Crystal's StorySite |
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Chapter 52
The movie progressed normally over the following weeks. We had days of rain that put a halt to shooting and forced us to hole up in the trailer, but the shooting schedule had allowed for rain so we quickly got back on track when the rain ended.
Carol arrived at the site on the afternoon before Thanksgiving Day. We hadn't seen each other in two months, so our reunion was emotional. Mom got Carol settled in because I had a scene to do. Mr. Tisch worked us late because Thursday would be a day off, so I didn't get to speak with Carol until dinner.
"Oh yuck," Carol said with an exaggerated tone, "it's so humid down here."
"You get used to it," I said. "At least we have a/c in the trailer so we can sleep at night."
"I love your trailer. It's one of the biggest in the camp."
"Rank Has Its Privileges. Your status determines your living accommodations or dressing room accommodations. Remember my dressing room when we first went to shoot 'Oliver on Board'? It was about the size of two broom closets."
"You've come a long way since then, sis. "Under the Scarlet Maple' has been a big success. It's still running at some theaters and I heard that it's been a big financial success."
I smiled. "I'm glad. They took a big chance using a couple of relative unknowns for the leads."
"Unknowns?" Carol said in a shocked voice. "You and Gregory were both established actors."
"But neither of us had starred in a movie before. They took a chance that we could carry the picture. I'm glad that their faith was justified."
"I'm sure that they're laughing all the way to the bank. They took a gamble and did well. They got you for 3 million. Somebody like Julia Roberts would have cost them 20 million. They saved 17 million by hiring you, and probably the same over hiring a famous male lead like Brad Pitt."
"I'm happy that they did take the gamble. Look at how much I'm being paid for this picture. Each larger role and successful picture has raised my salary. My next picture is for 7 million."
"You're getting 7 million? S-E-V-E-N million to do another picture?"
"Well not exactly. The actual amount is 7.5 million. Mr. Daniels flew down with the lawyer from the movie company this past weekend so that I could sign the contract. They only stayed long enough for lunch and the signing and then went right back to the airport."
"Oh my God. Seven and a half million. That's unbelievable."
"I guess that it's all because of my role in 'Under The Scarlet Maple'. So you can see why I'm happy that the movie company is doing so well."
"Yeah, I see. Well what are we doing for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow? And I want to hear all about the new movie."
"The caterer will be serving turkey dinners at lunch tomorrow in the cook-tent. It's not going to be like our Thanksgivings at home, but it's the best we can do this year. At least there'll be turkey, stuffing, gravy, squash, and lots of fresh vegetables."
I spent the next hour telling Carol about 'The Moons of Kapatia' movie.
The promised meal was very good and the entire camp enjoyed the holiday, except for possibly the catering people who have to serve three meals a day regardless of the date. After dinner, most of the cast and crew just lazed about. A few of the musically talented, entertained the rest of us during the afternoon.
Friday was a full workday again and we returned to the shooting schedule. I noticed that Carol was paying a lot closer attention to the technical side of the movie making than she ever had before. No doubt she was attempting to match her classroom training to the real thing.
After we finished shooting on Saturday, we headed to the hotel for our weekly break from the dirt and the bugs. We were more than halfway through the shooting schedule now and beginning to look forward to the end of the movie.
Our weekly stays at the hotel offered us the opportunity to enjoy real Mexican dishes. The 'Mexican' food that you normally get in the states is usually referred to as Tex-Mex by food connoisseurs. One of the main differences seems to be that real Mexican food uses a lot of cilantro, which is like parsley.
On this day, we started off with a fresh fish and vegetable soup, that is so common south of the border. The closest thing found commonly in the states is Manhattan Clam Chowder.
For her entrée, Mom ordered Chili Rellenos, which are Chili Poblanos that are stuffed with a mixture of cheese and meat, then batter dipped and fried. North of the border, Bell Peppers are usually substituted for the Poblanos because of the difficulty in finding them outside of areas with huge Mexican populations.
