want me to sleep on the couch?" Tom ask.

"The couch would be too small, I’ll sleep there."

It was a relief that Tom hadn’t expected us to sleep together, but I hadn’t brought a nightgown and wasn’t wearing a bra. I would have to sleep in the clothes I was wearing. Tom walked out of the room and returned with a large T shirt.

"In case you’re concerned about something in which to sleep, this should be big enough. I’ll look for some sheets and blankets." He returned, his arms loaded. "You’re in luck." Tom set them down and left the room.

When he returned he had removed his shirt. His chest, back and arms were covered with a thick mat of hair. "I can’t believe this!" He exclaimed. "This is really going to take some getting used to."

"Do you want to trade?" I ask quickly, concerned that there wouldn’t be a locked door between us. How much would Tom’s male hormones affect Sue’s personality? Almost as much a concern was that my uncertainty about Joy’s hormones-based on that earlier reaction to Ken.

"Not on your life! Are you sure you won’t change your mind? I’d really like to experience sex as a man."

"How would I ever face myself if I did?"

"If I hadn’t given Ken that money, I’d have enough to see a prostitute."

"Just be careful! I don’t want anything to happen to that body."

"I’m not going to waste this opportunity and I certainly won’t have to worry about being raped! I don’t think anyone would make fun of me if I make any feminine gestures. With this physique they wouldn’t dare!"

"Is that all you can think about? Doesn’t Elaine’s death bother you?"

"Why should it? The real Elaine is not dead and neither are you. You’re both coming out ahead. The ones who died are Ken and Tom. I’m certainly not going to shed tears for Ken and as for Tom, he was a complete stranger."

Once Tom had left, I made the couch into a bed and sat to watch TV. Probably Tom was right. Elaine’s loss of property and position was probably more than made up by the loss of over twenty years of age. Actually she had it better than I. Elaine would be able to maintain a relationship with her son, daughter-in-law and grand child, possibly even benefit from some of her property. I as Tom, on the contrary would have difficulty establishing a relationship with Fred’s children and had definitely lost all Fred’s possessions.

My bladder was full. By now I had learned to wipe, with my hand and the toilet paper between my legs, but it still felt strange. I stood and gaped at my reflection in the mirror. It was still a jolt to see Joy’s reflected face and torso move as I moved. Even without glasses, I could see well enough to stand away from the mirror, but then I wasn’t using Fred’s eyes! The reflection was in the lower rather than the upper portion of the mirror and limited the view of Joy’s body to above mid thigh.

Now that Tom was gone I felt safe enough to undress. This time nothing was going to stop me from bringing this female body and me to an orgasm. Unlike the earlier explorations there was plenty of time, no overriding pressure to be doing something else and no feelings of guilt to interfere. I removed the thin blouse, unbuttoned the slacks and kicked them off and stared at the reflection of the dark vertical patch showing through the bikini panties. My slenderness made the wide pubic bones plainly visible. I casually removed those panties, then, legs together, visually examined the triangle of space between inner thighs and crotch. I leaned over and fit a hand into that triangle and pressed a finger into the depression at the start of my vaginal lips. I did those breasts only elongated slightly.

Already I was feeling the excitement of anticipation. I straightened up to spread my legs apart and moved the right hand over the stiff twisted pubic hair feeling the soft pad of flesh underneath then felt the soft flesh encompass my finger and concurrently felt the pressure that parted my labia. So weird to feel female flesh under my hand and know I was touching myself! Still it felt so good. I found the tight sphincter and thrust the finger inside feeling the folds of flesh inside Joy’s vagina. Already there was facilitating moisture.

I moved my slender hand upwards and almost jumped as that finger touched that sensitive clitoris. My whole body glowed and the tingled intensified as I concurrently brought the other hand to a nipple, finding, that unlike Diane’s and Elaine’s nipples it was relatively insensitive. Then I remembered Joy’s comment when this body was controlled by Sue.

I walked into the bedroom, still naked, lay on my back on Tom’s bed, spread my thighs wide apart and brought them forward until they almost touched my chest. Intent on more than more investigation, I moved my right hand over my flat abdomen, through the sparse pubic hair, pausing long enough to gently twirl a few strands around my finger and then down to the soft pliable labia. As I rubbed my hand over it, I could feel the labia swell and part as that sensitive spot underneath felt the pressure and stimulation of the flesh above. My breath caught and became more rapid. A warm spreading sensation centered in my crotch coursed through my body and I gasp with excitement of its arousal.

My body was wide open, so open I could feel the cool air on the inner lips, my excitement somehow still growing as I continued to rub, now with my middle finger. Another spasm of sensation shuddered through me and I gasp at its intensity. My finger was really wet now my finger penetrated the labia, into the smooth hairless flesh, then touched the clitoris. It was just a small button but oh how sensitive, so sensitive I could hardly bare to touch it directly. My hips thrust up to meet my hand and it seemed impossible to open myself enough.

I panted and almost screamed as the excitement became almost unbearable with wave upon wave of sensations, each more powerful than before, crashing over me. I jerked and moved as I gasp and moaned with their intensity. My left hand, still on a breast was rough, hurting the nipple but even this pain was exciting. It wasn’t Joy’s clitoris, vagina and breasts but mine. With each spasm of pleasure I wondered how much more I could take.

But now there was another sensation, a hollow empty feeling that needed to be filled. I needed Ken’s penis inside me. Even Tom’s would do. If only he would just walk in the apartment now! But I couldn’t wait. I thrust a couple fingers inside, fantasizing it was Ken penetrating me. My left hand was now on my clitoris. If only my fingers were longer and could fill me better!

It was then that I remembered the vibrator that Tom had added to the last box. Quickly I found it, turned it on and thrust it inside. It felt so odd, so strange to be penetrated, to have that thing inside, but somehow it’s presence inside me didn’t have the desired effect. I pulled it out and held that vibrating head against that clitoris. That was much better and then there was that overwhelming climax that had me thrashing, jerking and squirming. Although the climax was over, I could feel my body still responding, it still felt tremendous to caress myself, not like a male body at all. Then another buildup, another climax and again until I could take no more.

I just lay there for a while remembering how I had accepted this body as my own. How strange! Would I accept Tom’s body as readily? I looked down my torso. Unlike Elaine’s, these breasts still pointed straight up defying gravity. Of course they were so small there was nothing to sag! My legs were only partially spread apart, there had been no need to spread them to encompass a man’s body. Curious as how that might feel, I spread my legs wide apart and up, feeling the cool air on now exposed flesh. I then pulled my legs back until they crushed my small breasts. This body was so much more limber than Fred’s! Then I turned over and raised my torso on hands and knees as I imagined a male body taking me from behind. Finally tired of the game I went into the bathroom for clothes, but again paused to study the reflection in the mirror.

As I did I tried to remember my view of Joy’s sex as Consuelo had tried to tempt me into having sex with her. The problem was that as Fred, I had been too concerned about other matters and had not really paid attention. Now, the irony was that I was Joy, I couldn’t see my cunt. A hand mirror was on the counter. I took it back with me to the bedroom and holding it between my legs, got a partial view, but I wanted to examine more closely that sensitive area than had so transported me. I returned to the bathroom, put down the toilet lid, put the mirror on the lid and straddled the toilet, lowering myself until I had a good view. I then traced the shape of those soft pliable labia, the small inner lips that now spread apart to reveal the opening to the vagina. Then I looked just above the opening trying to view that small bundle of nerve endings, that were so exciting to touch.

The game finally palled and I put on the T shirt. It was so big and again reminded me of my relatively diminutive size. I returned to the bedroom to straighten the bed. No longer was I going to worry about advances from Ken or even Tom. I then returned to the living room, dressed, and waited for Tom, hoping he would return soon. It wasn’t long until my fatigue became too great and I lay on the couch.



I awoke lying on my stomach with my left hand between my legs and was only momentarily alarmed at the absence of a penis. The ache in my legs and hips was almost gone. One of the advantages of youth! Then I realized I was still dressed and that Tom must have covered me. I blushed as I remembered wanting someone to make love to me last night.

That was last night! I brushed the long dark hair out of my eyes and looked around. The apartment didn’t look any better! My bladder was full, but I had managed to sleep the entire night without having to go to the bathroom.

It was great to be young! I stood and walked to the bathroom and again congratulated myself as I remembered to pull down the panties and sit on the toilet. I flushed the toilet and stood at the counter that seemed about six inches too high. How long was it going to take before I become accustomed to a different physique and quit having to explore it?

Tom was on the living room floor doing push ups when I returned to the living room. Since he wore only shorts, I had ample opportunity to admire his muscular build and to notice the copious black hair on his chest, back, legs and arms. His coordination had vastly improved.

"I can’t get over how strong I am!" Tom exclaimed as he saw me. He did a few more push ups then stood up. His nipples were at my eye level!

"But I’m still so clumsy! It’s almost like going through the changes of puberty again!" He then walked over to me and to my consternation lifted me over his head and then held me there with one hand. "I just can’t believe I’m able to do this!"

"Please put me down! You can still loose your balance and drop me.

Tom set me down, walked to an overstuffed chair and lifted it. "Moving furniture when I vacuum would really be a breeze with this strength."

"Please don’t overdo it. I don’t want to have a bad back!"

Tom stared at me. I knew what he was thinking but kept quiet and looked away.

"How was your night on the town?" I ask.

Tom sat down on the couch and crossed his legs. Almost immediately he opened them and his right hand went to his crotch.

"What did you do, pinch your balls?"

"I certainly did. It appears I am going to have to change some habits."

"That includes watching the inflection of your voice." I added. "Men just don’t say things that way."

Tom seemed taken aback.

"Well, how did your night on the town go?" I ask again.

"Nothing much happened." Tom admitted. "Although I knew I was in a male body and couldn’t be raped, I still had that fear." He fidgeted as if he didn’t want to discuss the matter further and it was evident his mind was on other things. "John and - Sue will be expected to go to Elaine’s funeral. I promised Elaine she wouldn’t have to go. Could you go as Sue?"

His request reminded me of my own, Fred’s, funeral. It was painful enough to visualize how upset my mother, children and friends were without having to attend Elaine’s funeral. I couldn’t tell them I was still alive in another body, especially in a young female body. All these thoughts brought tears to my eyes.

"I couldn’t take that. She might realize my identity. Besides I already feel guilty enough. The funeral would only make it worse."

"Well if you won’t go, I guess I’ll have to go as myself." Tom said. "But I don’t want to transfer until the last moment. Is that O.K.?"

"I guess so." I replied, then quickly returned to the bathroom. The shower stall made me even more aware of my short stature. It was almost like standing in a hole. I turned on the water and was further upset when a stream of water descended on my head.

"You might as well wash your hair too." Tom’s voice revealed his presence in the bathroom, but bothered me only momentarily. If Tom broke his promise, I had every right to break mine. He left the room almost immediately. Still all too aware of the sensitivity of my body, I made the shower as short as possible. When I turned the water off, Tom was there again! He opened the shower door and handed me a towel. I quickly and briskly dried myself and from force of habit wrapped it around my waist and stepped out of the shower stall.

"Here let me show you how a woman wears a towel." Tom laughed and I saw he was naked.

"Never mind, just get out of the way. You’ve certainly seen naked breasts before."

"But they never affected me like this!" Tom exclaimed and I saw he had an erection. To my relief he made no advances and let me pass.

I searched though Joy’s clothes. There were no clean socks, only panty hose. At least there was no need for a girdle, but it certainly took more time to get dressed as a female. I was pleased to find my coordination and balance had improved to the point that I could put on the panties standing up. The clean slacks were difficult to put on due to their tightness and I didn’t like the way they cut into my crotch, into the lips of Joy’s vagina. I didn’t even consider wearing a bra. The cotton blouse was easier to put on, but revealed more than I wanted.

Hunger pains brought me into the kitchen although I knew the cupboards and refrigerator were empty. I took a seat at the dinette and tried to comb out my long hair. Tom came in wearing only shorts. He had showered but still hadn’t shaven. Every time he came close I felt so intimidated!

It didn’t help when he pulled down his shorts and grabbed his balls and penis with his left hand. "What a difference this one handful makes!" He exclaimed and to my relief pulled up his shorts. "We’re going to have to eat out." He continued.

"Couldn’t you just go get something and bring something?" I begged, still not ready to deal with strangers.

Tom watched me as I struggled with the tangled hair. "It won’t hurt you to go out with damp hair. It’s warm out and it will soon dry."

"You know damn well it’s not the hair. However if I had to stay Joy, I’d be dammed if I’d keep this fucking hair this long!"

"You still want to hide?"

"Speaking of facing it, you’re going to have to shave. I bet that once a day won’t be enough."

"That is a chore that I don’t think I’ll like at all!"

"Want to change back?" I ask hopefully.

"Not on your life. After breakfast I’m going to the most disreputable places I know. Maybe I’ll even look for a woman to go to bed with."

"I hope you don’t expect me to go, and just remember you’re not invincible."

"Absolutely not. I plan to go all by myself. Having you along would just spoil it. Well I guess I’d better try to do something about this face."

Tom did a disgustingly good job of shaving - only a couple of cuts to nurse. "There’s another thing that gets to me about this body. This penis gets erect at the damnedest times." Tom then left for the bedroom to dress. "Well are you ready to go?" He ask when he returned.

Reluctantly I nodded. As we left the apartment, I was very self conscious about my clothes and the swing of my hips. After some attempts at controlling the latter, I realized that effort was futile. Almost everyone I met was taller than I and I again felt like I had just entered a world of giants! So much concentration was required just to eat without making a spectacle that we had little to say to each other.

"How much money do you have left?" I ask after we had finished eating.

"About hundred fifty dollars in cash, counting the trick money."

"Maybe we can figure out a way to get Joy’s money out of the bank. It is only about five hundred dollars, but even that would help. Once I’m Tom, I’m going to need some cash. I hope Diane has some put away."

"I’m afraid John and I - Sue don’t have any to spare. The only extra money left is the money we were saving for a house. Our other savings went for the nursery."

Since there wasn’t enough money to keep eating out, our next stop was a grocery store. By that time my hair was dry. Most of the customers were older and although a few eyes lingered on me, it wasn’t much of a problem. Again what was most annoying was that almost everyone was taller than I and I kept having to ask Tom to reach items on the top shelves, items that wouldn’t have been a problem for Fred. My lack of stature again bothered me as we put the groceries away. I was grateful for Tom’s assistance, that he just didn’t leave as threatened.



Tom fixed breakfast and from his clumsiness it was quite evident that he had not grown accustomed to his size. While eating he kept putting a hand between his legs. I said nothing but he soon became aware that I was watching him.

"I keep squeezing these balls! I forget and cross my legs too tight and even while I am lying in bed it happens!" He explained.

I washed the dishes, again having problems with the difference from my accustomed size. Tom had obtained a few cardboard boxes at the grocery. We took them to Joy’s apartment and I packed as he suggested what to take and what to leave. I was so nervous, afraid some trick might call or even drop by, that I made no effort at neatness. The packed boxes, proved to be another surprise, they were unexpectedly heavy. It really was upsetting to discover how weak I was. It took many trips to take everything to the car for in spite of Tom’s strength neither of us trusted our balance and coordination. We took the boxes of clothes into the bedroom and went through them. Most of them were dirty.

"There is a laundry downstairs" Tom informed me. "Why don’t you go ahead and I’ll see how much of Tom’s clothes needs washing."

I gathered the clothes and soap and carried them downstairs in a basket. Even this small basket seemed much heavier than it should. The stair steps seemed just enough higher to make me insecure, afraid of falling. I put the clothes in the washer only to find I lacked enough change and went back upstairs.

"Ann Manson called while you were gone. She was upset that Tom missed their date last night and she had previously called Tom’s employer. I just told her I’d been sick and then really had to wiggle out of the fact I hadn’t called. Unfortunately I also compounded the matter by referring to Tom by name and in the third person a couple of times. She wanted to come here tonight, but finally agreed I’d go to her apartment and take her out."

"That should solve your female problems!"

"It’s not that simple! I never met Tom, don’t know how he acts and don’t know her. I’d call to cancel the date, but then she might come and find you here."

"Just don’t cause any problems that I’ll have to solve later! Oh, do you have change for the washer?"

Tom picked up a bundle of clothes and accompanied me to the laundry.

"It’s a good thing you didn’t have change." Tom said. "You’d have ruined half those clothes."

Tom then helped me sort them, loading each machine with about half the load I had used, then went upstairs to get some Downy.

"Ken and Diane are coming over." Tom announced when he returned. "They want to retain their current identities! I guess that leaves Elaine as Joy. Evidently Diane is in just as bad financial shape as we are."

"All of us better get together. There is much to discuss!"

"That will have to wait until after the funeral." Tom reminded. "Why don’t you tend the laundry while I fix lunch."

When I returned with the laundry the realization that Diane would be looking at her own body made me hurry to the bathroom to check my appearance. My hair was a mess! There was a hair brush in a box and after I brushed it, it looked a little better. I was afraid to tackle the cosmetics. Then there was a yell from Tom in the kitchen and he was still swearing when I got there. Evidently he had misjudged his reach and burnt his hand, fortunately not badly.

"Could you help me with some makeup?" I ask as we ate. "I would like to look presentable."

Tom looked at me strangely. "Maybe there is hope for you. You’ll be fine just the way you are!"

Since Tom had cooked I did the dishes. As I washed them, I couldn’t but wonder what had possessed me to think of wearing makeup. It was almost as bad as thinking of going to bed with Tom.

Tom answered the door and admitted Ken and Diane. The bruises on Diane’s face were still obvious. From the way she held Ken, it was obvious she was pleased with her choice. Ken, however, seemed to keep his eyes on me. It was most disturbing, but his presence made my heart pound.

"How do you feel?" I ask Diane, hoping I wasn’t betraying the effect of Ken’s presence. Then I continued, wanting confirmation from her of what Tom had told me.

"Are you sure you want to stay Diane?"

"Absolutely! These bruises aren’t too bad and you know I didn’t experience the rape."

"How about those menstrual cramps?"

"Diane usually took pills that took care of that."

"I was so fed up I just quit taking them." Ken added.

"All I have to do is to stay on the pills until I want a baby." Diane continued.

"What did you tell the police when they questioned you? I really need to know. Now that Fred is dead, they can’t do anything to me but I still think of my family and my reputation."

"I told them that a trick had arranged to meet me at the pier, then got angry and started beating me." Diane replied. "I told them I didn’t know the man. I had to tell them that I was raped but they already knew that and had already obtained a semen sample. The description I gave them was so vague, they’d never make the connection to Fred, especially now that he’s dead."

On hearing this I was quite relieved, but upset by the callous way Diane had talked about my former body.

"How are the other two doing?" Ken ask, changing the subject.

"I haven’t talked with them." John replied. "They’re probably too involved with Elaine’s funeral and estate to consider anything else."

"The problem is that we need money. We’ve already used the few dollars I had in the bank. Ken kept us broke." Diane said. "I don’t want to have to go back doing tricks and I don’t think you or whoever ends up with my old body want to live that way either. That was our only income!"

"Our money won’t last a week" Ken added. "I think we should pool our resources."

"I’m not sure John and Sue/Elaine would agree." Tom replied. "And I’m doubt I could get them to do so even when I return to my own body. Elaine’s assets will be tied up and any inheritance will be John’s. I doubt that he will help anyone except whoever has his mother’s personality."

"There’s a little in my, Joy’s account." Diane said to me. "Could you give me the ATM card?"

"There isn’t much in it." I replied questioning whether I or Diane should have the money.

"Maybe we should return to our own bodies." Ken suggested.

The threat wasn’t lost on me. It would mean Elaine would be either Ken or Tom. Elaine had enough without having to adjust to being a man and would probably kill herself.

"Maybe something can be arranged, but it will have to be when all of us are together." Tom said, ignoring Ken’s last suggestion. "I’ll try to make arrangements for a meeting. Go ahead give Diane the ATM card."

I got Joy’s purse and handed the card to Diane. Ken looked at John. It appeared he expected additional money from John but he kept quiet.

"I guess we’d better go now." Ken said.

"I’m going out." Tom announced after they left.

I was so depressed by Ken’s threat and the way Tom had left that I just turned on the TV. I didn’t even bother fix something to eat before going to bed.


When I awoke, I again checked out my figure and face in the mirror, knowing that it would be some time before I became familiar enough with this body to not need to constantly check it out. I really appreciated Joy’s slim almost boyish figure, but something had changed. Now that I finally had enough rest, I really felt great, much better than had Fred for years, but of course Joy’s body was much younger. I was a woman in a woman’s body and knew it would be quite normal to make love with a man. When I became a man again it would be a woman with whom to make love. It was just that simple. I felt sexy and wanted to make love. Now quite adroit with Joy’s body, I stripped off the T shirt and walked into the bedroom. Tom looked so sexy just lying there that I couldn’t avoid admiring his muscular build. I walked over to his bed and shook him.

"If you’re still in the mood, I’m available."

"What time is it?" Tom looked at my naked body then at the clock. "Oh my god, I’ve overslept. God, I wish you’d made that decision earlier! I promised to come early so she could continue working on the estate during the funeral. There are things that needed to be done that she couldn’t handle in my body’s present condition."

"Maybe later?"

"Elaine states she’s had enough of being me! She’ll probably want to become Joy. I’ve got to get going - let’s change now."

I climbed in bed next to him, so aware of his hard masculine body.

"At least hold me a little first." Tom gave me a quick unsatisfactory hug then quickly turned away and exchanged bodies.

