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Chapter 51
David said to me, "Any guess as to who it might be?"
I couldn't speak so I just shook my head.
"Mystery guest, give us the next clue please."
Over the PA system came, "I once told you that I enjoyed hanging around with you."
My mind raced as I tried to figure out the clue. I had hung around with a lot of people from the theatre."
David said, "How about it, Crystal? Any guesses?"
I still couldn't talk so I just shook my head.
David was grinning as he said, "Mystery guest, give us the last clue please."
"You broke my heart when you flew away."
I looked at David and squeaked out, "Oliver?"
"That's right. Our mystery guest is Oliver Addams. Come'on out Oliver."
I was so relieved that I felt faint. I felt tears running down my cheeks. Oliver didn't know my secret. At least I didn't think so. Oliver came out from Stage Right with a large grin on his face. I got up and jumped into his arms. He kissed me like we had done so many times on the television show. The audience erupted in applause. I guess that someone had turned on the sign.
After we ended the kiss, Oliver went over and shook David's hand while the applause died down. I dabbed at the tears on my face with the napkin that David had given me earlier.
When we had sat down, David asked Oliver to explain the clues. Oliver said that he had first met me at the Daniels Agency. Since then I had changed from a young teenager to a woman. The second clue came from when we were suspended in the paragliding harnesses in Sad Diego shooting the opening credits background, and the third clue referred to the accident that caused me to fly away and that broke the heart of Oliver's television character.
The rest of my time on the show was uneventful compared to the terror that I had felt for a while, but it was a pleasant experience and afterward Oliver and I went out to dinner. I didn't eat very much because my stomach was still nervous from the show. It eventually calmed down as Oliver and I spent several delightful hours talking in the restaurant. We finally left when we started to get 'looks' from the staff.
The next afternoon, Jennifer and I flew back to LA. Jennifer had arranged for a limo to take each of us home and it was great being back at the condo even if it was just for a brief stay. I would leave for Mexico in a week to start shooting the new picture.
Before I left I decided that it would be better to have California plates on the car so I reregistered it using the condo address. It would make us less obvious as we drove around. Carol would have use of the car while I was away.
Mom tendered her resignation to the school board and would join me on the trip to Mexico. She said that she was not about to have me living alone in a foreign country, un-chaperoned, until I was twenty-one. Her retirement rights were set with the school district, although it would be years before she could collect any benefits. In the meantime I had plenty of money for the support of the family. With the new movie I would have more than three million dollars in my accounts, plus we owned the condo, and we had separate accounts to cover the education expenses. Unless I did something crazy, like buying a 15 million-dollar home in Beverly Hills, there was enough to keep us comfortable for many years.
Mom arrived in California on the day before we were to leave for the movie location in Mexico. It had been difficult for her to leave the workplace where she had been employed for so many years, but they had given her a nice going away party and she left with a lot of wonderful memories. There hadn't been much of a choice in her mind because she wasn't about to let me go live alone in a third world country for three or more months. She told me all about the party that she had been given, and then about the after hours party with her closest friends. She had a couple of rolls of pictures from the party and we looked at them together. A few tears rolled down her checks as she told me about cleaning out her desk.
Carol came over to the condo to stay overnight on our last evening. She would take us to the airport in the morning. I gave her a copy of the telephone number and address that I had in Mexico so that she could contact us.
We arrived in Acapulco the next afternoon and we were met by a driver for the movie company and taken to a hotel where we would remain overnight. The driver said that we would stay at the movie location during the week and return here each Saturday. On Mondays we would return to the location early in the morning. I was looking forward to an easy three to four months since I wasn't currently enrolled in school and would have my evenings and weekends free, except for script work.
We were ready to leave at 7 o'clock in the morning when the driver came for us. It took an hour in steadily increasing heat to get to the movie location on dirty, dusty roads that left much to be desired. The driver apologized for the lack of a/c in the car, explaining, as he dodged potholes that looked large enough to swallow the entire car, that it had broken a few days earlier and that he was trying to get the needed part.