I ordered Chorizo, which is a mixture of beef and pork sausage and a number of spices, that was mixed and left, tightly covered, in a refrigerator for two days so that it could blend. Then it's fried, and served on a fried tortilla in which a nest of fried beans and cheese has been made. The portion was very generous, and covered with shredded lettuce, onions, tomatoes, and cheese.
As always, when dining out, Mom and I shared our food so that we could both enjoy the two dishes.
Carol and I spent Sunday morning by the pool. We talked about college and compared notes on things that Carol was learning in class versus what I had learned from working at the movie locations. I also broke the news about Brad and I splitting up.
"You're kidding," she said.
"Nope. He wrote that he met someone else at school. I'm happy for him. He's a great guy and he deserves all the happiness that comes his way. We're still good friends."
"But he just threw you over?"
"I've expected it for a long time. Our lives are going in totally different directions. Don't be upset. I'm not. There wasn't any future for us."
"Okay. It's your life."
After lunch, Mom and I took Carol to the airport to catch a flight back to LA. We wouldn't see each other again until Christmas break so we hugged for several minutes at the gate.
On Monday we resumed shooting. Everyone seemed to be trying harder and willing to work longer hours as we got closer to Christmas. We were hoping that we could be done by the time that the holiday season started, but Mr. Tisch wasn't going to sacrifice quality for a shorter schedule. On the days when we couldn't work because of rain, everyone sat around and grumbled about the weather.
We finished the shooting just four days before Christmas, much to the delight of cast and crew. We had a party to celebrate the end of the picture and then people started leaving to catch late flights back to the States. Mom had made reservations as soon as it appeared that we would finish today, and then she had packed our suitcases. After saying goodbye to everyone, we left for the airport. Chet had left a week earlier when the f/x team was finished. I felt a little sorry for the people that had to stay behind to clear the site. They wouldn't be home for Christmas with their families.
We arrived in Chicago on the direct flight from Acapulco around midnight. There weren't any more commuter flights that late so we went to a hotel for the evening. We would fly home in the morning.
The desk clerk at the hotel recognized me as soon as Mom wrote 'Ramsey'. He said what a pleasure it was to have us stay there and signaled to a bellboy to show us to the room. We only had our carryon bags with us as our other luggage had been cleared through to the next flight and was sitting somewhere in the bowels of the airport. Mom asked the clerk to keep our presence there a secret and he said that that was standard practice with their celebrity guests.
We stopped to rent a car at the airport when we got home. Before Mom even gave the woman her name, the clerk was asking for my autograph. Within minutes I was surrounded by people shoving paper at me and tugging at my clothes. I was finally rescued by airport security people who thought that there was a riot going on. I was taken to an office where I could pull myself together and the car rental agent brought the paperwork to us. After the car was arranged, we were led out a back way and escorted to where the car was parked. We'd rented the car because although Mom's car was at the house, we'd need more than one while we were here, and mine was in California.
Carol was home from school already as the college had closed for the holiday break and Carol was off for the next three weeks. She was eating a late breakfast when we walked in. After the hugging, Carol helped Mom and me take our things to our rooms, then we all went to the kitchen. Mom and I had a cup of tea while Carol finished eating.
"Okay, girls, we have a great deal to do and not much time to do it. Carol, have you completed your shopping?"
"Not completely. I still have a few more things to get."
"That's better than us," I said grinning. "The number of shops in the Mexican jungle is terrible."
"And the selection was so limited," Mom said, getting in on the joke.
"You may not be too much happier with the selections left in the stores here. Everything's been picked over already."
"It has to be better than what we've had to choose from," Mom said. "Oh it's so good to be back home. Even if it is cold here."
"What should we do first?" I asked.
"Let's get our tree first, before there's nothing left, if there's anything left now. Then we should do our gift buying. Lastly, we'll get the food for our Christmas dinner. You two girls can use my car and I'll use the rental since I'm the only one listed on the rental agreement."
"Okay, Mom. I have to take a bath and get ready. I don't dare go out without my disguise. I imagine that the release of 'Under the Scarlet Maple' has made my features too well known."