I felt so big and clumsy and was certainly feeling the effects of the change of sex, especially the effects of Joy’s presence and was amazed to suddenly be so much larger than her. At any rate I had a fierce erection. Joy quickly got out of bed and walked into the bath room. I could hear the shower and was sure she was feeling herself up as was I. I was tempted to join her, but I knew that if I had been turned down earlier for lack of time, there certainly wasn’t time now.

"How was your date with Ann?" I ask my new baritone voice when she returned, still naked, to the bedroom to get some clean underwear. "Did you get any?"

"It was difficult and I had to tell some lies. I’m afraid she left very upset, and no we didn’t get that far!" Joy replied, apparently not the least upset by my presence as I stared at her. After drying herself she quickly dressed and left without breakfast.

I still had the erection and it was evident it wasn’t going away soon. There was a good possibility that I would eventually be Tom and that prospect excited me even more. I got out of bed and got a couple of paper towels and returned to bed. After being a woman for the past few days it felt strange to have and to touch the penis, especially this one. Fred had been circumcised but Tom had not. I took care of the erection then explored the difference. There wasn’t the excitement and novelty of Joy’s body and there was only a single climax.

As I just lay there, the relaxation from the climax quickly dissipating, I became quite anxious. What could I say to Ann if she called? I got up to quickly shower and leave the apartment. As I showered I viewed the muscular build of this body, so much more muscled than Fred. After I dried off, I flexed my huge biceps and then stood before a mirror as I tried out various poses that I’d seen on TV during body builder competition. It was nice having this build, but I doubted I would have the perseverance to maintain it.

I was really upset the time I pulled down Tom’s pants to sit on the toilet to urinate rather than stand, and didn’t appreciate the need to shave Tom’s heavy beard, but those were only temporary setbacks. It was great being male again and I felt so strong that I couldn’t resist picking items around the apartment, that as Joy, I wouldn’t have dreamed of moving.

It was hard to keep from just splitting as I remembered that I would probably be Sue again before the end of the day. Still I had made those promises and in addition to my obligations, there was the problem of a vocation. I felt so restless and full of energy that I just knew an office job wouldn’t be suitable. The car was out front and after a protest finally started.

I couldn’t resist driving by Michelle’s house, knowing full well that she was in school. Yet it was reassuring just to see the house and see it hadn’t changed. As I couldn’t think of anything else to do, I drove down the highway to Topanga Beach and took a walk on the beach, looking at the gals in bikini’s and noticing their reaction. Fred never got that attention! I hoped I didn’t meet anyone that knew Tom. The girls made Joy look shapeless and I was tempted to get acquainted with a couple of them. After all I had learned quite a bit about being a female!

After an hour or two, I felt at home with Tom’s body, although very conscious of that swinging flesh between my legs. If Tom was who I was going to be, it would be worth the wait and the inconvenience! After eating in a cafe, I returned to the apartment, but as I couldn’t think of anything to do, just lounged around watching TV.

It was early evening when a very tired Sue arrived, all alone. Once inside the apartment Sue sat almost immediately. I couldn’t keep Tom’s eyes off that huge rotund abdomen.

"I’m really beat, it has been a very long and trying day." Sue began. "Elaine did too much and was really in bad shape when we returned from the funeral. She’s not happy with the situation, insisted everyone return to their own bodies and volunteered her willingness to become either Tom or Ken."

"She’d never adjust to that!" I interrupted, alarmed both for her and what that would mean for me.

"That was what we thought. Both John and I knew her demand was for her own peace of mind. She is going to need support and time. It was only after we reminded her of Diane’s intention to remain Ken that she agreed to a female body. I offered her mine but she decided to stay Joy, at least for the time being. I’m so tired I need you to switch with me now. I promise not to make advances."

"How does John feel about having my consciousness in the body of his wife? After what we did, I wouldn’t want to live in the same apartment with him!"

"We agreed that we’d switch, that he’d be Tom. He wants to help Eileen adjust to being Joy. It would look better and he’d have more time if he were Tom. John and I work in the same section and did the same work. I should have no problems doing his work in his body. After all we’re only talking about five days."

"I’ll do it provided you agree not to leave me alone, except to go to work."

"But then I won’t have the freedom I want!" Sue protested.

"But you’ll still be a man."

"It’s just not the same, but I guess I have no choice." Sue finally replied.

"We forgot about Ann." I reminded her.

"Well that will be their problem." Sue replied.

Sue’s reply should have warned me, but I was too overwhelmed already to pay much attention to that matter.

The exchange plus Sue’s fatigue really knocked me out. The next thing I knew Tom was assisting me to his car.

The baby’s kicking added to my discomfort and I had to go to the bathroom. Somehow I managed to keep control bladder until we arrived at the apartment and, barely able to keep my balance, staggered into the bathroom for relief. Each time I tried to sit, I almost lost my balance. It was only after I supported myself by putting my hand on the counter that I was able to sit on the toilet. Only then did I pull down the maternity slacks and panties. Over half of my thighs were covered by my huge abdomen. In spite of my fatigue I was compelled to cup and hold those huge breasts. When I was done urinating, the size of my abdomen complicated my task of reaching between my legs to wipe the urine off the labia. It was difficult to stand and again I had to hold onto the counter for support. Being female and pregnant was such a pain! I then staggered into the bedroom and lay down, not even bothering to kick off Sue’s shoes.

John woke me later. "Don’t worry, I’m Sue and John is gone. Oh, I almost forgot. You have an appointment with Dr. Roberts Monday at ten a.m."

"Wonderful!" I rested my arms on the shelf of Sue’s abdomen and felt the baby’s kicks. The idea of having to see a doctor before I was used to being Sue was irritating. I managed to keep my mouth shut and, with much difficulty, sit on the side of the bed and undress. I didn’t even bother with a nightgown before crawling into bed naked.

John came to bed, but I was past caring about his presence. My new found female sexuality and desire had gone with the loss of Joy’s body. In spite of the fatigue it was difficult to find a comfortable position. Just as I managed to fall asleep, the baby’s kicking would wake me. Finally the baby settled down and I was able to sleep.

(1) Sunday

A full bladder awoke me and, still groggy, I was completely disorientated in the dark bedroom. I felt so weird! It was so hard to sit up. My hand encountered a bare protruding abdomen that seemed to be a part of me and naked swellings on my chest. Then I remembered my identity and condition. It all had to be a nightmare, but my searching hands proved otherwise.

It was so difficult to get out of bed and such a struggle to waddle to the bathroom. I almost forgot to sit before urinating and did discover, just in time, that I had raised the toilet seat. After the flow stopped I searched the longest time for the light switch, finally finding it about five inches higher than expected. I turned on the light, brushed the hair away from my face and studied the reflection of Sue’s unfamiliar face in detail. Then I examined my the naked torso in the mirror and ran my hand between Sue’s breasts, struck by the dark circles of the aureoles. With this grotesque belly and huge breasts, I felt so deformed. How could I have let myself get talked into this?

It almost as difficult to get in bed. Again there was the difficulty in finding a comfortable position. Unfortunately the need to urinate woke me numerous times during the night and I was to discover that night wasn’t unusual.

It was past dawn when I awoke alone in bed. As much as I would have liked to just pull the covers over my head, I again had to use the bathroom. As I sat on the toilet, staring at the expanse of my belly which almost covered my thighs, my mind kept going over the manner in which I had been manipulated. Then John announced breakfast was ready. I paused long enough to study my reflection in the mirror and then, still naked, waddled into the living dining area. Although I was quite conscious of how John towered over me, at least the difference was not as great as between Tom and Joy!

It was a warm day and John had drawn back the drapes and opened the patio door.

"You might at least put something on." John exclaimed. "Someone might see you."

I considered reminding him Sue had sunbathed nude on that patio, but didn’t feel like making the effort and returned to the bedroom for a robe. It was such an effort just to sit at the table. My belly nudged the table when I pulled the chair closer to allow Sue’s shorter arms to reach the food. There wasn’t much room for food in Sue’s stomach, but then I really wasn’t in the mood to eat.

John cleared away the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. "I’ll do this now, but you’re going to have to help when I go to work."

The back pain and the memory of the pain of Consuelo’s labor didn’t improve my mood. I felt like telling him that carrying the baby was more than enough. Instead without a word, I pulled back the chair, managed to stand and walk to the bathroom for a shower. I couldn’t resist ruefully staring at my swollen breasts and abdomen, and running my hands over my body feeling the taunt hardness of the round belly and the firm full tenderness of those breasts. As I did, I kept remembering the reflection of Consuelo’s body. At least I wasn’t in labor. Hopefully labor wouldn’t start until I was out of this body. I remembered to put on a shower cap and congratulated myself on this achievement.

My big belly prevented me from wrapping a towel around my waist, so I waddled into the bedroom, still naked. I didn’t dare bend over to search for underwear, but the dresser was close enough to reach and I could pull out the dresser drawers while sitting on the bed. I pulled out underwear and a bra, then after putting my arms into the foreign devise, a bra, dutifully struggled with the clasp only to become frustrated and to throw the it on the bed. To hell with it, I was going to do only what I wanted and right now I wanted to be as comfortable as possible. After all it was going to be for just four more days. Besides it wouldn’t be my problem if those damn breasts sagged.

It was another struggle just to get off the bed! I found a pair of black slacks with an elastic panel in front and a maternity blouse to put over Sue’s bare breasts. Was it only the day before yesterday I, in Joy’s body, was confident enough to stand while putting on panties? Well that was something I didn’t dare try now! Bare feet in sandals didn’t feel right, but I was in no mood to struggle with hose. Makeup was out of the question, but even as negative and depressed as I was, it was impossible to ignore Sue’s long hair. I grabbed a comb and brush and waddled into the living room to join John.

John had his shirt off and was looking at his upper torso. "It is certainly not the build that Tom had, but it’ll do."

I just glared at him and carefully and slowly lowered myself into an arm chair and tried to comb the tangles out of my hair. Even as gently as I was with the comb, those tangles hurt.

"I think I’ll get some sun at the pool. John used to do laps. It’s too bad I don’t know how to swim."

I was too upset to voice my resentment that John was able to play, while I was encumbered by their baby.

John left the room and a few minutes later returned in swim trunks. "Having a penis can be a problem, especially when it wants to spray all over."

"It’s better than having to pull down your pants and sit every time to pee!" I retorted as John left the apartment.

I returned to the bedroom to rest and had just managed to get comfortable before John returned. John made a few feminine gestures as he dressed. After John left the room I must have slept for he came back into the bedroom to tell me lunch was ready and even offered to help me up.

"You can’t just lie in bed all day. An afternoon nap should be enough." He told me as we ate. "We’re going to have to shop for groceries."

"You’d better go." I told him. "I feel so unwieldy, I’m afraid of losing my balance."

"I’m not going to be able to do John’s job and the housework too!"

I almost told him that was his problem, that I didn’t ask to be Sue. After John left I realized I had done precisely that. I might as well cooperate in good faith, and decided to straighten the apartment. My gait was better but any further improvement was going to have to wait until the baby was born. It didn’t take long to learn how difficult it was to bend over. My stomach hit things so often that I soon became too frustrated to continue. I was really relieved John didn’t expect much assistance in putting away the groceries.

"If I’m to go to the doctor, I’m going to need some money." I said.

"I’ll give you some cash, but it’ll mean a trip to the bank tomorrow." John told me as I put the last item away.

"You’d better check your signature."

"I’ll use the ATM card."

John left the room to answer the phone. "It’s Ken. They want to come over tonight." He announced.

"I’m too tired and not in the mood to deal with them!"

"It’s not possible tonight and the next two days are out also." John told Ken. "I can understand your concern. Look, I’ve already given you as much as we can afford. Maybe you and Diane can look for a job."

John put his hand over the receiver. "He says he is not going for any peon job!" He then returned to Ken "We’ll get together later as we agreed!"

"What do you mean you’ve given them as much as we can afford?" I ask as John hung up the phone.

"We’re the only ones with any money." John said when he returned to the living room. "Elaine’s ex husband was a con artist and left her with debts. She has only the house."

"How long have you known that?" I ask.

"Just yesterday. John knew that when he agreed to become Tom."

"And just what else did he know?" I ask, beginning to smell a rat.

"I’m sorry, but I was just too tired yesterday to tell you everything." John began cautiously. "Before I left Elaine’s house yesterday, John and I got into a fight. John doesn’t feel any responsibility to us. He really didn’t want a child. At first he wanted to stay John and move in with Joy. In addition to what I told you yesterday, I agreed that as Tom, John wouldn’t be responsible for child support and also that he could have half of the money we were saving for a house."

"How long does he plan to remain Tom?" I ask fearing the answer.

"I really don’t know. It was so hard to convince him to become Tom, that I didn’t ask further questions."

"Now wait a minute. The agreement was that you’d have a male body for only a week!"

"We have to have an income! What would you do if you were Tom? How would you support yourself? If you were John, would you be able to support both of us? I have to remain John until you and Tom exchange bodies or until I can return to work in my own body."

What John said made sense, but I resented not being given a choice and the deceitful way that had been used to get me to transfer my consciousness to Sue’s body.

"With all the concessions you made I don’t see why Tom should return to his original body. It sounds like you’ve made sure he will remain Tom. How long will it be before Sue goes back to work?"

"Well for one thing Tom lacks the credentials to do the work John’s work and John doesn’t have the knowledge to do Tom’s job. For another thing, Tom and Joy may find it more difficult to get along than did John and his mother. As for your second question, I should be able to return to my own job in about six weeks."

"Six weeks!" I exploded. "Do you really expect me to have your baby?"

"Not if Tom decides to return to his own body. If not, do you have a better idea?" John ask. Just look at what you’re getting. Either one is at least twenty five years younger. I think six weeks in exchange for twenty five years is a pretty good deal. If we exchange bodies, we wouldn’t have to stay together. I’ll even sign an agreement not to seek child support or alimony. Besides let me remind you who is responsible for our situation."

Without thinking I collapsed heavily on the couch. I could force a change, force Sue and, if lucky, John back into their own bodies, but the chances of succeeding with both was rather remote. Besides, what would that achieve when any one of the others could reverse anything I did.

I had to be realistic. If I hoped to have any influence I would have to go along. It was only a matter of a month and a half but the idea of having a baby made me hesitate.

"What choice do I have?" I ask rhetorically.

"I don’t see any alternative." John replied.

"But at least you could have given me a choice!" I protested.

"No sense worrying about it now. We’ve got other problems. I guess we’d better keep up the routines. John always jogged in the mornings, so I guess I start tomorrow morning."

It was aggravating that John was able to walk out on me like that. Between trips to the bathroom, I sat and watched TV, furious that I had allowed myself to be put in this miserable condition. John made dinner and afterwards we made a pretense of watching TV. Finally it was time for bed. John accompanied me into the bedroom.

"I don’t want you to go without a bra again." He exclaimed as I brought out a night gown. Then he returned to the living room.

I stared at the blue veins on my breasts, almost too tired to put on the granny night gown. Again there was that struggle to get comfortable. I was really angry when John came to bed an hour later and fell sleep almost immediately while I was still unable to sleep.

(2) Monday

John was not in bed when I awoke. The constant backache seemed more intense. Again there was that urgent demand from my bladder. I was still angry about the deception. My ineptness and awkwardness as I sat up and pulled my bloated body out of the bed didn’t help. After relieving myself, I studied my still unfamiliar face and traced the shape of lips, nose and cheeks. The baby was kicking again and I automatically moved my hands to my hard round jutting abdomen.

Even now, I couldn’t resist the impulse to look at my naked body, to get better acquainted with it. Such big dark aureoles and the navel protruded so much! There was even a dark line down the center of my huge belly. I turned to get a side view. Why had I ever agreed to this and why should I bother keeping that appointment with Sue’s doctor? But then if Tom didn’t come through, anything that happened to Sue happened to me.

Naked I waddled into the living room to look for John. He was nowhere around so I returned to the bedroom. It was too early for John to have left for work. He was probably jogging so I might as well take my shower.

After washing my awkward body and toweling off, I looked in the closet. Many blouses and dresses had plunging necklines or were translucent and I didn’t need the attention they’d bring. Fortunately there were a few more conservative maternity tops. Since there were no clean slacks that would fit I would have to wear a skirt and all that entailed. Inside the dresser drawer was a bra that fastened in front. I looked at it then slammed the drawer shut, just not ready to struggle with either bra or panty hose.

I put on a robe over my naked body and walked into the kitchen. From the dirty dishes on the counter, it appeared John had already eaten. There was a sound behind me. I turned and watched as John pulled off the top of his sweat suit.

"Aren’t you going to do something with that hair?"

"Not unless you help me."

John looked at his watch. "I just don’t have time. I’ve got to go to work. Please make an effort! Oh, I left the Dr.’s address on the table. You’ll also find a menu for tonight and a list of things to do." With that John left to take his shower.

The drapes were open and I looked out at the empty pool and patio before turning to the kitchen. What would suit Sue’s taste? I finally decided to just fix Fred’s usual breakfast. As I moved around the kitchen I bumped into the counter, refrigerator door and the stove time and time again. Sue’s god damn stomach had to be jutting out a foot and those short arms certainly didn’t help. My mood didn’t improve when John left without a word.

I put the breakfast on the table. It was more comfortable sitting with my legs apart. The egg tasted funny but it was probably O.K. Then I bumped a tender breast with my hand. I sat the fork down and stared at the plate. How long was it going to be before these constant surprises ceased.

I looked up and was surprised to see that one young man was already at the pool. He wasn’t bad looking either. It seemed awfully early and then I realized he was just a boy past puberty. I wondered what he was doing there in an adults only apartment. As I looked at him, I caught a sudden movement of his head and even as I turned away realized he had an unobstructed view up Sue’s thighs to Sue’s sex. I was tempted to trade with him to let him discover first hand how it felt to be a pregnant female. In his body I could even watch as he explored Sue’s body. But that would only cause problems for both of us. Then as I mentally put myself in his place I spread Sue’s legs wide apart to give him a better view. I felt a rush of excitement and sat there avoiding looking at the voyeur until he moved away.

I finished breakfast and as I put my hands on the table for assistance in standing, I glared at the chipped red fingernail polish. That was another thing I wasn’t going to worry about! The sight of John’s dirty dishes on the counter made me angry, but I still washed them. Only then did I ponder about the episode with the young teenager. I identified with him and regretted not being able to carry through with my impulse. After all Sue’s pregnancy offered adequate protection from complications.

Before going to the doctor’s office, I tried to do something with the hair but it needed more skill than I possessed to look decent. To my relief there was a parking lot next to the clinic. The nurse ushered me into and examination room, told me to remove Sue’s clothes and put on a gown. I thought of the pictures John had taken and knew the doctor was going to get quite a show. The doctor however was quite professional although brusque in his examination. The pelvic exam though really got to me, proof positive I could still be hurt.

"The baby should be on time, but I think you should continue to abstain from sex until a couple of months after the birth. It’d be better if you’d reconsider your request for a general anesthetic. I also suggest that you reconsider nursing the baby. No formula is as good as mother’s milk. If you do change your mind about nursing, you’d better start taking better care of your nipples."

It appeared Sue had been too concerned about her breasts to consider nursing the baby. I felt perverse enough to tell the doctor that I would go along with both recommendations.

It was a relief to be back in the apartment and not have people towering over me. I was having second thoughts though about the general anesthetic as I remembered the pain of Consuelo’s labor. By the time I had eaten a quick lunch, I was bushed and had decided on a nap. John was home when I awoke. I knew that he could tell I wasn’t wearing a bra but he kept quiet.

"Didn’t you do anything today?" He ask. "This apartment is a mess!"

"God damn it, what do you want? I kept the appointment with your damn doctor!"

"Sorry, it’s been a hard day." John complained as I sat. "I’m just not going to be able to do the work here too."

My attitude softened at his apology, and at the way he sounded and looked. "What happened?" I ask.

"Nothing of importance."

"That’s not the way it sounds" I pushed myself to a sitting position.

"I guess part of the problem is that I, Sue, worked with the same people. Betty and Janice were discussing a new dress and without thinking, I joined in the discussion. What I said would have been O.K. for me, Sue, but not John. After that fiasco, I just tried to avoid everyone. It seemed like everyone was watching me and I’m sure they picked up on some of my female mannerisms."

"Nothing is working out for either of us. Just when I was ready for sex as a female, it was too late. Now I’m told not to have sex. Have you found someone else with whom to go to bed?"

John looked at me and changed the subject. "I hope you didn’t go to the Dr. looking like that."

"I tried to fix this hair, but I don’t know what to do with it. Either you’re going to have to assist me or let me get a simpler, shorter hair style."

"And be stuck with it when we change back! Not on your life."

I was pleased by his reaction, lifted Sue’s heavy body off the bed and waddled into the kitchen. "God damn it, I’m no cook! Everything is such an effort I’m tempted to change with you right now!"

"Calm down, I’ll get something."

I sat on the sofa while John went for groceries. When he returned and I heard him at the door, I found the sofa was a mistake. It was very difficult to get up as there was nothing to use for support.

The phone rang and John answered it. "That was Tom. He had the gall to ask me to help move Joy’s furnishings into storage! Well that is one advantage you now have."

I was in no mood to answer as he put away the groceries, but I did help him with dinner.

"I’m sorry." I apologized to John as we ate, "I know that we can’t keep buying prepared food. I’ll try to fix something tomorrow."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that my - your friends are giving you a baby shower tomorrow night. I still don’t want others to know about our change of bodies and ask that you try to act as if you were me. I will show you their pictures and tell you something about each of them, so it won’t be a total disaster."

"If you weren’t so stubborn we could solve this problem."