The movie location was like a miniature city of tents, trucks, trailers, and motor homes. The site had been carved out of the forest, and portable generator trucks, like the ones seen at carnivals, provided the electricity to run the city. Power cables snaked everywhere along the hard, rocky ground.
The driver showed Mom and me to my trailer. It was an enormous doublewide unit with all of the amenities. This would be our home for five or six days a week for the next few months. The a/c was on in the trailer and it was a pleasure to cool down and clean up. We had only been there for about five minutes when we heard a knock at the door.
"Come in" I said loudly.
A woman of about thirty entered and said, "Hi, Miss Ramsey. I'm Joann Baxter." She extended her hand and I smiled as I shook it lightly. "Welcome to the camp. I'm the Production Assistant on the site."
"Hi, Joann. I'm pleased to meet you. This is my mother, Susan Ramsey."
"Hello, Mrs. Ramsey, welcome. Please let me know if you ladies need anything at all. We're a little remote here and we're still getting set up, but we're almost there. The camp telephone system should be activated sometime today, but our contact to the outside world is only by radio or by Mr. Tisch's satellite phone. There will be a cast meeting of the principal talent in Mr. Tisch's trailer at ten o'clock, Miss Ramsey. The water in the kitchen of your trailer is safe to drink because it's purified, but don't drink the water in the bathroom. It's safe to wash and bathe in but it comes directly from the local water district. There will always be cold, bottled water available for drinking, when you're outside the trailer. Your refrigerator is also stocked with it, and there are several cases under the sink."
"Great. Can I get someone to bring our suitcases over from the car."
"Of course." Shaking her head, she added, "The driver should have taken care of that. I'll see to it right away. Anything else?"
"Not right now. Oh, where's Mr. Tisch's trailer?"
"Turn right as you exit. It's the next trailer after yours."
"Thanks, Joann."
"You're welcome, Miss Ramsey," she said, smiling. "Just holler if you need anything."
After Joann left, I made a pot of tea. It was too warm for hot tea so I dumped all of the ice cubes that I found in the refrigerator into the pitcher. I used water from the kitchen sink to make new cubes and hoped that whoever had made the cubes earlier, had done the same. A little while later our bags were delivered to the trailer. There were two decent sized bedrooms with Queen-sized beds and Mom and I put our things away in the bedroom that we had each selected.
A few minutes before ten o'clock, I walked over to the director's trailer. Several people were walking in so I joined them. Mr. Tisch was involved in a conversation but as soon as I entered he waved his hand and walked over to greet me.
"Welcome, Crystal. I hope that you had a pleasant trip down. Are you all settled in?"
"All settled, Mr. Tisch."
"Great. Let me introduce you to the others."
Over the next fifteen minutes Mr. Tisch took me around and introduced me to everyone. We spent a minute or two talking to each person. When we were done, Mr. Tisch asked everyone to find a seat in the enormous living room that consumed half of the doublewide trailer, and he began the meeting.
"Welcome everyone. You've all met Crystal now, and most of you have met one another before or during the past two days, but let's just go around the room once again and introduce yourselves to reinforce everyone's name with new co-workers."
After the introductions were complete we settled down to discuss the shooting schedule. It would be hot, so we would start very early each day, break for several hours during the hottest hours, and then start again around 2 o'clock. At least that was the general plan. There would probably be times when we would have to shoot straight through, and there would be nights when we would have to work also, because there were numerous night scenes.
After the meeting I was asked to go to wardrobe for fittings. Most of my wardrobe consisted of a rack of tour guide uniforms. I would wear them through half of the movie, possibly changing a number of times each day as they became soiled, so they had plenty of them ready. This was a comedy, and part of the comedy was that I would always look like I had just stepped out of makeup while the tourists in the group grew more tattered each day. The uniform consisted of a very tight, mid-thigh length, burgundy skirt, matching vest, white blouse with a print scarf, and burgundy knee-high boots with 4-inch heels. For the second half of the movie I would mainly wear a peasant blouse and skirt, with flat shoes, but there was also one outfit that consisted of a dark green leather skirt that barely allowed me to walk, a matching leather halter top that had me overflowing out of it, and a pair of double ankle strap, 5-inch heels. There was also a wig with long black hair to be worn with that outfit. I wasn't looking forward to wearing a hot wig in this climate. Fortunately, most of those scenes would be shot towards the end of the movie when I hoped it would be a little cooler. I asked the wardrobe lady why I would have to wear boots in such a hot climate and she said that it was for my own protection from snakes, tarantulas and spiders, and scorpions. I began to wish that these scenes were being shot on a sound stage in California.