A couple of hours later, Carol and I picked out the best tree that we could find from the ones that remained. One side was full and even, while the other was sparse and ragged, but if we arranged it right, and decorated it well, no one would notice. We dropped the tree off at the house before going out to do our shopping. With just a limited amount of time to get everything, we didn't waste time trying on things ourselves as we had done in years past. This year it was all business and we managed to get it done in one day thanks to the very late hours in many of the stores during the last week.
The next day Carol and I went to do the grocery shopping while Mom went out gift shopping again. Despite being Sunday, the stores opened early and closed late with just one more day before Christmas. When we got back home we decorated the tree, and when Sheri and Heather dropped over, the four of us strung the outdoor lights.
When the lights were all up, we came inside to get warm and we sat down in the kitchen to have some tea only to wind up making several batches of cookies. There's nothing like a nice warm chocolate chip cookie that was just baked.
Mom called around five to say that she wouldn't be home for dinner, so Carol and I cooked the chicken that we had bought earlier at the market, along with some potatoes and vegetables. When Mom finally got home I heated up a plate of food for her as she relaxed in the kitchen. She had managed to get everything that she wanted before she headed home.
Debbie called the next morning to let me know that she was home from college. I had left a message on her machine right after we had arrived home asking her to call when she got back. We talked for about an hour, until I had to give up the phone for Carol, but before I rang off, we made a date to go shopping right after Christmas.
Aunt Jessica arrived around noon and the four of us had a nice reunion. This was the first year that I could remember that the four of us hadn't had been together for Thanksgiving. We caught up on each other's news as we spent the afternoon preparing the foods for our Christmas meal.
After dinner we did the marathon gift-wrapping thing again as Mom delivered presents to each of us and we wrapped them. I don't know how she managed to do all the shopping that she did. Fortunately, Carol and I had done our own wrapping so when Mom finally ran out of presents, we were done. We relaxed afterwards with a cup of eggnog as we watched some late night television.
Mom and Aunt Jess were already up when I came down on Christmas morning. They had filled the bird with the stuffing that we had made yesterday and were having breakfast as it cooked. I kissed them both after wishing them a Merry Christmas and got a cup of OJ before joining them at the table.
"I was just telling your mother how much I enjoyed your performance in "Under The Scarlet Maple'. I think that you were born for parts like that. You made the character of Elizabeth seem so real that it was positively spooky."
"Thanks, Aunt Jess. It was fun doing the picture despite the cold weather up in Maine. At least I didn't have to stand out in it like I did in New York, but I wish that I could get a nice long job in Hawaii. This last job in the Mexican jungle was the worst. Heat, insects, spiders as big as your hand, and snakes, are not ideal working conditions. At least the cast and crew were great."
"What's your next project, sweetheart?"
"We leave for England in three weeks to begin shooting a movie entitled 'The Moons of Kapatia'."
"The Moons of Kapatia? What's that, a medieval fantasy?"
I giggled. "No. It's a movie set in outer space in the future. You know, Star Trek type stuff."
"Oh. And it's being shot in England?"
"Yes. Pinewood Studios. Where they made most of the James Bond movies."
"Oh, I'd love to visit England."
"Well, we'll be there for at least three months. Come over and visit. I'm sure that we'll have plenty of room."
"If I can get off from work, I'll be there."
Carol came into the kitchen rubbing her eyes and wishing us all a Merry Christmas. We hugged and kissed, then I went over to the stove to make a couple of eggs while Carol got a cup of juice and tried to wake up. After the eggs were ready I dished them up, adding a couple of the pieces of bacon that Mom had cooked, to each plate and carried them to the table.
After breakfast we went into the living room and opened up our presents. Everyone made a big fuss over their gifts and we had a great time. Mom and I had brought back some hand carved miniature figures for Aunt Jessica's collection and she loved them. I had gotten a couple of new games for Carol's computer and Mom had bought her a laser printer. Everything else was clothes, jewelry, cosmetics, or grooming items. After all the gifts had been opened, Mom gave Aunt Jess a Christmas card from us that contained a gift certificate good for one round trip to England. We had known that she'd want to go once she learned that we were going to be there. She cried a few tears and thanked us for the gift.