"That would only set me back. It is hard enough to work and act like John. You can hide here most of the time and sleep!"

John left the table and returned with a photo album and a tape recorder. "Use the tape recorder to go over what I tell you. The shower is at June’s apartment. Mother won’t be there, but she’ll probably drop off my sister - Renee. Here is an old picture of Renee. It’s too bad I don’t have a recent one."

The picture was of a pretty but stocky girl in her early teens. "She’s eighteen and about six inches taller than I - you are. Renee will be the one with the biggest boobs. You’ll have to be careful of what you say, she’s really quite sharp. Don’t say anything about her figure. She’s very self conscious, so much she wouldn’t even undress around me!"

John left the room and returned with some school annuals that we went over. "Here is a picture of June. She knows me quite well. The others shouldn’t be much of a problem if you just concentrate on the gifts and don’t talk too much." John continued talking about an hour of the friends who would be there. "Maybe if I show up after the shower starts I could get Renee to go with me. That would remove your major problem. She always had a crush on John."

"I’d better get to bed." John finally told me and it was only then that he ask. "Oh what did the doctor say?"

"Every thing’s O.K., I guess. I did mention taking better care of the nipples if I’m going to nurse the baby. What is that supposed to mean?"

"He probably meant for you to rub on some Vaseline so they wouldn’t crack, but don’t worry about that, I don’t intend to nurse the baby."

I wasn’t sleepy. After John went to bed, I tried watching TV but found nothing of interest. Finally I turned on the stereo to a classical music station. It was very disturbing to find that one of Fred’s favorite soprano’s arias really grated on Sue’s ears. I had to turn it off. I then went to the bedroom for the nightgown and then to the bathroom to undress. Before slipping on the night gown I examined Sue’s large dark nipples. Why not experience all that went with being a woman? I was shocked at my thoughts. Still a little Vaseline wouldn’t hurt. After all I might not have another chance to experience being a lactating female. Besides if I nurse the baby I wouldn’t have to bother with formulas.


(3) Tuesday

I was very annoyed when John shook me awake. It had been another night of having to constantly go to the bathroom and I was in no mood to get up.

"Just be sure to look presentable for that shower. I’ll see you about five."

John left, but I couldn’t get back to sleep. It was much later when I finally got up, showered, dressed and ate breakfast. Then I went over the material from last night. An hour of that was all I could take. I needed to get out! I looked at the people around the pool. There was a young woman lying face up, her naked breasts pointed up so enticing, wearing only the bottom of her bathing suit.

I had always enjoyed swimming so I went into the bedroom and pulled out the white bikini. I undressed and tried on the bottom of the suit to find it was small enough to actually fit under the bulge of my abdomen. I ran my hand over the suit and felt some pubic hairs showing around the edges of the narrow bikini bottom. The overall effect was more incongruous than had been that pregnant woman on the beach. The top of the swim suit was so small as to look completely ridiculous and was so uncomfortable. Never-the-less it would have to do. I went to the hall closet to get a towel, dropped and then, without thinking, bent over to pick it up. As I did my swollen breasts fell out of the top. I stood there a moment completely flabbergasted then took it off and threw it on the bed.

Undecided as to what to do and still bare breasted I went into the kitchen to get a drink. On the counter was John’s list of things to do. Seeing it made me quite angry. To hell with that damn list and to hell with John! I was going swimming and if that girl out there could go topless, so could I. If going swimming made the baby come sooner, so much the better! This time I squatted to pick up the towel.

As impeded as I was, I didn’t dare dive or jump in the pool. It was also difficult to use the swim ladder. To my surprise, Sue’s body was surprisingly buoyant and agile in the water. Especially buoyant were Sue’s breasts, which seemed to want to float to the surface. After swimming only a few laps I was tired, the lack of endurance a big disappointment. I thought of just floating, but the mental picture of Sue’s abdomen sticking out like an island changed my mind.

I waded to the shallow end, got out and lay on a lounge chair, all too aware of the stares of the other sun bathers. One woman’s stare perturb me so much that if I hadn’t been pregnant, I would have told her off. I just wished I dared trade with her and fantasized removing the bottom of her bikini and walking naked into the street. The heat of the sun and my self-consciousness soon made me pick up Sue’s heavy awkward body and waddled back inside. I had been determined to stay, but a topless female in a bikini evidently didn’t have the novelty of one who was also nine months pregnant.

I managed to get a quick lunch, set the alarm and put on a nightgown before collapsing on the bed. In spite of my fatigue, I still couldn’t sleep and found myself moving Sue’s hands over that huge abdomen and those sore breasts.

I was still tired and angry with John when the alarm rang. Then I remembered the way a woman on her way to the beach had dressed. If I was dressed like that woman it might make him so afraid I might embarrass him that he would swap with me and go to that shower.

After struggling out of bed I went through the chest of drawers and picked out one of John’s T shirts, took off the night gown and tried it on. I wasn’t going to worry about a little seepage from the nipples. In fact the seepage would make the tight T shirt even more translucent. I tried it on. As anticipated the size and sagging shape of Sue’s heavy breasts and location of the nipples were clearly visible. Great!

I chose a pair of jeans and tucked in the bottom of the T shirt. Of course the jeans were too tight so I just left the top buttons undone. It took so much time to dress, I was afraid John would arrive before I was ready. I finished with high heels and looked in the mirror. Even some blue veins could still be seen through the thin T shirt. Sue looked bizarre and would certainly attract attention. I didn’t bother to get up when John arrived. He came into the room and glared at me.

"Why in god’s name are you dressed like that?"

"Why, don’t you like it? I dressed up to go to shower." I told him and pushed myself to a sitting position.

"You know damn well how inappropriate that is! I’m not going to switch back until I’m ready."

"Do you think the way you used to dress was any better?"

"You just watch what you wear when you go outside. You don’t have the experience to handle what might result from wearing provocative clothing. Just get ready for that shower!"

From the way John was trembling, it was obvious he was seething and possibly the only thing that kept me from striking me was that I occupied his natural body and could return his consciousness to Sue’s body.

"And put on a bra!" John demanded angrily. "You’re ruining my breasts!"

"You’re going to have to help."

To my surprise he did, and by the time he was through, Sue looked quite good. John fixed dinner, then drove me to June’s apartment. The baby was kicking and I felt so bloated, so awkward and was so apprehensive about meeting these new people. In the apartment I could lie down when especially uncomfortable or to get away from others, but not now.

Although John accompanied me to the door he left before June opened the door. I was early and Renee was the only other person present. John’s description of Renee was hardly adequate and I tried not to stare. The picture hadn’t done her justice. She had a pretty face, although with a slight mustache, was only a little overweight and had a fairly good figure. Renee was, however, very buxom and even the loose oversized blouse failed to conceal the size of her breasts. I took a seat, telling June I was tired and that hoped everyone would excuse me if I didn’t talk much.

"I came early to assist June" Renee explained, her voice low and husky.

"How are mother and dad?" I quickly ask, then as I realized the fingers of my fingers were interlaced under and supporting my distended abdomen, quickly moved them away.

"They’re fine." From Renee’s expression I was sure that Sue didn’t refer to her parents that way.

One of my bra straps had slipped. "Could you tell me where the bathroom is" I ask.

Again another mistake. Sue probably had been at June’s apartment enough to know the location of the bathroom. If only I didn’t have to play this stupid role. It was a relief to hear the door bell ring and know that another guest had arrived. The more people in the apartment, the easier it would be to just sit back, watch everyone and just go through the motions of oozing and aahing as I opened the gifts. Although I recognized many faces, I had difficulty putting the faces with the names and hope I made the right comments. At one point I was again left alone with Renee.

"What’s wrong sis? Are you O.K.?" Renee ask and appeared genuinely concerned.

"I’m just tired" I told her lamely.

"I really envy you. I wish I were married and had a baby instead of having to go to college."

"Your time will come."

"Not as long as I look like this. I can’t bear the idea of a guy seeing me naked, not with these boobs."

Renee’s complaint was interrupted by John’s arrival. He walked over to greet us then turned to Renee. "How about going out for a cup of coffee with me?"

"Do you mind?" Renee ask me.

I was just wishing that the shower was over and that John could take me home. "No, go right ahead."

I regretted having given my approval only a half hour later when the other guests started leaving, finally leaving me uncomfortably alone with June.

"I can’t imagine what happened to John and Renee. I’m really tired. Do you mind if I lay down?"

The baby was quiet as I lay on the bed and I could hear June cleaning up. Perhaps John felt comfortable with Renee and could relax. I had really treated John badly, had tried to embarrass John when he had more than enough difficulties at work. Surely we should be able to get along for a few weeks!

I remembered how sexy I had felt in Joy’s body, my desire to experience intercourse and Tom’s expressed desire to experience sex as a man. It was too bad we hadn’t been on the same wave length. Now I was in a body that wasn’t in shape for sex.

When I was Fred I had to wait only nine days after Michelle was born before having intercourse. Maybe I could ignore the doctor and start having intercourse a couple of weeks early. The thought sent a mild wave of excitement through me and my hands moved to and rubbed my breasts and vulva. It felt so good I was tempted to remove the bra and panties for better access but dared not.

As the time passed, I became anxious and then angry with John’s lack of consideration. When he finally arrived, it was without Renee.

"Sorry, I’m so late. Renee was sick and I took her home." John explained, then before I could respond, he started carrying the gifts to the car.

"You could have called!" I complained as he drove. John just kept quiet until we had carried the gifts into the living room.

"I’m behind in my work and have to work late tomorrow to make up for today. Unfortunately John had more experience and that is causing difficulties."

I felt guilty about my anger so just undressed, put on the nightgown and went to bed. John was asleep by the time I joined him and he was up and out of the apartment the next morning before I could talk to him.

(4) Wednesday

It wasn’t long before I was bored, a prisoner of Sue’s pregnancy and my fear that I might go into labor and have no one to take care of me. I took the pictures John had taken out of the drawer and sat on the edge of the bed still naked. They showed a view of my body that I couldn’t see through Sue’s eyes. I remembered how I felt at June’s apartment. Could I repeat those sensations in spite of the discomfort of Sue’s pregnancy? I stood in front of the closet mirror and studied my still unfamiliar face. Sue wasn’t a beauty like Diane, but still very attractive. I took off the night gown and looked at the protruding belly with its protruding navel, at the swollen breast with the blue veins so visible, and at the very dark aureoles. It didn’t matter how I looked, just it felt when I caressed myself.

I lay on my back on the bed, looked at the twin protruding mounds, at the much bigger ball of my abdomen and moved a hand to each nipple. The nipples were so tender, yet with a very light touch my fingers produced the same exquisite sensation that stemmed from between my thighs. In spite of the belly that made it impossible to see my hand, I was able to reach a climax. The baby’s kicks made me decide not to try for another.

I felt so good that I was certain I wanted the adventure of having and nursing the baby. I waddled into the bathroom and rubbed Vaseline on my tender nipples. Once again I looked at those pictures. My John wouldn’t have taken them. I resolved to keep the pictures as a souvenir and, suddenly afraid that John might destroy them, searched the room for a hiding place, finally putting them in a pair of shoes in the closet.

After showering, dressing and eating breakfast I even did some cleaning before taking my nap. As soon as I lay on the bed, I started thinking about sex! Here I was almost ready to go into labor and I hadn’t even had sex as a female yet! If Tom decided to become John again, before my body was ready for intercourse, I might never have that experience. Then the phone rang, it was Renee.

"Can I come over?" She ask. "Please, I need to talk to you."

The tone of her voice reminded me of the hours Renee and John had spent together. What had happened? I needed to talk with John. "How about ten o’clock tomorrow?"

"Can’t I come over tonight?"

"After being out so late last night I’ll be too tired. It’d be better in the morning."

"OK." The tone of Renee’s voice betrayed her disappointment at the delay. "Oh, mother wants to talk to you."

I was very nervous at the prospect of having to talk to Sue’s mother, again wishing I didn’t have to keep up this pretense. Perhaps she wouldn’t ask difficult questions.

"How are you feeling honey?" Sue’s mother ask.

"I’m about as well as can be expected."

"We’d like to have John and you over for dinner Sunday. It won’t be anything elaborate, something that will keep in case you do have to go to the hospital."

"I don’t know John’s plans. He’s working late tonight. I’ll call you in the morning."

"That’s fine baby, bye."

I breathed a sigh of relief, but it was imperative I learn more about Sue’s parents before any further contact! Although John was quite late, I forced myself to wait up for him.

"Your mother ask us to come for dinner Sunday." I told him as we undressed for bed.

"Why does Joy want to see us? Diane called me at work. They’re all coming over Friday evening."

"It wasn’t her, it was Renee’s mother."

"Don’t worry, you may be in the hospital by then."

"I’d like to think so. I’ve had enough of pregnancy, but what if I’m not in labor? She’s bound to see the difference."

"We’d better decline, but we can’t stall forever. I’d better do some coaching."

"Actually it was Renee who called and said that mother wanted to talk to me. She’s coming over tomorrow morning. Maybe you’d better do some coaching now. At least tell me why she insists on seeing me."

John’s face was red as he hesitated, but finally he answered. "I told her about us."

"You what!"

"I had a strange idea I could have intercourse with her."

"But she’s your sister."

"I didn’t go through with it. I didn’t ask. Although she’s not John’s sister, she’s my sister!"

"But what did you tell her?"

"She didn’t believe me. How could she?"

"Then why is she so insistent on seeing me?"

"I don’t know."

"Maybe she did believe you and wants to check it out. If she probes she’ll know I’m not Sue."

"If she does, I’m sure she can keep the secret."

"I hope she can keep a secret better than you! If you’re so anxious to have intercourse, I’ve got an idea. Maybe I can get Joy to exchange bodies for a night."

"She won’t do that. She’s become a religious fanatic. The only reason she doesn’t put everyone in their own bodies is that we could undo everything. To her, you’re a servant of the devil."

"Well then, what do I tell Renee?"

"I’ll leave that to you. I’m too tired to come up with a solution."

He wasn’t the only tired one! The mention of Joy and Renee made me feel very isolated. I didn’t have a claim on John but I suddenly and unexpectedly needed to be held. I rolled over to embrace and hold him as close as Sue’s belly would allow.

"I’m sorry I’ve been so uncooperative. I’ll do what I can to help." I told him but John remained silent and unresponsive. It was a long time before I was able to sleep.

(5) Thursday

For once the alarm woke me first. My back was especially painful and I was all too conscious that this was the day I should have transferred out of this cumbersome, painful, pregnant female body. Why had John agreed that the other members of the group come here? They had their own apartments and were certainly more physically able to entertain guests. The more I considered his lack of consideration the angrier I became. After all this should have been my last day in this body!

I struggled to my feet and waddled into the bathroom. As I sat on the toilet, I looked at the big taunt ball of my abdomen, thinking about Renee’s visit. I might not have to wait until after the baby to have sex with John. I was ashamed to even consider the idea, but it was another obsession that couldn’t be resisted. If I could get Renee to transfer with me, I might even be able to use her body to have sex with John. I returned to the bedroom instead of going to the kitchen. John was awake and got out of bed as I entered.

"Why did you suggest they come here? Why can’t we meet at one of their apartments?" I0 complained, as angry at myself for my thoughts as at John. "I don’t know if I can clean the apartment by then!"

"God damn it, you’ve got two whole days!" Stung by the tone in his voice I just returned to bed. After John had finished jogging and had showered, I swung Sue’s legs over the side of the bed, again managed to get my heavy awkward body up and stumbled into the kitchen. The baby protested when I had to push against the counter to turn on the hot water to make coffee.

I heard John play a few bars on the electronic piano and waddled into the living room to watch. John stopped playing and got up so abruptly he upset his chair.

"These damn fingers just don’t work right!" He exclaimed, then quickly righted the chair and left the room.

By the time I had finished my shower, John had left for work. I dressed, then discovered the wash needed to be done in addition to the cleaning. I had sat to rest after putting a load in the washer when Renee arrived.

Renee looked very young dressed in pedal pushers, a full loose blouse and her hair up in braids. Almost immediately, the phone rang. It was Sindi, one of Sue’s friends. She apologized for missing the shower then ask if it’d be possible to stop by Friday evening with her gift. As I talked with her, I was aware that Renee was watching intently. I remembered the scheduled meeting just in time and ask Sindi if I couldn’t make it earlier. We finally agreed on Friday afternoon.

"If I had known John was going to stop by at the shower, I’d found something better to wear. Since I have been on a diet most of my clothes don’t fit." Renee said after I hung up the phone.

I looked up at her. Renee really towered over me. Why make her beat around the bush? "I really was a boyfriend of John’s mother. What John told you was true."

Renee sat down and her face turned red. "You’re putting me on, aren’t you?"

Without thinking, I lowered my body on the couch and folded my arms on the shelf of my abdomen.

"John told me everything. I have no objections if you go to bed with him."

Renee’s face turned even redder. "But I don’t..." Renee blurted out. "He’s your husband!" She stood before changing the subject. "What you tell me is impossible!"

"I could prove it by exchanging bodies with you. You would then get a foretaste of full term pregnancy. Believe me it’s no fun!." I told her and felt the baby kicking against my folded arms. "We would be able to change back in about an hour."

"I’d like to see what it feels like."

"Are you sure?" I ask. Renee nodded her head yes.

"OK, just don’t move!"

It was marvelously free not to be pregnant! Again the tingling wasn’t as bad as with a change of sex. I repressed the urgency to examine this unfamiliar body. Almost as strong as the urge to explore was the desire to visually scrutinize the body I had just left. It was a great relief to not have the burden of pregnancy, but that was partly compensated by the discomfort of the bra under wire which cut into my chest.

"Oh my god!" Sue exclaimed. I watched as she struggled to get off the sofa. She looked at me and then settled back.

"I couldn’t get up. Is everything so hard?" Sue ask.

"I knew better than to sit on that sofa. You won’t have so much trouble later." I stood up, cautiously moved next to Sue and assisted her to her feet.

"It’s very hard to get out of that sofa. You’ll find it easier to move around in a few minutes. Just take it easy and watch what you do. It is when we get overconfident that we really have problems."

"You were telling me the truth!" Sue’s hands moved to the protruding ball of her abdomen. "It’s moving, actually moving inside me!" She exclaimed excitedly.

It was great to again be taller than someone else. I looked down at my thick wrist, Renee was a big boned woman. Then I watched Sue run her hands over herself.

"Let’s go into the bedroom. There is a full length mirror and you can get a better idea of how Sue looks through Sue’s eyes."

Sue took a couple of hesitant steps. "I did it! I was afraid I’d have to stand here forever!" She stopped in front of the mirrored closet door. "It’s like a dream. I’m so excited." She exclaimed as she looked at her new body.

I was just as busy examining the shape of the body I now inhabited. "Why don’t you get undressed?" I suggested. "Then you’ll be able to see the baby’s movements."

"No, I’d rather not."

"Why? I’d like a chance to see Sue’s body through your eyes." To my surprise Sue hesitated. Her blush betrayed the extent of her reservations. Then I remembered Renee had a gym exemption.

"Please, then I’d feel obligated to let you get undressed too. I didn’t even like Sue to see me. My breasts are so big, so ugly, I’d just die!"

"It can’t be that bad!" There had to be another reason. "I don’t have to take these clothes off just because you do."

Sue pulled off the maternity blouse and dropped it on the floor. "Oh, no bra! How come?"

"I feel I was coerced into becoming Sue, so I opted for comfort."

"Once you became used to a bra, you’d probably find it more comfortable to wear one." Sue replied.

After having been Sue so long, I was surprised at the difference in how Sue’s body appeared through Renee’s eyes and marveled that I had been able to stand with that protruding belly. I was also surprised at the extent Sue’s breasts sagged. Maybe a bra was necessary.

I wished Renee hadn’t worn one. It was much too tight. All too aware of my changed balance, I bent over to pick up Sue’s blouse, taking full advantage of the opportunity to look at the deep cleavage as the blouse fell away. All I could see was the a crease where the breasts pressed together. Disappointed, I laid Sue’s blouse on the bed.

"I sure hate having to wear a bra. If only my breasts had stopped growing! Now I can’t find a decent bra without going to a specialty shop." Sue’s hands moved up to cup her naked dark tipped swollen breasts, quite oblivious to the extend of their surrender to gravity. "They’re so much shapelier than mine! I’ve always envied Sue’s figure."

"What is so bad with big boobs? It’s a turn on to many guys."

"They are always staring or making comments, but there’s more than that." Sue admitted. She tried to sit on the bed to remove the maternity slacks, but it was more of a fall.

"I should have warned you about that." I told her. "The same thing happened to me the first time I tried to sit in that body."

I stopped in front of the mirror Sue had just vacated. In spite of the size difference, there was a family resemblance. I looked back at Sue and saw her slide off the maternity slacks.

"You sure you don’t mind?" Sue ask.

"Why should I, it’s not my body."

"Is this backache always so bad?" Now dressed only in bikini panties, Sue held out her hand so I could help her to her feet.


"Even the belly button protrudes! Oh, I’ve got to go to the bathroom."

I watched her waddle into the bathroom and close the door. While she was gone I took the opportunity to run my hands over this big body and especially the big breasts. I wondered whether they hung down like Elaine’s and was curious about the size of the nipples.

"I’m sorry, but I’ve got to go too. It’s over thirty minutes until we can change back and I don’t think I can hold out that long." I told Sue when she returned.

"Can’t you try?"

"I don’t think so. I don’t have complete mastery of your body yet."

Sue’s face darkened. "I guess it’s all right, but you won’t make fun of me, will you?"