During the rest of the week and into the next, we rehearsed the movie's opening scenes and its closing scenes. We would shoot them first, at the hotel where we were staying on Sundays. The remainder of the shooting would take place in areas near the camp's site.
We spent Tuesday through Friday shooting the scenes at the hotel, remaining at the hotel until those scenes were finished. Right after we wrapped for the day on Friday, I hurried to bathe and dress so that we could leave for the airport. Tomorrow was the premier of 'Under the Scarlet Maple' in Portland, Maine, and I had been excused from Saturday's schedule to go.
We took a plane from Acapulco to New York, and then on to Portland. It was very late when we reached the hotel where we had reservations and I was exhausted despite the fact that I had managed a little sleep on the first plane. I practically fell into the bed once we had been shown to our suite.
I spent four hours in the hotel beauty salon the next day. The dress that Barbara had made for me in August had been shipped on ahead and Mom saw to it that it was touched up and wrinkle-free. I was almost ready when my escort for the evening arrived.
Mr. Daniels had arranged for another of his clients, Barry Wilcox, to be my escort. Barry, who had been in New York City on business, was appearing in a current sitcom, and the exposure would do him good. By not attending with either of my previous escorts I avoided having them linked too closely to me by the press, who were always looking for romantic angles.
Barry arrived at the suite a few minutes early, just as I was finishing getting ready. I hadn't met Barry before and we spent a few minutes getting acquainted before leaving. Of course, Mom had to shoot some pictures when the opportunity presented itself, so we posed for her as she shot an entire roll.
The limo parked a couple of blocks away from the theater that was hosting the premier as we waited to be called. Barry and I talked shop the whole time. I learned about his career and told him about mine. We were finally called and the driver took us to the theater and stopped in front.
Barry got out first and held his hand out for me to hold onto as I climbed out. As soon as I was halfway out of the limo, the camera flashes began coming at a fantastic rate. I smiled, even as the lights blinded me. It was very cool here in Maine in mid-October, but Barbara had made me a matching cape and I was wearing opera length gloves with the gown, so I wasn't uncomfortable.
An interviewer was stopping all of the arriving guests, just inside the entrance, and I heard him say as we approached, "And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, I see that Miss Crystal Ramsey, the star of the movie, has arrived. She is escorted by Barry Wilcox of the hit television comedy, 'Freeway Off-Ramp'. Miss Ramsey, would you say a few words to our listeners?"
"Of course. Hello everyone. I'm happy to be back in the beautiful state of Maine. I really enjoyed the months that I spent here while the movie was being shot, and I hope that you'll enjoy the movie that's being premiered tonight."
"Thank you, Miss Ramsey. I know that I'm looking forward to it. I understand that you're currently working on a new film being shot in Mexico?"
"Yes, that's correct. The film is being shot near Acapulco. It's a comedy entitled 'Water or Tequila, Senorita?'. I just flew in last night and I have to say that this is a welcome break from the heat of southern Mexico."
"This is extremely mild compared to some of the weather that we see by this time each year. That's a beautiful dress that you're wearing. What house is it from?"
"The dress and cape are originals by Barbara DeMilo. Barbara is an extremely talented designer and dressmaker."
"I see that. It's absolutely beautiful. For our listeners at home, Miss Ramsey is wearing a lilac beaded dress with a low-cut draped halter neck, and a matching cape. Thank you for speaking with our audience tonight, Miss Ramsey."
"You're welcome. Goodnight everyone."
Barry and I continued walking, stopping to answer questions from reporters at several points. When we finally made it into the theater proper, I found Gregory, Grace, and most of the principal cast members already there. I spent about 15 minutes greeting and talking to everyone before we were asked to take our seats so that the premier could begin.