Then it was time to clean up the mess in the living room, bathe and dress, and finish the preparations for dinner. Everything was almost done when Dad arrived.
He came in wearing the Santa suit again and saying 'ho, ho, ho'. Because we hadn't been home for Thanksgiving, we hadn't seen him since last Christmas. I went to him and gave him a kiss.
"Merry Christmas, Santa."
"Merry Christmas, sweetheart."
"Merry Christmas, Bill," Mom said as she sniffed his breath.
"Merry Christmas, Susan. I'm clean".
"So I see."
Carol gave him a kiss and said, "Merry Christmas, Daddy."
"Merry Christmas, darling."
Aunt Jess gave him a peck on the cheek and said, "Merry Christmas, Santa."
Dad smiled and said, "Merry Christmas, Jess. Merry Christmas to all."
Mom said, "Okay, everyone, dinner is almost ready but we still have work to do. Bill, the bird is cooling and almost ready to carve. Everybody else, let's finish setting the table and put the food out."
We threw ourselves into our tasks and within fifteen minutes we were sitting down to eat as Dad carved the turkey. Over dinner we talked about the Mexico movie and the others that I had done, and Dad learned about the new one in England.
"Seven and a half million dollars?" he exclaimed loudly. Then in a lower, almost contemplative tone, "seven and a half million dollars. I won't make that much in my entire lifetime and you're getting it for three months work. I'm proud of you, honey. You're only 18 and you've made an indelible mark on the world already. Millions of people are paying to see your acting and you're going to be world famous in the not too distant future."
"Bill, stop it," Mom said. "You'll give Crystal a swelled head."
"I don't think so. She's too down to earth for that. You did a fine job with both girls, Susan. I wish that I could claim part of the credit but it's all yours."
"Now you'll give me a swelled head. Cut it out. Did you see Crystal's newest picture yet?"
"The very first night that it played in Dayton. Everybody in my office has seen it, too. Everyone keeps asking me to bring Crystal in for a visit. Do you think that you might stop in one of these days, honey?"
"Sure, Daddy. When I find time to make a side trip. Maybe after I get back from England in late April or early May. I'll let you know."
"That'd be great. Thanks, honey. Tell me about your new movie so that I can impress all of the guys at work with my advance knowledge."
I gave Dad a basic synopsis of the movie but stopped short of spoiling the ending for him. By then everyone had finished eating and, after clearing the table, we went into the living room to exchange presents with Dad.
Dad had taken off the Santa suit before we ate, but he put the hat on before handing out the gifts that he had brought. Carol and I got the gifts out from under the tree, that we had all gotten for him, and brought them to his chair.
It's frequently difficult to buy gifts for someone whom you only see a couple of times of year. This year, Carol and I had gotten him a cell phone with 600 monthly minutes. The contract was paid up for a full year. We had also gotten him other accessories such as a hands free car hookup, and extra batteries. Mom had gotten him a new bathrobe and slippers of the type that he liked and Aunt Jess had gotten him some shirts.
Dad gave Mom a beautiful necklace with matching earrings. Aunt Jessica got a nice sweater. Both Carol and I received skirts and blouses. We both thanked Dad by giving him a hug and kiss. He hugged and kissed each of us as well, thanking us for the phone and accessories.
When we were done, Mom gave Dad an envelope. He opened it and read the papers that were inside.
"Is this official?"
"Yes, the court approved it and it's legally filed. I began the process before we went to Mexico. You no longer have to pay any child support. Crystal's income means that they don't need the money anymore and I'm sure that you could use it. The court agreed."
Dad was speechless for a couple of minutes. When he was able to speak again he said, in a slightly broken voice, "Thank you. I'm glad that things have worked out so well, for all of us. With the extra money I'll be able to get a decent apartment now; a place where I hope that all of you will feel welcome to visit me for a change. My present place is just a studio apartment. Thank you."