"No! I can promise you that!" I swished into the bathroom and closed the door. The need to pee hadn’t been a lie. Quickly I pulled down the pedal pushers and the full cut panties and sat on the toilet. The toilet seat seemed much lower due to Renee’s greater height. After relieving myself, I wiped and as I did felt an unusually sensitive protrusion. From the strength of the sensations that could only be a hooded clitoris. It had to be the clitoris! I dropped the toilet paper in the toilet and felt the protrusion with my naked fingers. Now there was no doubt. I hurriedly removed both pedal pushers and panties and stood.

The bathroom mirror wasn’t too satisfactory, but would have to do. I could see nothing unusual, just the pubic triangle that Sue’s distended belly kept hidden and backed away from the mirror for a better view. The angle and the thick pubic hair effectively hid the slit between my legs. I spread my legs and moved a hand between them. The mons venus was a distinct soft pad not obscured by obesity. Then Renee’s clitoris felt the motion of my hand and at the same time my fingers felt something between the labia instead of the expected cleft. It certainly was not the usual hidden small pencil eraser sized knob of a clitoris.

The blouse kept getting in the way of my vision, so I pulled off the top and looked at the reflection of my torso. Without the blouse the full size of Renee’s breasts were revealed. I was too curious about this body not to investigate further so reached behind to unfasten the bra hooks. The lack of practice and my anxiety caused a frustrating delay. Finally the hooks came loose and I was able to pull off the bra and gawk at my naked breasts. To my surprise they were very large, very full and very heavy. Their outline was oval, but the long dimension was vertical not horizontal. Most of their bulk was below the small circular aureoles with upward pointing nipples. Both nipples and aureoles seemed completely lost in their vastness. I cupped both breasts and found they were quite firm although much too large for my hands.

I moved my other hand moved to a small nipple and caressed it gently, remembering how Joy’s body felt, my desire then to have a man and of Tom and his desire to have sex. The warm glow made me realize I had better stop before I became more aroused.

I was sure that it was the size of the clitoris more than the size of her breasts that bothered Renee and I decided to investigate further. I backed up, sat again on the toilet, spread my legs apart, spread the vaginal lips and looked down between those massive breasts. In the semi aroused state of Renee’s body, I could actually see the protrusion between the vaginal lips. It was about the size of my little finger and I could actually take hold of it. The stimulation felt too good and I quickly stopped. Then as one last necessary item to check, I pushed a finger into my slit and discovered that the hymen was intact. I was now a virgin! That could complicate matters.

"Is everything O.K. in there?" Sue ask. From the tone of voice it was obviously she was upset by the length of time I had been in the bathroom.

I could slide a small mirror under me do a more thorough inspection, but even the time necessary to dress would upset her. Now to see if Renee go along with my plan. I stood up and walked into the bedroom stark naked. Those big breasts hardly bounced at all! Sue was still naked, still sitting on the bed with her legs spread comfortably. As I entered the room, Sue looked up, gasp and hid her face in her hands.

"I’m sorry but I had to know why your body bothers you so much. It’s a little different, but I’d bet John wouldn’t make fun. There are many guys who like big breasts and would even be turned on by the size of your clitoris."

"You really think John wouldn’t make fun of me?" Sue blushed. Her hands covered her breasts, but left her pubic mound exposed.

"Why don’t we find out? The reason John told you about us was that he hoped to make love to you. Sue’s consciousness has still not experienced sex in as a man. The reason he didn’t ask was, that to him, you were still a sister."

"But I couldn’t! I’d be so embarrassed."

"What if I, using your body went first?"

"You want to use my body to have sex with John! You’ve got some nerve!"

"The only time I experienced sex as a woman was when I was raped and almost beaten to death. The doctor wants Sue’s body to wait until two months after the baby is born and I should be long gone by then."

"I know you’re a virgin." I continued. "After we make love, I’ll change with you. You’ll already be naked and in bed with him. By then he will be familiar with your body and you wouldn’t have to worry about his reaction. I’m sure he would want to make love to you. It’s just a thought." I concluded weakly.

Sue was quiet, lost in thought, then continued. "I don’t know. I’d have to let mother’s know I am staying overnight."

Her answer surprised me as I was sure I had lost my gambit. "Once I become a man again, I will even let you use my body to experience life and sex as a man."

"I don’t think I’d like that." Sue replied. Yet she seemed intrigued. "Other than the pregnancy what do you find to be the biggest change from being a man?"

"The thing that bothers me most is always having to take down my pants and sit in order to pee!"

The baby moved and I could see Sue’s attention was again on Sue’s body. "Could you help me up?"

I helped her to her feet. "Is it a deal?" I ask as I moved in front of the closet mirror to get a better look at my naked figure. From the lack of tan marks, it was obvious that Renee never sun bathed.

"I can’t believe this is happening!" Sue exclaimed as we stood in front of the mirror and compared our respective bodies. "Would we be able to move normally by the time John comes home?"

"If we don’t transfer back. How about it? Do you agree?"

"OK! This is so exciting. I just can’t believe any of this!" Sue left for the bathroom. "Maybe we’d better put our clothes on." She said when she returned. "I’m getting hungry."

I went into the bathroom, held onto the sink for support while I gathered Renee’s clothes, took them to the bedroom and laid them on the bed. Sue had already put on panties and maternity slacks. I looked at the strictly functional reinforced bra. "Can I leave the bra off?" I ask. "It really bugs me."

"I guess it’ll be O.K., but my breasts will ache if you keep it off too long."

We finished dressing and returned to the living room. Sue sat on the couch, while I sat in the armchair opposite.

"Oh I did it again! I shouldn’t have sat here." Sue exclaimed.

"Don’t worry, I’ll help you up when you’re ready."

"You’ve got to tell me everything. How is all of this possible? How did you get raped?"

I told her everything from that first day at the beach.

"I’m so glad Elaine isn’t really dead. If only I could tell mother! They have been good friends for years. Maybe when you’re a man again you and she can make up."

I didn’t add anything that would spoil that illusion.

Sue looked down at her huge belly. "It’s just unbelievable!" She then turned to Renee. "Lets eat."

I supported her as she stood and we went into the kitchen. Sue did most of the work of fixing lunch and I was quite willing to let her do so.

"Is Michelle any relation?" Sue ask.

"That is the name of my, Fred’s, daughter." I had thought it would be much easier to eat now that I could sit closer to the table, but now instead of a huge abdomen it was breasts that pushed against the table and kept getting in the way.

"Michelle was in my English class." Sue stared at me as I ate. "If I ate like that I’d look like a balloon."

"Sorry, everything tastes so good and your stomach doesn’t fill up as fast."

"Go ahead and eat what you want. I guess one day off my diet can’t hurt too much. I only wish I knew what to tell mother."

"We’re having company tomorrow evening and the apartment needs cleaning. Would that do?"

"Great!" Sue almost fell as she got off the chair. "I keep forgetting how awkward it is to be pregnant. I guess we could start by doing the dishes." Once the dishes were done, we moved on to making the bed and then general house work. In spite of my unencumbered state, I found it difficult to do much due to less than perfect coordination. Sue finally had to stop. "I never realized that being pregnant could be so tiring."

"It’s not just that, it is also the effects from changing bodies. We also haven’t completely adjusted. Just let the rest of the work go. Take a nap, that is what I usually do."

After Sue left for the bedroom, I sat in the living room. I was now in a body that actually went to school with and knew my own daughter. Maybe I could ride over and see how Michelle was doing. Sue would sleep at least a couple of hours.

There were two bicycles outside. I had to try the key on the locks of both bikes. Later, after a couple of abortive tries I managed to straddle the men’s bicycle. The difficulty I had getting on it made me pause. It’d been years since Fred had ridden and with my still impaired coordination, it was quite possible I’d fall and everything would be ruined. Reluctantly I returned to the apartment, knowing that the alternative was to explore Renee’s body and probably also to masturbate.

I went into the bathroom and stripped off Renee’s clothing. Now I used a hand mirror to examine my female sex. I spread my legs and the clitoris and surrounding tissue resembled a half opened fan. As I rubbed it I felt it enlarge even further and continued caressing myself until my body exploded in a climax. Then I watched TV until Sue awoke.

"You’ve let yourself go!" Sue exclaimed as I entered the living room. "I mean this body. For one thing you need to shave these legs and under the arms. I thought about doing it, but it’s your responsibility. Besides we’ve got to do something about that hair. Those braids just won’t do, they make me look too young."

"It is all right, just let it go. I still don’t know anything about fixing a woman’s hair."

"I’ll do it, all you have to do is sit still. Hopefully, I can get close enough."

I sat in a dining room chair while Sue took out the braids. "My hair really should be washed" Sue observed, her right arm rested on the shelf of her abdomen. "Why don’t you take a shower? I can put the hair in curlers, use the hair dryer and have it done before John arrives."

Once again naked, I had to suppress my desire to continue the examination of this body. I took a shower then put on panties and one of John’s T shirts that really was just barely big enough to contain my torso and breasts. Now that we were in the final stages of preparation, I couldn’t keep my mind off what was to come.

Sue’s big belly made it difficult to get close and with her awkwardness, it took quite a while to put in the curlers. It felt weird having Sue working around me but even wilder when Sue put the makeup on my face. Once that was completed, Sue dried my hair with a hair dryer, took out the curlers and combed my hair. As she did, I started having second thoughts about the whole affair, afraid that the intercourse could be just another rape.

"That doesn’t look too bad, even if I have to say so myself." Sue said when she finished. "I didn’t bring a nightgown and Sue’s are undoubtedly too small."

"Why don’t we just call the whole thing off. I have no right to involve you like this." I said as I stood. "Lets change back!"

"You can’t mean that! It really shocked me when you first suggested it, but now I really want to go through with it. You’ve got to promise you won’t back out."

"We can see what John has to say. If he goes along I will. I’m going to get dressed!" I walked into the bedroom to dress and as I did, wished I had just gone ahead and forced a change with Sue. Then I heard the front door open and Sue’s voice.

"I have a surprise for you! I’m Renee. Now there’s no reason why the two of you can’t make love."

"What do you mean?" There was surprise and shock in John’s voice.

"My own body isn’t pregnant." Sue asserted.

I hurried into the living room still dressed only in T shirt and panties, all too aware of how little of Renee’s figure the too tight T shirt covered.

"I’m not going to fuck my sister! I made that decision a couple of nights ago!" John replied.

"She’s not your sister now, not physically or mentally." Sue replied. "No more than I am mentally your wife."

"I’m sorry" I told John. "I started this, but now I don’t think it’s such a good idea."

"If you don’t, I’ll tell everyone who you really are." Sue threatened.

"For god’s sake transfer with her." John demanded.

I looked at Sue. She was making sure there would be no transfer without risking harm to her and the baby.

"One way or another, I’m going to lose my virginity tonight!" Sue insisted. I was disturbed by the force of her statement.

"Do what you want! I’m not going to get involved." John replied.

Too late I noticed that Sue had imitated John’s posture. "John, don’t you dare move, or I’ll take over that body, no matter the results. You have five seconds to agree!" Sue was almost in tears, but there was no doubt that she meant what she said.

"If you feel that strongly about it, O.K.!" John took me by the hand and led me into the bedroom. "Now can you tell me what she has in mind? I’ve never known her to make a threat like that!"

"I wish I hadn’t but I made an agreement that you and I would have intercourse, then I’d change with her and she’d spend the rest of the night with you."

"Why would she make an agreement like that?"

"You told me that she never let you see her naked and that she had a gym exemption. The size of these breasts isn’t the only reason. She is really self conscious and afraid of being teased or rejected. Renee can’t talk about the reasons, but I can. Once we’ve made love and she’s in bed with you, I don’t think it’ll matter."

"What could bother her so much?"

"It really isn’t much, but to her it is."

"OK, if it’s that important. I just wanted to make sure that she really wants this to happen." John put his arm around me and kissed me. It felt so good to have his arms around me, but I still wanted to run.

I pulled away. "I know this was my idea but I can’t go through with it!"

"I don’t think we have a choice." John answered. "Let’s go to bed."

John pulled the covers back then turned back and held me tight, my breasts crushed against his chest.

"Just go to bed with me." He repeated. "Remember I know what a woman likes and will be gentle."

I got in bed, still dressed in the T shirt. John undressed, got in bed and just held me until I relaxed. He was very gentle as his hands moved over me, starting with my feet, the calves of my legs then the inner thighs, working upward gently massaging, carefully avoiding the sexual hot spots. It felt so good and I felt so relaxed and comfortable.

He helped me remove the T shirt, then had me turn over as he slowly and deliberately continued to massage my arms, legs and torso. John’s lips brushed mine and I found my arms around his head. His lips brushed my small nipples, then his finger tips touched them in a light circular motion and stroked them up and down, teasing until both were turgid. I could feel the clitoris straining against the material of my panties and I wanted him to touch me there. Still he continued with breasts, nipples, lips, neck and earlobes, first with his hands and then his mouth. Then his tongue gently stroked the tip of one nipple while his finger was almost as light as a feather on the other. I couldn’t keep from jerking and moaning with the exquisite sensations.

"Now I know why John was always such a big hurry to consummate. It’s so hard to hold back and not just go ahead and fuck you, but I know how I liked to be made love to." John said. Only his words told of his biological urgency.

John moved back and gently removed my panties. He had to see my enlarged clitoris, but there was no hesitation.

I had to tell him! "The clitoris, don’t be surprised by it’s size." I was breathing so hard that it was hard to get out the words and my heart pounded with anticipation of his touch.

His body was on top as he kissed my lips, neck and between my breasts. I could feel his erection against my leg. It only excited me more. The sensations kept getting more intense, his free hand was on the inside of my thighs. I could feel the sensations flow from between my thighs and crash throughout my entire body. My hands went to his nipples, caressing those small protrusions until they were hard and turgid. His warm penis was now pushing hard against my leg while his hand moved to my now moist cunt.

His hand was touching that clitoris, but oh so gentle! I couldn’t keep from moaning and moving my buttocks up to meet his hand. "Oh god, you really know how to touch me!"

John moved his head between my thighs, gently urging my legs further apart and took my clitoris in his mouth. It almost freaked me out and I couldn’t resist putting both hands on his head and holding him so tight I was afraid I would hurt him. His hand parted my labia and I felt his finger moving inside.

"Renee is also a virgin." I moaned. "But don’t stop!"

"Why don’t you get on top? You’ll have more control." John suggested as he brought my face up to his for another kiss.

A spasm of pleasure exploded from that spot between my legs, spread throughout my body and I couldn’t keep from screaming, moaning and crying. I could feel the wetness running down my thighs and I had to have him in me.

"Let me on top now." I suggested and John lay on his back beside me.

I straddled him as his hands did wonderful things to my breasts and nipples, I took hold of my penis with my right hand. To my disappointment it was only partially erect. Still I guided it to my vagina hoping that the touch of my body would stiffen it further. I could feel it entering until it touched my hymen but even with my hand around it, it just wasn’t stiff enough to penetrate. I gently teased his nipples. They were getting harder. I leaned forward, watching as my breasts dangled against his chest, rubbed my nipples against him, then licked and sucked his nipples. I could feel his penis stiffen and quickly took hold and guided it into that slit between my legs.

It took a moment to find the right spot. Then I lowered myself on his hot erect penis, feeling the friction against my clitoris, bit my lip from the burning pain and withdrew quickly as the pain brought back the memory of being raped.

"I can’t do it!" I complained.

"What is wrong now?" John ask frustrated.

"I just can’t!"

"It’s that rape, isn’t it? John exclaimed and then continued gently. "You’ve got us into this, you’ve got to go through with it. Just remember you’re the one in control."

John’s words had a calming effect. I knew he was right. Again and again I lowered myself on his shaft, barely aware that Sue was watching from the doorway. Then there was a sharper pain and it felt he was going to rip all the way through me. There was a warm stickiness on my thighs. With each movement I could feel the friction against my clitoris. I couldn’t repress a scream as I came and was almost overwhelmed to find his penis was still hard.

I collapsed against his chest and he rolled us over. Then he was thrusting himself into me hard and deep. The sensations were so strong that no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t keep from yelling and crying as my body thrashed and moved with him. Finally I felt the spurts inside as he came. He collapsed on my chest and I felt my breasts squash against him.

It was so good to be held and caressed. Then I turned to Sue.

"Don’t just stand there, come on in and join us."

Sue lay on the other side of John and I put an arm around each. We lay there for about fifteen minutes before I switched with Sue, knowing that enough time had passed for John to have another erection.

I pulled my heavy uncomfortably pregnant body off the bed and waddled into the living room, so uncomfortable, especially after having felt so wonderful. There was unfinished business so I called Renee’s and Sue’s mother.

"John and I have company tomorrow night and Renee’s been helping clean up the apartment. We haven’t finished and she has agreed to stay overnight. She’ll probably be home tomorrow by noon."

"What are you doing entertaining when you’re expecting any day now! I’ve got a good mind to come over and shake some sense into you!"

I hung up, went into the kitchen, fixed something to eat and tried to ignore the sounds from the bedroom. Had I been that vocal? To my dismay they didn’t bother coming out to eat. Finally I just put the dishes in the dishwasher and after watching a little TV, went to bed on the couch in the nursery. The sounds from the master bedroom kept me awake for a long time. It was so hard to be the outsider. When I awoke in the morning, John was gone but Renee was still there.

(6) Friday

Renee and I had breakfast together.

"I really enjoyed last night!" Renee gushed. "That was a great idea you had! I’ll help you some more before I go."

Renee had already changed the sheets but I noticed the blood on them as I put them in the washer. Although it had been my plan and I had made the arrangements, I was upset and angry that John and Renee had spent the entire night together. I was just as perturbed and confused about being upset, but tried not to let Renee know how I felt. She didn’t seem to notice, was a bundle of energy and got a lot done before it was time for my nap.

Sindi arrived before I fell asleep. She was a slender, attractive, very dark black woman, a little older and a little taller than Sue. Her hair was cut short in a natural style. I hoped she wouldn’t stay long enough to notice the differences in me.

"John has been trying to get me to go to bed with him." Sindi said then handed me her gift. "He told me a crazy story about actually being you, Sue, and that you were actually someone else."

"Oh no, not again!" I moaned, too upset to wonder why a friend would tell about her friend’s husband’s advances.

"Why, what’s the matter?"

"He told my - my sister the same thing." As soon as I had uttered the words, I knew I had goofed.

"I gather that it’s true then."

"That is impossible!" I lied.

"Sue, I’ve known you for years. It wouldn’t take long to discover if you’re telling the truth, just a few questions. The way John talked and moved reminded me of Sue, but I had to get back to work before I could be sure."

"OK, I admit it! Do you want to try out another body?"

Sindi looked at me. "No, I’ll take a rain check on that. Maybe later."

"If you and John want to get together, it’s all right with me." Even as I said the words, I knew it was another lie. I was tired of being so encumbered by someone else’s baby while John was so free.

"I’d rather stay out of that, but wanted to verify his story. John said he’d remain John only until you could go back to work. He didn’t sound too happy. John told me that you originally were a man, a little older than John’s mother. How does it feel to change sex?"

"It’s a real adjustment, even after six solid days. The major problem now is the pregnancy. I’m so uncomfortable, after all the baby is due a week from tomorrow!"

"If I can do anything for you or John just let me know."

After Sindi left, I was so depressed I just went back to bed. Why couldn’t John be considerate? I was the one carrying his child! Then I remembered the meeting. Perhaps Tom was ready to trade with me. Buoyed up by that thought, I got up, got out the cook books and actually cooked dinner! John was on time. "I fixed dinner for us." I told him.

He just went into the bathroom to wash his hands. I was disappointed he didn’t comment about my accomplishment. He was aloof while we were eating and although the food tasted quite good there was still no comment.

"I’m playing golf with Art Manning tomorrow at the club. It’s early and I’ll be gone before you get up."

"That is not fair." I retorted angrily. "You’re out all the time and I’m cooped up in here!"

"I thought that’s what you wanted."

"I’ve changed my mind. The least you could do take me out of this prison!" I was surprised by my outburst.

"But I have to act like John and John plays golf with Art on a regular schedule.

Too many changes would be suspicious."

The door bell rang. John answered, then brought Diane into the dining room.

"I’m sorry I’m so early, but I just have to talk with you before the others arrive! Go ahead and finish your dinner, I’ve already eaten." Diane sat at the table as she continued. "I’ve moved out, found an apartment where Ken can’t find me."

"Why?" John ask between bites. "You seemed so happy."

Diane broke into tears. "I just don’t understand what’s going on! At first, everything was wonderful. Ken and I really got along well and I really enjoyed sex with him, but a couple of days later, I couldn’t stand to have him touch me. I seem to be acting more like Diane than me. He was so angry he ask me to move."

We quickly finished our dinner. Diane had barely time enough to compose herself when the door bell rang. John answered the door while I struggled out of my chair and stood to clear the table.

"Let me help you." Diane offered. I felt like a midget standing next to her!

From their voices Tom and Joy had arrived. I couldn’t wait to see Tom, so we left the dishes and joined them in the living room. Joy without makeup and dressed in a subdued, almost dowdy, dress looked like a different person.

"I got a job." Joy announced after she sat. "It isn’t much but since I did the same kind of work some years ago should do O.K.. It is a job Joy could do in her own body."

"And just how do you know that!" Diane retorted angrily.

"How about you?" I ask Tom quickly to change the subject. "Do you have a job?"

The doorbell rang before he could answer. It was Ken and I could smell the alcohol on his breath. He took a seat in the opposite corner from Diane.

"How are things going?" John ask Ken.

"Without money, it’s really rough!" Ken complained.