Trevor Bacon went up on stage once the audience had been allowed in and was seated. He welcomed everyone to the world premier of 'Under the Scarlet Maple' and talked for about ten minutes about the movie and it's making. He closed by saying that he hoped that everyone enjoyed the movie, and left the stage as the audience applauded and the house lights lowered.
A little over two hours later the credits rolled as the audience applauded. I felt that they had enjoyed it based on the mood that I sensed. The theater had been eerily quiet throughout much of the movie and the strong applause rejuvenated my spirit.
We again passed through the gauntlet of the press as we left the theatre. This time it was to congratulations and accolades, more than questions. There were a few questions about what next after Mexico and whether Barry and I were dating regularly, but mostly I heard compliments about the movie.
Mr. Silver, the producer, had hired a club for the evening and we headed over there. Barry and I were led to the large main table near the dance floor when we arrived. Over the next twenty minutes the club filled with people associated with the movie and their guests, and a small number of prominent people from the area. Everyone felt good about the movie and went about congratulating one another. The real proof would come when the reviews were printed.
Barry and I stayed at the party until almost two o'clock. As one of the stars I didn't feel that I should leave until the party was starting to wind down a little, but by two I was falling asleep and had to go. Barry didn't know anyone there so I think that he was glad to leave. I went around and said goodbye to everyone that I knew, who was still at the party, and thanked Mr. Silver and Mr. Bacon for giving me the part in their movie. They both thanked me for my performance and we hugged before I left.
The limo took Barry and me back to my hotel and we said goodnight outside my door. I thanked him for escorting me and he said that it had been his pleasure, and he congratulated me on my performance in the picture. I let him kiss me goodnight before I went inside.
I slept late the next day. Our flight out wasn't until late afternoon so we had plenty of time. Over brunch I told Mom all about the premier and the party. The local paper had an article about the premier and Mom read part of it out loud.
'Last evening, our city was honored to host the world premier of the new movie 'Under the Scarlet Maple'. The movie, set in Maine just before the turn of the century, is a romantic love story with social situations that are reminiscent of the style of Jane Austen. The star of the film, Crystal Ramsey, and her co-star, Gregory Crowne, attended the premier, as did most of the main cast. I had the privilege of attending this wonderful new movie last night and meeting the cast.
Miss Ramsey, the star of the story, burst onto the big screen less than two years ago after her television series, 'Oliver on Board', was cancelled, through no fault of her fine acting. Her previous motion picture appearances have been acclaimed performances and she has had steadily larger roles. Her role in 'Under the Scarlet Maple' is her first starring role in a major motion picture and certainly won't be her last, as her performance was nothing short of wonderful. She made the character of Elizabeth come alive on the screen, while displaying all of the aplomb and demeanor that one would expect from a young woman of that period. I found myself falling in love with her character and became truly jealous of Gregory Crowne's character each time that he embraced Miss Ramsey.'
The article went on to talk about the performances of the others and included a synopsis of the movie.
"That's a very nice review, honey," Mom said."
"Yes, it is. The movie goes into general release today so we'll see what the rest of the country thinks about it pretty quick. I thought that it turned out great, but the critics are the ones that help decide its popularity."
After breakfast I carefully packed my gown for shipment to Carol in California since I didn't want to take it down to Mexico. Carol would take it over to the condo for me. Mom and I left for the airport just after two o'clock, and we expected to be in Acapulco around 9 p.m. local time. We would stay at the hotel overnight and then go to the jungle site on Monday morning.
Back at the camp, the days were hot, the bugs and spiders were large, and the snakes were frightening. Each night a mist was released throughout the camp that would help keep down the flying insect population, and each day I would load myself with insect repellant. Between the two, bug problems were kept to a minimum. The other serious problem was the sun, so I never went out until I had coated every exposed patch of skin with sun block. Even so I stayed in the shade as much as possible between scenes. Cold bottled water was always available, as promised, and we consumed great quantities to keep from becoming dehydrated.