I got up and went over to him. "Merry Christmas, Daddy." I gave him another kiss on his cheek.
He kissed me back and hugged me. "Merry Christmas, baby." He pulled me onto his lap. "Merry Christmas, everyone." I sensed that he was trying to change the subject to keep from getting teary-eyed when he said, "Where's your boyfriend this Christmas?"
"Brad? Oh, we broke up. He found somebody new at college."
"I'm sorry."
"No need to be. We'll still good friends and I genuinely hope that he's happy."
"What about you? Are you happy?"
I thought for a moment. "Yes, I think that I am. I have a job that I enjoy, I get to travel, and I'm free from financial worry."
"What about school? I know that you were looking forward to college."
"Yes, I was, but I was reminded by someone while in Mexico that college was originally just the path to a good career. I have that already. And I'll go back to school one day. I'll be able to afford to go to whatever school I want to, and take whatever courses I want to without having to worry if they'll help me get a job."
"Then I'm happy for you. All I could ever want for you girls is to be happy."
We sat around talking for a few hours and then got out the food again. No one was really hungry, but we nibbled a little bit and then had some of the desserts that we had made. Dad left around seven o'clock after kissing and hugging each of us, including Mom.
Debbie came over the next morning and we went shopping. Carol decided to wait for Sheri and Heather and we agreed to meet at the Pizza Tomb at one o'clock. Naturally I wore my disguise, but after meeting friends from high school, the word leaked out when friends starting calling me by name. Before I knew it, strangers asking for autographs surrounded me. It was lucky for me that Debbie was there because some of the fans got out of hand and decided to take souvenirs. I lost my wig and dark glasses, and I was in danger of losing my purse and coat when Debbie started to hit people who were grabbing at me. Mall security arrived in time to separate us from the mob and they helped us to get away to the Mall office. We were a bit disheveled but still in one piece as we were escorted to a rear office where we could pull ourselves together.
As we put our purses on the desk Debbie held out her arm. "Here."
I realized that she was holding my wig. I reached for it as I said, "How did you get it?"
"I slugged the girl who ripped it off your head and took it out of her hand as she dropped."
"Did you hurt her?"
"I hope so. I bet that her nose is going to be sore for a week."
"I don't understand what happened. I've never had a problem like that before. Fans have always been so courteous."
"I guess that it only takes a couple of nuts to get the crowd going and then they get a mob mentality. Once one of them got your sunglasses and started screaming about it, they seemed to change. Suddenly they all wanted something of yours. It was crazy."
We finished getting our selves pulled back together and fixed our make-up. I managed to get my wig combed out and put it on. When we were done, we looked as we had started, except I no longer had my sunglasses.
The security people had a private entrance to the mall so we didn't have to go back out onto the concourse. They let Debbie out and she went to get her car and bring it back.
One of the security people said to me, "Miss Ramsey, I suggest that you get a couple of bigger body guards if you're going to go out in public. You're too big a movie star to walk around with just one."
"Thank you, but Debbie is my friend, not a body guard."
"Really? She handled herself pretty well out there. The nurse's office reported that one girl got a broken nose."
"A broken nose? Oh, no."
"I wouldn't worry. She'll be okay. I doubt if she'll have a good suit."
"I wasn't even thinking about that."
"I don't think that you have to worry. We have the entire incident on video tape. The girl was clearly the aggressor. She attacked you and ripped the wig off your head. She was smiling like she had won the lottery when your friend turned off her lights. She fell like a sack of potatoes after that, as your friend grabbed the wig back. The girl doesn't have a case but she may try. Well make sure to protect our security tape and a copy will be available for your attorney."
"Thank you."
"You're most welcome. I know that you've just been through an ordeal, but can I impose upon you for your autograph."
I smiled at him. "That's the least that I could do after being rescued. What's your name?"
I wrote on the pad that he was offering, 'To my friend Willis, thanks for your help, Crystal Ramsey'. "Here you are, Willis."