"Now that everyone is here we have a few things to discuss." John announced. "First, does anyone want to return to their own body?"

"Living in another person’s body is a sin. Maybe God will forgive us if we change back!" Joy quickly added.

"Not now!" Tom retorted. "I’m won’t have my mother in a male body!"

"Don’t blame me for your sins." Joy retorted. "If everyone who can, returns to their rightful body, pray and ask for forgiveness, God might forgive us."

Tom turned to Joy. "Can’t you be a little more cooperative. All you think about is that obsession. I don’t know you anymore, you’re becoming a pain!"

"I’m not becoming Diane again!" Ken said firmly before Joy could reply.

"I don’t want to change back either." Diane didn’t sound as emphatically as Ken.

"Don’t get ideas." John said forcefully as he turned to me. "You’ve got a promise to keep."

"We’ve contributed as much financially as we can." John continued. "Does any one other than Joy and I have a job? I understand that Joy’s pay is nothing like Elaine was earning."

"I’m not going to do any peon job!" Ken retorted angrily.

"Maybe some of you, like Joy, have savings accounts and can get the money out of them. We might reduce our expenses by living together. The one thing I do know is that I can’t contribute more!"

"But we do have another problem, a very serious problem!" I insisted. "Like it or not we are linked. I’m not just saying this to get of this uncomfortable body. Too many people know about us. What if someone who wasn’t sympathetic learned of our ability? Our rights and maybe even our right to exist might be forgotten."

"You have a point there." Tom said as he stood. "I guess we’ve covered about everything." He turned to Joy. "Let’s go."

"Go ahead!" Joy answered angrily. "I don’t like your attitude. I can take care of myself and I’m not leaving until I’m ready."

"Have it your way!" Tom retorted. "I’m sure you can get someone to take you home!" With that Tom stormed out.

"How about some money? I’m really broke." Ken ask. John reached into his pocket, counted out a few bills and gave them to him.

"Thanks, I’ll see that Joy gets home." Ken replied.

Joy actually seemed pleased with Ken’s offer!

"I’m trying to find a job too, but I don’t have any skills." Diane said after Ken and Joy left. "I’m sorry to ask but I’m also going to need some help. I gave up my apartment when Ken and I got together and this last move took everything I had." John gave Diane some money and she left almost immediately.

I was tired and had mixed feelings about the meeting. Tom hadn’t mentioned changing back and it still appeared I was condemned to give birth to Sue’s baby! Still there was some hope. It was evident that things were not going well with Tom and there was a chance at eventually getting his male body. It appeared all except Joy liked their new identities. I went to bed while John stayed up and, in spite of my concerns, was asleep before John came to bed.


(7) Saturday

John was still asleep when I looked at the clock. I shook him "You’d better hurry, you’re already late for your golf game."

"Art called after you went to bed and we rescheduled it for tomorrow. I’m not looking forward to it. It could be another situation like with the piano."

"If we’re going to dinner with your parents, I have to know something about them." I replied.

"I really appreciate what Renee and you did for me and I’d like to show my appreciation." John continued ignoring my request. His arm felt so good. "Maybe we can go to a movie tonight."

"That sounds wonderful but we’d better not spend more than necessary. Lets go to the park, but first don’t we need to do some grocery shopping?"

"We can do that tomorrow."

"As great as it was to make love to you, I don’t think I want to borrow Renee’s body again. I was so depressed when I switched back. But Renee could help teach me about your parents. Why don’t you ask her to go with us."

"I’ll call and see if she can come." John said without enthusiasm.

With that John left the bed and returned shortly.

"Renee sends her regrets, but she’s already made plans."

It was really nice to be out of the apartment but John seemed upset. He wouldn’t talk about the night with Renee and wasn’t in the mood to talk about the coming dinner. All that I could do was study the people around them, wonder what they would think of our situation and imagine their reaction if I were to transfer with them.

Once home, I reflected about our relationship and that dinner with Sue’s parents. If the baby were to come earlier, I wouldn’t have to remain Sue so long. I might even be able to avoid that dinner. I had heard that sexual intercourse could induce labor. Considering my encumbered state, the sex probably wouldn’t be fun, but I didn’t want another week like this one.

In bed I snuggled as close to Fred as my belly would allow, put my arm around him and caressing him. My right hand found his penis and I could feel it stiffen. I sat up and started playing with his nipples with my left hand. Then his hand was on my breasts, gently caressing one nipple and then the other. John’s hands urged me to turn over and then moved between my legs, his hands and then his lips on my sex. I could feel the wetness on his hands. John lay down. I straddled him, gently took his penis and guided it into my vagina. Carefully I raised and lowered myself on it. I felt so awkward and Sue’s belly kept me from leaning forward enough to stimulate my borrowed clitoris. I just wasn’t going to be able to get enough stimulation to reach a climax. Then I felt John’s hand. There couldn’t be much room for it but his fingers on my clitoris felt so good, so exciting. After my climax John came. He then held me gently and even more satisfying than the climax was his tenderness and closeness.


The next day was a beautiful day and already several people were around the pool. One young woman wasn’t wearing the top to her bathing suit. As I watched her the memory of my previous experience at the pool was enough to keep me in the apartment.

Diane, obviously upset, called shortly after John left for his golf game. "All of us are changing! Diane is acting like the old Ken. Joy is as attracted to Ken as I was. I’m no longer attracted to men and I don’t think I’m Joy any longer."

"It surprised me that Joy went with him. Elaine would have cut him short."

"We seem to be changing!" Diane repeated.

"Well, I’m still me - Fred!" I protested not wanting to talk about the subject. "Sorry, Diane, but I’ve got to go to the bathroom."

Diane’s call made me anxious. Was I behaving less and less like Fred every day? Was I really Sue, with Fred’s memories superimposed? If so then Fred and Elaine were truly dead - suicides! As my anxiety grew I couldn’t avoid wondering whether John was with Renee instead of playing golf. I restlessly paced around in the apartment, my anger with John for leaving me alone in the apartment growing minute by minute. I was awakened from my afternoon nap by Diane’s arrival.

"I just had to come. Ken was at my apartment. He bragged he had made out with Joy! Just after all her spouting about God. Then he ask me to become Joy again! I ask him why he just didn’t continue with her. He got angry and let slip the fact that Joy wouldn’t prostitute for him. He wants me to be a prostitute again! Oh Sue, He’s just like he was before. Diane is gone! If I give in to him I’d never be able to escape!"

"Did he want you to do tricks when you refused?"

"No, he told me to stay away, that if I didn’t, I’d be responsible for what happened."

"But you two were so close!"

"I think he’s afraid I’ll force a change and he’d be stuck, but I don’t want to be Ken!"

"Had you thought of becoming Joy again?" I finally managed to ask.

"Yes" Diane admitted. "But there were problems there too."

Diane was so upset, I put my arm around her and was surprised when Diane turned and kissed me passionately on the mouth. Instinctively I pulled away.

"You wouldn’t have pulled away if you were still Fred." Diane asserted softly.

I sat, avoiding the trap of the divan. My back ached and the baby kicked my hands as I held my big belly. Diane’s words were very disturbing! "Does Ken think he is actually Ken?" I finally ask.

"I don’t think so. Diane hated Ken so much she’d never accept that idea."

This was something I also couldn’t accept. I was Fred and no matter which body I had, I was going to stay Fred.

"I can’t agree with you. Being in a female body still feels too foreign. I’m really looking forward to trading with John or Tom."

"I’m not going to argue with you."

"What are you going to do about Ken’s threat?" I ask to change the subject.

"Why should he bother me? I don’t want to have anything to do with him! Well I’d better go."

"I’ll walk with you to the car." I offered. We left the apartment and started down the wooden steps below the patio and pool when I tripped. Just in time Diane grabbed me and was able to keep me from tumbling.

"Maybe the fall would have brought the baby sooner!"

"Or hurt you or the baby," Diane retorted. "Just remember what I told you. You are Sue, not Fred and anything that hurts Sue hurts you!" Diane was silent for a while and then continued. "Do you still find the idea of sex with a man repulsive?"

"I’m sure you don’t!" Diane continued, interrupting my thoughts when I didn’t answer. "If you and I exchanged bodies, I’m sure that after a few days your sexual orientation would change and you would be attracted to women again."

John was quite late from his golf game, arriving after lunch. I was still sure more than golf was involved but kept my suspicions to myself.

"We had better go over some things about my family before we leave for dinner tonight." He told me and left to get the family album.

Just then I had a contraction, a rather mild one but one that brought back memories of Consuelo. "John I think it has started." I yelled to him.

"What has started?" John ask as he brought in the album.

"I think that was a labor pain. It might not amount to anything, but would you please call and tell your parents that we can’t come, that I am in labor?"

"You certainly timed that right!"

John called to cancel the dinner appointment then prepared dinner. Predictably the contractions quit before we ate. During the night I was awakened by their resumption. I tried to sleep but just about when I did fall asleep, another contraction would awaken me. Finally the contractions were coming so fast I got out of bed and went into the living room. It was too uncomfortable to stay in one position so I alternated between standing, sitting and walking, anything to try to some measure of comfort. The memory of having taken Fred’s wife to the hospital only to have to return home with her was still fresh in my mind. That wasn’t going to happen to me!

A couple of hours later, the contractions were coming about as frequent as had Consuelo’s. I awoke John just as a contraction felt like it was going to tear the cervix right out.

"I think you’re going to have to take me to the hospital tonight, but I really want to tough it out. If you don’t stay at the hospital, I might not be as tempted to let you have the baby."

"No, I’m going to play the husband’s role. I just hope you can keep from transferring with a nurse!"

"There’s probably plenty of time." I reassured him. "First baby’s are usually slow. Just get the suitcase."

John had it packed. "I’m ready, let’s go." John insisted. "It will take about thirty minutes to get to the hospital."

"It’s too early. If I can wait until the last minute, I’ll be in such advanced state of labor that it will be too dangerous to transfer. That should stiffen my resolve."

(9) Monday

It was another two hours before I let him drive to the hospital. I had almost waited too long, the contractions were almost continuous and I couldn’t refrain from crying and moaning. It was all I could to keep from transferring to escape the pain. John rushed me inside and the nurse immediately had me taken to the delivery room. With the nurses aid, I quickly undressed and put on the hospital gown. By the time the doctor arrived, the cervix was already dilated and the contractions had changed to an irresistible urge to push. Quickly they took me to the delivery room and put my feet in the stirrups. Why had I delayed so long that they couldn’t give a general anesthetic?

"Relax!" The nurse kept telling me. "You’ll hurt yourself if you don’t relax."

With my legs so spread apart and the baby’s head pushing so hard on the cervix, it was so tempting to let the nurse do the relaxing! It hurt so much, but it was so comforting to have John right next to me holding my hand. I just couldn’t give in! When the doctor

told me to push, I felt like telling him I couldn’t avoid pushing.

"I see the head now!" The doctor exclaimed and I could see in the mirror his hands on my vulva stretching it around the baby’s head.


I took another breath of air and pushed.

"The head is out!"

It wasn’t much longer before the shoulders were out and then the remainder of the baby. It was a boy! I had done it and was so proud of myself. The nurse put the baby on my chest, cord and all. I opened the hospital robe and put the baby to my breast. With everyone there John had no chance to object. I was so tired. It felt so good just to relax and wait for the placenta.

"Karl Martin, that’s your name." John said to the baby and by doing so let me know what they had decided to call him. A few minutes later I was taken to a room. The nurse later woke me.

"You are nursing the baby aren’t you?"

"Yes" I answered, knowing John would disapprove. The nurse left and brought in the baby, gave him to me and raised the head of the bed. I brought him to my breast. Only days ago it would have been impossible for me to experience what I had experienced! As the baby started to suckle, I was startled by a contraction in my womb, but this one felt good.

John arrived that afternoon while I was nursing the baby. "You know mother’s milk is best for the baby!" I retorted quickly. I smiled my best smile but did not complete what I was thinking. As long as I wore this body, there wasn’t anything John could do.

"I arranged for Diane to assist you the next few days. That seemed a better solution than having someone who doesn’t know our circumstances. Mother was upset at first but she’ll get over it. Diane will be there when I take you home tomorrow."

I finished nursing the baby, and let John hold him, rather astonished at how little fuss he made over the baby.

Renee and her parents arrived that evening. I had dreaded this moment, fearful that I would say something wrong and hoped that Renee would assist me to steer them away from dangerous topics.

Renee looked uncomfortable. "I’m going to look at the baby some more." She announced and left the room.

"How do you feel honey?" Ask the new grandmother.

"Just fine. Everything went well. Of course I have a little pain, but I guess that is normal."

"He sure looks a lot like John." Sue’s father chimed in. They looked like nice people and I hoped there was some way not to hurt them.

"I know you must be tired." Sue’s mother said. "We’ll let you get some rest, but you have to come over for dinner in a couple of weeks."

Shortly after they left John visited. He just put in an appearance and left.

(10) Tuesday

The next day I felt much better except when I looked at the folds, wrinkles and flab in my abdomen. This was a shock. Somehow I had the idea of getting a baby sitter, putting on that white bikini and seeing how many men I could attract on the beach. Well I could forget that!

John arrived that afternoon and soon I was in the wheel chair, the baby in my arms, and being pushed to the hospital exit. John secured the crib in the car, took the baby and put him in the crib. Then he assisted me into the car.

"Well how was your day?" I ask.

"I had a hard time concentration on work. Diane and I had a talk last night and what she told me keeps going through my head."

"Did she tell you that you were really John and just had Sue’s memories?"

"How did you know?"

"We had the same conversation a couple of days ago, but I’m the one who should be upset. If I’m Sue, not Fred in Sue’s body, then I, Fred, am really dead. All of my experience, memories and personality will probably be overwhelmed by an other’s body and brain. Once we change back you’ll just go on being you while I’m becoming someone else."

John was silent. The baby was crying by the time we arrived. Diane greeted us at the door.

"I’ll change him."

I was happy to accept her offer and sat down in an arm chair. My bottom hurt and I was very tired.

"Am I ever tired!" I told Diane when she returned without the baby. "I’m sure glad you’re here to help. Where did you learn to take care of an infant?"

"I had to take care of my little brother." Diane replied and then continued. "I’m afraid I’m not much of a cook."

"John is used to that, having to put up with me." I replied.

"I did fix something for tonight. I hope it’s OK." Diane continued.

"I’m going back to bed." I told her and slept until dinner. Diane left shortly afterwards. I nursed the baby and went back to bed. It was aggravating to have to get up during the night to change and feed him while John just slept.

11 Wednesday

John had returned from his morning jog when I awoke. He fixed breakfast and washed the dishes while I went back to bed. When I awoke, Diane was there and John was gone. Diane had already changed the baby and all I had to do was nurse him. Diane put him back in his crib then left. As I showered I avoided my sore groin and wondered how long it would take to get that flabby stomach back into shape. I stayed in bed most of the day, getting up only when the baby cried.

I joined Diane in the living room when she returned. From the look on her face something was wrong.

"What’s up?" I ask.

"Ken called and threatened me again. He told me that I’d better leave town. I’m afraid he might also do something to all of us. I’ve got to know how serious he is."

"What do you think he’ll do?"

"I think he, or someone he controls, will try to kill me. Once this body is dead, he can’t lose the ability to transfer. If I’m right, something has to be done about Ken. You don’t believe me but you haven’t been who you are as long as I. If Ken could accept that he is actually Ken, I wouldn’t have to worry."

"How is that?"

"He wouldn’t try to hurt me. As long as Ken thinks he is truly Diane, anyone with whom he transfers to would think they were Diane. If they knew that wasn’t true, they wouldn’t do something for Ken that would cause them harm."

"That’s too complicated for me!"

"I don’t know who’ll come after me! It’s almost as bad as it was when Ken tried to kill you."

With all the questions Diane raised, I was happy to see her go. In the mail was a letter from Sue’s grandmother. Quite obviously I was going to have to ask John some questions, at least enough to discover Art’s identity. With my handwriting a cross between Fred’s and Sue’s, even signing Sue’s name to a letter typed on the computer, would look suspicious.

To my surprise John didn’t gripe about the dinner. He was surprised that Diane had left and accepted Diane’s reasoning even less than I.

"I bought birth announcements, but I don’t know how we’re going to address and sign them." He told me.

"Your grandmother wrote too."

"Maybe you can say you had a hand injury."

"Are you expecting me to do all of them?" The wetness of the Kotex and the uncomfortable fullness of my breasts only made me more angry.

"What in hell are you doing? I’ve got enough to do. What makes you think I haven’t had to explain the difference in my signature?"

"I’m sorry, I keep forgetting about your problems. You know these breasts of yours sure produce a lot of milk, more than the baby drinks. Could you get me a breast pump?"

"If you hadn’t decided to nurse him.." John’s complaint ended when the phone range. I answered it then came back with a sheepish grin.

"I forgot to tell you that Tom and Joy are coming to see the baby." John explained.

"Well how about that breast pump?"

"You don’t need one. Just take off that blouse and I’ll show you."

"While you’re at it, maybe you can tell me how long it will be before I quit looking pregnant."

"Most of the flabbiness will be gone soon, but it will take some exercises to get it the abdomen back to normal. Fortunately for you, the exercises shouldn’t start until I am scheduled to take over. Oh, I’m glad to see you’re finally wearing a bra."

"I had to, otherwise the blouse would have been soaked."

I removed the blouse and bra and John showed how to empty each breast. As he touched me, I couldn’t avoid remembering how I had responded to his touch. Once I got the idea and was able to impress the milk, John left to take care of the dishes. As soon as Tom and Joy arrived, Joy went straight to the nursery and picked up the baby.

"I can’t get over how perfect he is. My first grandchild and I can’t claim him."

"You’ll always be special." John reassured from the doorway. "We’ll tell him you’re his godmother."

"What’s his name?"

Karl Martin, just like we planned!"

I looked for Tom but he wasn’t in the room. Surely he had some interest! I turned to Joy and she handed me the baby. As I held him, I was surprised by my maternal feelings.

"I know how tired you must be!" Joy said. "We’ll let you rest, but I’ll be happy to see Sue and John back in their own bodies!"

I was grateful for Joy’s consideration but rather surprised by my reaction to her reminder that I wouldn’t be a mother much longer! Did I really want to remain Sue? It was soon time to feed the baby and Joy and Tom left. After I put the baby back in his crib, John held me tight. I was glad I had taken the effort to remove the excess milk from my breasts.

"Now that I am John, I am starting to realize how irresponsible and headstrong I was when I was Sue."

I took offense at his implication that I was irresponsible and broke out of his grasp. Instead of answering him I changed the subject. "Let’s do the birth announcements. How will anyone know whether or not we had assistance?"

"That won’t do! They are supposed to come from you. Never mind, I’ll do them after we change back. Let’s go to bed." John suggested.

I undressed and got in bed. It was so much easier to do things now that I wasn’t pregnant.

"I still can’t believe this is real" John exclaimed as he looked at his semi-naked body in the mirror. "I occasionally forget to my embarrassment. But it is really great having a man’s freedom."

I couldn’t avoid thinking of my loss of freedom. No I wasn’t going to remain Sue. It was a long time before I was able to sleep.


12 Thursday

My mood hadn’t improved when I awoke, not being relieved by the number of times I had to get up during the night to attend to the baby. I pushed the covers back, stood up, walked to the mirror and stared at the reflection of the twenty five year old female face. The hair, as usual, was a mess. Why couldn’t Sue have chosen a style that didn’t need rollers? I took off the night gown. At least I could see feet now! Even congested with milk, Sue’s breasts were nowhere near as large as Renee’s. The abdomen was now considerably smaller, but felt so soft and flabby.

I managed to shower, pin a Kotex in my panties, put on the panties, put on a robe and eat before the baby awoke. After I changed, nursed and put him back into his crib, I looked around the apartment. It was still in reasonable shape from the work Renee and I had done. Then a sudden realization of the restrictions the care of a newborn baby imposed made me feel smothered. I just had to get out of the apartment, but in order to do so, I would have to take the baby and be prepared both to change and nurse him frequently. How was I ever going to endure a month with such limitations? I was certainly paying for Fred’s curiosity.

At least I might be able to take the baby, drive by Michelle’s house, maybe even be fortunate to see her. It wouldn’t, however, be possible to discover how Michelle was taking her father’s death.

But first I’d have to dress. I looked through the closet and pulled out a few blouses, skirts and even a dress, then put on a bra and slipped the nursing pads inside. I was even able to put on my panties standing up. The blouses were too tight, some even too tight to button and the skirts were also impossible. I didn’t bother to try on the dress. Quite obviously the maternity clothes were still the only ones that fit. I picked out a maternity blouse and skirt, then sat down and ran my hand over legs that still needed shaving. I’d better forget about panty hose and I certainly didn’t want anything to do with high heels. I found some footies, put them on and looked in the closet for shoes.

I looked at my torso in the mirror. The clothes only emphasized the lack of makeup and the mess that was my hair. I was a long way from being ready to go out and hadn’t even started to get the baby ready. Well there was the pool. Although I still couldn’t go swimming I could lie in the sun and there shouldn’t be any objections since I was no longer pregnant. The top didn’t fit, but I could still go topless. I took off my clothes and put on the white bikini bottom, then looked in the mirror. The reflection of that soft flabby stomach made me decide to change back into my maternity clothes. I went to the patio, messy hair and all. I found a lounge chair and sat.

"I didn’t know your had your baby" a female voice said. I opened my eyes to see the companion of that first pregnant woman from the beach. It was quite a shock. "May I see him?" I led her into the apartment.

"Oh he’s a dear! May I hold him?"