The actors and the crew, despite the heat and the bugs, were in good spirit and we had a lot of fun working together. All the members of the cast had been recruited for their comedic abilities and most of them were very quick with the adlibs. We laughed our way through each week, pausing only long enough to get the shooting done. On Sundays we always spent the day by the pool at the hotel.
It was a couple of weeks after the premier that I received a script from Mr. Daniels in the mail and I spent one Sunday morning reading it as I relaxed on a chaise lounge at poolside. It was the script for the outer space movie that I had interviewed for a few months ago. There had been a note attached to the script asking me to call him as soon as I read the script so I did. The number was to his personal cell phone.
"Hi, Mr. Daniels. This is Crystal."
"Crystal. Hi, honey. How's everything down in Mexico?"
"Hot and humid. Just like every day."
He laughed. "It's quite a change from your last picture."
"That's for sure. I'm calling about the script that you sent. I just finished reading it."
"Whatdaya think of it?"
"It seems to be more special effects than acting."
"I thought that you might be interested because I know that you want to take different roles so that you don't wind up being type cast."
"That's true, but I don't know if anyone would buy me as the captain of a space ship."
"That's where your acting ability comes into play. You'll make them believe it. I know you can do it."
"I don't know. How many others are up for the part?"
"The part is yours if you want it. You interviewed for it in June and you're the one that they want. You're so hot right now that your name is like magic. The new movie is a sensation at the box office and Jennifer's been doing a great job of promoting you. I told you that we'd have movie producers climbing over one another to get you in their pictures. It's starting."
"Where does it shoot, and when?"
"That's the great part. It's all going to be done at a studio in England. It's all indoors work, except for some establishing shots, so you get a break from the weather for a change."
"England? Like in Great Britain?"
"Yeah, at Pinewood Studio in Buckinghamshire."
I thought for a few moments about how great it would be to work in England for a few months. There would be so much to do on weekends compared to working in Mexico."
"You didn't say when it's being shot."
"Well they want to start production on January 14th. And before you say anything, I know that you had intended to start school in January, but hear me out. I know that I can get them to go to 7 million for you. This way you can start school in September and be a real part of the class since you aren't coming in at the middle of the year. You do the 'The Moons of Kapatia' and then you can relax for a few weeks before the next part of 'Open Spaces' begins shooting."
The last part surprised me. "Open Spaces?"
"Yeah. I just heard from them. They're working on the script now. They expect to start shooting in May. They want you to be ready for filming on May 13th."
"May 13th? But that's before the end of the school term?"
"That's another good reason to postpone starting school until September. You'll have time to do both pictures before you 'retire' for the school year. And the salary for doing 'The Moons of Kapatia' will boost your salary for the next 'Open Spaces' movie considerably using the formula that was put into the contract. I'm sure that they didn't figure that an unknown would be earning 7 million a picture after only two years."
"This is an awful lot to think about. When do they have to have an answer?"
"As soon as possible if you're going to turn them down. The sets are being built now and they'll be ready to start shooting on their projected start date."
"Okay I'll call you tomorrow morning before we head back into the jungle."
"Great. I'll talk you then, hon."
I continued to lie by the pool for another hour before going to look for Mom. I found her having lunch in the outdoor restaurant with the head camera operator.
"Hi, dear. Sit down. Are you hungry?"
As I sat down in the empty chair I said, "Hi, Mom. Hi, Charlie. No, not really. I just got off the phone with Mr. Daniels. I called him after I read the script that he sent down."
"You look troubled. What's the problem? Is the script really bad?"
"No. It's not the script, that's fine. It's the timetable. They want to start shooting on January 14th. And the next part of "Open Spaces' starts shooting on May 13th."
"Hmm. That creates a problem with school."
"Does it ever. I told Mr. Daniels that I'd call tomorrow before we left for the site. Even if I turn down the new movie, I'm still supposed to report for 'Open Spaces' before the school term is over. Mr. Daniels says that I should do both movies and go to school in September when the new school year starts."
"That's to be expected. He only gets a commission when you work. How do you feel about it?"
"My contract for 'Open Spaces' says that I have to report on the start date unless I'm currently involved with another project that started before notification or if I'm physically incapacitated. If I have to postpone my semester for them I might as well do the other picture. I can't imagine sitting around for 4 months. And the salary isn't too bad either."
"How much are they offering? As much as for this picture?"
"Mr. Daniels says that he can get more because I'm hot right now because of the last picture. He said that he thinks that they'll go to seven."
"Oh my God. Seven million dollars?"
I saw Charlie's eyes open a little wider, and they hadn't exactly been drooping up until now. "Plus he said that it would mean a lot more for doing 'Open Spaces' based on the formula that was agreed to in the contract."
"How much more?"
"He didn't say, and I didn't ask. I'm already committed to doing it regardless of the increase. And now I've been notified of the start date."
"It looks like you don't have a choice about delaying the start of college if you're going to be there at the start of 'Open Spaces'. Maybe they'll shoot around you like they did the first time. The semester would be over two weeks after their scheduled start date."
"Maybe but maybe I should do the two pictures and then retire. I'll only have to do one more picture after that and I can go to school without interruption. The money will double what we have in the bank now."
"Retire?" Charlie said. "You'd retire just when you're becoming one of the hottest new stars in the business?"
"Only for four years, while I go to college."
"You may not make it back to this point. Why even go to college? People go to college to learn a skill so that they can compete in the work place. You've got a natural gift that's in demand right now. That's ten times better than a college education. I went to college, and I make a decent living, but if I had an opportunity like this one I'd prefer to be an ignorant, extremely successful, highly paid actor. You can always go back to college when your star begins to dim, or when you're so successful that taking four years off will only increase your demand. I think that you should take the deal, and the money while you can. And if they offer you more, keep taking it, until they stop offering. If you don't go to college until you're thirty, so be it. If you're going because you want to learn, a few years shouldn't dim the urge. You won't have to worry about having to do a nine to five while you go to school if you keep banking your money. The question that you should be asking yourself is, why do you want to go to school?"
I looked at Charlie for a few seconds, then at Mom, then down at the table. "I don't know. For as long as I can remember I've just been obsessed with getting a college education. I guess that it was so that I could get a good job and not have to worry about money anymore. I wanted to have all the things that I could never have growing up because we didn't have much money. Mom worked hard and we weren't deprived, but there wasn't money to go to Disneyland, or even for things like band concerts. I guess that I have now, what I wanted all along. But I also want to learn. Since I've gotten involved with acting, I've kind of set my goal on becoming a director."
"You don't have to go to college for that," Charley said. "Just keep doing what you've been doing. Watch the directors that you work with and learn from them. They know more about directing than college professors who spend all their time in an academic setting. Eventually you'll get an opportunity to sit behind the camera. If you keep getting starring roles, you'll even be able to have your own production company one day."
Charley was right. Retiring from the business so that I could go to college and then try to break back into the business was like the old joke about the nurse waking up the patient so that he could take a sleeping pill. It just didn't make sense. I had already decided to remain as I was until I had completed my obligation to the 'Open Spaces' contract. So it made sense to maximize my earnings until then. If that meant not going to college for a while, then so be it. I was already going to be the oldest virgin in Southern California; it wouldn't be so bad to be one of the oldest freshmen in college. I decided to do the new picture and postpone college for as long as I was in demand. It was a monumental decision that was to radically change the course of my life.
I didn't wait for the next day to call Mr. Daniels back. I did it right away so that I didn't weaken overnight and become indecisive again.
In early November, the special effects people joined us. Among them was Chet and we shared a nice reunion hug.
"Crystal, you're looking great. How're you doing?"
"Better now, Chet. How did you wind up on this picture?"
"My company was hired to do the f/x. I told you that we might work together some day."
"Well, welcome to Mexico. I have a scene coming up shortly so I have to go right now, but let's have lunch together later."
"It's a date if I'm off at the same time, otherwise make it dinner."
"Okay. See you later."