"Thank you Miss Ramsey. I'll treasure it."
"My pleasure. Thanks for the help that you and the others gave me."
I heard a car horn sound and Willis looked up at a bank of television monitors. "Your friend is at our private entrance."
I followed Willis to the door and then outside. Debbie was waiting in the car with the passenger side partly open and I slid into the seat and pulled the door closed. I smiled and waved to Willis as we drove away.
"Willis said that you broke the girl's nose."
"Did I? Serves her right, the little bitch."
"The security guard thinks that she might sue."
"Sue? We were only defending ourselves."
"He said that they have a tape that shows her aggression but that she might try anyway."
"Well she can't sue you. I'm the one that hit her."
"Don't worry about it too much. If she sues I'll hire the best lawyer in the state."
"You can get your boyfriend."
"Brad? He's not a lawyer yet, and he's not even my boyfriend. But I might get his father. Don't worry about it. I'll take care of it if it becomes a problem."
"What'll we do now? We can't go shopping."
"I have to call the Pizza Tomb at one o'clock to tell Carol what happened so they won't be worried when we don't show up. Why don't we go to Grandma's house."
"Okay. It'll be a little cold for a while until the heat comes up. We leave it set to 45 degrees in the winter."
I smiled. "That's okay. We can snuggle up in a blanket while we watch a video."
Debbie looked at me and smiled. "Let's stop and get a good one that we haven't seen. I wonder if they have any Crystal Ramsey movies."
"Oh, yuck. Her again?" I said jokingly.
Debbie dropped me off at home just before 5 pm. We had spent the afternoon curled up together watching videos. Debbie had asked, but the video store didn't have any Ramsey movies in stock. Only 'A Promise of Spring' and 'Open Spaces, Closed Hearts ' had been released on video so far.
Mom and Carol were in the kitchen when I came in and I sat down and told them about the problem at the Mall.
"Well Mr. Daniels told us it would happen. He said that you would need bodyguards eventually to protect you from the fans that love you. I just never expected it to happen here."
"I probably would have been okay if my friends hadn't been yelling my name out. That's what attracted the crowd."
"It doesn't matter what started it, we have to make sure that it doesn't happen again."
"Let's go back to California," I said. "There's less chance of that happening there."
"I just got home," Carol said. "I don't want to go back yet. I have a date with Vinnie for New Year's Eve. What are you doing for New Years, by the way."
"I don't have any plans. I know that I'm not going to the Reese's this year."
"Why don't you come with us. Stephanie Campbell invited us to a party at her house."
"Nah I don't have a date."
"You could get a date in 10 seconds. You're Crystal Ramsey. Every bachelor in town, and most of the married men too, would take you out in an instant."
"I don't want to go to a New Year's Eve party with someone I don't know. They'll want to kiss at midnight."
"So you kiss actors that you don't know every time you perform."
"That's different."
"Uh I don't know. It's just different."
"Then how about going out with someone from the Theatre. How about that guy that was in both of your plays? What's his name Rick?"
"No I don't want to encourage him. Someone told me that he's carrying a touch for me."
"There must be somebody that you'll go out with in this town."
"Well ," I said thoughtfully, "there just might be somebody. I'll call later to find out if he's available."
I spent the next week hanging out at home, at a friend's house, or at the theatre with Barbara and Marge. The crew people were building new sets and there was frequently someone working in the theatre, either doing carpentry or painting scenery. What I didn't do was go anywhere where I would be exposed to the public. I began to wonder if this separation from the masses, which I was beginning to practice, was what led many stars on movie sets to distance themselves from even the rest of the cast and crew.
During the week I received an updated script for the new movie, and a whole packet of information about the production, the studio, and area where we would be staying. I also had contact numbers for key people if I had any questions or problems. I hadn't given the movie much thought since I had signed the contract in Mexico and I hadn't even realized that I didn't know who the director was until I saw the name on the contact list. I had previously only met the producers and casting people and had been offered the job without even a single callback. I had assumed that my role in "Under the Scarlet Maple' was responsible for my getting the job, but now I began to wonder because the director named on the contact page was none other than Jason Landois, the director of 'Oliver on Board'.