The telephone rang and I quickly excused myself. It was Diane. "Are you going to be home this afternoon?"

"How can I go anywhere?"

"I’m bringing Joy. We’ve got some interesting news."

I rejoined my visitor who had put the baby back into his crib.

"I’ve always admired your boldness. I’d be so embarrassed if I sunbathed without a top. I’d better be going. Thanks for showing him to me."

She left and I changed and nursed the baby. The baby had just got back to sleep when the phone rang. This time it was John.

"I have to work late and won’t be home until after eight, so don’t worry about dinner for me." I was tempted to tell him to say hello to Renee for me.

Diane and Joy arrived after lunch. It was such a shock to see them holding hands.

"Oh, let me see the baby." Diane gushed.

I led them into the nursery and handed him to Diane.

"He’s so cute!" You know, I think it’d be great to have a new start, to be a baby again." Diane blurted as she held him.

"Diane told me of the problems she’s been having with Ken. I’m don’t agree, but her description of Diane’s personality doesn’t fit Ken." Joy related.

"After you left with Ken, I’m surprised to see you two talking to each other." I replied.

"I can’t control how I feel when I’m close to Ken. He really knows how to make a woman feel good! But when he ask me to prostitute for him that was the end!" Joy said angrily.

I remembered all too well how Joy’s body reacted to Ken’s body.

"Diane and I got together when Tom started seeing Ann Manson." Joy continued.

"What?" I was really upset. If the relationship was serious the chances were that Tom would stay Tom permanently.

"He still plans to return to his own body." Joy said reassuringly.

"How’s Molly doing?" I ask, too upset to talk about Tom. "We had her put to sleep." Joy said without emotion. This was another shock, so out of character for Elaine, but so was holding hands with another woman. "She didn’t seem to adjust to Tom and I." Joy continued. "and she was getting old."

I couldn’t think of any response to that as the baby started fussing and Diane handed him back to me.

"We just wanted to give you the news about Tom. I guess we’d better get going." Joy said.

Joy hadn’t said a word about religion or transferring back. That was quite an improvement! I compared the differences between Joy and Elaine then reflected about my activities since becoming Sue. Fred would talk about conventions being wrong but would not flaunt those conventions openly. Certainly not as blatantly as had I by going topless to the patio and pool. Maybe Fred was fading, maybe even being replaced.

"Joy and Diane were here this afternoon." I told John when he returned from work. "Tom is seeing Ann Mason! It looks more and more like he isn’t going to exchange bodies and I’ll have a baby and wife to support with no income!"

"As I told you, I didn’t know about Elaine’s financial situation until after her death." John replied. "And you should know that it will be me, Sue, with a job and you’ll be the one supported. It works both ways now. Besides that doesn’t mean he won’t transfer back."

The realization that he was right took the wind out of my sails and I didn’t tell him of the rest of the afternoon conversation.

After dinner John went to the radio and turned it on to a station that was playing soft, easy to dance to, music. "It won’t be long before we can go dancing."

"You know I’m not in shape for that." I replied. "Besides, that would mean getting dressed up. I discovered yesterday that the only clothes that fit were the maternity clothes."

"It won’t be long before you’ll be able to wear the other clothes." John replied. "Why don’t we do some dancing here?"

"I don’t know..." I responded, yet the music sounded good.

John walked up and stood so close I was reminded of my short stature. "At least let’s try it."

It took a few moments to sort out our respective positions. I pressed close against him and could feel his erection against my belly. Although Sue’s vagina was still bleeding and too sore for sex, I wanted him. In the confusion I lost concentration and John suddenly broke away.

"Hey, I’m the one who’s supposed to lead."

"Let’s try again." I was surprised by my words. This time it went a little better, although I still had to really concentrate to follow his lead. The music on the radio changed to something faster.

"I’m not up to that!" I complained and walked over to the sofa that only a week ago had been my enemy and sat.

The baby’s crying kept me up much of the night. What upset me most was not being able to guess what was wrong.


John was gone when I awoke. It was already past ten, and I prepared for another boring day. The phone rang several times before I could rouse myself enough to answer.

"Well it happened! I almost got killed!" Diane’s voice shook. "I almost got run over!"

"Was it Ken?"

"It looked like Lorraine. Her apartment is next to Ken’s."

"Are you sure it wasn’t an accident?"

"The car ran over the curb and even followed me onto the sidewalk. The only reason I’m here is because it had to veer to keep from hitting a light pole."

"What do you want me to do?"

"You’ve got to believe me!" Diane was almost hysterical.

"Why should he do anything? You weren’t around him, were you?"

"He saw Joy and I together. I could tell he was really angry. Don’t hang up. I had to move again." Diane then gave me her new telephone number and address.

"I can’t do anything without proof." I cautioned before I hung up the phone.

All of this could be in Diane’s head and there were enough problems without worrying about her. I got out of bed and took a shower. The baby was crying and still naked I went into the bedroom to get him. He didn’t need his diapers changed, was just hungry. I picked him up and as I brought him to my left breast, milk shot out about 6 inches. I was startled but quickly brought up a blanket from the crib to catch the flow and then changed the baby to that breast. After I was through I gave him a sponge bath, dressed him, lay him in his crib, washed the remainder of the milk off my chest, dressed and fixed breakfast.

It was about noon when the phone rang again. It was Ken. "Tell Diane to stay away from Joy or I’ll really will take care of her." He told me.

"So you did try to run her down!"

"If I’d really been trying, I’d succeeded. I was just scaring her. Just tell her to get out of town."

Was the threat was only to Diane? The rape and beating I had experienced was all too fresh in my mind.

"Can’t we talk it over? Maybe if I can talk to you when you’re calmer we can solve this problem."

"OK, just meet me at Bobs on Main at one. Come alone and don’t be late or I won’t be there."

"I can’t come alone, I have to bring the baby." I objected.

"OK, I guess you will have to bring it along."

Why had he made the appointment so far in advance? Was it to enable him to swap bodies with someone else. Diane thought it was Lorraine who tried to run her down and now he admitted it was he. Maybe I’d better pay more attention to Diane’s opinions.

Did he think I’d contact Diane and he’d learn through me Diane’s address? He might be planning to switch with me and as Sue track down Diane. There had to be a way to out maneuver him. Maybe he wouldn’t expect me to use the baby. If Diane was the baby. The problem was the baby slept most of the time. How would she be able to stay awake once she was the baby?

I called John’s office, but he was in a meeting and not available. Perhaps Renee would assist if convinced that John was in danger, but so far Diane was the only one he’d threatened. How could I convince Renee of something I didn’t know? Besides I really didn’t want to see her. Joy was sure to disapprove of any plan that involved the baby. Then I remembered Sindi. She was probably at work, but at least I had to try.

"I’m really glad to have reached you, I thought you would be at work." I told Sindi.

"I took off today. I’ve got a lot of studying to do for an upcoming test."

"When I saw you the other day, you offered to help if I needed assistance. I need you to become someone else, another woman for a few hours, someone I can’t have seen coming to my apartment. You won’t have to leave your apartment and can continue your studies. Your body will not leave my apartment. Will you do it?"

"Sure, sounds like fun and since it doesn’t interfere with my studies there should be no problem."

"I’ll call you back after I contact her."

I called and told Diane of Ken’s call. "Before I leave to meet Ken, you’ll change with the baby. If it appears Ken is going to exchange bodies with me, transfer with him first. If that doesn’t work you’ll probably get a chance later."

"I’ll be right over. I was afraid you’d ask me to become Ken. Your idea sounds much better. However if he is using another body or he becomes violent, I won’t hesitate."

"No! That may be what he wants. He may be watching and called in order to get you here. I’ve contacted a friend that knows about the transferring - don’t ask me how. Go to her apartment, change bodies with her and then come here. He doesn’t know Sindi so he shouldn’t suspect anything."

"That sounds really wild! Where do I have to go?"

I told her and then called Sindi back to finalize the arrangements. After I hung up I realized I would have to deal with a baby’s mind in Sindi’s body. I stripped the bed to the plastic covered mattress and sheet in preparation. It seemed like forever before Sindi arrived. My breasts were painfully full.

"You didn’t tell me she was black. I had forgotten how it feels to transfer and I’m not looking forward to the rest of this day." Sindi complained.

"I hope Ken didn’t think of this possibility. If he’s just trying to make sure he isn’t Diane, it might be better to help you move to another city."

"Why should I be the one to leave? I would never become Ken. What if he wants to be the only one able to transfer? Ken isn’t behaving like Diane! If Diane has changed so much, wouldn’t anyone who became Ken? If that new Ken knew us, wouldn’t he also see us as a threat?"

"That is just supposition. We don’t know what he wants. If, as you believe, he wants to eliminate us, what do you suggest?"

"I’ve thought a lot about it. I’m sure Diane would soon be herself once back in her own body. She was really good to me and I don’t want her killed." Sindi said emphatically. "I wasn’t kidding when I said I’d like to become the baby, to have a new start. If the baby took over his body, Ken would be helpless. It would be easy to arrange an accident."

"I will not do that to the baby!"

"Since the baby has neither memories nor knowledge, he’d have my knowledge and experience, he would actually gain, not lose."

"But he is John and Tom’s baby more than mine. They should have a say!"

"There just isn’t time!"

"And how do we make him become the baby?" I ask, realizing I had somehow accepted Sindi’s logic!

Sindi reached into her purse and brought out a revolver. "Make sure there is only one possible transfer and threaten to use this!" She handed me the gun and I put it in my purse. "I hope it isn’t necessary to use it."

"I guess that is as good a plan as any." I agreed and continued. "We’d better have some lunch before we leave." I led Sindi to the kitchen where we made some sandwiches.

"We’d better get going." I told Sindi after lunch and led her into the bedroom. Just then the baby started crying and I entered the nursery to change his diapers.

"The baby sleeps most of the time, especially after he has been fed. It is past his feeding time. If I don’t nurse him, the resulting hunger pains should help you stay awake. I’m sorry but that is the best I can do. Just don’t start crying!" I told her as I finished diapering the crying baby. Then I continued as I escorted her into the other bedroom. "I’ve got to tie you to the bed so Sindi doesn’t get hurt. Take everything off but your panties. I only wish the diapers were large enough. In addition we’d better tape your month."

"Wow, just look at these! They look like ice cream cones." Sindi exclaimed as she removed her bra and exposed small long breasts.

"Don’t make fun of her, she didn’t have to help."

Sindi stripped off her panties revealing a curly and wiry pubic mound and lay on the bed. I ignored these distractions and spread and fastened Sindi’s legs to the bed with a couple of John’s belts. The inside of her labia looked so pink against the darkness of her outer skin.

"I think it might be better if we leave the panties on." I said as I unfastened the belts.

Sindi slipped on the panties and I again fastened her legs to the bed and then tied her hands with a couple of ties, just tight enough to keep her on the bed. I then taped Sindi’s mouth.

"Now transfer with the baby."

The baby’s cries suddenly stopped and Sindi’s movements became random. Quickly I went into the nursery, picked up and carried the baby to the car. From the look on his face, he was in pain. I put him into the infant seat in the back seat of the car and drove to the restaurant. The parking lot was almost full.

A woman walked up to the car after I parked and released the seat belt to get out. "Just stay where you are! Don’t even open the window. I’m Ken."

I was flabbergasted. Not only was the woman at least forty pounds overweight, but shapeless, in her late thirties and wore a poorly matched skirt and blouse.

"I’m sure you contacted Diane." The woman said as she stared at the baby.

Afraid the woman would guess his identity, I hesitated then decided to answer truthfully. "Yes I did, but why are you so angry with her? I’m really upset that you’re using someone else’s body. I thought we had agreed to keep our ability a secret!"

"Lorraine doesn’t know a thing about it." Lorraine replied. She seemed very agitated.

"Why didn’t you come here in person?"

"I don’t trust any of you."

It was time to come to the point. "What do you plan to do, use Sue’s body to kill Diane?"

Lorraine recovered quickly but from her hesitation and expression I knew her answer was a lie. "No, I just want to talk to her."

Had she forgotten so soon what Ken had said? Did she think I would give her Diane’s location? From the sudden loss of balance and the spasm that ran through Lorraine I knew that the baby had transferred.

"I’m Diane." Lorraine announced. "Let me in the car." I unlocked the passenger side door and Lorraine walked around and got in.

"God, do I feel lousy - and it isn’t just the effects from switching bodies." Lorraine said, her voice unsteady as she ran her hands over her torso.

"You switched too soon, I didn’t get a definite answer." I complained. The baby was fussing and it sounded like he was trying to talk.

"It’s obvious that Ken planned to kill me and that you were in big trouble. What more do you need?" Lorraine’s hands shook as she went through her purse. "I know it’s got to be in here!" She then pulled out a syringe. "Just as I thought - enough to kill. Quick, drive me to my - Diane’s apartment."

The baby was screaming. It was nerve wracking to ignore him and follow Lorraine’s directions. Lorraine appeared to be in considerable distress as we hurried up the stairs.

"I’m sure glad I thought to leave the door unlocked." Lorraine said as she opened the door.

I sat in an arm chair, unfastened my blouse, the flap of the nursing bra and brought the baby to my breast. He tried to bite and even without teeth, it hurt a little, but his hunger was too great and he was soon nursing.

I watched Lorraine as she, with much difficulty, prepared then injected about one third of the contents of the syringe into a vein of her arm. "I never thought I’d do this again!" She removed the syringe and leaned back while the drug took effect. A couple of minutes later she seemed much more comfortable. She then went into the bathroom.

"What a mess!" Lorraine exclaimed when she returned. It was evident that she had combed her hair. "I don’t think she even thought about her hair and in spite of these sagging boobs I’m not even wearing a bra!"

"Just who is Lorraine?" I ask.

"An overweight, over aged hooker with a big heroin habit. Fortunately the fact that she needed a fix seems to have kept her from thinking clearly. Otherwise we may have had a real problem." Lorraine said, then walked into the kitchen "Although I remember eating lunch, I’m sure Lorraine didn’t. I’m starved!"

"I was sure miserable when I was the baby. Those hunger pains were horrible."

"It might make you feel better to know these breasts were gorged with milk and I wasn’t too comfortable either."

Again the baby tried to bite me, but soon lost his battle with sleep. "We need to get Diane’s personality into her own body and better hurry before Ken wakes up."

"If Ken was planning what I think he was, it would take considerable time and his body will be unconscious until much later in the day" She looked through her purse. "As I thought, just keys. If you’d been forced into Lorraine’s body, you’d been left without ID or money and needing a shot of heroin. By now you’d either been dead from an overdose or in a hospital with DT’s so bad you would not have been able to concentrate enough to transfer."

In spite of my anxiety she proceeded to make herself a sandwich. There wasn’t much choice but to let her eat. As soon as Lorraine finished, I drove to Sindi’s apartment. Diane met us at the door. She was obviously puzzled when she saw Lorraine and the baby. I related what had happened, but didn’t tell her what we had done with Sindi’s body.

"I’m afraid I haven’t been doing much studying." Diane admitted. "It’s been anything but boring. I was thinking of seeing how the white side lives."

"You’d get more than you expected." Lorraine replied. "In a few days, you’d find you were a lesbian."

"Oh!" Diane exclaimed.

"I know I told you that we wouldn’t take you away from your studies. We might be able to do what we have to do without you, but it would take time we may not have. I’d appreciate it if you would go with us to Diane’s apartment. We’d like you to change bodies with the baby for about an hour."

"That should be interesting! Just think, to be a baby again and to remember how it feels!" Diane replied.

"We will have to keep her in the apartment." I told Diane as I drove. "After we arrive, take off your clothes. We’ll tie you in a chair, loose enough so that she will be able to get free after we leave."

"Sounds fine to me." Diane replied. Once in the apartment, Diane quickly stripped. I put the baby on the couch, then Lorraine and I tied her to a dining room chair, put tape over her mouth and taped her right hand to the chair.

"That should slow her down." I said. "Now change with the baby."

Immediately Diane started struggling with her constraints. Even before we got out the door Diane had managed to remove the tape from her mouth.

"Don’t think you’re safe now. I’ll get all of you!"

Diane yelled as she struggled with her bonds.

"We can’t take more of Sindi’s time and we’ve to get to Ken’s apartment before he awakes and Diane arrives. Do you think we have enough time?" I ask Lorraine as I put the still sleeping Karl in the car.

"I hid the car keys in an ice cube tray. We should arrive well before she, and if not, I’m sure Ken will still be unconscious."

"I’d better tell John and Joy about Diane. They should know our plans for the baby."

"Better not tell Joy. She’s confused enough about our relationship. It could set off her religious fanaticism."

"Elaine always was prejudiced toward homosexuals."

"Well I made things worse by telling Tom about us. He could accept her being involved with Ken but not with a woman. Telling her what we’re doing and why would be the last straw."

"I guess you’re right, but what are we going to do with Diane? She is angry enough to do something violent."

"I’m sure her normal personality will return in a few days and everything will be O.K."

"I hope you’re right."

My bedroom stank of urine and feces. Sindi had shit and peed in her panties and was thrashing uncoordinated against her bonds.

"We’d better clean her up before waking Karl." I told Lorraine.

Just then the baby awoke. "Take care of the baby, I’ll take care of Sindi." Lorraine said as she untied Sindi’s feet.

Quickly I took Karl into the living room, hoping that Sindi was sufficiently intrigued with the novelty of being a baby she wouldn’t immediately return to her body. I got a clean diaper and wipes from the diaper bag, changed and nursed Karl, then left him on a blanket on the floor while I checked with Lorraine.

"I got her cleaned up and the bed sheet removed, but I can’t dress her without help." Lorraine whispered.

I located a pair of Sue’s panties that closely matched Sindi’s dirty panties and we dressed her. Lorraine then stayed with Sindi to prevent her from hurting herself, while I went back into the living room and ask the baby to transfer.

"Something has happened here that you’re not telling me about!" Sindi commented as she rose to her feet and looked at the plastic mattress cover.

"We had to have your body taken over by the baby and had to take care of some problems." I admitted. "I hope you’re not angry."

"It was fun, although I didn’t get to be the baby very long. Now I just have these tingling sensations to endure."

"We’ve got to go! There is still much to do. You can come with us, but it could be dangerous."

"No, I think I should go home. I’m really beat and I already have been away from my studies too long." Sindi replied.

"I will show you where I parked the car." Lorraine offered.

"I’ve got to call John’s office and let him know I won’t be home for dinner."

I called, but instead of asking to talk with John just left a message. The baby was unhappy and started to fuss as we left. We walked Sindi to her car and then drove to Ken’s apartment.

"We have to exchange bodies." I told Lorraine. "I don’t want Sue involved, so stay in the car until I return. If it takes over an hour, we’ll swap and you’ll get your turn."

"OK." Lorraine replied.

We assumed similar positions. I again became aware of the initial penalties of an exchange of bodies as Lorraine’s body tingled most unpleasantly and as I explored my body, Sue was doing the same. I could feel the dampness where my breasts overlapped my chest.

"Now I realize how high I was and you are now. Be careful and think before you do anything!" Sue warned.

"I can handle it!" I insisted, but when I got out of the car I was a little unsteady.

"I wrote the address on a piece of paper." Sue said and handed me the baby.

I walked into the building, very aware of the smaller breasts, but adjusted almost immediately to my large belly. I sauntered down the hall to the apartment number. The key in Lorraine’s purse opened the door. Ken was asleep on the bed in the bedroom. I had to go to the bathroom so put the baby on the couch before leaving the room. The baby started crying almost immediately. Alarmed and afraid the crying might waken Ken, I finished as fast as possible, returned to the living room and picked up the baby. Maybe he was just hungry. I unfastened my blouse and stared at those small dangling breasts. Then it dawned that I wasn’t Sue and there was no milk for him.

Not bothering to button or close the blouse, I put the baby on the rug, remembering that he could fall if left on the couch. With Ken still asleep there was time to explore the body I wore. I found the flesh on my chest so soft and pliable. The aureoles were about the same level as the bottom curve of my now pendulous breasts.

I walked into the bathroom. There was a bathtub not just a stall shower. I studied my shapeless obese torso and the reflection of my face in the mirror. I wanted to remove my clothing, to do more than look at my new face and torso in the mirror, but the baby’s crying was really getting to me and I became angry with the baby.

I returned to the living room, picked up the baby and calmed down enough to briefly try to comfort him. I then put him back on the floor, proceeded into the bedroom and pulled back the bedclothes. Ken was naked and he looked so sexy! I stroked my still naked breasts, toying with the idea of stripping and seeing if I could have sex with him before forcing an exchange. I touched his penis and started caressing it, then looked at my watch. In only a few more minutes I would have to return to the car and trade with Sue.

There might be enough time! Quickly I reached under my skirt and pulled off my panties. I climbed on top and straddled his naked body, taking his penis in my mouth. Then I was puzzled by a draft of cold air that penetrated inside me. I moved my right hand between my wide spread thighs and was astounded by the size of the opening there. It was able to accept four fingers!

Suddenly Ken stirred. "What is going on." He demanded.

I quickly got off of him and pulled the revolver out of Lorraine’s purse.

"I don’t want a word out of you." I told him. Just do what I tell you to do or I’ll shoot." Clearly he was shocked and confused to see his own body pointing a gun at him.

"Now switch your mind into this baby. You know you can do it and that you can’t switch bodies with me." I brandished the gun again. "Do it now or I will shoot! I really meant it. Just remember it is your body which will be doing the shooting!"

Then it was Ken crying instead of the baby and as he thrashed around I was afraid he would fall off the bed. With his fully developed lungs, the volume was much louder. I had to get out before someone heard the noise. Quickly I refastened my blouse. Then I heard someone in the apartment and rushed back to the living room.