It was nice to see somebody from home and I looked forward to speaking with Chet later. Right now I had to go roll around in the mud with one of the banditos who acted like the village idiot. The scene called for him to catch me trying to find the keys to the bus, and then chase me and tackle me. Stunt-people would do the rough stuff, but I would have to be in the mud-hole for the close-ups. It's just more of the usual glamour stuff associated with being a movie star.
After my scenes were shot, I returned to the trailer so that I could take a bath. Later this afternoon I would have to get muddy again for the follow-up scene where I washed off in a waterfall, and then appeared pristine again as if I had just left a beauty salon, but I didn't want to stay muddy for the next three or four hours.
The f/x crew was off working in another area so I didn't see Chet for lunch, but we did have dinner together. He joined Mom and me in my trailer.
"Congratulations on the huge success of 'Under the Scarlet Maple', Crystal."
"Thanks, Chet. Did you see it?"
"Of course. I thought that it, and you of course, were great, and I haven't seen a single negative review. Some of the critics are talking about an Oscar nomination."
"You know me, I'll believe it when it happens. But it's nice to know that they enjoyed the picture enough to mention it. So how's everything back home, Chet. How's Bud?"
"Fine. I haven't seen too much of him lately, though. He's got a new girlfriend, someone that he met at the studio, and he's been staying at her place a lot. I've seen Carol a couple of times out at the pool. She and Samantha were there this past weekend. I told her that I was coming down here to work on the picture and she said to say that she sends her love to the both of you."
"Thanks, Chet. She's going to come down for Thanksgiving vacation. Will you still be here?"
"I expect to be. The boss said that we'll be here for six to eight weeks, depending on the weather. If the rain gets out of hand, we could be here longer. Tomorrow we're supposed to shoot the scenes where the bandits shoot up the road to stop the tour bus."
"Yeah. I'm looking forward to it. Too bad I have to be on the bus and won't get to see it from the sidelines."
"There'll be plenty of other scenes to see later on. The bandits are gun happy according to the f/x script. We have a lot of work ahead of us."
Holding up a glass of iced tea, I said, "Here's to lots of successful fireworks displays."
"My first love," Chet said as he clicked his glass to mine.
Mom just grinned and shook her head.
A week later I received a letter from Brad. He wrote,
'My dearest Crystal,
I hope that all is well down there in Mexico. I've been doing fine and I've gotten a lot of playing time since Gary suffered the concussion in our fourth game. He'll be okay but he probably won't play anymore this year.
There's no easy way to say this so I'll just come out with it. I've met someone here. We've dated a couple of times during the past two weeks, and it feels right. I didn't want you to hear it from anyone else first, so I'm writing to tell you rather than waiting to see you at Christmas.
What you and I had was very special to me and I didn't mean for this to happen, but since I graduated from high school we've grown apart. Between my football, and your career, we hardly ever get to see one another anymore. Now that you'll be living, and going to school, on the West Coast, it seems that things will only get worse. I had hoped that you'd be going to school in Pittsbugh but it wasn't meant to be. Maybe it's for the better that we part but I hope that we can remain good friends. I've cared very deeply for you but I've begun to realize that it's time to go our separate ways. You'll always hold a very special place in my heart.
Your friend forever,
I sat back in my chair, after reading the letter for the third time, and thought about it. I had always expected that Brad would meet someone at college, and now he had. He had been a good and very dear friend, during a very emotional period in my life and I held genuine affection for him, but it was time for us to part. By happening at his instigation, he would be spared any pain of a separation. It was better to happen this way than by having him learn the lie that I was living. I got out my writing paper and wrote,
'Dear Brad,
I understand what you're saying and I shall always cherish the memories of our time together. I hope that your new relationship will bring you all the joy and happiness in the world. I too hope that we can remain good friends.
With much love for my friend,
The letter was short but there wasn't really very much to be said. I truly hoped that he would find happiness in his new relationship. I addressed the letter and put a stamp on it. Later I would put it in the mail sack with the camp's other outgoing mail.
(continued in Chapter 52)
I want to express my grateful appreciation to Lynn Jennings and Debbie Cybill for their very helpful suggestions, and proofreading services on this series.
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