On New Year's Eve, Carol and I started getting ready early, and finished up after dinner. Carol had gone to the hair salon, but Mom helped me do my hair at home so that I wouldn't have to go out in public.
Carol had been asking me for days about my date but I had refused to tell her anything. At eight o'clock, the doorbell rang and I answered it. I invited my date to come into the living room.
"Mom, Carol, you remember Debbie's cousin Michael, don't you?"
Carol started laughing and Mom smiled and said, "Crystal wouldn't tell us who her date was for tonight. It's nice to see you again, Michael."
"It's nice to see you again, Mrs. Ramsey."
"Did Marge help you?"
"She loaned me the wig and moustache, like last time, but I applied them myself. Barbara loaned me the shirt, suit, and shoes. The socks, tie, and watch, are my father's."
"Well, you look great. Don't you think so, Carol."
Carol had managed to stop laughing. "Yes, great. If I hadn't met Michael before I wouldn't know."
The doorbell rang and Mom said, "That must be Vinnie. Now remember Carol, not a word about Michael's identity."
"Okay, Mom. I want to see if he can see through the disguise anyway." Carol went to open the door and bring Vinnie in. As they came into the room, Carol said, "Vinnie, this is Crystal's date, Michael Murphy. Michael, this Vinnie DeMarco."
"Hi, Michael. Nice to meet you. Hi Crystal. Hi, Mrs. Ramsey."
We all returned the greeting and Mom said, "I know that you're anxious to go but I want to get some pictures first. Everyone line up in front of the Christmas tree."
We posed for pictures for about five minutes and then left. I went in Michael's car and Carol went in Vinnie's.
You could hear the music coming from Stephanie Campbell's house from two houses away. Since this was winter and the houses were sealed up tight, you just knew that it was going to be loud inside. Stephanie answered the door and welcomed us.
"Hi, Happy New Year," She shouted over the music. "Come in, come in."
"Hi Stephanie," Carol shouted back, " you know Crystal and Vinnie, and this is Michael."
"Hi, Michael. Welcome. Take your coats off and you can put them on the bed in that room," she said pointing to a door, "then go on into the living room. I have to check on the snacks that I'm cooking."
Vinnie collected our coats and took them to the bedroom as the rest of us went into the living room to say hello to the other guests. There were five couples and Stephanie's boyfriend sitting or dancing. The music was deafening so there weren't any conversations going on. As we began to shout our hellos, the music was turned way down.
I guess that it wasn't unexpected that everyone wanted to hear about my acting career, so with the music playing at a background level I talked for quite a while, answering questions about the movies and other actors that I worked with. After almost two hours, during which Stephanie continued to bring out cooked snacks like tiny egg rolls and mini-pizzas, the interest waned a little, and couples started to dance again, but I continued to be the center of the conversations until almost midnight when Stephanie turned on the television and we watched the parties going on around the world.
As the countdown in Chicago reached zero, we clapped and screamed and kissed, like everyone else that we saw on the TV. This year, for the first New Years Eve in two years, I didn't have a line of old men waiting to kiss me.
We stayed at the party for about two more hours, during which I danced with Michael much of the time. We had had so few occasions where we could be intimate, outside of Gram's house, that I took advantage of it.
As far as I could tell, Vinnie never once suspected that Michael was really Debbie in disguise.
I got to see Debbie twice more before I left for California on Friday. My accountants had my tax returns ready and I had to review them and sign them before I left for England because I might be gone until after the filing deadline. I also needed a quiet place where I could learn the new script. Mom was going to stay home and then meet me in New York for the flight overseas.
Mom had driven me to the airport and waited until the plane was boarding. I was wearing my disguise and, without anyone shouting my name, I didn't have a single problem, although I did get those 'don't I know you from somewhere' looks from a number of people.