"What have you done with him." Diane ask and rushed towards the bedroom.

Quickly I left with the now fussing baby, not even stopping to pick up my panties.

"She arrived in a taxi!" Sue exclaimed. "I saw her, but too late too stop her. It would have drawn too much attention to try and you told me you didn’t want Sue involved. Did you get Ken and the baby to exchange bodies?" Sue ask changing the subject.

"Yes." I replied then got into the driver’s seat.

I drove to a deserted area near the airport and parked to allow Sue to nurse the baby. Finally he had drunk enough to go sleep. Sue left the sleeping baby in the car, locked it and carrying the car keys, walked out of range. I stood next to the locked car, hoping the baby wouldn’t wake up before I could swap with him.

I awoke with dirty diapers and the tingling of an unfamiliar body. As I tried unsuccessfully to move my hands to touch my body, Sue’s face appeared above me and I felt her change my diapers. Then she put me to her breast. Although I wasn’t very hungry, the milk still tasted good.

"Lorraine didn’t cause any trouble." Sue told me "Those transfers must have wiped her out. She was wasn’t surprised to find she wasn’t wearing panties and quite content to go with me to her car. Lorraine remembered having sex with Ken and thinks she must have fallen asleep. Evidently this had happened before. The next thing she knew her own body was pointing a gun at her. Once she became the baby she saw Ken on the bed and thinks she might have been him. I don’t think she’ll give us any problems."

"John hasn’t come home yet and I don’t envy you the task of telling him what we did."

It wasn’t long before I was Sue and lying on the bed in the nursery. Again that tingling and after a short period of checking out my body, I was so tired that I immediately undressed and went to bed.


When morning came I awoke and looked at the alarm clock and was surprised to find John still in bed. Quickly I woke him.

"You’re going to be late for work."

"It’s Saturday!" John rolled over to go back to sleep.

The week had really got by me! "Have you made any plans?"

"No, I’ll be home all day."

It was then I realized that the baby hadn’t woke me during the night and remembered that he now had Joy’s personality and memories.

I got up, showered, dressed, changed and sat to nurse the baby. From the sounds in the bathroom, John was taking a shower. After the baby finished, I put him down and fixed breakfast. We ate in silence, but finally I just had to tell John about yesterday’s events.

"I have something to tell you, just listen and don’t get too upset. You may have heard about the experiments with large amounts of electrical shock, the victims lost all of their memories and were like new born babies in adult bodies."

"What are you trying to tell me?" John ask.

"That is what we did to Ken yesterday. You remember what Diane told us, that you were actually John and I was Sue, that we were stripped of our memories and another person’s consciousness superimposed. If a newborn baby were to transfer, the baby wouldn’t lose anything because it doesn’t have memories."

I then told him what had transpired the previous day. "So the baby has gained rather than lost." I concluded.

"I don’t want him having Joy’s memories!" John exploded. "I want him just the way he was! You had no right!"

For the second time, I was sure John would have hit me if I hadn’t been in John’s original body.

"I think Ken’s brain is paranoid and that he was as vicious as Diane said he was. In that case I don’t think you want an angry Joy using Ken’s paranoid brain and body. You’d be a prime target. This way Joy will become Karl, not Karl become her. Just think what a head start he’ll have on his education, not to mention understanding of women! He will also be able to transfer."

John was quiet for about thirty seconds. "Why didn’t you talk with me before?"

"There just wasn’t time. It all happened so fast."

"How did Sindi get involved?"

"She got suspicious when you tried to talk her into going to bed with you. I can’t hide the secret from anyone who knows Sue, has been told that I’m actually someone else and wants to investigate. It’s just like with Renee! Speaking of Renee, you’ve got it made. I’m stuck with the baby while you’re making out with her."

"What did you say to Renee? She called yesterday afternoon to tell me she wasn’t going to see me anymore."

"I haven’t seen or talked to her since I was in the hospital. She’s knows that in three weeks that you won’t be John and that once you’re Sue again, you might not be happy if John were to see her."

"I guess you’re right about that. After your message and her call, I went to a couple of bars and had some drinks."

I didn’t want to discuss the matter any longer, quite content to stop while I was ahead. Still I was more than a little angry about his relationship with Renee.

"This hair still bothers me." I told him, changing the subject. "I don’t know what to do with it. I’m thinking about having it cut Monday and pick a style that won’t need to be put in curlers."

"But I told you I don’t want my hair short! Let me show you how to put it up." John protested.

"OK, but if it is too much trouble, I am going to do something about it."

John led me into the bathroom, brought out the curlers and told me what to do, step by step.

"Now all you have to do is dry it with a hair drier, take out the rollers and comb it out."

John got the dryer and I went into the living room with him. I sat while he plugged it in and started drying my hair.

The phone rang John answered it. "It’s Diane. She wants to talk to you."

I didn’t want to talk to Diane, but John insisted.

"You bastards had this planned! You just couldn’t stand to let me have a male body and have the ability to transfer. How about changing me back. If you do, I’ll leave Los Angeles and never return. I promise."

"It wouldn’t work. Ken is paranoid and you were paranoid when you were him. You may not realize that now but let’s see how you feel in a couple of days."

"Damn you! I hope you rot in hell!" With that Diane slammed the phone.

"Evidently I’m not the only one that isn’t pleased!" John said after I put down the phone. The phone rang before I could respond.

It was Sindi, "Did everything work out right?"

"Yes, very well although there could be some problems in the future."

"You’ve got to tell me everything that happened. I noticed yesterday you were still wearing maternity clothes."

"I’m afraid that’s all that fits now."

"I have to do some shopping at the mall. Why don’t you and John go with me? You can tell me more while we shop."

"Let me ask John" I turned to John. "Sindi wants to go shopping this afternoon. I can get something to wear besides maternity clothes."

"I still have my hangover and I’d rather stay here and rest. Don’t forget to take the baby!

"John doesn’t feel like going, but it’s O.K. with him if I go." I told Sindi.

"Good, I’ll pick you up in an hour."

When my hair was dry and the rollers were out, John instructed me how to comb it out. There was just enough time to eat lunch and it was evident that John would rather be alone.

"I think I can go without makeup." I quickly told him and then Sindi arrived.

"I was afraid I would be stuck in the apartment all week and really appreciate you talking me shopping." I told Sindi. "The baby won’t be any problem. He now has the mind of the friend you met."

"Now tell me what happened." Sindi said once we were in the car and moving to the mall.

I then told her the complete story, including what had happened when I was Lorraine. "John is very angry about the baby, I think he would have hit me, if this wasn’t his own body and I weren’t able to exchange bodies with him. He isn’t guiltless either, he’s been stepping out on me. The agreement was that if I stayed Sue until Sue went back to work, he was to stay home with me like a happily married man."

I felt completely out of place in the women’s wear department. The worst part was going into the changing rooms and trying out the clothes. It was difficult to find clothes that were loose enough for my breasts. When it came time to feed the baby, I sat on a bench in the mall, opened my blouse and put him to a breast.

"Doesn’t it embarrass you?" Sindi ask. "It does me. Women just don’t nurse their babies in public!"

"That’s part of the reason we are so hung up about sex." I replied. "We make a deep guilty secret of things that are natural. That only leads to perversions and violence."

In spite of my response Sindi moved away and window shopped until the baby was through and I had again closed my blouse.

"I tried on my white bikini a few days ago. It looks terrible with this flabby stomach." I told Sindi as I burped the baby.

"Why don’t we just find a one piece suit that will show off those great boobs and hold in that stomach of yours." Sindi replied, obviously more at ease now.

We were in a number of stores before both had what we wanted. The big achievement was the purchase of a one piece bathing suit large enough for Sue’s breasts, one whose top was cut in a V that barely covered the nipples but ended just above the waist with enough reinforcement for the loose flabby abdomen.

To my surprise, John had dinner ready when I returned to the apartment.

"We only have a few more weeks to go and I think that we can make it if we try." John said.

After dinner, I showed John my purchases then cleared the table and washed the dishes while John watched TV in the living room.

"Oh by the way, where are those pictures I took of you?" John ask when he joined me. "I’ve decided to destroy them."

"I want them as a souvenir"

"Well I want them destroyed!"

"You’re not going to get them, I intend to keep them." I replied.

John got up and grabbed my arm.

"Just remember I can transfer." I warned and he released my arm..

We were so angry that we didn’t talk the rest of the evening and each kept to our own side of the bed.


John was still asleep when I got up, showered and put on a house robe. Just then the baby started crying. I was annoyed to find milk seeping down my breasts. I fed him in the nursery, took off the robe and took another shower.

It was warm and sunny outside and so early in the morning that not a soul was at the pool. My bleeding had now diminished to the point I could get by with just a tampon. I took my new swim suit out of the bag and went into the bathroom to put it on. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and was ecstatic at how good and how sexy I looked. John was just waking up, but I walked past him to the patio without saying a word. The water in the pool was warm and I enjoyed being in it in my non - pregnant state. I had swam a few laps when John appeared at the edge of the pool and called me.

"Now how am I going to tell people around here that I don’t know how to swim?" He complained.

I just swam another lap then swam back to him. "I don’t know. Maybe I’ll just have to teach you."

John squatted down to talk to me more confidentially. "That isn’t the reason I came out. Joy just called. Tom has moved in with Ann."

I was completely stunned at the implications of Tom’s action. "So Tom has definitely decided to remain Tom!" I exclaimed as I held on to the side of the pool.

"He probably learned that the baby now has Joy’s personality and memories! In a way I don’t blame him. I don’t know how I’m going to like being married to you."

"Of course we could go ahead and get a divorce. The problem is I couldn’t even support myself and I certainly didn’t agree to support an ex-wife and baby!" I replied knowing John’s programming degree and experience would be useless once I became him.

"An exchange under those conditions would be a disaster!" John complained vehemently. "It would be better to stay as we are. I want you to promise that you won’t transfer with me!"

"My promises have only gotten me in trouble. I’m not going to make any further promises." I was so upset I got out of the pool, took off the swim suit in the bathroom and took my third shower of the morning as I pondered about Tom’s involvement with Ann. Under these circumstances it seemed to make more sense to remain Sue. Especially in view of John’s attitude about the baby.

Before I could let John know that I would even consider remaining Sue, I needed to know whether I, as Sue, could successfully interact with others.

The baby was awake when I took my clothes into his room to dress. As I picked him up, I couldn’t but wonder what he had heard and understood. He made some odd sounds, as if he were making an effort to talk, let out a loud wail and then went to sleep almost immediately. Puzzled I put him back in the crib. When I saw John staggering toward me, I knew what had transpired.

"I heard what you said. What do you plan to do?" John ask as he explored his body, confirming my conclusion that there had been a switch of bodies.

"I don’t know! Does it change your plans?"

"I don’t think so. You know it’s great to be able to talk and it was downright annoying not to be able to keep from shitting my pants, but I think it is going to be worth the inconvenience."

"Well that gives me a little more time." I replied.

John walked back and forth a few times and then was in the bathroom for a while, using the time to get used to his body.

"Why don’t you get dressed and let’s go for a walk." He ask when he returned.

I quickly dressed. By that time he was able to take the baby from me and carry him. We walked to the beach.

"You know I have been trying to find ways to let you know what I want and wanted to discuss a code I’ve developed." He then discussed his ideas and then changed the subject. "Are you going to become John?"

"I don’t know. It might be easier to stay Sue. I’ve got some thinking to do."

We watched the waves hitting the beach and the people on the beach and in the water. It was nice to be outside. All too soon we walked back to the apartment.

"I am planning to go out tomorrow." I told him. "Do you think you could take over my body long enough to fix my hair and apply makeup?"

"Why not!"

"I don’t know yet whether I am going to take the baby. I’m going to call Fred’s daughter and see if she is available to baby-sit. That way I’ll also get a chance to see how she is doing."

I wanted to say more but then the baby started crying. His cry was completely unfamiliar then suddenly changed to a pattern we had just discussed. As expected his diapers were dirty. John hurried to the crib, almost bowling me over.

"Don’t you ever do that again!" He said emphatically to the baby. Then he turned to me. "If he ever does that again, I’m leaving!"

"But he’s really your baby not mine!" I protested.

"Not with Joy’s mind!"

"And what is going to be the situation three weeks from now?" I ask emphatically.

John, instead of replying, left the nursery and turned on the TV in the living room. I stood there a while then realized that it would be better to share my thoughts and concerns. I then joined him in the living room and sat on the opposite couch.

"You can’t just go in here and sulk." I began. "You know as well as I that I only agreed to be Sue until Sue could return to work. Becoming you doesn’t sound too feasible, but I can’t see fighting with Tom either. I’m don’t know if I can deal with remaining Sue, but I will consider all possibilities."

"In order to make a decision I have got to get out and do some exploring, will have to mingle with others, to see if I can make that adjustment. I just can’t remain in this apartment taking care of the baby. As a start I’m going to the grocery store, by myself, to get the groceries we need. Just help me make the list and take care of the baby while I’m gone."

After dinner John left the apartment without making the list, obviously still angry. I took the opportunity to call Fred’s daughter. "I’m Sue Ward and heard about you from Renee Bowman, my sister. I need a baby sitter for about twelve to four PM tomorrow afternoon and wondered if you were free. My son is about a week old."

"I don’t know, I’ve never taken care of anyone that young." Michelle’s voice sounded different, but of course that was because I, Sue, was hearing it through different ears.

"I don’t think there will be any problems. I’ll bring him to your house so you’ll be in familiar surroundings. Even if your mother is not available, you will have neighbors to help."

"OK, I’ll see you at twelve."

John hadn’t returned by the time I went to bed. His anger and his absence were additional concerns that, added to the others, kept me awake that night.


I didn’t want John to know of my plans for the day so stayed in bed until he had left. I hurried to take care of the baby, shower and have breakfast. It was another weird experience to shave my legs. I didn’t know anything about a bikini wax to rid myself of the pubic hair that the bathing suit would not cover, so just shaved there also. It, as expected, left me with just a vertical strip of hair covering my labia.

The phone rang almost and I was surprised to learn it was Sindi. "I’ve got my date to take my CPA exam."

"That’s great! I didn’t know you were an accountant."

"There is a problem though. I’ve got to work and there’s so much study I need to do, more than I can handle. What happened the other night gave me an idea. I would be able to get twice as much done if I could use your body while you slept in mine."

"I’d like to help, but it looks like I’m going to remain either John or Sue. It seems more practical to be Sue, but I need to get out of the apartment, do a number of things and see if I can make the adjustment."

"If you could do it for even a week it would be a big help."

"I wish I could. If things change I’ll let you know."

After Sindi hung up, I considered Sindi’s request. I didn’t want to disappoint her after what she had done for me.

When the baby awoke again, I lay on the bed next to him and transferred. I watched as Sue got up and left the room then brought my small hand to my face. It was hard to focus my eyes. Sue soon returned with her hair in curlers and brought out the hair drier. The last I remembered before going to sleep was her again leaving the room. Then I was Sue lying on the bed next to Karl. Next to me was a note that read.

"No more, I stay Karl." The writing was crude and seemed to be of a person in second or third grade.

Before I got up I remembered how Joy had looked before seeing a trick and hurried to the mirror. To my relief both hair and face looked very nice. It was really too elaborate for the beach, but then I hadn’t thought to say what I planned to do.

I put on the new bathing suit and inspected my figure in the mirror. The tummy and waist were still much too matronly. I almost decided not to go and then realized it had been years since Fred had been very concerned about how he looked. There was no question but that this body and brain were affecting my thoughts and behavior. The new skirt was a little too dressy for the beach, as was the new blouse but unless I was to wear maternity clothes, there was nothing else to wear. I was dressed before remembering that I had to provide for the baby. I removed the blouse and pulled down the bathing suit top so I could fill a bottle with breast milk.

The phone rang. It was Diane. "I’m truly sorry I gave you so much trouble. I just can’t believe how I behaved. But what happened to Joy? Surely she’s not Ken!"

"No, Joy is now the baby. That’s what she wanted."

"So that is what happened! I should have figured it out from the way he was behaving."

"What happened to Ken? You were there."

"When he didn’t respond, I called 911 and they took him to a hospital. I said I was his girlfriend and they let me see him, but it was no use."

"How are you doing."

OK, I guess. I’d like to go back to college if I can find a way. But that’s not why I called. Joy was just here. In spite of her religious talk, she has a crush on me. She doesn’t seem able to reconcile Elaine’s standards of morality with Joy’s needs. She started rambling about the sin of possessing another person’s body. I don’t know why, but I didn’t tell her I was back in my own body until she threatened to exchange bodies."

"Tom moved out and she is really upset. He told her he was never going to return to being John. Then she started talking about herself. Joy had searched through her stuff until she found not only her true age but also the name and address of her parents. She discovered that she’s only fifteen years old. Her figure is starting to fill out and I guess that started her thinking. I think she’s planning to go back to her parents."

Diane’s comments brought back all the guilt and dampened my anticipation of seeing Michelle. I carried the diaper bag and the baby to the car, put the diaper bag in the car and fastened him in the infant seat.

"When you get to the baby sitter, I want you to act like any normal baby." I told him. "Just please don’t change bodies with her!"

It was wonderful to see Michelle, but frustrating as I couldn’t ask the questions and tell her what I wanted to say. It appeared Michelle was adjusting to her father’s death, which was both reassuring and a little disturbing. She made quite fuss over the baby. I left after spending only a few minutes with her.

It was really nice to be out of the apartment and not have any responsibilities. Right now Sue’s hair looked O.K., but now was a good time to do something more permanent about it. There was plenty of time for the beach. The only thought I had while waiting for the cosmetologist was to wish that I had worn something more comfortable than the too tight bathing suit.

"I want a hair style that doesn’t require putting in curlers, one that all I have to do is brush it out." I told the cosmetologist.

"I’d have to cut it very short to get rid of your permanent."


"Are you sure? It’ll be almost as short as a man’s."


My hair was very short by the time she was through but I didn’t mind. What bothered me was the length of time it took. It was just another thing to which I would have to become accustomed.

The weather at the beach was so perfect the beach was packed and I had to drive around before I found an open lot. I was very self conscious as I walked through the crowd of sunbathers. I finally found a space large enough to put down the beach towel and stripped to my bathing suit.

Then I saw Bob Arans! How was that possible among this multitude of people. He was supposed to be at work? So this is what I did during his frequent absences. He really ought to be fired, but then I wasn’t Fred and it wasn’t my problem.

He was staring at me frankly and openly, mostly at my breasts. It was hard to ignore him and the intensity of his stare was really upsetting. I tried to concentrate on the decisions I had to make, knowing what I should be considering what was best for Sue and the baby. Even now it was hard to think in those terms.

"Haven’t we met before?" Bob was standing over me and his voice startled me. How did a woman handle this situation? I was so embarrassed by my inability to verbally cope that I just fled into the cool surf. He was right behind me. Then to my relief a female voice called and he joined her.

As quickly as possible, I got out of the water, dried off, picked up my belongings and went to lady’s room. I hadn’t thought to bring underwear! I put the blouse and skirt on my naked body, then went to the car knowing how poorly I had handled everything. It was too early to pick up the baby so I found myself walking back to the bar where all this had started.

It took total concentration to keep to make sure the skirt covered my bottom, to remember to keep my legs crossed and to keep from reacting to the glances I received. I was really feeling sorry for myself by the time I’d downed a couple of drinks. Two drinks wouldn’t have affected Fred much but I wasn’t Fred.

It was difficult to walk back to the car, but fortunately I had the foresight not to drive until most of the haze diminished. The realization that Michelle would know I had been drinking assisted in sobering me up. My experiment had been a failure! There were too many adjustments necessary for me to be a woman and mother. No matter the consequences I was going to force a transfer tonight.

"Damn you, I told you I didn’t want my hair cut!" John exploded when he saw me.

I expected him to say more but Joy was there. She looked different, a little taller but there was more.

"Now that Diane is back in her own body the two of you have to transfer. We’ve got to stop this satanic business and you’ve got to promise not to change everyone back." Joy demanded and then continued. "Maybe then god will forgive you!"

"I’m just not going to make anyone become someone they do not want to be." I retorted angrily, then realized that I had just been planning to do so with John.

"Do you really mean that?" John ask pointedly.

"I’m tired of trying to play god!"

"But will you interfere if I put everyone back in their own bodies?" Joy ask.

"Yes, if that isn’t what they want! That doesn’t mean I want to stay Sue, I’m just not ready to be a wife and mother."

"May god forgive you your iniquity!" With that Joy stormed out of the apartment.

"Did you really mean that you will let me stay John?"

"Everything is so complicated. Joy is miserable, I don’t see any way of aiding her. Tom wants to stay Tom and you want to stay John. Diane seems content to stay herself. The only one who wants a change is me. Maybe if you are going to stay John, Renee might swap with me."

"That might be a solution. It really bugs me that you cut my hair, but that’s only part of it. You don’t realize how much it upsets me to look at you! You’re so awkward, so unfeminine and sometimes you really make me cringe. I know I have some effeminate mannerisms, but it’s different, your body was mine. I know I am John but with Sue’s memories and personality I’m a better, more complete person."

"You haven’t answered my question about Renee."

"I don’t know. I think Renee truly loves me, but I don’t know if she’d agree. She’s not so obsessed about her body now and would have to accept suddenly being a mother of a baby which has the mind of a fifteen year old prostitute. For you the advantages are obvious. Her anomalies don’t seem to bother you, she’s finished high school and mother and dad are sending her to college in a few weeks. You’d have no responsibilities, a new environment and even someone to support you."

