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Chapter 19
Upon waking up in the morning, I found the Scarlet doll in my arms once again. I put it back on the shelf before going to the bathroom to wash. Upon arriving downstairs, I found both Mom and Aunt Jessica already in the kitchen. Mom was making oatmeal for breakfast while Aunt Jessica was making corn muffins. Both were a nice change from our normal breakfast fare, and I pitched in by mixing a pitcher of orange juice. Carol came down just before we sat down to eat.
I spent the morning relaxing after I had bathed and dressed. Mom took me to the theatre at 11 oclock so that I wouldnt have to take the bus. I said goodbye to Carol and Aunt Jessica before we left because they would be leaving for the lake before I arrived home again. Mom dropped me off at the alley that led to the stage door, before returning home.
The matinee show ran without incident. The audience members, many of whom were pre-teens, showed their appreciation by giving us six curtain calls. I had tailored my monologue for the younger crowd, and I think that they had enjoyed that too.
At the buffet between shows, Mr. Tucker announced that the show had been continued for another weekend of performances because of the unprecedented ticket sales. The cast applauded, but not as enthusiastically as they had to previous such announcements. I believe that everyone was starting to get just a little tired of the never-ending shows. We had almost completed 5 weekends now, and we were committed to doing 2 more weekends.
After the evening show, Debbie and I encountered autograph seekers outside the stage door again. I remarked afterwards that everyone in town must have our signatures by now. Debbie dropped me off at my house, and since it would be a week before we would see each other again, we spent five minutes kissing in the car. It was a dark moonless night so I didnt worry too much about the neighbors, and Debbie had parked where a tree shaded us from the streetlights.
I locked the dead bolt on the front door after entering the house. With Carol and Aunt Jessica having gone back up to the lake, only Mom and I would be there tonight. I climbed the stairs to my bedroom, being extra quiet so as not to awaken Mom. Since I couldnt loosen my corset by myself, I slept with it as it was. I was so tired after doing the two shows that it didnt hinder me from falling asleep.
Without thinking about it, I put Scarlet back up onto the shelf after I awoke the following morning. Mom was up already, and had breakfast prepared when I went down. We discussed our schedule over breakfast. We had tickets for a 10:30 a.m. flight to Chicagos OHare airport, and a noon flight to LAX airport in Los Angeles. Mom had picked up the tickets yesterday, after Mr. Daniels office had made all of the arrangements. Someone from his staff would meet us at LAX and take us to a hotel. Mom had already packed our bags.
After breakfast, we cleaned the kitchen and then went upstairs to bathe. Mom scolded me for not waking her to loosen my corset, and I told her that I was so tired that I hadnt even noticed. I scratched and rubbed the wrinkled skin of my torso as I relaxed in the warm fragrant water of the tub. When it cooled, I added more hot water to heat it again, and shaved my body, making sure that I accounted for every last hair. If I was going to be under a microscope for the next few days I wanted to be totally hairless. When I was done, I felt sure that I didnt have a single hair left below my neckline. After I had finished washing and exited the tub, I patted myself dry and powdered my body. I had walked into my bedroom and put on my underwear, before Mom came in. She was dressed only in a slip since she had just finished her bath also. She helped me to put on my corset, then left to finish dressing while I sat and began working on my face. When I had completed applying my makeup, I dressed in the outfit that she had laid out for me. I was almost dressed when she came back in, but she helped me to finish while she was there. She brushed my hair and put it into a ponytail. I put on my earrings and jewelry while she sat and brushed her hair. Lastly, I put on my heels, and I was ready to go. I picked up my purse and went downstairs as Mom went to get hers.
It was just 9 oclock when the cab arrived to take us to the airport for our commuter flight to Chicago. We locked up the house and carried our bags to the curb. The cab driver placed them in the trunk of the car as we got into the back seat. By 9:30 we had arrived at the airport. An attendant at the curb took our bags and put labels on them after Mom showed him our tickets. Then he placed them onto a large four-wheeled cart, along with a lot of other bags. We walked inside and, after passing through a metal detector, walked to our gate. The plane wasnt loading yet so we sat and waited until they called for all passengers to board. I was very excited since this was to be my very first plane ride. When they called our flight, we left the building and walked to the small commuter aircraft. Mom let me sit next to the window so that I could watch as the plane climbed out and the ground fell away. The small plane bucked and jumped as it clawed its way into the sky. Even after leveling off, the tiny plane continued to buck all the way to Chicago. None of the twenty or so passengers got ill though, and the flight lasted less than an hour.
Upon landing at Chicagos OHare Airport, we deplaned and walked across the tarmac, and into the terminal building. Once inside, we followed the signs to the gate where we would catch the non-stop to LAX. The very large jumbo jet was already at the gate, but it wasn't loading yet. I stood at the window and watched the attendants working on the plane. Some were loading baggage while others scurried around doing things that I didnt understand. I saw a man in a white shirt and blue blazer, walking around the plane with one of the men who wore overalls. I think that he might have been a pilot or co-pilot from the way that he was dressed. After they completed their walk around the plane, pausing at several spots to point at the plane and discuss something, he nodded at the man in the coveralls and walked back in the lower level of the terminal building. Five minutes later they called for passengers to board based on seat assignments. Mom signaled to me and I joined her on the line. We walked through an enclosed jet way that led directly to the plane. We were among the first to board and it was then that I discovered that our seats were in the first class section. Once again Mom let me have the window seat. The flight attendants hurried around as they readied the passengers for departure. Ten minutes later the jumbo jet was pushed away from the terminal building and the engines were started. We taxied out to the runway to get in line behind other planes waiting to take off. I learned, from reading a card that I found in a pouch on the back of the seat in front of mine, that we were in a Boeing 747. As we taxied, the planes speaker system gave instructions on how to fasten our seat belts, and what to do in an emergency. A flight attendant stood in front and pantomimed in unison with the speech. She used several props such as part of a seat belt.
As we reached the front of the line in preparation to take off, the engines suddenly revved up for several seconds, then slowed down again. A minute later we moved into position to take off, and then suddenly we were rolling down the runway and picking up speed at an amazing rate. I felt myself being pressed back into the seat as first the front of the plane lifted from the ground, and then the entire plane sprang into the air. We climbed out at an impressive angle, then banked sharply to the left for about 20 seconds before beginning to level off again. I watched in fascination as everything on the ground grew smaller and smaller. By the time that we leveled off completely, it was only possible to identify roads, land contours, and bodies of water. We had climbed many times higher than the commuter plane had. Regardless of the limited visibility, I spent most of the trip watching out of the window. We received complimentary headsets for the movie, but the selection didnt appeal to me, so I used the headset to listen to music as I stared out of the plane. I had always heard stories about the poor quality of airline food, but we were served a surf and turf lunch that I thought was excellent. Mom had accepted two glasses of white wine, while I had to settle for diet 7-up.
Hours later, as we descended towards LAX, I again had my face practically pressed against the window. I was fascinated by the way that tons of metal could float through the air. The pilot was very good and we hardly even felt it when we touched down. As first class passengers, we were allowed to deplane first. Mom had never been here before, but we knew that by following the signs, we could find our way to the baggage area to retrieve our bags.
As soon as we emerged into the terminal building from the planes enclosed gateway, I spotted a man holding a sign that said C. Ramsey. We approached him and Mom said, "Hello. Im Susan Ramsey, and this is my daughter Crystal. Are you waiting for us?"
He smiled and said, "Yes, Maam. Im Bernard from the agency. Welcome to Los Angeles. I hope that had a pleasant trip?"
"Yes. Thank you, Bernard."
"Wonderful. I have a cart waiting if youre ready to go."
Mom nodded and he said, "This way ladies."
He led us to what looked like a golf cart. He helped Mom and I to climb up onto the rear seat, and then took his seat next to the driver. As soon as we were aboard, the electric cart started moving down the hallway, passing people that we had seen on the plane. The cart took us as far as the metal detectors, and then we had to climb down and get onto an escalator to go down to a lower level where Bernard escorted us outside to a waiting Iimo. He took our baggage claim checks and went to retrieve our luggage while we relaxed in the comfort of the air-conditioned car. Fifteen minutes later he returned with a skycap pushing a handcart that contained our bags. They placed them in the trunk, and then Bernard climbed into the front passenger seat, and instructed the driver to go.
As we rode, he pointed out several points of interest, and gave us a brief history of the area as well as a geography lesson. We now understood the relationships of Hollywood, Burbank, Studio City, Beverly Hills, Malibu, Santa Monica, Venice, and other areas.
After a twenty-minute ride, the limo pulled into the parking lot of a Ramada Inn which, according to Bernard, was not too far from the offices of Daniels & Lewis. We stepped out as the driver activated the remote lock, which opened the truck, so that he and Bernard could get our bags. They carried them into the building and led the way to a room that had been prearranged for us. After putting the bags down, the driver tipped his hat to us and left. Bernard handed Mom a large manila envelope that he said contained instructions and a schedule from Mr. Daniels. Then he wished us a pleasant evening, smiled and said goodbye, and left.
The room in which we had found ourselves was not a bedroom at all. It was more like a living room with a tiny kitchen at one end, and it was obvious that this was a suite. We discovered two bedrooms, one on either side of the main room. After each selecting a room from the nearly identical pair, we carried our bags in it. We hung our clothes in our closets immediately to reduce wrinkling, and then placed a call to Aunt Jessica and Carol up at the lake. We gave them the phone numbers where we could be reached in the event of an emergency, and filled them in on our trip so far. We spent about fifteen minutes on the phone before ending the call. They wished me luck for the coming week, and wished both of us a safe trip home. After we had rung off, we sat at the small kitchen table to read what was in the envelope that we had received from Bernard.
There was a letter of welcome and a brief schedule for the next three days. A car would pick us up at 9 a.m. tomorrow and bring us to the offices. There was also a guidebook to Los Angeles, which concentrated mainly on restaurants. If we preferred, there was a restaurant on the premises that we could use, and charge the food bill to the room. Since it was only 4:30 pacific time, we decided to go do something. That something turned out to be a trip to the famous Santa Monica pier. I wanted to see an ocean up close. We used the guidebook to find a taxi company, and called it. While we waited for the cab to arrive, we finished putting our things away, and fixing our makeup. The cab pulled up just as we left the building. Mom told him "Santa Monica Pier" and we were off. As we rode I marveled at the different life style evident in California. I absolutely loved the palm trees, which were in evidence everywhere.
Arriving at the Pier, we found that it was teaming with people. Best of all none of them paid the slightest bit of attention to me. Mom and I spent several hours on the pier, watching the ocean and the people, and having dinner. At 9 oclock, we hailed a cab and returned to the Inn. It may be 9:30 in California, but we were feeling like it was 11:30, and the end of a long day. Watching a little television after getting ready for bed, we turned in when the evening news came on.
As tired as I felt, sleep did not come easy. I was very apprehensive about tomorrows events. And just as I was beginning to think that I would never fall asleep, I finally dozed off. When I awoke, the clock radio read 6:05. I walked to Moms room and saw that she was also up. She helped me to remove my corset and I left to take a bath. We were ready to go when the car arrived at 9 oclock. Mom had ordered tea and muffins for breakfast, and we had had time to eat before leaving.
It was only a five-minute ride to the offices of Daniels & Lewis. Bernard greeted us as we entered the shimmering, mirrored-glass building and he escorted us up to Mr. Daniels office. The secretary told us that we were expected and that we should go right in. Mr. Daniels stood up from his enormous executive chair as we entered, and he came around the desk to greet us. He asked us to sit down and pointed to a set of sofas. As we made ourselves comfortable, Mr. Daniels called his secretary and asked her to bring in some tea and coffee. She came in seconds later carrying a tray, which contained a pot of each, several cups, and a dish of pastries.
As we had sat down, Mr. Daniels had said, "Welcome to Los Angeles, ladies. I hope that your trip was pleasant, and that your accommodations are comfortable."
Mom said, "Yes, thank you Mr. Daniels."
"Weve received a number of inquires from companies requesting personal appearances in your home state. I take it that you have been telling them to call us?"
"I felt that you were better equipped to negotiate with them."
"Quite right. One of the staff is organizing the requests for review. Well, first things first. Have you brought the contracts that I sent you?"
"Yes. I discussed them with my attorney. Hes not an expert in these types of contracts but he has raised several questions that I would like to discuss with you."
I listened as Mr. Daniels and Mom discussed the contract particulars. It took almost an hour before the final points were settled and the signatures applied to the contract. With that done, Mr. Daniels called his secretary and told her that we were ready to go downstairs. He led the way to the elevator, and we descended two floors. We followed him down the corridor to a large conference room where several people were seated around an enormous conference table, and more people entered after we did. Mr. Daniels indicated where Mom and I should sit and, as the last of the attendees arrived, the door was closed, Mr. Daniels introduced us. He explained, to us, that the purpose of this meeting was to give all of the senior people an opportunity to meet me in person. Then he introduced each in turn and explained their job functions. Lastly, he opened the meeting up to questions from his people and the interviewing began in earnest.
Over the next two hours, I was grilled about every facet of my experience with acting, and performing in front of audiences. I believe that most of the people around the table did not share Mr. Daniels belief that I had any talent or skill, especially after they learned that I hadnt had any formal training, and that I had only been acting for less than two months. We broke for lunch when the interview was done, and Mr. Daniels escorted us to a small lunchroom that was able to accommodate about 30 people. Mom and I each selected a salad from the available cold dishes, while Mr. Daniels opted for salmon dish. We sat and ate as agency employees came and went.
After lunch Mr. Daniels escorted us to another, smaller conference room and introduced us to one of his assistants who would work with us for the rest of the afternoon. He left us after the introductions were complete. The assistant, Miss Vera Boyd, would chaperone me through the rest of the sessions. We spent the next 15 minutes just talking about acting, the movies, television, and theatre. When we had started to feel comfortable with each other, she took us to a small recording studio where she said that they would be testing my voice. She gave me a script to look over while they got ready to record. When they were ready, Miss Boyd asked Mom to step out of the recording room. Miss Boyd said the she was welcome to join them in the control room if she wished, and Mom accepted. When I was alone, a disembodied voice asked me to begin reading the script whenever I was ready.
The script was not from a play, and did not require any emotion or acting. It was a typical script that a newsperson might read on the evening news. I had read through it twice before they were ready to begin so I knew that I would not have any difficulty with language. I held up the script and started to read.
"Excuse me, Miss Ramsey", the disembodied voice said. "Would you please lower the paper so that we can see your face?"
As I lowered the script the voice said, "Thats better. Do it from there."
I smiled and began again. When I had finished, the voice said, "Again. Please."
I smiled and began again.
"Wonderful, Miss Ramsey. Now were going to test your singing voice."
"I dont sing", I said. "And I cant read music."
"Thats okay. This is like kari-oki. The songs are popular hits that youve heard a million times, and you just read the words off of the TV monitor in front of you. Put the earphones on that you will find on the stand next to you."
"Okay", I said apprehensively.
Over the next two hours I sang the lyrics to a dozen popular songs. I did most of them twice, and some three times. At the halfway point one of the technicians brought me a bottle of water and a glass. When we were finally done, I was glad to remove the headset.
Miss Boyd took Mom and me back to the small conference room where we spent the next hour talking. She gave me a script to study and said that we would do the scene on Thursday morning. She said that I should study the script until I had it down cold, if possible. Tomorrow would be spent in the photo studio, so that they could prepare a complete portfolio for me.
At 5 oclock we wrapped up for the day, and Miss Boyd escorted us to the buildings entrance where a car was waiting to take us back to the Inn. I was glad to relax and settle back into the seat as the car pulled away from the office building.
Back in our rooms, I took two aspirin from the small medication case that Mom always traveled with. I swallowed them, along with a drink of water from one of the sealed bottles that I found in the refrigerator.
Mom said, "Headache?"
"Just a little throbbing. Ill be okay shortly. It was a tiring session today. Mostly Im worried about tomorrow."
"Why do you say that?"
"Because Im afraid of how they may want me to pose for the pictures. What if they want me to take my clothes off?"
"Well, I wont let them ask you to do that. Youre much too young for nude pictures. Youre only sixteen, and they cant possibly insist on that."
"Mommm ", I said in a kind of whiney, exasperated voice.
"What is it dear?"
"Mom, its not only nude shots that Im afraid of. Other certain revealing poses, or costumes, might cause problems. I cant hide my secret in a bikini."
"I understand. You just leave that to me dear. They wont require you to do anything that would cause you embarrassment."
"Okay, Mom", I said in resignation.
Because I wanted to study the script that Miss Boyd had given me, we ate dinner at the restaurant in the hotel and then returned to our rooms. I studied in my bedroom while Mom watched television in hers. I hoped that the walls were well soundproofed, but didnt give it any more consideration than that. I practiced the lines as if I was onstage back home, and I could practically hear Mr. Tuckers directions as I performed the role in the privacy of the bedroom. When I realized that it was after 11 oclock, I started to get ready for bed. I went to Moms room so that she could help me get undressed, but found her sleeping on a chair in front of the TV. I knew that she would be sore if I just let her sleep in a sitting position all night, so I woke her up. She helped me, and then made herself ready for bed. Jay Leno and David Letterman would have to find their audience elsewhere tonight.
We had a light breakfast in the room again the following morning, and we were ready when the car arrived to take us to the offices of Daniels & Lewis. Bernard greeted us in the lobby and escorted us to the photo studio, where Miss Boyd was waiting for us. A makeup artist worked on me while Mom looked on. She told me that basically I had done a fine job, but showed me a few tips that would improve the appearance of my nose and cheekbones in photographs. When I was finished, Miss Boyd took me into the dressing room and showed me the clothes that they wanted me to wear for the shots. As I changed into the first outfit that the photographer wanted me to wear, Mom went through the rack of clothes and separated out a couple of things that she felt were not appropriate for her daughter.
While the makeup person worked on my hair, and the photographer posed me, Mom and Miss Boyd discussed the excluded clothes. I knew from Moms tone of voice that Miss Boyd was fighting an uphill battle with very little chance of succeeding. They continued to discuss the attire as I concentrated on working with the photographer and her three assistants. The photographer was upset with the exclusion of a bathing suit that was little more than a g-string, but neither she, nor Miss Boyd could sway Moms opinion that it was inappropriate for a sixteen-year-old. I found that the photographer was a perfectionist who took her time in order to achieve just the right look and pose. She shot rolls and rolls of film as her assistants continued to hand her freshly loaded cameras. We only did 4 costume changes before breaking for lunch, but these were the main costumes selected by the photographer from the clothes brought in by the agency. Mom was the only one that I would allow to help me change.
After lunch, we worked more quickly through the remainder of the costumes. I did pose in a very tight pair of shorts with a halter-top, and a pair of extremely tight leather slacks, but nothing that reveled my secret to the camera. After each change the makeup person touched up my face and hair. A couple of times, the photographer called upon the makeup person to retouch spots that were reflecting too much light. And I occasionally needed a break from the bright flashes of light. Most of the time I had spots floating around in my vision. I had to fight the urge to close my eyes when the photographer was about to shoot a picture.
I was very relieved when the photographer said we were done. The modeling lights were turned off and the assistants starting working to organize the mess that had been made as they had worked. I had a headache from the almost constant bright flashes of light, and I couldnt wait to get back to the hotel, take some aspirin, and rest for a while.
Before we walked to the buildings front doors, Miss Boyd said, "Crystal, have you read through the script that I gave you?"
"Yes. I worked on it last night, and Ill work on it again tonight. Ill be ready tomorrow morning."
"Excellent. Ill see you tomorrow at 9 then. Goodnight."
Mom and I left, as the car that would take us back to the hotel pulled up in front of the building. I took two aspirin as soon as we were back in our suite, and I went into my room and lay down on the bed. Mom followed me in and lay down next to me.
She said, "Tired, honey?"
"Yeah, Mom. I never realized how hard it was to have your picture taken. Im still seeing spots in front of my eyes. Im real glad that its over. Thanks for not letting them make me wear any costumes that would have embarrassed me. That g-string bathing suit would have revealed my secret for sure."
"Just looking after my little girl. Its what mommies do."
We lay side by side on the bed holding hands for many minutes before either of us spoke again. I felt myself getting very sleepy and beginning to doze off.
Through the haze I heard Mom say, "Honey, are you happy?"
I tried to will my mind to think about my answer before I spoke.
"Im as happy as I have been at any time in my life. My life has changed so much since July 3rd that it seems like years ago, instead of less than two months. There are times when I have longed for my old identity. While I have begun to love the applause of the audiences, I sometimes wish that I could walk through the Mall without attracting a crowd. I guess that you cant have it both ways though. Its great to be the center of attention after years of being somewhat of a wallflower. Although I face the beginning of my acting career with some trepidation, I cant help myself from wanting to go forward with it. Naturally, I wish that I didnt have to wear the corset all of the time. I wish that there was some magic pill that could change my body, and then I could take off the corset, padded girdle, and false breasts, and I wouldnt have to worry all the time about someone finding out my secret. I could even wear bikinis and g-strings if I wanted to. It would make things so much simpler."
"Are you saying that you wish that you had been born female?"
"It would definitely make my life easier if that was true. Carol is so lucky that she doesnt have to go through what I do just to get dressed. I really envy her freedom. I would trade bodies with her in a minute ."
My next conscious thought was the realization than Mom was gently shaking me. I looked up groggily at her.
She said, "Time to wake up, honey. Youve had a nice little nap, but we have to go to dinner before they stop serving."
I struggled to sit up and then to get off of the bed. I went to the bathroom and washed my hands. After I had fixed my makeup and brushed my hair, we walked to the restaurant in the hotel to have dinner. I selected the shrimp and scallop dinner from the menu, while Mom ordered the fresh brook trout. When the food arrived we shared our dinners so that we each got a little of everything.
After dinner, we returned to our suite so that I could work on the script again. I wished that we could go sightseeing again, but I reminded myself that this was a working trip, and by 11 oclock, I had put the script away to get ready for bed. I knew the material backwards and forwards by then, and had even practiced my facial expressions in front of the mirror, which had caused me to break out in laughter a few times when I got silly. But I knew that I could do the scenes without laughing.
The following morning was a very busy one. In addition to getting ready, we had to pack, and take our bags with us. We would be going to the airport after finishing at D & L today. The agency would take care of the hotel bill after we had vacated the room. According to my contract, these expenses would be deducted from my first earnings.
Miss Boyd met us when we arrived at D & L and escorted us to the small sound stage would be used for the test. I was given a costume to wear for the role. Another new client would play opposite me. His name was Oliver Addams, and he looked like a cross between a young Mel Gibson and Brad Pitt. We spent the morning rehearsing the scenes under the direction of one of the company VPs whom I learned had once been a film director. One of the scenes was a kissing scene, but Oliver wasnt required to bend me over like Rick always did. Because of the close-up nature of film production, I had to learn slightly different techniques for the kissing. Movements were not so exaggerated as on stage, and there was no need to project your voice as I was so used to doing. A videographer used a small camcorder to record everything from the minute that we walked into the studio.
An hour after lunch, Miss Boyd called for quiet and we played the scenes while video cameras recorded from three directions. We did each of the scenes several times, and additionally we did close-ups from a number of angles. The director told us that when it was edited, it would be like a five-minute clip from a real movie. It could be used to demonstrate our acting talents to prospective casting directors who had never met us, or seen our work. That was usually the second step, after the portfolio shots sparked some interest.
By 4 oclock we had wrapped for the day. Miss Boyd took us to see Mr. Daniels, after I had said good-bye to Oliver and everyone else on the set, and thanked all of them for their efforts.
We were escorted right into Mr. Daniels office and he greeted us as before. We discussed the past several days' activities and Mom asked Mr. Daniels what the next step was.
He answered, "Now we edit the video and audio clips that Crystal has made and make copies to hand out. We will also produce a small package of portfolio pictures. Of course the best picture will appear in the industry papers and actor listing books. We'll apply for membership in the SAG, AFTRA, and AEA, on Crystals behalf, as soon as she lands her first role in each area, and becomes qualified to be a member. She will be listed in all of the reference lists and books. It will take time to handle all of this, so just go home and wait. We will call you as soon as things start to come together. You probably wont hear from us for a couple of weeks, unless we make arrangements for you to do personal appearances in your home state as a result of the calls that we have already received."
Mom said, "SAG, AFTRA, and AEA?"
"Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, and Actors Equity Association."
When he had answered all of our questions, we exchanged our good-byes and we left. Bernard was waiting with the car to take us to the airport.
Bernard made arrangements for our luggage when we reached the airport, and had arranged for an electric cart, like before, which took us to our gate. He stayed with us until our plane began to board. We thanked him for all of his efforts, and he left after we said goodbye. I had really begun to enjoy being pampered by the D & L people.
I sat by the window again on the way back. As we traveled east, day turned to night and I enjoyed seeing the lights flicker on in the cities and the towns across the county. We landed at Chicago about midnight, local time. There were no flights to our city at that hour, so we spent the night at a nearby hotel.
(continued in Chapter 20)
© 1999 by Crystal Sprite. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without
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Anyone wishing to make comments is welcome to e-mail me at