I only traveled in first class now, and the flight attendants, who knew my real name from the passenger list, were extra friendly. I signed a number of autographs for them or for other passengers when the flight attendants brought me the books or papers.
Mom had arranged a limo to take me to the condo. I would have my car after that because Carol had left it in our assigned spot.
I lazed around the condo or out by the pool over the weekend. It was great to bask in the warm sun after suffering through the snow during the past two weeks. I spent most of the time studying the script or practicing my lines in front of a mirror.
On Monday I drove to the accountant's downtown office and went over the statements. While I knew how much money I was making, it was a shock seeing the actual numbers recorded on the forms, and to see the reports that made me look like a corporation or something. Seeing how much money I was paying in taxes made me wonder how many villages and towns had total budgets that were lower.
On Tuesday I called Sharon Oberson's service and gave them the code word so that I could hear the prerecorded personal message. According to that message, Sharon was in town so I called the unlisted number that she had given me and was delighted to hear her voice.
"Sharon, it's great to finally reach you."
"Yeah. I'm in town. How are you?"
"Okay. I feel like a beached whale, and my legs and feet are swollen, but other than that I'm okay."
"Oh, I'm so sorry. Is there anything that I can do?"
"Yes. Come visit me. I need some company."
"I'd love to. When?"
"As soon as you can. And bring some ice cream. Peanut butter fudge ripple. And a pizza with extra anchovies."
I laughed. "Anything else? Pickles, maybe?"
"Nah, I've got lots of pickles. Maybe some liverwurst, though."
"Okay. Peanut butter fudge ripple, pizza with extra anchovies, and liverwurst. Give me an hour."
"Okay. You're a doll. See you."
I went through the yellow pages and found a deli that had liverwurst and that was on the way. Then I called a dozen convenience stores before I found one that had the ice cream that she wanted. Lastly I ordered pizza with double anchovies, on half, because I hated anchovies and I knew that I'd want a piece. It would normally have taken me 20 minutes to reach Sharon's condo, but because of the stops it took 45.
"Hi, girlfriend."
"Sharon, you're enormous. Are you having quintuplets?"
"No, just twins."
"Oh my God, really? I was just kidding."
"I'm not. Honest. Thats what the sonogram shows. I have it on videotape. Wanna see?"
"You bet. But first, the ice cream is warming up, the pizza is cooling down, and the liverwurst is making me nauseous."
"Okay. I'll put the ice cream in the freezer and the liverwurst in the fridge. Let's eat the pizza."
Sharon went into the kitchen with the ice cream and liverwurst and came back with two dishes, two glasses and a container of milk. I had put the pizza on the dining room table and sat down.
"Only half with anchovies?" Sharon said as she looked at the pie.
"Half with double anchovies. I can't eat them. They're too salty for me."
"Wait until you get pregnant. You'll be surprised what you'll wanna eat. I never liked anchovies before either."
"How soon are you due? It can't be too much longer."
"About three weeks, my doctor says."
I'm sorry that I won't be here for you. I have to be in England in a week and a half."
"I'm sorry too. I wish that you could be there when my babies come into this world."
"I would if I could. And I won't forgive you if you don't let me know as soon as it happens. I'll leave you a contact number today and I'll call with a direct number as soon as I have one."
I stayed with Sharon until after ten o'clock that night. Roy was away on a job so she was alone. He would be back about the time that I was leaving for England.
I visited Sharon almost every day until the day that I had to leave. I would call every morning and find out what food she had a craving for and then I would bring it with me. I helped her by doing her cleaning, and fetching things for her so she wouldn't have to get up. She assured me that Roy was on his way back and would be there to take over right after I left.
The only day that I didn't see Sharon was the day that I had lunch with Jennifer Blythe, my publicist. After lunch we went to her office and spent the next several hours discussing my career and options. Afterwards I returned home and worked on the new script some more.
(continued in Chapter 53)
I want to express my grateful appreciation to Lynn Jennings and Debbie Cybill for their very helpful suggestions, and proofreading services on this series.
© 1999 by Crystal Sprite. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without
limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, compilation design) may printed for
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