"Well, let’s see if she’ll agree." I walked to the phone and called Renee. "John and I have a proposition to discuss. Something that we can’t discuss over the telephone. I’ll be over to pick you up."

As I drove I couldn’t keep from thinking about what John had said.

"What on earth did you do to your hair?" Renee ask as I met her at the door."

I ignored her comment. "Well big sister, what can I do for you?" Renee ask sarcastically as she entered the car.

"John and I want to talk to you. I came alone so you’d know I wasn’t coerced."

"You’ve decided to let John stay as he is!" Renee guessed as I drove away.

"Let’s wait until we are together."

"Is it true she isn’t going to make you transfer?" Renee ask John after we arrived.

"There’s more to it than that." I interrupted. "Before we go further I should tell you that the baby has another person’s personality and memories. That person was a 15 year old female prostitute. I don’t know if that will change your decision, but at least you should know."

"What we’re asking is whether you would like to permanently become Sue. We haven’t been getting along very well."

"Then I’d be your wife and the baby’s mother! Renee thought a while. "I really do love you, but I can’t do it."

"Why?" I ask surprised.

"I wouldn’t be me any longer. It just wouldn’t work!"

"Well I guess we’re back to square one." I made no effort to hide my disappointment. "There is another possibility. How about postponing your college. I’ll move out and you can take care of the baby. After we get a divorce, John and you could get married."

"I couldn’t do that! John knows what that would do to mom and dad. They would never get over me taking your place with John. It might have been O.K. if you were already divorced and I had been away at college." The anguish on Renee’s face was clear.

"I’m sorry, I should have thought it through before we involved you." John told Renee. "Here I’ll drive you home."

"Well what are we going to do?" I ask John when he returned.

"Unless Tom changes his mind, I plan to stay John. Maybe I should move out and let you two have the apartment."

"That sounds a little premature. How about if we separate for a week or so and see how things look then? I think I can move in with Sindi for a while."

"I don’t know if that’s going to make much of a difference, but why not."


I called Sindi. "John and I have decided to separate. If the baby and I could stay with you I’ll take you up on that proposition."

"What happened?"

"It’s just too tense here and we’re just not getting along. It appears I’m going to be stuck being Sue so I need time to adjust and to figure what to do."

"I only have one bedroom." Sindi said. "But that shouldn’t be a problem. You can sleep when I’m at work. We can figure something out for the weekends. There is one problem. My boyfriend’s coming over Thursday and spending the night. I think we can work that out too. Can you come over now?"

I sighed a sigh of relief and turned to John. "She wants me to come now. Could you help me with the crib? I’ll come back for my clothes tomorrow."

"Anything you want!" He replied. John and I took the crib apart and put it and some necessary items in the cars.

From the looks of her apartment, Sindi wasn’t doing much housekeeping. The table was piled with papers and books. I put the baby on the bed and, although it wasn’t necessary, stacked pillows to keep him from falling then assembled the crib in the living room. John in the meantime brought in my suitcases and the baby’s belongings. As soon as everything was out of the cars, John left.

"You really look tired. Why don’t we change now?" I suggested. "I’m sure my body won’t last all night but if I go to sleep in your body now you’d be fresh for tomorrow."

"That sounds like a good idea."

I waited impatiently while Sindi prepared herself for bed. The process evidently included a nightly shower. When she returned she was wearing a robe.

"I’m afraid I don’t wear nightgowns or pajamas." Sindi confessed as she stared at me.

I was embarrassed to realize that I was also staring. "Using each other’s bodies is quite intimate, isn’t it." I laughed as I picked up the baby, carried him into the living room and put him into the crib. Sindi followed and stood there expectantly.

"Just keep that position and I’ll trade with you now." I said, then assumed a similar posture.

I was so tired I hardly noticed the usual tingling. In addition My eyes burned and I had a terrific headache. All I wanted to do was go to sleep. "I’m sure glad you got ready for bed before we switched." I told Sue. "I’m going to bed!"

I turned and walked into the bedroom. It was a relief to just pull back the covers, slip off the robe and slide into bed.


It seemed like only a few minutes later that the baby’s cry awoke me. I was really bushed and someone was in bed with me. Quickly I investigated my body and from the fullness of breasts and hips concluded I must be Sue and the person in bed with me was Sindi. I quickly rushed into the living room and picked up the baby. The clock showed six am. After changing the diaper, I sat in an easy chair to nurse him. I almost fell asleep, then the alarm rang and Sindi appeared, put on the tea and staggered to the bathroom.

"I’m really beat." I exclaimed when Sindi returned from the bathroom.

"I would think so! I didn’t go to bed until past three."

"How did it go?" I ask as I put Karl back into his crib and watched as he settled down to sleep.

"Quite well. The important thing is that I remember what I studied and feel much better, almost ready to go to work. It felt odd to nurse the baby, but I’m glad I don’t have such heavy breasts. They must get in the way!"

"They certainly do!" I agreed emphatically. "Especially when one has lived half a century without them."

I helped Sindi fix breakfast. After she left for work I cleaned up in the kitchen, then went straight to bed. Karl woke me at ten. After nursing him, I took a shower, ate lunch and made a trip to the apartment to get my clothes. Then since I was still tired, I took an afternoon nap. I was awakened when Sindi returned from work. After Sindi changed into a blouse and jeans, I helped her prepare dinner.

"It would save time if you could get dinner ready in the evenings." Sindi suggested.

"That shouldn’t be too difficult." I agreed. "As John can attest, I am not a cook. However I can follow a recipe if the ingredients are here and you make the menu."

"The easiest would probably be casseroles that can be put in the microwave in the evening."

"That sound like a good idea. Just tell me what you want I’ll do the best I can." That agreed I continued. "Why don’t start your studies, I can take care of the dishes."

"Sounds great." Sindi replied and left the room.

After the dishes were done, I sat in the living room watching TV while Sindi studied in the dining room. In spite of turning the volume as low as possible, I knew the sound had to bother her. I finally turned the TV off and tried unsuccessfully to find something interesting to read. Bored I went into the dining room to talk to Sindi.

"This isn’t working." I told her. "It would be better if we trade. I can get your body ready for bed."

"That a good idea, but since you don’t know where things are, it will save time if I get ready for bed. Watch me so you can get me ready for bed tomorrow."

I followed Sindi into the bedroom and as I observed Sindi’s routine, couldn’t resist glancing at the body I was to use for the second time. The previous evening I had been too tired to do anything but sleep. How was it going to feel being Sindi?

Even after all the experience in other bodies it still seemed unreal and impossible that I would be inside her body looking out. I looked at her black African facial features and skin, her tightly curled Afro styled thick course hair, the flat tautness of stomach, the prominence of broad hip bones, the kinky thick public hair, and the distance between the small based conical breasts which resolutely defied gravity. I remembered the comment that they looked like ice cream cones. That wasn’t true, they were more full and curved than that!

My coordination was better and the tingling was less than the previous evening, but I was too tired to do much more than stare at my black face and skin, before quickly showering and going to bed.


"Breakfast is ready." Sue announced as she shook me. "I decided to let my body rest as long as possible and was able to last the whole night."

It took me a few moments to wake up enough to get up, put on a pink robe and stumble into the kitchen.

"Let’s change" Sue suggested as soon as I appeared.

As soon as she left I went to bed, waking up as necessary to feed the baby. After a struggle with Sindi’s menu, I was able to prepare dinner. After dinner we transferred. It was only seven PM, still early in the evening. The previous nights rest had been enough to restore Sindi’s body and I wasn’t sleepy. I thought about telling Sue this, but then what would I do? After I reached the bedroom, I watched intently the movement of my body I stepped out of the jeans, unbuttoned and removed the blouse, removed the bra and then scrutinized that black face and body.

As I lay on my back I couldn’t keep from comparing Sindi’s breasts to Elaine’s, remembering how they had flattened and spread over the sides of her chest. Then my thoughts turned to what I should do about John and Sue’s relationship, but was still unable to make up my mind. I must have been more tired than I realized as I was soon asleep. Evidently the twice daily transfers did take a toll.


Sue’s body had felt so strange, although tired I had masturbated before going to sleep. It wasn’t long before the baby woke me for his morning feeding. As I nursed him I considered my situation.

Sindi was using Sue’s body about twelve hours a day and I was tired of taking two showers a day in two different bodies, of being so tired while in Sue’s body and still having to cook and feed the baby. Still, since I had not been able to make a decision as to what I wanted to do, there seemed little choice but continue living with Sindi.

"Calvin is coming over tomorrow night and will be here for dinner." Sindi reminded me just before we made the nightly switch. "Thanks to you I’ve been able to get my studying done, do my job and am rested enough that I feel great. Calvin will want to go to bed with me after dinner."

"If we can get a baby sitter I could go to a movie." I suggested.

"That sounds like a good idea, but I don’t think the baby will cause any problems if you leave him with us. Don’t stay out too late though. I still have some studying to do and will want to use your body later."

"But what if he wakes up during the night and still wants to make love?" Although I was going to be in Sindi’s body, the idea of having sex with a total stranger didn’t appeal to me.

"Calvin always goes to sleep afterwards!"

"But what if he doesn’t? What do you want me to do?"

"Could you just go along, please? He will think it’s me and it would be my body." Sindi seemed to be talking more to herself than to me.

"OK, but just don’t get mad if it happens."

"Just make sure you aren’t the one to start it!"

I couldn’t stay up as that would be a distraction and interfere with the studying Sue was doing so I dutifully prepared for bed. Now more than ever it was impossible to keep from exploring the differences in this body as I showered. I managed to avoid undue arousal and crawled into bed. Once I was comfortable, I again tried to make plans for the future. From the lack of results the previous night I already knew that wasn’t going anywhere.

It wasn’t long before my fingers moved over my firm pointed breasts and was gently twisting and pulling the nipples and then tracing the shape of my labia. My clitoris soon felt the movement of my hands as I rubbed that soft yielding labia with my right hand, all the while feeling the response from my right nipple. It was all I could do to stifle my moans as I climaxed.


The next morning I was Sue going to bed. It was hard to get to sleep, even though I knew I had to do more than usual for dinner. That evening I was most conscious of the heaviness of my breasts and, before I remembered the indignities that a black woman faced, almost wished I could permanently change with Sindi. Sindi helped with the dinner’s final touches after she returned from work. Calvin appeared about an hour later. He was a quite attractive tall black male who seemed able to accept my presence in the apartment.

"Sindi told me you were also studying for the exam."

"I hope you don’t mind too much me being here. Sindi was good enough to take us in when I left my husband. Due to the small size of this apartment, I usually sleep in the afternoon and evening and study at night. Tonight I’m taking a break and going to a movie. That way you will have a little more privacy." I replied in Sue’s voice.

It was still relatively early when I returned from the movie. No one was in the living room and everything was quiet. The baby was already wide awake, so I decided to nurse him earlier than usual so Sue wouldn’t have to interrupt her studying. As he suckled, the baby seemed tense and I wondered what was going on in his mind.

"Careful, little one, or you’ll really get a bad stomach ache." I told him softly and wished that there were more between me and the bedroom.

When the baby was through nursing, he started playing with the nipple teasing it with his tongue. It felt so good I just left him at my breast until I realized what he was doing. Already I could feel myself being aroused and I wanted to be touched, to be caressed. Quickly I pulled away.

"What is Sindi going to think when she takes over?" I ask, my nipple still tingling.

After I burped and put him into the crib, I heard the toilet being flushed. Sindi soon came into the living room dressed in her pink robe.

"I’m ready. Calvin should be asleep." Sindi whispered.

"Maybe we’d better wait a while longer and make sure." I replied remembering that Sindi slept nude and probably didn’t have anything on under that robe.

"I’ve got too much to do to wait." Sindi replied tersely.

I thought about the situation. There probably wasn’t a problem since Sindi and Calvin had just had intercourse. I rose from her chair, put the baby in the crib, and assumed a posture similar to Sindi’s. After the exchange and before Sue could say anything about the sexual stimulation, I rushed to the bedroom.

To my dismay Calvin was not in the bed. I felt him grab me from behind. He closed on the door, turned on the light. I didn’t dare resist as he removed the robe. As expected, I was naked underneath.

"You still look like someone stuck two ice cream cones on your chest."

"What do you mean?" My hands flew to my chest and covered my breasts. Then I remembered that Joy, when she was Sindi had made that comparison.

"Are you Joy?" I ask.

"You mean Karl, don’t you?" Calvin replied. "I don’t want to forget how to walk, there might be a reason to switch with someone. I want to know what is going on."

"We’d better turn out the light, she’ll wonder what is happening.

"I want to see how you look." He replied.

His hands were on my body, avoiding my breasts and mons Venus. His touch felt so good and I felt the excitement course through my body. It had been too long since I had made love.

"Let’s go to bed." I suggested, hoping that both of us could behave.

I pulled back the covers. As I slid into bed, the memory of how the baby had made me feel quickened my breathing.

"You really took a chance, what if Calvin had been asleep?"

"Don’t worry about Calvin. Considering how difficult it was to stay awake, I’m sure the change of bodies knocked him out." Calvin replied as he looked me over.

"John and I needed to separate and Sindi needed time to study." I explained simply.

Calvin reached out his arm, put it around me and pulled me to his naked body. As he held me, I knew how much I needed to be held and comforted. I pressed Sindi’s naked body against his and turned toward him as I felt his hand on my breast.

"Why?" He ask.

"I couldn’t see how I, as John, could support a wife and baby and for some dumb reason told John I wouldn’t force a change with him. Of course he doesn’t want to change!"

"I thought you would become Tom and that I’d stay with the original John and Sue."

I felt Calvin’s leg gently move between mine until it was against my pubic mound, but instead of pulling away found myself pressing my female sex against him.

"Unfortunately Tom’s out of the picture. He moved in with Tom’s girlfriend and we’ve lost contact."

Calvin’s hand was gently caressing my nipple while his other hand moved over my buttocks, then between them, ever moving closer and finally reaching and caressing the fleshy lips just covering my clitoris.

"How much of the agreed time was left when you cut your hair?"

"About two weeks!" It was hard to keep from squirming and moving my body against his.

"Only two weeks to go! Were you that angry with him or had you already decided you were going to remain Sue?" Calvin ask.

His lips were on mine and I couldn’t resist opening my lips and thrusting my tongue into his mouth.

"What happened to my original body?"

"Gone back to your parents."

"Mom would never let her stay! She kicked me out. If Diane hadn’t taken a shine to me I’d been on the street. Do you know why I ask to be Karl? It wasn’t that I wanted to be a baby or even a boy. I’d agreed to become anyone who hadn’t started to school. I can barely read and write, but I’m not going through what I did before!"

"I’ll make sure things are better for you."

Calvin raised up and took my right nipple in his mouth all the while continuing to caress the other nipple. My body jerked as a bolt of sensation ran through me.

"I can’t forget how it felt when I was Fred and had sex as a man. I’d like to make love with you now."

"I would too, but we’d better not. She might hear and I don’t think she’d approve!"

I could feel the moisture between my thighs and hoped he wouldn’t heed what I had said. His answer was another kiss that melted any further resistance. His finger parted my vaginal lips and moved up to touch and stroke my excruciatingly sensitive clitoris. It was all I could do to keep from screaming out loud. His head moved between my legs as he spread them and then my vaginal lips apart to get at my clitoris with his tongue. My hips seemed to move on their own, lifting to meet his tongue and then squirming as the sensations became too powerful. Oh god, he really knew how to turn me on. My hands went around his head holding him there. Then his mouth moved up to my right breast, talking almost all of it in while his finger continued it’s magic on my clitoris. My whole body tingled.

"God, I want you in me!"

Calvin rolled over and I could see his penis was still flaccid. To my surprise I took it in my mouth and started caressing it with my tongue while at the same time reaching up and playing lightly with his nipples.

"I didn’t expect this! I never though about having a problem getting an erection." Calvin exclaimed.

"Calvin just had sex a few minutes ago." I explained. "You look virile enough. It shouldn’t take long.

Then I felt him start to stiffen. As soon as it was hard enough he rolled over on top and thrust his large stiff penis inside me. I had expected the same sensations I had when I was Renee, but the sensations were nowhere near as intense.

"Oh baby, that feels so great" Calvin moaned. His hands were on my breasts. "I know this doesn’t do anything for you, go ahead and use your fingers."

I followed his advice and as I rubbed my clitoris my fingers felt his penis moving in and out of me. Soon I could feel Sindi’s body ready to explode.

"Not so much, I can’t take it." I told him, but my contrary hands on his buttocks pulled him even deeper inside me. Then I exploded into a climax only to find he wasn’t through fucking me. Two more climaxes later, he came and I felt completely limp. Calvin collapsed and the next thing I knew he was sound asleep. I pushed him away. With Sindi’s slight build that was quite a task. Then I shook him.

"Wake up! You’ve got to change back!"

"In the morning!" He replied still half asleep.

"Now, damn it. Remember Karl gets an early morning feeding. Calvin would remember that!"

"OK, OK." Calvin’s body made a sudden jerking movement.

After his body was quiet, I turned out the light. His seminal fluids were trickling down my thighs, running down my buttocks, but I dared not go to the bathroom. In spite of my concerns about what we had done, I was so relaxed that I was asleep almost immediately.

Sue woke me and transferred before I could get out of bed. I barely kept from falling. Almost immediately, Sindi got up and rushed into the bathroom.

As soon as I regained my balance I went into the living room and looked at the clock. It wasn’t even two a.m. I wasn’t tired, but there was nothing to do. I finally just lay on the couch. When it was time, I fixed breakfast for the three of us.

"I really had a strange dream last night." Calvin said looking at me. "I dreamed I was your baby and you brought me to your breast to feed me but I wasn’t hungry."

"That was quite a dream!" I agreed emphatically as I blushed. In Sindi’s rush to trade, I had forgotten to tell her that the baby had already been fed. Sindi was staring at me but I was a little relieved when Calvin ate breakfast and left without further mention of the night’s events.

"I’d appreciate it if you would be out of here before tonight!" Sindi exploded. "I just don’t understand how you could do that to me!"

I was really tired but Sindi had reason to be angry. The only thing I could do was to call John. He wasn’t home. It was difficult to wait until he arrived at his office.

"John, this is Sue. Sindi kicked me out. Can you put us up until I can make other arrangements?"

"What did you do now?"

"I’m too tired to go into that. How about letting us return?"

"Maybe that won’t be necessary. Call Joy, she’s back at Tom’s old apartment. I can’t talk about it here but she can tell you what I mean."

I called Joy with more than a little trepidation.

"You can relax, I’m Diane, not Elaine. Joy’s parents didn’t want her back. She came to my apartment, said she’d had it and was going to join a convent. I pointed out that Joy wasn’t Catholic, but that Diane was. She agreed that if one took a vow of celibacy, it wouldn’t matter whether she is a lesbian."

"That isn’t quite true."

"We both knew that, but she seemed to welcome the challenge as an additional penance."

"John told me to call you. Karl and I have no place to go. Is John planning on us staying with you?"

"Renee called last night to tell John she’d changed her mind and he discussed the matter with me. John is sure Renee wouldn’t force a trade with him and, of course, wouldn’t have the masculine mannerisms that drove him up the wall. Renee knows that she still would be Renee, with someone else’s memories. Although she would rather be a wife and mother than go to school, the idea that her body would have your memories and behavior kept her from taking your earlier offer.

If we made a three way swap it might solve her objections. As Renee, I’d get to go to college. I’m sure I can adjust to her life and fulfill her parent’s dream of having Renee graduate from college. My beauty as Diane didn’t help me very much and I’m certain I’d gain more than I’d lose.

As Joy, you’d have no family attachments, so you wouldn’t have to fit in someone else’s life. Although Joy doesn’t even have a jr. high school diploma, you already have the knowledge and skills to get a decent job. Maybe Elaine in my body can find peace."

"Perhaps that is the way to go." I agreed as I remembered Joy’s slender, almost boyish physique. Now that was something I could live with! That and the lack of involvement with others.

"I’ll call John and tell him the news. We should get this over as soon as possible."

I waited for Joy’s call wondering if I had made the right decision. If everything worked out, at least the baby would have two parents. It was just a few minutes before the phone rang.

"I’ll be over to help bring your things to John’s apartment."

I was so tired and anxious it was hard to wait for Joy. Finally Joy was there and as we hugged each other I looked at Joy and lost some of my enthusiasm for the transfer. Joy had matured and lost her girlish shape. The tight belt proved her waist was still slender, but her hips had spread and if her bust was smaller than Sue’s, it was not by much. From the projecting points on her blouse, it was obvious Joy wasn’t wearing a bra and that none was needed. She still wasn’t pretty, but that shape would attract unwanted attention. However, that shape could be easier concealed than a face.

"I hardly recognize you now! What a change!" I exclaimed.

"It is also hard for me to believe when I undress and look in the mirror. Elaine, when Joy, bought clothes that were a couple of sizes too big!"

"I gather that you’re living at Tom’s old apartment."

"Joy moved out of her old apartment some time ago and all of her possessions are there. You’re welcome to them."

"I’ve been up all night and am really tired." I told Joy. "We’d better get busy before I collapse."

We managed to get everything in our two cars and returned to John’s apartment. I still had a key to the apartment so opened the door and put a blanket on the floor for Karl. Then with Joy’s help I unloaded Joy’s car leaving mine to be unloaded later.

"If we don’t change soon, I’m going to fall asleep." I told Joy after we finished.

"OK, I can wait here for John and Renee. I don’t think they will mind if I’m asleep."



© 2000
The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission.